DC/SLA Chapter Notes - March 2002

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March 2002 Volume 61, No. 6 Contents z z z z z z z z

Cora Weiss, President and Founder Hague Appeal for Peace President's Corner Support the 21st Century Librarians Initiative! Inspiring Tales from the Pentagon's Librarians and Their Supporters Spring 2002 DC/SLA Chapter Election Candidates SLA Awards and Honors Dignitaries Amongst Us! 2002 Joint Spring Workshop Two Global 2000 Fellows Win Grants to Attend Los Angeles Conference

A Message from the DC/SLA President Dear D.C. Chapter Members, We have many congratulations to make in this issue. Three active Chapter members, Mary Ellen Bates, Lynn McKay, and Gary Price have won SLA Awards. Two of the Global 2000 Fellows, a program led by the D.C. Chapter, Xiumei Wang from China, and Muhhamad Chaudhary from Pakistan, have won travel grants to attend the SLA conference in Los Angeles. And we have a strong slate of candidates running for Chapter Executive Board positions. Congratulations to everyone. Please do your part and vote in the Chapter elections. We need everyone's vote! - Sue O'Neill Johnson, DC.SLA President

DC/SLA International Librarian Program Presents: Cora Weiss, President and Founder Hague Appeal for Peace "Peace Education in a Time of War: Libraries as a NonFormal Community" Ms. Weiss will talk about the work of the Hague Appeal (http://www.haguepeace.org) and in particular the Global Campaign for Peace Education, including the development of a database of international resources and special library at Teacher's College. We will discuss the role of libraries as a non-formal community in promoting peace education. This program will be timely given the increased need for peace in the world. When: Tuesday, April 9, 2002 Reception: 6-6:45PM - Speaker: 6:45-8PM Where: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1779 Massachusetts Ave NW (18th and Mass.) Choate Room, 1st Floor. Check-in at Security Desk. Price: Members- $15; NonMembers- $20; Students/Retired: $7.50 Take the Red Line Metro Dupont Circle and go 2 blocks east of the Dupont Circle entrance. Paid public parking is also available across the street and around the corner on 18th Street.


Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to nonmembers are available at $10 per year. Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95 - 1/4 page; $175 - 1/2 page; $290 full page. Library Associates ad here, 1/4 page For information, please contact Chapter Notes Business Manager: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board, 202/565-1668, weberk@stb.dot.gov EDITORS' NOTE: Friday, March 8 is the deadline for materials which can be included in the April 2002 issue. The issue is distributed approximately three weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via e-mail. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to all of the editors: Marie Kaddell, LexisNexis, 1150 Eighteenth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036; 202/8578223; fax 202/857-8233; marie.kaddell@lexisnexis.com Jan Alfieri, The Association of Fundraising



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Professionals, (AFP) - formerly NSFRE, 1101 King Street, Suite 700, Alexandria, VA 22314; 703/519-8458; fax 703/684-0540; jalfieri@afpnet.org

RSVP by April 1st to: Barbara Folensbee-Moore, Library Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC20004 Phone: 202-739-5131

Layout: Amy Pass, Easter Seals, 700 13th Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC, 20005; amypass@mindspring.com

For credit card registrations, e-mail your information to bfolensbee-moore@morganlewis.com. The fax option is no longer available. Registration Form: (Print-ready Form) Name ____________________________________________ Phone: _____________E-mail: _______________________

Event announcements should also be submitted electronically to the DC/SLA Internet Committee chair and discussion list moderator: Liz Farley, (List Moderator) International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W, Washington, DC, 20431;phone 02/623-7042; efarley@cais.com Kristina Lively, (Webmaster) National Endowment for Democracy; 202/293-0300; fax 202/293-0258; kristina@ned.org, Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: SLA Headquarters, ATTN: Address/Name Changes, 1700 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009-2508.

Payment Method: _______ Check_______ VISA/MC If paying by credit card, include: Card number __________________________________ Card Type________ VISA _______ Mastercard Expiration date ________ Name on Card ________________________________ Signature _____________________________________

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President's Corner Innovators in Our Midst - Eileen Abels, Innovate Educator By Sue O'Neill Johnson, DC/SLA President Dr. Eileen Abels is Associate Professor at the College of Library and Information Studies (CLIS) at the University of Maryland. She teaches and advises MLS students in the areas of information access, business information and special libraries. Dr. Abels also teaches at the doctoral level and has several Ph.D. advisees. Many of her research interests are applied. For example, she does research on the value of information services to parent organizations and on remote reference services, including web-based chat reference services. Innovative guidance from Dr Eileen Abels: z

The most important messages to beginning students: While the role of the information professional may be changing it is still critical; "everything is NOT available for free on the Internet" (which they quickly learn), searching is an art and far more than just putting a keyword or two into a search box.




