DC/SLA Chapter Notes - April 2001

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April 2001 Volume 60, No. 8

Contents z

DC/SLA Annual Meeting and Banquet


President’s Corner


The Cataloger's Art







Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA.

Mini-Minutes of the February DC/SLA Board Meeting

Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95 - 1/4 page; $175 1/2 page; $290 - full page. Discounts are offered for both pre-payment and for purchasing ad space in five or more issues.

Bethesda Group Cooks Up Plans for May 15 Dinner

Donna Kanin, PG&E National Energy Group, 7500 Old Georgetown Road, 12th floor, Bethesda, MD 20814, 301/280-6785; e-mail: donna.kanin@neg.pge.com.

Memo from our Chapter Notes Editors Subscribe to the Chapter Discussion List! Register Now for the DC/SLA, LLSDC, DCLA Joint Spring Workshop DC/SLA Congratulates the 2001 InfoCurrent and Chapter Award Scholarship Winners

EDITORS’ NOTE: Friday, April 27 is the deadline for materials, which can be included in the May/June 2001 issue. The issue is distributed approximately three weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is ASCII text sent via e-mail. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to both of the editors: Amy Pass, 426 6th Street, NE Eileen Deegan, U.S. #5, Washington, DC 20002; Department of State, 202/543-0465; 301 4th St., SW, Rm. 4 cneditors@yahoo.com South, Washington, DC 20547; 202/619-4870; fax 202/619-4879; cneditors@yahoo.com

Event announcements should also be submitted electronically to the DC/SLA Internet Committee chairs: Greta D. Ober-Beauchesne, Joint Bank-Fund Library; 202/623-6413; fax 202/6236417; goberbeauchesne@imf.org or greta@worldbank.org

Kristina Lively, National Endowment for Democracy; 202/293-0300; fax 202/2930258; kristina@ned.org

DC/SLA Annual Meeting and Banquet Featuring Newsweek Contributing Editor Eleanor Clift "Anecdotes and Stories: Covering Politics and the Election"




Eleanor Clift reports on the White House, presidential politics, and a variety of national issues. She is a regular panelist on the nationally syndicated show, The McLaughlin Group, and a political analyst for the Fox News Network. The journalism review Brill's Content has called her one of the most accurate predictors among the political talk show pundits. Playing herself, Ms. Clift has appeared in several films, including Independence Day, Murder at 1600 Pennsylvania, and Dave, as well as the television show Murphy Brown. Ms. Clift and her husband, Tom Brazaitis, Washington columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, are co-authors of the book, Madam President: Shattering the Last Glass Ceiling. Published by Scribner, Madam President concerns the rise of women in politics and the prospects for a woman on the national ticket. In 1996 they co-authored the Scribner book War Without Bloodshed: The Art of Politics. Another highlight of the evening will be the chance to win one of several door prizes including two $50 American Express gift certificates (courtesy of Mergent FIS), the book Paradise on Earth: the Natural World Heritage List (courtesy of Borders Books), and other prizes.

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Date: Monday, May 21 Time: Registration/Cash bar -- 6:00 p.m. Dinner and Meeting -- 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Place: Doubletree Hotel - Crystal City, Potomac View Room, 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington. The hotel offers complimentary parking and a free Doubletree shuttle bus departs from the Pentagon City Metro station every 30 minutes on the half-hour. Price: $35.00 Members, $25.00 Students and Retirees, $45.00 Nonmembers and Guests All reservations must be received no later than Tuesday May 15. Sorry, no reservations will be accepted without payment.

The Chapter gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions from Lexis-Nexis and Factiva, which support the initiatives of the Chapter throughout the year.

