January 2015 FFF www.GELBVIEH.org
Selling February 17, 2015 • Burwell, Neb. Incredible Quality ... selected from a continual AI program since 1965. You won’t find a better set Guaranteed! Guaranteed Genetics to convert grass to pounds, because after all what we are really selling is grass. Add genetics that will more efficiently convert grass to pounds, ultimately adding more dollars to your bottom line than any other trait. Good ranchers ride good horses and have great hard working cows eating their grass. At Cedar Top Ranch we demand both. Pampered cattle simply don’t have the bred-in ability to do their most important function of converting grass to protein. Cedar Top cows do this better than any other program in the country. Hard working cows make hard working bulls.
175 Coming 2-year-old Bulls Sell
Pick from a great selection of 2-year-old Bulls – NOT Last Year’s Leftovers!
Range-Ready Bulls from these Sire Groups Sell (many maternal ET sibs sell)
Balancer® • Angus • Red Angus • Complete Igenity DNA Testing • Semen Checked • You Buy...We Bid on Your Calves • Volume Discounts • 1st Season Guarantee • Free Delivery • Supreme Quality (Selected from one of the Nation's largest herds) • Forage Developed (to identify cattle that gain on grass) • Carcass Tested • Every Bull DNA Tenderness Tested!
Cedar Top Ranch
Scott & Raberta Starr 212 Starr Drive • Stapleton, NE 69163 308-587-2293 • 308-530-3900 (C) email: cedartopranch@gpcom.net
Cattlemen’s Connection Your One-Call Convenience Semen Shipping Center Remove the hassle from AI season by ordering all your semen from one place: Cattlemen's Connection. We take sire selection and customer service to a New level!
Western Hauler
Cattlemen’s Connection ... Your connection to all available bulls in the Gelbvieh breed and all breeds− if we don’t have ‘em we can get ‘em.
HWe are the largest supplier of Gelbvieh & Balancer genetics (100+ Sires)H Unlimited supply of top Angus and Red Angus sires for your Balancer® needs.
Red Oak
Next Step
Buddy Boy
Profit Agent
Cowboy Cut
Top Recruit
Shipping and handling FREE on orders of 50 or more units.
Commercial Producers:
the majority of our sires are available to you at substantially discounted commercial prices.
35+ years AI expertise/25+ years traveling the Gelbvieh breed.
r for ou y a d o t Call 5 Semen ar 201 Calend og/ Catal
Call Cattlemen’s Connection: 1-800-743-0026 Roger & Peggy Gatz • P.O. Box 156 • Hiawatha, KS 66434 • 785-742-3163
Super Duty
Extra Exposure
Impact Z204
Visit our website: www.cattlemensconnection.com For a complete listing of AI Sires, their stats, DNA, pedigrees and EPDs
January 2015, Volume 29, Number 5 Official Publication of the American Gelbvieh Association 16 Final Preparations for the 2015 AGA Annual Convention and NWSS
Convention Schedule and Convention Speakers.
24 The Importance of Beef Reproduction - What, How, Why?
BEEF Magazine article by Burke Teichert
26 NCBA’s Cattlemen’s College Lineup
Set for February 3-4, 2015, in San Antonio.
50 Champions Named in NAILE Eastern National Show
View photos and results from the 89 head show.
58 A Year in Review – Articles Published in 2014
Take a look back at the articles published in Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture and take some time to reread those that are pertinent to your program.
IN EVERY ISSUE Contact Us News & Notes Did You Know? Bits & Pieces Places to Be Ad Index
2 | JANUARY 2015
BREEDERS SECTIONS 4 10 10 11 64 66
Southeast Breeders 35 Southern Breeders 37 Northeast Breeders 41 Western Breeders 43 Upper Midwest Breeders 48-49 Midwest Breeders 56-57 Service Center 65
Happy New Year! This months cover photo was submitted to us by Wendy Thorstenson, Thorstenson Gelbvieh & Angus, Selby, SD.
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Lynn Valentine lynnv@gelbvieh.org EDITOR: Rebecca Mettler rebeccam@gelbvieh.org “GELBVIEH WORLD” (ISSN 1084-5100), is published monthly except for February, June and October for $35 for one year. American Gelbvieh Association 10900 Dover St., Broomfield, Colorado 80021-3993. Periodicals postage paid at Broomfield, Colorado and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to: Gelbvieh World, 10900 Dover Street, Broomfield, Colorado 80021
Advancing Livestock Media Professionals
. e t a l P o t e r u t s a P m o r F 80% 80% 35%
Quality Grade CHOICE
Yield Grade 1’s and 2’s
Qualified for CAB®
At Cranview Gelbvieh, we believe in “Balanced Genetics”. We define this concept in our breeding program as a balanced combination of traits. These traits include attractive phenotypes, proven pedigrees, growth and performance, and the ability to grade on the rail. Check out the data above on our most recent load of finished cattle. Furthermore, we take our selection criteria one step further than most. We performance test our bulls and replacement females and incorporate the latest DNA technology. This attention to detail continues to propel our program forward and helps make our customers money. In the end, our ultimate goal is to produce Gelbvieh and Balancer™ genetics that fulfill the needs of the commercial cattlemen, the demands of the beef industry and the satisfaction of the consumer! BSF Princess W2 • Angus dam that produced the 2014 Reserve Champion Angus Bull in Denver.
CRAN Spice Z253
CRAN Vanessa X061 ET • Sold to Eagle Pass Ranch in the 2012 National Gelbvieh Sale.
EGL T003 “Tiara” CRAN Z251 ET • Sold for $22,000 to Eagle Pass Ranch, Beastrom Gelbvieh, and Jumping Cow Gelbvieh in the 2014 National Gelbvieh Sale!
Over 70+ Bulls and 20 Show and Replacement Heifers out of these great females will sell at our Annual Progress and Performance Sale. Be sure to look for their ET progeny in this year’s sale!
MARCH 28, 2015 • 1PM CST • RuGBy, ND
RobeRt and bill aRnold • esmond, nd
PH: 701.720.8823 or 701.624.2051 Rlagelbvieh@aol.com • www.cRanviewgelbvieh.com
CONTENTS INSIDE THE EDITORIAL 6 Strive to be Forward Thinkers and Promoters of Gelbvieh
Vice President’s View from Dan Warner
Maximizing your AGA Membership
Executive’s View from Myron Edelman
12 AGA Registry Service
Breed Promotion Minute from William McIntosh
42 Reflections and Resolutions
Junior Voice from Sydney Bigger
View of the Numbers from Susan Willmon
36 Become an Advocate for the Beef Industry
2014 American Royal Extended Coverage
Features and Tips from Susan Willmon
30 Genomics - Risk vs. Reward
38 Getting Everything in Line for a Successful Advertising Campaign
Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale IX and 6th Customer Appreciation Day
Seedstock Plus Fall Bull & Female Sale
Communication Note from Rebecca Mettler
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 10900 Dover Street F Westminster, CO 80021 Main phone: 303-465-2333 F Fax: 303-465-2339 www.GELBVIEH.org F info@gelbvieh.org Facebook: American Gelbvieh Association
ASSOCIATION STAFF Myron Edelman Executive Director myrone@gelbvieh.org (ex. 480)
Kari White Breed Improvement Data Analyst kario@gelbvieh.org (ex. 483)
Dianne Coffman Director of Administration diannec@gelbvieh.org (ex. 479)
Lynn Valentine Gelbvieh Media Productions Coordinator lynnv@gelbvieh.org (ex. 486)
Susan Willmon Director of Breed Improvement susanw@gelbvieh.org (ex. 484) Dolores Gravley Customer Services doloresg@gelbvieh.org (ex. 481) Patti Showman Customer Services pattis@gelbvieh.org (ex. 478) Carrie Tilghman Junior Activities Coordinator carriet@gelbvieh.org 270-404-0828
4 | JANUARY 2015
Rebecca Mettler Editorial Content Coordinator rebeccam@gelbvieh.org 940-255-5471 Megan Slater Public Relations Coordinator megans@gelbvieh.org (ex. 463) William McIntosh Commercial Marketing Specialist williamm@gelbvieh.org 502-867-3132
Rob Arnold, President (2012) Minot, ND • 701-624-2051 rlagelbvieh@aol.com
Duane Strider, Secretary (2012) Asheboro, NC • 910-428-4568 ccrosscattle@yahoo.com
Dan Warner, V. President (2013) Beaver City, NE • 308-962-6511 dan@warnerbeef.com
Neal Pearson, Treasurer (2012) Lake City, SD • 605-448-5653 njpearson@venturecomm.net
DIRECTORS Brian Dunn (2013) St. John, KS • 620-549-6516 dunnfarm@hotmail.com Emily Griffiths (2014) Kendallville, IN • 260-242-1552 ejgriffiths.eg@gmail.com Bob Hart (2014) Kansas City, KS • 816-225-8530 bhart@hartfarm.net Andy LeDoux (2012) Agenda, KS • 785-732-6564 ledouxranch@hotmail.com David Martin (2014) Judsonia, AR • 501-728-4950 martincattleco@windstream.net Bob Prosser (2012) Winslow, AZ • 928-289-2619 info@bartbar.com
Ronnie Rogers (2013) Mendon, MO • 660-375-7266 rogers_valley_farm_feedlot@ hotmail.com Scott Starr (2013) Stapleton, NE • 308-587-2293 cedartopranch@gpcom.net Walter Teeter (2014) Mt. Ulla, NC • 704-236-7980 waltert@republicrefrigeration.com Grant Thayer (2014) Ramah, CO • 303-621-2058 grant@jumpingcowgelbvieh.com Gary Tilghman (2013) Glasgow, KY • 270-678-5695 gtilghma@uky.edu
Strive to be forward thinkers and promoters of Gelbvieh. “Each of us has our own story as to the events that lead us to become involved in the cattle industry and as a member of the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA).” By Dan Warner FOR SOME, IT is a lifelong legacy that has been
passed down from our parents and grandparents. But for others, it has been a personal endeavor that has occurred by calculation or maybe just chance. It is also an individual’s prerogative as to what level of interaction we choose to maintain with the staff and office. The AGA staff works diligently to serve our membership with the same level of urgency and care regardless of the number of cows each member may assess. Our staff and board of directors take a great deal of pride in the loyalty that our membership possesses. The value of honesty and integrity held by each member speaks highly of our breed in every industry venue we pursue. This foundation is uniform and consistent throughout our membership and I ask you to consider what more you can do for your association. Data, herd assessments, American Gelbvieh Foundation donations and DNA samples are valuable to the daily business of our breed, but we also need your time and effort as well. Every member has skills and talents along with perspective that can contribute positively to the direction of our breed. It seems timely for me to applaud the members that have contributed diligently in the past and also to challenge every member for the upcoming year. Regardless if your passion is the junior program, sponsoring field days or facilitating a maternal sale; I challenge every member to portray this great breed positively in any way possible. I also encourage every member to consider a directorship position. A directorship is not often a position we think of for ourselves, rather a position that others see in a person. Encourage that person and cultivate that thinking for this coming year. 6 | JANUARY 2015
The commitment asked of our board of directors is no small detail. You will be challenged for more time, more thought and more responsibility than you ever considered as a member of this association. This will lead to a dedication that will enhance your level of pride and ownership that many of us may not have considered possible. I speak for all 15 members when I say you will never be more invested into your own herd of cattle once you sit in the board room at the AGA. Not only will the daily challenges motivate you more, but the celebrations of successes are even sweeter. Every board member that has served can look back upon the changes that they helped orchestrate. I firmly believe that the future is
I speak for all 15 members when I say you will never be more invested into your own herd of cattle once you sit in the board room at the AGA.
bright for this breed. I also believe all of that is due to the shining stars we have had in the board room to guide us. There will always be issues of controversy and difficult positions of sensitivity for board members, however the forward thinking of our entire membership allows the board to set more fires in the industry than the ones we consume ourselves with fighting. Ask yourself if you are that person, or do I know someone whom is capable of serving the entire membership positively. Most importantly, beat your drum for Gelbvieh in a loud and harmonious manner to overpower the noise of the rest of the industry. FFF
BREEDER’S CHOICE GELBVIEH BULL FUTURITY ENTRY An ET son by sired by Traction out of the Darci donor who’s son, RHTR Solution was a past futurity winner, He is Homozygous polled and ranks in the top 2% Calving Ease, top 10% Weaning weight, top 15% Yearling Weight.
DCSF POST ROCK LONE RANGER 233A8 ET PEOPLE’S CHOICE BALANCER® BULL FUTURITY ENTRY An ET son of the legendary donor Post Rock Twila 223M2 and sired by the high carcass, big spread Genex sire Lone Star Advantage that is really working well on our Gelbvieh cattle.
Big things happen when you get small thinking out of the way. POST ROCK CATTLE COMPANY 3041 E. Hwy. 284, Barnard, KS 67418 Bill Clark: 785.792.6244 Leland Clark: 785.792.6208 Fax: 785.792.6250 • Email: prcc@twinvalley.net “Where calving ease, performance and eye-appeal come together.”
MARCH 21, 2015 12:30
• PM (CST) Post Rock Cattle Company Sale Facility • Barnard, Kansas
EXECUTIVE’S VIEW Maximizing your AGA Membership Think about what it means to be a seedstock supplier, a Gelbvieh breeder, a member of the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA). By Myron Edelman THE SIMPLE ANSWER is; pay dues to become a member,
record the information necessary to register cattle. Finally, pay the fees associated with the active cows on herd inventory. In return, breeders receive pedigree information, marketing assistance and data associated with each of those respective animals.
AGA members know there is so much more involved than just those basic functions to producing, registering and marketing cattle intended for seedstock. Author Jeff Dixon stated, “There is never a traffic jam of people going the extra mile.” The fact is that market signals dictate the requirement of increased information, intensified accuracy of that information and economic relevance to the industry for all of the data that accompanies the cattle. Customers looking to buy cattle to supply genetics to their respective herds are challenging breeders to consistently offer superior genetics capable of meeting market demands. Consequently, breeders must be insightful when we consider that the weight of our genetic decisions will be impactful for years to come. Breeders have a great responsibility to stay current with genetic requirements, selection tools and programs offered through the AGA for Gelbvieh stakeholders to assist in the process of supplying Gelbvieh genetics. More important than just staying current is the obligation to lead the industry with Gelbvieh influenced genetics capable of assisting cattlemen in the quest for profitability. How do AGA members assume that leadership role? Is it possible to become more involved in the association? What avenues are in place through the AGA for members to voice opinions that may council the staff and board of directors as they make decisions? Knowing those important decisions are aimed at placing the AGA in the most competitive position possible within the beef business. The AGA committee structure calls for nearly 100 different seats on nine individual committees of various focus areas throughout the association. Committee topic 8 | JANUARY 2015
areas include genetic technology aimed at improving Gelbvieh genetics, marketing and breed promotions, finance, the association governing by-laws as well as committees to advise national show and sale events. Each individual member has the potential to offer particular expertise to one or more of these committees as an avenue to advise and make suggestion to the board of directors. As members become involved at the committee level and volunteer information helpful towards improving the association, the board may consider those recommendations as a source to make the most informed decisions possible at the board level. In addition to an opportunity to serve on each of these core committees, the AGA offers an open forum committee meeting option. This open forum meeting is accessible to all members annually for the purpose of providing opinions to each committee to consider. Opinions voiced at the meeting can ultimately result in recommendations to the AGA Board of Directors. This open forum provides all members an avenue to directly access each committee. Approximately five percent of the AGA membership has seized this opportunity to become involved in their association over the last two years. Nearly 15 percent of the association membership participates in the AGA National Convention annually. The focal point of the activities at the annual meeting furnishes each member the direct opportunity to interface with staff and other members as well as recognize those who are pioneers in the Gelbvieh breed. In addition, members have the ability to directly influence the issues facing the association during convention in open session and vote to elect leaders of the AGA Board of Directors. AGA members that serve on committees and the fifteen members of the AGA board of directors unselfishly sacrifice time, expertise and in some cases personal finances to lead the association. General/Dr. James Doolittle once said, “There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.” Have you offered your expertise to help guide the association? Would you like to become more influential in directing the work of the Gelbvieh association? Members are encouraged to vote at the national convention and participate in committee meetings to help guide Gelbvieh as the AGA positively Impacts the Beef Business. FFF
25th Annual Production Sale
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 1:00 p.m.
at Bar Arrow Cattle Company, North of Phillipsburg, Kansas
featuring Performance, Maternal, Carcass and Docility BAG 158B Sire: TAU 48Y
BAG 65B Sire: Sandman
Selling 70 Gelbvieh & Balancer 20 Gelbvieh & Balancer
Fancy Open heifers
BAG 135B Sire: Sandhill
BAG 80B Sire: Sandstorm
We emphasize performance and carcass without sacrificing functional maternal based females.
Cutting Edge Genetics for the Commercial Cattlemen For sale book or video, call or email Stuart or go online to www.bararrowcattlecompnay.com
Stuart Jarvis $$$ProfitPartners Gelbvieh
Realizing the Value
26 E. Limestone Rd. • Phillipsburg, KS 67661 e-mail: bararrow@ruraltel.net • 785/543-5177
NEWS ‘N NOTES Durham Named South Carolina’s Junior Beef Ambassador
Why Herd Assessments
Connor Durham will represent South Carolina as the 2014-2015 Junior Beef Ambassador. As an ambassador, Connor will attend events to promote the South Carolina beef program and the beef industry. In September of 2015 Connor will attend the National Beef Ambassador contest and compete for the National Junior Beef Ambassador title. Connor is an AGJA member and the son of John and Cindy Durham of Hidden Springs Farm in Piedmont, South Carolina.
