Judd Ranch, Inc. 37th Bull Sale

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When your purchases total $20,000 or more, JRI will truck your bulls FREE within the continental United States and JRI delivers directly to your door, not to some central location miles away from you. $20,000 or more going out of the 48 states will be trucked free of charge to the border. On purchases of less than $20,000 trucking is usually very affordable because Judd Ranch bulls annually sell into 20 plus states.


JRI wants you to check out the bulls and see them for yourself. Thus, you will be reimbursed for your travel expenses if you arrive at the sale and don’t find the sale bulls as described to you by our phone conversation. This is the only such money-back guarantee in the industry!


To express our appreciation for your interest in our bull sale, we’d like you to join us for a complimentary pre-sale evening meal at the Pomona City Hall and Community Center Building in Pomona. The Pomona City Hall/Community Center is located on the west edge of Pomona. A half block south off highway K-68 at West A Street (you’ll note a large sign at West A Street for Pomona Village Apartments). The dinner will start at 6:30 p.m.


Be our guests at the Judd Ranch. Complimentary lunch will be served at 11:00.


Judd Ranch is located 11/2 to 2 hours from Kansas City MCI Airport. Private landing at Ottawa Municipal Airport located three miles south of Ottawa and 15 minutes from Judd Ranch, Ottawa Municipal Airport phone (785) 242-5310.


2 miles west of Pomona, Ks. on Hwy. K-68, or 12 miles west of Ottawa, KS on Hwy. K-68.

Please call by February 23 and ask for reserved Judd Ranch Bull Sale ACCOMMODATIONS — rooms. All motels are located at the south end of Ottawa. From Interstate 35 take Exit 183B north to the first stop light, turn right. From Judd Ranch: Go east to Ottawa on K-68 highway. At the west edge of Ottawa K-68 goes north... at that point turn south (right) on Eisenhower Rd. 2 miles to 23rd St. Go east (left) on 23rd St. one mile through the traffic light and all four motel accommodations are located immediately to your right. Alternative Accommodations Sale Motel Headquarters Comfort Inn-Ottawa (785)242-9898 The Comfort Inn is a nice clean facility with an indoor pool and offers a complimentary breakfast including eggs, sausage and biscuits, waffles, coffee and fruit juice. Applebee’s Restaurant is within walking distance. We highly recommend this new facility and please ask for the Judd Ranch Bull Sale special reserved rooms when calling for reservations before February 23.

Best Western - Ottawa (785) 242-2224 Econolodge - Ottawa (785)242-3400 Super 8 - Ottawa (785) 242-5551


Buyers, to protect your buying interest, shipping insurance is offered at settlement time. On our Free Delivery on purchases of $20,000 or more we encourage you to purchase insurance. Our haulers have insurance but this insurance only covers the commercial value of your animals. Shipping insurance only covers death of the animal but given the minimal cost of such insurance we’d encourage all buyers to purchase it.


If you can’t attend the sale and you want to buy, call: Judd Ranch Consultant Roger Gatz (800) 743-0026 about our “Guaranteed to Please” Purchasing Agreement. Annually 25% of our gross sales are purchased through this time and money saving program. All bulls are guaranteed to meet your approval or you don’t own them. DNA Testing-Any animal DNA tested for homozygous black that are known red carriers will be designated with (RC). Any animal DNA tested for homozygous polled that are known to be heterozygous polled with be designated with (HP) at the end of the animal footnotes. Judd Ranch is retaining a 1/2 semen interest on all bulls selling. You are buying full possession and have the right to sell your bull at any time. If you decide to collect and sell semen Judd Ranch would receive 1/2 of the semen royalties. If Judd Ranch sells semen on said bull you would receive a 1/2 semen royalty.

CATALOG ABBREVIATIONS USED EPD=Estimated Progeny Difference CED=Calving Ease Direct TM=Total Maternal BW=Birth Weight RE=Ribeye Area WW=Weaning Weight CW=Carcass Weight YW=Yearling Weight FPI=Feeder Profit Index Milk=Pure Milk

Frame=Yearling adjusted frame score of individual Pelvic=Yearling adjusted Pelvic area measured in centimeters Scrotal=Yearling adjusted Scrotal Circumference, measured in centimeters RF=Rib Fat, measured in tenths of inches, measured by ultrasound REA=Yearling Adjusted Loin Eye Area, measured by ultrasound IMF= Marbling score, measured by ultrasound RF, REA & IMF=scanned by a certified CUP technician


Bull Sale Saturday, March 7 at 12:00 Noon (Sale starts promptly at 12:00 noon)

at the ranch— Pomona, Kansas Sale Day Phone: (785) 566-8371 or 566-3770

Auctioneer: Steve Dorran (970) 472-0514

278 BULLS SELL 53 Fall Yearling Black Polled Gelbvieh Bulls

21 Spring Yearling Black Polled Gelbvieh Bulls

59 Fall Yearling Red Polled Gelbvieh Bulls

28 Spring Yearling Red Polled Gelbvieh Bulls

48 Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

32 Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

11 Fall Yearling Red Polled Balancer Bulls

12 Spring Yearling Red Polled Balancer Bulls

1 Fall Yearling Purebred Red Angus Bulls

13 Spring Yearling Purebred Red Angus Bulls

225 Homozygous Polled Bulls Sell 92% Sired by Breed Leading AI Sires • 100% of the Gelbvieh & Balancer sale bulls feature JR Dam of Merit Genetics All bulls sell with a genetic defect-free guarantee for known genetic defects.

REPRESENTATIVES Stock Exchange.......................... .Justin Stout (913) 645-5136 Mobile High Plains Journal................... Guy Peverley (785) 456-4390 Mobile Freelance. ................................... Steven Russell (785) 458-2650 Mobile Freelance ....................................Randy Woodward (918) 557-3095 Mobile Midwest Marketer......................Jesse Bolin (417) 830-2835 Mobile Midwest Marketers....................Kyle Meyers (717) 676-8620 Mobile


Judd Ranch Consultant:

Judd Ranch, Inc.

The Cattlemen’s Connection

Dave, Cindy, Nick, Ginger Brent & Ashley Judd 423 Hwy. K-68 Pomona, Kansas 66076 (785) 566-8371 or 3770

Roger W. Gatz P.O. Box 156 Hiawatha, Kansas 66434 1-800-743-0026 (office) 785-547-6262 (cell) 1

On behalf of our dedicated family; welcome to the 37th Judd Ranch Herd Bull Sale. This year we will be selling nearly 280 head, and feel the 2015 offering to be the most uniform, extremely sound, highly functional, very fertile set of herd bulls with the most genetic potential ever at Judd Ranch. As always, all of the top bulls have been saved for sale day, including the 2015 National Western Stock Show Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Three Gelbvieh, the Grand Champion Pen of Five Gelbvieh, plus our Pens of Three and Five Head of Black Balancers, along with the alternates sell. At Judd Ranch we strive to produce and provide our highly valued customers with powerful genetics that have built-in basic fundamentals which defy the odds on antagonistic traits of which are geared for crossbreeding programs and act as a catalyst to produce progeny that are optimal and highly profitable for all sectors of the industry. We are proud of the genetic uniformity and balance of traits the Judd Ranch herd has achieved by stacking generations of like phenotypes and genotypes. We feel bulls that have stacked like pedigrees are the key to a predictable balanced gene pool that possess the prepotency to sire predictable uniformity in multiple traits. Therefore, we are confident the Judd Ranch bulls of today are a complete package of superior genetics that should breed true. Every bull has passed a breeding soundness exam and is guaranteed to breed cows and, as always, we stand behind each and every bull. Facts and Statistics of 2015 Sale Offering BSE Every bull in the sale has passed a breeding soundness exam (BSE) performed by Dr. Mages in January. However, we recommend a BSE just prior to turn out with cows. Especially if you are relying on a single bull per group of cows. IMF SCORES 4.2 IMF Average for the Spring Bulls with 0.31 back fat and 2.8 IMF Average for the Fall Bulls with .19 back fat. Frame Size Average 365 day adjusted frame score for Fall Sale Bulls, 5.8 and, 5.8 for all Spring Bulls. There should be bulls within most people’s parameters for frame size. Birth Weight And Calving Ease Status 81 lbs average on Fall Bulls, 81 lbs average on Spring Bulls, gestation length has also shortened a lot over the years which also helps to reduce birth weight. The 266 head of Gelbvieh and Balancer Bulls in the sale average in the top 10% for CE EPD’s. 205 Day Weight Fall Sale Bulls average 723 pound 205 adjusted weight and an average actual weaning weight of 893 pounds off the cow. Spring Sale Bulls average 728 pound 205 adjusted weight and average actual weaning weight of 826 pounds off the cow. Cows Actual % of Body Weight Weaned Fall Gelbvieh Cows with Bull Calves average 62%. Fall First calf Gelbvieh averaged 69%. Spring Gelbvieh Cows with Bull calves average 62%. Spring first calf cows with bull calves average 67%. We do not use any adjustments for the calf’s age as we feel the cows that calve earlier in the season should get an advantage for fertility. 365 Day Weight Average For Fall Sale Bulls 1,170 pounds and Spring Sale Bulls 1,238 pounds. Average Daily Gain on Test 5.42 ADG for all Fall Sale Bulls. 3.70 ADG for all Spring Sale Bulls. The bulls are weighed in right off the cow at weaning (no shrink applied, no warm up) and fed a high roughage ration which includes prairie hay, corn silage, alfalfa haylage and corn. Adjusted 365 Day Ribeye Area 15.4 square inch average for Spring Sale Bulls and 14.5 square inch average for Fall Sale Bulls. 1.1 square inch of ribeye per 100 pounds of body weight off test, which is right on track. 365 Day Average Scrotal Circumference 40.3 cm Fall Bulls. 39.7 cm Spring Bulls. We feel large scrotals provide added fertility to females and males, along with early puberty on heifers. Actual average scrotal for Fall Bulls 41.7 cm along with actual average weight of 1,430 pounds taken 1-17-15. Adjusted 365 Day Pelvics 177 cm Average on Fall Sale Bulls. 170 cm Average on Spring Sale Bulls. Dam of Merit/ Dam of Distinction Status 100% of the Gelbvieh and Balancer sale bulls are from DOM and/or DOD cow families. Structural Soundness Freedom of movement and hoof size and correctness are traits we check closely and breed for. Also we run the Fall Bulls in large pastures after gain test, August – November, with no supplement feed. We feel this helps soundness and teaches the boys to get out and cover the country and learn to hunt for a living. Polled/Homozygous Polled Status 100% of the sale bulls are polled. There are 225 head of homozygous polled bulls in the offering of which 156 head are black polled bulls. Disposition Status We also watch temperament closely at Judd Ranch and don’t believe you will find a more docile set of bulls anywhere. However, there are usually a few bulls in the offering that we feel are not as docile as we prefer and will be announced as group bulls from the auction block. PI BVD Judd Ranch has tested almost every calf (bulls and heifers) for the past 10 years and all have been negative. Johnes Judd Ranch is currently an Accredited Level 4 Johnes Free Status. Herd # 860580124 Brucellosis Judd Ranch is an Accredited Brucellosis Free Herd Certification #271. All cows and herd bulls are tested annually. Trichomonas Testing We realize there are some states that require negative trich test on most bulls entering their state. We recommend that those of you from out of state please check your state’s requirements before bringing your trailer as it takes a few days to complete the testing if so required.


