President's Corner: New Year, New Officers Submitted by Susan Fournier,
On an unseasonably warm and sunny Saturday morning in early January, the Chapter Board and Advisory Council (made up of committee and group chairs) met to discuss plans for 2007. Diane Schnurrpusch, 1st VP/President-Elect, is coordinating Chapter programming and is putting together a programming committee with the able assistance of our hospitality co-chairs, Alicia Koundakjian and Mary Reusch. If you can assist with programming in any way, please contact Diane directly. Diane welcomes all suggestions for speakers and topics. In 2005-2006, the Chapter held 109 events with a combined total attendance of 1625. Of this number 463, were unique members. DC/SLA moved into first place as the largest SLA chapter in 2006. Although we will continue to grow our membership, it is more important to expand participation in Chapter events. A large membership means little if only a fraction of the members are participating. We need to develop new leaders for the Chapter and Association as a whole. All of us face increased job pressures. We need to “spread the work around” in order to make tasks more manageable for a viable Chapter. This is one of the primary goals for my term as Chapter President. Beginning in January, SLA moved to a new governance year—January through December, replacing the previous June through May governance year. Although the Annual Conference and Leadership Summit timing remain the same, many of our annual events have been rescheduled to fit the new calendar. The calendar indicates major annual Chapter events and the month that they will occur. For example, the New Members’ reception will be held in May and the Volunteer Appreciation event in October. The calendar will be posted to the Web site ( Of course, this calendar does not and will not reflect all the other programming that is on tap for the coming year. We will maintain a flexible attitude as we move through our first full year. A major revision of our Chapter Manual is in order. Second Vice President, Gail Kouril, will be coordinating this effort. All board members and committee and group chairs have been asked to review and revise as necessary their sections of the Manual.
February 2007 Volume 67 No. 5
Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Gettting the most out of your Products and Services ……3 Spend the Day with a Special Librarian .……………..... 4 SID/DIW Meeting ………5 Volunteer form .…………6 Members’ Corner ….……7 Governance Calendar …..8
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