AGA’s Annual Herd Assessment (HAS) is an important piece to the total herd reporting (THR) system. THR results in a more complete database and thus provides AGA the ability to make more accurate predictions through EPDs and indexes for all Gelbvieh and Balancer® stakeholders. HAS allows members to update their cow herd inventory as part of the THR requirements at the beginning of each calendar year. All breeding-aged females over 13 months of age on a member’s inventory are assessed a $25 fee. The HAS payment includes one registration credit per female to cover the registration of one calf for that current year.
2015 International Year Code The 2015 international code is “C”. All 2015-born calves registered with the AGA must use the letter “C” in the tattoo.
American Gelbvieh Association Annual Report Members received a copy of the 2014 AGA annual report at AGA Annual Convention. The report is a review of events of the Association during the last fiscal year. Members may request a copy of the annual report by contacting the AGA office at 303-465-2333 or info@gelbvieh.org.
Did You Know? Connor Durham
Registry Service Live Training Open Forums Keep on the lookout for a Registry Service Live Training Open Forum schedule. Information will be disclosed via AGA E-Newsletters. For immediate assistance regarding AGA registry service questions, check out the AGA registry tutorials at www.gelbvieh.org under the Education Center tab clicking on Registry Service Tutorials or contact the AGA office at 303-465-2333.
The American Gelbvieh Association is on the leading edge of new research and technology affecting the beef industry. The AGA is involved in numerous, ongoing research projects related to breed improvement. These projects are generally associated with genetic evaluation, production efficiency and beef quality.
2015 Herd Assessments Now Available Starting January 1, 2015 members may begin submitting their 2015 herd assessments. Submitting herd assessments online through the AGA registry service is the quickest and most efficient. However, members can still request a paper copy from the AGA national office. Annual Herd Assessments (HAS) are due on March 15 or the following business day if the date falls on a weekend.
10 | JANUARY 2015
Gelbvieh Media Production (GMP) provides a complete lineup of marketing services. Let GMP take care of sale catalog development, printing and mailing, Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture advertising as well as advertising design for all publications and GELBVIEH SALES e-mail marketing.
BITS ‘N PIECES Update AGA Account Member Preferences and Contact Information Please take a minute as we start 2015 to double check that your account’s Member Preferences and Contact Information is up to date. As we head into sale season it’s critical for potential customers to have access to accurate information for each AGA member’s program. AGA’s Member and Animal Search tools are heavily used resources to research Gelbvieh and Balancer® sale offerings. To update online, click the Prefs tab on the account’s General Profile Information screen. For those members not yet using the AGA’s registry service online, a page will be included in the 2015 Herd Assessment mailing to update this information or contact the AGA national office to update information over the phone. Below is a brief explanation of each of the items listed in the Preferences screen.
Include in mailing lists The AGA provides member addresses to other members or state associations for mailing purposes. Check this box if you want to be included in these mailing lists. Allow email addresses to be visible Check this box if you wish to have your email address visible via the Member Search. Opt out of general email correspondence If you check this box your email will not be included in the subscriber lists for the AGA E-Newsletter or other email correspondence. Show my Genetic Trends to others Allows your program’s genetic trends to be visible to anyone via the Member Search. See the December 2014 Gelbvieh World, View of the Numbers (page 22) for more information on genetic trends. Bill my dues to Credit Card on Renewal Date Checking this box authorizes the AGA to automatically bill your dues to the CC we have on file. This eliminates the possibility of your membership becoming inactive for non-payment of dues. FFF
Allow this profile to be seen in the Member Search Check this box if you want anyone using the AGA Member Search to see your location and contact information.
For assistance in marketing or purchasing Gelbvieh, Balancer ® or Southern Balancer ® bulls, females and feeder cattle, contact:
William McIntosh Commercial Marketing Specialist williamm@gelbvieh.org (502) 867-3132 (C)
AGA Registry Service – indicating your customers’ locations. At the top right hand side you can select the time period (Label A) for the display. You can choose a reporting length to reflect animals with sale dates within the past 12 months or as far back as the past 60 months.
Make staying in contact with your customers easy by using tools on the Registry Service. By Susan Willmon NEED A LIST of your
customers? Want to see where in the U.S. your program has the most influence? Check out the Customers menu on the AGA Registry Service. To find this feature, navigate under My Account to the Customers menu (Figure 1). This will open a window that displays a map (Figure 2) of the U.S. with push pins
Figure 2 12 | JANUARY 2015
Different color pins indicate the quantity of animals sold to the customer. The color code key is just above the map. The number in the parentheses (144 in this example) indicates the number of buyers within that push pin color. Clicking on the pin will display the buyer’s information (Figure 3). You can use the bar on the left hand side of the display to zoom in or out on the map. Figure 1
Additional options are available on this screen which allows you to download current contact information and generate letters to your buyers. Clicking Mailing List (Label B) will generate an Excel spreadsheet that contains the buyer information including member ID, name and address info as well as the number of head purchased in the timeframe chosen along with the last purchase date. The addresses listed are the most current addresses for the buyer in the AGA database. This spreadsheet can be then used to generate mailing labels for catalogs or preprinted labels for buyer numbers come sale day. Please contact the AGA if any of the addresses, especially for non-member customers, are incorrect so we can update those records.
LeDoux Ranch Annual Production Sale Saturday, February 14, 2015 1pm at the ranch in Agenda, Kan.
Gelbvieh | Balancer | Red Angus
U Andy, Danielle, JW & Jady LeDoux Dustin & Tanner Aherin
365 Agenda Lane | Agenda, KS 66930 785.527.3188 - Andy | 785.364.5999 - Danielle 785.302.1252 - Dustin
your customers and easily allows you to see who your consistent or high volume customers are not only in a year but across several years. As you start planning for your 2015 bull sale marketing efforts take a look at this new tool. Let us know what enhancements we can add going forward that might increase its usefulness. Video Tutorials and written usage guides to the AGA Registry Service can be found by clicking the Registry Service Tutorial on the Home Page at www.gelbvieh.org. FFF Figure 3
The final option on this page is the ability to generate letters to your customers to update them with the current EPDs of the animals they have purchased. Click on Letters (Label C) and letters will be generated. Click Download Letters and a separate window will open with the letters that can be printed. You can customize the message that is included in the paragraph below the EPDs by going to the Letters option under the Tools menu. Messages can be customized based on the buyer’s classification: AGA Member, AGJA Junior Member or Non-Member. The data on this screen only reflects information from animals transferred through the registry system (figure 4). As a part of your annual herd assessment process transfers are provided at no additional charge and a copy of a current registration certificate on the purchased animal is mailed to the buyer on your behalf. Completing transfer on all animals sold updates buyer data for your future use, provides an easy to access means of communicating with those buyers in the future, includes a complimentary copy of Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture to 14 | JANUARY 2015
Figure 4
Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch
BULL SALE Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Our Bull Yards
Call Today
Davidson Gelbvieh
Vernon & Eileen Davidson Box 681 • Ponteix, SK. • Canada • S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306-625-3755 Vernon Cell: 306-625-7863 • Eileen Cell: 306-625-7864 Email: davidsongelbvieh@sasktel.net www.davidsongelbvieh.com
Sel 100+ A ling Sat. Ma rch 7, bsolu both D iscrimi tely Outstan 2 0 15 ding natin Operat ions. P g Commerci Bulls for ract al & Amazin ical & Predic Seedstock ta g New Geneti ble! Plus cs!
Lonesome Dove Ranch
Ross & Tara Davidson & Family Box 147 • Ponteix, Sk • Canada • S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306-625-3513 • Fax: 306-625-3782 Ross Cell: 306-625-7045 • Tara Cell: 306-625-7345 E-mail: lonesomedoveranch@sasktel.net www.davidsonlonesomedoveranch.com
We look forward to visiting with you, either on the road or right here at home. Visitors are Always Welcome!
2015 American Gelbvieh Association Annual Convention and NWSS Activities Tuesday, January 6
Saturday, January 10
8:00 a.m. Cattle begin arriving – NWSS
7:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Gelbvieh and Balancer® Junior Heifer Show – NWSS Stadium Arena
Wednesday, January 7 7:00 p.m. Cattle in place on the Hill and in the Yards – NWSS
10:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Breeder’s Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity and People’s Choice Balancer® Bull Futurity – NWSS Stadium Arena
Thursday, January 8
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. Pick up ballots for Board of Directors voting – DoubleTree
8:00 a.m. Yard and Hill cattle check-in – NWSS 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. AGA Executive Committee Meeting – DoubleTree
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. AGA annual membership meeting and election of Board of Directors – DoubleTree
12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch and AGA Board of Directors meeting – DoubleTree 7:00 p.m. AGA Registry Service training – General DoubleTree
5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. AGA Board of Directors meeting and photo – DoubleTree
Friday, January 9
7:00 p.m. AGA Awards Presentation and Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bull Futurity Recognition DoubleTree – (American Gelbvieh Foundation Kick-off event; Introduce Guests; Recognize Outgoing Board of Directors; Hall of Fame Presentations; Junior Fundraiser Heifer Ticket Auction; Balancer® Bull Futurity Recognition; Gelbvieh Bull Futurity Scholarship Presentation, Championship Recognition, and Bingo Ball)
Morning Free to attend NWSS 11:00 a.m. AGA Registry Service training – DNA Focus DoubleTree 1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Opening Session: Welcome by President Rob Arnold – DoubleTree 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Panel 1: Maternal Selection Process; Utilizing DNA and Selection Indexes by Dr. Scott Speidel and Greg Comstock; Moderator Kari White – DoubleTree 2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Break 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Panel 2: Maternal Value; Gelbvieh Females by Dr. Patsy Houghton and Brian Dunn; Moderator Kari White – DoubleTree 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Gelbvieh Profit Partners Annual Stockholders Meeting – DoubleTree 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Breeder’s Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity & People’s Choice Balancer® Bull Futurity meetings – DoubleTree
6:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. AGA Member social – DoubleTree
Sunday, January 11 8:00 a.m. Gelbvieh and Balancer® Pen Bull Show – NWSS Livestock Center 11:30 a.m. Lunch – NWSS Livestock Center 1:00 p.m. National Gelbvieh and Balancer® Sale – NWSS Livestock Center 5:30 p.m. AGA Board of Directors meeting – DoubleTree
Monday, January 12 8:00 a.m. National Gelbvieh and Balancer® Show – NWSS Stadium Arena 7:00 p.m. Begin release of Hill cattle (out by 10:00 p.m.) Yard cattle released at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday (out by 4:00 p.m.)
16 | JANUARY 2015
Bachman Bred Introducing the inaugural
Bachman Cattle Farms Production Sale
Saturday • March 14, 2015 Litton Ag Center • Chillicothe, Missouri We would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to our inaugural Production Sale to be held March 2015. Scott and Sue Bachman
Selling All Red Genetics
Red Angus • Balancer • Gelbvieh 60 Yearling & 18 Month Bulls 100 Bred, Cow/Calf Pairs & Open Heifers For more information on Bachman Bred cattle, contact Scott Bachman at 660-247-1112.
BachmanCattleFarms.com Scott & Sue Bachman 660-247-1112 • scott_bachman@yahoo.com BachmanCattleFarms.com • 17520 Hwy JJ • Chillicothe, MO 64601
Industry Professionals Discuss Maternal Traits at AGA Convention Panel 1: Maternal Selection Process; Utilizing DNA and Selection of Indexes Friday, January 9, 1:15 p.m. – Double Tree Presenters: Scott Speidel, Ph.D, Colorado State University, Greg Comstock, Gro-Op, LLC.
Moderator: Kari White, AGA Breed Improvement Data Analyst
Gelbvieh 42ND Annual
Dr. Scott Speidel joined Colorado State University (CSU) in July 2014 as an assistant professor of beef cattle breeding and genetics in the Department of Animal Sciences. Scott grew up in Lancaster, California to a family of elementary and high school teachers. Scott received his undergraduate B.S. degree in Animal Sciences from California State University, Fresno, where he spent the majority of his time working with swine and dairy programs. His M.S. in Animal Sciences specializing in Dairy Molecular Genetics was earned in 2001 from the University of Arizona under the direction of Dr. Sue DeNise. Scott moved to Fort Collins, Colorado during the summer of 2001 and began working as a research associate performing genetic evaluations for CSU’s Center for Genetic Evaluation of Livestock. Scott received his Ph.D. in Breeding and Genetics in 2011 under the direction of Dr. R. Mark Enns. The topic of his dissertation was the development of random 18 | JANUARY 2015
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 • 2:00 PM (CST) • Des Moines, Iowa Sponsored by the Gelbvieh Breeders of Iowa || Held in conjunction with the Iowa Beef Expo
10 Herd Sire Prospects 15 Bred Heifers 20 Open Heifers
She sells.
Junior futurity eligible heifers sell. Futurity class held at the 2015 Iowa State Fair.
ANNUAL MEETING & SOCIAL Monday, February 19, 2015 6:00 PM at the sale headquarters
He sells.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 • 10:00 AM
SALE HEADQUARTERS Adventureland Inn, 515-265-7321 REGISTER & BID LIVE ONLINE at www.LiveAuctions.tv SALE MANAGEMENT BY: Mitchell Marketing Service
Chris Mitchell 334-695-1371 Randy Sienknecht 319-290-3763 2262 C Avenue • Gladbrook, IA 50635
F E B R U R A Y 1 4 TH- 2 2 ND
Gelbvieh & Balancer Sale T H U R S D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 TH, 2 0 1 5 SHOW 10:30 AM | SALE 3:30 PM
This virgin two year old bull is homo polled, homo black. He is tested free of all recessives and is BVD and Trich FREE and was the 2014 Jr. National Balancer Champion Bull. He is a sale feature at the Classic.
This ¾ blood heifer sells safe in calf to DCSF Astronaut 157A. This heifer has already captured many champion titles. Here is your chance at the 2015 Junior National awards!
This March bull is sired by Insidious. His pedigree is stacked with National Champions. He is homo black and polled.
Juniors take notice of this fancy heifer selling at the Classic. She has winning in her blood! She is sired by Insidious out of a Wingman daughter and Extra Exposure. There is unlimited potential here!
The Gelbvieh Association In Nebraska offers CASH awards for heifers purchased at the Classic that win a division at Junior Nationals. Van Tucker of Kansas purchased this heifer at the 2014 Classic. She was the Champion Summer Yearling Heifer at the 2014 Junior Nationals. Tucker was presented a $4,000 cash award on this heifer.
This son of the two-time National Champion, Insidious sells at the Classic.
Juniors don’t miss your 2015 opportunities at the Classic!
308.627.6385 | rkbush@frontiernet.net A complete sale listing can be found at www.necattlemen or follow us on
Industry Professionals Discuss Maternal Traits at AGA Convention (continued from page 18) regression models for the prediction of days to finish in beef cattle. In his tenure at CSU, Scott has performed over 160 beef cattle genetic evaluations. He currently lives in Loveland, Colorado with his wife Kathryn and daughters, Sarah and Amelia. Greg Comstock owns and manages Gro-Op, LLC., working with beef seedstock and commercial cow/calf operations in the development of long-range strategies designed to grow their beef enterprises. Prior to this solo endeavor, Greg was on staff at the Red Angus Association of
America (RAAA), initially working in the commercial marketing department and overseeing breed promotion. During this time, RAAA launched the GridMaster carcass value recognition and ProCow commercial replacement sourcing programs. Between 2008 and 2013, Comstock served as RAAA’s CEO. During this time he worked with his counterparts at American Simmental Association (ASA) to initiate the industry’s first multi-breed genetic evaluation conducted jointly by two breed associations. Today, that project has grown to include over 13 million animal records and four of North America’s seven largest breed associations – including the American Gelbvieh Association.
Our DRIVING FORCE at Rafter R Gelbvieh is to offer our customers genetically superior cattle with no holes. Those special sires that raise the bar are hard to find, but we are always looking.
Rafter Shumate Cattle Company Joel & Linda Shumate 515.360.3106 20 | JANUARY 2015
R Gelbvieh
Carl & Jennie Reiste • 515.490.3561 creiste.rafterr@yahoo.com Steve & Leann Reiste
Join us and the SW Iowa Gelbvieh Group at the th 5 Annual Southwest Iowa Gelbvieh and Balancer Bull & Female Sale March 20, 2015 or bid online at www.CattleUSA.com and click on www.crestonlivestock.com
Be Our Partner! 55 Registered Balancer, Angus and Red Angus Bulls
40 Commercial Red Angus open heifers LEM SuPreme 475B et
BW 82 • WW 860 • Net Worth son • Top 25% in 8 different traits, including top 3% Feeder Profit Index and 20% Maternal
Meaty, Thick Made Balanced Trait Bulls with Maternal, Carcass and Performance Bred In! • DNA tested • Carcass ultrasound by certified techs • Guaranteed – Delivered
• Proven program with decades of continuous A.I. and Embryo Transfer • Marketing for customer calves
LEM Game Breaker 445B
BW 88 • WW 870 • Game Day 449 son • Incredibly wide, thick, correct and stylish from a top Donor cow, top 4% Feeder Profit Index
Ask our long time customers, we provide top genetics, building value in their herds and adding to the bottom line by helping market reputation cattle!
