DC/SLA Chapter Notes - May/June 2010

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President's Corner: James King

May / June 2010 Volume 71, No. 3 Inside this issue:

Thank you for taking the time to read this issue of the DC/SLA newsletter Chapter Notes. Our Editor-inChief, Chris Vestal continues to do an outstanding job pulling together columns and articles for this permanent record of the chapter’s activities. I’m honored to serve as the DC/SLA President this year and am relieved that I have such a talented and committed team of professionals standing alongside me on the board. Their efforts make this job look easy! Mary Talley, our president-elect, and her team have been busy pulling together an excellent slate of programs for the chapter focused on professional development, career enhancement and networking. This has included our annual New Member Reception at Elizabeth’s on L featuring SLA President Anne Caputo, who talked about the challenges facing our profession and how the Alignment Project’s findings will be able to help; the annual Joint Spring Workshop focused this year on 360 Degree Marketing: Selling Libraries to Users and Decision Makers featuring Katya Andresen, author of Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes; and our Cinco de Mayo networking event which featured food and a chance to network with several professionals in non-traditional careers. Our Vendor Relations Director may have the toughest job on the board this year. Lois’s not-so-simple job is to find sponsorship opportunities for chapter activities during the Great Recession. Just as members are facing budget cuts, our vendor community has been facing tough times as well. In this environment, it is critical that we create events that demonstrate value to those attending as well as to those sponsoring. Both Mary and Lois have been doing a great job of finding this balance! The chapter’s budget is in good shape at the half-way point due in large part to the sponsorships that we’ve received so far.

President’s Corner ............................. 1

Chapter Events .................................. 3

Library Related Events ..................... 4

Candidates for 2011 SLA Board of Directors ........................................... 8

The Way Forward ............................. 9

Career Column ................................. 11

Apply for DC/SLA’s Scholarships by 16 July ............................................ 12 Government Librarians Tackle the New Face of Value ................................... 12 Librarians can tweak Sharepoint ..... 13 Info Pros Buck Tradition for Cinco de Mayo ................................................ 14 Lights! Camera! Action! Book Talks Go Live at Hardy Middle School Library ............................................ 15

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