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The most important messages to advanced students: Ditto, and be flexible, be proactive, and think like your users or patrons rather than expecting the patron and user to think like a librarian or information professional.


How she stays up to date: scanning selected journals, newsletters and newspapers on a regular basis; invites practitioners to classes to keep up with issues, and attends professional meetings -- SLA and ASIST always, and ALISE whenever possible.


The main change in LIS teaching: The focus is away from the library as institution and more on information in general. Rather than looking at reference sources she looks at information access in a much broader sense.

How have we made CLIS so strong today?: CLIS has always had strong support from its constituencies and from its alumni. CLIS faculty are involved in many collaborations with other units on campus, such as Computer Science and the Business School. Externally, CLIS graduates represent CLIS well. In her course, Access to Business Information, her students work on teams to create and monitor an (imaginary) investment portfolio. This requires locating resources and synthesizing the information obtained. Students also conduct an environmental scan - identifying opportunities and threats facing an organization. In her Seminar on Special Libraries and Information Centers, students work together to put on an event much as they would do for a professional society. Students work on committees, ranging from logistics, to marketing, to content, to refreshments (the favorite committee). Dr. Abels incorporates new technology into the classroom. She taught a course that included hands on time with a live chat reference service. Students experience first hand the trials and tribulations of such technology. Other new LIS topics now in the classroom are digital libraries, knowledge management, and a new course "Information and the War on Terrorism," a direct response to Sept 11, 2001. Web as part of teaching: At Maryland, all faculty members supplement their course materials with websites. Many of the faculty members post copies of syllabi, course calendars, course notes, and exercises on the web. Distance Learning initiative?: In Summer 2002, CLIS hopes to offer its first distance continuing education course on virtual reference (continuing education credits will be offered). This will be a great way to reach a wide audience on an important topic. Dr Eileen Abels can be reached at ea29@umail.umd.edu. Back to Top Support the 21st Century Librarians Initiative! By Frederik Heller, DC/SLA Government Relations Chair The White House has announced a proposal to spend $10 million during Fiscal Year 2003 to "recruit a new generation of librarians."The 21st Century Librarians Initiative was originally announced by Laura Bush in January, and was included in the budget blueprint that President Bush sent to Congress on February 4, 2002. If the initiative passes, it will be administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The administration's recommendation suggests applying the monies toward several things, including providing grants to masters and doctoral candidates, developing distance learning in rural areas, and recruiting librarians with diverse language and technological skills. This is a great opportunity for SLA to enhance the future of the information profession by nudging our elected officials to implement the administration's proposal.




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Because the IMLS is a federal agency, its funding is allotted during the budget and appropriations process.We are asking DC/SLA members whose U.S. representatives or senators are on the committees for the budget or appropriations to write a letter asking for their support of the 21st Century Librarians Initiative.In our area, Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD) is on the Senate Appropriations Committee; Representatives Frank Wolf (VA), James Moran (VA), and Steny Hoyer (MD) are on the House Appropriations Committee; and Senator Paul Sarbanes (MD) is on the Senate Budget Committee. You can also write to your members of Congress asking them to forward your comments to the chairperson and ranking member of each of these committees: z z z z z z

Senate Budget Committee House Budget Committee Senate Appropriations Committee Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education House Appropriations Committee House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education