Ear Tags Again this year we will offer a free bag of 20 tags with every bull sold, if you would like more Judd Ranch Gelbvieh X tags, we will have them for you. Gelbvieh Feeder Calf Hot Line Judd Ranch is an avid member of Profit Partners. If you have calves or yearlings you want to sell or contract, call Slim Cook 307272-2024 or Judd Ranch at 785-566-8371. Slim is in charge of Profit Partners and can help you sell your calf crop at top dollar for a small commission right off the ranch. At Judd Ranch we have always felt that one of Gelbvieh’s biggest strengths is the cow power of the female. Yes, the Gelbvieh cow has the ability to raise scale smashing calves and be pregnant on schedule with another calf. Lee Leachman’s data on over 200,000 cow records, of all breeds, puts Gelbvieh influence females number one for pounds of calf weaned per cow exposed every time. Also, Gelbvieh and Balancers cross extremely well with other breeds, as Gelbvieh and Balancer bring fertility, milk, reduced cow size, pounds of calf, good disposition and optimum birth weight to the equation. We extend a huge thank you to all our friends, neighbors, and crew who help with the sale and throughout the year! Especially, Roger and Peggy Gatz of Cattlemen’s Connection for all their expertise, hard work and dedication to the Judd Ranch program, for 30 years. I would like to extend a huge thank you to my family for their hard work and dedication to producing high quality seedstock. Yes, Cindy, Nick, Ginger, Brent and Ashley put in long hours and hard days doing all of the extra jobs that seedstock entails. Everything from weighing and tattooing every calf, to artificially inseminating every cow, to running our Embryo Transfer Program, to preparing pen bulls and sale cattle, to extra herd testing for health and fertility, to accurate record keeping, to feed production and storage, to building fence and water systems, to equipment and truck repair, they do it all! Thank you crew, we are very proud of you! We realize that most of our customers are not only great folks, but are the best cow people from all across the country and we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude for your business and friendship. It is truly an honor and privilege to be your genetic supplier. It is always a pleasure to work with people who have a true appreciation for the land, the lifestyle and the almighty COW. You folks are to be commended for the tremendous job you do with your outfits and cowherds. You deserve the best and we wish you all the best. If possible, make plans to come Friday, view the bulls and then join us for the presale steak dinner Friday evening starting at 6:30- 7:00 pm (Pomona Community Building). We very much look forward to seeing you sale weekend. Please try to make yourselves at home as we hope you can get comfortable and have an enjoyable stay. Sincerely,

Dave, Cindy and Crew

ROGER W. GATZ 785/742-3163 P.O. BOX 156 HIAWATHA, KS 66434 Dear Cattle Producers: I have been working with the Judd Ranch crew for almost thirty years. Dave, Cindy, Nick, Ginger, Brent and Ashley are some of the most honest and hardest working ranchers I have been associated with through the years. Producers, because I think buying quality bulls for your program is such an important process, I want you to consider some vital keys to selecting your seedstock supplier. You want to buy from a seedstock producer who is honest, keeps accurate records and who knows how to breed cattle. Those are just some of the reasons the many repeat buyers return to purchase Judd Ranch bulls every year. Bull buyers trust the honesty and integrity that are synonymous with the Judd Ranch program. Add that to Dave Judd’s knowledge of all phases of the livestock industry and his down to earth approach to raising purebred cattle. Believe me folks, the beef industry is all about Cow Power and nobody features the true Cow Power like Judd Ranch. As you look through this catalog, you will find several pictures of Judd Ranch females and you will note they are easy fleshing, deep-ribbed, calf raising machines with incredible teat and udder quality. Also note, all females photographed in this catalog are Judd Ranch bred. Judd Ranch has been honored as the #1 Dam of Merit program in the Gelbvieh breed for 16 of the past 17 years ('98-'14). Dam of Merit females are honored for their unsurpassed fertility and performance levels. As always, AI continues to be an integral part of the Judd Ranch program and you will note 92% of the bulls in this offering, are sired by breed leading proven AI sires. This combination of Judd Ranch’s honored Dam of Merit females and proven breed leading AI sires offer you tremendous financial rewards in your next calf crop, and you will realize even more substantial benefits when you incorporate Judd Ranch Gelbvieh genetics into in your cowherd. In conclusion, if you have questions about any bull listed in this sale catalog or would like assistance in selecting bulls for your program; please give me a call toll-free 1-800/7430026. Before the sale I personally go through and write detailed physical notes on every bull in the sale offering. This process usually takes four to five days. If you are unable to attend the sale, I will be happy to purchase a bull or several bulls for you, within your price range, and we will guarantee your satisfaction with the animal(s). Every year, approximately 25% of the gross sales are purchased through this time and money saving program, and you pay only the bid price, just as if you were bidding yourself. You can reach me at 1-800-743-0026 until March 1, at which time you can call me on my cell phone at 785/547-6262 during the day. In the evenings please call either my cell phone 785/547-6262 or the sale motel headquarters, Comfort Inn in Ottawa, Kansas 785/242-9898. Respectfully, Roger W. Gatz


Cottonwood Animal Hospital LARRY E. MAGES, D.V.M. TRENT A. LANCASTER, D.V.M.

3161 Hwy. K-68 OTTAWA, KANSAS 66067 PHONE: (785) 242-7822 Fax: (785) 242-0216

Dear Cattlemen, I have had the opportunity to work closely with Judd Ranch for 27 years on herd health. Approximately 280 bulls will be offered for sale on March 7, 2015. The bulls have all passed a Breeding Soundness Exam (BSE) based on the following criteria: -Scrotal Circumference -Pelvic Palpation to check for any abnormalities or medical problems in the reproductive glands; testicles are measured and examined -Electro-ejaculation is used to collect semen and examine penis for breeding soundness -Microscopic evaluation of semen for sperm motility and concentration The spring bulls (112) were examined 12-29-14. With 92 bulls passing BSE averaging 39.2 cm scrotal circumference. The remaining 17 spring bulls will be examined in February 2015 for BSE before being offered at sell on March 7, 2015. The fall bulls (176) were examined the middle oflanuary 2015. Of these, 173 passing with average 41.75 cm scrotal circumference. Cattlemen, I am sure you agree this is a tremendous scrotal average for a group of virgin bulls. All bulls have been tested for BVD-Pl and are negative. This is the 9th year all calves at the ranch have tested negative for BVD-Pl. The herd is a designated Brucellosis free herd and is negative to date in the Johne’s Disease (Paratubercu|osis) Program. Trichomonas Foetus (Trich) has been diagnosed in several Western and Midwest States. This is a reproductive disease that spreads form the infected bull to cows and causes early abortion. Several states have made it mandatory to have all bulls over 12 months old to be tested and show a negative Trich result before entering the state. Presently, these states are Colorado, Texas, Idaho, Utah, Oregon, Washington and New Mexico. All Judd Ranch Bulls in the sale are virgin bulls and considered Trich Free and will not be tested for Trich prior to the sale. If your state requires testing prior to entering, the bulls will be tested after the sale and the bulls will be delivered or can be picked up after the testing results are confirmed negative. If you have any questions about the health requirements of bulls entering your specific state, please contact your local veterinarian before making transportation arrangements for the day of the sale. Cattlemen rarely do you have a chance to improve your profits and genetics at the same time. I believe without a doubt one bull from this sa|e will improve your herd for years to come. These bulls will impact your herd in more ways than any other decision you will make to make your herd more profitable. When you buy a bull from Judd Ranch, along with adding a tremendous asset to your herd program you are working with a family that has built this Gelbvieh herd from hard work, honesty, integrity and a reputation that puts them at the top of the cattle industry. I strongly recommend that although these bulls have passed a BSE prior to sale, they should be re-examined prior to actual breeding season. If you have any questions regarding health or vaccination status of these bulls, please contact me prior to sale. Sincerely,

Larry E. Mages DVM


Ultrasound Technologies Chad Gordon P.O.Box 413 Fletcher, OK 73541 chadgordon8g@gmail.com 580-678-191 To Whom it may concern: Traveling the country over the past 15 years Ultrasounding Cattle I have seen many different types and breeds of cattle that vary greatly in carcass traits and phenotypic quality. I was asked by Dave Judd to come ultrasound their Fall Bulls in August, I was truly amazed at the combination of muscle and marbling that the Judd Ranch Bulls possess in a very functional package. It is always exciting for me to look at and evaluate good cattle of any breed and what they can offer the Beef Industry. On March 7 cattlemen will have the opportunity to purchase genetics that will improve any herd, whether you are a purebred seedstock producer or a commercial cattleman retaining ownership of your calves through finishing you will be able to choose bulls that will work for you. It has been proven that 1 square inch of Ribeye Area per hundred pounds of body weight to be average for muscling. The Judd Ranch Bulls will greatly exceed that being around 1.3 square inches or greater while still maintaining high %IMF values. Translation, these bulls will increase muscling in their offspring lowering numerical yield grades while still achieving optimal quality grades. It is always my pleasure to go to Judd Ranch to ultrasound bulls that are of very quiet disposition and work with an outstanding family. As you make your purchases buy with confidence, you are not only buying good bulls, you are buying from a program that will work in any operation that has been time tested to produce great genetics and the Judd's will stand behind them.

Chad Gordon

Producers when you have Gelbvieh cross females (heifer calves, bred heifers or cows) for sale, give ranch consultant Roger Gatz, Cattlemen’s Connection a toll free 1-800-7430026 call. We receive calls throughout the year looking for replacement Gelbvieh cross females and we’d love to help you place them at NO COST on Judd Ranches Website! www.juddranch.com 5


JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET - Photo Homozygous Polled Purebred

JRI Herdsire

JRI Top Secret 2 ETN 1221769

Tattoo: 253Y2

BD: 4/20/11

BW: 89

JRI Herdsire

JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 WW: 772

SLC Freedom 178F ET (New Day) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 125G3 (JRI Ms 125D3) SLC Freedom 178F ET (Miss 61Y) JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 JRI Ms Pld Shaker 253E51 ET (JRI Ms 253W4)

988989 Tattoo: 213S67

JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET Black, Homozygous Polled Purebred BD: 2/18/01 BW: 94

WW: 747 YW: 1362

This Judd Ranch beef, butt, guts and nuts meatwagon is deceased and wowsa are the Cowboy Cut sons cowmen favorites with the unbelievable beef, butt, guts and nuts they possess. Cowboy Cut featured one of Dave Judd’s all-time favorite donor dams in JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 213G57 and this incredible calf raising machine/fertility-plus female was honored four times as a Dam of Merit and once as a Dam of Distinction. Cowboy Cut’s super dam is deceased and now her daughter JRI Ms Glowing Review 213P64 ET has replaced her in the Judd Ranch donor program and this amazing producer features an 80# birth weight average with a whopping 1,278# average yearling weight on her sons.

SAV Final Answer 0035

AI Reference Sire

JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET 757130 Tattoo: 285L71

BD: 2/21/06 BW: 91

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI MS 125G3) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Grand Prix ET (JRI Ms 285A5) JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 213G57 JRI Ms Pld Liberty 213D47 ET (JRI Ms 213Y3)

The first JRI Top Secret 2 ETN (Top Secret clone) calves were born in 2013 and producers, they feature the same unmatched phenotype as JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET progeny. JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET is a current breed trait leader for Heifer Pregnancy, Calving Ease and low Birth Weight and this clone looks to follow his calving ease trend. The first calving ease/meat machine JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET sons topped the red bulls in the ‘06 Judd Ranch It’s rare in any breed to find a sire that produces unbelievable sons and daughters so that puts JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET in a league by himself and this clone JRI Top Secret 2 ETN is producing the same genetic results. The JRI Top Secret 243M75 ET daughters are calf raising machine/fertility-plus females and as noted above, Top Secret is a bred trait leader for that all-important heifer pregnancy trait.

