DC/SLA Chapter Notes - February 2007

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President's Corner: New Year, New Officers Submitted by Susan Fournier, Susan.Fournier@icba.org

On an unseasonably warm and sunny Saturday morning in early January, the Chapter Board and Advisory Council (made up of committee and group chairs) met to discuss plans for 2007. Diane Schnurrpusch, 1st VP/President-Elect, is coordinating Chapter programming and is putting together a programming committee with the able assistance of our hospitality co-chairs, Alicia Koundakjian and Mary Reusch. If you can assist with programming in any way, please contact Diane directly. Diane welcomes all suggestions for speakers and topics. In 2005-2006, the Chapter held 109 events with a combined total attendance of 1625. Of this number 463, were unique members. DC/SLA moved into first place as the largest SLA chapter in 2006. Although we will continue to grow our membership, it is more important to expand participation in Chapter events. A large membership means little if only a fraction of the members are participating. We need to develop new leaders for the Chapter and Association as a whole. All of us face increased job pressures. We need to “spread the work around” in order to make tasks more manageable for a viable Chapter. This is one of the primary goals for my term as Chapter President. Beginning in January, SLA moved to a new governance year—January through December, replacing the previous June through May governance year. Although the Annual Conference and Leadership Summit timing remain the same, many of our annual events have been rescheduled to fit the new calendar. The calendar indicates major annual Chapter events and the month that they will occur. For example, the New Members’ reception will be held in May and the Volunteer Appreciation event in October. The calendar will be posted to the Web site (http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc). Of course, this calendar does not and will not reflect all the other programming that is on tap for the coming year. We will maintain a flexible attitude as we move through our first full year. A major revision of our Chapter Manual is in order. Second Vice President, Gail Kouril, will be coordinating this effort. All board members and committee and group chairs have been asked to review and revise as necessary their sections of the Manual.

February 2007 Volume 67 No. 5 http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Gettting the most out of your Products and Services ……3 Spend the Day with a Special Librarian .……………..... 4 SID/DIW Meeting ………5 Volunteer form .…………6 Members’ Corner ….……7 Governance Calendar …..8

Read about the new products and services from: • • • • •

getAbstract! InfoCurrent Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International

Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc/

Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions:Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to nonmembers are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager: Julia Leggett Email: jleggett@crs.loc.gov Deadline for the March issue is Feb 23. The issue is distributed approximately one week after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Chapter Notes Editor: Lea Wade Department of Homeland Security Headquarters Library Washington, DC Phone: 202-447-5077 Email: lea.wade@gmail.com DC/SLA Web Master: Krista Mantsch National Geographic Society Libraries and Information Services 1145 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-457-8450 Email: kmantsch@ngs.org

President’s Corner [cont’d from page 1]

Another push this year will be to begin planning for the 2009 Annual Conference to be held in Washington, DC—the Association’s 100th anniversary. As the local host Chapter, DC/SLA must make a grand showing. Sharon Lenius, DC/SLA Director has volunteered to chair this committee and a number of members from the board have volunteered to serve on the committee. If you are willing to serve on this committee please let me know. We can’t start too soon, and it is already getting late—2009 conference planning starts now! Lastly, we still have a number of vacancies on the Board, including Twinning (under the auspices of the International Relations Committee), Web events calendar, Volunteer Coordinator, and Military Librarians. If you are interested in a new opportunity and a chance to develop some leadership skills, please consider taking on one of these responsibilities. If your interests lie elsewhere, consider joining a committee or group, or volunteer to help out with Click U seminars. There are lots of ways to show your support and develop skills that will enhance your professional life when you volunteer for DC/SLA. Also included in this issue of Chapter Notes is a volunteer form. Complete the form and even if you can only volunteer for a single program or event, let us know. Your Chapter NEEDS YOU! I am sure that I speak for the entire DC/SLA Board when I say we are looking forward to an exciting and productive year for all Chapter members. And, I hope to see all of you sometime throughout this year. Here’s to another great year for DC/SLA!

DC/SLA Listerv Manager: Gulnar Nagashybayeva Government Documents Librarian NOAA Central Library SSMC-3, 2nd fl., E/OC4 1315 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: 301-713-2607, ext. 143 gulnar.nagashybayeva@noaa.gov Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: Chapter Notes Editor ATTN: Address/Name Changes 617 Edmondson Ave., Catonsville MD 21228

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2007 | pg 2

Seven Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Information Products and Services Contributed to Inez E. Dinwoodie, inezd@mitre.org

Anne Caputo led a lively and interactive session on the evening of January 11th. The attendees shared stories of their experiences to reinforce Anne’s points. What follows is a brief summary of the ways we as Information Professionals can maximize the value our organizations get from products and services that we provide.

they need it. 7. Relentlessly evaluate capabilities. Continually evaluate the services and products you offer. Also, reassess skills of staff and provide opportunities for training.