LEM riGht kind 459B
BW 72 • WW 725 • Hover Dam son • Top 5% CEM, top 2% REA, top 1% MB and top 1% Feeder Profit Index Go to lemkecattle.com our facebook page or DV Auction for Bull videos coming soon
Tuesday, February 3, 2015 • 1:00 pm CST • at the Ranch Randy and Leslie Lemke 1757 Road 2500 Lawrence, NE 68957 Phone: 402-756-7090 Cell: 402-469-2284
For more information Visit our new website: www.lemkecattle.com
Industry Professionals Discuss Maternal Traits at AGA Convention Panel 2: Maternal Value; Gelbvieh Females Friday, January 9, 3:00 p.m. – Double Tree Presenters: Brian Dunn, Sandy Knoll Farm, Patsy Houghton, Ph.D, Heartland Cattle Company,
Moderator: Kari White, AGA Breed Improvement Data Analyst
Brian Dunn is a partner in a diversified family agriculture operation located near St. John, Kansas. The operation raises a variety of crops, sells seed, has a seedstock swine multiplication unit and raises Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle. Brian oversees the seed sales, alfalfa production, crop data collection and the cattle operation. Brian and his father have felt data collection and utilization of technology is a very integral part of their operation. With the gilt multiplication unit, identifying and multiplying outstanding females is of top priority. Thus the operation has utilized maternal indexes and top indexing boars for several years. Sandy Knoll Farm has raised Gelbvieh cattle for over 30 years, collected individual feedlot and carcass data for 15 years and has performed Residual Feed Intake (RFI) testing on bulls for the last five years. Brian and his wife, Carolyn, have three sons; Preston, Ian and Garrett.
Dr. Patsy Houghton was reared on a large cow/ calf operation near Tipton, Kansas. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Kansas State University (KSU), taught two years at California State University-Fresno, served two years as youth and education manager for the American Simmental Association, and then obtained her Ph.D. from Purdue University. She held the KSU Northwest Extension beef specialist position four years and then started Heartland Cattle Company near McCook, Nebraska where she pioneered the concept of ‘Professional Heifer Development.’ Patsy served as co-chair of NCBA’s Cattlemen’s College for 11 years, received KSU’s 2011 Distinguished Animal Sciences and Industry Alumnus Award, was named Purdue University’s College of Ag Distinguished Alumni in 2010 and was selected for Purdue’s prestigious Old Masters Mentoring Program in 2009. Patsy currently serves on the Board of Directors for the KSU Livestock and Meat Industry Council.
Kari White is the breed improvement data analyst for the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA). Kari completed her master’s degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics at Kansas State University (KSU) and is currently working on a Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr. 22 | JANUARY 2015
Bob Weaber at KSU. Her AGA responsibilities include working with industry partners and scientists in the development of new genetic improvement projects, facilitation of DNA testing through Geneseek and member support for breed improvement.
s s e c c u S
Committed to the of the Commercial Cattleman
LWHF Super Sport 475Y • AMGV1204074 Purebred Homo Black • Homo Polled Sire: Post Rock Granite 200P2 •Sons are long and thick, with an awesome look and his heifer calves are fancy. • First progeny have an adj. WW of 706, an index of 104 and an average BW of 85 lbs. CED 7
BW 1.1
WW 77
YW 107
MK 34
TM 72
CEM HP PG30 6 -0.80 0.00
ST 11
YG -0.47
CW 34
REA 0.25
MB FPI -0.35 65.55
Boyd Catalyst 1071• AMAN16913152 Purebred Angus Homo Black • Homo Polled Sire: Conneally Consensus 7229 •A calving ease sire whose first calf crop is exceptional. We mated Catalyst to our Conneally In Focus 4 daughters, thereby doubling up the dam of both the original Consensus bull and In Focus 4. The results are exceptional. • This year’s heifers average 683 lbs. CED 2
BW 2.3
WW 72
YW 124
YH 0.5
SC 1.37
DOC 11
HP I 9.1
MK 31
CW 52
MB 0.75
REA FT $F 0.23 0.008 80.19
Sons of these bulls will be the highlights of our Annual Bull Sale • March, 21, 2015 43523 111th St., Lake City, SD 57247 Neal: 605-470-0448 • Email: njpearson@venturecomm.net Kermit: 605-380-6030 Chuck Ringkob: 605-470-0010 www.pearsoncattleco.com
The Importance of Beef Reproduction – What, How, Why? When discussing reproduction and its relationship to ranch profitability, it is important to establish context or circumstances. By Burke Teichert I LIKE TO think of it this way: The ranch is profitable, has reduced overheads significantly, has improved grazing management to enable more grazing and less feeding, and has determined that a cow-calf operation fits the ranch resources and location. Good management takes care of some of the most important things: • Making sure a cow-calf enterprise is right for the ranch, • Cutting overheads as much as possible, • Replacing feeding with grazing. Reproduction is usually thought of in terms of weaned calf crop percentage and pregnancy rate; some people use calves weaned per cow exposed. However, reproduction is really what the ranch has to sell in relationship to the size of the cowherd. Thus, death loss becomes part of reproduction. In addition, well-managed reproduction will result in more calves born earlier in the calving season, which should also result in more weight to sell. While recognizing the benefits of good reproduction, it is important to recognize that many attempts to improve reproduction have an associated cost. Therefore, we need to match the added cost with the benefits.
Some pertinent questions regarding reproduction It’s pretty easy to have good reproduction in a 24 | JANUARY 2015
high-input environment. However, when the price of inputs keeps increasing and you want to become a low-cost operator, managing reproduction can be a little frightening.
If your herd’s pregnancy rate is already high, you need to ask how much additional feed would be necessary to get one or two more pregnancies from 100 cows. Or, conversely, how much feed could you remove from 100 cows and only have a very small reduction in conception. When considering estrus synchronization and other technologies, the costs and benefits need to be carefully compared. In this comparison, we must avoid or reduce being influenced by our biases. How to manage reproduction is a real debate. I’m delighted by new information that indicates heifers don’t have to achieve 65% of projected mature cow weight or be developed in a feedlot to have good conception rates. I like to manage replacement heifers like a “dry wintered” stocker animal, with a target breeding weight of about 55% of expected mature cow weight. Then, I like to expose enough heifers to get all the replacements I need in a 24-30-day breeding season. It’s becoming more evident that heifers born early in the calving season are more likely to breed earlier than those born later. Meanwhile, heifers that conceive early in the breeding season will have longer productive lives than those that breed later. So, it’s really pretty simple – you develop heifers with a low-cost method. You expose them for a short period of time and sell those that don’t conceive. Alternatively, you can expose the heifers for a longer time and sell those that conceive later in the breeding season. Just don’t be tempted to keep those “pretty” late-bred heifers. As the replacement heifers move into the herd, they are more likely to rebreed early in the subsequent breeding continued on page 28
TAUBENHEIM GELBVIEH 25th Annual Production Sale
Monday, February 2, 2015 • 1 p.m. CST at The Ranch 23685 Sartoria Road • Amherst, NE
Pick Your New Herdsires From 100 Thick-Made Muscular Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls with Growth, Balance and Great Carcass Merit 30 Open Females • 45 Bred Females Balancer Futurity
TAU Unanimous 11B ET Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229
Balancer 38% • Double Black • Homo Polled
Gelbvieh Futurity
TAU Mr. Consensus 13B ET
TAU Blackshirt 8B ET
Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229
Sire: HYEK Black Impact 3960N
Balancer 38% • Double Black • Homo Polled
Purebred 94%• Homo Black • Homo Polled
TAU Mr. Final Answer 6B ET
Sire: SAV Final Answer 0335
TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T 7B Sire: TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T
Balancer 50% • Homo Black • Homo Polled
Balancer 63% • Double Black • Double Polled
Look for us in Denver!
TAU Mr. Harvestor 99B Sire: SAV Harvestor 0338
Balancer 38% • Homo Black • Double Polled
TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T 21B
Taubenheim Gelbvieh
Sire: TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T
Balancer 63% • Double Black • Homo Polled
Quality Beef Genetics Since 1980
308.826.4771 dtaubenheim@aol.com
Dale & Jeannette
23685 Sartoria Road-Amherst, NE 68812
Mike, Renee, Justin, & Tanner 308.233.4704 jnjtaubenheim@hotmail.com
NCBA’s Cattlemen’s College Lineup Set for February 3-4 in San Antonio by classes focusing on rebuilding the herd, the future of beef production, and many other valuable topics will be held, concluding with lunch session, with legendary farm broadcaster Max Armstrong. Armstrong will talk about how in his view from nearly forty years as a broadcaster, it’s a great time to be in the beef business.
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Cattlemen’s College, now celebrating its 22nd year, has established a reputation as one of the most thorough cattle producer education programs in the nation. Sponsored by Zoetis, the 2015 edition of Cattlemen’s College offers a wide range of informative, hands-on educational workshops designed for cattle operations of every size and sector.
“Cattlemen’s College gives producers an opportunity to hear from some of the leading experts in topics that impact their cattle operations every day, as well as the chance to interact with those experts and ask questions,” said NCBA President and Texas cattleman Bob McCan. “Many of the presenters are legends in the beef industry, and the wide variety of classes offers something for every producer. We highly encourage cattlemen and women to take advantage of this informative and educational program.”
The program will be held Feb. 3-4, 2015, in San Antonio, Texas, headlining the first day of activities at the 2015 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. Early registration for Cattlemen’s College and the convention ends Jan. 9, 2015. Cattlemen’s College workshops include an outstanding lineup of industry experts during the course of two jam-packed days. On Tuesday, Feb. 3, participants will first hear from Gary Smith, Keith Belk, Daryl Tatum and Dale Woerner on “Feeding to Increase the Quality, Consistency, and Competitiveness from Market Cows.” This first hands-on class will help attendees improve the beef from market cows, identify production practices and learn value concepts from feedlot to retail.
Cattlemen’s College registration information, as well as a complete schedule for the 2015 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show are available online at www.beefusa.org.
Gelbvieh Presence at NCBA Trade Show
On Tuesday evening, Cattlemen’s College participants will be treated to a Texas BBQ Welcome Reception sponsored by Zoetis. The reception will be an opportunity to visit with fellow cattlemen as well as the afternoon’s speakers. Starting Wednesday morning at 7:00 am, Cattlemen’s College classes begin with a keynote address followed
Visit with AGA representatives at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Trade Show, February 4-6 in beautiful San Antonio, Texas. Stop by Booth # 6154 to visit with AGA to learn more about Gelbvieh and Balancer® Maternal Influence in addition to all of the other beneficial traits Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics provide. FFF
MARBLING • GROWTH • DOCILITY DMS Stucky’s Trustee 025MTZ AMGV 1216539 • BA25 • Homo Black • Homo Polled BW: 87 lbs. • Adj. WW: 723 lbs. • Adj. YW: 1,331 lbs. Sire: Sydgen Trust 6228 • Dam: DMS Stucky Tracy 025JMT
• Top 1% of active Balancer® sires for Marbling and Feeder Profit Index EPDs • Top 1% of the Simmental, SimAngus and Red Angus breeds for marbling Trustee sons sell in the Post Rock Cattle Company Cowman’s Kind Bull and Female Sale March 21, 2015
Semen available through Cattlemen’s Connection 1-800-743-0026 or Owners.
Stucky Beef Genetics
BW -0.6
WW 70
YW 120
26 | JANUARY 2015
MK 29
TM CEM 64 8
ST 1
YG -0.35
CW 41
REA 0.76
MB FPI Butch & Marla Stucky 1.25 104.58 Salina, KS • 785-825-1276 • stuckygelb@hotmail.com
Consistency and Quality from a Powerful Maternally oriented cowherd. Overmiller Production Sale 3G Ez Money ~ 2013 & 2014 Res. National Champion Balancer 10 Sons of this beef machine sell.
February 21, 2015 1pm at the Ranch Selling:
75 Gelbvieh, Balancer, & Red Angus Bulls 20 ~ 18 month old 55 ~ Yearlings 70 Open Heifers 10 ~ Registered 60 commercial red & black
OGSG Army Man ~ Purchased in 2014 by Grund Beef Genetics ~ 2 paternal brothers sell in 2015 they are all sired by OGSG Yes Man
Progeny by: 3G Zipline ~ 2014 National Champion Gelbvieh His 1st progeny sell!
TAU Tuned In 3G Warlock OGSG Tried & True BARB Who Done It OVER Xquestador C-Bar Contour Beiber Samurai
OGSG ZZ Top ~ A Who Done It son purchased in 2014 by Taubenheim Gelbvieh. The Last Who Done It sons sell in 2015.
View Cattle and Sale on DVAuction.com SLGN Yardmaster~ This Red Angus is taking the breed by storm. 7 sons sell and 1 elete daughter.
OVER At Ease ~ Sold in 2014 to Rippe Gelbvieh, he has a maternal brother by Yardmaster & a maternal sisters son by Yardmaster to sell this year.
continued from page 24
season. If you’ve been developing heifers in a lot to achieve 65% of mature cow weight, you may want to take two or three steps to get from there to what I have suggested. I’m often asked if I think this is management or genetics. I reply, “Yes.” It’s definitely management, but I also think it is genetics. After many years of watching, I’m quite sure that the heritability of early conception in yearling heifers is higher than for other aspects of fertility. I especially think that is true when the resources are limited to more closely fit the natural environment. In addition to the age of the heifer at the beginning of the breeding season, there are several things at play, including: • Ability to thrive and reproduce in a low-input environment, • Age at puberty,
• Development of the reproductive tract, • Possibly the genetic expected mature cow weight. I believe there is a strong genetic influence on early yearling heifer pregnancy from these traits in lowinput environments. While I don’t like recipes, because no two operations or areas are alike, here is an outline of my approach: • Reduce fed feed to cows and heifers – target heifers to weigh 55% of mature cow weight at breeding and don’t worry if they are a little less. • Expose heifers for a short time or sell the latebred heifers. When you first try this, don’t expect more than about 70% of the heifers to become pregnant in 30 days. Those 70% are the good ones. • Keep the cowherd calving season short by limiting the breeding season or selling late-bred or late-calving cows. Selling late-calving or late-bred cows can become a very nice enterprise for larger ranches. • Supplement strategically, depending on your 28 | JANUARY 2015
breeding and calving seasons. A little at the right time can make a big difference.
The benefits of this system are: • The sale of more and heavier calves with better size uniformity, • The ability to cull poor-performing or less desirable cows, • The opportunity to sell bred animals for a premium over meat prices, • A shorter breeding and calving season, which makes labor and feed supplementation easier to manage. Some will argue the relative importance of reproduction and genetics. I find it difficult to argue without knowing your starting point. A systems thinker takes a holistic view seeing reproduction, genetics, marketing and nutrition as relevant and important parts of a much larger system. Each needs consideration; and emphasis will be placed where there is the most potential for improved profitability. Remember that the goal of genetics is not to maximize production, but to seek what is best for your production and marketing environment. The careful coordination of nutrition, reproduction, genetics and marketing can certainly add considerably to the bottom line. Burke Teichert, consultant on strategic planning for ranches, is retired as vice president and general manager of Deseret. He resides in Orem, UT, and can be reached at burketei@comcast.net. AGA Editor’s note: The above article is re-printed with the permission from BEEF and beefmagazine.com.
Cut your feed Costs...
University research estimates it is possible to reduce feed inputs by 20% by selecting for feed efficiency; our bulls are efficiency tested.
Majority of bulls are feed efficency tested Saturday, March 7, 2015 • At the Ranch
GELBVIEH • ANGUS • BALANCER® Exciting progeny from these herdsires sell.
BEA Common Sense 200Z ET
AMGV 1232187 CED: 9 BW: 1.6 WW: 70 YW: 109 Milk: 34 MARB: 0.29 REA: 0.48 FPI: 77.67
Woodhill Daybreak U280-X20
AMAN 16706194 BW: -2.3 WW: +57 YW: +112 Milk: +24 REA: +.69 Mb: +0.52
Clip & mail for FREE 2015 Sale Book
Gelbvieh & Angus
Name: _____________________________________
12980 Cedar Rd., Selby, SD 57472
Address: ____________________________________
Vaughn & Wendy
Brian & DeDee
605/649-6262 605/649-9927 Fax: 605/649-7361 • E-mail: vwthor@sbtc.net
City: ______________________________________ State: ________________
Zip: ________________
Mail to: Thorstenson Gelbieh & Angus • 12980 Cedar Rd, Selby, SD 57472
Genomics – Risk vs. Reward Help customers reduce risk by using genetic tools. By Susan Willmon WELL, THAT LOOKS cool. You just watched a commercial for some new tech gadget that can be added to one of your pieces of farm equipment. Is that a product you can use? Will it work in your environment? Does the technology fit with your existing equipment? All are questions you may wish to have answered before you take on the risk associated with purchasing that new product, especially if there are lots of zeros in the price tag. When we put together a sale offering we may ask ourselves if we have provided answers to the questions our customer ask. Also, have we done everything to minimize the risk our customers have to assume in order to buy the sale offering we have advertised?
For our upcoming bull sales we recognize that buying a young, unproven bull has risk. Does he have libido and will he get the cows bred? Will he hold up structurally? Will his calves perform? Minimizing the risk on the first two items can be accomplished with some standard practices. Having a breeding soundness exam on all yearling bulls is one means of identifying bulls that may have breeding issues and can be done before they enter the breeding pasture. Close scrutiny of the bulls from a feet and legs soundness perspective as they get close to sale time can weed out those that may have issues during breeding season. For the
performance question, we have used EPDs as our 30 | JANUARY 2015
measure of meeting performance objectives. But there is still risk involved. Compared to AI sires, young bulls have EPDs with less accuracy and more possible change. You can see the possible change in the new EPD display. It is listed on the +/- change line right below the EPDs. These values are a function of the EPD accuracy. As an example, with a young sire the +/- change value for WW may be as much as 13- 15 pounds versus a proven, highly accurate AI sire may only have a +/- change value of 1 pound. What this means is, if we take two bulls with identical WW EPD of say 70 pounds, the WW EPD for the bull with high accuracy will fluctuate going forward within the EPD range of 69 to 71. Whereas the young, lower accuracy bull may have an EPD that fluctuates between 55 to 85 as the performance data of his calves are reported. If the bull ends up at the top end of that range the customer is typically pleased. But, if the bull ends up on the bottom end it signals poorer calf performance and potentially a customer that is not a repeat buyer. So, how can we reduce risk for our customer and add value to our sale offering from a performance perspective? The answer is genomic testing. An animal with Genomic-enhanced EPDs (GE-EPDs) produced from genomic testing also gains increased accuracy on each of those GE-EPDs. For moderately hereditable traits, like marbling, this can be equivalent to ultrasound or carcass records on 5 to 7 progeny. But how do we justify the cost of testing and market the increased value via reduced risk of these animals? An easy way to look at this is using an example of two full-sib ET brothers. Initially, both of those bulls have identical EPDs across the board but we know that these two bulls are likely to be genetically different. So let’s say we submit DNA for genomic testing and GE-EPDs are calculated and both bulls EPD profiles change. Their WW accuracies go from a .23 to a .34. (see Table 1). Both bulls are still above the breed average of 65 for WW, but Bull A appears to have received the better share of the weight genetics. If we were to
extrapolate this difference to the performance of the first calf crop this may result in an average difference between the two bulls’ offspring of 25 pounds of weaning weight. If we extend this across 25 calves and five calf crops, using a value of $200 per cwt, the increased value of Bull A across a useful life of 5 years could be over $6,000. So, while initially these bulls looked to be equal in value, it is apparent that Bull A has more upside and a greater return on investment.