JRI Herdsire

JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 Homozygous Polled Purebred

Purebred Angus

SAV Final Answer 0035 13592905 Tattoo: 0035

WW: 814 YW: 1390

BD: 2/22/00 BW: 69

WW: 843 YW: 1360

GDAR Traveler 71 (Traveler 1148) SITZ Traveler 8180 SITZ Everelda Entense 1137 (Entense 2335) Bon View Bando 598 (Dora 56) SAV Emulous 8145 SAV Sky Emulous 2124 (Sky Diver)

KCF Bennett Premier Z104 (Virginian) FHG Flying H Extra 150D FHG Ms FHG Nite Lady 50A (Night Hawk) HHF Polled Summit 648U (Floto) JRI Ms Polled Sweetie 285C6 JRI Ms Pld Preference 285A5 (Bartles)

Final Answer was the #1 used AI sire for registrations in the Angus breed in the year 2012 and this powerhouse is one of the all-time leaders in semen sales at Genex Cooperative. The Final Answer sons are low birth weight/beef machines and his daughters are exceptional producers with teat/udder excellence. Final Answer features the following incredible EPD strength: Top 5% CE, Top 5% low BW, Top 10% WW, Top 1% dollar wean value and top 20% dollar feedlot value. These Final Answer sons will really complement the daughters sired by Mytty In Focus sons you have purchased from Judd Ranch and he is a total outcross to Mytty In Focus.

This Judd Ranch breed leading meat machine is deceased but wow he left Judd Ranch with an unbelievable set of calf raising machine daughters with unparalleled teat/udder quality. Extra Exposure’s low birth/super growth beef packing machine sons have been the standard at Judd Ranch for the last decade and they will continue the tradition with unsurpassed beef, butt, guts and nuts they possess. Extra Exposure’s super dam JRI Ms Polled Sweetie 285C6 (deceased) was one of Judd Ranch’s top donor females and oh man, did Polled Sweetie feature an incredible teat/udder system. Extra Exposure is a current breed trait leader for Calving Ease, Yield Grade and that all-important Heifer Pregnancy Trait.



JRI Herdsire

JRI Top Recruit 254U82 Homozygous Polled Purebred

JRI Top Recruit 254U82 1080071 Tattoo: 254U82 BD: 1/20/08 BW: 70

1065129 Tattoo: 197T83 BD: 8/12/07 BW: 74

WW: 787 YW: 1174

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 JRI Ms Special Agent 197M62 (JRI Ms 197F51)

Top Recruit’s first calf crop born in the spring of 2010 was flat awesome. That first calf crop produced eight sons in which three were members of Judd Ranch’s 2011 National Champion Pen of 3 and Pen of 5 Bulls. Judd Ranch kept the pick of the eight JRI Turbo 285X14 as a herdsire and the other seven calving ease/meat machines were big time cowmen favorites in the bull sale. Top Recruit posted incredible stats with a calving ease 70 pound birth weight coupled with a scale busting 1,368 pound yearling weight and it’s no surprise as his pedigree is loaded with Judd Ranch honored Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction females.

This beef machine homozygous polled Judd Ranch herdsire was selected out of the fall ‘07 bull calf crop. Pop A Top features an incredible low birth to growth spread with his calving ease 74# birth weight coupled with his scalebusting 787# 205 day weight. Pop A Top’s 787# 205 day weight ranked #3 out of 123 contemporaries and breeders, his super dam was a first calf heifer. Pop A Top is a breed trait leader for Low Birth and he is flat producing widespread birth to growth and wow his sons are beefpacking machines. The first Pop A Top daughters calved in the spring of 2012 and man oh man are they fertility plus/calf raising machines. Commercial cowman gather up these JRI Pop A Top sons as Pop A Top no longer has the ability to produce semen or service females.

JRI Top Gun 254X822

Hoover Dam Purebred Angus BD: 1/25/08 BW: 72 WW: 818

JRI Herdsire

Black, Homozygous Polled Purebred

JRI Top Gun 254X822

Hoover Dam 16124994 Tattoo: G18

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Homozygous Polled Purebred

JRI Pop A Top 197T83

WW: 709 YW: 1,368

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 JRI Ms At Last 254P62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

AI Reference Sire

JRI Herdsire

YW: 1,432

1179060 Tattoo: 254X822

BD: 8/13/10 BW: 93 WW: 757 YW: 1,056

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET JRI Ms Pld Grand Impact 254J62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

SAF Connection (R. Queen 5084) SydGen CC & 7 SydGen Forever Lady 4087 (F. Lady 8292) TC Gridiron 258 (TC Blackbird 7049) Erica of Ellston C124 Erica of Ellston V65 (Shottish V047)

JRI Top Gun 254X822 is a full brother to the calving ease/powerhouse Judd Ranch herdsire JRI Secret Instinct 254U83, and man oh man were the first Secret Instinct sons the cowmen favorites in the 2013 & 2014 bull sale. Top Gun and Secret Instinct’s dam JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET was honored five consecutive years as a Dam of Merit female. Dam of Merits run deep in this cow family as Extra Sugar’s grandam and great grandam were both honored four times for Dam of Merit and Dam of Distinction honors. The first Secret Instinct daughters calved in the fall of 2013 and they possess teat/udder excellence with a boat load of milk. The first Top Gun daughters will calf this spring and with this incredible Dam of Merit cow family they should be calf raising machines...just like the Secret Instinct daughters.

This will be the first offering of Hoover Dam Balancer sons and these Hoover Dam sons would a total outcross to all past Balancer sire lines sold through the annual Judd Ranch bull sale. Hoover Dam is one of the most proven/popular Angus AI sires at ABS Global and he will continue to be with the added muscle mass his sons possess compared to the other Angus sire lines. Hoover Dam is that complete package Judd Ranch AI sire with the following exceptional (blend) EPD strength: Top 15% low BW, Top 30% YW, Top 10% Dollar Wean Value, Top 1% Dollar Grid Value and Top 10% Dollar Beef Value. Oh and most importantly, Hoover Dam features Top 5% Heifer Pregnancy EPD strength.


Judd Ranch Reference Sires/AI Reference Sires

SLC Outback 142X

JRI Reference Sire

HXC Conquest 4405P Red Angus 1A Purebred

AI Reference Sire

Homozygous Polled Purebred

SLC Outback 142X

HXC Conquest 4405P

CDGV135961 Tattoo: 142X BD: 5/1/10 BW: 89 WW: 1028 YW: 1417

975924 Tattoo: 4405P

CES Decka Precision 114P (DES Tide 31K) CES Decka Outback 75S CES Decka Harper 150L (DES Harper 63H) SLC Rip 121K (SLC Smoke 78F) SFL SLC Sue 325P SFL Scotswood Sue 214G (SLC Sue 52C) Judd Ranch purchased a semen interest in this powerhouse homozygous polled purebred 2012 Canadian National Champion Gelbvieh Bull from Scott Severtson, Severtson Land & Cattle in Canada in the spring of 2013. SLC Outback 142X would be a total outcross to all genetic lines in the USA. Outback topped the Severtson Land & Cattle 2012 bull sale and note his tremendous performance levels...1,028# 205 day weight coupled with a 1,417# yearling weight. Outback’s dam features a flawless teat/udder system with a boatload of milk so her genetic makeup definitely fits into Judd Ranch’s honored Dam of Merit program. Semen sales are closed on SLC Outback 142X so here’s your opportunity to purchase some of his sons and again these Outback sons would be a total outcross to all past Gelbvieh sire lines sold through the annual Judd Ranch bull sale.

JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

JRI Hot Topic 246X13

JRI Herdsire

JRI Top Producer 282Z3 BD: 2/6/12

BW: 86

WW: 664 YW: 1285

Conquest is one of the all-time great “heifer bulls”/meat machines in the Red Angus breed and Conquest annually ranks among the breed leaders in registrations. Conquest’s ability to blend calving ease, body mass and stayability along with exceptional carcass merit is unparalleled. The Conquest sons are carcass plus, calving ease beef machines. His daughters are highly productive females and it is not surprising with Conquest featuring that all important breed leading top 14% Stayability EPD strength. Conquest features that complete package of breed leading Calving Ease, superb growth and maternal plus genetics blended with superior carcass merit...Top 17% Marbling EPD strength.

JRI Reference Sire 1221431 Tattoo: 282Z3

BD: 1/25/04 BW: 69

BKT Julian 7526G (Julian 6592) Beckton Julian GG B571 BKT Marta 9A13 JL (Marta 6498) BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 (MRM 1431) HXC Ellie May MA638 HXC 529E (King Rob)

Homozygous Polled Purebred

JRI Hot Topic 246X13

WW: 693 YW: 1301

1179048 Tattoo: 246X13

BD: 8/26/10 BW: 86

WW: 762 YW: 1293

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI MS 125G3) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 JRI Ms Agent Ninety Nine 246L80 (JRI Ms 246J70)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) BUF BFCK Cherokee Canyon 4912 (MRM 1431 8611) JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 JRI Ms Sneak A Peek 282P93 (JRI Ms 282G83) Top Producer’s first calf crop at Judd Ranch is truly phenemonal and it comes as no surprise with his genetic makeup. Top Producer’s Cherokee Canyon dam is one calf raising machine with unbelievable natural fleshing ability and oh man, she possesses a picture perfect teat/udder system. Top Producer ranked as one of the top ratioing spring 2012 bulls in almost every profitable category. Calving ease 86# birth weight, 693# 205 day weight (103 ratio), 1,301# yearling weight (109 ratio), 42.3 centimeter yearling scrotal, 4.14# ADG (117 gain test ratio) and the beef machine scanned a super sized 16.3 square inch yearling ribeye. This photo was shot at 14 months of age and most mature bulls don’t possess the incredible beef, muscle and mass like this beef machine. Deceased...all semen sales are closed.


JRI Hot Topic 246X13 was Judd Ranch’s pick of the fall 2010 calf crop and oh man, this meatpacker posted some awesome stats: eighty-six pound calving ease birth weight coupled with a performance-plus 762# 205 day weight. Ol’ meatpacker Hot Topic never slowed up as he weaned off his second calf dam at 940 pounds and flat crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,293 pounds. Like all the Judd Ranch herdsires big time gain ability and big ol’ scrotals are a must and Hot Topic posted a super 6.41# ADG and Doc taped his super sized yearling scrotal at 40.1 centimeters. Rest assured, this meatpacker stems from a great cow family as his dam was honored as a 2012 Dam of Merit female in her first year of eligibility.

