DC/SLA Chapter Notes - February 2006

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President's Corner: First in Membership Recruitment Submitted by Shirley Loo, sloo@crs.loc.org

February 2006 Volume 66 No. 6 http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc Inside this issue: President’s Corner

Our chapter was first in membership recruitment among the 59 SLA chapters during the recent SLA Member-Get-A-Member campaign. Between Oct. 1, 2005 and Dec. 31, 2005, we added 45 new members or 36% of all new chapter members. At the SLA Leadership Institute in Houston, our chapter received a free conference registration to the Baltimore annual conference for our outstanding success in recruiting new members. Thanks to all members who encouraged a student, a co-worker or a friend to join the chapter. Thanks also to Membership Chair Kristina Lively who updated our membership brochure and reported membership information as she obtained the data from SLA. The Board will consider how best to use the free conference registration to benefit the chapter. We had at least fifteen DC Chapter members at the SLA Leadership Institute. Susan Fournier and I represented the chapter. Lynne McCay and Anne Caputo are SLA Board members. Richard Huffine is chair of the Government Information Division. Sharon Lenius is the secretary for the Military Librarians Division and for the Government Information Division. Peggy Garvin and Greta Ober are division chair-elects for the Government Information Division and the Social Science Division respectively. Lyle Minter is on the SLA Finance Committee while Nancy Minter was performing duties for the Social Science Division and the SLA Public Relations Committee. Buzzy Basch, Robyn Frank, and Dav Robertson are candidates for the Board of Directors. (Larry Guthrie was not able to be in Houston.) Wilda Newman is chair of the SLA Nominating Committee for the 2007 elections. In addition, Rebecca Vargha, SLA President-elect, joined our chapter as a dual member just before the Leadership Institute began. Rebecca was at our New Members reception at the Hotel Washington in October. We were delighted to hear that the SLA pooled fund will be continued. Our Chapter enjoys the benefit of higher interest rates and less bookkeeping for funds kept there. Treasurer Erin Clougherty was one of those speaking in favor of the fund to Finance Committee member Lyle Minter. Janice Lachance's title is now Chief Executive Offices instead of Executive Director. According to President Pam Rollo, the change in title will not change her duties. The change was made by action of the Association Office Operations Committee (AOOC). Congratulations to Ann Sweeney of the European Union–European Commission Delegation! Pam Rollo announced that Ann will receive the Member Achievement Award for her many years of planning the International Reception at the annual conference. The June 12, 2006 reception will be co-hosted by our chapter's International Relations Committee. All conference participants are welcome at this reception. The DC/SLA International Relations Committee is leading a drive to raise funds to show support for Global 2000 Fellow Muhammad Yaqub Chaudhary (see page 4). The campus of the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir where he is Chief Librarian was destroyed in the October 2005 earthquake. Muhammad is a twinned member of SLA by the Pacific Northwest Chapter. Past President Sue O'Neill Johnson asked for the chapter's support at the December Board meeting and it was approved. Her memo to SLA leaders at the Leadership Institute was distributed to participants and publicized by Dav Robertson, chair of the IPANDA task force. She has received contributions from members of the SLA Board, a former SLA President, the Executive Director of NCLIS, presidents of chapters, and more contributions will be sent via the World Bank in a few weeks. [President’s Column cont’d on page 3 with pictures!]

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006


Government Division Members 2 Conference Stipend Application 4 New DC/SLA Programs


Cataloging Chatter


“Open Access” Program


Joint Spring Workshop


Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • • •

Capcon Dialog InfoCurrent OCLC Capcon Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International Factiva

Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc/

Next Newsletter Deadline: March issue Deadline is February 22 Email bferry@ngs.org Does your library create Podcasts? If so, please email bferry@ngs.org. We are developing a program in May on Podcasts and would like active podcasters for our panel! 1

Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions: Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager: Ana Echerman; Email: aecherman@morganlewis.com EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadlines for Chapter Notes are the third Monday of the month for the following month’s issue. Deadline for the March issue is February 22. The issue is distributed approximately two weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Barbara Ferry Libraries & Information Services National Geographic Society 1145 17th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-857-7051 Email: bferry@ngs.org DC/SLA Co-Web Master-- Cassandra Shieh, Catholic News Service 202-541-3254; Fax: 202-541-3255 cshieh@catholicnews.com cassandrashieh@hotmail.com DC/SLA Co-Web Master: Allegra Moothart; 202-955-2141; amoothart@usnews.com. Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: Chapter Notes Editor ATTN: Address/Name Changes 5000 Euclid Drive Kensington, MD 20895

