DC/SLA Chapter Notes - October 2005

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President's Corner: On the Money!

October 2005 Volume 65 No. 2

Submitted by Shirley Loo, sloo@crs.loc.org The first major DC Chapter program for the year with Elana Broch from Princeton University on August 25 was right on the money. Dr. Broch took the sting out of statistics in a two-part program attended by more than a hundred interested participants. Whether you took the mean or the median or some other measure, the Aug. 25th program was a success. A toast to Vice President Susan Fournier for planning informative programs that attract members and encourage nonmembers to join the chapter.


President’s Corner


The Military Librarians Group headed by Diane Schnurrpusch held a dinner program Sept. 15 featuring Katherine M. Skiba, the author of "Sister in the Band of Brothers: Embedded with the 101st Airborne in Iraq." During her talk, Katherine mentioned going through media boot camp for 5 ½ days, undergoing a missile attack, and losing weight in Iraq during her two months of embedded service. It was fascinating to be at the head table with her before the program began and to hear the many questions at the conclusion of her talk. Mistress of Ceremonies Sharon Lenius did a great job planning the program and introducing the guest of honor. When Sharon advised us to save Tuesday, Nov. 1 for the next MLG program on "veteran" librarians, I for one did so because I want to hear from Fran Buckley, the interim head of the DC Public Library and the former Superintendent of Documents, and Bill Sitting, Chief of the Science, Technology, and Business Division at the Library of Congress.

Colleagues in the Spotlight


Benefit Tea & Concert


DC/SLA Book Club


October SID/DIW Meeting & Program


Dine-Around Schedule


New Member Reception


The fall reception will be at the historic Hotel Washington on Oct. 19. Come to meet new members, DC Chapter Board members and other members, and members of the SLA Board including our own Anne Caputo and Lynne McCay. Both are past Presidents of the chapter and are now serving SLA as Chapter Cabinet Chair-elect and as Director respectively. Hospitality Chair Lorraine Bell, in her second year serving the chapter in this capacity, is creating a fun reception. Have you exercised your voting rights in the first electronic voting conducted by SLA? The voting began on the SLA Bylaws amendment Sept. 15 and will end at 5 p.m. Oct. 7. The amendment governs the amount of dues increases but limits their frequency. For complete information, visit the SLA Bylaws Information Center at www.sla.org/bylaws. The results of the electronic voting and the paper ballots, for those choosing that mode will be known Oct. 14. We have a chapter member and another past President, Lyle Minter, actively involved. Lyle Minter served as 2004-2005 Bylaws Committee chair for SLA and he is on the SLA Finance Committee for 2005 to 2007.

Inside this issue:

Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • • •

Capcon Dialog InfoCurrent OCLC Capcon Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International Factiva

Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc/

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, SLA is fortunate that we already have a task force on disasters in place. The IPANDA task force (Information Professionals Alliance on Natural Disasters and Accidents) is headed by Dav Robertson, a member of our chapter as well as the North Carolina Chapter. Additional assistance to the task force may be provided by emailing Dav at robert11@niehs.nih.gov. Our active chapter owes a lot to our experienced Treasurer, Erin Clougherty. She is serving a second three year term as Treasurer. With the transition to the new SLA membership year and the Chapter Board voting to lengthen the term of officers, she will serve an additional six months beyond the normal three year term. Erin makes it look easy. She creates the PayPal links for all events in addition to managing our finances and making speedy reimbursements after receipts for authorized expenditures are sent to her. You can tell that I'm glad to have Erin on the leadership team. She's an outstanding volunteer with good judgment and experience and she's happy to share her knowledge. We're on the money with her in our corner.

Next Newsletter Deadline For November issue is October 17. Email bferry@ngs.org

[cont’d on page 3]

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005


Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions: Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager:

Ana Echerman Email: aecherman@morganlewis.com EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadlines for Chapter Notes are the third Monday of the month for the following month’s issue. Deadline for the November issue is October 17. The issue is distributed approximately two weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Barbara Ferry Libraries & Information Services National Geographic Society 1145 17th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-857-7051 Email: bferry@ngs.org

DC/SLA Web Master-- Cassandra Shieh, Catholic News Service 202-541-3254; Fax: 202-541-3255 cshieh@catholicnews.com cassandrashieh@hotmail.com DC/SLA Web Master: Allegra Moothart; 202-955-2141; amoothart@usnews.com. Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: Chapter Notes Editor ATTN: Address/Name Changes 5000 Euclid Drive Kensington, MD 20895


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005

President’s Corner, cont’d How can you help? You can volunteer for a one-time event. or you can serve on a committee. You can suggest a speaker or a location for a program. You can report on a program. You can take pictures at a program. You can invite a guest to come with you to a program. You can give a ride to a colleague. You can talk to a new member or a guest at a program. You can vote in elections. You can renew your membership in SLA promptly. Our chapter has thrived for 65 years due to countless volunteers. We are a band of volunteers and we appreciate your ideas and support. We are standing on the shoulders of giants and we are on the money!

