President's Corner: Don’t Forget to Vote Submitted by Susan Fournier,
Now that we are coming near the end of the first regular year of the new SLA governance calendar, we are deep into elections, both for the Association and Chapter. Since the Association’s governance year runs January through December (rather than the previous June through May), elections are held in the Fall rather than in the Spring. If you have not cast your ballot for SLA please do so now. A number of Chapter members are candidates—Susan Fifer-Canby for Chapter Cabinet Chair-Elect and David Shumaker for Division Cabinet Chair-Elect (both Past-Presidents of the Chapter) and James King for Director. Polls close October 11 at 5:00 p.m. EDT. And, don’t forget to vote in the Chapter elections that begin on October 5 and conclude on October 22. Complete information, including candidate statements, is available on the Chapter Web site and also included in this issue. We will be conducting the election electronically and you will receive notification by email. For those of you who receive the paper version of Chapter Notes, you will be receiving a paper ballot. If you would like to vote by mail and do not receive a paper ballot, please contact our Elections Chair, Catherine Kitchell, or call her at 703-3413311. October is also the time for our second round of Dine Arounds. Watch the list and check out the Web site for a Dine Around near you. If you don’t see a convenient venue, why not volunteer to host one? It is easy; contact Rick Davis. In addition, the annual Professional Enhancement Day is scheduled for October 26: Seeking Skills: What Employers Want and Need is the focus of this year’s event. The planners have a half-day of speakers and learning opportunities. And, the ever-popular Resume Critique is also on the program. See the article on page 6 for all the details and registration information. Anne Caputo, Awards Committee Chair, is seeking nominations for both SLA and Chapter awards. Chapter award nominations are due October 19 and the awards will be presented at our Annual Meeting and Banquet in December. Details are on page 5.
October 2007 Volume 68 No. 9
Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 DC/SLA Triumphs …….3 Dine Around Schedule …4 Professional Enhancement Day ……….…………..…6 How Journalists Search …7 SLA 2009 .…...………...7 Community Survey Results……………………8 Obituary………………….11 Election Slate ……………13 Volunteer Form …………16 Read about the new products and services from: • • • • •
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