New Gov’t Info Division Boasts New Members Submitted by: Peggy Garvin, peggy@garvinconsulting.com The new SLA Government Information Division (DGI) boasts active members from the DC Chapter, including Richard Huffine (chair), Peggy Garvin (chair-elect), Sharon Lenius (secretary), Eileen Deegan (communications), Priscilla Lujan (communications), and Catherine Earles (director). Established just a little over a year ago, DGI was recognized at the SLA Leadership Summit for growing an astonishing 28% in the last quarter of 2005. We received a free registration to the Baltimore Conference. As stated on the division website: “The scope of the Government Information Division is to bring together those interested in the value, organization, and management of government information sources with those responsible for the provision and improvement of government library services.” DGI’s website is at www.sla.org/division/dgi/, and a DGI blog is online at http://sladivisions.typepad.com/government_information/.

2006 Spring Dine Arounds – Call for Hosts Good Company. Fine Food. Fun Networking. Submitted by Victor Monti, victor@monti.org I welcome you to the chapter Spring 2006 Dine Around dinners. To start, I need hosts for dinners in a wide range of DC area neighborhoods. I will work with you to choose an appropriate and fun local restaurant and a good day (most likely in the second half of March). Then each host contacts the restaurant and works with me to publicize your Dine Around dinner. You collect RSVPs and facilitate dining on the day of the event. You may also want to host a Dine Around in conjunction with your chapter committee or group or with fellow alumni. Remember the goal is to create an opportunity for chapter special librarians to gather in a comfortable and enjoyable restaurant setting. Please contact me, Victor Monti, at victor@monti.org or 703-624-8272 with questions and to volunteer to host a wonderful event.

Member News Wilda Newman is the chair of the SLA Nominating Committee for the Board of Directors slate to be voted on in 2007. Wilda was granted SLA Hall of Fame recognition in 2004. Charlotte Kohrs, a longtime chapter member, has moved to Dickinson, Texas. She is the convenor of the Retired Members Caucus. Charlotte has enrolled in the Texas Chapter in place of the DC Chapter. Peggy Garvin of Garvin Information Consulting is the chair-elect of the Government Information Division. She is the author of an article in the February 2006 issue of SLA's journal, "Information Outlook" which focuses on five members of the Government Information Division . Congratulations to Richard Huffine, chair of the Government Information Divsion. The division won a free Baltimore conference registration for adding over 50 division members during the three month. Richard is now the FirstGov Web Analytics Manager for the Office of Citizen Services in the General Services Administration.


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006

(above) Chapter members are delighted to be first in membership recruitment. President Shirley Loo holds the letter awarding the chapter a free Baltimore conference registration. Sharon Lenius is also happy to win the Apple Ipod Nano in the Factiva drawing. Left to right: Nancy Minter, Lorraine Bell, Lyle Minter, Susan Fournier, Shirley Loo, Anne Caputo, and Sharon Lenius (with Ipod). (Photo by John Crosby)

President’s Column, Cont’d from page one… Voting for the SLA Board of Directors began January 23. Please vote by March 3rd after reviewing candidate qualifications and statements. This will be the first time evoting is used for SLA Board elections. After the successful use of evoting for the bylaws change last year, voting should go smoothly. I'm looking forward to hearing CEO Janice Lachance in February and Bruce Rosenstein of USA Today in March at chapter programs. Hope to see you at either program or perhaps at the our Volunteer Appreciation event in May. It's not too late to volunteer in some way and be on the guest list for the event. You could be a host for one of the spring dine-arounds that Victor Monti is coordinating. You could take registrations for a program or you could write the report on the program for the newsletter. There are many ways to volunteer and you'll be glad you took a turn on the playing field.

Left to right: Shirley Loo, Anne Caputo, and Robyn Frank. (Photo by Peter Moon) DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006


Special Libraries Association, Washington DC Chapter Annual Conference Stipend Application 2006 Application Instructions: The Washington, D.C. Chapter has established the Annual Conference Stipend Award to enable a Chapter member to attend the SLA Annual Conference. All Chapter members as shown on official SLA records as of February 1, 2006 are eligible to apply. This includes student members, retired members, and those who are simultaneously members of other Chapters. Past recipients who have used their awards are not eligible. However, past recipients who have been prevented by circumstances from using their awards, and have returned the funds, are eligible. Board members are not eligible. The award criteria include future professional leadership potential in SLA and the profession, contributions to SLA and the Chapter, and financial need. Preference is given to newer members who have already begun to take a leadership role. The award recipient shall be chosen by the Board upon recommendation of the Chapter Awards Committee. The award for 2006 has been set at nor more than $1500, depending on expenses. Application Process: The application process consists of submitting a form with two professional references. The application form is available as a Word file on the Chapter website. http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/awards/StipendApplication.doc

