President's Corner: Summer Musings …… By Diane R. Schnurrpusch, When I was a youngster, summer was a time for relaxing, new adventures, and informal learning. During my years as a public school teacher, I could easily maintain that schedule. As a special librarian, I don’t have the summer off. However, I still try to keep some of that summertime spirit alive-- and I hope you do, too. If you attended the SLA Conference in Seattle, you should be off to a good start. Adventures were plentiful. The Space Needle, the architecturally interesting Seattle Central Library, a wide variety of tours, and cruises all drew SLA members like magnets. For those who did not venture far away, much fun and relaxation was flowing at breakfasts, receptions, open houses, and the closing party.
August 2008 Volume 69, No. 6 Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 Board Nominations Sought...3 Special Report: SLA 2009 DC/SLA Booth...…..……….4 Conference Reports…..…….5 PAM Update...……………...8 Meet the Candidates……....10
It’s not too late!
Chapter Book Club………..11
While we were gaining many new skills and ideas throughout the conference, we were also challenged by SLA to learn 23 Things in Web 2.0 technologies. As I write, I am still in the beginning stages of this program. But, summer is not over yet, and I plan to catch up. It reminds me of all my summer 4-H projects years ago. Those required some determination and the prodding of some great club leaders to keep me on track, but it was all worth it by summer’s end. Think of this SLA initiative as a similar project-- the 23 Things committee and your fellow participants will keep you moving along. At summer’s end, you won’t win a blue ribbon at the county fair, but you will have some new technology skills to show for it. If you do complete all 23 Things by September 15, you will receive a certificate and possibly a prize. As extra incentive, I invite you to tell me when you reach your goal. All chapter members completing 23 Things will be recognized in a future Chapter Notes issue. Please do not be shy. You will have every right to toot your own horn for this accomplishment. As I write this column, there are over 400 SLA members registered for the program. The DC Chapter should be well represented. To start, just go to the SLA homepage ( where you will see 23 Things listed under Useful Resources.
Upcoming Dine Arounds…11 Military Librarians’ Group..11 Conservation Events……...12 Spend a Day with a Special Librarian…….………….....13
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