June/July 2011
Conferences, campaigns and conversations
Inside this issue
President’s Corner
By Mary Talley, DC/SLA President
President’s Corner – page 1
Welcome to the hazy, lazy days of summer. Hazy? Defi-
SLA and DC/SLA voting season
nitely – and hot. Lazy, not so much. Here at DC/SLA
has arrived! – page 2
summer has been busy and productive, with more to come before La-
Awards, accolades and adventures
bor Day rolls around.
- page 3
DC/SLA award winners announced at national conference – page 3 More awards and accolades – page 7 And some adventures – page 8
Knowledge Management: discussions at the SLA Annual Conference and the KM Education Summit - page 9
Thanks to the hard work of DC/SLA Vice-President Lois Ireland and her committee, learning and networking opportunities haven’t slowed down during the summer months. We said good-bye to Philadelphia and hello to India at DC/SLA’s first summer program on June 16:‚It’s 6pm in Mumbai, What Time Is It in New York?,‛ featuring BP Prakash, Global Head of the Information Resource Centre at Tata Consultancy Services. In July, we gathered at Catholic University’s Information Commons to hear members give front-line accounts of what they saw, heard and experienced at the Annual Conference. To cap off the summer, the Mil-
2011 Joint Spring Workshop offers
itary Librarians Group held an intriguing program on August 11th:
insights into strategic planning
The Civil War for Librarians Who Slept Through Jr. High History, fea-
fundamentals, experiences, and
turing a noted Civil War historian. Take a look at events calendar for
metrics – part 2 - page 10
more information and to sign up for the future events.
DC/SLA and CUA SLA jointly wrap-up the annual conference page 14
In August, we also gear up for both SLA and DC/SLA elections. Greta Ober, 2009 DC/SLA President, and her committee have given us an impressive slate of candidates for the 2012 DC/SLA Board. You can
Make-a-Connection Program
read all about each of them in the next issue and be sure to vote in Sep-
matched working professionals
with students and recent graduates - page 14 Upcoming events – page 16
SLA candidates for President-Elect, Deb Hunt and David Cappoli, were in town on the 9th for a happy hour meet and greet. Come, hear their visions for SLA’s future on DC/SLA Radio and don’t forget to vote in this important election, too.
Chapter Notes | June/July, 2011 | Volume 72, No. 4 | Page 1