DC/SLA Chapter Notes - May/June 1998

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Chapter Notes May/June 1998

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Vol. 57, No. 9 May/June 1998 Contents President’s Message Program: Finding Lost US Government Data '98/'99 Election Results MAC/Pittsburgh Joint Meeting New DC/SLA Members Member News Global Village Arts Fest Going Global AIS Brownbag Lunch The President's Corner By Ellie Briscoe, DC/SLA President, ebriscoe@ngs.org Summary Annual Report - Washington DC Chapter Activities: We hosted the Winter Meeting and Winter Education Conference January 21-27, 1998, including a sponsored reception at the Library of Congress on January 22. The reception was a truly gala affair, and was attended by Winter Meeting participants and local chapter members. SLA President Judy Field introduced Dr. James Billington, Librarian of Congress, who welcomed us and opened the "Treasures of the Library" exhibit to us. Other LC officials attended, including General Donald Scott, the Deputy Librarian. We made a point of inviting new Chapter members to attend as guests of the Chapter, to consider this their New Members Reception, and to come meet their colleagues and the Association leadership. A seven-person committee, organized by David Shumaker, worked for over six months on arrangements. Laura Foy recruited over 30 Chapter volunteers to staff the registration desk. Mandy Baldridge collected handouts and reference materials; her 20-plus volunteers compiled and handed out subway maps and lists of local bookstores, answered questions using directories of local libraries, made restaurant recommendations, and so on. Michele Crecca organized several tours of local libraries and recruited "Dinner Buddies" for two separate nights. Holly Chong-Williams developed local information on the Chapter Web site, Sharon Lenius led the drive to solicit contributions from our six generous sponsors to underwrite the reception. Estelle Alexander and the Chapter Hospitality Committee, with the help of the Special Events staff at the Library of Congress, organized the reception itself. The Chapter members who volunteered not only signed up to help, they showed up, often arriving early. Their warmth and helpfulness was appreciated by many out-of-town guests, who realized these were fellow professionals taking time out to help our visitors. We launched a Chapter Listserv and a Chapter Webpage (http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc) this year, both now hosted by SLA. In March, the listserv had 264 subscribers (about 20 percent of our members, 810 of whom list email addresses with SLA), and the Web site received 1314 hits. Highest use of the Web page was made in January, when the Winter Meeting support information was available there: 3384 hits. We established an ad-hoc International Projects committee, with the immediate goal of raising funds to sponsor one or more librarians from developing nations to attend Global 2000 conference



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