DC/SLA Chapter Notes - September 2007

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President's Corner: Preparing for New Events Submitted by Susan Fournier, Susan.Fournier@icba.org

Summer is coming to a close—children are returning to school, and Labor Day will have come and gone by the time you read this column. Although the summer has traditionally been a light program season for the Chapter, we had a very successful series of Click U at Nite programs where we re-broadcast three of the more popular Click U Live presentations. We are exploring the possibility of adding some additional replays to our regular Click U lineup this fall. Our chapter will be picking up momentum this month as we gear up for our first elections under the new governance calendar and both SLA and Chapter awards nominations. Both committees have been working diligently to prepare for these important events. In addition, we have a wonderful program featuring SLA President, Rebecca Vargha and chapter members, Victoria Harriston and Shelly Edwards, presenting “Gems of South Africa” on September 27th.

September 2007 Volume 68 No. 8 http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Award Nominations …….3 Professional Enhancement Day ……….…………..…3 Student Scholarships ……5 How Journalists Search …5 Members Corner ………...7

The nominating committee, under the able chairmanship of Past President Sheryl Rosenthal, has put together an outstanding slate of candidates for this year’s elections. Inside you will find information on each of the candidates running for President-Elect, Second Vice President, Corresponding Secretary and Director. You will receive information on the electronic balloting soon. Be sure to watch the list for details on the elections and be sure to vote early, but just once, please. One of the most important contributions, besides voting in the elections, that a chapter member can make, is to recognize a peer for one of the many awards that SLA and the Chapter offer to outstanding members of our profession. There are many unsung heroes in our association and chapter who may not have served in an elected position or even as committee or group chairs who should be recognized for their efforts to promote the profession or contributions to the profession. Anne Caputo, Awards Chair, in an article included in this issue, describes the awards for both the Chapter and the Association and deadlines for nominations. DC/SLA members have always featured prominently among the national SLA award winners, and 2007 was an exceptional year for our chapter (see the previous issue of Chapter Notes for DC/SLA Chapter member award winners.) Take some time now to consider who among your colleagues would be worthy of any one of the awards under consideration for both the Chapter and the Association.

Technology Day 2007……9 Election Slate ……………11 Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • •

InfoCurrent Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International American Bankers Assn Thomson Gale Dow Jones

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