President's Corner: Membership is Key Submitted by Susan Fournier,
I know that I must sound like a broken record --- but we must not lose momentum as we move into the final weeks of our membership challenge with the New York Chapter. Recruiting and retaining members is vital to the strength of any membership organization. It is something I face every day in my work for a trade association—competing for members in a dwindling pool of potential members with two other associations. Past President Shirley Loo made membership the centerpiece of her presidential tenure and the New York challenge is part of her legacy. For Shirley’s dream for DC SLA to come true, we must all do our part. When you recruit a new member you become a member of the SLA President’s Club and will be recognized for your contribution. Director Kristina Lively has been doing a most commendable job contacting lapsed members and non-member participants at Chapter functions, but she can use everyone’s help as the deadline for the membership challenge winds down. Here is another challenge—if we do surpass New York in membership, I promise not to raise this issue in my column for the duration of my tenure as President. There—I will get off my soapbox… if each and every one of you makes a concerted effort to persuade a colleague to join. One last mention about membership—this month we will be honoring new members at our annual New Members Reception. In past years this event was held in October. The date change is in accordance with the new SLA governance year. This year our Hospitality Committee has arranged for an exciting new venue, Elizabeth’s on L, on May 17th. Unfortunately, space is limited, so make your reservations now, if you haven’t already. New members attend as Chapter guests, so we are looking forward to a good turnout. As I will be unable to attend the event due to a prior family commitment, 1st Vice President, Diane Schnurrpusch will be acting in my stead to welcome new members. On April 25th, I attended our “Giving Libraries a Second Life in a Virtual World” program that earlier sparked considerable dialogue on the Chapter discussion list. Second Life is far more than a game as was demonstrated by the panel of speakers including DC/SLA Director Kristina Lively as moderator and speaker; Michelle Springer, a Project Management Coordinator currently assigned to the Web Services
May 2007 Volume 68 No. 4
Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Young Professionals ……3 New Member Reception... 4 International Relations…..5 Scholarships…………….6 Outreach…………………6 Members Corner…………7
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Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions:Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to nonmembers are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager: Julia Leggett Email: Deadline for the June issue is May 25. The issue is distributed approximately one week after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Chapter Notes Editor: Lea Wade Department of Homeland Security Headquarters Library Washington, DC Phone: 202-447-5077 Email: DC/SLA Web Master: Krista Mantsch National Geographic Society Libraries and Information Services 1145 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-457-8450 Email: DC/SLA Listerv Manager: Temporary Listserv Manager Helen Yang Electronic Resources and Services Librarian ASIS International 1625 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314-2818 703-518-1448 Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: Chapter Notes Editor ATTN: Address/Name Changes 617 Edmondson Ave., Catonsville MD 21228
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 2
President’s Corner [cont’d from page 1]
Division, Office of Strategic Initiatives of the Library of Congress; Justin Thorpe, a Web Developer Lead with the government contractor CACI Intl., where he is assigned full-time to support the Library of Congress Office of Strategic Initiatives Web Services Division; and Mark Bard, Office for Information Technology Policy ALA Washington Office. Justin provided background as to what Second Life is, how it works, and its potential use. Kristina discussed her active participation in the development of the Information Services “island” and her work with other organizations to build a presence on Second Life. Michelle Springer discussed policy issues and some of the challenges with Second Life and showed a brief video of how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is using Second Life as a training/educational vehicle. Mark Bard demonstrated how the American Library Association is exploring ways to use Second Life to deliver products, services and professional development for its members. Nearly 80 people attended and enjoyed a wonderful repast provided by our Hospitality Chairs, Alicia Koundjakian and Mary Reusch. Particular thanks goes to Rob McKinney and the Copyright Clearance Center and for sponsoring this event. As summer vacations and professional conferences fill our personal calendars, Chapter activities will continue, but at a slightly slower pace. SLA’s Click University twice-monthly virtual seminars will be on hiatus during June and July. However, our programming committee will continue to offer a variety of professional development and networking events, so be sure to watch the Chapter calendar for event announcements.
