DC/SLA Chapter Notes - January/February 2008

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President's Corner: Mining the Past for a Pathway to the Future By Diane R. Schnurrpusch, dschnurr@dtic.mil The DC/SLA Web site is a treasure-trove of information for an incoming officer, especially the President. Leading the largest chapter of SLA is humbling responsibility requiring knowledge of the past as well as a vision for the future. Numerous archived documents on our site tell the story of an organization always finding new ways to reach out to its membership. Armed with these “lessons learned,” I will work with all of you to continue this tradition of excellence. What did I learn from studying the past? I noticed that something happened during the fall of 2007 that went virtually unnoticed. DC/SLA’s Web site turned 10 years old. In the November 1997 issue of Chapter Notes, then President Ellie Briscoe announced, “We are on the WEB!!!” Our 2008 1st Vice-President, President-Elect, Greta OberBeauchesne led the Internet Committee that birthed this new means of communication for our chapter. Congratulations to those innovators and all who have made our site what it is today. Our DC/SLA Web site is well organized and well designed; as a result, it is one of the Chapter’s strongest communication and marketing tools. Look it over, enjoy it, and don’t hesitate to offer new ideas.

January/ February 2008 Volume 69, No. 1 www.units.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 2007 Year in Review..……...3 Mike McCurry……………...5 Award Winners……….……7 Surviving in the New Digital Ecosystem..………………...8 DC/SLA Book Club…………..…………….9 Egypt's Bibliotheca Alexandrina....………..........9 Upcoming Events………....13

At the recent Annual Business Meeting and Holiday Party, I talked about my vision for 2008. I used three words starting with the letter “C” to summarize what I hope to accomplish with your help.

Member Notes………….....15

Continuity: As is often said, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” The Chapter has many aspects that are working very well. While there is always room for some improvement, we will continue to offer those programs and services that our members find beneficial. The popular twice-monthly Click U Live virtual seminars will still be offered free to members at various DC locations. The Dine Around series will continue to bring together those connected by geographic location, career interests, or love of a particular cuisine. The Web site, discussion list, and newsletter will go on to regularly inform our virtual audience. Local programs will again offer opportunities for face-to-face communication.

Read about new products and services from:

Grant Announcement……..15

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OCLC Eastern InfoCurrent Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International

Check us out on the Web! www.units.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

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