DC/SLA Chapter Notes - September 1997

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Chapter Notes/September 1997

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Volume 57, No. 1 September 1997 Contents: Competencies For Special Librarians In The 21st Century Do you enjoy eating out?... Free Passes To Online World DC/SLA Online Information Technology President's Column: Professionalism User's Group Please Come to MAC'97 in Arlington, Virginia New DC/SLA Chapter Members as of June/July Winter Meeting Comes to Washington: An Update EPA Launches Information Resources Center Program Notes

THE WELL-ROUNDED PROFESSIONAL SERIES COMPETENCIES FOR SPECIAL LIBRARIANS IN THE 21ST CENTURY Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Place: West Dining Room, Madison Bldg, 6th Fl, Library of Congress, Washington, DC For our second program of the Washington, DC/ SLA Chapter's The Well-Rounded Professional Series, come hear a terrific speaker - Barbara Spiegelman, manager of Technical Information and Communication at Westinghouse Energy Systems, and the editor of SLA's Competencies for Special Librarians in the 21st Century - talk about how both managers and practitioners can use competencies to their advantage. Are you "well-rounded"? Do you have the skills needed to change jobs if necessary? Have you analyzed the skills that you have acquired on the job? Are you prepared for the next millennium? Do you have the attributes and attitudes necessary for successful management and delivery of excellent information services? Barbara will help answer these questions! You can reach the Library of Congress on the Metro, Blue or Orange Lines, Capitol South Station. Enter LC at the ground floor entrance at the corner of First and C Streets, SE (diagonally across from the Metro escalators). Go up the Yellow Core elevators to the 6th floor of the Madison Building and turn right, then proceed to the West Dining Room. We have to vacate the room by 1:00 p.m., so please be prompt. Bring a brown bag lunch and a drink. Although there is no charge for this program, space is limited, so please send the attached form to: Barbara Follensbee-Moore, Pepper Hamilton & Scheetz, 1300 19th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036, or by e-mail to folensbb@pepperlaw.com by OCTOBER 16th. Competencies for Special Librarians, October 22, 1997 Name:________________________________________ Organization:________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Do you enjoy eating out?...



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Do you enjoy good conversation? If so, then Dinner Buddies is for you!! The DC-SLA Winter Meeting Committee is looking for a few good eaters. You will be responsible for taking a small group of Winter Meeting attendees to a local restaurant for a Dutch-treat dinner. This is the easiest and most enjoyable way to volunteer for your local SLA Chapter and to network with members from other chapters. The dates for the dinner buddies expeditions will be: Wednesday, January 21 Sunday, January 25 If you are interested, please contact Michele Crecca, DC/SLA Director at 703/305-9570 or e-mail: michele.crecca@uspto.gov

FREE PASSES TO ONLINE WORLD SLA plans to exhibit at and sponsor Online World, September 15-17, 1997 at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Many of SLA's members and corporate supporters, as well as purchasers of association products and services will be in attendance at the conference. As an exhibitor and sponsor, SLA has been provided with a block complimentary exhibit hall passes. Passes can be obtained from Joan McMannama in SLA=92s Information Resources Center (IRC) at 202/234-4700, ext 652 or irc@sla.org They will also be available for collection at SLA, 1700 Eighteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009-2514.

DC/SLA Online by Greta Ober & Marisa Urgo, Internet Committee The DC/SLA Website will be premiering in just a few weeks. The URL will be published in the October newsletter. In preparation, all DC/SLA Groups and Committees are invited to contribute information about activities and more. There are several submission criteria that must be followed if the information is going to be quickly and efficiently added to the Website. All submissions must be in electronic format: specifically, ascii or plain text formats sent via e-mail. Any subsequent additions to the initial content (e.g. updates, member lists, events and other information) must be submitted by the third Friday of each month so that it can be added to the following month's updates. These submissions must also be in electronic format. All information about the individual committees and groups will be formatted in a template. This will help streamline the work, since the page is maintained by volunteers on their own time. If you would like special formatting or designs, feel free to submit pages that are already formatted in HTML. If you already have a website, send us the URL and we'll create a link to the site. Please keep all non-essential images and graphics (e.g. logos or cartoons) to less than 25K. There is limited space on the server and substantive graphics such as maps will take priority. Send all additions, corrections, and comments to Marisa Urgo at sophia@mindspring.com.