Students/Young Professionals Group: Successful March and April events and May happy hour planned! Contributed by Karen Stahl,
The Students/Young Professionals Group invited DC/SLA members (and other local librarians and library school students) to a walking tour of downtown Silver Spring. This was the first tour of 2007, led by Jerry McCoy, the President of the Silver Spring Historical Society and also a librarian. Despite the very cold temperatures and the snow flurries, it attracted about 11 DC/SLA members. It was very educational! The Students/Young Professionals Group had two successful happy hours on March 14 and April 7, 2007. The March happy hour was at the Irish Channel Pub in Chinatown, and attracted about 15 people. The April happy hour was at Kramerbooks and Afterword Café in Dupont Circle and attracted about 12 people. Both events attracted a mix of professionals and library school students. Please celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Students/Young Professionals Group at a happy hour on May 9 at Ceviche at 921-J Ellsworth Drive in downtown Silver Spring, beginning at 6 pm. We hope to see you there!
Retired but restless? For a DC/SLA member -- a potential part-time post as manager of a one-person strategic-information center. Needed: people skills and confidence in searching online, use of email, paper, and telephone. Helpful: familiarity with military and corporate worlds. To apply, email a recent condensed (l00 words max) vita to DC/SLA member at:
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 3
New Member Reception DC/SLA welcomes and celebrates our new members at this reception at the elegant Elizabethʹs on L Street, a renovated federalist townhouse in downtown Washington DC. Whether you are new to the chapter or have been a member for years, the New Member Reception is a great place to meet new people, reconnect with colleagues and cohorts, and learn about other DC/SLA programs and opportunities. Join us for drinks and hors dʹoeuvres.
Admission is FREE to new members (you are a new member if you have joined the DC Chapter since October 20, 2005). Space is limited to a total of 100 attendees, so donʹt wait to register. Please join us for this evening of celebration. Eat and drink, socialize with your colleagues, and welcome our new members! DATE: Thursday, May 17, 2007 TIME: 6:00pm‐9:00pm LOCATION: Elizabethʹs on L 1341 L Street, NW Washington, DC METRO: McPherson Square (Blue and Orange Lines). Take the 14th Street exit. PRICE: $15.00 ‐ Chapter Members $20.00 ‐ Non‐Chapter Members $10.00 ‐ Students/Retirees/Unemployed DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 4
FREE ‐ New first‐time members who had joined since October 20, 2005. Contact Ellie Briscoe at to take advantage of this offer. DEADLINE: Friday, May 11, 2007 For registration information and PayPal links, go to y1707.html
Effective Meetings Don’t Happen By Chance: Tips from Donna Scheeder If you didn't hear former SLA president Donna Scheeder talk about effective meetings at our chapter meeting in February, you can hear her live at the Education Institute (a partnership of Canadian provincial library associations). Sign up at r_effectivemtgs.html Thursday, May 24th, 3-4pm ET (12-1pm PT) Effective Meetings Don't Happen By Chance! with Donna Scheeder - 1 hour AUDIO CONFERENCE Who doesn't wish for meetings that really accomplish something? This session by an informational professional with much meeting experience provides tips and techniques for running effective meetings. Bringing people and ideas together, creating a working agenda, are all skills that can be learned. Join this session for useful insights and tips you can use in your environment.