Please send your completed registration form along with a check made payable to DC/SLA to: Barbara Folensbee-Moore, Library Morgan Lewis & Bockius 1800 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-467-7131 bfolensbee-moore@morganlewis.com

Name: ______________________________________________ Organization: _______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ Daytime Phone: ______________________________________ Membership Status: ___ Member ___ Students or Retirees ___ Non-members/Guests Please indicate your menu selection: Chicken Piccata_____ Seafood Provencal______




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President’s Corner Change and Continuity, Part 1: The Association By Dave Shumaker, DC/SLA President At the SLA Winter Meeting, President Donna Scheeder gave a briefing on the strategic changes taking place in the Association. I wish all of you could have been there to hear her. Someday in the not too distant future, events like this will be accessible to every member. Desktop videoconferencing is coming -- I have no doubt! But in the meantime, there are two ways for you to catch up on Donna's message. You can view her briefing slides on the Association website at http://www.sla.org/presentations/2001wintermtg.ppt. And you can read the rest of this column, in which I'll share my understanding of the key points that Donna made. SLA starts with an enormous asset: our tradition of change. It was founded almost a century ago on a platform of continuous change, and recent presidents have carried this theme forward with a series of initiatives. These initiatives, designed to adapt the Association to meet the needs of our rapidly changing profession include documenting the information professional's value, identifying competencies for the 21st century, creating the virtual association, and forming today's strategic task forces. Donna's theme, "Guarantee the Future," continues these initiatives. The Association's strength is its people. Networking is the most important benefit -- the opportunity to learn from and share with other information professionals. To build SLA for the future, we must concentrate on people. There are five big reasons for this: 1. We must present our value in a way that attracts new members, or the Association will shrink. 2. As all aspects of society go global, we need to develop global strategies to build membership and deliver services. 3. Demands for services are changing. These changes affect our continuing education programs, conferences, website, publications, and more. 4. The pace of change is accelerating. To succeed, we need a simpler, nimbler and quicker Association. 5. We have too much volunteer burnout. Simplifying the Association and getting more value from our investments in virtualization will ease the load on our most active members. The way we will "architect" SLA for the future is by a strategic focus on five areas: branding, partnerships, membership, conferences, and simplification. There are task forces working on each of these areas. For details, visit the Task Force area of the SLA website at http://www.sla.org. The Task Forces are well along in their work. The Partnership and Branding task forces have both completed phase one of their work. The Membership, Conferences and Simplification task forces will report to the Board at the Annual Conference in June. It's anticipated that these task forces will recommend major changes. As always, their recommendations must be approved by the Board in order to take effect. Some recommendations may require changes to the bylaws. In that case, the proposals must be communicated and voted on by the membership in order to take effect. Throughout the process, there will be an emphasis on communication. So if you have comments or questions, be sure to contact the appropriate Task Force, the Board or Donna! It's clear from Donna's briefing that developments in the Task Force initiatives and the selection of a new SLA Executive Director will help make the San Antonio Conference an exciting event. For all the usual great reasons -- programs, exhibits, and most of all, networking -- as well as for the news of significant changes that will strengthen the Association -- I urge you to attend. See you there! ~ Next month: Change and Continuity, Part 2: The Chapter ~