Initial WW EPD
Ave Steer WW, lbs
Bull A
Bull B
Bull A
Increased value
25 pounds
Table 1
#2, GGP-LD test at $45, the total cost of testing this entire offering would be less than $5,000 (Table 2). If a conservative $10K gain was realized from 10 of the top bulls, the return on this investment would be 104%. Not to mention, even if only a portion of the other 90 bulls realized a greater sale price, the ROI of this investment in genomics testing would be even higher.
Spring 2015 is the first full bull sale season where AGA members have GE-EPDs that can be easily published and viewed by their customers. This sale season will be the time to gather 1st Calf Crop a bit more data Total Value 5 Value of lbs to be able to put Calf Crops weaned some real world $28,750 $143,750 numbers to the ROI of genomic $27,500 $137,500 testing. For AGA members the $1,250 $6,250 reward for having the GE-EPDs on bull sale candidates may result in eliminating some bulls that really should not be a part of the sale offering as well
A person could argue, “I don’t need to do the genomic test. I could just direct the customer to that 80 WW EPD bull to start with to realize that value.” Increased # of Bulls Test $ Cost Proceeds This is partially true but in this Sale Price instance you are not comparing 10 $85 each $850 $1,000 ea $10,000 apples to apples, as the untested 90 $45 each $4,050 bull with the 80 WW EPD has a lesser accuracy and more possible Total Cost $4,900 ROI 104% change. It is possible he may not perform this well. Getting buyers Table 2 Genomic Testing cost for 100 Bulls to look at accuracy is going to be a bit of an educational shift. Historically, most bull sale as identifying those bulls that may warrant an extra catalogs have not listed accuracies mostly because with marketing effort. For the bull buyer putting a value of young bulls the accuracies are fairly low and relatively at least an additional $500 on a bull with GE-EPDs, similar. increased EPD accuracy and less risk in realized calf Let’s assume it may take the average commercial bull performance becomes easy to pencil in against the buyer a bit of time to understand the value of GE-EPDs bottom line. and that initially the seedstock buyers are the population To learn more about the process to order genomic that understands the value of the increased accuracy. testing visit the DNA Testing page under the What is genomic testing really going to cost us and what Education Center tab at www.gelbvieh.org FFF kind of return on investment (ROI) can we expect? Looking at a bull sale with 100 bulls, if the top 10 percent were potential AI sire quality and thus tested with the Genomic Option #1, GGP-HD test at $85 and the remaining tested with the Genomic Options GELBVIEH WORLD | 31
Judd Ranch 37 Gelbvieh, Balancer th
at the ranch, Pomona, Kansas • Saturday, March
Judd Ranch has been honored as the #1 Dam of Merit Cowherd in the Gelbvieh Breed for 16 of the past 17 years, 1998–2014!
82 lb. average birth weight: 869 lb. actual weaning weight average on the sale bulls. Maternal cow power behind every sale bull.
100% of the Gelbvieh & Balancer sale bulls feature Judd Ranch honored Dam of Merit Genetics. Average Daily Gain of fall yearling bulls: a whopping 5.42 lbs/day!
Top 12% Calving Ease EPD Strength average on the 271 Gelbvieh & Balancer sale bulls. Judd Ranch bulls are very affordable. Annually 98% plus sell to commercial producers.
Judd Ranch Gelbvieh Herdsires & AI Sires
JRI Cowboy Cut
JRI Top Recruit
JRI Top Producer
JRI Hot Topic
Final Answer
Cedar Ridge
JRI Pop A Top
Hoover Dam
JRI Extra Exposure
& Red Angus Bull Sale 7, at 12:00 noon • 1 hour southwest of Kansas City
285 Plus
“The Complete Package”
Gelbvieh, Balancer® & Red Angus Bulls Sell
Calving Ease • Growth • Carcass • Fertility
• 174+ 17-19 month old Bulls • 111+ 12-14 month old Bulls P 92% Sired by Breed Leading AI Sires P 156 Black Polled Bulls P 225 Homozygous Polled Bulls P All Judd Ranch major herdsires are
enrolled in Carcass Testing Programs
P Quality Acceptance Guarantee on all Sight Unseen purchases
Free Trucking in U.S. on purchases of $20,000 +
P Trucking is very affordable because Judd Ranch bulls annually sell into 20+ states
Visit our website • www.juddranch.com Judd Ranch Inc.
Dave & Cindy Judd Nick, Ginger, Brent & Ashley Judd Ranch Gelbvieh Maternal Strength
423 Hwy. K-68 • Pomona, KS 66076 785/ 566-8371 or 785/566-3770
Judd Ranch Red Angus Maternal Strength
Sale Consultant— CATTLEMEN’S CONNECTION CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-800-743-0026 For Your JRI “Complete Package” Sale Catalog
Genetic POWER Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bull Sale J Bar M Gelbvieh
J & K Farms
Hilltop Farms
HOMOZYGOUS BLACK, HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Purebred Gelbvieh Bull Sire: JKGF Reflex X4 Dam: LWHF JKGF Twila 353W ET Sold to a PB Gelbvieh breeder in 2014.
HTFB Z236 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Purebred 88% Gelbvieh Bull Sire: Post Rock Silver 233U1 Dam: VER Lee Ann 650U Sold to a PB Gelbvieh breeder in 2014. HOMOZYGOUS BLACK, HOMOZYOUS POLLED 38% GV, 62%AN Balancer® Bull Sire: SAV Brillance 8077 Dam: HTFB Ms Unusual X41 Sold to a PB Gelbvieh breeder in 2014.
HOMOZYGOUS BLACK 50% GV, 50%AN Balancer® Bull Sire: TAU Krugerrand 70M 130P Dam: MART Ms Vick 054X Sold to a commercial breeder in 2014. HOMOZYGOUS BLACK, HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 38% GV, 62%AN Balancer® Bull Sire: Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor Dam: JKGF Ms Julie W005 Sold to a commercial breeder in 2014.
HOMOZYOUS POLLED Purebred Gelbvieh Bull Sire: RID R Collateral 2R Dam: Magic Muffin F64 Sold to a commercial breeder in 2014.
Jon E. & Edna Miller 28760 Norway Rd, Stark City, MO 64866 417-632-4925 home • 417-437-5250 cell CattleDesign®
Please no Sunday calls!
Many bulls selling are homozygous black and/or homozygous polled
Calving Ease, Performance and Carcass bulls targeted for both the Purebred and Commercial Cattleman
100% of bulls selling are sired by leading AI sires
All bulls sell with a First Breeding Season Guarantee
J & K FARMS Jerry & Karen Wilson 335 Gelbvieh Lane, Ava, IL 62907 618-426-3885 • 618-521-8620
Elmer, Brenda, Brad & Benny McWilliams Asbury, MO 417-642-5871 • 417-529-0081
SALE MANAGEMENT BY: Mitchell Marketing Service www.mms.bz Chris Mitchell 334-695-1371 • Randy Sienknecht 319-290-3763
Producing Black, Polled Genetics for Today & Tomorrow.
Walter & Lee Teeter 1380 French Belk Rd. • Mt. Ulla, NC 28125 (704) 664-5784
Gelbvieh & Balancer Cattle Sandy and Terry Gupton
4846 Potato Farm Rd • Crossville, TN 38571 865-250-1418 • rockytopgel@yahoo.com rockytopgelbviehfarm.com
Mick Ainsworth
102 Merlin Dr. Georgetown, KY 40234 Steve, Ashley, Jordan & Jason McIntosh 502-868-5726 Clifford & Faye McIntosh 502-863-1135 Breeding Gelbvieh since 1989
1613 Derby Road P.O. Box 154 Jackson Springs, NC 27281 910-652-2233 Cell: 910-638-8436 Mick’s email: longleaf@etinternet.net Grass Grown • Carcass Quality & Performance
Office (434) 376-3567 James D. Bennett Paul S. Bennett Jim G. Bennett Brian R. Bennett
Get ready for upcoming sales!
Advertise in Gelbvieh World or the Profit Picture
Fax (434) 376-7008 434/376-7299 434/376-5675 434/376-5760 434/376-5309
Farms Doug & Sue Hughes 6916 Peppers Ferry Road Max Meadows, VA 24360 H 276/637-3916 C 276/620-4271
Quality Gelbvieh & Balancer® Cattle
ClinCh Mountain Gelbvieh
John & Liz Loy (865) 687-1968 (865) 235-8869 (C)
7611 Dyer Rd. Luttrell, TN 37779 j.b.loy@att.net
Bulls & Heifers for Sale
Dr. Daryl Wilson Tyler Wilson (276) 676-2242
Joe & Gwen Wilson (276) 628-4163
Registered (276) 614-0117 (C) Gelbvieh Cattle
17462 Fenton Dr., Abingdon, VA 24210 • TrebleWRanch@aol.com
“Superior Gelbvieh and Balancer Cattle”
Chris & Jordan Hampton • Charles & Sue Hampton 839 Davistown Rd. Celina, TN 38551 931-243-3213 H 931-510-3213 C hampton@twlakes.net
Registered Bulls & Replacement Females
M & W Farms
Maryville, Tennessee
Quality Black Bulls & Heifers for sale Lynn Waters 3525 Tuckaleechee Pike Maryville, TN 37803
865.660.9227 lynnmwfarms@gmail.com
COMMUNICATION NOTE Production Schedule Gelbvieh World The Profit Picture
Become an Advocate for the Beef Industry The beginning of each year is full of goals and hopes for the New Year. By Rebecca Mettler THIS TIME I want to make a goal not only for myself, but one that can make
a positive impact on the beef industry. I plan to make it a point to become a better advocate for agriculture and for the beef industry. I hope you will join me in making 2015 a year to reach out to those who matter most, consumers. To help us out, I have compiled a few examples of beef advocacy for each month of the year. January- Post pictures on social media (Facebook and Twitter) of your team working hard to provide feed and water to your cowherd. Wintery scenes make for dramatic pictures. We all know that raising cattle is hard work so let everyone else see it too. February - Shorter daylight hours are great times to catch up on record keeping or delve into a new topic of education. Complete the Masters of Beef Advocacy training provided by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. As an online program, Masters of Beef Advocacy allows participants to work at their own pace. The programs arms graduates with plenty of statistics, discussion points and ideas for becoming a better advocate. March - Getting ready for a production sale? Post photos and announcements on social media as a way to promote your sale in a more relaxed atmosphere. More information from you keeps your operation fresh in the minds of prospective buyers. It also allows others to get a glimpse of life on the ranch. April - Connect with elementary school students to teach the importance of beef production by coordinating a show and tell event with your local school system. Check with the local FFA and 4-H chapters to see if an agriculture day at school is already in place and volunteer your time. Teaching the students about beef cattle production and demonstrating how cattle producers care for their animals provides students with a positive farmer/rancher experience to someone who might not come into contact with agriculture very often. May - We all know May is beef month. Make it a point to share photos of BBQ celebrations and get-togethers. It’s all about enjoying a satisfying beef eating experience in the company of family and friends. June - Advertising matters. Just as William McIntosh writes in this month’s Breed Promotion Minute, the Internet is a powerful tool for promoting the cattle operation. Each time someone clicks through your website, notices a Facebook post or views a Twitter picture they are actively seeking information 36 | JANUARY 2015
January Breeding Reference Guide/AI Sires Early deadline: November 25 Ad deadline: December 2 February Profit Picture Commercial Issue Early deadline: December 23 Ad deadline: December 30 March Annual Gelbvieh Convention/NWSS Early deadline: January 27 Ad deadline: February 3 April Herd Management/AI Sires Early deadline: February 24 Ad deadline: March 3 May Herd Health/Nutrition & Feeding Early deadline: March 25 Ad deadline: April 1 June-July Herd Reference Edition Early deadline: May 21 Ad deadline: May 28 August Seedstock Marketing Early deadline: June 24 Ad deadline: July 1 September Junior Programs Early deadline: July 25 Ad deadline: August 1 October Profit Picture Commercial Issue Early deadline: August 26 Ad deadline: September 2 November The Gelbvieh Cow Early deadline: September 24 Ad deadline: October 1 December AGA Convention Preview Early deadline: October 27 Ad deadline: November 3
on your operation. But it goes beyond what it seems at the surface, each time you communicate you are sending a message not only about your operation but the Gelbvieh breed and the beef industry as a whole. Use your marketing as an advertising machine for Gelbvieh and Balancer® genetics and the industry. July - A personal story is the best tool for advocating for agriculture. Each one of us directly involved in the beef industry has a story to tell about how our farm and ranch life has positively affected us. Take the time to share your story with a stranger. August - Become BQA Certified. According to www.bqa.org, The Beef Quality Assurance is a national program that provides guidelines for beef cattle production. The program raises consumer confidence through offering proper management techniques and a commitment to quality within every segment of the beef industry. September - Challenge our youth to incorporate agriculture in their daily lives. Do your kids have a science project at school; incorporate some aspect of farm life into the project. Keep in mind that students have to report their findings in class which ultimately works as a
vehicle for agriculture advocacy. I specifically remember one of my science fair projects studied the growth of Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue and the effects of pasture fertilization. October - Post videos to YouTube. Most of us have heard about the success of the Peterson Farm Bros. parody videos. Even if singing isn’t your thing, take the time to capture everyday farm life at its best. November - Work with your local agricultural organizations to adopt a family for Thanksgiving or become involved in other Thanksgiving community activities. Providing a Thanksgiving meal to a family in need is a thoughtful way to show the community that the people involved in agriculture care about the wellbeing of others. December - Take advantage of social media to promote the beef industry as well as Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics by focusing the message of increased efficiency of today’s beef cows. Find a statistic on the increase in efficiency and then relate back to Gelbvieh as the moderate framed, maternally efficient cow that we all love. FFF
Kittle Gelbvieh Farms Q u a l i t y B l a c k & Re d G e l b v i e h C a t t l e
816 Co. Rd. 36 Geraldine, AL 35974 Cell (256) 996-4140 www.kittlefarms.com
15702 Hodges Rd., Omaha, AR 72662 Hodgesranch@live.com
LeGRAND Eugene (870) 426-5333 Diana (870) 426-5334 Neal (870) 426-4469
(281) 341-5686 • Ranch (979) 561-8144
Jim & Pat Dromgoole 4403 Winding River Dr. • Richmond, TX 77469
Ed LeGrand
809 S. Redlands Rd. • Stillwater, OK 74074
405-747-6950 • alane@c21global.com Homo. Black, Homo. Polled • Breeding Stock Available
Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls & Heifers Available Private Treaty Sales
Show Cattle Managers: James & Shannon Worrell • (325) 258-4656
Promote Your Operation Advertise with a State Round-up ad in the the two issues of the Profit Picture and the Herd Reference issue of Gelbvieh World For information about advertising, call Lynn or Megan • 303.465.2333
BREED PROMOTION MINUTE Getting Everything in Line for a Successful Advertising Campaign January is an exciting time of year. It is a time to look back and reflect on an outstanding 2014. By William McIntosh WHO COULD FORGET the record high cattle prices of last
year? It is also a time to look forward to see what 2015 has in store of us, and all the indicators point to an even more profitable 2015. January is a time when we start to think about bull sale season. You have worked hard and made a point to produce and develop a set of bulls that you are proud of and I’m sure you are hoping to be rewarded for your effort in a few short months. Whether you are hosting a production sale or selling bulls private treaty, it is absolutely necessary that you have an effective advertising strategy. Too many times seedstock producers do a great job of studying data, making great genetic decisions and do a good job developing their bulls but fall short in the advertising department.
Professionally Designed Print Material Today, advertising comes in many forms. Print ads have traditionally been the most common form of advertising and are still effective tools. It is important that the ads you run are professionally designed because they send the public a message about your ranch and breeding program. The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) has developed Gelbvieh Media Productions (GMP) to help members with designing promotional material. GMP can be a one stop design shop. They can help create a logo, business cards, design print ads and sale flyers along with catalog design.
Picture Quality Good pictures are a must! Hire a professional livestock photographer to take your photos. The old saying is “A picture is worth a thousand words.” A picture can say a thousand positive or negative words not only about the individual bull but also about your breeding program. The difference between good and bad photos in your ads can cost you thousands.