Mark your calendars for the next DC/SLA Board Meeting Wednesday, August 1, 2007 6:00 – 7:30 pm 1615 L Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036
This will be a brown bag lunch. Cookies and soft drinks will be provided. *You must have a photo ID to present to the security desk in the lobby so please RSVP Allen Overland, with your name if you plan to attend. By Metro: Take the blue, orange, or red line to Metro Center. Go to the 11th & G St exit. Walk towards F St, turn left and enter the building at 1025 F St. For those of you who have lived in DC we are in the old "Woodies" building. June 13, 2007, SID/DIW Planning Meeting: Wednesday, Noon - 2 pm: Winrock International, 1621 N. Kent Street in Rosslyn, Suite 1200
Learn About Online Sources of Information on International Relations Presentation: Online Sources of Information on International Relations When: Wednesday, May 16 2006 from 12:00 - 2ish Where: National Endowment for Democracy, Democracy Resource Center (DRC), 1025 F St, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004 As a follow-up to an earlier Washington International Librarian Group (WILG) [] meeting, Allen Overland has agreed to host a presentation and discussion of online information resources on international relations at National Endowment for Democracy's new multi-media conference room. A brief tour of the new library will follow the discussion. Allen will be showing some of his favorite resources and you are encouraged to bring your own! These will be posted to the WILG web site at: DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 5
Washington D.C. Chapter 2007 Student Scholarships InfoCurrent Scholarship $2,000 Catherine A. Jones Memorial Scholarship $2,000 The Washington, D.C. Chapter announces its 2007 scholarship program. Two scholarships of $2,000 each will be awarded by the chapter in August 2007 for studies leading to a Master’s Degree from an accredited graduate Library Science program. DC/SLA wants to encourage talented men and women to join us with a career in special libraries. And so ... To assist students who are on their way to a Master’s Degree in Library Science, the Washington, D.C. Chapter is offering two cash awards again this year: InfoCurrent Scholarship $2,000 Catherine A. Jones Memorial Scholarship $2,000 Winners will be chosen based on a short, one to two page essay describing their professional goals and their interest in special librarianship. Applicants must be members of the Washington, D.C. Chapter of Special Libraries Association and enrolled in an accredited Library Science program. If you aren’t a DC/SLA member yet, SLA student dues are only $35 per year. Join today at Remember to select the Washington, D.C. Chapter on your SLA membership form. The scholarship application form and additional details will be available beginning in May on the DC/SLA website at Application deadline: July 18, 2007
2007 Community Outreach Planning Questionnaire In spring of 2002, the Chapter launched a community outreach project that aimed to tap the resources and skills of our members to enrich and provide support for a library or media center serving a local school or neighborhood. To date, we have had two community outreach projects: The Sousa Middle School Library in the Anacostia section of DC; and the Coolidge High School Library in the Takoma Park/ Brightwood area of DC. We are in the process of determining what our next Community Outreach project should be and will be posting a URL for a questionnaire on Survey Monkey on the DC/SLA listserv.
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 6
If you do not have access to email and would like to fill out the questionnaire, please call one of the cochairs, Kenlee Ray, 202-483-2423, or Heidi Uribe, 301-961-8811, and we will mail a copy to you.
Member’s Corner
On the occasion of her retirement from the National Library of Medicine at the end of May, Karen Patrias would like to thank the members of the Washington Chapter for all the friendship and support you have so freely and generously given to her, not only as your president for the 1989-1990 term, but also throughout the years of her professional life. She always appreciated being able to call upon you for advice and counsel when needed and learned a great deal in the process. And of course there were all those great Chapter and SLA annual meetings. You have provided her with many treasured memories. She wishes you much success with the Chapter and in your individual careers. Karen Patrias became very active in the Special Libraries Association in the 1990s, becoming chair of the Biological Sciences Division in 1985-1986 and president of the Washington Chapter in 19891990. During her 25 years at National Library of Medicine, she served as Head of the Reference Section and Senior Resource Specialist for the Public Services Division and was editor of the NLM series Current Bibliographies in Medicine. Karen may be best known for producing the National Library of Medicine Recommended Formats for Bibliographic Citation, for which she received the 1992 NLM Board of Regents Award for Scholarship or Technical Achievement, and for the Format's Internet supplement published in 2001. Before retiring, Karen completed the text for a new edition of the Formats called Citing Medicine, to be launched on the NLM Web site late this summer. Her most recent professional activity was to serve as co-chair of the Council of Science Editors committee charged with producing a new edition of their style manual Scientific Style and Format, which was published in 2006. -------------------------------------------------------------
for a Happy Hour at Ceviche, 921-J Ellsworth Dr, Silver Spring, MD. Please RSVP to Emily Huston at
-----------------------------------------------------------If you are going to Denver, check out what your colleagues in the Chapter are doing!