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005

Colleagues in the Spotlight! David Shumaker, manager of information services at the MITRE Corporation, is on sabbatical from MITRE, serving as Information Professional in Residence at the Catholic University School of Library and Information Science for the fall term. During his semester at Catholic, he is teaching courses in Information Systems and Management, and also performing a study of skills development and continuing education needs of librarians. Dave has also recently been named to the Panel for Business Libraries of the Study on the Future of the Library Workforce, a two-year project sponsored by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). He will return to MITRE in December. John T. Adams III, Director of Publications and Editor of Information Outlook, will appear in the play "Talk Radio," produced by Dominion Stage in Arlington. Adams plays talk-show host Barry Champlain in the serious-comic snapshot of one night in the studio. Performances are October 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29 at 8 pm and October 23 at 2 pm. in the Gunston Arts Center, Theatre One, 2700 South Lang Street, Arlington, VA.

Benefit Tea & Concert The Iota Chapter, Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honor Society invites you to a Beta Phi Mu Scholarship Tea & Harp Concert. When: Sat., Nov. 12th at 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Where: Mayflower Hotel, Promenade Cafe 1127 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Cost: $50 Expect a delicious selection of tea sandwiches, sweets, and various teas in elegant surroundings while a professional harpist performs. RSVP to andreagruhl@aol.com then write $50 check payable to: Beta Phi Mu, Iota Chapter. Mail check to: Andrea Gruhl, Iota Chapter President, 5990 Jacob's Ladder, Columbia, MD 21045-3817. Payments must be received by Tues., Nov. 8. BPM is a 501c3 organization so $20 of attendee payment is tax deductible contribution to our scholarship fund. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005


DC/SLA Book Club and Business Information Finders to “Execute” Discussion / Dinner on October 6th The DC/SLA Book Club is launching its 2005-2006 season with food for both the mind and the body. On Thursday, October 6th, the Book Club and the Business Information Finders (BIF) are co-hosting a Book-Discussion / Dinner at China Garden in Rosslyn from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. On the literary menu is the book Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan, which was published in 2002 by Crown Business. In the August 2004 SLA Connections, SLA Executive Director Janice LaChance recommended the book, noting that it lays the building blocks for assembling an executionfocused organization in plain language. Execution, she observed, “is never dry, is easy to read, flows smoothly in conversational format, and is highly engaging.” On the culinary menu, China Garden, is a restaurant that Washingtonian magazine named one of the 100 Best Bargain Restaurants. Located in an office building at 1100 Wilson Boulevard, it’s about two blocks from the Rosslyn Metro station on the orange and blue lines. All DC/SLA and BIF members are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Eileen Deegan, deeganeg@state.gov, 202453-8073; or Jennifer Boettcher, boettcher@gunet.georgetown.edu, 202-687-7495. For additional information about the DC/SLA Book Club and Business Information Finders, please visit the Chapter website.

October SID/DIW Meeting & Program When: Wednesday, October 19, 2005, Noon - 2:00ish Where: Conference Room, 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, 3rd Floor Program: The Last Mile and Off-Grid Energy for ICTs Initiative Gary Garriott, the Innovation Program Officer for Winrock International and Rebecca Mayer, a Program Officer in Winrock's Clean Energy Group will talk about "last mile" concepts and off-grid energy for ICT initiatives. Rebecca Mayer and Gary Garriott will present the case for access to information and 'last mile' connectivity with a description of the issues and difficulties that impede ICT use in rural areas. One problematic area is the availability of electrical power. Winrock International and AED have developed a web-based interactive toolkit to help users select the most cost-effective mix of ICT and energy systems for projects in off-grid and poorly electrified areas. A demonstration and description of the toolkit is provided. No reservations required. Seating is limited; first come, first seated. Please bring a photo ID. The meeting will be a brown bag lunch held at Development Information Center (DIC), 1001 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 300 South. From Metro Center (Red, Orange & Blue line); Take the 11th and G Streets exit. As you exit Metro turn left (south). Walk south on 11th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, about 2 or 3 blocks. Turn left on Pennsylvania Ave., and 1001 is in the middle of the block. From "Federal Triangle" (Orange & Blue line) Exit the Metro station at the first escalator. As you exit, 12th street is behind you. Walk out to 12th street. Go north (left) to Pennsylvania Avenue. Cross Pennsylvania Avenue to the north side. Turn right (east) and walk towards 10th Street. From "Archives-Navy Memorial" (Yellow line): Exit the Metro station and take the escalator to the street level. As you exit, 7th Street is behind you. Walk along Pennsylvania Avenue (heading west). Cross both 9th Street and 10th Street. On the corner of 10th and Pennsylvania is Ten Penh restaurant. For all Metros: 1001 Pennsylvania is in the middle of the block .The entrance to the building is recessed. If you get to 10th Street (J. Edgar Hoover FBI building), you've gone too far east. Elevators will be on the left shortly after you enter. Go to the third floor & look for the suite. 6