Gain a Web Presence The Internet has changed the world in the last 25 years. Internet World Stats report that over 87 percent of 38 | JANUARY 2015
Americans are now “surfing the net”. Social media is rapidly becoming recognized as a cheap, efficient and effective way to advertise. Take advantage of Twitter and Facebook to promote your seedstock operation. According to Facebook there are over 1.3 billion active users of Facebook today, and is not just for kids anymore. International Business Times report that over 40 percent of Facebook users are over 35 years old. Go through your costumer list and see how many have a Facebook account and send them a request to like your farm or ranch page. Social media provides the opportunity to post pictures and video of your sale offering and allows you to stay connected to your contacts. Develop your own web page. Again, the Internet offers a world of opportunity for promoting and advertising your program. Unlike print ads, a website offers you an unlimited amount of space to tell your story. You have the ability to tell your viewer about your history, philosophy and direction. This is also a great place to promote your elite cows and cow families along with the AI sire represented in your cow herd. High quality photos of herd sires should also be presented as a reference for prospective buyers. Your web address should be printed on all of the operation’s promotional material. It should be visible on business cards, letter heads, you ranch sign and print advertising. Use every opportunity to drive traffic to your website. To be effective, just as in print advertising, quality is everything. Hire a professional web design company to design a functional, easy to navigate website.
Good Ole’ Customer Service Finally, use customer service as an opportunity to advertise. It has been said “It is easier to keep a customer than find one every time you have something to sell.” Keep in contact with your customers year around. Make calls, send emails, use direct mailings, send them a Christmas card and make sure they get a sale catalog this year. FFF
Black Hills Stock Show & Rodeo™ The Best in the West
Show: 10:00 a.m.(MST) February 5, 2015 Sale: 2:00 p.m.(MST) Rushmore Plaza Civic Center • Rapid City, South Dakota b Watch the show and sale online through www.DVauctions.com b
Breed Representatives: Julie Maude 605-381-2803 • Brent Vavra 605-257-2407
Sale Day Phone: 605-718-7235 To request a sale book call: 605-355-3861
Herdsire Prospects! Show Prospects! Outstanding Quality! 2014 Champion Heifer consignor: Lazy TV Ranch, Selby, SD Heifer buyer: The Dromgoole’s Heaven, Richmond, TX
2014 Champion Bull consignor: Dobson Ranch, Kaw City, OK Bull buyer: Thunder Struck Cattle Co., Humboldt, SD
For more information, or to view the catalog, please visit our website at www.blackhillsstockshow.com
Selling at Black Hills Stock Show, Feb. 5, 2015
A Straight Shot of Power Bourbon and Brooklyn
Class & Performance
are truly representative of our program – FUNCTIONAL, MATERNAL, PERFORMANCE GENETICS. CJLL Bourbon B1419 Homozygous Black Balancer Sire: BUCK’s Carolina Rock’n MGS: AAR Lead On 5557 CED 13 BW 0.3 WW 70 YW 92 TM 58 CEM 8 FPI 73.25
MK 26
We would love to JMAU Brooklyn B1430 visit with you about Homozygous Black Purebred Sire: VRT Lazy TV Sam U451 the CJ&L Livestock MGS: JBOB 3303K program. CED 14 BW -0.1 WW 65 YW 101 TM 75
MK 40
FPI 74.53
Lori Maude 303-809-3789 • Email: lori.maude@gmail.com Julie Maude 605-381-2803 Find us on Facebook
Extended Coverage of the 2014 American Royal Gelbvieh and BalancerÂŽ Show The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) reported the results for the 2014 American Royal Gelbvieh and Balancer Show held in Kansas City, Missouri in the December 2014 Gelbvieh World. A few of the top entries were not pictured in the Gelbvieh World report. We
congratulate each of the winning entries and are pleased to provide pictures of some of the animals absent from the December 2014 American Royal coverage. FFF
Grand Champion Gelbvieh Bull 3G Bandoleer 458B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: 3G Time Machine 758T ET
Reserve Champion Gelbvieh Bull 3G Aristotle 320A Emily Griffiths/Overmiller Gelbvieh, Smith Center, Kan. Sire: 3G Time Machine 758T ET
Gelbvieh Reserve Junior Heifer Calf 3G Cowgirl Bee 426B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: 3G Yukon 132Y
Balancer Champion Junior Bull Calf 3G Big Star 487B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: 3G Smoke N’ Mirrors
40 | JANUARY 2015
5th Annual Lost River Livestock Production Sale February 7, 2015 •1:00 p.m. CT at the Farm
Mark and Sharon Larson Family
• 45 Spring Yearling and Fall Long Yearling Bulls 10 Homozygous Black • 25 Super Bred Females • 5 Fancy Open Heifers broke to show
12866 Lindberg Lake Rd. Clearbrook, MN 218-766-3690 • Mark Cell 218-766-3323 • David Cell 402-560-4052 • Dan Cell
INDIANA “Realizing the Value”
3 G Ranch
Gelbvieh Cattle For Sale Skyler Martin
1200 S. Blackhawk Rd. Oregon, IL 61061-9762 815•732•7583
260/897-2160 • ggge3g@embarqmail.com
Your call or visit is Always Welcome
• Polled Purebreds • Red • Black
Double D Farm 9937 Warren Rd. Winslow, IL 61089 (815) 367-4116
Carl, Rebecca & Emily Griffiths
1577 N 600 E • Kendallville, IN 46755
Skyler Martin
1200 S. Blackhawk Rd. Oregon, IL 61061 (815) 732-7583
Fullblood Polled Gelbvieh Polled Hereford
Merle E. Lewis 812/863-7701
James L. Lewis 812/508-0014
RR1 BOX 1360 • SPRINGVILLE, IN 47462
We sell Breeding Stock Bulls & Females Chester Yoder
12353 Cty Rd 330 Big Prairie, OH 44611 chesyoder@yahoo.com 330-567-9232 • 330-231-0339 (cell)
We’re now offering COLOR in the breeder block ads. Call for details For $297 + color cost you can be in every issue for one year! Call Lynn or Megan at the AGA office at 303-465-2333
Reflections and Resolutions full of educational, promotional, and fun events that will help our breed association and its members become even more successful in all their endeavors. One thing I would like for our juniors to think about as they make their New Year’s resolutions is how are you going to be more involved in the AGJA this year than last year? Maybe you want to sell the most donation heifer tickets (sales are going on now!) or run for intermediate ambassador. Or maybe you want to participate in a contest at junior nationals that you’ve never participated in before. There are countless opportunities available through the AGJA and now is your time to take advantage of these and fuel your passion for the beef industry. FFF
As we wrap up another holiday season, most reflect on the past year and give thanks for the wonderful family and friends they have visited, the fellowship they have partaken in, and cattle they have raised. By Sydney Bigger The AGJA is no exception, and as an association we have a lot to be thankful for. On behalf of the AGJA, I would like to once again extend our gratitude to everyone who helped with junior events during 2014. Whether it was organizing field days, regional shows, junior nationals, or helping with the first POWER Conference your efforts did not go unnoticed. Without you, our association would not have the number of beef enthusiasts we have. On top of that, we are also extremely grateful for our sponsors. Many of you sponsor classes, divisions, or contests at our junior shows year after year. Your support is very encouraging and it helps us create events that junior members will remember for a lifetime. After we look back to appreciate all the opportunities of 2014, we have to look forward and make resolutions for the upcoming year. I, for one, am excited to see what 2015 will bring for the AGJA! It is sure to be
Grace Hammer, President (2013) Wallace, KS • 785-728-7111 Hammerhead_grace@hotmail.com Michael Ring, Vice President (2014) Oregon, IL • 815-732-7583 skylerm1@frontier.com Mike & Toni Shrewsbury, Adult Advisors Lathrop, MO • 816-528-3644 mshrews@northmo.net Al & Mary Knapp, Adult Advisors Bonner Springs, KS • 913-724-4105 knappa@swbell.net Carrie Tilghman, Junior Activities Coordinator 270-404-0828 • carriet@gelbvieh.org
42 | JANUARY 2015
Tiana Garcia, V.P. of Leadership (2012) Las Animas, CO • 719-691-9691 tianam.garcia@outlook.com
Van Tucker, Ex-Officio Portis, KS • 785-282-0544 vantucker@live.com Tanner Aherin (2014) Phillipsburg, KS • 785-543-3093 daherin@ruraltel.net Callahan Grund (2014) Wallace, KS • 785-891-3765 jcgrund@wbsnet.org
Sydney Bigger, Secretary (2013) Media, IL • 309-221-6262 biggersydney@gmail.com
Carter Mitchell (2013) Appleton City, MO • 660-492-3966 cartermitchell15@gmail.com
Kelsey Sheeley, Treasurer (2013) Hillsboro, OH • 937-403-3272 kelseysheeley@yahoo.com
Kyle Vehige (2014) Bonnets Mill, MO • 573-897-3303 tbars@radiowire.net
Promote Your Operation
The Prosser Family
Advertise with a State Round-up ad in the the two issues of the Profit Picture and the Herd Reference issue of Gelbvieh World
For information about advertising, call Lynn or Megan AGA office • 303.465.2333
928/289-2619 928/380-5149 cell Winslow, AZ
www.bartbar.com • info@bartbar.com
RFI Tested Balancer®, Gelbvieh & Angus Bulls
If you’re not here, how does your customer find you? Advertise here!
Dick & Jean Williams P.O. Box 156 Orovada, NV 89425 775•272•3442
“Pounds Make Profit in Your Pocket” Bulls & Heifers Private Treaty
COLORADO Ken and Dale Flikkema
(406) 586-6207 (Office) (406) 580-6207 (Cell)
2633 Hwy 12 East • Clarkston, WA 99403
Gelbvieh • Red Angus • Balancer®
2 Mint Trail Bozeman, MT 59718
Dave & Dawn Bowman 55784 Holly Rd. • Olathe, CO 81425
(970) 323-6833 www.bowkranch.com
Jim Roelle 38148 CR 49 #7 Peetz, CO 80747
(H): 970-334-2221 • (C): 970-520-1224 jr.plateau@hotmail.com www.plateaugelbvieh.com
Pete & Samee Charriere
email: mcfarmsmt@gmail.com Black • Purebred & Balancer Cattle
509-566-8805 • LedgerwoodGelbvieh@gmail.com “Seedstock that work for the commercial cattleman
We want to Keep up with AGA members. Please send in information to be included in the Gelbvieh World and on our website: • • • •
Items for Places to Be News for Bits N Pieces Dates for upcoming shows and field days. State Association news
Plus, add us to your mailing lists when sending out sale catalogs.
Send all items to: Gelbvieh World • 10900 Dover St., Westminster, CO 80021 • lynnv@gelbvieh.org
SALES Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale IX and 6th Annual Customer Appreciation Sale September 20, 2014 Kingsville Livestock Auction Kingsville, MO Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine Reported by: John Burbank Sale Averages: 1
Open Heifer Pick
Bred Heifer Picks
Spring Pairs
Spring Breds
Fall Pairs/Breds
Fall Open Heifers
Spring Open Heifers
Total Head
A BEAUTIFUL SEPTEMBER day was the backdrop for a
very solid sale for the breeders of Seedstock Plus and the customers that participated. All the females sold at a brisk pace with sale averages up significantly over last year. Cattle sold to 25 buyers from seven states. A complimentary beef brisket meal, catered by The Rib Crib restaurant was enjoyed by all in attendance prior to the sale start. Sale highlights include: Lot 3A & 3B
Pick of the 2013 born bred heifers from Brandywine Farms. 3A was the black heifer pick and 3B was the red heifer pick. CJSD Gelbvieh from Ohio had thewinning bid and took both picks at $5,000 each.
Lot 2A Pick of the 2013 born black bred heifers from Sandy Knoll Farm. Zimmerman Gelbvieh of Kansas was the purchaser at $4,850. Lot 6C
McCabe Cattle Company consigned three spring bred full ET sisters sired by BC Matrix out of the Cocoa Sue donor dam. These females were purchased in last year’s sale in the group of 11 full sisters. JEB Ms.
44 | JANUARY 2015
Matrix 521A ET was top choice selling for $5,300 to KZ Cattle Co., Kansas.
Lot 28
JKAR Cattle consigned JKAR Y053, a fall bred Carolina Fortune daughter that sold for $5,700 to TKW Gelbvieh, Illinois.
Lot 35
Burbank Cattle Company consigned MTB BCC Miss Balance 34Z, a fall bred Shogun daughter that sold for $5,600 to Zimmerman Gelbvieh, Kansas.
Lot 43
Top selling open heifer was consigned by JKAR Cattle. JKAR A8267 sold for $4,500 to Jerry Theiss, Missouri.
Lot 56
Next highest selling open heifer was consigned by Burbank Cattle Company. JEB BCC Miss Matrix 59A also sold to Jerry Theiss from Missouri for $4,450. FFF
31st Annual North Dakota Gelbvieh Association’s
WOHL B12 SIRE: JKGF Impact Y353
Monday, January 26, 2015 • 1:00 PM (CST) Kist Livestock, Mandan, ND
Purebred Gelbvieh Bull DAM: Crickets Tienna
DCHD 200B SIRE: CCRO Exclusive 1230Y
DDGR 3A 50% Balancer® Female SIRE: SAV Final Answer 0035 DAM: DDGR 67Y
Purebred Gelbvieh Bull
DCH A147 Purebred Gelbvieh Female SIRE: DCH Y109 DAM: DCH Y305
75% Balancer® Bull DAM: BDMP 6I6 T6
PHG A32 SIRE: COLB Xavier X812
Purebred Gelbvieh Female DAM: PGH Tootsie T54
29 PB Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls • 16 PB Gelbvieh & Balancer® Bred Heifers • 5 PB Gelbvieh & Balancer® Open Heifers ®
NDGA ANNUAL MEETING & BANQUET Sunday, January 25, 2015 • Sale book and sale cattle videos available online at www.mms.bz
Register and bid live online at www.dvauction.com
SALE MANAGEMENT BY: Mitchell Marketing Service
SALE SPONSORED BY: North Dakota Gelbvieh Association
Chris Mitchell 334-695-1371 Randy Sienknecht 319-290-3763 2262 C Avenue • Gladbrook, IA 50635
Sale Chairs - Sarah Heinrich & Kelly Dahl www.ndgelbviehassociation.com
SALES Seedstock Plus Fall Bull Sale
October 18, 2014 Joplin Regional Stockyards Carthage, Missouri Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine Reported by: John Burbank Sale Averages: 82
Balancer Bulls
Gelbvieh Bulls
Overall Bulls
ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL SALE for Seedstock Plus is in the books with this Fall Bull Sale. There were 173 registered buyers of which 89 bought from nine states. All the bulls sold at a rapid pace to new and repeat customers that bid aggressively on this quality offering. The sale represented a larger offering and a substantial increase in the average over last year.
Sale Highlights Include: Lot 633/637
Black, homo polled Balancer from the partnership of Burbank Cattle Company, CJSD Gelbvieh and Bar T Bar Ranches. JEB Black Balance 569A ET sired by SB Arnold, posting excellent EPDs and phenotype sold to Simmons Cattle Co. in Missouri for $10,600. Homo black, homo polled, full ET brother; JEB Black Balance 562A ET sold for $10,200 to Hillside Gelbvieh, Missouri.
Lot 623 Homo black, home polled Balancer bull WNBE 313A from Wannabe Stock Farms, posting a 160 gain ratio and huge REA sold to Stuecken Bros., from Missouri for $9,000. Lot 694
Top selling yearling Balancer from JGP Gelbvieh sold for $7,300. SDCS JGPG 3210A a homo black, homo polled bull with a 14 CE and a Tenderness score of 9 sold to Scott Malaske, Oklahoma.
Lot 729
Red PB Gelbvieh from Brandywine Farm sold to Harold Brunner of Missouri for $8,750. BWF Brandywine Archer 321A
46 | JANUARY 2015
hit all the buttons with a RFI of -.72, a 113 gain ratio and scanned a 4.96 IMF.
Lot 728
Homo black PB Gelbvieh from Brandywine Farms sold to Robert Lewsader, Missouri for $8,500. BWF Brandywine Avenger 319A posts a 12 CE and 117 YW EPD. This bull also registered a -1.69 RFI.
Lot 713
Red PB Gelbvieh from Gilly’s Gelbvieh sold to Greg Gatson from Missouri for $7,500. GGRR Gilly’s Butch A345 posted a 122 gain ratio a RFI of -1.00 and exhibited excellent depth and thickness.
Lot 770
Top selling yearling Gelbvieh from Nowack Cattle Company sold for $7,600. JNCC GDN Fortune Hawk 361A a ND red, homo polled PB 94 posting excellent EPDs and phenotype sold to Sanders Farm Gelbvieh, Kansas. FFF
For the first time ever, we are opening the gates to your choice of our entire 2014 heifer calf crop of over 100 females, including these top heifers.
Post Rock Captain 153Z2 X DDGR 32S Purebred half sister to the DDGR Navaho 188X bull working at Davidson Gelbvieh in Canada
Post Rock Captain 153Z2 X DDGR 141U Purebred half sister to the DDGR Yukon 172Z sire working at Prairie Hills Gelbvieh in North Dakota
Connealy In Focus 4925 X DDGR 116Z Broody Balancer® daughter of a JKGF W95 first calf heifer. She has a super EPD profile and a great future.
Lazy TV Sam U451 X DDGR 130Y Outstanding purebred Sam daughter with great eye appeal and super EPD’s.
KKC Nobility 123Y X DDGR 96T Purebred red genetics with excellent length, performance and style.
Don’t Forget our ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE ON FEBRUARY 19, 2015, where we will be offering another 25 outstanding purebred and Balancer bred heifers along with 75-80 stout bulls.
Final Answer X DDGR 67Y Deep bodied Balancer with excellent EPD’s and the proven genetics of the Final Answer sire.
Dennis, Sherry and Jessica Gustin Al and Peggy Gustin Steve and Katie Stensgard Richie and Sarah Heinrich 5135 Hwy 6 • Mandan, ND 58554 Dennis: 701-663-7266 or 701-400-3483 Sarah: 701-400-3563 gustindd@wildblue.net • www.gustinsdiamondd.com
Scott & Sonia Mattison Brianna, Nicole, Josh & Kallie 15995 Harvest Ave Lamberton, MN 56152 507-430-0505 • email: ssmattison@redred.com Purebred Gelbvieh and Balancer® Cattle
SFI Schafer Farms, Inc.
