President's Corner: Après la Conférence! By Greta D. Ober, I dedicate this issue to the SLA 2009 Conference! Our last issue featured many programs or events hosted by the DC Chapter as well Division sponsored programs where one of our Chapter members were either speaking or moderating. Well, it’s hard to believe that after so much hard work and planning, it’s all over. Efforts sound similar to planning a wedding, where there are months and months of preparations (sometimes even years!), then within a few hours it’s all over. This was SLA’s Centennial year, with the conference located in Washington, DC (hopefully most of our members were able to attend). Our Chapter had the great honor of serving as the host, thus we focused even more time and energy in planning and preparing for this conference. Everyone in the DC Chapter should be very proud! There were many DC Chapter members involved in some way. In the May/June Chapter Notes, as we prepared for the conference, I mentioned DC Chapter sponsored events such as the International Reception, and the Mid-Atlantic Reception; also the DC Chapter Hospitality Booth and wiki. There were of course many DC Chapter members involved at the conference as speakers and even moderators. I wanted to recognize these individuals. I posted a couple of messages to the DC Chapter discussion list requesting those who were program speakers to identify themselves. I received only a few responses, so searched the conference planner to identify any other DC Chapter members who were speakers (my apologies if you are a DC Chapter member and I missed you):
Click University -- How to Set Up a Research Trends Analysis Program: Barbara Ferry and Maggie Turqman (National Geographic Society) Click University -- Training from the Trenches: Tips, Tools and Techniques for Every Budget: Alicia Koundakjian (Lexis Nexis), Jennifer Wood (Corporate Executive Board), and Maggie Turqman (National Geographic Society)
July/ August 2009 Volume 70, No. 4
Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 Meet the Candidates Night....5 Special Section: The SLA Centennial Conference….. ………………….pages 6 - 19 Fall Dine-Arounds……...…20 DC/SLA Candidates………21 MarcEdit Workshop………24 Book Talk with Chapter Member Bruce Rosenstein..24 Click U Schedule...........…..25 Lubuto Library Project Recognized………..……....26
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