DC/SLA Chapter Notes - August/September 2000

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Chapter Notes July/August 2000

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Vol. 60, No. 1 August/September 2000 Contents DC/SLA Membership Kickoff! DC/SLA Members Welcome at Chapter Board Meetings Member News President's Corner Are You Weeding? "How To" Books are needed in Nicaragua More Humor DC/SLA Officers and Committee Chairs LMD Award Named Posthumously for DC Chapter Member Chapter's Legal Issues Group to Hold End-of-Summer Gathering The Great Acronym Challenge: Part II Position Announcement: Library Technical Assistant DC/SLA Coming Attractions

DC/SLA Membership Kickoff! WHEN: Thursday, September 28, 6:00 - 8:00pm WHERE: U.S. Navy Memorial and Naval Heritage WHERE: 701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 123 (By Metro: Navy Memorial stop, located on the Green and Yellow line) WHAT: z z z z

Cocktails (cash bar) and heavy hors d'oeuvres The "Ira Shorr and Friends" Show Drawings for prizes Display of the Mozambique National Library

WHO: Ira Shorr is a well-known political and social satirist in Washington who writes and presents his own material. He has hosted his own radio and television programs and is a regular in the Washington D.C. Hexagon Show. Perhaps you saw him as the Reverend Jesse Trussemee, political candidate? Mr. Shorr also appears at conferences, cabarets, in videos, and in local theatre. PRICE: z z z z z

Members $15 Students $7.50 Retirees $7.50 Prospective members $7.50 New members since March 2000: Free!

Registration Form:



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Name:_____________________________________________________ Organization:_______________________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Email:___________________________ __ This is my first DC/SLA event __ Student __ DCLA Member __ LLSDC Member __ Prospective SLA Member

__ SLA Member __ ASIS Member

Please send your completed form and check to: Rick Davis Urban Land Institute 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Suite 500 West Washington, DC 20007-5201 All registrations must be received no later than Monday, September 25. Return to contents

DC/SLA Members Welcome at Chapter Board Meetings Are you curious about what really goes on at those monthly Chapter Board meetings? Come find out. The meetings, which take place on Tuesdays, are open to all members. Here's the tentative schedule for the coming year: September 12, October 10, November 14, December 12, January 9, February 13, March 13, and April 10. We plan to hold all meetings at the Urban Institute, 2100 M Street NW, beginning at 6:00 p.m. For more information and updates, please e-mail Chapter President David Shumaker at dshumake@mitre.org. Return to contents

Member News Marisa Urgo, Knowledge Manager at the Office of Minority Health Resource Center in Rockville has published her first book -- Developing Information Leaders, Harnessing the Talents of Generation X. The book explores issues of recruiting, managing and retaining professional librarians who belong to Generation X. Published by Bowker Saur, it can be purchased through Amazon.com and through the publisher's website at http://www.bowkersaur.co.uk/products/catalog/lis/devinfo.htm. Use this column to tell the Chapter about your news! E-mail the editors at cneditors@yahoo.com. Return to contents

President's Corner How to Be a Leader, In One Easy (?) Lesson By Dave Shumaker, DC/SLA President What is a leader?


By volunteering


Chapter Notes July/August 2000

Is it someone who possesses innate attributes like a magnetic personality, eloquence and charm? Someone with a natural talent for inspiring, motivating and organizing others? Someone with charisma? Well, charisma is fine, and eloquence and charm don't hurt. But if you think these things are the essence of leadership, consider what management authority Peter Drucker has to say. In his article, "Leadership: More Doing than Dash," he writes that leadership "has little to do with leadership qualities and even less to do with charisma. "Its essence," he asserts, "is performance." In other words, the essence of leading is to see and do what needs to be done. It is vision, commitment, follow-through, and performance.

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with the Washington DC Chapter, you can take on responsibilities that you might never get to -or dare to -tackle on the job.