Joan Axelroth President, Axelroth & Associates The Virtual Migration: Moving to a New WebBased Integrated Library System Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:00AM - 12:00PM -------------------------------------------------Marilynn Drews Director, Association Knowledge Center ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership Association Information Services Caucus Roundtable Wednesday, June 4, 2007 3:00PM – 4:30PM ------------------------------------------------------Susan Fifer Canby VP, Libraries & Information Services National Geographic Society Candidate Speech at SLA Annual Membership Meeting (nominated for Chapter Cabinet Elect) Tuesday, June 5, 2007 2:30PM - 5:00PM ---------------------------------------------------------Larry Guthrie Covington & Burling Legal Division International Law Reception Sunday, June 3, 2007 4:00PM - 5:30PM ----------------------------------------------------------Karen Huffman Manager, Knowledge Initiatives National Geographic Society CLICK U LIVE! - Wikis - Organizing Content and Collaborating on the Web Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Wednesday, May 9, 6:00pm Keep the Cinco de Mayo party going with DC/SLA’s Students/Young Professionals. Join us
Mashups and Remixes for Government Information Monday, June 4, 2007 4:00PM - 5:30PM Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 7
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 2:30PM - 4:00PM -------------------------------------------------------------Rick McKinney Federal Reserve Board Law Library
---------------------------------------------------------Mary Talley Senior Consultant and Project Director, Axelroth & Associates
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Code Wednesday, June 6, 2007 11:00AM - 12:30PM -------------------------------------------------------Lyle Minter CRS, Library of Congress
The Virtual Migration: Moving to a New WebBased Integrated Library System Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:00AM - 12:00PM ---------------------------------------------------------Jeanne Slater Trimble Knowledge Management Team Lead
From Wallflower to Active Networker (Synergy Session) Monday, June 4, 2007 1:30PM - 3:00PM -------------------------------------------------------Bob Oaks Chief Library and Records Officer LATHAM & WATKINS LLP Managing Multiple Departments - And Why Would You Want To? Tuesday, June 5 at 2:30 pm --------------------------------------------------------Christina Pikas, Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
Knowledge Management Division Roundtable Sunday, June 4, 2007 7:00AM -- 8:30AM
--------------------------------------------------------This list of sessions is not comprehensive — watch the discussion list for updated information. SLA Annual Conference 2007 – Denver, CO June 3-6
Physics Roundtable Tuesday, June 5, 2007 9:00AM - 10:30AM -----------------------------------------------------------Gary Price Web Tools for Legal Researchers Tuesday, June 5, 2007 2:30PM - 4:00PM -----------------------------------------------------------Guy St. Clair Consulting Specialist for Knowledge Services SMR I N T E R N A T I O N A L Knowledge Nexus: The Special Library of the Future Tuesday, June 5, 2007 11:00AM - 12:30PM ----------------------------------------------------------Donna Scheeder Law Library of Congress Sure You’re Legal? Risks in Managerial Work Monday, June 4, 2007 4:00PM – 5:30PM The Global Legal Environment and You Redux Tuesday, June 5, 2007 9:00AM - 10:30AM DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 8
The Rocky Mountain Chapter has put together a website with information on tours and tips for enjoying the Denver environs.
Click here to register for the SLA Annual Conference! Member Full 2 May - 25 May 2007 Onsite
USD 375.00 USD 425.00
Member 1 Day (M - W only)
USD 255.00
SLA Student/Retired Member
USD 125.00
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 9
Military Librarians Group Missile Defense Agency Historian, Dr. Lawrence Kaplan, spoke to the Military Librarians Group on March 27th on the Pitfalls of Making DoD History at the Hilton Old Town Alexandria. 46 people attended. Afterwards, groups dined at four different Old Town Restaurants. Attendees included DC SLA members and attendees for the Defense Technical Information Center's Annual Conference, many who are SLA members in other chapters, including Tennessee, Virginia, Southern California, Upstate New York, Rio Grande, Maryland, and Central Pennsylvania Chapters.
Giving Libraries a Second Life in a Virtual World
Left to right: Justin Thorp, Michelle Springer, Kristina Lively, Mark Bard
Dr. Lawrence Kaplan
Rob McKinney of Copyright Clearance Center and Diane Schnurrpusch, 1st VP/President-Elect of DC SLA
Dr. Kaplan
Even after the formal Q&A session was over, audience members had more questions for the speakers
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 10
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | May 2007 | pg 11