DC/SLA Chapter Notes - January/February 2009

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President's Corner: 2009 - A Capital Celebration! By Greta D. Ober, gretaob@gmail.com Happy New Year! And what a year 2009 will be. SLA is turning 100, and the Annual Conference will be held right here in Washington, DC. As DC Chapter members, we should all be very proud to be the host city during SLA's 100th Anniversary. I am especially honored to serve as the DC Chapter President during this exciting year. For those who don't know me, allow me to introduce myself. I received my MLIS from McGill University in Montreal (yes I am Canadian!). I joined SLA as a student member back in 1989 and have been hooked ever since. I am one of the Research Librarians in the Joint World Bank / IMF Library. I have been with the International Monetary Fund for the past 10 years; previously working at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and other special libraries within the DC area. Before being elected President, I served on a few of the DC Chapter Committees: Chapter Notes editor (when everything was in print and mailed out), back in 1997 I was in fact the very first Discussion List owner, having started the DC Chapter List. At the same time, I also served on the Web Committee, at which time the first DC Chapter website was created. I then took a break from DC Chapter Committees for a few years during which time I took on webmaster duties for the Social Science Division, then in 2007 served as the Chair of the Social Science Division. Throughout this entire time, I also had two children: my daughter is now 16 and my son is 8. At the Annual Board Meeting/ Banquet in December when the gavel was passed to me by Diane Schnurrpusch (now Past-President), I recall mentioning how much satisfaction can be gained by volunteer efforts within SLA. So I wanted to tell you a bit about myself and the positions I've volunteered with SLA (both Chapter and Division). Don't ever think that you are too busy or perhaps not qualified, take advantage of DC Chapter volunteer opportunities as a way for yourself to learn and advance. There are networking, learning, and leadership opportunities, new skills which can be applied to your current job or used to leverage yourself into other positions, and of course wonderful friendships are formed. We are an active and enthusiastic Chapter with various types of committees, so don't be shy - let me know if you are interested in

January/ February 2009 Volume 70, No. 1

Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 State of the Chapter.....…......2 SLA Leadership Summit…...5 From the Archives....……….6 Guy St. Clair Lecture………7 Way Beyond "23 Things"...10 SLA in the Community…...11 Google 101…......................12 Swing Dance! ...............…..13 Classes and Lectures ……..14 Awards and Events……16

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