Mail service to the Hill is still extremely slow, so we recommend sending your comments by either e-mail or fax. If you prefer to send a physical letter you should mail it to one of your representative's local offices. We would appreciate it if you would also forward a copy of your correspondence to fheller@realtors.org. Talking points and letter-writing guidelines are available from the SLA website at http://www.sla.org/content/memberservice/communication/10MillionBushProposal.cfm.More information on the 21st Century Librarians Initiative can also be found at http://www.imls.gov. Local Senate Budget Committee member: Sen. Paul Sarbanes, Tower One, Suite 1700, 100 South Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201; Fax: 202/2241651; senator@sarbanes.senate.gov Local Senate Appropriations Committee member: Sen. Barbara Mikulski, 1629 Thames St., Suite 400, Baltimore, MD 21231; Fax: 202/224-8858; senator@mikulski.senate.gov Local House Appropriations Committee members: z Rep. Steny Hoyer, 6500 Cherrywood Lane, Suite 310, Greenbelt, MD 20770; fax: 202/225-4300 z Rep. James Moran, 5115-B Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310; fax: 202/225-0017 z Rep. Frank Wolf, 13873 Park Center Rd., Suite 130, Herndon, VA 20171; fax 202/225-0437 Back to Top Inspiring Tales from the Pentagon's Librarians and Their Supporters The Military Librarians Group of DC/SLA and the Military Library Division of SLA will co-sponsor a special evening program at Computers in Libraries 2002.They will talk about the library recovery efforts after September 11, 2001.Jerri Knihnicki, Chief, Research and Information Services, Pentagon Library and Dean McKinney of BMS Catastrophe, Inc. will be featured speakers.This event is FREE!Registration at Computers in Libraries is NOT required. When:Thursday, March 14, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Where:Washington Hilton & Towers, 1919 Connecticut Avenue N.W, Washington, D.C. 20009 Phone:202483-3000, Room TBA.To get to the Hilton, take the Metro Red Line to Dupont Station. Walk up Connecticut Avenue about 3 blocks. For more information, contact Diane Schnurrpusch (703) 767-8022 or Sharon Lenius (703) 601-2709. Back to Top Spring 2002 DC/SLA Chapter Election Candidates -----> Voting Ballot (pdf) <-----




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In order for your Ballot to be counted, you must fold it in thirds so that the return address shows on the outside, tape it shut, and affix proper postage. All ballots must be mailed to: WASHINGTON, DC CHAPTER SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE BOX 287 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STATION WASHINGTON, DC 20044 Your name and mailing address must appear in the appropriate place on the address side so that your ballot can be validated for counting. All ballots must be postmarked by March 31, 2002. Failure to follow these instructions will result in the disqualification of your ballot. First Vice President/President-Elect Susan Fifer-Canby Current Position:Director, Libraries and Indexing, National Geographic Society Previous Positions: Director, Library and Indexing, National Geographic Society; Director, Library; NGS; Assistant Librarian, NGS. Professional Activities: DC/SLA: Chair, Joint Spring Workshop, 1997, 1990; SLA: Chair, Publications Committee, 1993-94; Member, Long Range Planning Committee, 1988-90; Chair, Geography & Map Division, 1978, 1985. DCLA: Vice President, 1990-91; President, 1991-92;ALA: Chair, Publications Committee, 1999; CAPCON: Board of Directors, 1997-; Chair 1994. SLA Innovation in Technology Award, 2001. ALA John Cotton Dana Awards 1985, 1989. DCLA: Distinguished Service Award 1993; President's Award, 1991-92.

(Opposing Candidate Withdrew)

Education: MLS, University of Maryland; BS, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Second Vice President Estelle Alexander

Amy Pass

Current Position: Senior Research Information Specialist, AARP Information Center

Current Position: Information Services/Internet Librarian, Easter Seals Project ACTION

Previous Positions: Reference Librarian, Montgomery County Public Libraries Professional Activities: DC/SLA: Corresponding Secretary 2001-02; Hospitality Chair, 1996-98; Secretary, Beta Phi Mu, Iota Chapter, 19992000.DC/SLA Chapter Member of the Year, 1997.

Previous Positions: Director, Information Management, National Skill Standards Board Professional Activities: DC/SLA: Co-Chair, Library Directory Committee, 2001-; Member,




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Education: MLS, University of Maryland; BA, Temple University.

Communications Committee, 2001-; Co-editor, Chapter Notes, 1999-; Association for Graduate Students in Library & Information Science, CU Chapter, Secretary, 1999-2000. DC/SLA Chapter Member of the Year, 2001. Recipient, DC/SLATelesec Scholarship, 1999. Education: MSLS, Catholic University; BA, State University of New York at Geneseo.

Corresponding Secretary Laura Hjerpe

Bill Turner

Current Position: Technical Information Specialist, Stanley Associates for U.S. Patent & Trademark Office

Current Position: Assistant Dean, School of Library and Information Science, Catholic University

Previous Positions: ReferenceLibrarian/Associate Librarian, National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, Georgetown University; Program Officer, National Council for Soviet and European Research.

Previous Positions: Public Services Librarian, U.S. Census Bureau; Editor/Writer, LabatAnderson, Inc.; Assistant Professor, Valparaiso University.

Professional Activities: Chair, Joint Spring Workshop; SLA Liaison, Joint Spring Workshop.

Professional Activities: Chair, DCLA Student Liaison Committee; Coordinator of Volunteers for National Library Legislative Day; Past President, Friends of the Arlington County Library.