1. Align the priorities of your Information Center with the company goals. Look at your company’s goals and map your Info Center’s goals directly to them. Be aware of changes in directions at the top of your company and adjust your goals accordingly. You’ll be perceived as a team player and business partner rather than just a support function. 2. Know your customers. Talk to people. You can do this through surveys, focus groups, short meetings, and hallway conversations. This will enable you focus on your customer’s needs and provide the services that are important to them. 3. Sharpen your consulting skills. Look for new ideas in unexpected places. Look at how the retail world promotes services and products and adapt their ideas to your Information Center. Become familiar with and use new technologies such as RSS and blogs. By using new technologies, you will be able to contribute to assessment of whether these make sense for large scale deployment for the corporation. Read “outside the box” and watch your world grow. 4. Kiss all the babies you can. Promote your services in targeted groups, for example: new hires, interns, embed librarians in workgroups. 5. Strengthen your network. Keep up to date with developments in the information industry and the industry that you work in too. Consult with experts for specific business needs. 6. Put information where the work is. Remove barriers to reaching information. Make it easy for knowledge workers to use the products and services that you provide. Studies show that today’s workers want the information right at hand when DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2007 | pg 3

Anne Caputo discusses value-added marketing

Mark your calendars for the next DC/SLA Board Meeting Wednesday, February 7, 2007 6:00 – 7:30 pm 1615 L Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036

Spend a Day with a Special Librarian

period of time – it’s up to you.

Contributed by David Shumaker, david.shumaker@verizon.net

So, please reply now to sign up, and help make this program a success.

“Spend a Day with a Special Librarian” is the name for DC/SLA’s popular program to help library school students learn more about special libraries by visiting one. Often, students entering our Master’s programs aren’t as aware of the opportunities in special libraries and nontraditional information services as they are of those in other types of libraries. By hosting a student for a day, you’ll be giving that student new perspectives on librarianship, and possibly influencing the student’s career choice. Plus, you’ll get the benefit of connecting with a new professional and getting a different take on libraries, librarianship, and library school. Here’s how the program works: 1. Send your name, organization, and contact information to Mentoring Chair Dave Shumaker (shumaker@cua.edu). 2. Your information will go into a spreadsheet that will be made available to interested students. 3. The program will be announced to students at the CUA and UMD schools. 4. Students who respond to the announcement will be given access to the spreadsheet. 5. A student interested in visiting your library will contact you directly. The visit is scheduled for a mutually convenient, agreed-upon date. It doesn’t have to be a full day of course – both you and the student might find that a half-day or something else is more convenient. Generally, visits will take place during February, March, and April – the core of the spring academic term. 6. Dave will check in with you once or twice during the term and again at the end, to find out if you received any calls, if visits were arranged, and to get your feedback.

Save this Date! The 2007 Joint Spring Workshop will take place on April 12, 2007, from 9-4 p.m. at the Library of Congress Mumford Room in the Madison Building Topic: "Envisioning the Future: What will your library be like in 5, 10 or 20 Years?" Sponsored by: LLSDC, DCLA, DC/SLA and FLICC.

Like the scheduling, the activities included in the visit are up to you and the student. They could include discussion with individual staff, group discussions, shadowing one or more staff for a DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2007 | pg 4

Watch your email for further updates -- K. Martin, Chair, 202-496-7752, kmartin@mckennalong.com

Save the Date! Society for International Development Meeting WHAT: SID/DIW February Meeting WHEN: Wednesday, February 14, 2007, Noon ‐ 2:00 WHERE: 3rd floor Conference Room, IFES, 1101 15th St., Suite 300, Washington, DC. Brown Bag. PRESENTATION: IFES 20th Anniversary and update on research services and products of the IFES Resource Center Richard W. Soudriette, President/CEO who has served as president of IFES since 1988, will speak about the creation and development of IFES (formerly known as International Foundation for Election Systems) as a non‐

partisan organization that offers targeted technical assistance to strengthen transitional democracies worldwide. Terezia Matus, IFES Librarian, will give an update on current research, outreach and information management services of the F. Clifton White Resource Center (ARC) and other IFES departments including the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network, the Electoral or EGuide, and Money and Politics Network (MAP.) A tour of the Resource Center will be provided for all interested participants. A short IFES 20th Anniversary video produced by the Communications Department will illustrate the involvement of IFES in democracy building projects worldwide during the past twenty years.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2007 | pg 5

Do you have …

Do you want …

A hidden talent? A desire to give?

