President's Corner: Past, Present, and Future of DC/SLA By Diane R. Schnurrpusch, Generally, outgoing DC/SLA presidents devote their last newsletter columns to summaries of the past year and appreciation to everyone who made it possible. This column will be no different. However, with SLA’s Centennial waiting in the wings, there is much to look forward to. I hope you will be inspired to be an active part of that celebration, as we commemorate progress of information professionals in our nation’s capital over the last 100 years.
November/ December 2008 Volume 69, No. 9 Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 SLA Recruiting ……..…......3 Be A Mentor…..…………...4 DC/SLA Banquet ....……….6
Looking back at 2008
Get “Unspun” ………..…….7
In 2008 DC/SLA hosted 9 events with live speakers, 20 Click-U Live sessions, 2 Click-U Replays, 4 Book Club meetings, 6 Young Professionals Happy Hours, 1 Meet the SLA Presidential Candidate Happy Hour, 9 Dine Arounds, 3 tours, Spend A Day with a Special Librarian, and the 2009 Conference Booth. We issued 9 newsletters and monthly calendars. We kept our discussion list and Web site current. We introduced a 2009 Conference Wiki, a DC Chapter Wiki, a LinkedIn DC Mentor Group, and a DC/SLA Facebook Group.
Events & Announcements….8 Click U Opportunity…..…..11 Volunteer Banquet…...........12 New DC/SLA Members…..13 New Board Members……..14
It took at least 150 volunteers to make all of the above possible. Please join me in thanking all of those who helped to serve over 1,000 DC Chapter members, as well as potential members. Many individuals, committees, and groups worked tirelessly and with much creativity to make 2008 a spectacular year. st
Special recognition goes to 1 VP, President-Elect, Greta OberBeauchesne for planning and coordinating all of the events in 2008. She is now trying to fill committee positions for next year. If you would like to be more active in the chapter, contact Greta at
SLA Award Nominations... 16 Read about products and services from: • • • • • •
Library Associates Research Solutions Gale Cengage Learning EOS International Leadership Directories TRAK Companies
DC/SLA Election Outcome Thank you to all the candidates who ran for DC/SLA Board of Directors seats. It is worth noting that all of our candidates were willing to share their time and talents with such a large and active organization. We look
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