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The Cataloger's Art: The New LC Rules Landscape (Warning: Artistic Puns Included!) By Suzanne C. Pilsk, DC/SLA Liaison to the SLA Committee on Cataloging The new art and fine-art heading rules that we have been waiting for are finally here! These rules are on exhibit in Library of Congress memos H1250 (Art and Fine Art) and H1148 (Pattern Headings: Art) at http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/artcat.html. Let me paint a picture of the new rules, to put you at your "easel." Although I welcome the new rules, I'm finding that the old styles are harder to stop than I thought -even when I knew the old styles were tacky. What follows is a sketch of some of these rule changes. Please note that the words in bold refer to subject headings. Hello, new heading: Painting, Canadian - 20th century. Goodbye, old heading: Painting, Modern - 20th century - Canada. What did that old "modern" qualifier mean anyway? What did the rule makers expect would happen next? Maybe "late modern"? And then "post-late modern"? Here are the new artistically correct rules: Add qualifier to art form if the artists have a national, ethnic or religious affiliation, then these can be subdivided geographically. Okay, lets try this together: Painting, Canadian - Ontario - 20th century. This indicates the place of origin is Ontario -- more specific than just Canada. Now we're painting! H1250 1.a. provides a nice little paint-by-numbers cheat sheet (though I wish it were chalk full with examples!): 650 [art form with national, regional, ethnic or religious qualifier] $z [place of origin] $y [period subdivision]. 650 [art form with period qualifier] $z [place of origin]. 650 [style, movement, etc.] $z [place of origin]. H1250 1.d. discusses the use of the historical period. Because the modern period is everything after 1500, they are no longer using that term. This makes sense. It doesn't make retrospective conversion of these headings easy -- but it makes sense. What throws me into an abstract kind of mindset is this line: "For works on the modern period in general (1500 to present) assign the national, regional, or ethnic heading without period subdivision" (my emphasis). This implies my users will know that the work is about post 1500 -- which might not be the case. The "modernity" of the art is lost. You can add the qualifier "Modern" when the form of the art is not qualified. However, my users will not know if the general art form described is modern or not. For example, consider the fictitious title "Art of Canada from 1690-2001." The subject headings would be: Painting, Canadian (no Modern added there) Painting, Modern (no Canada added there). My perspective on the rules means that I will now have to use separate headings -- Painting, Canadian $y 17th century; Painting, Canadian $y 18th century; Painting, Canadian $y 19th century; Painting, Canadian $y 20th century; and Painting, Canadian $y 21st century. I have the impression that these LC memos have a few flaws that I hope will be fixed. One such problem is the way they have coded In art as a "$v" when it should be "$x." In memo H1148, the "Types of headings covered by the pattern" contradicts itself with Drawings and Sculpture, Modern. Another problem is that architecture terms are not built into the memos, although these headings are also being remodeled. Architecture headings can be viewed in the Library of Congress Subject Headings




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Weekly List at http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/cpso. (Scroll to the bottom of this page for the LC Subject Headings Weekly List.) All in all, I am happy that the new style of art headings is here. However, I suspect we will be seeing pentimentos* of old headings for years to come. The "clean up" of the database files might be saved for the next generation of art catalogers!! *Pentimento -- An underlying image in a painting, as an earlier painting, a part of a painting, or original drawing, that shows through, usually when the top layer of paint has been worn or becomes transparent with age. (Definition courtesy of http://www.artlex.com.) Return to contents

Mini-Minutes of the February DC/SLA Board Meeting Highlights of the February 13 meeting conducted by DC/SLA President Dave Shumaker and held at the Urban Institute, include: Dave Shumaker reported on SLA's Winter Conference. Four members of our Chapter, Sue Johnson, Roger Haley, Susan Fifer Canby, and Eric Brewer, received awards for their various contributions to the profession. Career Day is taking place on March 24, 2001 at Catholic University. Pre-registration is required for the boxed lunch. The nominations for Chapter offices were accepted. The ballots will be mailed in Chapter Notes and are due by March 30th. The Student Affiliation Committee has been working on awarding two student scholarships. The Committee is also working on recruiting librarians for the Spend a Day with a Special Librarian program. For the full minutes, please see the Chapter website at www.sla.org/chapter/cdc. Return to contents

Bethesda Group Cooks Up Plans for May 15 Dinner By Donna Kanin The ten information professionals who gathered at Thyme Square Restaurant on February 20 for the DC/SLA Neighborhood Dinner decided that meeting once a year just isn't enough. Our group had such a great time getting acquainted with new diners and catching up with those who attended last year's dinner at La Madeleine, that we agreed to try meeting at least three times a year. The group's next dinner date is scheduled for Tuesday, May 15, 6:30 p.m., at the Moongate Restaurant, 4611 Willow Lane in Bethesda. Any DC/SLA members are welcome to join us. Please RSVP to Donna Kanin at donna.kanin@neg.pge.com or Beth Purell at purellb@plural.com. The Moongate is located within walking distance of the Bethesda Metro stop, which is on the Red Line. Free parking is available across from the restaurant. Return to contents




