DC/SLA Chapter Notes - May 2008

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President's Corner: Chapter Events of Note By Diane R. Schnurrpusch, dschnurr@dtic.mil

It CAN BE EASY being green! SLA recently announced that Presidential citations would be given later this year to honor individual SLA members and units committed to green practices through the “Knowledge to Go Green” initiative. Whether or not we receive citations, we are all winners if we can make a difference to our world. Our chapter leaders have brainstormed a few ideas for conducting business in a more environmentally friendly way. Using less paper is one answer. I would like to hear YOUR ideas. I will share them with all of you in a future issue, and we will try to incorporate some in our chapter’s practices. Volunteer Opportunities The Local Arrangements Committee for the 2009 SLA Conference is recruiting volunteers to man an exhibit booth for five days at SLA 2008 in Seattle. If you will be there, please pledge an hour or two to share your vast knowledge of the capital area with our colleagues from around the world. Even if you don’t feel like an expert, there will be training and resources available to transform you to a confident ambassador for DC. Most of the time there will be two or three people working together. Contact Barbie Keiser at barbieelene@att.net or 646-526-3996 for a timeslot. Believe me, the booth will an exciting place to be. I am also looking for a few more Chapter volunteers. Does one of these jobs sound perfect for you? •

Seeking SLA 2008 attendees to write brief articles about their conference experience for the August edition of Chapter Notes. You can write about a session, a tour, a series of events, an evening program, or whatever appeals to you. Please commit to Jenny O’Shea before the conference, if possible, so that she can plan the issue. We need digital photographers for various Chapter activities. (Two or three people could share the duties.)

May 2008 Volume 69, No. 4 Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 Information Ethics and SLA………………....……...3 New Members Reception.….4 Lubuto Library Project...…...5 DGI at SLA…….………......7 Student Scholarships…….....7 DOI Library Events………..9 Member Notes…………….10 Book Club………………...10

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