President's Corner: Preparing for New Events Submitted by Susan Fournier,
Summer is coming to a close—children are returning to school, and Labor Day will have come and gone by the time you read this column. Although the summer has traditionally been a light program season for the Chapter, we had a very successful series of Click U at Nite programs where we re-broadcast three of the more popular Click U Live presentations. We are exploring the possibility of adding some additional replays to our regular Click U lineup this fall. Our chapter will be picking up momentum this month as we gear up for our first elections under the new governance calendar and both SLA and Chapter awards nominations. Both committees have been working diligently to prepare for these important events. In addition, we have a wonderful program featuring SLA President, Rebecca Vargha and chapter members, Victoria Harriston and Shelly Edwards, presenting “Gems of South Africa” on September 27th.
September 2007 Volume 68 No. 8
Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Award Nominations …….3 Professional Enhancement Day ……….…………..…3 Student Scholarships ……5 How Journalists Search …5 Members Corner ………...7
The nominating committee, under the able chairmanship of Past President Sheryl Rosenthal, has put together an outstanding slate of candidates for this year’s elections. Inside you will find information on each of the candidates running for President-Elect, Second Vice President, Corresponding Secretary and Director. You will receive information on the electronic balloting soon. Be sure to watch the list for details on the elections and be sure to vote early, but just once, please. One of the most important contributions, besides voting in the elections, that a chapter member can make, is to recognize a peer for one of the many awards that SLA and the Chapter offer to outstanding members of our profession. There are many unsung heroes in our association and chapter who may not have served in an elected position or even as committee or group chairs who should be recognized for their efforts to promote the profession or contributions to the profession. Anne Caputo, Awards Chair, in an article included in this issue, describes the awards for both the Chapter and the Association and deadlines for nominations. DC/SLA members have always featured prominently among the national SLA award winners, and 2007 was an exceptional year for our chapter (see the previous issue of Chapter Notes for DC/SLA Chapter member award winners.) Take some time now to consider who among your colleagues would be worthy of any one of the awards under consideration for both the Chapter and the Association.
Technology Day 2007……9 Election Slate ……………11 Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • •
InfoCurrent Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International American Bankers Assn Thomson Gale Dow Jones
Check us out on the Web
Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions:Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to nonmembers are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager: Julia Leggett Email:
President’s Corner [cont’d from p. 1]
Everyone should know that we won the membership challenge with the New York Chapter. I heard from NY Chapter President-Elect, Stephen Kochoff, that in addition to providing a Junior’s cheesecake for the board meeting this month, the New York Chapter is also making a $250 donation to DC/SLA chapter member, Jane Kinney Meyers’ Luboto Library Project. On behalf of the Chapter, thank you, New York, for your gracious and generous contribution. Please note that we have changed the dates of our September and October board meetings. The Board will meet Tuesday, September 11, and Wednesday, October 10. Board meetings are open to all chapter members. See the Events Calendar on the Web site for details on all upcoming functions.
Deadline for the October issue is September 24. The issue is distributed approximately one week after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Chapter Notes Editor: Lea Wade Department of Homeland Security Headquarters Library Washington, DC Phone: 202-447-5077 Email: DC/SLA Web Master: Krista Mantsch National Geographic Society Libraries and Information Services 1145 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-457-8450 Email: DC/SLA Listerv Manager: Temporary Listserv Manager Helen Yang Electronic Resources and Services Librarian ASIS International 1625 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314-2818 703-518-1448 Send address changes to: Chapter Notes Editor; ATTN: Address/Name Changes; 617 Edmondson Ave., Catonsville MD 21228
SEPTEMBER CLICK U! LIVE SESSIONS Surveying as a Planning Tool, Part 1, by Dianna (Dee) Magnoni, Library Director, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering DATE: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 TIME: 2:00 - 3:30 pm (Plan to arrive a few minutes early) LOCATION: National Geographic Society, Library Learning Lab, 1146 16th St., NW, Washington, DC ********************************************************** Surveying as a Planning Tool, Part 2, by Dianna (Dee) Magnoni, Library Director, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering DATE: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 TIME: 2:00 - 3:30 pm (Plan to arrive a few minutes early) LOCATION: National Geographic Society, Library Learning Lab, 1146 16th St., NW, Washington, DC METRO: Farragut North or Farragut West RSVP to Ellie Briscoe at or 202-857-7783.