Quotes from Judd Ranch Bull Buyers - “Our Judd Ranch sired calf crop averaged 150 to 200 pounds more at weaning than when we raised straight Angus calves. That sounds like a lot, but that is what the scales show. Judd Ranch bulls turned our calf crop around” - Bill & Dodi Dennis, Commercial cow-calf producers, Texas -“I attended the 2013 sale and was really impressed with the sale offering,” Len states. “Until then, I’d never seen that many good bulls at one place at one time in my life.” - Len Wester, Commercial cow-calf producer, North Carolina. - “Jim called Roger with Cattlemen’s Connection and provided details about his Gelbvieh X Angus cowherd, stressing that he only wanted one of the Top 5% of the bulls available in the sale. He gave Roger a maximum dollar amount to spend on each bull and requested that he handle the selection of the two bulls. “I was more than 110% satisfied with results,” Jim shares. “Roger knows good cattle. I would definitely recommend the Sight Unseen program to other cattlemen. The bulls I got were unbelievable meat wagons.” - Jim Nagel, a cow-calf producer from South Dakota used the Sight Unseen program last year. -Steve Tandy from the Kentucky-Tennessee area was another 2013 Sight Unseen user and was among the many whose bulls were purchased for less than what they provided their proxy bidders. Steve’s proxy bidder had a bull of Steve’s choice plus $1,100 left over. “I was rather surprised that I got the bull I wanted and didn’t have to pay as much as I thought I’d have to pay,” Stephen states. “And I liked the bull a lot.” -“I came to Gelbvieh and Balancer to get their muscle, growth and docile temperament, and I got that in Judd Ranch bulls. My Judd Ranch bulls have added, on the average 75 to 100 pounds of weaning weight. No matter how much you like a bull, it’s the money he puts in my pocket that matters the most. And my Judd Ranch bulls put money in my pocket.” - Barry Higgins, Commercial cow-calf producer, Kentucky -“I’ve been buying Judd Ranch bulls for 12 years, and I keep returning. I’ve had zero calving problems with heifer bulls. The calves hit the ground a growin’ and keep going. I give high praise to the replacement heifers as they are phenomenal. They make super mama cows and the heifers I sell are in high demand.” - Paul Harryman, Missouri - Since using Judd Ranch bulls, we’ve gained about 75 pounds at weaning straight across the board compared to Angus or Charolais cross. Our Judd Ranch-influenced replacement heifers breed earlier and make excellent mothers. And you won’t find better cow people or people in general than the Judds.” - John Lewis, commercial cow-calf producer, Kentucky - “We bought a bull at your spring sale a year ago, and he is the best bull we have. We have our first set of calves from him and they are fantastic.” - Paul Brown, Missouri - “Our Judd Ranch influenced females by a Top Secret son we purchased a couple years back are an exciting set of females. They are the right size and are really efficient. Their teat development is super good, and they’re injecting some power into my calves. I’m one satisfied Judd Ranch customer.”  - Zach Swaim, Commercial cow-calf producer, North Carolina


Welcome to Judd Ranch The Gelbvieh Breed’s No. 1 Dam of Merit Program for 16 of the Past 17 Years, 1998-2014

Lot 1 Photographed at Side of his First Calf Dam Prior to Weaning

17 to 19 Month Old Fall Yearling Bulls Lots 1 thru 172


Clint Black 254A725 ET 2 ET Homo.JRI Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

JRI Triple Threat 285A209 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1266877

Calved: 8/17/13

Tattoo: 285A209

AGA No.: 1271614

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Top Secret 2 ETN

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 895 117

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.32 13.7 3.3

CED 12

Wt. 1341 BW 0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 112 6.7 169 cm WW 70

Scrotal 41.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 99 25 60

RE .19

Tattoo: 254A725

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Hot Flash 254T72 JRI Ms At Last 254P62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G57) JRI Ms Busy Bee 285Y709 JRI Ms Trixie 285R609 (JRI Ms 285F509) Birth Wt. 80

Calved: 8/15/13

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.71 106

Birth Wt. 87

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 714 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 14.4 3.2

CW FPI 29 67.86

Wt. 1236 CED 15

BW -1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.8 169 cm WW 52

Scrotal 39.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 85 32 58

RE .32

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.35 100 CW FPI 18 60.34

What a meat machine to lead off the catalog and that’s Triple Threat photographed above at the side of his first calf dam prior to weaning. Now pencil-in Triple Threat’s incredible stats: 80# calving ease birth weight, ripping 895# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,015# weaning weight off his first calf dam, scalesmashing 1,341# yearling weight, big time 5.71# ADG and like all Judd Ranch bulls Triple Threat’s well endowed with a whopping 41.4 centimeter yearling scrotal. Spreading low birth to super growth is the norm for this powerful Judd Ranch 285 cow family. To date, thirty-three Judd Ranch 285 cow family daughters have been honored as Dam of Merit females. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in Triple Threat as his grandam was honored as a Dam of Merit and his great grandam was honored numerous times as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction.

Oh man, look at the excellent low birth to super growth spread on this homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 son: calving ease 87# birth weight, whopping 1,005# weaning weight, performance plus 1,236# yearling weight, big time 5.35# ADG , super sized 14.4 square inch yearling ribeye with a big ol’ Judd Ranch standard equipment 39.9 centimeter yearling scrotal. JRI Clint Black 254A725 ET stems from the powerful Judd Ranch 254 cow family and wowsa, this 254 cow family flat can bring home the beef. Clint Black’s donor dam JRI Ms Hot Flash 254T72 was honored as a 2014 Dam of Merit and her spring born 2014 natural born son JRI Top Priority 254B182 sells in the spring bull offering and that beef machine features an 81# birth weight with a scalebusting 832# 205 day weight. Oh I might add, fertility and performance run deep in this cow family as Clint Black’s grandam, great grandam & great, great grandam were all honored numerous times as Dams of Merit/Dam of Distinction’s.

B HP PB T. Secret 2 Son Ripping 895# 205 Day Wt. Calving Ease 80# BW Scalebusting 1,015# Weaning Wt Whopping 1,341# YW/ Big Time 5.7# Gainer/ Huge 41.4 cm. Yearling SC

HB HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 1,005# Weaning Wt Top 2% CE EPD Strength Big Time 5# Gainer Big ol’ 14.4” Ylg Ribeye/JR DOM Dam, Grandam, & G. Grandam


Judd Ranch Fall Bull Calf Pair


Judd Ranch Fall Bull Calf Pair


JRI Real Bravo 178A76 ET ET Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1270473

Calved: 8/17/13

Tattoo: 178A76

AGA No.: 1267369

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Firefly 178R61 JRI Ms Primo 178L51 (JRI Ms 178F4) Birth Wt. 83

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 739 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 15.4 2.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 4.9 169 cm

Wt. 1240 CED 15

BW -0.8

WW 62

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 97 25 56

RE .34

Calved: 8/11/13

Tattoo: 285A807

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Agent 99 N285R704 JRI P Summits Pride 285H604 (JRI Ms 285E504) Birth Wt. 85

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.35 100

Scrotal 40.4 cm

JRI Guns N Roses 285A807 ET ET Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 817 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 13.8 2.4

CW FPI 26 62.13

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 7.2 167 cm

Wt. 1223 CED 12

BW 1.4

WW 66

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.02 112

Scrotal 44.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 27 60

RE .24

CW FPI 28 57.28

Oh man, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this ET black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Top Gun 254X822 son: calving ease 85# birth weight, ripping 817# 205 day weight, scalerocking 995# weaning weight, performance plus 1,223# yearling weight and oh man, does Guns N Roses 285A807 knows how to convert the roughage with a super 6.02# ADG. JRI Guns N Roses 285A807 ET’s donor dam JRI Ms Agent 99 N285R704 flat brings home a scalerocker every year. You can check out her natural born son JRI Son of a Gun 285A804 that sells as Lot 21 and that meat machine posted a ripping 793# 205 day weight, whopping 1,026# weaning weight off super mom with a scalebusting 1,295# yearling weight. I might remind you fertility starts in the scrotal department an note Gun N Roses super size 44.2 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference.

Wow, look at the excellent low birth to super growth spread on this black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 son: calving ease 83# birth weight, ripping 739# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,005# weaning weight, scalerocking 1,240# yearling weight, big time 5.35# ADG, serving tray 15.4 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet this beefpacker is ready for service duty with a big ol’ 40.4 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. JRI Real Bravo 178A76 ET’s super donor dam JRI Ms Firefly 178R61 flat comes home with a beefpacker every year and she’s a twice honored Dam of Merit female. Marc Feller, Redfield, IA purchased super mom 178R61’s natural born son in last year’s sale as Lot 2 and that beefpacker featured a 79# birth weight, whopping 952# weaning weight, scalebusting 1,254# yearling weight with an amazing 7.26# ADG. In total you will find seven previously honored Dam of Merit females in Real Bravo’s pedigree.

Ripping 817# 205 Day Wt ET B HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 1,005# Weaning Wt ET B HP PB Top Gun Son Calving Ease 85# BW Whopping 995# Weaning Wt Calving Ease 83# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Big Time 6# Gainer/Big Dog 44.2 cm Ylg SC/7 Honored DOMs Huge 15.4” Ylg Ribeye/Big Dog 40.4 cm Ylg SC/7 Honored DOMs

Sure Shot 254A741 ET 4 ET D. BlackJRI Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling


AGA No.: 1267353

AGA No.: 1268490

Calved: 8/20/13

Tattoo: 254A741

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 88

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 670 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 14.4 2.9

Wt. 1243 CED 13

BW 0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.0 184 cm WW 61

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 25 56

RE .28

Birth Wt. 88

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 765 110

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.09 13.1 3.3

CW FPI 26 60.82

Tattoo: 24A72

Wt. 1293 CED 12

BW .0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 6.2 203 cm WW 59

Scrotal 44.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 33 63

RE .27

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.54 122 CW FPI 22 58.27

Oh my, check out the phenomenal stats on this homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Iron Man 207Y811 son: ripping 765# 205 day weight, whopping 915# weaning weight off his nine-year-old dam, scalebusting 1,293# yearling weight, big time 6.54# ADG with a big dog 44.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. JRI Innovate 24A72’s nine-year-old calf raising machine dam has been honored five consecutive years as a Dam of Merit and/or Dam of Distinction (2010-2014). Dams of Merit run mighty deep as you will find a total of twelve honored and previously honored Dams of Merit in Innovate’s pedigree. Marc Feller, Redfield, IA purchased Innovate’s maternal brother JRI Mack 24Y72 as Lot 5 in the 2013 bull sale and that meatwagon featured a calving ease 73# birth weight, ripping 750# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 965# weaning weight. Innovate should flat boost your performance levels and man oh man, save all his replastent daughters.