An opportunity to learn? An opportunity to grow professionally?

Get involved! Write an article for Chapter Notes, volunteer to meet and greet members at a meeting. Your commitment will bring you satisfaction with new learning experiences and valuable professional contacts and best of all, new friends. In addition to helping to insure that Chapter functions and activities are carried out, you will have the opportunity to interact with colleagues and develop professional skills. This is not a comprehensive list, see our Web site for all activities. Chapter Web site: http://units.sla.org/chapter/cdc/ Please select areas of interest(s) and complete your contact information below. ___Archives

Maintain historically important Chapter documents

___Book Club

Coordinate meetings of Chapter book club

___Chapter Notes/Calendar

Contribute or edits article for Chapter newsletter

___Community relations/outreach

Coordinate community outreach activities


Advice to members/organizations on professional issues


Coordinate employment information

___Government relations

Reports on current federal initiatives


Arrange meeting locations; registration

___International Relations

Develop/implement Chapter’s international relations activities

___Joint Spring Workshop

Represent Chapter on multi-association planning committee

___Professional Enhancement Day

Develop/implement program for career development

___Students & Young Professionals

Sponsor social and volunteer activities for ‘young at heart’

___Web site/discussion list

Maintain web site; coordinates discussion list activities


Host Click U Live; take program reservations, on-site registration, etc.

___ 2009 SLA Conference – DC

Preparations as host Chapter – need a chair

Name:___________________________________ Organization:________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________

Fax: Susan Fournier, DC/SLA President, 2007 202-659-1413 DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2007 | pg 6

Members’ Corner Paul Henriques, Research Librarian at United States Postal Service, had an article of published in the December 15, 2005 issue of Library Journal dealing with employment issues for young professionals. The link to the article: http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6396379.h tml

Paul M. Klinefelter (1922-2006) Started with DTIC in 1951. During his tenure, he was Director of User Services, Deputy Director of Database Services, and Program Manager for DTIC’s Information Analysis Centers, among other assignments. (Government Information Quarterly, Vol.5, Num. 4, 1988) Chairman of the Executive Board of the Military Librarians Workshops – 1980-1988 (Military Librarians Workshop: A Premier Gathering of Military Librarians, 1957-1999) “Paul Klinefelter attended most of the workshops from 1960 onward”. (Military Librarians Workshop: A Premier Gathering of Military Librarians, 1957-1999) Chair of the Military Librarians Division – 19791980 (Military Librarians Workshop: A Premier Gathering of Military Librarians, 1957-1999) President of DC SLA – 1970-1971 (DC SLA Web site) John Cotton Dana Award - 1988 (SLA Web site) SLA President’s Visioning Committee consultant 1992-1994 (Special Libraries, Fall 1993) Services will be held in the Arlington Cemetery Chapel in April 2007. Send condolences to Mrs. Paul Klinefelter and family, 7205 Kristen Lane, Fairfax VA 22032

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2007 | pg 7

DC/SLA GOVERNANCE CALENDAR Updated 1/9/2007 For 2007 Board meetings will be held the first Wednesday (except April 11, no meeting in June/July) Month/Year January 2007

Feb 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007 June 2007

July 2007 August 2007

September 2007

October 2007

Event Planning Breakfast SLA Leadership Summit Change signature cards and resolutions for all bank accounts. Officer forms due to SLA by 31st First Board meeting President’s first column in Chapter Notes Propose and approve new budget Treasurer: Audited financial statements due at HQ Treasurer: Receive allotment, deposit in operating savings account Select SLA Conference Stipend Award winner (announced in Chapter Notes) Dine Arounds Joint Spring Workshop International Special Librarian’s Day Solicit nominations via Chapter Notes New Member Reception Nominations committee meets SLA Annual Conference and Business Meeting Treasurer: Mid-Year Financial Statements due to HQ June 30 No Board meeting No Board Meeting Nominations committee presents proposed ballot to Board Election committee formed Dine Arounds Ballots are e-mailed, mailed, and published in September Chapter Notes (due midOctober) Call for Annual Report submissions Professional Enhancement Day Annual Report Submissions due Volunteer Appreciation Event Approve Member of the Year/Board of Directors awards Select InfoCurrent and DC/SLA scholarship recipients (present at Banquet) Announce Election results 1st VP should begin recruiting committee chairs

November 2007

Chapter Board and Advisory Committee Transition Meeting/ Planning Breakfast Budget requests for next fiscal year

December 2007

DC/SLA Annual Business Meeting and Banquet Officially nominate Standing Committee chairs; get approval of Board SLA awards recommendations

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | February 2007 | pg 8

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