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Nominate Someone for an Association or Chapter Award SLA and DC/SLA both have Awards & Honors Programs created to honor individuals or groups and their achievements and contributions to the Association, to the DC Chapter and the information profession. The Association bestows awards in twelve categories and the Chapter presents two annual awards. Check the Association Awards on the SLA Web site. Nominations can be submitted individually to SLA or can be sent via our chapter’s Awards Committee. Our chapter awards are presented at the DC/SLA Annual Meeting and Banquet, held this year at the Woman’s Democratic Club in Washington on Thursday, December 6, 2007. Our chapter award categories are: Chapter Member of the Year - Given to a chapter member in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Chapter, public service activities, assistance in professional development, promotion of special librarianship or publication of a professional paper. Board of Directors Award - Given to an individual or group, who may or may not be a member of the DC Chapter, in recognition of special achievements or contributions to the field of special librarianship.
Anne Caputo (chair), Susan Fifer Canby, Sheryl Rosenthal and Richard Huffine. Please send your nominations to Anne Caputo at • Nominations for Chapter Awards must be received by October 19, 2007 • Nominations for SLA Association Awards – to be submitted by our chapter Awards Committee must be submitted by December 7, 2007
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 26! Professional Enhancement Day: Taking Strategic Approaches to Workforce Development and Career Planning Join colleagues in a discussion of skills that are needed in a variety of environments that are hiring librarians/information professionals today. Learn what these types of organizations—government agencies, law firms, media organizations, consultants, database producers/vendors, not-forprofits—are seeking in new hires, and where they are looking for prospects. Our day begins with the panel discussion, Seeking skills: What employers want and need, moderated by Susan Fifer Canby of National Geographic. Confirmed panelists include:
The DC/SLA Awards Committee is seeking your input in suggesting names of individuals or groups to be nominated for any of these awards. Nominations should include the following information, much of which can be found in the SLA Membership Directory: Name of Award Name of person submitting nomination Name of nominee or group Nominee address, telephone and email Career Information Employer, Job Title Association Information SLA Member, SLA and/or Chapter Affiliations Reason for Nomination The DC/SLA Awards Committee is made up of DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 3
Deborah K. Balsamo, Environmental Protection Agency Michael Gruenberg, Proquest-CSA Kate Martin, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP Laura Soto-Barra, National Public Radio Peggy Fry, Georgetown University Law Library Jeanne Trimble, Mitre
Following a Networking Break, Nancy Davenport, DC Public Library Interim Director of Library Services, will address New routes to new careers: Finding (and getting) your ideal job. Once you know the type of traits and skills that employers are seeking, you must devise your Personal Employment Game Plan to identify the position most suited to you and a strategy for securing that all important interview. Many local information
professionals know Nancy from her years at the Library of Congress and the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). Her interactive session will help you examine your career values that will guide your future job searches and moves. As is our custom, representatives from InfoCurrent and Library Associates will be there to critique your resume. To schedule a Resume Critique, email your preferred (15-minute) timeslots to Barbie Keiser ( You will receive a confirmation via return email. Click to Register Today! Date: Friday, October 26, 2007 Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm Place: The Charles Sumner School Address: 1201 Seventeenth Street, NW Metro: Farragut North (Red Line) Cost (includes continental breakfast): DC/SLA members Allied organizations (ex. LLSDC) Non-members Students/unemployed
$10 $15 $20 $5
Mark your calendars for the next DC/SLA Board Meeting Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:00 – 7:30 pm 1615 L Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 4
DC/SLA Scholarship Recipients for 2007 The Washington, D.C. SLA Chapter Board of Directors and the Scholarship Committee are pleased to announce the recipients of the DC/SLA Chapter Scholarships for 2007. All of this year’s candidates were intelligent, skilled, and creative individuals. It was a difficult task to choose only two award recipients from such a talented group. And so while only two can receive our financial support, all the applicants have our best wishes for successful completion of their studies and a rewarding career. Patricia Sanner is awarded the Catherine A. Jones Memorial Scholarship. Ms. Sanner is a student at The Catholic University of America’s School of Library and Information Science. She has worked in the health care policy field, volunteered in schools and libraries, and participated in a practicum at the National Geographic Society. Ms. Sanner looks forward to the challenge of positioning the library to complement the mission of its parent organization and to implement her belief that a successful special library develops in collaboration with its users. Christopher Zammarelli is awarded the InfoCurrent Scholarship. Mr. Zammarelli is a student at the University of Maryland’s College of Information Studies. Mr. Zammarelli’s main area of interest is e-government. His master’s thesis will focus on the ways governments use their electronic infrastructure to improve access to government information. Mr. Zammarelli presently works at the Brookings Institution and hopes to work in a federal government library in the future. This year’s pool consisted of 19 applications. Most students are enrolled in our local programs at CUA and UMD, but three applicants are studying via online or distance learning programs at Drexel University, University of Alabama, and North Carolina Central University.