Mercy, look at the incredible stats on this ET double black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 son: scalebusting 1,243 pound yearling weight with an amazing 8.35# ADG and that 8.35# ADG is not a typo. JRI Sure Shot 254A741 ET’s donor dam, JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64, flat knows how to bring home the meatpackers and you can view this beautiful donor female on page 31. Donor dam Copy Cat 254R64 was honored as a Dam of Merit female prior to entering Judd Ranch’s elite donor program. Fertility and producing ability run deep in this Judd Ranch 254 cow family as Sure Shot’s grandam JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET has been honored as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction in every year of eligibility (2006 thru 2014). Speaking of Dam of Merit females this Judd Ranch 254 cow family already features thirty-six honored Dam of Merit daughters. Sure Shot should flat boost your performance levels and if you retain your feeders Sure Shot’s big time feed conversion (8.35# ADG)…should come in mighty handy. (RC)

ET DB HP PB S. Instinct Son Scalebusting 1,243# YW Big Time 8# Gainer Top 10% CE/Big ol’ 14.4” Ylg Ribeye 40.5 cm Ylg SC/Awesome JR Cow Family/DOM Dam DOD Grandam

Calved: 9/13/13

JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) 18 Months Old JRI Iron Man 207Y811 Sale Day JRI Cowgirl Tuff 207W711 (JRI Ms 207R611) XXB Drew 565K (G565) JRI Ms Certain Style 24P62 JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 24F51 (JRI Ms 24C41)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 8.35 155

Scrotal 40.5 cm

JRI Innovate 24A72 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

HB HP PB Iron Man Son Scalebusting 1,293# YW Ripping 915# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Huge Fertility- Plus 44.3 cm Ylg SC/Awesome JR Dam of Distinction Dam



JRI I’m Back 170A3 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1268496

Calved: 9/13/13

Tattoo: 170A3

18 Months JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Iron Man 207Y811 Old Sale Day JRI Cowgirl Tuff 207W711 (JRI Ms 207R611) CTR Echo 575E (Miss Power) JRI Ms Echos Style 170L5 JRI Ms BlackJack 170C4 (JRI Ms 170T) Birth Wt. 75

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 701 101

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.28 15.6 2.0

JRI Top Gun 13A61 Homo. Black Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

BW -1.4

WW 54

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 77 32 59

RE .42

CW FPI 14 52.88

HB HP PB Iron Man Son Ripping 701# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 75# BW Big Time 5# Gainer 15.6” Ylg Ribeye/41.3 cm Ylg SC/12-Year-Old DOD Dam JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day

AGA No.: 1263890

Calved: 8/27/13

Tattoo: 13A61

Seducer 254A49 10 Double BlackJRI Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Chocolate Sunday 13T51 JRI Ms Pld Jetset 13G4 (JRI Ms 13Y3) Birth Wt. 86

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 730 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.18 15.3 2.1

Wt. 1231 CED 14

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 6.8 198 cm WW 57

Scrotal 40.7cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 79 31 59

AGA No.: 1266813

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.19 115

RE .45

CW FPI 17 55.60

Whoa Nelly, check out the whopping 886# 205 day weight on this meatwagon and cowmen JRI Seducer 254A49 nursed a first calf heifer. This Judd Ranch 254 cow family flat knows how to bring home the beef and get pregnant. Note the photo above of JRI Ms Extra Wonderful 254M76 ET nursing her bull calf and this calf raising machine would be Seducer’s great grandam. To date, thirty-six Judd Ranch 254 cow family daughters have been honored as Dam of Merit females and four of those honored Dams of Merit are in Seducer’s pedigree. Seducer should flat boost your performance levels with the awesome 886# 205 day weight/1,264# yearling weight he posted and by all means, save his replastent daughters as they should be calf raising machines. (RC)

DB HP PB S. Instinct Son Scalebusting 1,264# YW Ripping 886# 205 Day Wt Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye Top 2% CE EPD Strength/42.2 cm Ylg SC/4 Honored DOMs

JRI Gunsmoke 13A6 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 8/21/13

Tattoo: 254A49

Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 86 886 116 1264 106 5.8 189 cm 42.2 cm 4.71 88 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.20 15.0 2.6 15 -0.1 57 88 33 62 .33 22 61.33

HB DP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 930# Weaning Wt Top 4% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,231# YW Big Time 6# Gainer/15.3” Ylg Ribeye/JR DOM Dam & DOD Grandam

AGA No.: 1263881

Calved: 9/11/13

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Journey 207S74 (JRI Ms 207N64) JRI Ms Jitterbug 254Y38 JRI Ms Lizzie 254W970 (JRI Ms 254S86)

Wowsa, look at the awesome birth to growth spread on this homozygous black, double polled purebred JRI Top Gun 254X822 son and you bet, this beefpacker nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch mama. (Calving ease 86# birth weight, ripping 730# 205 day weight, whopping 930# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,231# yearling weight). Now pencil-in JRI Top Gun 13A61’s big time 6.19# ADG feed conversion, super sized 15.3 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls 13A61 taped a 40.7 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. I mentioned above that JRI Top Gun 1361 nursed a calf raising machine mama and his super mom has been honored as a Dam of Merit female in every year of eligibility (2012-2014). Calf raising machine genetics run mighty deep in this Judd Ranch 13 cow family as JRI Top Gun 13A61’S grandam was honored eight consecutive years as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction. (HP)


CED 14

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.16 96

Scrotal 41.3 cm

Look at the remarkable low birth to super growth stats on this homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Iron Man 207Y811 son. Cowmen JRI I’m Back 170A3 nursed a 12-year-old mama. A calving ease deluxe 75# birth weight with a ripping 701# 205 day weight is flat getting it done especially when you pencil-in a 12-year -old dam. Twelve-year-old mama JRI Ms Echos Style 170L5 flat brings home the beef every year and you bet, she’s a current 2014 Judd Ranch Dam of Distinction female that’s been honored eight times as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction. Sellard Farms, Bucklin, KS purchased Dam of Distinction mamas son in last year’s sale as Lot 9 and that beef machine featured an 81# birth weight, 756# 205 day weight, 1,263# yearling weight with a 16.1 square inch yearling ribeye.

Great Grandam of Lot 10 Nursing Her Beef Machine Bull Calf


365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 5.6 190 cm

Wt. 1193

Tattoo: 13A6 19 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extravagance 13U5 JRI Ms Pd Jetset 13G4 (JRI Ms 13Y3)

JRI Prospector 02A9 11 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266126

Calved: 9/1/13

Tattoo: 02A9

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Quiz 02Y8 JRI Ms Choice Agent 02M7 (JRI Ms 02K6)

Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 89 758 109 1242 105 5.2 170 cm 44.5 cm 6.38 119 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.17 15.7 1.7 14 0.4 61 85 31 61 .46 20 57.43

Birth Wt. 73

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 728 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.13 14.1 2.5

Mercy, look at the incredible performance, gain ability, ribeye and scrotal stats on this meatpacking homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Top Gun 254X822 son: ripping 758# 205 day weight, whopping 952# weaning weight, 1,242# yearling weight with top 10% calving ease EPD strength. Now pencil-in JRI Gunsmoke 13A6 as one of the sale leaders with a 6.38# ADG, big ol’ 15.7 square inch yearling ribeye and when Doc taped his yearling scrotal circumference at 44.5 centimeters he said wowsa. Sounds like JRI Gunsmoke 13A6 nursed a Judd Ranch Dam of Merit mama and he sure did as she’s been honored in every year of eligibility (2013-2014). Calf raising machine genetics run mighty deep in this Judd Ranch 13 cow family as JRI Gunsmoke 13A6’s grandam was honored eight consecutive years as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction female.

Wt. 1132 CED 13

BW -0.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 95 5.0 187 cm WW 61

Scrotal 38.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 89 24 55

RE .37

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.38 100 CW FPI 22 58.45

JRI Prospector 02A9 nursed a super Judd Ranch first calf heifer and note his excellent low birth (73# BW) to super growth spread (728# 205 day weight). This Judd Ranch 02 cow family flat knows how to spread low birth to superb growth. If you would turn to page 14, that’s Prospector’s grandam JRI Ms Choice Agent 02M7 photographed as a first calf heifer nursing her scalebusting heifer calf and oh man, wouldn’t you love to have a pasture full of first calf heifers like her. First calf heifers like Prospector’s dam are not eligible for Dam of Merit status until they raise three calves but rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find five previously honored Dams of Merit in Prospector’s pedigree. Speaking of fertility I might add Prospector’s first calf dam shortened her gestation by 9 days with her second baby last fall.

HB HP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 758# 205 Day Wt Top 4% CE EPD Strength Whopping 952# Weaning Wt 1,242# YW/6# Gainer/15.7” Ylg Ribeye/JR DOM Dam & DOD Grandam


B HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 728# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 73# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr Big Time 5# Gainer/Big ol’ 14.1” Ylg Ribeye/5 Honored DOMs

JRI Great Guns 125A8K 12 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270761

Calved: 9/11/13

Tattoo: 125A8K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Agent 125X7K JRI Ms Raven 125U6K (JRI Ms 125R58K) Birth Wt. 82

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 774 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 14.7 2.5

Wt. 1224 CED 14

BW 0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 111 6.6 150 cm WW 62

Scrotal 42.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 26 56

RE .30

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.54 85 CW FPI 28 58.34

JRI Great Guns 125A8K nursed an awesome second calf heifer and look at his phenomenal low birth to super growth stats: calving ease deluxe 82# birth weight, ripping 774# 205 day weight with a scalerocking 1,224# yearling weight. Great Gun’s should flat spread you low birth to super growth ratios and note this beefpacker’s big ol’ 14.7 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls’ Great Gun’s is well hung in the scrotal department with a 42.2 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Second calf heifers like Great Gun’s dam are not eligible for Dam of Merit honors but rest assured, the genetics are bred-in as you will find seven previously honored Dams of Merit in Great Gun’s pedigree.

JR Dam of Distinction Nursing Her Meat Machine Bull Calf

Vindicator 35A3K 15 Double BlackJRIHomo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

HB HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 774# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 82# BW Scalebusting 1,224# YW Big ol’ 14.7” Ylg Ribeye/Big Dog 42.2 cm Ylg SC/7 Honored DOMs


AGA No.: 1270751

Tattoo: 35A3K JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822

JRI The Rifleman 285A704

JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Request 270U78 ET (JRI Ms 270H65) JRI Ms Sugar Bar 35 JRI Ms Special Blend 35U3K (JRI Ms 35N80K)

Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265977

Calved: 9/17/13

Tattoo: 285A704

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) SLC Freedom 178F ET (Miss 61Y) JRI Ms Hazel 285S604 JRI Ms Pld Bartles 285E504 ET (JRI Ms 285Y4)

Birth Wt. 89

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 747 108

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 14.1 3.6

Wt. 1261 CED 10

BW 2.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 107 6.7 191 cm WW 69

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 100 20 55

RE .32

Birth Wt. 80

CW FPI 32 57.27

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 15.9 2.6

Wt. 1184 CED 13

BW -1.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 108 5.4 172 cm

AGA No.: 1267357

WW 63

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 30 62

RE .56

Birth Wt. 93

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.81 90

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 36 68

Calved: 8/17/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 757 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 14.3 2.6

RE .41

CW FPI 30 58.54

Tattoo: 254A828

CED 13

Wt. 1307 BW -1.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.6 196 cm WW 60

Scrotal 44.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 84 26 56

RE .33

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.23 97 CW FPI 18 60.49

Oh boys, check out this meatpacking ET full brother to Judd Ranch’s main black herdsires’ JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 and JRI Top Gun 254X822. The Secret Instinct sons have been the cowmen favorites the last two years and this year’s sale basically features the first Top Gun sons and wowsa, they are meatpacking machines just like the Secret Instinct sons. These meatpacking machines feature one of Judd Ranch’s all-time great donor females in JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET. Donor dam Extra Sugar was honored as an elite Judd Ranch Dam of Merit female for five consecutive years. Extra Sugar’s eight natural born calves have only averaged 80 pounds at birth with scalebusting performance levels just like this meatpacker’s whopping 1,307# yearling weight. Oh I might add, the Secret Instinct daughters are now in production and they are some of Dave Judd’s all-time favorites.

