DC/SLA Chapter Notes - July/August 1998

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Chapter Notes July/August 1998

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Vol. 57, No. 10 July/August 1998 Contents President's Message Neighborhood Dinners, come! New Chapter Members Member News Global Village Performing Arts Fest 1998/99 DC/SLA Chapter Leadership The President's Corner By Daille Pettit, DC/SLA President, dpettit@ahma.com. Greetings! It is a thrill to be writing my first column. Thanks very much to those of you who responded to my call for committee chairs and volunteers. The chairs are currently filled, but we can always use more help. If you're interested in volunteering in any way, please contact me at dpettit@ahma.com or 202/289-3192. I was impressed as usual with the Special Libraries Association convention in Indianapolis. The Division and Chapter Officers Leadership Training (DACOLT) was very worthwhile for me and president-elect, Nancy Minter. We came out of the sessions with some good ideas to help us continue to make the Washington, DC Chapter one of the best (if not the best!) chapters in SLA. Attendance in Indianapolis was down from Seattle, but there were 5,429 attendees and 530 exhibitors there. The educational sessions were well attended and informative, and there was plenty for everyone to do. I particularly enjoyed Doris Kearns Goodwin's general session and lunch time presentations. She was sponsored by the Social Science Division in honor of their 75th anniversary, of which DC/SLA's own Michael Kolakowski was the co-chair. The division is to be commended for a job well done! At the convention business meeting, SLA leadership presented SLA's long-range financial plan. The Finance Committee has been working on the plan for three years. The impetus of the plan was an audit by the IRS of SLA's 1991 books. SLA was warned that their non-dues income was too high - that SLA is in danger of losing its tax-free status with its current ratio of dues to non-dues (revenues from conventions, sponsorships, publications, etc.) income. As a result, SLA is instituting a number of changes, but in the process is asking the membership to approve a dues increase. The increase is relatively low: $20 extra dollars a year for regular members; less than that for students and retirees; and small increases ($2.00-$3.00) for additional chapter and division memberships. The board and I are in favor of the dues increase. We recommend that when you receive your ballot in August, you vote YES. The DC chapter is on the "cutting edge" in terms of support for SLA's "Global 2000" conference, scheduled for October 16-19, 2000, in Brighton, England. The DC chapter formed an ad hoc "international projects" committee last winter. The goal of the committee is to raise enough money to send several librarians from developing countries to the conference. These librarians could benefit greatly from the opportunity to network with special librarians from around the world, but do not have the financial support or resources in order to attend. As a result of our commitment to the conference, the SLA leadership is using the DC chapter as an example for the other chapters and divisions of SLA to follow! We already have raised funds for our goal (which we have set at $15,000) through the Global Village Cultural Festival held in April. We are also planning several fundraising and educational events in support of the conference this year. Our first one will be held in November and will be an "international dinner" and "Global 2000 Kick-off" event. The committee is open to all interested parties. If you'd like to participate, contact me or committee chair, Sue O'Neill Johnson, at sjohnson3@worldbank.org. In conclusion, I think we're going to have a terrific year! Our September program should be a great way for us to get to know each other. I certainly look forward to meeting those of ou I haven't met yet, seeing those of you I have met, and working together with all of you for the good of our chapter and our profession. Return to contents Neighborhood Dinners, come! Join us for the September program, an evening of dining and networking with fellow information professionals who work (or live) in your neighborhood. Pick one of our concurrent "dutch treat" dinners and meet or reacquaint yourself with your host or hostess and your neighbors. Date: Wednesday, September 23, 1998 Time: 6:00 p.m Place: Your choice! Pick one of the following locations: z z z z

Adams Morgan - Utopia, 1418 U Street, NW, (1-1/2 blocks from the Green Line), Kenlee Ray, Hostess Alexandria - Stella's, 1725 Duke Street, (across the street from King Street Metro ), Gerald Steeman, Host Arlington - Sawatdee Thai Restaurant, 2250 Clarendon Blvd., (Court House Metro), Rhea Austin, Hostess Bethesda - Thyme Square, 4735 Bethesda Avenue, (from Bethesda Metro, 1-1/2 blocks south on Wisconsin, then 1- 1/2 blocks on



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