DC/SLA Chapter Notes - November/December 2008

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President's Corner: Past, Present, and Future of DC/SLA By Diane R. Schnurrpusch, dschnurr@dtic.mil Generally, outgoing DC/SLA presidents devote their last newsletter columns to summaries of the past year and appreciation to everyone who made it possible. This column will be no different. However, with SLA’s Centennial waiting in the wings, there is much to look forward to. I hope you will be inspired to be an active part of that celebration, as we commemorate progress of information professionals in our nation’s capital over the last 100 years.

November/ December 2008 Volume 69, No. 9 Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 SLA Recruiting ……..…......3 Be A Mentor…..…………...4 DC/SLA Banquet ....……….6

Looking back at 2008

Get “Unspun” ………..…….7

In 2008 DC/SLA hosted 9 events with live speakers, 20 Click-U Live sessions, 2 Click-U Replays, 4 Book Club meetings, 6 Young Professionals Happy Hours, 1 Meet the SLA Presidential Candidate Happy Hour, 9 Dine Arounds, 3 tours, Spend A Day with a Special Librarian, and the 2009 Conference Booth. We issued 9 newsletters and monthly calendars. We kept our discussion list and Web site current. We introduced a 2009 Conference Wiki, a DC Chapter Wiki, a LinkedIn DC Mentor Group, and a DC/SLA Facebook Group.

Events & Announcements….8 Click U Opportunity…..…..11 Volunteer Banquet…...........12 New DC/SLA Members…..13 New Board Members……..14

It took at least 150 volunteers to make all of the above possible. Please join me in thanking all of those who helped to serve over 1,000 DC Chapter members, as well as potential members. Many individuals, committees, and groups worked tirelessly and with much creativity to make 2008 a spectacular year. st

Special recognition goes to 1 VP, President-Elect, Greta OberBeauchesne for planning and coordinating all of the events in 2008. She is now trying to fill committee positions for next year. If you would like to be more active in the chapter, contact Greta at gretaob@gmail.com.

SLA Award Nominations... 16 Read about products and services from: • • • • • •

Library Associates Research Solutions Gale Cengage Learning EOS International Leadership Directories TRAK Companies

DC/SLA Election Outcome Thank you to all the candidates who ran for DC/SLA Board of Directors seats. It is worth noting that all of our candidates were willing to share their time and talents with such a large and active organization. We look

Check us out on the Web! www.units.sla.org/Chapter/cdc

Chapter Notes is the newsletter of the Washington, D.C. Chapter of the Special Libraries Association (SLA). It is distributed ten times per year—monthly, except for combined issues in June/ July and November/ December. Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions: Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions are available to non-members at a rate of $10 per year. The newsletter is also available electronically at the chapter's website, www.units.sla.org/Chapter/cdc. Advertising: Advertising rates (effective September 1997) are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager, Charlotte White. The deadline for the January 2009 issue is December 20th. The issue will be distributed approximately one week after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes or requests for mailing address changes should be sent to the Editor. Chapter Notes Editor: Jenny O'Shea Library, U.S. News & World Report Phone: 202-955-2087 oshea.jenny@gmail.com Chapter Notes Business Manager: Charlotte White cwhite@fmc.gov DC/SLA Webmaster: Krista Mantsch National Geographic Society Libraries and Information Services 1145 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-457-8450 kmantsch@ngs.org DC/SLA Discussion List Manager: Gulnar Nagashybayeva Government Documents Librarian NOAA Central Library SSMC-3, 2nd fl., E/OC4 1315 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: 301-713-2607, ext. 143 gulnar.nagashybayeva@noaa.gov

