DC/SLA Chapter Notes - November 2005

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President's Corner: With Grace and Ease Submitted by Shirley Loo, sloo@crs.loc.org

November 2005 Volume 66 No. 3

The first electronic voting by SLA resulted in the bylaws amendment being approved by the membership. The approval removes a 12% cap on membership dues increases and allows for a more flexible dues structure to be implemented in January 2006. About 25% of those eligible voted which matched the level of participation for the 2005 SLA Board of Directors election. The margin was three to one for approval. Electronic voting was simple and I didn't have to put my ballot in an envelope and remember to mail it in. As SLA President Pam Rollo stated:


Getting 25% participation from the membership in our first eVote shows that you are willing to try new things to make your SLA experience more open and participatory. It also gives us the ability to achieve change quickly and easily, since the process can be implemented on short notice, as our wonderful staff proved in making this vote a reality.

Task Force on Chapter Structure 5

Hospitality Chair Lorraine Bell planned the successful Oct. 19 New Members Reception at the Hotel Washington with ease. We had 113 people register which included 32 new members and 11 of the 14 current SLA Board members. Immediate Past President Sheryl Rosenthal handled the program with grace when I needed to represent Area 32 in the Table Topics Contest at a Toastmasters event. With the good wishes of my Board from the previous evening, I placed second in the Division contest and still made it to the reception. A number of us including SLA Executive Director Janice R. Lachance, Past President Eileen Rourke, Past Corresponding Secretary Bill Turner, DCLA President Kathryn Ray, and new member Lavonda Broadnax had been at the ALA Washington Office Open House earlier in the afternoon. Victor Monti did the spring 2005 dine-arounds for the first time after hosting wellattended dinners in the past. With his successful coordination, he was asked to manage the fall dine-arounds and he again found hosts for various locations and worked out dates to allow members an opportunity to attend at least one dinner. In a new initiative, groups such as the International Relations Committee are hosting specific dine-arounds. Did you make one of the dine-arounds and network with other information professionals? If not, resolve to sign up in the spring. This is the second year that Jenny Wood has done the Web events calendar for the chapter. She keeps it up-to-date including the teasers on our chapter home page. When I decided to move the meeting location for the Board to LM 215 at the Library of Congress a couple of days before our Oct. 18 meeting, Jenny made the change immediately. As Corresponding Secretary to fill Michael White's term and then elected in her own right, Jenny has supported chapter events with timely emails. Our printed events calendar by Shelia Jackson appears monthly without fail. Shelia keeps on top of events and she makes most Board meetings though she comes to DC from Baltimore during rush hour. She makes attendance look easy! In addition to serving as SLA Chapter Cabinet Chair-Elect, Past President Anne Caputo is our Awards Committee Chair this year. If you have suggestions for nominations for SLA awards, contact Anne soon. Anne keeps the Board informed about relevant SLA affairs and supports the chapter in other ways such as providing the location for our July Planning Breakfast meeting. She and Past President Susan Fifer Canby graciously served as the institutional memory for the current Board.

Inside this issue: President’s Corner


Board Meeting Update


New Member Reception


Holiday Party


New Members


Book Club


Volunteers Needed!


Member news


Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • • •

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Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc/

Next Newsletter Deadline For December issue is November 21. Email bferry@ngs.org

There are many more examples of grace and ease in our chapter. I look forward to hearing about them at various chapter events in the coming year.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005


Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions: Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager:

Ana Echerman Email: aecherman@morganlewis.com EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadlines for Chapter Notes are the third Monday of the month for the following month’s issue. Deadline for the December issue is November 21. The issue is distributed approximately two weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor:

Barbara Ferry Libraries & Information Services National Geographic Society 1145 17th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-857-7051 Email: bferry@ngs.org DC/SLA Co-Web Master-- Cassandra Shieh, Catholic News Service

202-541-3254; Fax: 202-541-3255 cshieh@catholicnews.com cassandrashieh@hotmail.com DC/SLA Co-Web Master: Allegra Moothart; 202-955-2141; amoothart@usnews.com. Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: Chapter Notes Editor ATTN: Address/Name Changes 5000 Euclid Drive Kensington, MD 20895


