DC/SLA Chapter Notes - June 2007

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President's Corner: DC-SLA Offers Much to Members Submitted by Susan Fournier, Susan.Fournier@icba.org

In preparation for the Annual Conference Chapter Cabinet meeting I have been preparing a report about our Chapter’s activities so far this year. We are indeed an active Chapter with a wide variety of programs from professional development offerings (Joint Spring Workshop and Click U Live!, for example), tours, dine-arounds, happy hours, interesting speakers and even a book club. Most likely, those of you reading this have participated in one or more of these programs; but if you haven’t, it is not too late to become involved in DC/SLA. Our programs are affordable, often free or offered at a minimal cost to SLA and Chapter members. Programs are presented by a broad spectrum that includes SLA members and many from outside the Association and Chapter. Attend these programs to pick up a new skill, meet old friends and make new connections. Over the years of my SLA membership, Chapter programming has been what has drawn me to the Association and Chapter—for networking and professional development.

June 2007 Volume 68 No. 5 http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Chapter Awardees ………2 Book Group …………..…3 JSW Report: Future of Libraries! .…….……….…4 Patent Searching …………8 Student Scholarships …….8 Taxonomy Tuesday ……..10

Where else can you get a regular series of professional education programs for free? The twice monthly Click U Live! webinars are great opportunities to keep abreast of trends in our profession as well as to enhance current skills and knowledge. The Chapter purchases a site license, arranges for a convenient, metro-accessible location so that members can take advantage of these courses without expending the $99 themselves. Even as a solo librarian I have been able to take advantage of some these hour and half programs. Normally, we have taken a break during the summer months, but this year we will purchase “replays” of two or three of the most popular webinars to present during evening hours. If you have a suggestion for a particular session please let Diane Schnurrpusch know. See the Chapter events calendar to register for upcoming Click U Live! programs. Another opportunity that SLA offers is the “Course of the Month”. Each month you can take part in a topical and valuable learning experience at no charge. Getting Ready for the Job Search will be available between now and June 14. Look for more of these free courses on the Click University website. The Annual Conference is a great learning and networking experience. When I finally attended my first Conference nearly 10 years ago (though I had been a member for much longer) I was able to put faces to names of colleagues I had only spoken to over the phone or e-mailed. And, I was

New Members Meeting ….10 Members Corner ………... 12 Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • • • •

getAbstract! InfoCurrent Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International Ebscohost American Bankers Assn Thomson Gale Dow Jones

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