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forward to working with every one of them in 2009. Those who will be joining the board in 2009 are: James King – 1st VP, President-Elect Jessica Beauchamp – 2nd Vice President Kimberly Ferguson - Director Eileen Deegan – Recording Secretary Bill Tuceling – Communications Secretary Gulnar Nagashybayeva – Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect Annual Banquet Reservations deadline before Thanksgiving Elsewhere in this issue, you can read about the Annual Banquet and Holiday Party on December 4th. Due to the holiday and intervening weekend, the deadline for RSVP and payment is Wednesday, November 26th. Join your colleagues for an evening of good conversation, delicious food, an interesting speaker, and honoring our scholarship and award winners. Please see the article for more details to register now! Looking ahead to 2009 Membership Renewal Reminder – For DC/SLA to offer economical programs to chapter members, we rely on the annual allotment from SLA. Our chapter’s allotment is based on our membership total on December 31, 2008. We are entering the busiest time of the year and good intentions often are overtaken by holiday events. If your dues expire on or before December 31, please take a few minutes now to ensure that DC/SLA can maintain a vibrant program, especially during SLA’s Centennial year. Log in to the SLA Web site and go to the Membership Renewal section (http://www.sla.org/cvcfm/accountOpts.cfm) or handle your mail only once when the official reminder comes from SLA. Membership Drive – SLA is running a membership drive from October 1 – December 31, 2008. Here is an opportunity for you to swell the ranks of DC/SLA. With the annual conference in our fair city next year, there are many benefits you can promote to your colleagues (starting with the member price for

registration). And, by assisting your friends in making this wise decision, there could be prizes and recognition for you. See a complete article on the membership drive in this issue. Centennial Committee – We held a brainstorming session and we have co-chairs now. Barbara Ferry and Alison Raab Labonte will work with James King (incoming 1st VP and programs chair) to chart our way through a year of special activities designed to celebrate SLA’s 100 years in 2009. Our theme for the year will be “A Capital Celebration.” Look for event announcements soon. Thanks to all who have contributed their time and ideas so far. By-Laws Vote – SLA is conducting a vote on ByLaws changes including: • • •

Changing length of terms for the cabinet officers from two years to three years. Adding the positions of past chapter cabinet chair and past division cabinet chair. Reducing the number of three-year directors from six to four.

All SLA members with email addresses should have received emails with the voting link on November 5th. Voting will remain open through November 24th. For more information, consult the SLA site. If you have any questions regarding the election, or would like to request a print ballot, contact the e-vote information center at evote@sla.org or (703) 6474950. Final thoughts As I end my term as President, I thank all of you for this great honor. I have enjoyed meeting and corresponding with many of you in the past two years. I look forward to continued service in the years to come, and watching as DC/SLA evolves to meet the needs of its members and the information profession.

Becoming a Professional Role Model the SLA Way By Julia Leggett Have you ever thought about what you can do to help your colleagues or friends advance in their career, get a scholarship to study in library school, build a professional network, take continuing education courses at no cost, or simply find a group of information professionals to socialize with after work? The answer is simple: spread the word among your colleagues about SLA. Tell them a personal story about the benefits you've gained as a SLA member, and recruit them to join SLA. It's a win-win solution for both you and your colleagues. SLA headquarters has launched a 2008 Recruit-AMember Campaign, which runs from October 1 through December 31st. This is a great opportunity to reach out to your colleagues or friends and ask them become SLA members. Meanwhile, you will have a chance to win several prizes. Are you planning to attend the 2009 SLA Annual conference & INFO-EXPO in Washington, D.C.? Recruit a new member and you will have a chance to win a complimentary registration to the conference. Converting this prize into a dollar amount, that will save you between $395 (early bird registration) and $675. (05/02/09 - onsite registration) Is your membership about to expire at the end of the year? Recruit new members. Each member you recruit increases your chance of winning a free membership renewal for 2009. That will save you $160 for a full year’s membership. Are you interested in being a member of the President's Club? If you recruit at least one new member, your name will be added to the rolls of the President's Club, and you will receive a President's Club lapel pin in recognition of your dedication to SLA. Do you want to take an interesting course from SLA’s Click U Live!? Recruit a new member, and you will have the opportunity to win a 2008 Click U Live! Replay. Recruit and win-- it's THAT EASY!