Ridge Top Ranch Neola, Iowa
Private Treaty Bull Sale — Last Sat. in February Annually
Black & Polled Private Treaty Sales
Breed-leading Performance from Quality Genetics
Kevin: 402-510-8103 Al: 402-676-5292
Ricky Linquist th Street inquist 1135 190 inquist
Fonda, IA 50540
arms (712) 288-5349 arms Gelbvieh & Red Angus
Email: rickylin@ncn.net www.linquistfarms.com
LONE OAK C AT T L E Eric Ehresman 20963 30th St. Mechanicsville, IA 52306
Dennis & Sherry Gustin Family Al and Peggy Gustin
Mandan, ND • 701/663-7266 email: gustindd@gmail.com www.gustinsdiamondd.com
37740 240th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027 Brian Schafer Lowell Schafer 1-888-226-9210 651-923-4587 brian@schaferfarm.com www.schaferfarm.com
SwenSon Gelbvieh
Gelbvieh & Balancer Performance Genetics Bulls and Heifers for sale by private treaty Gerald & Sarah Adkins
(605) 354-2428 Cell gerald@adkinsgelbvieh.com www.adkinsgelbvieh.com
41606 195th St., Carpenter, SD 57322
Dean Swenson
17513 Hwy 10 Little Falls, MN 56345 swen@centurylink.net (h) 320.632.5848 • (c) 320.630-5536
Polled • Purebred Red • Black
Beastrom Gelbvieh Ranch Registered Gelbvieh & Balancer Cattle Bulls • Heifers • Embryos • Semen
Jim & Barb Beastrom Brandy Ludemann, Brittney Spencer
Ph: 605-224-5789 • 605-280-7589 (Cell) jimbeastrom@mncomm.com • www.beastromranch.com
(319) 489-2275 (319) 480-1564
Martens Gelbvieh
Gary Martens 2126 500th St • Walnut, IA 51577 712.764.5007 (H) • 712.249.5744 (C) martensgl@yahoo.com Annual Bull and Female sale in March with the Southwest Iowa Gelbvieh Group
HH Triple H Farms H
NORTH DAKOTA Chimney Butte RanCh Doug and Carol Hille 701/445-7383
Julie Maude 605.381.2803 (C) Lori Maude 303.809.3789 (C)
3320 51st St., Mandan, ND 58554
chimneybutteranch@westriv.com www.chimneybutteranch.com Annual Production Sale 1st Friday in March
cj_llivestock@yahoo.com Hermosa, SD
Roy & Nancy Holste 3113 260th Street Clarinda, IA 51632
Quality Gelbvieh & Balancer® Genetics from a Trusted Source
6700 County Rd. 19 S. Minot, ND 58701
712-303-0263 • 712-303-1947
Bulls and Heifers for sale Private Treaty
(701) 624-2051 (H) (701) 720-8823 (C)
Rob Arnold
Brent & Eve Vavra Nisland, SD • 605/257-2407
Email: RLAGelbvieh@aol.com
Registered Gelbvieh & Balancers®
Brandywine Farm Tom Scarponcini
30474 Brandywine Road Rushford, MN 55971
48 | JANUARY 2015
34261 200th Street, Highmore, SD 57345 Dwight and Christina Dockter Bailey, Cheyenne, Cierra and Dalton
4956 41st St. SE, Medina, ND 58467 701-486-3494 • gbgelb@daktel.com Visit www.golden-buckle-gelbvieh.com
Steven A. Munger 605/380-0092 (cell) •
605/229-2802 (office) 605/229-2835 (fax)
Nate Munger 605/943-5690 (office) Cowherd Manager 605/380-2582 (cell) www.eaglepassranch.com
AGA Convention and annual meeting AGJA annual dues are due
January 1 March 15 or the following business day if the date falls on a weekend April April 15 April 30 May 15 July 31 August August 1 August 15 October November 1 November 1 December December
AGA dues are due on annual membership date Annual herd assessments due
UPPER MIDWEST Ellison Gelbvieh & Angus Ranch Gelbvieh & Angus & Balancers
Private Treaty Sales • Bulls (Yearling & 2-yr.-old) & Heifers
Jeff & Susie Ellison
Mitchel & Edna Ellison 9020 ND Hwy 49 Lemmon, SD 57638
9015 ND Hwy 49 Lemmon, SD 57638
Proven Genetics with Balanced Traits!
Visit the Animal Registration page at www.gelbvieh.org for more information Spring AGA Board of Directors meeting Spring calf registrations due for calves born January 1 to July 31 of the previous year Summer Sire Summary data due Submit GPA (Gelbvieh Performance Advantage) application Fall Calf registration due for calves born August 1 to December 31 of the previous year Summer AGA Board of Directors meeting Dam of Merit and Dam of Distinction data due Nominations due for the AGA Member of the Year and AGA Hall of Fame Request application from AGA office Submit DNA samples for national sale and futurity animals Junior Dues are mailed to AGJA members
Thorstenson Gelbvieh
Selby, South Dakota Annual Bull Sale 1st Saturday in March Brian & Dee Dee Vaughn & Wendy 605-649-9927 605-649-6262 www.Balancerbulls.com
Keith, Janice, Dustin & Britney
Winter Sire Summary data due Request absentee voting ballot for the election of AGA Board of Directors Pre-register for the AGA Annual Convention
WISCONSIN Russell Family Livestock
Yellow = Required AGA member deadlines Green = AGA Activities Blue = Preferred AGA Programs
Ron, Alicia & Family
Brooklyn, WI 608.455.1448 rrussell@ansci.wisc.edu facebook.com/RussellLivestock
Focused on Form & Function GELBVIEH WORLD | 49
Grand Champion Gelbvieh Female BCFG Butlers Lulu 549A Allie Raab, Markle, Ind. Sire: BCFG Butlers Code Red 506T ET
Reserve Champion Gelbvieh Female GGGE 3G Cowgirl Belinda 449B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: GGGE 3G Space Cowboy
Grand Champion Gelbvieh Bull GGGE 3G Aristotle 320A ET Overmiller Gelbvieh/ Emily Griffiths, Smith Center, Kan. Sire: GGGE 3G Time Machine 758T ET
Reserve Champion Gelbvieh Bull GGGE 3G Bandoleer 458B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: GGGE 3G Time Machine 758T ET
Photos by Linde’s Photography and Katie Sullivan THE 2014 EASTERN National Gelbvieh and Balancer® show was held at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 in Louisville, Kentucky. A total of 89 animals were exhibited by breeders across the country. Judge Scott Schaake of Manhattan, Kansas evaluated the 35 Gelbvieh females, 12 Gelbvieh bulls, 32 Balancer females, and 10 Balancer bulls. 50 | JANUARY 2015
Grand Champion Balancer Female PLA Miss Zelda 20Z Green Hills Gelbvieh, Mt. Ulla, N.C. Sire: SAV Pioneer 7301
Reserve Champion Balancer Female CTR Lass 3200A LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan. Sire: CTR Sandhills 0065X
Grand Champion Balancer Bull GGGE 3G EZ Money 209Z Overmiller Gelbvieh/ Emily Griffiths, Smith Center, Kan. Sire: Duff Basic Instinct 6501
Reserve Champion Balancer Bull AHL Anchorman 472B ET LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan. Sire: XXB Wingman 639T ET
Junior Show Grand Champion Heifer GGGE 3G Athena 312A ET Connor Durham, Piedmont, S.C. Sire: GGGE 3G Time Machine 758T ET
Junior Show Reserve Champion Heifer GDX 312A Anna Duxbury, Wessington, S.D. Sire: PLA Big Dog 101Y
Gelbvieh Reserve Senior Heifer Calf JTPF Blue Well Astro 234A Blue Well Farms, Lebanon, Tenn. Sire: JDPD Astro 407S Junior Show Grand Champion Bred and Owned Gelbvieh Heifer KJSG MV De Anna 403A Kelsey Sheeley, Hillsboro, Ohio Sire: GGGE 3G Warlock 928W
No photo available
Gelbvieh Reserve Intermediate Heifer OHIO MV Miss Adelle 257A Kelsey Sheeley, Hillsboro, Ohio Sire: CIRS Decade 278U2
Gelbvieh Reserve Junior Heifer GGGE 3G Athena 312A ET Connor Durham, Piedmont, S.C. Sire: GGGE 3G Time Machine 758T ET
Gelbvieh Spring Heifer Calf
Ranch, Canton, Kan.
GV Class 1 No photo available
Gelbvieh Reserve Spring Heifer Calf BCFG Butlers Bianca 534B Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn. Sire: BCFG Butlers Impact 549U
Gelbvieh Reserve Winter Heifer Calf GGGE 3G Cowgirl Bee 426B Samuel Smith, Crab Orchard, Ky./ Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: GGGE 3G Yukon 132Y
52 | JANUARY 2015
Gelbvieh Champion Winter Heifer Calf RID R Ima Lady 1403B ET Ridinger Cattle Company, Deer Trail, Colo. Sire: CCRO Carolina Exclusive 1230Y
Gelbvieh Champion Senior Heifer Calf KIT Pennie A32 Colton Kitley, Flora, Ill. Sire: GGGE 3G Time Machine 758T ET
Gelbvieh Champion Intermediate Heifer SSMK Golden Streak 71A Double Diamond Farms, Cynthiana, Ky. Sire: SSMK Astroid
June 1, 2014 1. SBSF Bee Lick Brenna, Samuel Smith, Crab Orchard, Ky.
GV Class 2 March 1 to April 1, 2014 1. GGGE 3G Cowgirl Belinda 449B, Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.; 2. BCFG Butlers Bianca 534B, Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn.; 3. GGGE 3G Cowgirl Bette 448B ET, Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Gelbvieh Winter Heifer Calf
GV Class 4 February 24, 2014 1. CIRS 16B, Circle S
GV Class 5 January 2 to January 21, 2014 1. RID R Ima Lady 1403B ET, Ridinger Cattle Company, Deer Trail, Colo.; 2. GGGE 3G Cowgirl Bee 426B, Samuel Smith, Crab Orchard, Ky./Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.; 3. JENJ Miss JENJ 410B, JenJoe Farms, Clinton, Ky. Gelbvieh Senior Heifer Calf
GV Class 7 November 1 to December 13, 2013 1. JTPF Blue Well Astro 234A, Blue Well Farms, Lebanon, Tenn.; 2. JTPF Blue Well Leeann 231A, Blue Well Farms, Lebanon, Tenn.; 3. LARC Ms
No photo available
No photo available
Gelbvieh Champion Cow-Calf Pair SVFG Dolly 01X Spring Valley Farm, Lebanon, Ky. Sire: SLC Freedom 178F ET
Gelbvieh Reserve Spring Bull Calf CIRS 837TB ET Circle S Ranch, Canton, Kan. Sire: KIT Tabasco J26 ET
Gelbvieh Champion Winter Bull Calf GGGE 3G Bootlegger 439B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: GGGE 3G Zip Line 266Z
Gelbvieh Reserve Winter Bull Calf CIRS Trademark 1041YB Circle S Ranch, Canton, Kan. Sire: CIRS Decade 278U2
Gelbvieh Champion Senior Bull Calf SSMK Heart Stopper Double Diamond Farms, Cynthiana, Ky. Sire: SSMK Astroid
Gelbvieh Reserve Junior Bull SYDB Simple Machine Sydney Bigger, Media, Ill. Sire: EBIG Ringo
Gelbvieh Champion Senior Bull SSMK Apollo Double Diamond Farms, Cynthiana, Ky. Sire: SMMK Astroid
Gelbvieh Champion Two Year Old Bull SYDB Garbanzo Bean Sydney Bigger, Media, Ill. Sire: SYDB Butter Bean
1. BCFG Butlers Lulu 549A, Allie Raab, Markle, Ind.; 2. GGGE 3G Athena 312A ET, Connor Durham, Piedmont, S.C.; 3. KJSG Mv De Anna 403A, Kelsey Sheeley, Hillsboro, Ohio.
LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan./The Dromgoole’s Heaven, Richmond,Texas.; 2. BCFG Butlers Beauty 730B, Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn./ Alexandria Raab, Markle, Ind.; 3. LWAC Fancy, Lucas Waters, Maryville, Tenn.
Magnified 4U 388A, Colton Clark, Greensburg, Ky.
Gelbvieh Intermediate Heifer
GV Class 8
GV Class 11
October 1 to October 28, 2013 1. RLKL RL Miss 101, Linquist Farms, Fonda, Iowa.; 2. CIRS AT122, Circle S Ranch, Canton, Kan.; 3. SSMK Twilight, Double Diamond Farms, Cynthiana, Ky.
GV Class 9
September 3 to September 16, 2013 1. KIT Pennie A32, Colton Kitley, Flora, Ill.; 2. LKSG Bee Lick Nutmeg, Samuel Smith, Crab Orchard, Ky.; 3. RID R Pearl 1376A ET, Ridinger Cattle Company, Deer Trail, Colo.
July 1 to August 25, 2013 1. SSMK Golden Streak, Double Diamond Farms, Cynthiana, Ky.; 2. OHIO MV Miss Adelle 257A, Kelsey Sheeley, Hillsboro, Ohio; 3. ADS Ms S&S Molly 354A, Colton Clark, Greensburg, Ky. Gelbvieh Junior Heifer
GV Class 13
March 19 to April 5, 2013 1. JTPF Blue Well 208A, Blue Well Farms/Avery Brown, Lebanon, Tenn.; 2. RBLG Bee Lick Stone’s Redbud, Samuel Smith, Crab Orchard, Ky.
GV Class 14
January 5 to January 21, 2013
Gelbvieh Cow/Calf Pairs
GV Class 16
April 14, 2010 1. SVFG Dolly 01X, Spring Valley Farm, Lebanon, Ky. Balancer Spring Heifer Calf
BA Class 1
May 6, 2014 1. GGGE 3G Cowgirl Banshee 484B, Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.
BA Class 2
March 2 to March 26, 2014 1. AHL Tessa 486B ET,
Balancer Winter Heifer Calf
BA Class 4
February 11 to February 14, 2014 1. RAAB BCFG Ms Valentine 214B, Aidan Raab, Markle, Ind.; 2. BCFG Butlers Bridget 533B, Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn.
BA Class 5
January 1 to January 22, 2014 1. BROK Maleficent 401B, Victoria Nowack, Bland, GELBVIEH WORLD | 53
Balancer Champion Spring Heifer Calf GGGE 3G Cowgirl Banshee 484B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: GGGE 3G EZ Money 209Z
Balancer Reserve Spring Heifer Calf AHL Tessa 486B ET LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan./ Dromgoole’s Heaven, Richmond, Texas . Sire: AHL Redemption 237Z
Balancer Champion Winter Heifer Calf RAAB BCFG Ms. Valentine 214B Aidan Raab, Markle, Ind. Sire: SAV Brilliance 8077
No photo available
Balancer Champion Senior Heifer Calf GHCF Whitney 25A1 ET Justin Teeter, Mt. Ulla, N.C. Sire: PVF All Payday 729
Mo.; 2. BCFG Butlers Bella 896B, Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn.; 3. GGGE 3G Cowgirl Baroness 404B, Emily Griffiths, Kendalville, Ind. Balancer Senior Heifer Calf
BA Class 7
November 1 to December 12, 2013 1. GHGF Whitney 25A1 ET, Justin Teeter, Mount Ulla, N.C.; 2. CCRO Carolina 3355A, C-Cross Cattle Company, Asheboro, N.C.; 3. JNCC GDN Smokin Product 373A, Victoria Nowack, Bland, Mo.
BA Class 8
September 10 to October 20, 2013 1. AMT Ava 327A, Austin Teeter, Mount Ulla, N.C.; 2. GLCF Mavis 301A, David 54 | JANUARY 2015
Balancer Reserve Senior Heifer Calf AMT Ava 327A Austin Teeter, Mt. Ulla, N.C. Sire: TC Freedom 104
Slaughter, Fredonia, Ky.; 3. JCGR BAR GT Miss B 527A, Jumping Cow Gelbvieh, Ramah, Colo. Balancer Intermediate Heifer
BA Class 10
August 30, 2013 1. CCRO Carolina Pinnacle 3303A, C-Cross Cattle Company, Asheboro, N.C. Balancer Junior Heifer
BA Class 12
March 9 to April 5, 2013 1. CTR Lass 3200A, LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan.; 2. JCGR BAR GT Hepburn 244A, Jumping Cow Gelbvieh, Ramah, Colo.; 3. AHL Limestone 372A, Tanner Aherin, Phillipsburg, Kan.
Balancer Reserve Winter Heifer Calf BCFG Butlers Bridget 533B Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn. Sire: BCFG Butlers Bismarck 512Z
No photo available
Balancer Champion Intermediate Heifer CCRO Carolina Pinnacle 3303A C-Cross Cattle Company, Asheboro, N.C. Sire: JKGF Reflex X4 ET
Balancer Senior Heifer
BA Class 14
October 4 to October 11, 2012 1. MDAV Miss Canyon ET, Karen Eby, Duncan, S.C.; 2. MDAV Miss Red Canyon ET, Karen Eby, Duncan, S.C. Balancer Cow/Calf Pairs
BA Class 16
February 12, 2012 1. PLA Miss Zelda 20Z, Green Hills Gelbvieh, Mount Ulla, N.C. Gelbvieh Spring Bull Calf
GV Class 19
June 3, 2014 1. SVFG Honcho, Spring Valley Farm, Lebanon, Ky.
