Chapter Notes September/October 1999
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Vol. 58/59, No. 11/1 September/October 1999 Contents President's Corner SLA, Government Relations, and You Coming Attractions DC/SLA Student Membership Award Minutes of the May 11 DC/SLA Board Meeting Chance to Volunteer in DC/SLA Global 2000 Fundraising Good Applicants for Fellowships Writers and Contributors Needed!! Military Librarians Group event Nominees for SLA Awards Sought President's Corner Washington DC Chapter, Special Libraries Association By Nancy Minter, DC/SLA 1999-2000 President, DC/SLA -- What's in it for you? I have been burning the midnight oil lately as I complete what I hope are the final tasks required for introducing a new online library system in our organization. I'm just hoping that the light I see at the end of the tunnel proves not to be a freight train! As I think back over the entire process -of selecting a system, of customizing it to our own needs, and of introducing it to the research staff, I realize how much help I've gotten from my SLA colleagues. As I wandered through the exhibits at SLA's 1997 annual conference, I saw some of the products then available. Aware that our existing DOS-based system was not long for this world, I asked some questions and basically "kicked tires." By the 1998 annual conference, our action on this front was much more intense. I spent more time with the vendors, attended several demonstrations, and caught every workshop session I could find where participants would be discussing the various software products on the market. When I returned from Indianapolis, I really became immersed in making the right choice. I conducted an exhaustive literature search of system reviews, I contacted vendors in which I had a definite interest, and I engaged in continuing discussions with colleagues using or switching to systems that looked best to me. I hired a professional colleague as a consultant to help prepare the statement of work and to help refine the specifications for a Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP hit the street, and the consultant was invaluable in helping us get through the vendorspeak, to review the proposals. Much to my delight, the consultant also attended the demonstrations from the leading contenders and asked hard questions on our behalf, challenging sales representatives to really get us all the information we needed to make our decision. I then called on a number of SLA colleagues, for references on the final two choices. Making our commitment, the scariest part of all, was eased considerably by all the help I had received up to that point. The software arrived within about two weeks, and then we moved into the implementation stage. You know, the part where you find out how drastic a mistake you may actually have made.
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During the company-provided training, I met folks from other DC-area libraries implementing the same system. I have been able to compare notes with the others, and feel a bit better on those days when I thought frustration was to become a permanent way of life. Through networking with other colleagues, I have had some much-needed assistance in developing training materials for staff and users. Perhaps most important, I have had the support and help of chapter members on my own staff to help throughout the entire process. It's amazing how far we have come since placing our software order in December last year, to launching our new system at the end of September this year. One of the most remarkable aspects of this major, labor-intensive, budget-challenging event is the marvelous assistance, advice, and assurance I have received from other SLA members and colleagues. It's so reassuring to know that although I sometimes felt as though no one could possibly understand what I was facing, I was never alone -- I had lots of help and support as close as a phone call or e-mail away! The process is now coming full circle: I have had a couple of phone calls from other SLA members lately who are embarking on the same type of journey. They have contacted me to see if they can come see our new online system, to ask what we like or didn't like about the company and the individuals with whom we worked, and to see if we would recommend our experience to others. So, should you be a member of DC/SLA? Should you encourage others to join, too? My answer is a resounding, "YES!" -- Nancy Minter Return to contents
SLA, Government Relations, and You You are invited to: SLA, Government Relations, and You: An Evening with SLA Public Communications Director John Crosby The headlines tell the story: "Congress Passes Copyright Bill," "Daley to Close NTIS," "Federal Library Funding Cut".... Government affects all of us, every day. Nowhere are there SLA members more aware of that than here in the Nation's Capital. But did you know that SLA has its own Government Relations office? Ever wonder what it does, how it operates, which issues it's involved in? Ever want to talk about the government issues that affect you most in your professional life? Now's your chance! Join a select group of your most politically astute peers on Thursday evening, October 21, for networking, good food, and an insider's view of information and library politics in Washington. We welcome guest speaker John Crosby, SLA's Public Communications director. John, a Capitol Hill veteran (Office of Rep. Herb Bateman, VA), will discuss how SLA monitors public policy, represents the membership, and how you can participate. WHEN: Thursday, October 21, 6:00 -- 8:00 p.m. WHERE: The Wine Room of the Embassy Suites Hotel 1250 22nd Street NW (near Metro's Dupont Circle and Foggy Bottom stations) PROGRAM: 6:00 -- 6:30 Social Hour (with heavy hors d'oeuvres) 6:30 -- 8:00 Program
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PRICE: $18.50 Members $27.75 Non-members $9.25 Students REGISTRATION FORM: Name:____________________________Phone:________________ Organization:__________________________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________ __ This is my first DC/SLA event __ Student __ SLA Member __ DCLA Member __ ASIS Member RSVP by October 15, 1999 to: Mandy Baldridge, TeleSec/CORESTAFF, 11160 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 414, Wheaton, MD 20902; Fax 301-949-8729; email: Return to contents Coming Attractions Mark your calendar! Save these dates! Here's a tentative schedule of coming Chapter events. z Thursday, October 21: "SLA, Government Relations, and You: An Evening with SLA Public Communications Director John Crosby z Monday, November 15: "Real Knowledge Management: What Your Peers Are Actually Doing.: Start the week off right with this Monday morning meeting. Knowledge management is a hot topic of discussion, but what are people really doing? Come hear from a panel of local leaders with real stories to tell and real lessons to share. z Tuesday, December 7: Rev up the Holiday season and start the countdown to Y2K with your colleagues at the Chapter's annual holiday reception. Return to contents
DC/SLA Student Membership Award "Key Challenges Facing Special Librarians in the Next Century" Apply for DC/SLA's new Student Membership Award! One winner each from Catholic University of America and University of Maryland will receive SLA student dues for one year, free attendance at 3 DC/SLA chapter events, and free attendance at DC/SLA's December holiday social. Total value of the award is approximately $100. Eligibility: Any student currently enrolled or accepted in the library science program at U-Md or CUA. Contest: Write an essay of 300-500 words on this year's topic, "Key Challenges Facing Special Librarians in the Next Century" To Enter: Submit the award application, and include evidence of enrollment in, or acceptance to U-Md or CUA library science master's degree program. Attach your essay, typed, on 8.5x11 in. paper.