There is no prescribed format for letters of reference, but they should be limited to no more than 250 words. All materials, including the application and letters of reference, shall be submitted via email to Lyle Minter, DC/SLA Awards Committee, lyleminter@yahoo.com OR mailed to Lyle Minter, 3137 Eakin Park Court, Fairfax, VA 22031-2614 Deadline: All materials must be received by Friday, March 10, 2006.

Please Support Muhammad Chaudhary, SLA Member from Kashmir Submitted by Sue Johnson, sueojohnson@hotmail.com

The DC/SLA International Relations Committee is raising funds to show support for our colleague, Muhammad Yaqub Chaudhary. The campus of the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, where he is library director, was totally destroyed by the Kashmir Earthquake in October (see http://www.ajku.edu.pk/). So far we have raised $900.00 [updated figure Jan. 27, 2006]. Please help Muhammad by sending a tax deductible donation (check made out to DC/SLA) before Feb. 10 to Sue O. Johnson, 8505 Victory Lane, Potomac MD 20854. We will wire one check via the World Bank at the end of February.


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006


Strengthening SLA's Global Visibility: Substance and Culture in Tunisia On Wednesday, February 22, 2006 Janice R. Lachance, SLA's Chief Executive Officer, will share her experience as a member of the United States Delegation to the United Nation's World Summit on the Information Society. The Summit brought together Heads of State, Vice-Presidents and Ministers, as well as high-level representatives from international organizations, private sector, and civil society to find solutions and reach agreements in the field of Internet governance. We invite you to come hear Janice as she discusses the issues which lead to the Summit, the processes used by various stakeholders to advance their positions, the outcomes and next action items that have been planned. SLA leaders heard a brief, enthusiastic report at the SLA Leadership Institute. You'll be able to hear more and to ask questions.

When: Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Where: National Press Club 529 14th St, NW, Conference Room, 13th Floor Washington, DC 20045 Located 1 ½ blocks from Metro Center on the Red/Blue/Orange Lines

Program sponsored by:

Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Reception) 7:00pm – 8:30pm (Presentation) Cost: $10.00 (DC SLA Chapter Members) $15.00 (Non-members) $ 5.00 (Students/Retirees) Payment Method: Payments can be made via PayPal (http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events_files/feb2206.html) or by check. Make the check out to DC/SLA and mail to Hospitality Chair Lorraine Bell at Factiva, 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006. RSVP: Regardless of payment option, send your reservation to Lorraine Bell at lorraine.bell@factiva.com by Friday, February 17th. The DC SLA Chapter wishes to thank Factiva for their sponsorship of this program.

About the Speaker The Honorable Janice R. Lachance is CEO of the Special Libraries Association. Before joining SLA, Janice consulted for nonprofit and membership organizations in the areas of strategic planning, organizational development/transformation, and culture change. From 1993 until January 2001, she held a variety of positions within the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the federal government’s human resources agency, starting as the director of communications and policy and then serving as the agency’s director, by presidential appointment and unanimous Senate confirmation, from 1997 until 2001. During her tenure at OPM, she is credited for successfully shifting the agency’s strategic direction and transforming it into a flexible, innovative, entrepreneurial human resource management organization. As head of the nation’s civil service, she updated federal employment benefits to include long-term care insurance and expanded family-friendly workplace policies. Prior to OPM, Janice worked with the American Federation of Government Employees. She also served on the staff of a number of members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including Tom Daschle. Janice earned a bachelor of arts degree from Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York, and a J.D. from Tulane University School of Law, New Orleans, Louisiana.


