DC/SLA Chatper Notes - October 2006

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President’s Corner: We Can Do It! Submitted by Shirley Loo, sloo@crs.loc.gov

The fourth annual SLA Recruit-a-Member Campaign has just started. Let's maintain our three month lead of all chapters by inviting colleagues or students to join SLA and the DC Chapter during October, November, and December. They will gain from the programs we offer, from member discounts, from access to Click University, from networking, from career resources, from leadership opportunities, and other benefits. They will also be supporting the profession. If enough members recruit new members, we may again win the chapter prize for having the highest number of new members of all the chapters. We won for the 2005 Recruit-a-Member Campaign and we can do it again. In addition, the New York City Chapter has extended a friendly challenge to our chapter to see which chapter will have the most members by the time of the Denver annual conference. You'll hear more about this challenge in the next few months. An example of the level of our chapter's programming is the September 18 presentation on Web 2.0 and what it means for libraries. It was a big success with Mary Ellen Bates as the presenter. We closed registration a few days early because we were at capacity. Mary Ellen was a DC Chapter member until she moved to Colorado. She was awarded the DC/SLA Member of the Year Award in 1997. For more on her presentation, see Eileen Deegan's report on page 9. We were fortunate to have a wonderful venue for 100 participants due to the efforts of Barbara Folensbee-Moore. Our next live chapter program will be Wednesday, October 12. Todd Berkowitz will discuss "Enterprise RSS [really simple syndication]". Registration for the Young Professional October 17 panel on "The Future of Special Librarianship" has already closed. Check the events calendar for Click University Live! dates and locations. These sessions are free to members. Also coming up are our fall dine-arounds at local restaurants hosted by members. The dine-arounds are a great way to network and to check out restaurants. The 2007 Leadership Summit will be held in Reno January 24 to 27. The Leadership Summit is open to all members; it is not limited to elected and appointed leaders. After representing the chapter at two Leadership

October 2006 Volume 67 No. 2 http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Dine Arounds ……………3 Click U Live! ……………4 Susan Stamberg …………6 Web 2.0 Recap ………….9 Enterprise RSS …………11

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