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SLA headquarters has designed a user-friendly Recruit-A-Member Campaign information package. It has tips for recruitment, a toolkit for recruiting and even a template email you may use to recruit a member. To access this information, please visit http://www.sla.org/content/membership/getamembers /index.cfm Please let your colleagues or friends know that they can join our chapter free of charge when they become a SLA member. To do so, they can simply select DC/SLA as the local chapter when they fill out the SLA Membership Application Form. By participating in the Recruit-A-Member Campaign, you not only have a chance to win a prize, but also gain the satisfying experience of being your colleagues’ role model in their professional development and career advancement. According to an article entitled "Go-Getters Use Groups to Get Ahead; Squeeze in Time for Professional Associations," published in the Washington Post on July 1, 2007, one of the best ways to boost your career is to become involved in a professional organization. Reach out to your colleagues or friends in person, by phone, or by email to share with them about your experience in SLA. Play a role model in your professional development, and encourage your colleagues to become members in order to gain the full benefits of being a part of our professional association. It’s a win-win solution for both you and the recruited members.

Help Yourself! Help the Chapter! Join the DC/SLA Mentoring Group! By David Shumaker DC/SLA Mentoring Committee DC/SLA has taken a big step toward a long sought goal – establishing a mentoring program to help newer members and more experienced professionals connect for professional development. We’ve done this using an established Web 2.0 tool, the business networking site LinkedIn. Now, the next step is yours: join! Whether you’re in your first job and looking for some career advice, or you’re a seasoned professional with lots of experience to share – help yourself and someone else by joining LinkedIn (if you haven’t already) and signing up for our group. What Is Mentoring? Mentoring is a professional relationship established usually between a more experienced professional (mentor) and a less experienced professional (mentee) for the purposes of developing the mentee’s career and leadership potential, building working relationships and providing a shared space for communicating improvement ideas. The mentoring relationship is open-ended and flexible, and the type and frequency of communications, as well as the duration of the relationship, are mutually established by the mentor and mentee. To make the relationship productive, mentees should have clear goals for what they would like it to accomplish, and the mentor and mentee should agree on the areas for development. Benefits: Why You Should Join Everyone agrees that mentoring can be a valuable aid to beginning professionals, giving them a source of professional and career advice to draw on. It’s even recognized in the SLA mission statement: “The Special Libraries Association promotes and strengthens its members through learning, advocacy, and networking initiatives.” The mentoring relationship’s core purpose is the professional development of the mentee through the counsel and guidance of the mentor. Mentees receive invaluable life learning experiences, and mentors are rewarded in having the opportunity to share their knowledge, insights and perspectives – as well as

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gaining new insights from the fresh perspective of the mentee. Mentoring relationships often have a significant and beneficial impact/effect on the life and work style of the mentee – and the mentor. Also, the organization (in this case, DC/SLA) benefits through the engagement and growth of both mentee and mentor in the profession. How To Get Started First, you have to be a member of LinkedIn. If you’re not, go to www.linkedin.com and sign up for a free account. (There are paid accounts too, but you don’t need the fee-based features to participate in our group.) Then, choose “search groups” and use the search box to search for DC/SLA. You’ll retrieve our group, the “Special Libraries Association DC/SLA Mentoring Group”. Then just click “Join this group” to forward your request to the group owner. You’ll get back an acceptance, and then you can post your questions and interests to the group. If you’re already a LinkedIn member, just follow the process above to search and retrieve the group, and then forward your request to join.

The Long Term A longer term goal for the mentoring program is to provide a model that SLA can build on to develop mentoring capabilities for the whole association. Many groups within SLA are exploring different approaches. Through our Chapter experiences, we’ll be able to help focus SLA initiatives. Once again, DC/SLA will lead the way! We look forward to connecting with you on LinkedIn!

SLA Centennial Video Contest SLA is holding a video contest to celebrate the organization’s first 100 years of supporting information professionals. If you have an idea of how librarianship-- and SLA-- will change over the next century, consider creating a video with the theme “The SLA Information Professional of Tomorrow.”

