President's Corner: Members Make the Difference By Diane R. Schnurrpusch,
DC/SLA offers many opportunities to learn and network with other information professionals. Sometimes they are formal, with exquisitely planned programs. Other times, they are casual, spontaneous, and most of all ….FUN! Our March schedule of Dine Arounds was no exception. Thanks to Lea Wade for coordinating all the dinners and to the hosts for being so gracious. I attended two of these events. One was sponsored by our Young Professionals in response to a request from the Eastern Canada Chapter of SLA. Students from the University of Montreal planned a visit to the Library of Congress, and thought it would be fun to meet some local SLA members. Thanks to Emily Huston and Michelle Melencio for quickly organizing a Dine Around. For more about the trip organized by the students, see the Eastern Canada Chapter’s Web site and a set of their pictures at Included are some DC Chapter members you may know. (No French skills are required to enjoy the images.) The second dinner I attended was organized by Michael Chesnes and Suzanne Pilsk to bring like-minded people together and reinvigorate DC SLA’s Cataloging Group. There was a lot of enthusiasm, with plans being made to meet again soon ….not just for dinner, but to discuss common interests or hear from a speaker. Some more formal networking opportunities are coming in the next couple months. Besides our regular Click U seminars, there will be a number of evening meetings. You will read elsewhere in this issue about both the International Special Librarians Day on April 17 and the Joint Spring Workshop on April 29. Looking ahead to May, there will be a special Town Hall Meeting on May 8 to talk about Information Ethics and a proposed SLA Code of Ethics. The annual New Member Reception is scheduled for May 15. Members who joined DC SLA since the last reception in May 2007 will be the Chapter’s honored guests. Watch the calendar for more information.
April 2008 Volume 69, No. 3
Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 Information Ethics and SLA………………....……...3 How Can Special Libraries Thrive? Part Two…………...5 Joint Spring Workshop.…….7 International Special Librarians Day……………...9 Upcoming Events………......9 Member Notes………….....13
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