CW FPI 24 66.94

JRI Stanley 285A43K features the calf raising machine Judd Ranch 285 cow family and oh man, look at Stanley’s awesome low birth to super growth spread and cowmen, he nursed a first calf heifer. A calving ease deluxe 78# birth weight coupled with a ripping 826# 205 day weight and it comes as no surprise with this calf raising machine 285 cow family. To date thirty-three Judd Ranch 285 cow family daughters have been honored as Dam of Merit females and you will find six honored and previously honored Dams of Merit in Stanley’s pedigree. Low birth/super growth genetics that should flat spread your birth to growth ratios and note Stanley as one of the top yearling Ribeye bulls in the fall sale offering with a whopping 15.9 square inch yearling ribeye.

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 826# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 78# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr Super Sized 15.9” Ylg Ribeye/6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

WW 63

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.64 86

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Old Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) FHG Flying H Extra 150 D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET JRI Ms Pd Grand Impact 254J62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

Tattoo: 285A43K

Scrotal 37.7 cm

BW 1.7

Scrotal 42.6 cm

Undercover 254A828 ET 16ET BlackJRI Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Pop A Top 285Y33K JRI Morgans Direction 285U23K (JRI Ms 285S9K) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 826 112

CED 13

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 108 6.4 178 cm

DB HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 878# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 80# BW Nursed a 2nd Calf Hfr Super Sized 42.6 cm Ylg SC/13 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Stanley 285A43K 14 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 78

Wt. 1190

Oh man, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this beefwagon JRI Top Gun 254X822 son: calving ease deluxe 80# birth weight coupled with a scalebusting 878# 205 day weight. Big time low birth to super growth spreads are the norm for this powerful Judd Ranch 35 cow family and oh man, this 35 cow family is loaded with fertility and production driven genetics. If you trace JRI Vindicator 35A3K’s pedigree you will find an amazing thirteen previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. JRI Vindicator 35A3K should moderate your birth weights while flat boosting your performance levels and with 13 previously honored Dams of Merit in his pedigree his replastent daughters should make phenomenal producers. Chris Skillman, Waverly, KS purchased Vindicator’s dam’s first baby in last year’s sale as Lot 120 and that beefwagon featured a 78# birth weight with a ripping 769# 205 day weight. (RC)

B HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 1,261# YW Ripping 747# 205 Day Wt Big Time 6# Gainer 84# Avg BW on Dam’s Calves/40.4 cm Ylg SC/7 Honored DOMs

Calved: 8/28/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 878 119

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 14.5 2.8

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.83 127

Mercy, look at Rifleman’s incredible stats: ripping 747# 205 day weight, scalerocking 1,261# yearling weight, big time 6.83# ADG on gain test, big ol’ 14.1 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, Rifleman’s well endowed in the scrotal department with a 40.4 centimeter yearling measurement. Turner Farms, Carthage, TN purchased Rifleman’s full brother (in blood) JRI Status Quo 285Z706 ET as Lot 1 in last year’s sale and that meatwagon sired by JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (full brother to JRI Top Gun 254X822) featured a calving ease deluxe 77# birth weight, 721# 205 day weight, 1,286# yearling weight with a feeder delite 7.53# ADG. Rest assured, the fertility is bredin as you will find seven previously honored Dams of Merit in Rifleman’s pedigree.

AGA No.: 1271442

Calved: 9/24/13

ET B HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Whopping 1,307# YW Ripping 1,075# Weaning Wt Top 10% CE/Big Time 5# Gainer 80# Avg BW on Dams 8 NB Calves/Secret Instinct & Top Gun’s Full Brother



JRI Powerade 285A775 ET ET Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1267372

Calved: 9/5/13

Tattoo: 285A775

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Frist Choice 285R674 JRI P Extra Magic 285K574 ET (JRI Ms 285D57)

Birth Wt. 81

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 729 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 14.5 2.5

JRI Secret Access 140A75 Calved: 8/13/13

Tattoo: 140A75

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Sassy 140S65 JRI Ms Laura Ashley 140P54 (JRI Ms 140J53)


Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling


Tattoo: 9A53

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Journey 207S74 (JRI Ms 207N64) JRI Ms Tator Chip 9W13 JRI Ms Proceed 9K93 (JRI Ms 9F83)

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.19 14.8 3.3

Wt. 1230 CED 13

BW 1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 6.0 191 cm WW 62

Scrotal 41.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 30 62

RE .39

Calved: 8/18/13

Tattoo: 23A40

JRI Son of a Gun 285A804 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265978

Calved: 8/29/13

Tattoo: 285A804

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Agent 99 N285R704 JRI P Summits Pride 285H604 (JRI Ms 285E504)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.59 123

Birth Wt. 88

CW FPI 26 57.20

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 793 114

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 13.9 1.4

Wow, look at the awesome stats on this homozygous polled purebred beef machine JRI Top Gun 254X822 son: ripping 738# 205 day weight, whopping 1,230# yearling weight, feeder delite 6.59# ADG on gain test, big ol’ 14.8 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls JRI Gunner 9A53 is well equipped in the scrotal department with a 41.5 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Gunner’s dam’s first baby JRI Super Duty 9Y53 sold in the 2013 sale as Lot 3 and that beef machine featured a 74# birth weight, 762# 205 day weight, weaned off first calf mama at 950 pounds while crushing the yearling weight scales at 1,242 pounds. Oh I might add, JRI Super Duty 9Y53 sold to Tracy Lake in Blackfoot, ID and he’s one of the hottest young AI sires in the Gelbvieh breed. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find ten previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Gunner’s pedigree.

HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 1,230# YW Ripping 738# 205 Day Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Top 10% CE EPD Strength/41.5 cm Ylg SC/10 Honored DOMs

JRI Secret Component 23A40

HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Ripping 730# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 71# BW Whopping 1,202# YW 5.9# Gainer/Weaned at 78% of Dams Bodyweight/9 Honored DOMs

JRI Gunner 9A53

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 738 106

CW FPI 13 53.62

Homozygous polled purebred Top Secret 2 son and cowmen, this beefpacker nursed a first calf heifer. JRI Secret Component 23A40 comes with a calving ease deluxe 71# birth weight, ripping 730# 205 day weight, whopping 875# weaning weight…78% of his first calf dams bodyweight of 1,120 pounds, scalebusting 1,202# yearling weight, big ol’ 14.7 square inch yearling ribeye, big time 5.97# gainer, and you bet, Secret Component is well endowed with a 40.4 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. As noted above Secret Component weaned off his first calf dam at an amazing 78% of her bodyweight and it’s all called Judd Ranch Dam of Merit cow power and you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Component’s pedigree.

HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Whopping 936# Weaning Wt Ripping 749# 205 Day Wt Scalebusting 1,236# YW Big Time 7# Gainer/Huge 16.6” Ylg Ribeye/8 Honored DOMs

Birth Wt. 86

RE .24

Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 71 730 95 1202 101 4.6 169 cm 40.4 cm 5.97 111 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.15 14.7 1.9 17 -2.5 55 81 22 50 .43 14 62.27

Oh man, you talk about a super stud to lead off the fall yearling red purebred offering and oh man, JRI Secret Access 140A75 features one calf raising machine mama. If you would please turn to page 32, JRI Secret Access 140A75’s super dam JRI Extra Sassy 140S65 is photographed in her working clothes and take special note of her impeccable teat/udder system. Extra Sassy’s babies have only averaged 80 pounds at birth with a ripping 710 pound 205 day weight spread. Her four sons to date have averaged 1,217 pounds on yearling weight and her son JRI Cartwright 140X75 topped the 2012 sale and today Cartwright is one of the breeds leading AI sires. Zach Swain, Mocksville, NC purchased super mom Sassy’s first baby in the 2010 sale as lot 7 and that beef machine featured a 74# birth weight, 791# 205 day weight with a 1,285# yearling weight. This super stud is a full brother to Cartwright and Zach Swain’s bull.

Calved: 9/19/13

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 76 23 51

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Santa Rosa 23Y10 JRI Ms Sugar Pie 23U9 (JRI Ms 23S8)

205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 749 108 1236 105 7.1 180 cm 40.3 cm 7.28 136 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.23 16.6 2.8 12 -0.8 63 89 21 52 .59 21 63.86

AGA No.: 1263846

WW 56

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1266133

Birth Wt. 85


BW -0.8

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.11 95

Scrotal 43.0 cm

ET HP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 729# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 81# BW Whopping 925# Weaning Wt Scalebusting 1,208# YW/5# Gainer/Honored JR DOM Dam & Grandam

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265119

CED 13

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.4 186 cm

Look at the awesome birth to growth spread on this meat machine homozygous polled purebred Pop A Top son and oh my, Powerade features one calf raising machine mama. You can view Powerade’s calf raising machine mama JRI Ms First Choice 285R674 photographed on page 43 in her working clothes and take special note of her exceptional teat/udder structure. Mark Neis, Eudora, KS purchased super mom’s first baby in the 2008 sale as Lot 211 and that meat machine featured a calving ease 80# birth weight, ripping 738# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,210# yearling weight. Roger Kinder, Licking, MO purchased Powerade’s meat machine full brother in last year’s sale as Lot 200 and that meat machine posted a ripping 1,200# yearling weight.

Judd Ranch First Calf Heifer Nursing Her Whopping Heifer Calf


Wt. 1208

Wt. 1295 CED 12

BW 1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 7.3 199 cm WW 66

Scrotal 41.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 27 60

RE .24

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.23 97 CW FPI 28 57.28

Meat machine homozygous polled purebred JRI Top Gun 254X822 son: whopping 793# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,026# weaning weight with a scalecrushing 1,295# yearling weight and you will find his calving ease EPD strength in the breeds top 10%. JRI Son Of A Gun 285A804’s black, homozygous polled purebred ET full brother JRI Guns N Roses 285A807 ET sells as Lot 5 and that meat machine features an 85# birth weight, ripping 817# 205 day weight, scalebusting 995# weaning weight with a scalecrushing 1,223# yearling weight. These full brothers feature the calf raising machine Judd Ranch 285 cow family and you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in the pedigree.

HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 1,026# Weaning Wt Ripping 793# 205 Day Wt Scalebusting 1,295# YW Big Time 5# Gainer/Top 15% CE EPD Strength/7 Honored DOMs



JRI Pay Day 285A91 ET ET Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1267377

Calved: 9/5/13

Tattoo: 285A91

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Super Sweet 285P991 ET JRI Ms Show N Tell 285L89 ET (JRI Ms 285H74) Birth Wt. 83

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 803 ET

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.22 16.9 2.4

Wt. 1286

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.9 186 cm

BW -0.5

CED 14

WW 64

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.21 97

Scrotal 45.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 97 27 59

RE .46

CW FPI 26 63.45

Wowsa, look at the phenomenal low birth to super growth spread on the meatwagon Pop A Top son: calving ease deluxe 83# birth weight, ripping 803# 205 day weight, whopping 995# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,286# yearling weight. Now pencil-in this meatwagon as one of the top fall yearling ribeye bulls with a serving tray 16.9 square inch yearling ribeye and mercy, look at Pay Day’s super sized 45 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. JRI Pay Day 285A91 ET’s donor dam JRI Ms Super Sweet 285P991 ET flat produces meatwagon’s every year as her first baby sold in the 2007 sale as Lot 204 to Hodges Ranch in Omaha, AR and that meatwagon featured an 84# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,368# yearling weight.