How It Works Once you’ve joined the group, you can start a discussion, link with other members, and send email to others as well. So, if there’s a topic you’d like to send out to the group, start a discussion. If you become interested in exploring a professional mentoring relationship with another member, you can use the LinkedIn group to connect with that person. How to Get Help The DC/SLA Mentoring Committee: David Shumaker, Michele Masias and Britton Perry are your point of contact for assistance. Feel free to email us or (preferably) contact us through LinkedIn if you have questions or need help.

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Winners will be announced at the Leadership Summit in January, and entries will be shown at next year’s centennial SLA conference in Washington, D.C. Not only could your contribution be shown at the conference, but winning entrants will receive cash prizes as well as money to attend the conference and funding for chapter programming. Rules and deadlines are available on the SLA wiki: http://wiki.sla.org/display/CCWIKI/Centennial+Vide o+Contest Or, watch a video which explains more: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=yXR-e2tiDQs

DC/SLA Annual Banquet Librarians and Journalists: Central to Democracy As DC/SLA rounds the corner to 2009, there is much to celebrate. We take pride in another successful year as a chapter while anticipating SLA’s Centennial and the next 100 years. Join your colleagues for a memorable Annual Meeting and Holiday Party featuring gourmet food, charming and historic surroundings, an attention-grabbing keynote address, and conversation second to none. Our distinguished speaker will be Mr. Robert A. Dubill, a founder and retired executive editor of USA Today. A journalist for over 40 years, Mr. Dubill was previously executive editor of Gannett News Service in Washington DC. Under his direction, GNS earned two dozen national awards for enterprise and excellence, including the 1980 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. In retirement, Mr. Dubill (who also holds a law degree) lectures at universities and K-12 schools, and has conducted journalism seminars in newsrooms across the United States. He will speak to DC/SLA about why librarians and journalists are critical to a democracy and will relate that belief to stories he has covered while working on literally thousands of articles. DATE:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

TIME: 6:00pm to 7:00pm-- Reception *FREE wine, beer, and soft drinks during reception* 7:00pm to 9:30pm-- Dinner, Business Meeting, and Presentation LOCATION: Woman's National Democratic Club 1526 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington , DC METRO:

Dupont Circle


Entree (choose one):

* Surf and Turf: Marinated grilled chicken breast and lump crab cake with tartar sauce -- OR -* Portobello Napoleon: Portobello mushroom layered in puff pastry and laced in red pepper and tomato coulis PRICE: $35.00 - Chapter members $45.00 - Non-chapter members $25.00 - Students/retired/unemployed REGISTER: RSVP to Mary Reusch (mary.reusch@lexisnexis.com or 202-776-1382) regardless of form of payment. Registration deadline is November 26.

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Look Back At Campaign 2008 with Brooks Jackson of Factcheck.org By Greta Ober-Beauchesne “UnSpinning Campaign 2008� Presented by Brooks Jackson, author of unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation (http://www.factcheck.org/unspun/) You missed him in Seattle? If you did not attend the SLA Annual Conference in June; or did attend, but were not able to be at this standing room only presentation, then this is your chance! The DC Chapter is proud to have political journalist Brooks Jackson as our speaker for the DC/SLA November program. This timely session follows the U.S. elections of which Mr. Jackson has been steadily monitoring campaign and political ads. Timed for after the elections, he will discuss the proactive strategies voters and information professionals should adopt to ferret out facts and get "unspun." He will relate those strategies to the actual outcome. This is a program not to be missed! Sponsored by: Dow Jones & Company DATE:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TIME: 6:00pm to 8:00pm (Light refreshments 6:00-6:30, program 6:30-8:00) LOCATION: Venable LLP 575 7th St. NW (Eighth Floor) Washington, DC 20004 METRO:

Gallery Place/Chinatown (Red, Yellow, and Green lines) Take the 7th Street exit.