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Lastly, great thanks are owed to the donors whose generosity makes these scholarships possible. InfoCurrent is the grantor of each year’s InfoCurrent Scholarship. Their continued support is very much appreciated. The Catherine A. Jones Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the Board of Directors from chapter funds. The Scholarship Committee enjoyed the opportunity to learn about some of our future leaders through their thoughtful essays. Our members in 2007 were Kari Anderson, Sage Hulsebus, and Michael Kolakowski.
SAVE THE DATE! OCT 15 How Do Journalists Use Government Information? Ever wonder how journalists find and use government information? On October 15, New York Times reporter Scott Shane and Washington Post research editor Alice Crites will address this question and related issues. Join us for a lively program sponsored jointly by ALA's Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) and SLA's Government Information Division (DGI). DC/SLA members are welcome and encouraged to join us! The program is open to SLA members; no fee, no advance registration needed. DATE: Monday, October 15 TIME: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: Crystal City Doubletree Hotel [] (Room TBA) For more information contact Bill Sleeman, GODORT [] or Peggy Garvin, SLA []
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 6
Professional Book Club Meeting The next meeting of the DC/SLA Professional Book Club will be on Monday, October 1, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the restaurant, India Curry House, at 3181 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201 (phone number 703-535-2750). The book to be discussed is: Library 2.0 and Beyond: Innovative Technologies and Tomorrow's User, edited by Nancy Courtney. Please RSVP to Mary Bowen at or 703-533-3637. Contact Mary Bowen if you have any questions about the meeting or the book.
Members’ Corner
Mary Fumento is a co-author of a chapter on the future of books in an August 2007 publication, “The Elements of Internet Style: The New Rules of Creating Valuable Content for Today’s Readers.” Available at:
Remembering Ray von Dran: 1946 - 2007 Ray von Dran, former Assistant Professor (19761983) and later Dean of the School of Library and Information Science at The Catholic University of America (1983-1987) passed away suddenly on Monday, July 23, 2007 at New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. He was 60 years old. Born on July 31, 1946, in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Ray grew up a single child, learning from his father the value of an education. He instilled in Ray the love for reading, including his favorite book, Tootle. Ray presented copies of the book to May 2007 graduates of the iSchool at Syracuse University, where he had just retired as Dean (1995-2007), as a reminder to lay down their own tracks in life.
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Remembered for his child-like spirit, innovative thinking, nurturer and believer in young talent, art and music aficionado, pioneering leader in the field of information, and beloved mentor of new and adjunct faculty, Ray was a leading member of the DC library and information science community in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Throughout his career Ray broke new ground to help bring library and information science schools into the Information Age. A founding member of the I-Schools Group – a national consortium of academic institutions focused on the relationship between information and people – Ray was among a core group of visionaries who helped define the newly emerging academic field of information studies, examining how information in all its forms expands human capabilities. He led the iSchool at Syracuse through a 12 year period of unprecedented productivity and had just joined the school as Dean Emeritus to begin in 2008. He and his wife, Gisela, were planning a long-awaited year of travel around the world to visit former students and colleagues on every continent. Prior to joining Syracuse University, Ray served as dean of the information schools at Catholic University and the University of North Texas. He received his Ph.D. in information science and master’s degrees in library science and French intellectual history from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and bachelors degrees in foreign language and history (cum laude) from Seton Hall University. One of his greatest skills and accomplishments in life was making every person he encountered feel special and like an invaluable contributor to whatever task was at hand. He was unabashedly devoted to his wife and daughter, whom he looked to for support and inspiration. He is survived by his wife, Gisela von Dran of Syracuse, NY and his daughter, Beth von Dran of Austin, TX. In lieu of flowers, a fund has been established in Ray’s honor. Donations may be made to the Raymond F. von Dran Fund, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, 343 Hinds Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244. A memorial service will be held on the Syracuse University campus in September. Photos and a memory book may be viewed at
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 8
SAVE THE DATE! October 4 Technology Day 2007 Technology Day 2007 - Working in a Virtual World Sponsored by the Maryland Chapter of SLA Date: Time: Location:
Thursday, 4 October 2007 8:30 AM - 4:15 PM PM Kossiakoff Center, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD
REMINDER - EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS SEPT 10 ASIS&T members receive SLA member rates. #program
JOIN US! You've heard the terms before, maybe even attended talks on these topics in the past. Here's your chance to get the latest updates on these fast-moving technologies. Listen to vendor updates and have the opportunity to ask pointed questions. Get practical advice on how to apply new technologies in your organization in our TechTalk sessions. Exchange success stories and lessonslearned with colleagues. UPDATE - Ran Hock on Search Engines, Session 4. A full day of state-of-the-art technologies & discoveries awaits you! For more information, contact Susan Fingerman,