Education: MS, Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; MA, Russian Literature, George Washington University; BA, Political Science, University of California, Berkeley.

Education: PhD, MA, English, West Virginia University; MSLS, Catholic University; BA Davis & Elkins College.

Recording Secretary Andrea Diconi

Susan Fournier

Current Position: Information Professional Consultant, LexisNexis

Current Position: Director, Information Center, Independent Community Bankers of America

Previous Positions: Research Librarian, Baltimore Sun; Research Librarian; Dallas Morning News; Video Archivist, CNN Library, Atlanta. Professional Activities: SLA Student Scholarship award, 1996. Education: MLIS, University of Texas-Austin; BA, University of Georgia.

Previous Positions: Reference Librarian, World Bank Sectoral Library; Reference Librarian, America's Community Bankers; Manager of Information Services, National School Boards Association. Professional Activities: SLA: Association Information Services Caucus Convener; 2001;DC/SLA: Program Chair, Information Technology Group; DCLA: Children & Young Adult Interest Group Chair; Asst. Treasurer/Membership Secretary;Director. Education: MAT, School Library Media Service, Trinity College, DC; MLS, Catholic University;BA, Trinity College.





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Erin Clougherty

Rick Davis

Current Position:

Current Position: Information Specialist, Urban Land Institute

Previous Positions: Taxonomy Manager, MarketResearch.com; Manager of InformationServices, Association for Financial Professionals; Librarian, Macro International.

Previous Positions: Information Specialist, American Society of Association Executives;Information Specialist National School Boards Association. Professional Activities: DC/SLA: Chair, Awards Committee, 1998-2000; Awards Committee member, 1997-1998.

Professional Activities: DC/SLA: Recording Secretary, 2000-2002. Education: MLS, BA; University of Pittsburgh; ECommerce Business Certificate, University of Virginia (expected, 2002).

Education: MLS, Catholic University; MA, International Affairs, George Washington University, BA, Political Science, University of Rochester.

Director Joan Gervino

Shirley Loo

Current Position:

Current Position: Specialist in Information Control and Automated Systems, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.

Previous Positions: Director, Center for Banking Information, American Bankers Association;Director, Library & Information Services, ABA; Librarian, DC Bar Association of the District of Columbia. Professional Activities: SLA: Board Member, 1998-2000; Conference Committee, 2002; Chair, Government Relations Committee, 1996-98; Finance Committee, 1992-96; Chair, Library Management Division, 1994-95; Chair, Business & Finance Division, 1980-81. DC/SLA: President, 1982-83; Chair, Awards Committee, 2001-02. SLA Fellow, 1997. SLA John Cotton Dana Award, 1994. Business & Finance Division Achievement Award, 1986. Education: MLS, Rutgers University; BA, Mount Holyoke College.

Previous Positions: Head, Subject Specialization Section, CRS/LC; Assistant Head, Subject Specialization Section, CRS/LC; Education and Public Welfare Bibliographer, CRS/LC. Professional Activities: DCLA: Vice President, President, and Immediate Past President, 19881990 Awards Chair, 1993-94; Student Liaison, 1995-96; Student Loan Committee Chair or Cochair, 1997-2002.DC/SLA: Social Science Group Secretary; Library of Congress Professional Association: President, 1991; ALA: Federal Librarians Round Table (FLRT) President, 1992-93; Awards Committee Chair or Co-chair, 1994-2001. DCLA Distinguished Service Award. FLRT Distinguished Service Award. LCPA Vanguard Award. Education: MS, School of Library Service, Columbia University; MA, Teachers College, Columbia University; B.Ed and 5th Year Certificate, University of Hawaii.

Back to Top SLA Awards and Honors Dignitaries Amongst Us! Joan Gervino, Awards Chair, DC/SLA The Washington DC Chapter is privileged to have three of our members honored with SLA awards this year! Mary Ellen Bates is being honored with the SLA Professional Award. Mary Ellen is the Principal of Bates