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Information technology The IT Group is sponsoring two free programs on Wednesday, September 10. The first session: Virtual Libraries (1:00-2:00) will highlight what virtual libraries are and examples of what some libraries have done to "virtualize" their collections. The second session: Marketing Library Services (2:30-3:30) will discuss developing a business plan for marketing your library's services. Tina Byrne, a Knight-Ridder Information Management Consultant, will lead the program at: KnightRidder/Dialog, 1525 Wilson Blvd., Suite 650, Arlington, VA 22209, 703/524-8004. Space is limited.

Professionalism by Ellie Briscoe, DC/SLA President Daille Pettit is developing a very strong series of programs for our members this year, along the theme of "The Well-Rounded Professional". It begins with the Web Reference program this month, and continues with a brown bag lunchtime discussion of the SLA Competencies statement with Barbara Spiegelman in October, and an evening forum on conflict resolution in November. Look for a program announcement for the October meeting, and a feedback form for the November one in this issue of Chapter Notes. SLA's "Competencies for Special Librarians of the 21st Century" can be a tool for improving library service, getting recognition for your contributions to your employer's work, and a guideline for personal improvement. Read Guy St. Clair's discussion of this work in the August Information Outlook, and come to the brown bag with questions and opinions. Looking ahead, we'll have a special holiday party in December (no details will be leaked yet) and then January rolls in with the SLA Winter Meeting and Winter Education Conference. David Shumaker and his committee are organizing a reception at the Library of Congress' Great Hall, staffing of the registration desk, a dinner buddies program, a Web page of hospitality and restaurant information, and more. We need your help! Call or e-mail David (703/883-6947 or dshumake@mitre.org) and offer some time in January; if enough people can give just an hour or two, we'll establish a great reputation as a host chapter. Other members are beginning to work on the two spring programs: the Professional Development Workshop and the Joint Spring Workshop. Please, if you have a topic you'd especially like to see covered or a speaker you'd recommend, email me at ebriscoe@ngs.org, and I'll pass it on to the planners.

User's Group An informal local user group for Endeavor Information Systems' Voyager software has been formed, and will have a meeting on September 17. For information, contact Ellie Briscoe, 202/8577050 or ebriscoe@ngs.org.

Please Come to MAC'97 in Arlington, Virginia The Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC) of the Medical Library Association (MLA) will hold its annual meeting October 15-18, 1997 at the newly-renovated Rosslyn Westpark Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, which offers a breathtaking view of the Washington, DC skyline and is only a block from the Metro. The theme is Alliances: The Key to the Future. The MAC/MLA membership invites SLA members to



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continue old alliances and create new ones with them at this meeting. The MAC/MLA 1997 Program Chair is Julia Shaw-Kokot, Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Local Arrangements Co-Chairs are Mary Hyde, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Washington, DC and Debra Scarborough, Potomac Hospital, Woodbridge, Virginia. Highlights of the meeting will be keynote speaker Ralph E. Russell who will present opportunities and challenges involved in the GALILEO Project and MLA president-elect Jacqueline Doyle who will speak at the Professional Issues Forum. The contributed papers, poster sessions, and roundtable lunches will be stimulating. Four Skill Sessions will deal with MACLend, Copyright, WWWPrimer and WWW Search Engines. Continuing education courses will be offered as follows: Wednesday, October 15 8 a.m.- 12 p.m. Developing a Hospital Library Web Page Instructor: Cecilia Durkin Cost: $60 MAC members/$80 non-members Location: Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University, Medical Center 1p.m.- 5 p.m. Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language Instructor: Bryan Vogh Cost: $60 MAC members/$80 non-members Location: Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University, Medical Center 1 p.m.- 5 p.m. - Teaching the Adult Learner Instructor: Patricia Ridgeway Cost: $60 MAC members/ $80 non-members Location: Rosslyn Westpark Hotel Saturday, October 18 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Copyright in Today's Environment Instructor: Sarah K. Wiant Cost: $120 MAC members/$150 non-members Location: Rosslyn Westpark Hotel 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Evidence-Based Medicine for Librarians Instructor: Anne McKibbon Cost: $120 MAC members/$150 non-members Location: Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University, Medical Center For registration, contact Martha Cohn or Wilma Bass at the Dahlgren Memorial Library, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 202/ 687-1661.