Recently there was an interesting e-mail discussion among leaders of SLA chapters and divisions. The topic was, "Why volunteer as an SLA leader?" Many people contributed stories about their initial involvement and growth. Participants advanced lots of different reasons why they recommend participating in SLA. Two of the most frequently mentioned were the desire to affect the future of our profession, and the desire to develop leadership skills. Contributors wrote about how their SLA work enabled them to grow and develop as librarians, managers and leaders. They told how it developed skills they were able to take back to their jobs. It's true. By volunteering with the Washington DC Chapter, you can take on responsibilities that you might never get to -- or dare to -- tackle on the job. At the same time, you can directly affect the Chapter, SLA and the profession. And it is risk free! Not only do you not have to worry about what will be written on your next performance review, or what will happen to your next raise, you are in touch with colleagues who will help you succeed. Plus, you'll build skills that will bring you success when those big challenges come your way at the office, and that might just help you get that outstanding review or extra merit increase. Taking the first step is easy. Just take the plunge, and make the commitment. The Chapter has several important leadership roles still open. See the roster in this issue of Chapter Notes for the current list of openings. If one of those appeals to you, or if you've got another project you want to work on, or if you are not sure what you want to do, either send me a note (dshumake@mitre.org) or just come to our next Board meeting (see the calendar in this issue of Notes). Let me know if you are interested, and I guarantee to find a way for you to help the Chapter! Of course, that's not all there is to it. After the commitment comes the work and the responsibility. So maybe being a leader takes more than one easy lesson after all. But I know you will find the course a rewarding one!



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Are You Weeding? "How To" Books are needed in Nicaragua A message from Sue O'Neill Johnson The Country Office Library Action Group at the World Bank has been contacted by the Instituto Technologico Nacional in Granada, Nicaragua. They have a desperate need for books for their technical school students who are mostly poor, and who range from the junior-high through high-school level. English-language books are acceptable and our office will transport them to Nicaragua. We are also providing them some second-hand, but good, Pentiums, so any computer books you donate must be fairly recent. The other instructional books do not have to focus on the latest technology, but they should contain drawings and illustrations. Books about the following trades are needed: Air conditioning Automotive mechanics Brick laying Carpentry Electric or electronics Home building Plumbing Refrigeration techniques Television repair Wood molding Wood finishing The Instituto Technologico Nacional has two professional librarians who will catalog and manage the books. The school receives the support and high interest of Nicaragua's President. Books that DC/SLA members contribute to this worthy cause will bring commendations to DC/SLA. In addition, we could arrange a photo-op to publicize our Chapter's contribution to Nicaragua. Please e-mail Sue O'Neill Johnson at sjohnson3@worldbank.org, or call 202-458-2833. The books should be sent to: Greta Ober-Beauchesne; International Monetary Fund; 700 19th St NW; Room C-717; Washington DC 20431. Please let me know if you are contributing books so that we may include you in the photo! Return to contents

More Humor! In the June/July issue of Chapter Notes, we asked about humorous requests you have received from your patrons. Maureen Booth, Reference Librarian at the American Institute of Architects sent her current favorite: Phone call to the Reference Librarian: "I want to contact an architect and I believe he may be dead." Return to contents

DC/SLA Officers and Committee Chairs, 2000-2001



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Advisory Board

President David Shumaker MITRE Corp. Corporate Information Management 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd. McLean, VA 22102-7492 703/883-6947 Fax: 703/883-1250 dshumake@mitre.org dshumakr@erols.com

Archivist (1999-2001) Kee Malesky National Public Radio 635 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001-3753 202/414-2356 Fax: 202/414-3056 kmalesky@npr.org

Vice President/President-Elect Sue O'Neill Johnson World Bank Information/Knowledge Sharing Services Information Solutions Group 1818 H Street NW, Rm. S7-067 Washington, DC 20433 202/458-2833 Fax: 202/522-3263 sjohnson3@worldbank.org Immediate Past President Nancy L. Minter The Urban Institute Library 2100 M Street NW Washington, DC 20037 202/261-5534 Fax: 202/223-3043 nminter@ui.urban.org Second Vice President Mandy G. Baldridge TeleSec Corestaff 11160 Viers Mill Rd., Suite 414 Wheaton, MD 20902 301/929-2665 Fax: 301/949-8729 mbaldridge@telesec.com Recording Secretary Erin Clougherty Association for Financial Professionals 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 600W Bethesda, MD 20814 301/961-8843 Fax: 301/907-2864 eclougherty@tma-net.org Corresponding Secretary Frederik Heller National Association of Realtors 700 11th Street NW Washington, DC 20001-4507 202/383-1157 Fax: 202/383-1231 fheller@realtors.org Treasurer (1999-2002) Catherine Kitchell Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Library