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005

Board Meeting Update Submitted by Shirley Loo, sloo@crs.loc.org We had a productive Board meeting on Oct. 18 with actions taken to purchase chapter gifts, to revise the Chapter brochure, to have the New Members Reception in May 2006 in place of the annual banquet and meeting and move the banquet to early December 2006, etc. Our next Board meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 15 in LM 115, our new meeting space. For our December 13 meeting, we will have a brief Board meeting for elected Board members at the Strathmore Mansion before the holiday party. Mark your calendars for Dec. 13 for the party! [See page 8 for a picture of Strathmore!]

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005

Join the Task Force on Chapter Structure Volunteers are needed to join the Task Force on Chapter Structure. The mandate of the task is to suggest three alternative chapter structures to the Board for their meeting in Baltimore in June 2006. Work is already underway with research into the existing chapter structure as well as investigation of other professional associations that are multi-regional. The Task Force needs volunteers to help conduct research as well as be willing to be interviewed and surveyed. We especially need volunteers from outside North America or from small or medium chapters. This is your opportunity to make your opinions heard. Please contact me if you are interested in volunteering or would like more information. Thank you! Gayle Gossen Task Force Chair Gayle.gossen@gmail.com (416) 214 4797

Benefit Tea & Concert The Iota Chapter, Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honor Society invites you to a Beta Phi Mu Scholarship Tea & Harp Concert. When: Sat., Nov. 12th at 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Where: Mayflower Hotel, Promenade Cafe 1127 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Cost: $50 Expect a delicious selection of tea sandwiches, sweets, and various teas in elegant surroundings while a professional harpist performs. RSVP to andreagruhl@aol.com then write $50 check payable to: Beta Phi Mu, Iota Chapter. Mail check to: Andrea Gruhl, Iota Chapter President, 5990 Jacob's Ladder, Columbia, MD 21045-3817. Payments must be received by Tues., Nov. 8. BPM is a 501c3 organization so $20 of attendee payment is tax deductible contribution to our scholarship fund. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005


New Members Reception! Submitted by Gail Kouril, gkouril@rand.org New members were guests of honor at the Chapter's well-attended annual New Members Reception held on October 19 at the historic Hotel Washington in Washington DC. In celebration of the more than 100 members who joined DC/SLA in 2005, chapter members, Board of Directors and candidates for the SLA Board gathered for an evening of fine fare and fellowship. Sheryl Rosenthal, the DCSLA Chapter Immediate President welcomed and introduced the Board members, the candidates and Executive Director Janice Lachance. She then asked SLA President Pam Rollo for remarks. Pam commented that the SLA Board of Directors looks forward to the reception each year as they gather for the October Board meeting. Current President Shirley Loo arrived after competing at the Toastmasters Division C event. She thanked Factiva for their generous support of the reception. (Photos by Gail Kouril)

Laura Reilly, Ana Echerman, Gulnar Nagashybayeva, Susan McleanÆ

ÅSLA Director Robert Sarmiento, Larry Guthrie and Past President Kitty Scott

DC/SLA Second Vice President Suzanne Pilsk and Jeff Prater Æ


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005



Holiday Party! December 13th

Celebrate the holiday season with the DC/SLA Chapter on December 13th at our annual holiday event being held at the elegant Mansion at Strathmore. Strathmore is a magnificent turn-of-the century Georgian mansion set high upon a hill, surrounded by centuries-old trees, and perfectly manicured lawns. We will have full access to the first floor, accented with glittering chandeliers, towering Palladian windows, and a sweeping staircase; all beautifully decorated for the holidays. While dining on fine food and enjoying the ambiance of the Mansion, you will have the opportunity to view the International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature. Small wonders in a variety of media will be displayed. By special arrangement, the charming Strathmore Gift Shop will be open for you to purchase items and gifts at your leisure. We welcome members and guests to join us for this special holiday event. th