RSVP: Greta Ober, gretaob@gmail.com (Please register early; space is limited. A waitlist will be established if room capacity is reached) Deadline: Monday, November 17th

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PRICE: (please refer to the registration page for payment options: http://units.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events.html) $15.00 DC Chapter members $25.00 Non-chapter members $5.00 Students/retired/unemployed Attention: regardless of payment, ALL attendees must "RSVP."

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DC/SLA Book Club and Reputation Layla Voll Heimlich DC/SLA Book Club Chair The DC/SLA book club had a lively discussion about gossip, shaming, and the new internet norms for privacy and our reputations after reading The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor and Privacy on the Internet, by local author Daniel Solove, a professor of law at George Washington University. In a reflection of our modern information age, members bought print copies, made ILL requests, read the book on line, and printed out chapters from Solove’s web site. Anyone who is interested can read the full text of the book on line for free at Solove’s web site (http://docs.law.gwu.edu/facweb/dsolove/Future-ofReputation/text.htm), which also has additional essays and discussion about many of the issues the book raises. We will be meeting next in January, and anyone is welcome to join us: you do not need to have come to a meeting before, or even to be member of SLA. Suggestions for books are always welcomed: please contact me at Layla_Voll@hotmail.com with any questions or recommendations.

Dinner and FRBR with the Cataloging/ Metadata Group Please join the Cataloging/ Metadata group for a discussion of FRBR: A Guide for the Perplexed by Robert Maxwell. We will be meeting on December 8th at 6:30pm for dinner at: Zack’s Taverna 305 Pennsylvania Ave SE Washington, DC 20003 (202) 547-8360 If you interested in participating in our discussion, RSVP to Michael Chesnes (michael.j.chesnes@nasa.gov), and please indicate if you have dietary or other needs.

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Community Outreach Report: Book Drives for the Lubuto Library Project Were a Success! By Kenlee Ray More than 500 great books were donated to the Lubuto Library Project, thanks to the book drives held by Barbara Folensbee-Moore and the employees of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, Laurie Calhoun and the employees of the International Center for Research on Women, and Eileen Deegan. A lot of work goes into organizing and holding a book drive, and the Community Outreach Committee very much appreciates their efforts. The Lubuto Library Project is getting ready to build its second library in Zambia, and the great books that were collected will be added to the collection for the new library. Any books deemed not appropriate for an African audience were donated to the Friends of the DC Library, a DC Public School library, and other organizations benefiting disadvantaged children in the Washington area. 502 books will help needy children and libraries both in Africa and DC.

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Continuing Education Opportunities through DC/SLA and Click U The DC Chapter is offering a replay of an SLA Click U seminar which was originally held on October 8th, 2008. Please join us, and feel free to share this announcement with others (SLA members or nonmembers) who may be interested. Thursday, November 20th - 6:00 to 8:00 pm SLA Click U Seminar: “The Year in Web Searching: News, Updates, and Changes at Google, Yahoo!, Live, and More”

Price: Free for DC-SLA members $10.00 for non DC Chapter members (payable via PayPal at http://units.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events_files/virtualse minar.html) Attention: regardless of payment, ALL attendees must "RSVP." Please note: Seminars begin PROMPTLY; it is best to arrive at least 10 minutes early to sign in and get seated. Please bring your own handouts. A link to the course materials will be provided a few days before the seminar.

Presented by Greg Notess, Professor and Reference Team Leader, Montana State University Every year, search engines introduce new products, redesign their interfaces, change ranking algorithms, and add or remove search features. Some can significantly change search strategies and the type of results found. Keeping up with all the changes is a daily task. This seminar wades through all the news, new products, and then highlights the most significant changes at each engine that effects search. Discover what has changed at Google, Yahoo!, Live Search, Ask, Gigablast, Exalead, and any new or upcoming search engines.

