DC/SLA Chapter Notes - October/November 2010

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President's Corner: James King

October/November 2010 Volume 71, No. 6

It has truly been an honor to lead this group of professionals in 2010!

Inside this issue:

At the beginning of this year, I outlined an aggressive plan to implement the chapter’s strategic plan that was finalized last year under Greta Ober’s term of office. I’d like to take a few moments to summarize the goals and what we’ve done to meet them in 2010. The first of five strategic goals focused on supporting our chapter by making it easier for our members to get involved. Since volunteering in our chapter is a safe way to build skills in new areas, we wanted to make the process as easy and as open as possible. We appointed Deena Adelman to be our volunteer coordinator and developed a list of opportunities that required a variety of skills and had varying levels of time commitment so that anyone who was interested in helping could volunteer. We’ve also worked hard to call out different ways to help the chapter, focusing on those that do not require long-term commitments. These efforts have resulted in well over 140 members helping the chapter in a variety of capacities in 2010! Communication was the second strategic goal and the most difficult to tackle. We recognize that we have a world of opportunity to improve communication with and collaboration between chapter members using free tools now available to us. Our vision in this area includes a revamped Web site that is easier to use, easier to maintain, and more collaborative. This also includes taking advantage of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to keep our membership abreast of chapter events, activities, and news. It also means addressing the tension between rapid dissemination of information and preserving the critical pieces of our chapter’s history for future generations. Efforts towards this vision will take years to complete but small progress has been made. After more than a year of discussion, SLA has finally adopted a new Web hosting platform for use by chapters and divisions. DC/SLA is an early adopter of

President’s Corner ............................. 1

Upcoming Library Related Events ................................................ 4

The Way Forward .............................. 6

Career Column .................................. 7

FLICC Announces 11th Annual Awards for Federal Librarianship ......... ......... 9

Librarians Embrace E-Readers ........ 11

DC/SLA President Asked to Speak by White House..................................... 12 DC/SLA Volunteers: One Size Doesn’t Fit All .......................................... 14

Volunteers Recognized as DC/SLA’s Best Birthday Presents...................... 16

The Last Word: Q & A with Janel White ............................................... 17

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