JR Dam of Distinction Nursing Her Scalebusting Heifer Calf


ET DP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 803# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 83# BW Whopping 995# Weaning Wt Scalebusting 1,268# YW/Huge 16.9” Ylg Ribeye/Big Dog 45 cm Ylg SC


AGA No.: 1263937

JRI Sugar Daddy 254A48 Calved: 8/29/13

Tattoo: 254A48

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Sparkle 254W17 JRI Secret Password 254S97 (JRI Ms 254P87) Birth Wt. 87

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 692 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.31 14.5 3.4

Wt. 1236

CED 13

BW 1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 6.3 186 cm WW 69

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 109 24 58

Birth Wt. 70

RE .34

CW FPI 36 64.99


JRI Top That 634A81

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 704 101

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.09 16.4 2.8

Wt. 1199 CED 11

BW .0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 102 6.0 196 cm WW 56

Tattoo: 634A81

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 28 56

CED 14

BW 0.7

RE .32

Birth Wt. 75

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 7.61 142

WW 57

Scrotal 42.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 18 47

RE .14

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.33 118 CW FPI 23 52.52

JRI Secret Access 207A6 Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Wow, look at this meatwagon’s awesome low birth to super growth spread coupled with a feeder delite 7.61# ADG and man oh man, if you like big ol’ juicy ribeye steaks check out this meatwagon’s 16.4 square inch yearling ribeye. Any time you double up Pop A Top and Cowboy Cut you’re looking at widespread birth to growth in a meat machine package. Now pencil-in the calf raising machine Judd Ranch 634 cow family on the maternal side and you will find a total of eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Top That 634A81’s pedigree. JRI Top That 634A81 should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and if you retain your feeders Top That’s big time feed conversion (7.61# ADG) should spell additional dividends.

Calved: 8/30/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 653 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.08 14.1 2.7

Tattoo: 207A6

Wt. 1205 CED 14

BW -1.5

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 102 5.7 199 cm WW 56

Scrotal 39.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 23 51

RE .42

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.23 116 CW FPI 15 60.97

JRI Secret Assess 207A6 nursed a calf raising machine 8-year-old Judd Ranch mama and wowsa, calf raising machine mama has raised some beefpacking machine sons. Bruce Youngblood, Diamond, MO , Jason Howard, Craig, MO, Harvey Hawkins, Edmonton, KY and Drummond Land & Cattle LLC, Solomon, KS all have powerhouse sons of super mom working in their pastures. JRI Secret Access 207A6 offers you superb calving ease with his ultralite 75# birth weight and note his exceptional 1,205# yearling growth spread coupled with a feeder delite 6.23# ADG. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find four previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Secret Access 207A6’s pedigree.

CW FPI 19 55.80

DP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 704# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Big Time 7# Gainer Big ol’ 16.4” Ylg Ribeye/40.4 cm Ylg SC/8 Honored DOMs

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.3 178 cm

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Old Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Gracy 207R5 JRI Ms Pld Blk Power 207C4 (JRI Ms 207U3)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G57) JRI Ms Juliet 634W71 JRI Ms Pld New Jewels 634K61 (JRI Ms 634F6) Birth Wt. 84

Wt. 1251

AGA No.: 1265858

Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 8/17/13

18 Months Old Sale Day

HP PB Hot Topic Son Big Time 6# Gainer Calving Ease 70# BW (twin) Scalebusting 1,251# YW Huge 15.6” Ylg Ribeye/Big Boy 42.6 cm Ylg SC/9 Honored DOMs

HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 1,236# YW Ripping 910# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Top 10% CE EPD Strength/Huge 41.8 cm Ylg SC/9 Honored DOMs

AGA No.: 1270470

Tattoo: 35A93

JRI High Roller 35A93 was twin born to a heifer calf so his 205 day weight of 662 pounds is below the norm for this super calf raising machine Judd Ranch 35 cow family but wowsa, High Roller’s genetics kicked in after weaning. A whopping 1,251# yearling weight, big time 6.33# ADG on gain test, big ol’ 15.6 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls High Roller’s well hung in the scrotal department with a super sized 42.6 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. This calf raising machine Judd Ranch 35 cow family is mighty powerful and you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in High Roller’s pedigree.

JRI Sugar Daddy 254A48 nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit mama. Dams of Merit run deep in this Judd Ranch 254 cow family and you will find a total of nine honored & previously honored Dam of Merit females in Sugar Daddy’s pedigree. Craig Sabatka, Atwood, KS purchased Sugar Daddy’s full brother JRI Secret Code 254Y57 as Lot 8 in the 2013 bull sale and that meat machine featured a calving ease 82# birth weight, ripping 753# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,251# yearling weight with a super 5.97# ADG. Sugar Daddy offers you superb calving ease with his top 10% calving ease EPD strength and man, your performance levels should flat soar and by all means, keep his replastent daughters.


205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 662 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.18 15.6 3.2

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.19 115

Scrotal 41.8 cm

Calved: 9/23/13

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Hot Topic 246X13 JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 (JRI Ms 246L80) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Paprika 35T82 JRI Ms Design Agent 35M71 (JRI Ms 35K61)

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265919

JRI High Roller 35A93 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

DP PB Top Secret 2 Son Big Time 6# Gainer CE Deluxe 75# BW Whopping 1,205# YW Big ol’ 14.1” Ylg Ribeye/Big Boy 39.8 cm Ylg SC/4 Honored DOMs


JRI Bullet Proof 148A70 29 Double Polled (Lite Scurs) Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265124

Calved: 8/13/13

Tattoo: 148A70

19 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Old Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) CTR Echo 575E (Miss Power) JRI Ms Eternal Echo 148K60 JRI Ms Pld Ranch Hand 148G50 (JRI Ms 148E40) Birth Wt. 74

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 755 109

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 14.8 1.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 5.2 168 cm

BW 0.8

CED 11

WW 60

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.71 88

Scrotal 42.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 86 32 62

RE .46

CW FPI 21 54.90

Wowsa, look at this incredible low birth to super growth spread on this meatwagon and I can tell you his 13-year-old dam flat spreads the birth to growth every year. If you would turn back to page 13, that’s JRI Bullet Proof 148A70’s dam photographed nursing one of her powerhouse bull calves. Bullet Proof’s 13-year-old dam JRI Ms Eternal Echo 148K60 has been honored eight times as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction and you bet, she’s a 2014 Dam of Distinction female. Jack Brown, Cheyenne, OK purchased Dam of Distinction mama’s son in last year’s sale as Lot 15 and that meatwagon featured a 70# birth weight, 741# 205 day weight, 1,020# weaning weight with a 1,255# yearling weight.

Judd Ranch Dam of Merit With Her Meat Machine Bull Calf


Wt. 1210

JRI Power One 9A55 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

DP (lite scurs) PB Top Gun Son Ripping 755# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 74# BW Whopping 1,000# Weaning Wt Nursed a 13-Year-Old DOD Dam/1,210# YW/ Big Boy 42.3 cm Ylg SC JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day

AGA No.: 1266130

Calved: 8/15/13

Tattoo: 9A55


JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Glitzy 9Y44 JRI Ms Laura Ashley 9P14 (JRI Ms 9M93) Birth Wt. 65

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 762 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.08 15.1 1.9

Wt. 1181

CED 12

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 5.7 168 cm WW 65

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 26 58

AGA No.: 1270749

RE .43

CW FPI 26 61.07

Birth Wt. 82

Wow, look at this meat machine’s ultralite 65# birth weight coupled with a bellringing 762# 205 day weight. Sixty-five pound birth weights coupled with ripping 762 pound 205 day weights are flat turning a crank especially if you consider JRI Power One 9A55 nursed a first calf heifer. I can tell you widespread low birth to super growth is the norm for this powerful Judd Ranch 9 cow family. If you trace Power One’s pedigree you will find seven honored and previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction females. If you flip back a page, that’s a Judd Ranch 9 cow family daughter photographed on page 15 and oh man, look at her scalebusting heifer calf at side.

Homoygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 9/6/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 729 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.19 15.3 2.2

Wt. 1281 CED 13

BW -0.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 109 7.6 174 cm

Tattoo: 246A9

WW 60

Scrotal 41.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 31 61

RE .36

Wt. 1142 CED 15

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 6.3 207 cm

BW -0.3

WW 50

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.81 90

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 72 27 52

RE .34

CW FPI 12 52.22

JRI Best Bet 3A3K nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch second calf heifer that’s definitely headed towards Dam of Merit honors when she becomes of age. John Spurley, Lindon, WI purchased calf raising machine mama’s first baby in last year’s sale as Lot 139 and that Mack Truck for beef, butt, guts & nuts featured a 70# birth weight with a ripping 752# 205 day weight. As noted above, Best Bet’s second calf mama is not old enough for Dam of Merit honors but rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Best Bet’s pedigree. Best Bet offers you superb calving ease with his top 2% calving ease EPD strength and with his phenomenal 811# 205 day weight spread…he should flat produce the scalebusters for you program.

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Limit 246U8 JRI Ms Pld Ranch Hand 246G7 (JRI Ms 246E6) Birth Wt. 87

Tattoo: 3A3K

HP PB Harley Son Whopping 811# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 82# BW Nursed a 2nd Calf Hfr Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Poppin Good 246A9

AGA No.: 1265910

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 811 110

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 14.4 2.4

HP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 5# Gainer CE Deluxe 65# BW 762# 205 Day Wt/1re Calf Dam Huge 15.1” Ylg Ribeye/Big Dog 42.3 cm Ylg SC/7 Honored DOMs


Calved: 9/26/13

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Harley 125S41 Sale Day JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Request 270U78 ET (JRI Ms 270H65) JRI Ms Plum Gorgeous 3X2K JRI Ms Top Secret 3T6K (JRI Ms 3N5K)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.95 111

Scrotal 42.3 cm

JRI Best Bet 3A3K

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.00 112


AGA No.: 1265980

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 737 106

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.14 14.9 2.4

JRI Poppin Good 246A9 tried to set the record in every profitable trait and he came mighty close with the following stats: ripping 729# 205 day weight, whopping 950# weaning weight, scalerocking 1,281# yearling weight, 6# ADG, huge 15.3 square inch yearling ribeye, super sized 41 centimeter yearling scrotal while still maintaining top 10% calving ease EPD strength. Sounds like Poppin Good nursed an honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit female and the beef machine sure did. I might add, Poppin Good’s dam has been honored as a Dam of Merit in every year of eligibility and you will find six other previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Poppin Good’s pedigree.

Calved: 9/14/13

Tattoo: 291A7

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Recruit 254U82 Sale Day JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 (JRI Ms 254P62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Whinnie 291S60 JRI Ms Pld New Idea 291G50 (JRI Ms 291A4) Birth Wt. 91

CW FPI 26 60.16

JRI Torque 291A7 Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Wt. 1303 CED 10

BW 2.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 6.4 162 cm WW 65

Scrotal 41.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 24 57

RE .16

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.66 124 CW FPI 30 56.76

JRI Torque 291A7 nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit mama and wowsa, look at his incredible performance stats: ripping 737# 205 day weight, whopping 920# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,303# yearling weight. Now pencil-in this meat machine as one of the sales top gainers with a feeder delite 6.66# ADG, super sized 41.3 centimeter yearling scrotal and note his big ol’ 14.9 square inch yearling ribeye. JRI Torque 291A7 does possess a little more birth weight at 91 pounds so put him on mature females and he sure shouldn’t be a problem as Torque features top 35% calving ease EPD strength. From a pedigree basis Torque does feature some dilutor genetics so he could possibly produce some gray calves mated to black females.