CUA SLIS Holiday Party DC/SLA members connected with Catholic University’s School of Library and Information Science are encouraged to attend the school’s upcoming holiday party on December 2nd from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

Date: Thursday, November 20th, 2008 Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm (Light refreshments/networking from 6:00 to 6:30; Click U from 6:30 to 8:00)

Alumni, students, faculty, and guests are invited to the event, which is being cohosted by the SLIS Alumni Association and the school’s chapter of AGLISS-- the Association of Graduate Library and Information Science Students.

Location: Independent Community Bankers of America 1615 L St., NW, Suite 900 (9th Floor) Washington, DC

RSVPs are appreciated, especially if you plan to participate in the annual cookie bakeoff! Please email brzozowski@cua.edu by November 25th if you plan to attend.

Metro: Blue/Orange line, Farragut West, 17th Street exit. Red line, Farragut North, K Street exit. RSVP: Susan Fournier, susan.fournier@icba.org

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“Dollars for Scholars” Award - Mike Kowlakowski, Kari Anderson, Alicia Koundakjian, for all the hard work of selecting our scholarship winners! “All Bases Covered” Award - Anne Linton and Terrie Wheeler, for leading the best Joint Spring Workshop ever! “YP Mixer” Award -Carrie Port and Cheri Widowski, for the most networking opportunities for lively young professionals and friends! Photo by Roland Liu

Volunteer Appreciation Reception & Awards By Diane Schnurrpusch Our Chapter’s 2008 Volunteer Appreciation Reception was held on November 3rd. A tradition at these annual events is the awarding of humorous certificates (for real service to the chapter). The certificates listed below were announced to those in attendance. This does not cover all the people-- at least 150-- who helped out this year. We appreciate everyone’s assistance to make our programs successful. ‘Z39.50” Award – Michael Chesnes, for promoting the sharing of cataloging and metadata information using the “eating and having fun” protocol!

“Friends” Award -Erin Clougherty, for starting DC/SLA’s Facebook group! “Many Hats” Award -Greta Ober-Beauchesne, for everything a 1st VP has to do! “I-Record Keeper” Award - Jenny Wood, for taking her Mac laptop everywhere while successfully fulfilling her secretarial duties! “Breaking New Ground” Award - Jessica Beauchamp, for steering our chapter through SLA’s new focus on ethics! “Leave No Stone Unturned” Award – Julia Leggett, for recruiting members from all over the U.S.A.

“Rubber Band” Award -- Sheryl Rosenthal, for stretching to do so many things – awards, nominations, Centennial Committee, and more! “Matchmaker” Award - Dave Shumaker and Michele Masias, for an excellent "Spend a Day with a Special Librarian” and creativity with social networking tools! “Missing the Pope” Award - Victor Monti, for a great International Special Librarian’s Day event even if the Pope didn’t accept his invitation! (This was a running joke that April evening. The 2008 Papal visit occurred the same week in DC.) “Pulitzer for Patience” Award – Jenny O’Shea, for putting up with so many last minute changes, yet making Chapter Notes look so good! DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November/ December 2008 | pg 12

Photo by Roland Liu

Chapter Membership Update By Julia Leggett In September and October, a total of 28 information professionals joined DC/SLA as new members or renewed their memberships. As of October 31, 2008, the total membership in our Chapter reached 1,032. I am glad to announce the names of our new members as well as the names of those who renewed their memberships in the last two months. DC/SLA members enjoy themselves at the volunteer reception. (Photo by Roland Liu)

To all of you, my sincere thanks for your support of our Chapter and congratulations!

“NO-DOZ” Award - Karen Huffman, for creating, teaching and supporting our chapter wikis 24/7!