Sponsored by: Tuesday, December 13 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. The Mansion at Strathmore 10701 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda, MD 20852 301-530-0540 Metro: Convenient to the Grovesnor Metro stop Parking: Free parking is also provided on the Mansion grounds Price: Members $25; nonmembers $35; students/retirees/unemployed $12 RSVP: RSVP to Hospitality Chair Lorraine Bell at lorraine.bell@factiva.com or 202-289-8505 Deadline: Wednesday, December 7th. Date: Time: Place:

Payments can be made via PayPal or by mail with a check made out to DC/SLA: Lorraine Bell Factiva, 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006

The Mansion At Strathmore


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005


Member News

Submitted by Kristina Lively, kristina@ned.org

Please welcome the following new members to the DC/SLA Chapter: Stacia Aho, Lisa Allen, Lia Apodaca, Kristina Bobe, Allison Brochu, Mary Nell Bryant, Bonnie Chojnacki, Matthew Ciszek, Rebecca Cooper, Jennifer Fick, Lenore Garder, Ann Gonzalez, Dave Hemingway, Thomas Johnson, Ashley McCall, Mia Mercer, Bridgette Michaud, Gulnar Nagashybayeva, Regina Oliver, Laverne Page, Victoria Palmer, Ann Parsons, Britton Perry, Jeff Prater, Christine Romboletti, Judith Salter-Davis, Patricia Sproehnle, Mike Squires, Thomas Templeton, Bryn Thomas, Tanya Torres, Mike Vanderheijden, Elizabeth Whipple, Dorothy Young.

Greta Ober was named as Chair-elect at the June SLA Annual Conference held in Toronto, Canada. For more information about the Social Science Division, visit the Division's website: http://www.sla.org/division/dsoc/. Social Sciences is a broad field that can certainly appeal to information professionals in many different types of organizations. When renewing your SLA membership, be sure to include the Social Science Division! Members should feel free to contact Greta with any questions or to volunteer within the Division. She also encourages participation and any new ideas for programs or events. You can reach Greta at 202-6236413 or via e-mail, goberbeauchesne@imf.org or greta@worldbank.org. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Brenda Corbin, head librarian at the U.S. Naval Observatory, retired at the beginning of October. She was the gracious hostess when the Military Librarians Group held an evening program there in August 2004. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Susan Randolph began an internship in the Congressional Research Service Legislative Relations Office on September 6. She is a public affairs coordinator and will focus on program evaluation. Susan is editor of the DCLA newsletter and a DCLA Director.

DC/SLA Needs You! Submitted by Laura Simpkins, lsimpkins@diabetes.org. Don't have time to plan a program, how about lending a hand from your home or office? We need volunteers to take registrations for the various programs the Chapter offers--Virtual Seminars, Professional Development, etc. All you need to do is be willing to be the contact person (gather name, email address and phone) and record names, DC/SLA affiliation and emails) and forward to the program planner by the day of the program. We have an urgent need for a couple of members to take registrations for the November and December virtual seminars. It’s a great way to meet your colleagues! We are also looking for volunteers to register people who attend the Holiday Party on Dec. 13. If you are willing to help out the Chapter, contact Laura Simpkins, Chapter Volunteer Coordinator, at lsimpkins@diabetes.org.


DC/SLA Book Club To Meet December 8, for a “World” Tour a la Friedman Submitted by Eileen Deegan, deegane@state.gov One of the hottest books of 2005 -- The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman – is up for discussion at the DC/SLA Book Club’s next event on Thursday, December 8. In keeping with the book’s globalization theme, the Club is meeting at Minh's Restaurant, 2500 Wilson Boulevard in Arlington, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Minh’s is close to Metro’s orange-line Courthouse station. (http://www.washingtonian.com/dining/Profiles/minhs.html) In his New York Times review, Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz wrote that Friedman’s book makes readers see things in a new way and offers a provocative account of “what this brave new world will mean to all of us.” Join the DC/SLA Book Club as we fathom what the “flat world” bodes for information professionals. All members of DC/SLA are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Eileen Deegan at deeganeg@state.gov or 202-453-8073.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2005

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