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Deadline: Entries must be received by November 1, 1999. Information and the application form are also at --------------------------------------------------DC/SLA Student Membership Award Application Name _______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Are you enrolled or accepted in a Library Science master's degree program? ____enrolled ____accepted At which school? _____ University of Maryland ____Catholic University of America How many semester/credit hours have you earned? ____ Are you currently a member of Special Libraries Association? ____ Mail this application, evidence of enrollment or acceptance, and your essay to: Special Libraries Association Student Membership Award P.O. Box 287 Benjamin Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044 Return to contents
Minutes of the 8/11 DC/SLA Board Meeting The DC/SLA Board met August 11, 1999 at the Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, NW at 6:00 p.m. PRESIDENT The strategic planning group is starting to work on its agenda for the year, and Nancy, the President of the Chapter, is getting volunteers for this group. PRESIDENT ELECT The October program will be held on October 21, 1999, at the Embassy Suites Hotel on 23rd Street. John Crosby, SLA's Director of Public and Government Relations, will be the featured speaker. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Sue Johnson and other committee members talked to several Chapter and Division Chairs about contributions to the Global 2000 effort while attending the SLA Conference in Minneapolis. Our Chapter has held three fundraisers for the Global 2000 Conference, the emphasis in the future will be on attaining grants and donations. A subcommittee has been formed to target other Chapters and Divisions for donations. OLD BUSINESS Nancy Minter reported that she had received completed bylaws from Margo Chisholm, and a request to formally acknowledge the formation of a Legal Issues Group. The motion was passed unanimously.
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For a complete copy of the minutes, please e-mail Laura Foy, Recording Secretary, at Return to contents
Chance to Volunteer in DC/SLA Are you looking for a chance to volunteer in DC/SLA? Do you know an outstanding, special librarian who is deserving of an SLA award? The Awards Committee of DC/SLA is looking for you! To volunteer for the committee, contact Rick Davis, committee chair, at: Telephone: (202) 624-7117 Fax: (202) 624-7140 E-mail: Return to contents
Global 2000 Fundraising Update on Global 2000 Fundraising Thanks to the hard work of the DC/SLA Chapter, the generosity of SLA Chapters and Divisions, and a substantial pledge of $20,000 from The Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA), we now have $49,825 in funds and pledges for Global 2000 Fellowships. These fellowships will enable librarians from developing countries to attend the conference in Brighton, England in October, 2000. Costs for each attendee will average about $3,000. To date we will be able to send about sixteen people to the Conference, but we are making every effort to raise even more money. If you can help, please contact any of the following key people on the International Projects Committee. We have a lot more work to do and need your help. Sue O. Johnson, (Chair) Nancy Minter, (Divisions) Daille Pettit, (Chapters) Jeff Stickle, (Law Firms) Sharon Lenius, (Grants) Global 2000 Fundraising Funds raised in DC-SLA (includes $20,000 pledge from DANIDA) $31,000 (our goal was $15,000!) Funds donated by other chapters and divisions $7,125 Funds promised by other chapters and divisions $11,700 Total raised or pledged to date: $49,825 Return to contents
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Good Applicants for Fellowships PLEASE HELP US FIND GOOD APPLICANTS FOR FELLOWSHIPS We are looking for the best special librarians in developing countries to receive these Fellowships. We want potential leaders and people with strong intellectual ability who can take advantage of this opportunity and use it to become more effective. We therefore encourage every DC/SLA member to send the e-mail application (see below) to at least one candidate -- someone you know or have heard of in a developing country. This will ensure that the best people are aware of the Fellowships. For a copy of the application, go to, or request an application by sending an email to Barbvand@Npcpress.Org. Return to contents
Writers and Contributors Needed New Chapter Notes Features Planned Writers and Contributors Needed Say, fellow member, have you called your former graduate-school classmate to congratulate her on that terrific promotion she just received? And how about your DC/SLA colleague who got rave reviews for the workshop on digital copyright he just hosted? Did you read the Washington Post article about knowledge management, featuring one of the local Division's leading members? "Where did you find out all that news?" you ask. Why, in Chapter Notes, of course. This Fall, the Chapter Notes editors plan to inaugurate a new column - "Members' News" - to fill you in on your DC/SLA colleagues' latest exploits. Use this column to tell the Chapter about your career change -- your new job, promotion or retirement; the award you