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 9
Put information overload in its place with Factiva. More isn’t always good – especially when you need to find useful business news or information quickly. You can achieve more, with less frustration, with Factiva because its unique text-mining and visualization technologies make it easier to find essential business information. To learn how technology-enhanced content can give your organization a competitive advantage, download the IDC white paper, “Redefining Business Search -A Picture is Worth a Thousand Documents,” at
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 10
Slate of Candidates for Chapter Office Fall 2008
First Vice President/President-Elect: Three-year commitment. Chair of program committee, works with hospitality committee, becomes President in following year. Richard Huffine Richard Huffine has been a practicing librarian in Washington, DC since 1996 when he relocated from Asheville, North Carolina to take a position with a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Richard spent 9 years working on library and information projects for the U.S. EPA, rising to the position of National Program Manager for the EPA's National Library Network. Richard recently took a new position as the National Library Coordinator for the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, Virginia. In his personal life, Richard is also active in the community in support of public libraries in the District of Columbia. As president of the Friends of the Mount Pleasant Library and the Federation of Friends of the DC Public Library, he helps coordinate support and advocacy among Friends organizations across the District. Richard was also the founding chair of the Government Information Division within the Special Libraries Association in 2004. Statement of Interest I would like to serve as President-Elect of the DC Chapter of SLA in order to strengthen connections among special librarians in the DC area and further the excellent work done in recent years of growing the size of the Chapter. As President-Elect, Richard would like to continue working with other local organizations and would like to bring a variety of new programming ideas to information professionals here in the Washington, DC area. Richard has also been involved in the DC/SLA community outreach projects and is interested in seeing that program become a part of more chapter DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 11
members' SLA experience. Finally, Richard is interested in expanding the pool of active DC/SLA members that can help lead the Chapter into the future and he hopes to find new members as active and engaged as our long-time members continue to be into the future. Greta D. Ober-Beauchesne Greta Ober-Beauchesne is Archives Research Librarian, Archives and Records Management, Information Services Division of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). She has held this position since 1999. Greta spent one year (1998) at the World Bank/IFC and, prior to that, worked for 8 years in various types of research institutes. Greta has been very active in SLA on both the local and national levels. Until her term expires in January 2008, Greta holds the position of Chair of the SLA Social Science Division. A member of DC/SLA since 1989, Greta has served as co-editor of the Newsletter (1995-1998), Co-Chair of the Internet Committee (1997-2001), and Membership Chair (2001-2002). Greta designed the DC Chapter’s first Web page, serving as Webmaster (1997-1998), started the DC Chapter’s Discussion List, serving as list owner (1997-2001), and served as Social Science Division Webmaster (2003-2005). Greta has been honored with DC/SLA’s Board of Directors Award (1998), Member of the Year Award (1999) and the Special Recognition Award (2000). Statement of Interest It is an honor to be nominated as a candidate for President-Elect of the DC Chapter of SLA. As I complete my term as Chair of the Social Science Division, being appointed to this highly visible position would give me the opportunity to continue as a leader within SLA. As a Division leader I have established relationships and developed contacts that could be transferred to Chapter activities. With DC Chapter members spanning across all SLA Divisions, I envision partnership opportunities with Divisions. As the largest Chapter of SLA, I would like to maintain and possibly even increase this number. Continuing to provide and promote our excellent programs, while at the same time highlighting and encouraging any DC Chapter member activities will
increase visibility of our Chapter, ensuring that we remain Number 1 !! Second Vice President: One year commitment. Works with President-Elect and maintains Chapter Manual. Sage Hulsebus Sage Hulsebus received her MLS from the Catholic University of America in May 2004 and since then has worked as a librarian at the Freedom Forum/Newseum. From July 2005 through December 2006 she was co-chair of the DC/SLA Students/Young Professionals and she currently serves on the DC/SLA Student Scholarships committee. She is a recipient of the DC/SLA Member of the Year award and is a member of Beta Phi Mu. Before becoming a DC area dwelling librarian, Sage was an Iowa dwelling victim’s advocate at a domestic violence shelter. Statement of Interest I am excited and honored to be a nominee for Second Vice President. I believe in the strength and value of a strong DC/SLA chapter. In terms of information sharing, networking, and professional development this chapter can't be beaten. I enjoy being an active member of this very active chapter. I strongly believe in the importance and benefits of membership and I hope to continue my service to the chapter as Second Vice President.