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MEMO TO: DC/SLA Members FROM: The CN Editors RE: Chapter Notes Editors for 2001-2002 Team DC/SLA is assembling a new editorial team to produce Chapter Notes starting in Summer 2001. Published ten times each year, the newsletter is distributed in print to the Chapter's 1000-plus members and selected SLA officers nationwide. An electronic version is also posted on the Chapter's web page. The DC/SLA 2000 Strategic Planning Committee Report said that Chapter Notes is the most highly valued service the Chapter provides. One of our new editors has already been selected, Marie Kaddell of Lexis-Nexis. Here is your chance to join Marie and play a major role in our Chapter's prominent newsletter. Volunteers with copy editing and/or electronic layout and formatting skills are needed to fill the editor positions. The editors' duties include coordinating with DC/SLA officers to publish timely Chapter program announcements, working with Chapter Notes' contributing authors, and designing and preparing each issue for printing. Working as a Chapter Notes editor is a very satisfying way to both utilize and develop your editorial skills, and make a major, visible contribution to the Chapter. It also provides a great opportunity to meet members involved in our Chapter's many projects and committee activities, and to stay on top of the news. To find out more about becoming a Chapter Notes editor, please contact DC/SLA PresidentElect Sue O'Neill Johnson at Sjohnson3@worldbank.org and the current editors Amy Pass and Eileen Deegan at cneditors@yahoo.com. Return to contents

Subscribe to the Chapter Discussion List! A great way to keep up with Chapter news and events is to join the DC/SLA Discussion List! This List provides DC/SLA members a means of quick and easy communication. To subscribe, please send an e-mail to lists@lists.sla.org Type the following words in the body of the message: subscribe sla-cdc Firstname Lastname You will receive an automatic confirmation message indicating that you were added to the List. For additional information, go to http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/list.html, or contact Greta Ober at (202)-623-6413 or greta@worldbank.org. Return to contents

Register Now for the DC/SLA, LLSDC, DCLA Joint Spring Workshop Professional Development in a Technological Age: Skill Building to Increase Personal and Team Effectiveness Friday, April 20, 2001- 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Speakers: Morning session: Linda Burrs, President &

Price: $45 (Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch)




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Consultant, Step up to Success! Featured Topics: Situational Leadership, Excellence in Customer Service, Change Management Afternoon session: Robert Newlen, Library of Congress and Author of Writing Resumes that Work: A How to Do It Manual for Librarians Featured Topics: Tips for Employers, Resume Writing Techniques (Bring your Resume!)

Contacts: Charlotte White (202) 662-6177; Mary Longchamp (202) 783-8400 ext. 47079 Registration: No Purchase Orders, training request forms or credit cards. Make checks payable to: Joint Spring Workshop. No refunds after 4/1/01 and lunch not guaranteed for reservations after 4/16/01. Place: George Mason University Law School, 3401 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 993-8100; VA Square/GMU Metro (Orange line); For detailed directions, please visit: www.gmu.edu/departments/law/geninfo/directions.html. The JSW complies with ADA. We can accommodate your needs, provided you call by March 20, 2001.

Sponsors: LLSDC, DCLA, DC-SLA. Thanks to Global Securities Information, Inc. - LIVEDGAR for sponsoring the continental breakfast. Complete and mail the registration form to: Charlotte White Covington & Burling Library 1201 Penn. Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20004-7566

Name: ______________________________________________ Organization: _______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ Daytime Phone: ______________________________________ Affiliation(s): ASIS__ DCOU__ DCLA__ FLICC__ LLSDC__ DC/SLA__ OTHER_________ Lunch: __Turkey Sandwich __Vegetarian Pita

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DC/SLA Congratulates the 2001 InfoCurrent and Chapter Award Scholarship Winners Winner of the InfoCurrent (Telesec) Award for $2000: Alison J. Ince from Catholic University of America Winner of the DC/SLA Chapter Award for $1500:




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David M. Tulanian from San JosĂŠ State University Infocurrent and Chapter Scholarships are granted for graduate study in librarianship/information science leading to a master's or doctoral degree at a recognized school of library/information science. About Us


Chapter Newsletter



Special Libraries Association | DC/SLA Chapter | PO Box 287 Benjamin Franklin Station | Washington, D.C. 20044 webmaster | Last Modified 03/01/2002 | You are at http://units.sla.org/chapter/cdc/cnotes/2001/apr01.html



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