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006

(above) Chapter member Peggy Garvin, Chair-Elect of the Government Information Division, and Chapter President-Elect Susan Fournier chat during an afternoon break during the SLA Leadership Summit, held in Houston, TX, January 18-20, 2006. (Photo by Lyle Minter)

Chapter members Nancy Minter and Greta Ober are leaders in SLA's Social Science Division. Nancy is Immediate Past Chair and Greta is Chair-Elect. Both participated in the SLA Leadership Summit, held in Houston, TX, January 18-20, 2006. (Photo by Lyle Minter)

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006


Cataloging Chatter: RDA is coming By Suzanne C. Pilsk, PilskS@si.edu The new rules “Resource Description and Access” or RDA are still in the works. Part 1 of RDA is to be the main part of the rules for resource description. Currently, the draft has Part 1 divided up as: 0. Introduction 1. General guidelines for resource description 2. Identification of the resource 3. Technical description 4. Content description 5. Information on terms of availability 6. Item-specific information Immediately we see that the new structure of the rules makes it so that you do not flip from one section to the other to find all the parts of the rules for your material. Basic information is all gather in one place and the container of your item is not determining factor for which chapter to turn to in the rules. Instead it is the content of the item you are cataloging that is emphasized. To me, extremely logical and helpful! This should simplify many lives. And simplification is one of the overall goals of the new RDA. They want it to be simpler to use and flexible enough to be practical. Part II deals with relationships of materials: Relations: works, expression, manifestations, items, persons, corporate bodies and families. Sound like FRBR? It should. Another goal of the RDA committee is to make it meet the international standard of bibliographic description. Part II also deals with citations and simplified choice of primary access point. “What the heck is ‘Primary Access Point?’” you may ask. “Primary Access Point” is the new way of saying “Main Entry”. And I have yet to get a fully satisfactory answer as to why they are keeping the “main entry” in the new rules. So the new terminology for RDA includes: • • • • •

“RDA” formerly “AACR”; “Access Point” formerly “Heading”; “Primary Access Point” formerly “Main Entry”, “Secondary Access Point” formerly “Added Entry” and “Citation: Access point for (…) [work, or expression or manifestation]” formerly “Uniform Title”.

In Part II are the chapters: 7. General guidelines on reflecting relationships 8. Access points reflecting relationships to person, families, and corporate bodies 9. Citations for related works, etc. 10. Special instructions for particular types of works. Part III is on “Access Point Control” – formerly known as “Authority Control.” Chapter titles include: 11. General guidelines, access point control 12. Names of Persons 13. Names of Families 14. Names of Corporate bodies 15. Names of Places 16. Citations for works, etc. 17. Other Information Something I find so refreshing is that the Appendices will have sections on “Presentation of descriptive data” and “Presentation of access point control data”. In other words, ISBD will not be part of the main rules but as appendices with “Capitalization,” “Abbreviations,” and “Initial Articles.” That way, if you are applying these rules for the content of your metadata, you are not tied to using ISBD punctuation. 8

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006

Report on Click U Live! seminar: “Beyond the Basics of Internet Search Engines: Choosing and Using the Best Features of the Major Engines� Submitted by Ellie Briscoe and Alison Ince, ebriscoe@ngs.org, aince@ngs.org On January 12, 2006, 32 people gathered in a downtown conference room to watch the web-based seminar presented by Rita Vine from Workingfaster.com. Ms. Vine spent an hour and half discussing the advanced features and "quick-search" answer functions embedded in the six major search engines: Google, Yahoo, Gigablast, Teoma, Exalead, and MSN Search. These engines troll the Web consistently and frequently, have their own tools, pull results from their own database of links, and present a huge amount of information with no consideration of the quality. Using their advanced search features can "part the waters" and break through ranking algorithms to find the uncommon, good results. Some tips from the presentation: Limit by filetype (pdf, xls, ppt, doc) and your keywords to find handouts, statistics, presentations, forms, and software. Limit by fields (such as site: or intitle:) and your keywords to limit to a particular site, the domain authority, or to the url or title of a page. Date searching is the date the index was updated, not when the page was revised. Few sites use the Creative Commons license for right clearance. Truncation almost never works, and stemming is overcome by ranking. An asterisk can replace a single word. Nested Boolean does NOT work in Google. Sign up for the Google Librarians mailing list: http://www.google.com/services/librarian_center.html Experiment with the French search engine Exalead (http://www.exalead.com/search) and its special search features, such as sorting results by date, truncation, stemming, and proximity searching. Ms. Vine's full report and tips is located at: http://www.sla.org/pdfs/cul011206.pdf.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006