Balancer Reserve Junior Heifer JCGR Bar GT Hepburn 244A Jumping Cow Gelbvieh, Ramah, Colo. Sire: BEA 705T ET
GV Class 20
March 3 to March 8, 2014 1. GGGE 3G Bandoleer 458B, Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.; 2. CIRS 837TB ET, Circle S Ranch, Canton, Kan. Gelbvieh Winter Bull Calf
GV Class 22
February 2 to February 26, 2014 1. GGGE 3G Bootlegger 439B, Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.; 2.CIRS Trademark 1041YB, Circle S Ranch, Canton, Kan.; 3. LWAC Fireball, Lucas Waters, Maryville, Tenn.
GV Class 23
January 1, 2014 1. RLKL RL Cassanova 14, Linquist Farms, Fonda, Iowa.
No photo available
Balancer Champion Senior Heifer MDAV Miss Canyon ET Karen Eby, Duncan, S.C. Sire: BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912
Balancer Reserve Senior Heifer MDAV Miss Red Canyon ET Karen Eby, Duncan, S.C. Sire: BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912
Balancer Reserve Spring Bull Calf GGGE 3G Big Star 487B Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Sire: GGGE 3G Smoke N’ Mirrors
No photo available
Balancer Reserve Winter Bull Calf JCGR Bar GT 153B Jumping Cow Gelbvieh, Ramah, Colo. Sire: CCRO Carolina Exclusive 1230Y
Gelbvieh Senior Bull Calf
GV Class 25
October 17, 2013 1. SSMK Heart Stopper, Double Diamond Farms, Cynthiana, Ky. Gelbvieh Junior Bull
GV Class 27
April 13, 2013 1. SYDB Simple Machine, Sydney Bigger, Media, Ill.
GV Class 28
January 13, 2013 1. GGGE 3G Aristotle 320A ET, Overmiller Gelbvieh, Smith Center, Kan./Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.Gelbvieh Senior Bull
Balancer Champion Winter Bull Calf AHL Paradise 430B LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan. Sire: AHL Redemption 237Z
No photo available
Balancer Champion Senior Bull Calf BCFG Butlers 100 Proof Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn. Sire: BCFG 100 Proof 10Y1
Balancer Champion Senior Bull MDAV The Red Rock ET Karen Eby, Duncan, S.C. Sire: BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912
Balancer Reserve Two Year Old Bull CSCF Classic Alydar Legend Cameron Schwark, Herscher, Ill. Sire: BC Classic 385-7
1. SSMK Apollo, Double Diamond Farms, Cynthiana, Ky.
Balancer Winter Bull Calf
Balancer Senior Bull
Gelbvieh Two Year Old Bull
BA Class 22
January 20 to February 21, 2014 1. AHL Paradise 430B, LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan.; 2. JCGR BAR GT 153B, Jumping Cow Gelbvieh, Ramah, Colo.; 3. GGGE 3G Basic Black 472B, Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.
October 11, 2012 1. MDAV The Red Rock ET, Karen Eby, Duncan, S.C.
GV Class 32
March 2, 2012 1. SYDB Garbanzo Bean, Sydney Bigger, Media, Ill. Balancer Spring Bull Calf
BA Class 19
May 9, 2014 1. GGGE 3G Big Star 487B, Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.
Balancer Senior Bull Calf
BA Class 20
December 3, 2013 1. BCFG Butlers 100 Proof, Butler Creek Farms, Milton, Tenn.
March 2, 2014 1. AHL Anchorman 472B ET, LeDoux Ranch, Agenda, Kan.
BA Class 24
BA Class 26
Balancer Two Year Old Bull
BA Class 28
January 16 to June 11, 2012 1. GGGE 3G EZ Money 209Z, Overmiller Gelbvieh, Smith Center, Kan./Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.; 2. CSCF Classic Alydar Legend, Cameron Schwark, Herscher, Ill.
GV Class 30
October 15, 2012
POST ROCK CATTLE COMPANY 3041 E. Hwy. 284, Barnard, KS 67418 Bill Clark: 785.792.6244 Leland Clark: 785.792.6208 Fax: 785.792.6250 Email: prcc@twinvalley.net
Bar Arrow Cattle Company Stuar t Jar vis
26 E. Limestone Rd. • Phillipsburg, KS 67661 e-mail: bararrow@ruraltel.net • 785/543-5177
Purebred A.I. Seedstock Bulls and Heifers Available. Al, Mary & Nick Knapp Cell: (913) 219-6613 18291 158th Street H: (913) 724-4105 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 FAX: (913) 724-4107 e-mail: knappa@swbell.net
Committed to raising quality seestock Registered Gelbvieh and Balancer® Cattle Elmer, Brenda, Brad & Benny McWilliams Asbury, MO 64832 • 417-642-5871 • 417-529-0081(cell)
diamond v gelbvieh Randy odle
1210 G Rd. Stockton, ks 67669 785.737.3319 diamondv@live.com Building Gelbvieh Genetics since 1989
Scott Bachman • (660) 247-1112
scott_bachman@yahoo.com www.bachmancattlefarms.com
Judd Ranch Inc.
Dave & Cindy Judd Nick, Ginger Judd & Family Brent & Ashley Judd 423 Hwy. K-68 • Pomona, KS 66076 785/ 566-8371
17520 Hwy. JJ Chillicothe, MO 64601
B/F Cattle Company
Specializing in Forage Raised Balancer® Bulls on K-31
Culling practices on cows/bulls second to NONE! For information, contact:
Route 1, Box 407 • Butler, MO 64730
660 • 492 • 2808 Top Quality • High Performing • Calving Ease
Timothy Mulroy • 785-640-6401 Mayetta, KS • tim@blackgoldinc.biz
56 | JANUARY 2015
SimAngus, Balancer (GvAn) 18 mo bulls, Forage Developed, Good Disposition EPDs show superior genetics & ancestry, Thick, Deep, Stretchy Guaranteed Bob Harriman Genetics Montrose, MO • 660-492-2504 bharriman39@ hotmail.com Thanks to all for investing 50 years in this program from pasture to plate.
ROCKING GV GELBVIEH Polled Fullblood Gelbvieh Cattle Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Wehner 22533 Spencer Lane Kirksville, MO 63501 660-665-7502
RogeRs Valley FaRm gelbVieh Breed for Tomorrow’s Cattle Today!
A Breed Leader in Tenderness & Marbling–
www.rogersvfg.com P.O. Box 51 Mendon, MO 64660 (660) 272-3805 (O) (660-375-7266 (C) Ronald & Kathryne Rogers email: rogers_valley_farm_feedlot@hotmail.com
Juniors! Check www.GELBVIEH.org often for show information and results on regional shows and the Junior Classic!
MIDWEST BREEDERS Gelbvieh SprinG Flood ranch balancer® Jim & Sherri Michaletz 1397 Spring Flood Rd Goodman, MO 64843 417-364-5297 (O) 479-366-1234 (C) Email: jmichal@netins.net www.springfloodranch.blogspot.com
Stay Connected!
Keep up to date with shows, sales and other events by visiting
Pope Farms Gelbvieh
Jeff and Jeanne Pope 26075 Willow Rd., Ravenna, NE 68869 Phone & Fax: (308) 467-BEEF Cell: (308) 390-0657 jeff@popefarms.com
Be sure to Like us on Facebook Consistent Genetics Adding Pounds & Profit
Myron & Valerie Bahm 4375 White Oak Rd Fordland, MO 65652
417-753-3578(h) • 417-576-0687(c)
email: whiteoakfarms@live.com
Registered Gelbvieh & Balancer®
Promote for Success! Upcoming Advertising Deadlines: March Gelbvieh World Early copy deadline: January 27 Regular rates deadline: February 3
And look for new videos on our YouTube channel
Jeff Swanson • 308/337-2235 10908 724 Road • Oxford, NE 68967 Annual Sale—Last Saturday in February
Nebraska & Missouri
Kyle & Kayla Helms - NE 308/962-6940 kyle@flyinghgenetics.com James Sparks - MO 660/287-4149 james@flyinghgenetics.com
Cody & Casie Helms - NE/MO 303/842-9071 cody@flyinghgenetics.com Visit us on the web & Facebook! www.flyinghgenetics.com
Call 303-465-2333 today!
Bulls For The BeeF Business
Gelbvieh F Balancer F Red Angus F Angus FAngus Hybrids
Randy & Leslie Lemke 1757 Road 2500, Lawrence, NE 68957 (H) 402-756-7090 rllemke@gtmc.net (C) 402-469-2284 www.lemkecattle.com
Scott Wolf Travis Wolf 308.537.3588 308.529.3733 Gothenburg, NE • wolfgelbvieh@gmail.com www.facebook/wolfgelbvieh.com
We want to Keep up with AGA members. Please send in information to be included in the Gelbvieh World and on our website: • Items for Places to Be • News for Bits N Pieces • Dates for upcoming shows and field days. • State Association news
J. J. Boehler
70948 L Rd. , Orleans, NE 68966 308-473-7342 • 308-999-0207
Mark & Patty Goes 39414 SW 75th Rd. Odell, NE 68415 (402) 766-3627
Plus, add us to your mailing lists when sending out sale catalogs. Send all items to: Gelbvieh World 10900 Dover St., Westminster, CO 80021 lynnv@gelbvieh.org
Cedar Top Ranch Scott & Raberta Starr 212 Starr Drive • Stapleton, NE 69163 (H): 308-587-2293 • (C): 308-530-3900 cedartopranch@gpcom.net
If you’re not here, how does your customer find you? Advertise here!
Eldon Starr: 1-800-535-6173 or Rich Johnson: 402-368-2209
2014 Editorial Review- Articles in Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture
January 2014 F Staying Focused on the Road Map, President’s View by Rob Arnold F It Starts (and Ends) with You, Executive’s View by Jim Gibb F Body Condition Scoring: Four Things to Know about “F.I.V.E” by Courtney Verzosa F NCBA Announces Impressive Speaker Lineup for 2014 Cattle Industry Convention F Do you have What It Takes? Breed Promotion Minute by Frank Padilla F Herd Assessment Basics F Pay Attention to Disposal Codes, View of the Numbers by Susan Willmon and AGA staff F Share Your Passion, Communication Note by Jennifer Scharpe F Herd Assessments- What AGJA Members Need to Know, Junior Voice by Dana Stewart
F ebruary 2014 F That’s Nice- But I Raise Cows by Dave Daley F Industry Relevance: Growth, Maternal, Carcass and Efficiency, Editorial by Rob Arnold F The Value of Gelbvieh Stayability, Editorial by Jim Gibb 58 | JANUARY 2015
F Phenotypic Feed Efficiency F Measuring Feed Efficiency F Over the Fence with Bryce Williams, C Bar Cattle, By Frank Padilla F Convenience Traits: Are Your Cows Working for You or Are You Working for Your Cows? By Dr. Bob Hough F XA Cattle Named AGA Outstanding Commercial Producer F Consider Using Selection Indexes for Simplified Sire Selection, Editorial by Susan Willmon F Southern Balancer®- A Perfect Solution for Southern Cow-Calf Producers by Brian Rogers F Capturing the Value in Your Calf Crop, Editorial by Frank Padilla F Cow-Calf Perspective from the Feedlot F Visual and Phenotypic Evaluation of Bulls by Dan Moser F Why You Should Conduct a Bull Breeding Soundness Exam (BSE) by Dr. John Paterson F Feed Yard Profit Drivers- Do Your Cattle Measure Up? F Nutrition During Last Trimester Critical for Beef Cows By Keith Martin F The 2014 Beef Industry Outlook By John Nalivka F Bull’s Eye: Targeting Nutritional Management of Bulls by Courtney Verzosa F Select and Develop Heifers to be Productive Cows F Bring on the Balancer® By Jamie Pullman F Rate of Change- Selecting Genetics for the Future of Your Breeding Program by William McIntosh F Restocking after Drought by Aaron Berger F Telling Your Farm Story, Editorial by Michael Ring AGJA F Value-Added Services for Commercial Producers
Let us help take the STRESS out of your sale promotion.
Gelbvieh Media Productions offers full-scale marketing services for your upcoming production, consignment or private treaty sale.
• Sale catalog development, printing and mailing
• GELBVIEH SALES e-mail marketing • Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture advertising • Advertising design for all publications Contact us today to get a custom quote tailored to meet your needs. Lynn Valentine lynnv@gelbvieh.org
Megan Slater megans@gelbvieh.org
March 2014 F Into the Future, President’s View by Rob Arnold F Putting CA Behind Us, Executive’s View by Dr. Jim Gibb F American Gelbvieh Association Leadership Elected F Complete Herd Assessments with this Easy Step by Step Guide F Dana Stewart Resigns from AGA F Gelbvieh Association Inducts Nebraska Couple into Hall of Fame by Jennifer Scharpe F Donation Heifer Sets Fundraising Record for AGJA by Dana Stewart F National Gelbvieh Show at NWSS Sets Recent Records by Jennifer Scharpe F When Opportunity Knocks, Open the Door, Breed Promotion Minute by Frank Padilla F Multi-Breed Genetic Evaluation Simplifies Selection F Gelbvieh Pen Show Tradition Continues at NWSS by Jennifer Scharpe F Junior Show Gelbvieh Champions Parade at NWSS by Jennifer Scharpe
F Ring of Champions Named at NWSS F Warner Beef Genetics Wins Gelbvieh Bull Futurity by Jennifer Scharpe F BGGR Gravity 803A Wins Balancer® Bull F uturity by JenniF er Scharpe F GMP Offers New Sale Catalog Service, Communication Note by Jennifer Scharpe F Staying Involved…When You Can’t Be There, Junior Voice by Sydney Bigger F AGJA Junior Ambassador Launches Scholarship Fund Drive by Dana Stewart F Eagle Pass Ranch Awards All-Around Donation Heifer by Dana Stewart
April 2014 F Increasing Demand, President’s View by Rob Arnold F Thinking Whole Herd, Executive’s View by Dr. Jim Gibb F Gaining Market Share, Breed Promotion Minute by Frank Padilla F Link May exist Between Disposition and Reproduction by Ryan Sterry, University of Wisconsin Extension F Are Bulls Ready for the Spring Breeding Season by Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University F Let the AGA Registry Manage Contemporary Groups, View of the Numbers by Susan Willmon and AGA Staff F New, Free Program Designed to Reward and Incentivize Good Genetic and Management Practices F Get More Value from DNA with GE EPDs F Tips for AGJA Sales Talk Contest, Junior Voice by Van Tucker
F Collecting Ultrasound Data Begins with a Technician
F Sponsors Needed for AGJA Barnyard Classic
F How Much is Reproduction Worth To You? By Kyle Weldon
May 2014
F Review oF Committee Recommendations Primary Focus of January BOD Meeting F Total Herd Reporting- What is it and Why is it Important? View of the Numbers by Susan Willmon F Jeanette Rankin Inducted in the Gelbvieh Hall of Fame by Jennifer Scharpe F Leading by Example Ignites American Gelbvieh Foundation Growth by Dana Stewart
60 | JANUARY 2015
F Validate Your Work, President’s View by Rob Arnold F Staying Commercially Focused, Executive’s View by Dr. Jim Gibb F Synchronization Programs can Provide Helpful during Breeding Season by Mary Lou Peter, Kansas State University F Tilghman Hired to Coordinate Gelbvieh Junior Activities F Parentage Markers vs. Parent Verification- What do
Seedstock Plus North Missouri Bull Sale February 28, 2015
Kingsville Livestock Auction Kingsville, MO 200 Angus, Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls
Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale March 28, 2015
Joplin Regional Stockyards Carthage, MO 200 Angus, Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls
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They Mean? View of the Numbers by Susan Willmon and AGA Staff F Define Your Success, Breed Promotion Minute by Frank Padilla F Leadership Opportunities, Junior Voice by Nicole Mattison
July 2014 F Accomplishment, President’s View by Rob Arnold F Life Goes On, Executive’s View by Dr. Jim Gibb F Gelbvieh $Cow Provides Maternal Productivity Selection Index, View of the Numbers by AGA Staff F Capture Value in Marketing Feeder Calves
Benefit, Communication Note by Megan Slater F Gelbvieh Feed Efficiency Index Can Improve Your Profitability F Sioux Falls Site of Gelbvieh Junior National Show, by Jennifer Scharpe
August 2014 F A Culture of Leadership, President’s View by Rob Arnold F BIF Conference Looks to Industry’s Future by Dr. Bob Hough F Susan Willmon Awarded BIF Continuing Service Award F Balancer® Cattle Top Sellers on Superior Livestock Auction
F Body Condition Scoring Your Beef Cow Herd by Dr. Rick Rasby
F Seedstock Marketing- Building a Presence will Help Your Bottom Line, Breed Promotion Minute by F rank Padilla
F Building a Legacy through the American Gelbvieh Foundation, by Megan Slater
F AGA Unveils New Registration Certificate Layout, View of the Numbers by AGA Staff
F Make the Switch- Blood Samples Instead of Tail Hair for DNA Testing by AGA Staff
F Board of Directors Reviews Strategic Plan during April Meeting F Experiences, Junior Voice by Tiana Garcia
F CollaborationIt impacts the Beef Business, Breed Promotion Minute by Frank Padilla
F Countdown to Sale Day Checklist, Communication Note by Megan Slater
F Gelbvieh Performance Advantage Program Recognizes 9 Breeders
F Meet Myron Edelman, Executive Director of the American Gelbvieh Association, Executive’s View
F New Season, New Tools- The AGA Transition to DigitalBeef Technology by Kari White F That’s Nice But I Raise Cows, by Dave Daley F Crossbreeding- Back to the Future, by Dave Daley F No Excuses by William McIntosh F Achieving Success through AGA, Junior Voice by Justin Vehige
September 2014 F Making an Impact, President’s View by Rob Arnold
F New Maternal and Economic Selection-Selection Tools for Gelbvieh and Balancer® Animals F Gelbvieh and Limousin Juniors Participate in the 2014 “Continental Undivided” POWER Conference F The Best Junior National Show, Junior Voice by Kelsey Sheeley F Gelbvieh Juniors Gather at the Barnyard Classic
F State Associations- A Powerful Tool for AGJA Members by Dana Stewart
F American Gelbvieh Foundation Awards Scholarships by Megan Slater
F Positive Outlook for Cow-Calf Producers By Brian Rogers
F American Gelbvieh Junior Association Names 20142015 Ambassadors by Megan Slater
F Social Media in the Beef Industry- How You Can
F American Gelbvieh Junior Association Elects Board
62 | JANUARY 2015
of Directors
Myron Edelman
F Test Your Skills- Mock Skill-A-Thon Contest
F Impacting Profit with Gelbvieh and Balancer® Females
F The National Junior Show Community, Communication Note by Jennifer Scharpe
F DNA Testing Strategies for Bull Sale Season, View of the Numbers by Susan Willmon