recently received; the presentation you delivered at the conference; or the article you just published. What have you been up to lately? "Members' News" wants to know. Send us your news today! "Members' News" is just one of the additions the editors have in store. Another periodic feature we are planning to run is reviews of Chapter events. How would you like to attend any one of the upcoming meetings - the October 21 gathering with John Crosby, the November 15 session about knowledge management -- at no charge? After attending these or future events, you would write a one-page review for Chapter Notes. It's a win-win situation for all of us - you get to utilize your reporting and writing skills and save some money; the members get to read an interesting article dealing with important professional issues. Would you like to write a feature story about a hot topic of your own choosing? The editors welcome your submissions. The kinds of articles we would like to receive are reviews of new databases, Internet search engines, information technology tools, and books; practical advice on setting up Intranets, moving libraries, or leading teams; accounts about working in unique special library/information settings in the DC area; or profiles of intriguing members. The editors reserve the right to copy edit all submissions and shorten items when necessary. Another planned Chapter Notes feature for which your input is vital is, "Ask the Experts." Periodically, the editors will pose a question concerning a provocative information issue. For instance, we might ask: "Given the extensive use of end-user technology in your organizations, are your jobs becoming more difficult, easier, or not changing?" In turn, you, the experts, will send in your many imaginative and instructive replies which will be printed in Chapter Notes. With your widespread participation, this feature will make for some lively reading!
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To find out how you can contribute to our new Chapter Notes features, please contact the editors at Return to contents
Military Librarians Group event Movie Stars "at Sea" The Military Librarians Group of DC/SLA invites members and guests to a Dinner Presentation by Joe Wise of his book, STARS IN BLUE: Movie Actors in America's Sea Services. This book chronicles the naval experience and some stars' contributions, mostly in WW II and The Korean War. Mr. Wise will give a slide presentation using many rare photos, some from the stars' own albums. WHEN: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 beginning with a cash bar at 6 p.m. WHERE: Tivoli Restaurant, 1700 N. Moore St., Rosslyn, VA, located in the building above the Rosslyn Metro (Orange and Blue Lines.) Complimentary parking available. MENU: Both menu selections include salad, assorted breads, chocolate mousse torte, and coffee or tea. Menu 1: Scaloppine of Chicken with sauteed mushrooms al Marsala, $27. Menu 2: Fettuccine with grilled vegetables and extra virgin olive oil, $24. Please send a check to Ms. Patricia Ames, 6250 Edsall Road, # 201, Alexandria, VA 22312 by October 25. Make checks payable to DC/SLA. For additional information, contact Ms. Pat Alderman at (703) 681-7205 or at: Return to contents
Nominees for SLA Awards Sought Each year SLA presents the following awards at its annual conference: Dow Jones Leadership Award -- Presented to a member(s) who shows leadership as a special librarian by exemplifying personal and professional competencies. Fellow of the Special Libraries Association -- Recognizes a member(s) for leadership in special librarianship, and for outstanding contributions and expected future service to SLA. H.W. Wilson Company Award -- Awarded to an author(s) of an outstanding article published in Information Outlook magazine during the publication year. Hall of Fame Award -- Honors an SLA member(s) at or near the end of an active professional career, for an extended and sustained period of distinguished service to the association. Innovations in Technology Award -- Given to a member(s) for the innovative use and application of technology in a special library setting. John Cotton Dana Award -- Conferred to a member(s) in recognition of exceptional service to special librarianship.
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President's Award -- Granted to a member(s) for a notable or important contribution during the past year. The contribution must have enhanced SLA or furthered its goals and objectives. Professional Award -- Presented to a group or individual, SLA member or nonmember, to recognize a specific major achievement or a special contribution to the field of librarianship or information science, which advances SLA's stated objectives. Rose L. Vormelker Award -- Given to a member(s) in recognition of exceptional service to special librarianship, and for mentoring students and/or practicing professionals. Do you know someone who would be a good candidate for one of these prestigious awards? Please send the name of your nominee(s), the award for which he or she is being nominated, and a brief explanation of why your nominee(s) should receive this award to: Rick Davis, Chair, Awards Committee E-mail -- Fax -- (202) 624-7140 Phone -- (202) 624-7117 Please send your nominations by November 1. Return to contents