NEW DC/SLA Chapter MEMBERS as of June/July Maxine Berntein, Kroll Associates;



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Lisa Bowes, Eagle Design & Management, Inc.; Sharon Butts, Library of Congress; Kurt Carroll; Joanne Correllus; Barbara Davis; Ann Dugan, Garcia Consulting; Ela Dyba, Leboeuf, Lamb, Greene & Macrae; Eugenia Grigoris, The Boston Consulting Group; Claire Imholtz, LTS Corp; Donna Jacumin, The Investigative Group; Alison M. Keyes, Golder Associates, Inc.; Bruce Krebs, Immigration & Naturalization Service; Florence Lathrop, Lathrop Archives & Information; Serena Leogue, McKinsey & Co.; Lisa Loyo, Watson Wyatt Wolrdwide Research & Information Center; Virginia MacEwen, George Washington University; Jennifer Miller, Catholic University of America, Law Library; John Miller; Rhea Neville, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Public Information Center; Mimmy Polan, Bread for the World; Alexander Porthrup; Cecile Pratt, IIEC; Susan Press, ICF Kaiser Int'l, Inc.; Alam Schlein, Schlein News Bureau; Ted Sherman, Garcia Consulting; Carol Singer, National Agriculture Library; Roger Skalbeck; Patricia Tremba, Profound; Nancy Valint, Foster Associates, Inc.; McGennes Williams, Niche Publishers; Lois Winkel, Bernan Associates.

Winter Meeting Comes to Washington: An Update Preparations are getting into high gear for the SLA Winter Meeting and Winter Education Conference in Washington, January 22-28, 1998. As the host chapter, we'll sponsor a reception for the meeting attendees and provide hospitality, registration, dinner buddies and other services. The Library of Congress has done us the honor of making the Great Hall available for our reception, which will be held on Thursday, January 22. Estelle Alexander (202/434-6241) and the Hospitality Committee are planning a memorable event for the participants. Also, Holly Chong-Williams (703/908-2386) is our Web coordinator and will be putting local arrangements information up on the SLA Winter Meeting Website (which will be linked to the Chapter site - see page 3). Michelle Crecca (703/305-9570) has agreed to coordinate the Dinner Buddies activities and compile a restaurant guide (see page 2). And Sharon Lenius (703/339-9401) is serving as our Winter Meeting Corporate Sponsorship leader. If you have leads on sources of corporate funding for the Great Hall reception, please call Sharon. We'll have more Winter Meeting news next month. If you would like to assist, contact any of these folks, or Dave Shumaker, Local Arrangements Chair at 703/883-6947.



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EPA Launches Information Resources Center EPA announces the opening of the Headquarters Information Resources Center (IRC). The IRC integrates the Public Information Center, the Headquarters Library and INFOTERRA into a one-stop shop for seamless, improved access to EPA information. The IRC is located in Room M2904 of the EPA Headquarters building at 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC, and is open to the public on a walk-in basis. Services provided by the IRC include: z z z z z z z

Research assistance on a wide range of environmental and related subjects; Questions may be submitted via phone, fax, mail, or email; Referrals to other EPA information sources; Access to collections, including thousands of EPA reports; Assistance in locating materials on EPA's World Wide Web site; Assistance to international clients with referrals to environmental experts within the U.S.; Coordination with the National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI) for distributing and mailing EPA documents.

Contact information: EPA Headquarters Information Resources Center, Room M2904, Mail Code 3404, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460; phone: 202/260-5922 fax: 202/260-6257; e-mail: libraryhq@epamail.epa.gov Internet: http://www.epa.gov/natlibra/hqirc/ Hours of operation: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

PROGRAM NOTES SEPTEMBER PROGRAM: There is still space available for the September "Reference on the Web" program which will take place at Lister Auditorium, NLM, Wednesday, September 24th, at 8:15 a.m. However, registrations are coming in at a fast pace, so we recommend that you get your registration form in as soon as possible. Registration will close when all places are filled or by Wednesday, September 17th. For more information, contact Estelle Alexander, AARP Research Information Center, 601 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20049; or ealexander@aarp.org. NOVEMBER PROGRAM: DC-SLA's November program (to be held either the evening of Monday, November 17th, or the evening of Tuesday, November 18th, please watch for more details in next month's CHAPTER NOTES) will be on conflict management. Conflict is inevitable, but there are ways to manage it so that you can get closer to that place where everyone wins, and you can go home at the end of the day feeling the rewards you went into this profession to feel. Martha Johns will conduct the workshop in conflict management and would like to hear about your most frequent work place conflicts or that horror story you just can't forget so that we can base the workshop on real issues you face everyday. Please send your story or issues to Daille Pettit, AH&MA, 1201 New York Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20005-3931, fax: 202/289-3186, or e-mail dpettit@ahma.com with your "Library Laments!" What bugs me the most is___________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ I'm not sure how to handle the patron who_____________ _______________________________________________



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I'll never forget when______________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Circle one In conflict I: Get defensive Keep cool outside/get tense inside Get angry Ask questions Avoid the person/situation Am in my element



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