Auditor - Vacant Awards Laura Foy Healthcare Financial Management Association 1301 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 202/296-2920 Fax: 202/223-9771 lfoy@hfma.org Career Day Volunteers Needed! Chapter Notes Editors Amy Pass National Skill Standards Board 1441 L Street NW, #9000 Washington, DC 20005 202/254-8628 Fax: 202/254-8646 pass@nssb.org (Chapter Notes): cneditors@yahoo.com Eileen Deegan U.S. Department of State 301 Fourth Street SW Rm 4 South Washington, DC 20547-0001 202/619-4870 Fax: 202/619-6267 edeegan@pd.state.gov (Chapter Notes): cneditors@yahoo.com Chapter Notes Business Manager Mary Talley Garcia Axelroth & Associates 2409 Dexter Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20902 301/424-5456 Fax: 301/309-8992 tmgarcia@bellatlantic.net Consultation Linda Smith Mercer Management Consulting 2300 N Street NW Washington, DC 20037 202/778-7510 Fax: 202/778-7997 linda_smith@mercermc.com


Internet Greta D. Ober Joint World Bank-International Monetary Fund Library 700 19th Street NW Rm. C-717D Washington, DC 20431 202/623-6413 Fax: 202/6 23-6417 greta@worldbank.org Kristina Lively National Endowment for Democracy 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 802 Washington, DC 20005 202/293-0300 Fax: 202/293-0528 Kristina@ned.org Joint Spring Workshop Volunteers Needed! Membership Johanna (Joanie) Cornwell International Monetary Fund Joint Bank-Fund Library 700 19th St NW Rm 2-612C Washington, DC 20431 202/623-6428 Fax: 202/623-6417 jcornwell@imf.org Mentoring Barbara Folensbee-Moore Pepper Hamilton LLP Library 600 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 202/220-1528 Fax: 202/220-1665 folensbb@pepperlaw.com Nominations Daille Pettit American Hotel and Motel Association Information Center 1201 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005-3917 202/289-3192 Fax: 202/289-3186 dpettit@ahma.com Positive Action Brenda Lawson GCI Information Services U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Crystal Plaza 2 Arlington, VA 22202 703/308-0088 brenda.lawson@uspto.gov Professional Development Dee Clarkin Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Library


Chapter Notes July/August 2000

1231 25th Street NW Rm. N200 Washington, DC 20037-1197 202/452-4432 Fax: 202/452-4084 ckitchel@bna.com Director (1999-2001) Anne Caputo Factiva, a Dow Jones & Reuters Company 1400 L Street NW Suite 460 Washington, DC 20005-3509 202/289-2103 Fax: 202/289-6411 anne.caputo@factiva.com Director (2000-2002) Anna McGowan US FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition Library 200 C Street SW, HFS-678 Washington, DC 20204-0002 202/205-5134 Fax: 202/205-4587 amcgowan@cfsan.fda.gov

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Elections Ellie Briscoe National Geographic Society Library 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036-4688 202/857-7050 Fax: 202/429-5731 ebriscoe@ngs.org Government Relations Roberta Geier National Gallery of Art Library Washington, DC 20565 202/842-6054 Fax: 202/408-8530 r-geier@nga.gov Hospitality Gail Kouril Rand Corporation 1200 S. Hayes Street Arlington, VA 22202 703/413-1100, x5333 Fax: 703/414-4721 gkouril@rand.org International Projects Sue O'Neill Johnson World Bank Information/Knowledge Sharing Services Information Solutions Group 1818 H Street NW, Rm. S7-067 Washington, DC 20433 202/458-2833 Fax: 202/522-3263 sjohnson3@worldbank.org

550 17th Street NW, Rm 4054 Washington, DC 20429-0002 202/898-7078 Fax: 202/898-3984 dclarkin@fdic.gov Public Relations Betty Landesman American Association of Retired Persons Research Info Center 601 E Street NW Washington, DC 20049-0003 202/434-6224 Fax: 202/434-6408 blandesman@aarp.org Strategic Planning Ellie Briscoe National Geographic Society Library 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036-4688 202/857-7050 Fax: 202/429-5731 ebriscoe@ngs.org Student Affiliation Volunteers Needed! Group Chairs Association of Liberated Librarians - Vacant Business Information Finders Vacant Environmental and Resource Management - Vacant Information Technology Vacant Military Librarians - Vacant News - Vacant