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005


Fall 2005 Dine-Arounds Submitted by: Victor Monti, victor@charm.net Meet fellow DC/SLA members. Enjoy well-prepared food. Yes! We’re into this season’s Dine Arounds (dinners in the DC area with a DC/SLA chapter host.). You can choose from a variety of location, days of the week and tasty cuisine. Please join us for a pleasant and interesting evening at a DC/SLA Dine Around. Maryland: Greenbelt: University of Maryland gets a Dine Around. Yeah! We’ll see you on 29 September at 6:00 PM at Jasper’s which features affordable American & Seafood fare. It is located in Greenbelt (close to College Park) at 7401 Greenbelt Road. If you would like to go, please contact Dawn French at Dawn.French@millenniumchem.com. Bethesda/Chevy Chase: Mei Wah (which means “gathering of friendly SLA professionals”?) is the restaurant featured for the Chevy Chase and Bethesda area Dine Around on October 11 at 6:00 PM. For more information, including the review “Mei Wah provides worthy food at competitive prices …”, see www.meiwahrestaurant.com. The restaurant is on the second floor of 4457 Willard Ave. Chevy Chase, MD 20815. To have a good time at Mei Wah (which is close to the Friendship Heights METRO station) contact Mary Misch at m.misch@elsevier.com or 301-664-7127 District: Adams Morgan/Woodley Park: The Chapter will host a Dine Around on 3 October at 6:00 PM at Jandara on 2606 Connecticut Ave NW (on the same block as the Woodley Park METRO stop). This is a Thai restaurant, which means tasty and affordable food – here is one review (http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-2817906-jandara_district_of_columbiai;_ylt=AjZSbyPAn8VcwgYEsm1eX8E7P2oL?action=describe). To share this fun dinner with other DC/SLA members, contact Brenda Hill at Brenda.Hill@dcma.mil or 703-428-1170. Tenleytown: For a Dine Around, Thai food is a great balance of lively spices without too much heat (unless you ask for it). Meet us at Neisha Thai, a nationally recognized Thai restaurant (see http://www.washingtonian.com/dining/Profiles/neishathaiMarch_2004.html ). We will meet at 4445 Wisconsin Ave, NW, directly across from the Tenleytown METRO stop exit on October 20 at 6:00 PM. If you want to go, contact Peggy Garvin at pgrvn@yahoo.com. Union Station: Chapter members from the Catholic University of America are pleased to host a Dine Around on Thursday October 20 . They have selected a restaurant that features Southwestern-themed food from Thunder Grill at 50 Massachusetts Ave, NW at the street level of Union Station (at the METRO station). The dinner begins at 7:00 PM. If you are interested, contact Dave Shumaker at shumaker@cua.edu or student chapter president Karen Weis at kweis22@yahoo.com. DuPont Circle: The DC/SLA International Relations Committee will host a Dine Around on October 27 at 6:00 PM in DuPont Circle. Join these librarians interested in international topics at Mount Everest Restaurant, 1805 18 St NW, for delicious Tibetan and Indian cuisine, with a separate vegetarian menu, from $7 to $14. (From the DuPont Circle METRO stop, use the Q Street exit, walk east, turn right at the top of the escalator, to 18 St and then turn left up to S Street). Join friends and colleagues as we reach culinary heights by contacting Anita Johnson at ajohnson1@worldbank.org. Virginia: Clarendon: Have fun at Ireland’s Four Courts (www.irelandsfourcourts.com/index.html) at the chapter Dine Around on October 12 (Wednesday) at 6:00 PM in Clarendon. This friendly restaurant is at 2051 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22201 and at the Courthouse METRO stop – by taking the Clarendon Blvd exit, going across the street and a block to the right. Please RSVP to Terri Brooks at brooks@ici.org or 202-326-5904. Alexandria: Old Town has a Dine Around! Please join fellow DC/SLA members at Joe Theisman’s (http://www.joetheismanns.com/main.html) – clearly visible from the King Street METRO stop - located at 1800 Diagonal Drive. The date of this dinner is October 14 at 6:00 PM. To attend, please contact Merrilynn Drews at Merrilynn.Drews@stginternational.com or at 703-501-5384.


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005


DC/SLA Chapter New Members’ Reception

The DC/SLA Chapter will host a reception to welcome our new 2005 chapter members on Wednesday, October 19th. The reception will be held at the historic Hotel Washington located just a few blocks from the White House. Built in 1917, the Hotel Washington is the oldest continuously operating hotel in the District of Columbia. It is known for its prestigious clientele, panoramic views and fine cuisine. (Fun fact: Each year, the National Turkey resides at The Hotel Washington as he awaits the President’s pardon and the official declaring of the Thanksgiving Day weekend.) So come join us for an evening of great food and conversation as we welcome and show support to our new members. You will also have an opportunity to hear Pam Rollo, current SLA President, outline her initiatives and introduce current SLA board members, as well as the board candidates. Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Place: The Hotel Washington, Parkview Room, 515 15th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. Metro: Metro Center (Blue, Orange and Red Lines) Price: $15.00 for DC/SLA Chapter members $20.00 for non-members $10.00 for students/retirees & unemployed Free of charge for new members Payment Method: Payments can be made via PayPal or can be mailed to Lorraine Bell at Factiva, 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006. RSVP: To register, please contact Lorraine Bell at 202.289.8505 or lorraine.bell@factiva.com Registration Deadline: Thursday, October 13, 2005 Reception supported by:


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | October 2005

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