Ann Wakefield Ann Wakefield is currently a reference librarian for the United States Postal Service Corporate Library in Washington, DC. Prior to her service with the USPS, she was a reference librarian at the library of U.S. News & World Report and at trade association and academic libraries. She received her AB from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and her AMLS from the University of Michigan. Ann has been a member of SLA and the DC Chapter for a number of years. Statement of Interest I am interested in becoming Second Vice President of the DC Chapter of SLA because I want to become more involved with the chapter and the association. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 12
I have attended various chapter events and a couple of national conferences over the years and have enjoyed those experiences in addition to what I have learned. Through SLA, I have met and have become acquainted with many talented and bright librarians. By becoming more involved, I hope to continue to grow professionally and also make a contribution to SLA and the DC Chapter.
Communications Secretary: One year commitment. Promotes chapter events and arranges for coverage of events/photos. Lorraine Bell Lorraine Bell is the Sr. Marketing Coordinator for Learning & Information Professional Programs at Dow Jones. She assists with the strategic planning, marketing, and professional development activities for the information professional audience. Additional responsibilities include product training and managing the Library and Information Science Program. She is also the Dow Jones liaison for the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP). Lorraine is a member of the DC and Maryland Chapters of SLA. She served a very rewarding twoyear term as the DC/SLA Chapter Hospitality Chair and as a member of the SLA Exhibitors’ Advisory Council. She is currently a member of the 2008 SLA Annual Conference Planning Committee. Statement of Interest As Communications Secretary, I would make others aware of the value in being a member of the Chapter by spreading the word about the many informative programs, projects and networking opportunities the Chapter provides. This would also be an opportunity to promote the mentoring, support and fellowship offered by Chapter members. Writing about Chapter programs and its members will help generate interest in the Chapter. I would like the chance to let others know about the dynamic DC Chapter and make them eager to join. Virginia Richards Ginger Richards relocated to DC in 2004 from Denver, Colorado after several years of working in public libraries. She received her MLIS from
Catholic University of America in 2005 and is currently serving as the Systems Librarian at the Wirtz Labor Library in the U.S. Department of Labor. In her spare time Ginger is an avid cyclist and she plays guitar for the DC-based 60’s garagerock band The Hall Monitors. Ginger is also a member of the honor society Beta Phi Mu. Statement of Interest As the Communications Secretary for the DC Chapter of SLA, I aim to maintain communication within the DC Chapter as well as the greater SLA community. Communication is a vital part of our profession; therefore, I am eager to carry out this duty in order to help assist the dynamic and supportive members of the DC/SLA community.
Director: Two-year term. Special projects and assignments, including membership, vendor relations, sponsorship solicitations. Michael Gruenberg Michael Gruenberg, Executive Director of Corporate Sales for ProQuest, has been in the information industry for many years. He began his career with Disclosure and spent twenty years there as VP of Global Sales. Mike has also worked for Oxford Analytica and OneSource before joining ProQuest. Prior to moving to the D.C. area, Mike was heavily involved with the NY Chapter and hopes to maintain friendships on both sides of the Hudson River with each chapter. In his spare time, Mike writes a column for an on-line music site, plays tennis and is an avid collector of music. Also, Mike serves on the SLA Grants & Endowment Committee. Julia Leggett Julia Leggett has served as an Acquisitions Librarian, Knowledge Services Group, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress since 2005. Prior to that, Julia was a Leadership Development Fellow (2004-2005) at the Library of Congress where she worked in LC's Strategic Planning Office. She was an Acquisitions Librarian for the Copyright Acquisitions Division, U.S. Copyright Office (1999-2004). Julia has DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2007 | pg 13
served as DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager from 2006 to present and was the winner of the 1997 SLA Affirmative Action Scholarship Award. Statement of Interest It is an honor to be nominated as a candidate for Director of DC/SLA. I want to contribute to our association by applying the knowledge and skills I learned from the leadership development program. Ideas + Enthusiasm + Actions = Results. If elected, I will commit myself to develop smart, resultoriented strategies and work cooperatively with other board members to achieve our strategic goals.
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