DC/SLA Chapter Notes - November 2007

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President's Corner: Members Make the Chapter Great Submitted by Susan Fournier, Susan.Fournier@icba.org

As I write this column, we have ended our chapter elections and are preparing for the annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception. Both of these events signal the importance of our members’ support to the continued growth and strength of our association. Without our valiant and reliable volunteers, we could not offer the variety or the number of programs that we do throughout the year. Many, many people make our program year possible. We would like to see more of you volunteer whatever time you can to support your chapter. There is a niche somewhere in DC/SLA for you and your talents.

November 2007 Volume 68 No. 10 http://www.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

Inside this issue: President’s Corner ………1 Annual Banquet …...…….3

My first role in a library association started shortly after I was hired as a children’s librarian in the DC Public Library, many moons ago. I was asked to lead the Children & Young Adults Interest Group, at the time the most active group. I had no idea what I was getting into. But, with lots of support from colleagues, I did maintain the C&YA reputation. And, because I felt I could do better, I continued another year, bringing on someone as co-chair to prime for the following year. I don’t expect everyone to jump into the fray quite the way I did; but I did learn how to organize a program, contact speakers, run a meeting and speak before groups other than children and their parents. My roles in DCLA added increasingly more responsibility. When my career took the turn to association libraries, I joined DC/SLA because a colleague I had met at brown bag lunch asked me to help with the Technology Group programming. And look where I ended up! The skills gained through my volunteerism have helped me promote my organization’s library services. By presenting workshops at my organization’s annual convention, my services as a solo librarian stay front and center with our members and staff. As this year is winding down, it is time to start thinking about next year. I know, Halloween will soon pass and Thanksgiving and Christmas are yet to come. But, DC/SLA can stop for no holiday! Diane Schnurrpusch, President-Elect, needs to fill committee and group chair slots very soon-- this is where you come in. The new governance calendar doesn’t allow much time to be up and running with a slate of programs for the coming year; we must start planning now. Take a few moments, now, before you finish reading this column to look over the committees and groups that support Chapter activities.

Idea Mapping ……………4 SLA 2009….…………..…5 How Journalists Search. …7 Members Corner …………8 Volunteer Reception …….9 South African Stories……10 Volunteer Form …………13 Read about the new products and services from: • • • •

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