President's Corner: Off to a Great Start! By Greta D. Ober,
March/ April 2009 Volume 70, No. 2 Inside this issue:
Well Spring has sprung in DC. The weather has gotten warmer, the cherry blossoms appeared right on schedule, and as usual at this time of year, there are more and more people outside, on the streets, sidewalks and riding bikes. So not surprising, attendance at DC Chapter events has been outstanding!
President’s Corner …..……..1 International Librarians….....5 Future of Government….......6 Visiting Lincoln's Cottage….7
As I was putting my thoughts together for this issue of Chapter Notes, I had to step back and relish all that has happened so far. The DC Chapter is well on its way to providing the variety of programs that our members have gotten used to and come to expect. In fact, this being SLA’s year of Centennial celebrations, our Chapter has designed programs to aid in the celebration; so we can all be in the celebration mood!
Swing Dance……….………8
Here is a year-to-date mention of what’s happened so far (programs and committee activities):
Development Survey...........14
A Capital Celebration: SLA@100, featuring Guy St. Clair on his recently published book, SLA at 100: From Putting Knowledge to Work to Building the Knowledge Culture. The evening began with a wonderful reception held at National Geographic, presentation by Guy St. Clair, and honoring of SLA members who have been in the DC Chapter for 25+ years. There were over seventy 25+ members identified, with 8 in attendance that evening. Meet and Greet – While the DC Chapter is fortunate to have Anne Caputo (SLA President-Elect) as a member of our Chapter, we were even more fortunate to have Gloria Zamora (SLA President) in DC to meet our Chapter members. An opportunity for networking, meeting up with old friends, while enjoying drinks and appetizers! Google 101 for Librarians – This program was so popular it had to be offered a second time! The DC Chapter was fortunate to have Adam Kovacevich of Google conduct this presentation, discussing Google’s search features. The first session was held early in the year (January), on the one day of the year when it snows in DC. However surely due to the popularity of the topic, almost all of those who registered were in attendance.
From the DC/SLA Archives..9 Unspinning Political Information………………..12
Click U Schedule...........…..14 Tech Unconference ……....16 SLA for Students……….…17 2009 Chapter Scholarships..18 New Member Reception…..19
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