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LMD Award Named Posthumously for DC Chapter Member At its annual business meeting and luncheon in Philadelphia, SLA's Library Management Division announced that it is renaming its LMD Leadership Award to commemorate Karen J. Switt, a long-time Division member who died in November of 1999. Karen made major contributions to librarianship and to the real estate industry. From 1983 to 1997, Karen managed the library for the National Association of Realtors in Chicago, and she was instrumental in developing that library's collection into one of the best resources for real estate information. She automated library operations, created an electronic catalog of holdings, produced an index to real estate literature, and managed the Association's branch library here in Washington, DC.



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During this time period, Karen was also deeply involved in a project sponsored by the Eastern European Real Property Foundation, in conjunction with the U.S. Agency for International Development. She helped set up libraries and train staff to support the fledgling real estate associations being established in Eastern Europe. Karen made many trips to Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and East Germany, and was the key to this endeavor's success. While winding my way through the exhibit hall during the 1998 ALA conference in DC, I ran into Karen. She told me she had recently relocated to Washington and had accepted a position as manager of library and information services at the National Academy of Sciences. She and I had been in touch often during the time I worked at the Urban Land Institute, and I was delighted to see her, and know she was now here. We exchanged news - jobs, SLA, and new things happening with us. I told her I had been elected VP/President-Elect of the Chapter, and she told me she really wanted to become more active with DC/SLA, but first she had a new challenge to overcome -the cancer that would eventually claim her life. Karen's health prevented her from becoming as active in our Chapter as she would have liked, but her dedication to special libraries was already well known. How fitting a tribute to be recognized by one's colleagues with such a wonderful honor. - Nancy Minter Return to contents

Chapter's Legal Issues Group to Hold End-of-Summer Gathering DC/SLA's Legal Issues Group is holding an end-of-summer social gathering on Wednesday, August 23rd at the Old Ebbitt Grill from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. (Note: You are automatically a Legal Issues Group member if you're a member of SLA's Legal Division.) The restaurant is located near the Metro Center station at Metropolitan Square (on G Street between 14th and 15th Streets). The purpose of the gathering is to "meet and greet," as well as to discuss what activities we want to plan for the upcoming year. Anyone interested in attending should show up, but an RSVP by August 21 to Jeff Stickle at Wilkes, Artis would be appreciated. He can be reached by phone at 202-457-7370, or by e-mail at jstickle@wilkesartis.com. The cost of this event will be five dollars per person to cover munchies, payable at the door, and a cash bar will be available. Please take the time to drop by after work and give us your ideas on how the Legal Issues Group can contribute to Chapter activities over the next year. - Barbara Folensbee-Moore Return to contents

The Great Acronym Challenge: Part II By Suzanne Pilsk Wow! People responded to my little acronym challenge in the May issue of Chapter Notes -- and I even learned new ones! Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks? The entries are being tabulated. A winner will be chosen, a prize will be sent out, and if I can get my act together, the winner will be announced in Chapter Notes. If you did submit an entry and didn't hear back from me, please send me a note (pilsks@sil.si.edu).



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Meanwhile, here's a quick report from the Committee on Cataloging's meeting at the Annual Conference in Philadelphia. The quick report? Boy, things are hopping! More standards are being looked at during my lifetime as a cataloger than ever before. (Or so it seems -- but before my lifetime was there cataloging?) Dublin Core Element Set is off to be stamped for approval. Meetings are underway to discuss what is a serial and what is not, and whether or not there is going to be an AACR3. And on and on and on! The question you are all probably wondering is: "Why should I care?" Well, honestly, you might not. But even if it doesn't seem that these issues are affecting your work right now, they will be soon. Remember when you thought you were cool and bought that eight-track tape player for your fire-engine red Camero? Or that 'other' format video player that is stashed in the hall closet? We don't want that to happen again, do we? I will do my best to explain these changes and the effects they may have on your work -- but I welcome everyone/anyone to help me! The Committee's goal is to try to keep the membership informed when rules, standards and actions are announced and implemented. Wish us luck! Here are the correct answers to the Great Acronym Challenge (but please check my work): Acronyms in the first part of the article:

Acronyms in the real challenge paragraph:


AACR2r Anglo American Cataloging Rules 2nd edition Revised LCRI Library of Congress Rule Interpretations LCSH Library of Congress Subject Headings NACO Name Authority Cooperative Program Name Authority Component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging at Library of Congress SACO Subject Authority Cooperative Program Subject Authority Component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging at Library of Congress BIBCO Bibliographic Cooperative Program Monographic Bibliographic Record Component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging at Library of Congress OCLC Online Computer Library Center Inc. (Or at least it used to be -- now it just seems to be OCLC, Inc.!) ISBD(er) International Standard Bibliographic Description (Electronic Resources) CONSER Conversion of Serials Project changed meaning in 1986 to Cooperative Online Serials Program Cooperative Online Serials (Part of Library of Congress?s Program for Cooperative Cataloging) CORC Cooperative Online Resource Catalog DC Dublin Core District of Columbia XML Extensible Markup Language DTD Document Type Definition XHTML eXtensible Hypertext Markup language SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language OLAC Online Audiovisual Catalogers


Suzanne Chernau Pilsk District of Columbia Dublin Core Tennessee Securities and Exchange Commission South Eastern Conference Special Libraries Association Symbionese Liberation Army My First Born Child Masters in Library Science

Masters in Library and Information Science MS in LS Master of Science in Library Science MIS Master of Information Systems or Management of Information Systems or Masters in Information Services/Science

Acronyms in the signature lines: DC/SLA District of Columbia / Special Libraries Association (Our Chapter!) SLA CC Special Libraries Association Committee on Cataloging



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Information Technology Division of Special Libraries Association Special Libraries Association American Library Association

Committee on Cataloging : Description and Access (An American Library Association Committee) ALCTS/CCS/SAC Association for Library Collections & Technical Services/ Cataloging and Classification Section/ Subject Analysis Committee USMARC United States Machine Readable Cataloging KISS Keep It Simple Stupid (I got some good ones besides this answer!!)

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Position Announcement: Library Technical Assistant Scientific research institute seeks a self-motivated individual with a strong customer-service orientation for a fulltime support position in its technical library. Responsibilities include serials control, interlibrary loans, circulation, collections maintenance, publications distribution, related clerical tasks, and routine reference inquiries. Requirements: proficiency in MS Word, e-mail, and Web searching; excellent communication skills; attention to detail; ability to set priorities while working on several simultaneous projects; moderate lifting and carrying. Previous library experience and familiarity with OCLC and Inmagic desirable. Salary from $30K. Excellent health, life insurance, retirement benefits; 24 days annual leave. Park-like campus in upper Northwest, with free parking. Non-smoking environment. Send cover letter and resume to: Shaun J. Hardy, Librarian Carnegie Institution of Washington 5241 Broad Branch Road, NW Washington, DC 20015 or fax to (202) 364-8726 Return to contents

DC/SLA Coming Attractions Please mark your calendars and watch for further details in Chapter Notes and on the DC/SLA discussion list. Wednesday, October 11, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Program: "Knowledge Sharing -- How Cool Information Professionals Can Take the Lead." An important analysis of the changing alliances and positioning opportunities in the information profession. Speaker: Sylvia Piggott, President of SLA 1996-1997, and currently Deputy Director of the Joint-Bank Fund Library. Location: The World Bank Africa Building Auditorium, 701 18th St, NW. (No badges necessary). Metro: Exit at the Farragut West station and cross Pennsylvania Ave to 18th Street. Itinerary: Snacks and soft drinks from 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.; Presentation from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.; Neighborhood DutchTreat Dinners from 7:00 - 8:30. Wednesday, November 15, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Program: "You Want Me to Do WHAT? The Skills You Need Today."



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Speaker: Mary Ellen Bates, President of Bates Information Services, and well-known presenter, writer and practitioner in the field. Organizer: Dee Clarkin, Senior Reference Librarian at FDIC, and DC/SLA Professional Development Chair. Location: TBA. December Holiday Party, Details TBA. Expect some great gospel music at this event! Thank you to Keesings Worldwide for your generous support of the speaker at DC/SLA's Annual Business Meeting May 24, 2000. Return to contents



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