DC/SLA Chapter Notes - September/October 2009

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President's Corner: Elections and Awards By Greta D. Ober, gretaob@gmail.com

September/ October 2009 Volume 70, No. 5

The SLA conference is now behind us, but there is no time to relax, as there continues to be lots of activity and planning going on within the DC Chapter. By the time you are reading this issue, both the Association-level elections along with the DC Chapter elections will be completed. I’d like to congratulate Susan Fournier, Nominations Chair and her committee (Rosa Liu, Lynne McKay, and Diane Schnurrpusch). I’ve been in a similar position, having to recruit future leaders, so I know how challenging it is to come up with the best candidates for each position. Susan and her committee placed us all in a situation with some tough decisions to make!

Inside this issue: President’s Corner …..……..1 New Chapter Board…….......3 SLA Alignment Project: What's it About?....................4 Fall Dine-Arounds…….....…5 NASA Library Celebrates Space Travel……....………..6 Annual Banquet…...………..7

Nominate Someone for an Association or Chapter Award (this was so well written by Anne Caputo a few years ago, I’ve just made some minor modifications to include for this year)

Tips from Gary Price……….7

SLA and DC/SLA both have Awards & Honors Programs created to honor individuals or groups and their achievements and contributions to the Association, to the DC Chapter and the information profession. The Association bestows awards in twelve categories and the Chapter presents two annual awards.

Book Talk with Chapter Member Bruce Rosenstein…9

Nominations can be submitted individually to SLA or can be sent via our chapter’s Awards Committee, chaired by Shirley Loo (sloo@crs.loc.gov)

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Our chapter awards will be presented at the DC/SLA Annual Meeting and Banquet, which is scheduled to be held this year at the Woman’s Democratic Club in Washington on Thursday, December 3rd. Chapter award categories are:

From the Archives………….8

Click U Schedule...........…..10

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