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Information Service, a research and consulting business, specializing in business information. In addition to providing customized research services for clients, she also provides advanced reference interview skills training for librarians and information professionals. Among her accomplishments, Mary Ellen served as President of the Association of Independent Information Professionals, was the first recipient of the AIIP Sue Rugge Memorial Award for mentoring others setting up new information businesses, and was honored with the Member of the Year Award of both the SLA Communications Division and the Washington Chapter. She is a contributing editor of Information Advisor, ONLINE, and EContent and publishes For Your Information, a free electronic newsletter. Lynne K. McCay is being honored as a new Fellow of the Association. Lynne currently holds the position of Assistant Director for Information Research, Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress. In 2001 she was our Chapter's recipient for the Board of Director's Award and currently serves as the DC Chapter Consultation Officer. Lynne has been a noteworthy volunteer at all levels of the Special Libraries Association. A few of her significant accomplishments include Program Chair of the Philadelphia Annual Conference in 2000, Chair of the Association's Professional Development Committee, Chair of the SLA Public Policy Committee, and Washington, DC Chapter President, in addition to many other division, chapter and association level voluntary activities. Gary Price is being honored with the SLA Innovations in Technology Award. Currently in business as a consultant, he previously served as a Reference Librarian at George Washington University. Gary is considered one of the foremost authorities on online databases and Internet search resources. His search aids on the web are invaluable tools for librarians and other researchers.A few examples include Price's List of Lists, Speech and Transcript Center, NewsCenter, Fast Facts, and his recent web log titled "Virtual Acquisition Shelf & News Desk" (http://resourceshelf.blogspot.com). Information Today, Inc published Gary's new book titled, The Invisible Web; Uncovering Information Sources Search Engines Can't. Congratulations to all our winners for their wonderful contributions to our profession! Back to Top 2002 Joint Spring Workshop REGISTER NOW Tuesday April 16 9am - 4pm (Registration opens at 8:30am) Fast…Cheap…Accurate… Get All You Can Out of Web Searching SPEAKERS: Keynote: Gary Price, Librarian and Information Consultant and Editor of The Virtual Acquisition Shelf and News Desk at http://resourceshelf.blogspot.com/ An afternoon panel will present search strategies in business, health, and the sciences. This will be followed by Gary Price taking us on a tour around the web. PLACE: Library of Congress, Mumford Room, Madison Building, 6th Fl. 101 Independence Avenue SE, Nearest Subway Stop: Capitol South (Blue/Orange) SPONSORS: Special Libraries Association, Washington, DC Chapter (DC-SLA) - Lead Association District of Columbia Library Association (DCLA) Law Librarians Association of Washington, D.C. (LLSDC) Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) PRICE: $45 Regular, Student $30 (lunch included) CONTACTS: Laura Hjerpe 703 308-0781 Sharon Geiger 301 258-3099 Registration: No Purchase Orders. No Training Request Forms. No Credit Cards. Make checks payable to: Joint Spring Workshop. No Refunds after March 1, 2002. Lunch not guaranteed for reservations received after April 8, 2002. Complete and mail the registration form below to: Charlotte White, Covington & Burling, 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004. Lunch: _____Turkey Panini _____ Veggie Focaccia




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Name:_________________________________________________Daytime Phone:_________________ Organization:__________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________________________________ Affiliation(s): SLA/DC_____ DCLA_____ FLICC_____ LLSDC_____ Other(pls specify)__________ THE JSW complies with ADA. We can accommodate your needs, provided you call by March 15, 2002. REGISTER EARLY SPACE IS LIMITED Back to Top Two Global 2000 Fellows Win Grants to Attend Los Angeles Conference Congratulations to two Global 2000 Fellows, both members of SLA, who have won grants to attend the SLA Conference in Los Angeles in June 2002. Please be sure and introduce yourselves to them in Los Angeles. Muhammad Chaudhary, Chief Librarian at the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in Pakistan, a university of Science and Technology, has won the SLA International Science and Technology Division Award. We are pleased that the Science and Technology Division presented this award to this distinguished Pakistani librarian, especially this year. We remember the shock when we learned that Muhammads plane was highjacked while en route to the Global 2000 Conference in Brighton, England. Fortunately he was released quickly, arrived cheerfully, and contributed a great deal to the Conference. Xiumei Wang, from China, after several years as a practicing professional in China, wanted to increase her knowledge of LIS theory. She was admitted to the Doctoral program: "Organizing and Providing Access to Information" in the LIS graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin in the fall, 2001, and has a teaching assistantship. Xiumei received a grant from Factiva through the International Information Exchange Caucus (KIEE). Both Global 2000 Fellows will be speakers at a ticketed breakfast at the Conference hosted by the International Information Exchange Caucus (KIEE). - Sue O'Neill Johnson

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Special Libraries Association | DC/SLA Chapter | PO Box 287 Benjamin Franklin Station | Washington, D.C. 20044 webmaster | Last Modified 02/25/2003 | You are at http://units.sla.org/chapter/cdc/cnotes/2002/mar02.html



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