President's Corner: Challenges and Opportunities By Diane R. Schnurrpusch, In hard economic times, people look for ways to cut back on personal spending and get the most for their hard-earned dollars. Whether it is learning, networking, socializing, or service opportunities, DC/SLA features many affordable options. Investing even a small amount of your cash and your time will bring untold rewards both personally and professionally. I hope you will find something in this issue of Chapter Notes that will motivate you to take advantage of your membership benefits. 23 Things Countdown Restarted Deb Hunt, Chair of SLA’s 23 Things Committee, made a welcome announcement recently. SLA members have an additional three months to sign up OR to complete 23 Things, the Association-wide Web 2.0 learning initiative introduced by SLA President Stephen Abram. There will be certificates and prizes for those who complete all 23 Things by December 15th. I hope to hear from all DC chapter members who complete all 23 or at least a baker’s dozen of 13 Things, so they can be recognized in Chapter Notes for this amazing accomplishment. Save the Date for the 2008 Annual Business Meeting and Holiday Banquet The DC Chapter will meet again at the lovely Woman’s National Democratic Club near Dupont Circle on December 4th. The keynote speaker will be Mr. Robert A. Dubill, a founder and retired executive editor of USA Today. A journalist for over 40 years, Mr. Dubill was previously executive editor of Gannett News Service in Washington DC. Under his direction, GNS earned two dozen national awards for enterprise and excellence, including the 1980 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. In retirement, Mr. Dubill (who also holds a law degree) lectures at universities and K-12 schools and has conducted journalism seminars in newsrooms across the USA. He will speak to DC/SLA about why librarians and journalists are critical to a democracy and will relate that belief to stories he has covered while working on literally thousands of articles.
October 2008 Volume 69, No. 8
Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 Researching Federal Regulations ...………..…......3 Civil War Tour ..…………...4 Using Trends Analysis ....….6 Chapter Book Club …..…….6 DC/SLA Board Nominees.....7 Your Library’s Value……..13 Click U Classes ……..........13 Nominations for SLA Awards…………….……...15
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