The Open Access Movement Thursday, April 6, 2006

What: Join DC/SLA for this exciting event planned for International Special Librarians Day, Thursday, April 6th, “The Open Access Movement” and learn how the Open Access movement can affect access to information resources in the U.S. and in developing countries. Open Acess (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder. Two primary vehicles deliver open access to research articles: OA journals and OA archives or repositories. Who: So far, confirmed speakers include Dr. Leslie Chan, Program Supervisor for the Joint Program in New Media Studies and the International Studies program at the University of Toronto and Associate Director of Bioline International, and Melissa Hagemann, Program Manager, Information Program, Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundation. The International Relations Committee is working on ways that we might build on the evening's panel discussion. Please watch the Chapter's Web site for additional resources and program announcements. Our "drop-box" will be available for collecting library, information, and computer journals for donation to library schools adopted by the DC/SLA Chapter. So, start TODAY by saving your reading material and bring it with you on April 6th! Please join DC/SLA for this exciting event and learn how the Open Access movement can improve your effectiveness as a special librarian and can affect access to information resources in the U.S. and in developing countries. Where: Kiplinger Washington Editors Building, 1729 H St. N.W., First Floor (Metro Blue & Orange Lines—Farragut West Station). When: Thursday, April 6, 2006, 6pm-9pm (Reception 6pm-6:45pm; Speakers: 6:45pm-8:15pm; After hours networking until 9pm) Information about registration will be provided via the DC/SLA Chapter Discussion List.

Mark Your Calendar! March 15, 2006 Program: Peter Drucker: The Ultimate Knowledge Worker This presentation by Bruce Rosenstein of the USA TODAY Library, focuses on applying the ideas and concepts of Peter Drucker, the management expert who died last year at 95, to the careers of special librarians, and the operation of their libraries. Drucker had a deep appreciation of librarians, and was the keynote speaker at SLA's annual conference in 2002. The centerpiece is a 20 minute video interview Bruce Rosenstein conducted with Drucker last April, in Claremont, California.. This program will give you the practical essentials of Drucker's thought, with ideas that can be put to use immediately. When:

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


National Public Radio, Boardroom East, 2nd Floor, 635 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20001 Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro stop (Red, Yellow, and Green Lines) 6:00pm – 7:30pm Free for DC/SLA members, $5.00 for non-members

Time: Price:

Payment Method: Pay via PayPal (http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events_files/mar1506.html) or by check. Make checks payable to DC SLA and mail to: Lorraine Bell, Factiva, 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006 RSVP: Regardless of payment option, all reservations must be made by Monday, March 13, 2006 to Hospitality Chair Lorraine Bell at lorraine.bell@factiva.com. If you are not able to attend after making a reservation, please cancel your reservation so that someone else may be accepted. Note that DC/SLA does not refund Paypal payments. 10

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006


21st-Century Competencies for Information Professionals Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Keynote Speaker: Jane Dysart, Dysart and Jones We live in a highly competitive world where change is a way of life. A library’s performance, quality, accountability, and adaptability determine its survival. Information professionals must define the core competencies that we need to stay proactive and vital. In this one-day session, Roberta Shaffer, Executive Director of FLICC; Dr. Eileen Abels, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, College of Information Studies; Rose Dawson, Deputy Director, Alexandria Public Library; and Donna Scheeder, Director Law Library Services, Library of Congress, will identify competencies and solutions necessary for that survival. Time: 8:30 – 9:00am, Registration & Breakfast. Please arrive promptly at 8:30, when LC opens, so you have enough time to go through security, find the Mumford Room, get registered, and eat breakfast before the program begins at 9:00. 3:30 – 4:00pm, Approximate Conclusion. Place: Mumford Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building, Library of Congress Cost: $40.00 members, $20.00 students, and $60.00 non-members (includes continental breakfast and lunch). The tax ID number is 54-1079345. Registration: • To use PayPal go to www.dcla.org. • To bill the registration fee to your agency’s FEDLINK Education Training (FT) account, call Elinda Deans, 202-707-4848 • To pay by check make check payable to Joint Spring Workshop and mail with registration to: Laura Hjerpe, 2026 N. Vermont St., Apt. 301, Arlington, VA 22207 For more information email laura_hjerpe@yahoo.com or call 703-597-2806. No purchase orders or training request forms.

Registration form and check must be received by April 12, 2006. SPONSORS: District of Columbia Library Association (DCLA), Lead Sponsor; DC Chapter of Special Libraries Association (DC/SLA); Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, DC (LLSDC); Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC)

Registration: Joint Spring Workshop, April 25, 2006 Name:_________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: __________________________________________________________________________ Affiliation: DCLA ___ DC/SLA ___ LLSDC ___ FLICC ___ Other (specify) ____ ____ Member, $40.00 _____ Student, $20.00 _____ Non-member, $60.00 If you will need a receipt, please check here: _______ The JSW complies with ADA. We can accommodate your needs provided you contact us by April 10, 2006. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2006

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