October 2014 F How the Cattle Rancher Can Use ERTs and Indexes to Make Selection Decisions by R. Mark Enns F Commercial Herds Should Take Advantage of Crossbreeding by Dr. Jane Parish, Specialist Mississippi State University F Gaining an Economic Edge, Editorial by Rob Arnold F Economic Considerations for the Cow Herd F American Gelbvieh Association Releases New Search Tools
F AGA Registry Service Quick Tips by AGA Staff F AGA Takes Action During August Meeting F GAIN Promotes Gelbvieh at Husker Harvest Days by Dick Helms F A Q&A with AGA President Rob Arnold by Megan Slater F Make Something Great Happen, Communications Note by Jennifer Scharpe F Gelbvieh Youth of Merit, Junior Voice by Grace Hammer
F Why Deworming in the Fall Makes Sense
December 2014
F New Economic Selection Indexes for Gelbvieh and Balancer® Animals
F Take Charge of Our Destiny, President’s View by Rob Arnold
F Over the Fence with Dr. Jason Ahola by Megan Slater
F Looking to the Future, Executive’s View by Myron Edelman
F Gelbvieh Breeders Recognized for Superior Females F Adding Value with Balancer® Genetics by William McIntosh F American Gelbvieh Association Releases GenomicEnhanced EPDs F The Right Cow for Your Environment by Dr. Bob Hough F American Gelbvieh Association Unveils New Genetic Selection Tools F Rising Calf Prices Warrant Attention to Fetal Protection F Sorting Through the Science, Marketing and Realities of DNA Tools for Genetic Prediction by Dr. Milt Thomas F Bachman Cattle Farms- A Progressive Approach to Red Genetics by Megan Slater F 10 Inspired Questions for Perpetuating Generational Ranches by Dave Specht F Former Gelbvieh Junior Members Help Improve Cattle Populations in Russia by Megan Slater
November 2014 F Participate and Get Involved, President’s View by Rob Arnold F Read the Signs, F ollow the Map, Executive’s View by
F AGA Registry Service, Features and Tips by Susan Willmon F 2015 American Gelbvieh Association Annual Convention and NWSS Activities F What’s Your Yardstick, View of the Numbers by Susan Willmon F AGA Welcomes New Faces, Communication Note F 2014 American Royal Gelbvieh and Balancer® Show Results F American Gelbvieh Association Releases Maternal Edge Female Profile by AGA Staff F DNA Testing Options F A Time of Reflection, Junior Voice by Carter Mitchell FFF
PLACES TO BE January 2015 Jan. 1
AGA Office Closed
Jan. 10 NWSS Junior Gelbvieh and Balancer Heifer Show, Denver, CO Jan. 10 People’s Choice Balancer Bull Futurity, Denver, CO Jan. 10 Breeder’s Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity, Denver, CO Jan. 11 NWSS Gelbvieh and Balancer Pen Bull Show, Denver, CO Jan. 11 National Gelbvieh and Balancer Sale, Denver, CO Jan. 12 National Gelbvieh and Balancer Show, Denver, CO Jan. 26 North Dakota Gelbvieh Association Golden Rule Sale, Mandan, ND
Febuary 2015 Feb. 2 Taubenheim Gelbvieh 25th Annual Production Sale, Amherst, NE Feb. 7 Lost River Livestock Annual Production Sale, Clearbrook, MN Feb. 10 GBOI Gelbvieh Gold Sale, Des Moines, IA Feb. 14 Barwick & Lammers Production Sale, Kearney, NE
Mar. 4 Spring Valley, LTD 25th Annual Sale, Agra, KS Mar. 7 Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch 26th Annual Bull Sale, Ponteix, SK Mar. 7 Thorstenson Lazy TV Ranch Annual Production Sale, Selby, SD Mar. 7 SEGA Gelbvieh Private Treaty Bull Sale- Opening Day, Pierce, CO Mar. 7 Judd Ranch 37th Gelbvieh, Balancer and Red Angus Bull Sale, Pomona, KS Mar. 7 Flying H Genetics Roughage ‘N Ready Bull & Female Sale, Arapahoe, NE Mar. 8 Rippe Gelbvieh 16th Annual Bull Sale, Belleville, KS Mar. 10 Bar Arrow Cattle Company 25th Annual Production Sale, Phillipsburg, KS Mar. 14 Genetic Power Bull Sale, Springfield, MO Mar. 14 Rippe Gelbvieh 16th Annual Bull Sale, Belleville, KS Mar. 14 Bachman Cattle Farms Production Sale, Chillicothe, MO Mar. 19 Kicking Horse Ranch Annual Production Sale, Great Falls, MT
Feb. 14 LeDoux Ranch Annual Production Sale, Agenda, KS
Mar. 20 Black Gold Cattle Company 9th Annual Share the Gold Bull Sale, La Junta, CO
Feb. 14 Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Power on the Prairie Bull Sale, Gladstone, ND
Mar. 20 6th Annual Southwest Iowa Gelbvieh & Balancer Bull & Female Sale, Creston, IA
Feb. 17 Cedar Top Ranch Annual Production Sale, Burwell, NE
Mar. 21 Jumping Cow Gelbvieh Ranch and Ridinger Cattle Company Spirit of the West Bull Sale, Ramah, CO
Feb.19 Gustin’s Gelbvieh Annual Production Sale, Mandan, ND
Mar. 21 Pearson Cattle Company Annual Bull Sale, Lake City, SD
Feb. 19 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Show & Sale, Kearney, NE
Mar. 21 Post Rock Cattle Company Cowman’s Kind Bull & Female Sale, Barnard, KS
Feb. 21 Overmiller Gelbvieh & Red Angus Annual Production Sale, Smith Center, KS
Mar. 21 Lone Oak Cattle Bull Sale, Mechanicsville, IA
Feb. 21 Golden Buckle Gelbvieh Production Sale, Napoleon, ND Feb. 27 24th Annual “Pot of Gold” Gelbvieh, Angus and Balancer Bull Sale, Olathe, CO Feb. 28 Swanson Cattle Company 28th Annual Production Sale, Oxford, NE Feb. 28 Lemke Cattle Annual Bull Sale, Lawrence, NE
March 2015 Mar. 2 Hojer Ranch Annual Production Sale, Lake Preston, SD Mar. 2 MLM Gelbvieh & Great River Ranch Private Treaty Kick-Off Sale, Superior, NE Mar. 3 Warner Beef Genetics Genetic Investment Production Sale, Arapahoe, NE 64 | JANUARY 2015
Mar. 21 Flying H Genetics Roughage ‘N Ready Bull Sale, Lowry City, MO Mar. 28 Oklahoma State Association Sale, MacAlester, OK Mar. 28 Cranview Gelbvieh Production Sale, Rugby, ND Visit the online version of Places to Be at www.gelbvieh.org for additional dates on upcoming sales and more information on each event. Editor’s Note: If you have sale or event information for this listing, please email the information to megans@gelbvieh.org. This includes tours, expos, field days and other Gelbvieh events. Places to Be at www.gelbvieh.org contains additional contact information for each event.
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Subscription and Advertising Information SUBSCRIPTION RATES: A one-year subscription to Gelbvieh World may be purchased for $35. Members of the AGA pay $35 of their membership dues to receive a subscription to Gelbvieh World. Gelbvieh World mails on or around the 25th of the month prior to publication date. Canada and Mexico - $60 U.S. for one-year. Other foreign - $85 U.S. for one-year.
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• Gelbvieh Semen Sales • Consulting • Order Buying (all purchases guaranteed) Roger & Peg Gatz (785) 742-3163 Call Toll-Free:1-800-743-0026
Gelbvieh World Advertising Rates STANDARD ISSUES:
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$650 $425 $325 $150
2/3 Page 1/2 Page Isand 1/4 Page Column inch
$525 $450 $250 $30
Feb./Oct. Commercial Profit Picture
Visit our Web Site: www.cattlemensconnection.com
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$525 $350 $200
$300 additional $150 additional
$10 each $20 each
Special production such as photo retouching is billed at cost at the rate of $60/hr. CLOSING DATE: Ad materials and editorial deadline is the 25th of the month two months prior to publication date. (December issue deadline is October 25th). Ads for sale dates prior to the 15th of the month of publication are discouraged. For Feb./Oct. (Commercial Editions) and June/July (Herd Reference Edition) please call for rate specials and deadline information.
Call today: 303/465-2333
Are you a livestock photographer, an auctioneer, aspire to be a sale manager or graphic designer? Put your ad in Service Center and promote your services!
Place your ad today!
ADVERTISING CONTENT: The Editor and/or the Director of Administration reserve the right to reject any or all advertising on any reasonable basis. Gelbvieh World and/or American Gelbvieh Association assumes no responsibility for the advertising content as submitted. Advertisers assume all responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless Gelbvieh World and American Gelbvieh Association for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted.
AD INDEX 3 G Ranch.............................................. 41 ABCS Gelbvieh..................................... 48 Adkins Gelbvieh................................... 48 AGA....................................................... 68 B/F Cattle Company............................. 56 Bachman Farms.............................. 17, 56 Bar Arrow Cattle Company............ 9, 56 Bar IV Livestock................................... 35 Bar T Bar Ranch, Inc............................ 43 Beastrom Gelbvieh Ranch................... 48 Blackhawk Cattle Company................ 41 Black Hills Stock Show & Rodeo........ 39 Boehler Gelbvieh.................................. 57 Bow K Ranch........................................ 43 Brandywine Farm................................. 48 BV Ranch............................................... 48 Canadian GV Assn............................... 65 Cattlemen’s Connection................... 1, 65 C-Cross Cattle Company.................... 35 Cedar Top Ranch......................... IFC, 57 Chimney Butte Ranch.......................... 48 CJ&L Livestock............................... 39, 48 Clinch Mountain Gelbvieh.................. 35 Cranview Gelbvieh........................... 3, 48 Cunningham, Ronn............................. 65 Danell Diamond Six Ranch................. 43 Davidson Gelbvieh............................... 15 DDM Gelbvieh...................................... 41 Diamond L Farms................................ 37 Diamond V Gelbvieh........................... 56 Dromgoole’s Heaven............................ 37 Eagle Pass Ranch.................................. 48
66 | JANUARY 2015
Ellison Gelbvieh & Angus Ranch....... 49 Flying H Genetics..........................57, BC Gelbvieh Bull Barn............................... 65 Gelbvieh Media Productions.............. 59 Gelbvieh Profit Partners...................... 67 Genetic Power Bull Sale....................... 34 Goettlich Gelbvieh Ranch................... 37 Golden Buckle Gelbvieh...................... 48 Golden Rule Sale.................................. 45 Green Hills Gelbvieh............................ 35 GS Ridge Top Ranch............................ 48 Gustin’s Diamond D Gelbvieh...... 47, 48 Hampton Cattle Company.................. 35 Harriman, Bob...................................... 56 Hart Farm Gelbvieh............................. 56 Hartland Farm...................................... 56 Hilltop Farms.................................. 34, 56 Hill Top Haven Farm........................... 35 Hodges Ranch....................................... 37 Hojer Gelbvieh Ranch.......................... 49 Iowa Beef Expo..................................... 18 J&K Farm......................................... 34, 41 J Bar M Gelbvieh............................ 34, 56 Judd Ranch, Inc....................... 32, 33, 56 Kicking Horse Ranch........................... 43 Kittle Gelbvieh Farms.......................... 37 Knoll Crest Farm.................................. 35 Lambert, Doak...................................... 65 Ledgerwood Gelbvieh.......................... 43 LeDoux Ranch................................ 13, 56 Lemke Cattle................................... 21, 57 Leonhardt Cattle Company................. 49
Linquist Farms...................................... 48 Little Windy Hill Farms....................... 35 Lone Oak Cattle.................................... 48 Lonesome Dove Ranch........................ 15 Longleaf Station.................................... 35 Lost River Livestock............................. 41 M&P Gelbvieh...................................... 57 M&W Farms......................................... 35 Maple Hill Farm.................................... 41 Markes Family Farms........................... 37 Martens Gelbvieh................................. 48 Martin Cattle Company....................... 37 Mattison Family Farm......................... 48 McIntosh Farm..................................... 35 Middle Creek Farms............................ 43 Miller Gelbvieh..................................... 37 Mitchell Marketing Service.....34, 45, 65 MLM Gelbvieh...................................... 57 Mulroy Farms........................................ 56 National CUP Lab................................ 65 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic.............. 19 Overmiller Gelbvieh............................ 27 Pearson Cattle Company..................... 23 Plateau Gelbvieh................................... 43 Pope Farms Gelbvieh........................... 57 Post Rock Cattle Company............. 7, 56 Prairie Hills Gelbvieh............................. 5 Rafter R Gelbvieh................................. 20 Register Farms...................................... 35 Rocking GV Gelbvieh.......................... 56 Rocky Top Gelbvieh............................. 35 Rogers Valley Farm Gelbvieh.............. 56 Russell Family Livestock...................... 49 Sawtooth Gelbvieh Cattle & Hay........ 43 Schafer Farms, Inc................................ 48 Seedstock Plus Genetics...................... 65 Seedstock Plus................................. 61, 65 Spring Flood Ranch............................. 57 Stucky Beef Genetics............................ 26 Swanson Cattle Company................... 57 Swenson Gelbvieh................................ 48 Taubenheim Gelbvieh.................... 25, 57 The 88 Ranch......................................... 57 Thorstenson Gelbvieh.................... 29, 49 Treble W Ranch.................................... 35 Triple H Farms...................................... 48 Triple K Gelbvieh.................................. 56 Volek Ranch.......................................... 49 Warner Beef Genetics ...................... IBC White Oak Farms................................. 57 Wildwood Acres................................... 41 Wilkinson Gelbvieh............................. 43 Wolf Gelbvieh....................................... 57 Yoder’s Prairie Acres............................ 41
Gelbvieh and Balancer® Genetics Perform in the Feedlot Retail Yield
• Pounds of lean meat • Ribeye size • Cutability
Carcass Value • Feed to heavier weights • Grid premium potential
Contact GPP for marketing your Gelbvieh and Balancer® influence feeder cattle.
Gain & Efficiency
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GELBVIEH GENETICS DELIVER... • Maternal Efficiency • Increased Performance • Daughters that Impact Profit
American Gelbvieh Association • 303-465-BEEF (2333) • www.gelbvieh.org
Take advantage of the opportunities offered in Denver from Warner Beef Genetics... DLW GUNSLINGER 874B ET
Pictured right. Breeder’s Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity Entry. Modern, powerful and maternal. Top 1% for REA with less birth and more performance than his sire.
Pictured below. The lead bull in our Balancer® pen. Horsepower deluxe. You don’t want to miss this great bull.
DLW MS HIGHLY FOCUSED 4234B Sells in the National Gelbvieh and Balancer® Sale. An exciting donor prospect that is a maternal sister to the 2014 Futurity Champion, DLW Alumni 7513A. Homo black and homo polled with brood cow written all over her. Check out her breed-leading credentials in an eye-appealing package.
Sells in the National Gelbvieh and Balancer® Sale. Awesome March show heifer that only sells to dissolve a partnership. Some of the freshest and highest quality genetics to be offered. Dam was a high seller in the Beastrom Dispersal. Sired by CTR Sandhills.
Save the Date
People’s Choice Balancer® Bull Futurity Entry. Look for this young sire to add value for all convenience traits in the industry - DISPOSITION, EFFICIENCY AND SOUNDNESS.
People’s Choice Balancer® Bull Futurity Entry. Regardless of color, look for the bull that ranks in the top 1% for YG EPD, top 5% for BW, REA and MB EPDs, and the top 25% for growth EPDs.
Genetic Investment Production Sale March 3, 2015
WARNER BEEF GENETICS Dan and Kate Warner 42198 Road 721, Arapahoe, NE 68922 Dan Warner: 308.962.6511 Monte Warner: 308.962.6136 Darren Warner: 308.824.2950
Size Matters because Pounds Pay... Carry your program forward with Flying H Genetics’ Bulls and Females
Professor 22W — Sons Sell!
Flying H Mr Beef King 142B
Flying H Mr. Master 46B
Balancer ®
AGA# 1278897 Carolina Master x Northern Wind
ASA# 2874556 Beef King W107 x Bieber Make Mimi 7249
The Tradition Continues... Elite Donor Cows Sell in Nebraska Sale
Ms 51P 171Y — Top Selling Cow from FHG 2014 NE Sale
Sat. March 7
Sat. March 21st
Call, TEXT, or email us for information or see our website!
Join us for the National Gelbvieh Sale & Show, January 11 & 12 in Denver, CO. Check out our sale prospects.on the web!
FLYING H GENETICS Kyle & Kayla Helms, NE 308.962.6940 Cody & Casie Helms, MO, NE 303.842.9071 Brent Gillaspy, NE 417.861.4117 Dick and Bonnie Helms 308.962.6500