1. Zeina Mansour, Chevy Chase, MD 2. Anne Less, Washington DC 3. Christine Orr, Washington DC 4. Rivka Yerushalmi, Silver Spring, MD 5. Joyce Garczynski, Jessup, MD 6. Karen Wyatt, Washington DC 7. Jackie Dunbar, Burke,VA 8. Suzanne Ryder, California, MD 9. Lisa Peregory, Arlington, VA 10. Rebecca Aftowicz, Washington DC 11. Susan Panasik, Washington DC 12. Amy Decicco, Washington DC 13. Anne-Marie Cabic, Mclean, VA 14. Ada Cornell, Syracus, NY 15. Allison Rainey, Washington, DC 16. Debra Shumate, Manassas, VA 17. Elizabeth McLean, Huntingtown, MD 18. Lauren Constantino, Green Cove Springs, FL 19. Kathleen McGlaughlin, Greenbelt, MD 20. Nathan Mueller, Stafford, VA 21. Glenn Rossi, Aberdeen, NJ 22. Alexandra Hushour, Washington, DC 23. Rebecca Trinite, Washington, DC 24. Jeremy Frank, Washington, DC 25. Christina DeStefano, Reston, VA 26. Anita Hardy, Rockville, MD 27. Sandy Lewis, Fairfax, VA 28. Bruce Samuelson, Lanham, MD

“Multi-Tasking” Award – Layla Voll Heimlich, for successfully running the Book Club and DC/SLA’s election while planning her wedding! “Chef’s Hat” Award - Lea Wade, for coordinating our ever-popular Dine Arounds! “Town Crier” Award – Lorraine Bell, for outstanding event promotion! “Event Planning 101” Award – Michele Worthington and Ginger Richards, for learning the ropes while on the job! “How Things Work” Award – Sage Hulsebus, for becoming an expert on our chapter’s inner workings to update our chapter manual! “BIG IDEA” Award - Sharon Lenius, for her never-ending supply of spectacular ideas, from “Frozen in Place” to parades and vigils and shirts and more! “List Mom” Award – Gulnar Nagashybayeva, for keeping our discussion list and users straight! “Best Hostess” Award – Susan Fournier, for sharing her wonderful conference room for board meetings, Click U’s, and more ….

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Congratulations to the newly elected DC/SLA board members: 1st Vice President/ President Elect, James King

Recording Secretary, Eileen Deegan

2nd Vice President, Jessica Beauchamp

Communications Secretary, Bill Tuceling

Director, Kimberly Ferguson

Assistant Treasurer/ Treasurer-Elect, Gulnar Nagashybayeva

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Nominate Someone for an SLA Award! SLA and DC/SLA both have Awards & Honors Programs created to honor individuals or groups and their achievements and contributions to the Association, to the DC Chapter and the information profession. The Association bestows awards in twelve categories and the Chapter presents two annual awards. Check the Association Awards on the SLA website. Nominations can be submitted individually to SLA or can be sent via our chapter’s Awards Committee. The deadline for nominations for Chapter Awards has already passed, but suggestions are still being accepted for SLA Association Awards. Our Chapter awards will be presented at the DC/SLA Annual Meeting and Banquet, to be held at the Woman’s Democratic Club in Washington on Thursday, December 4, 2008. The DC/SLA Awards Committee is seeking your input in suggesting names of individuals or groups to be nominated for any of these awards. Nominations should include the following information, much of which can be found in the SLA Membership Directory: Name of Award Name of person submitting nomination Name of nominee or group Nominee address, telephone and email Career Information Employer, Job Title Association Information SLA Member, SLA and/or Chapter Affiliations Reason for Nomination The DC/SLA Awards Committee is made up of Sheryl Rosenthal (chair), Anne Caputo, Susan Fifer Canby, Richard Huffine, Shirley Loo and Barbie Keiser.

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Please send your nominations to Sheryl Rosenthal at rosenthalsk@comcast.net. •

Nominations for SLA Association Awards – to be submitted by our chapter Awards Committee - must be submitted by December 4, 2008

Chapter Member Named Distinguished Alumnus of University of Michigan Congratulations to DC/SLA member Kenlee Ray, who recently received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Michigan School of Information. Ray was chosen for her contributions to the information profession, from her years of service at the World Bank to her volunteer work in Africa. As many of us can attest, she is an active and much honored member of SLA as well. Read an article about this exciting honor here: http://www.si.umich.edu/about-SI/newsdetail.htm?NewsItemID=669 Congratulations, Kenlee!

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