HP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 6# Gainer Whopping 950# Weaning Wt Scalebusting 1,281# YW Top 10% CE EPD Strength/15.3” Ylg Ribeye/Awesome JR DOM Dam


DP PB Top Recruit Son Whopping 920# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Scalebusting 1,303# YW 14.9” Ylg Ribeye/Top 30% CE EPD Strength/Awesome JR DOM Dam


JRI Secret Service 148A44 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265122

Calved: 8/17/13

Tattoo: 148A44

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Top Secret 2 ETN JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Curvebender 285S22 (JRI Ms 285P992) JRI Ms Serendipity 148U34 JRI Ms Tootsie 148R63 (JRI Ms 148J53) Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 79 722 104 1177 100 5.8 169 cm 39.4 cm 4.88 91 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI CED BW 0.19 15.7 2.5 15 -0.9 65 93 27 60 .54 23 67.14 Oh man, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this homozygous polled purebred Top Secret 2 son: calving ease deluxe 79# birth weight coupled with a ripping 722# 205 day weight and this meat machine weaned off his Dam of Merit dam at a whopping 980 pounds. Dam of Merit’s run deep in this powerful Judd Ranch 148 cow family with Secret Service’s dam, grandam, great grandam & great, great grandam all being honored as Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. If you would please turn to page 23 you can view Secret Service’s first calf sister, JRI Ms Bella 148Y44 photographed with her bull calf and cowmen, that bull calf features a 72# birth weight, ripping 851# 205 day weight, whopping 990# weaning weight off first calf mama with a scalebusting 1,316# yearling weight.

JR First Calf Heifer Nursing Her Powerhouse Bull Calf


HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Ripping 722# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 79# BW Whopping 980# Weaning Wt 15.7” Ylg Ribeye/Dam of Merit Dam, Grandam, G. & G. G. Grandam


AGA No.: 1265920

JRI Gunpowder N Lead 246A52 Calved:8/30/13

Tattoo: 246A52

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G57) JRI Ms Blaze 246X11 JRI Ms Sugar Plum 246R9 (JRI Ms 246H8) Birth Wt. 91

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 734 106

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.18 14.7 2.8

Wt. 1228 CED 12

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 6.2 184 cm

BW 1.1

WW 64

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 104 26 58

Birth Wt. 84

RE .25

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 726 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 15.1 3.0

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.33 118

Scrotal 40.8 cm

CW FPI 33 58.60


AGA No.: 1271430

JRI Secret Invasion 214A97 ET Tattoo: 214A97 ET

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8 JRI Ms Blossom 214M7 (JRI Ms 214G6)

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 13.6 3.3

Wt. 1165 CED 11

BW -0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.3 180 cm WW 59

Scrotal 41.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 14 44

RE .20

Birth Wt. 80

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.54 122

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 99 26 59

RE .48

CW FPI 30 62.30

JRI Imagine That 53A62 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 676 97

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 14.8 2.4

JRI Secret Invasion 214A97 ET is one of four ET full brothers out of Judd Ranch’s super donor JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8 that’ll sell March 7. These four ET full brothers (Lot 34, 49, 110 & 111) only averaged 75 pounds at birth and all four are beefpacking machines loaded with beef, butt, guts & nuts. Super donor dam New Strategy was honored twice as a Dam of Merit female before entering Judd Ranch’s embryo program and her dam and grandam were also previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. I checked the records and New Strategy had sons in the ’08, ’09, ’11 & ’12 bull sales and my notes on all four sons were…Mack Truck’s packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts. Low birth widespread growth genetics and oh man, look at Secret Invasion’s mighty impressive 6.54# ADG.

Calved: 9/23/13

Tattoo: 53A62 18 Months Old Sale Day

Wt. 1191 CED 14

BW 0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 6.4 178 cm WW 59

Scrotal 41.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 89 24 54

RE .20

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.14 114 CW FPI 24 58.78

JRI Imagine That 53A62 nursed a calf raising machine 10-year-old Judd Ranch mama and oh man, this Judd Ranch 53 cow family is loaded with fertility, longevity and producing ability. That first calf heifer photographed above is a 53 cow family daughter, JRI Ms Sweetie 53Y86 and wowsa, look at her meat machine bull calf at side. Fertility and longevity are why overlooked in the beef industry and cowmen, it’s been documented as 12 times more economically important then growth and carcass traits. At Judd Ranch you’re buying into one of the all-time great breeding programs in the fertility and longevity department and that’s why Judd Ranch has been honored as the #1 Dam of Merit program in the breed for 16 of the past 17 years.

CW FPI 15 59.94

ET HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Big Time 6# Gainer CE Deluxe 77# BW Whopping 719# 205 Day Wt Super Sized 41.3 cm Ylg SC/JR DOM Dam, Grandam & G. Grandam

WW 67

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.47 83

Scrotal 38.5 cm

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Design Agent 53N52 JRI Ms Pld Summit 53A41 (JRI Ms 53X3)

ET Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 719 ET

BW 0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 6.2 194 cm

HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 990# Weaning Wt CE Deluxe 84# BW Scalebusting 1,244# YW Weaned at 79.2% of Dam’s Bodyweight/9 Honored DOMs in the Pedigree


Birth Wt. 77

Wt. 1244 CED 11

HP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 734# 205 Day Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Whopping 1,228# YW Top 15% CE EPD Strength/14.7” Ylg Ribeye/11 JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 8/14/13

Tattoo: 254A58

Whoa Nelly, look at the exceptional low birth to super growth spread on this big ol’ ribeye Pop A Top son: calving ease 84# birth weight, ripping 726# 205 day weight, whopping 990# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,244# yearling weight. I might add JRI Prowler 254A58’s 990 pound weaning weight equates to 79.2% of his dam’s 1,250# bodyweight. Wowsa, just think of you dollar return with females weaning 79.2% of their bodyweight. Commercial cowmen, it’s all called Judd Ranch Dam of Merit cow power. Speaking of Dams of Merit you will find nine honored and previously honored Dam of Merit females in JRI Prowler 254A58’s pedigree. You might also note Prowler scanned one of the top yearling ribeye’s at 15.1 square inches.

Wowsa, you talk about one beefpacking machine loaded with Judd Ranch Dam of Merit cow power: ripping 734# 205 day weight, whopping 1,228# yearling weight, big time 6.33# ADG, super sized 14.7 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls Gunpowder N Lead is will endowed in the yearling scrotal department at 40.8 centimeters. I mentioned cow power above and if you trace Gunpowder N Lead’s pedigree you will find eleven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. With Gunpowder N Lead’s calving ease EPD strength in the breeds top 15% he should work great on mature females and wowsa, you should be well rewarded with scalebusters at weaning time.

AGA No.: 1267198

Calved: 8/20/13

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Hot Cakes 254X17 JRI Secret Password 254S97 (JRI Ms 254P87)

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265913

JRI Prowler 254A58 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

HP PB S. Instinct Son Big Time 6# Gainer CE Deluxe 80# BW Nursed a 10-Year-Old Dam Low Birth Super Growth Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Gunsmoke 3A80 39 Homo. BlackJRI Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1263774

Calved: 8/16/13

Tattoo: 3A80

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Cowgirl Tuff 3W70 JRI Ms Gracy 3S60 (JRI Ms 3M5) Birth Wt. 79

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 609 88

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 14.2 2.3

JRI Partner 23A4 37 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 8/30/13

Tattoo: 23A4

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) SLC Freedom 178F ET (Miss 61Y) JRI Ms Five Star 23M3 JRI Ms Echos Image 23K2 (JRI Ms 23G2) Birth Wt. 85

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 645 93

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.10 13.7 2.8

Wt. 1164 CED 11

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 5.5 199 cm

BW 0.1

WW 63

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 90 23 54

RE .36

AGA No.: 1265870

CW FPI 23 59.92

Birth Wt. 91

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.19 14.4 2.7

Wt. 1172 CED 11

BW -0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 6.1 186 cm WW 49

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 62 28 53

RE .36

Wt. 1219 CED 12

BW 0.9

AGA No.: 1263905

Tattoo: 207A811

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 6.4 190 cm WW 62

Scrotal 42.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 26 57

RE .38

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.97 130 CW FPI 28 56.58

Calved: 9/11/13

Tattoo: 23A8

FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Nite Lady 50A) 18 Months Old JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET Sale Day JRI Ms Polled Sweetie 285C6 (JRI Ms 285A5) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Cameo 23P7 JRI Ms Free Agent 23M6 (JRI Ms 23F5)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.50 102

Birth Wt. 78

CW FPI 5 52.91

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 716 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.12 13.9 2.0

JRI Pop Quiz 207A52 nursed a 16-year-old Judd Ranch calf raising machine mama and wowsa, you talk about one fertile machine. At 16 years of age dam JRI Ms Pld Jetset 207G42 maintains a remarkable 366 day annual calving interval so basically this incredible producer has only taken off one day of work in the past 16 years. Mercy, think of the profitability if you could maintain 16-year-old females that still bring home scalebusting babies every year. For the past 16 out of 17 years Judd Ranch has been honored as the breeds #1 Dam of Merit program and Dams of Merit are the breeds unmatched fertility/production driven females.

B DP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 5# Gainer CE Deluxe 71# BW Nursed a 16-Year-Old Dam 366 Day Annual Calving Interval on His 16-Year-Old Dam

Calved: 9/24/13

JRI Encore 23A8 41 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Tattoo: 207A52

Scrotal 41.0 cm

CW FPI 19 55.40

DB HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 1,219# YW Big Time 6# Gainer Top 15% CE/Huge 15.7” Ylg Ribeye Honored Dam of Merit Dam, Grandam, G. Grandam & G. G. Grandam

Black Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 693 100

RE .35

Wow, you talk about a beef machine loaded with performance, gain ability, ribeye & testicular development. JRI 6 Shooter 207A811 pegged the 205 day weight scales at 737 pounds while pounding the yearling weight scales at 1,219 pounds. JRI 6 Shooter definitely knows how to convert the roughage as the beef machine posted a super 6.97# ADG. You might also note in the scan measurement department, this beef machine scanned a super sized 15.7 square inch yearling ribeye and Doc taped his yearling scrotal at a whopping 42.6 centimeters. JRI 6 Shooter’s dam, grandam, great grandam & great, great grandam have all been honored as Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. I might also add, 6 Shooter would be a full brother (in blood) to JRI Iron Man 207Y811 the sire of Lot 6 & 9. (RC)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) POW Jetstream 36B (VEL 101W) JRI Ms Pld Jetset 207G42 ET JRI Ms Select 207U3 (JRI Ms 207M) Birth Wt. 71

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 737 106

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 15.7 3.1

JRI Pop Quiz 207A52 Calved: 9/5/13

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 86 21 50

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G57) JRI Cowgirl Tuff 207W711 JRI Ms Wendy 207R611 (JRI Ms 207K511)

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 8# Gainer Calving Ease 85# BW Nursed a 11-Year-Old Dam Low Birth Super Growth Genetics/ 4 Time Honored JR DOM Dam

AGA No.: 1265867

WW 57

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.07 94

6 Shooter 207A811 40 Double BlackJRIHomo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

JRI Partner 23A4 nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch 11-year-old mama and wowsa, super mom has produced some big time feed converting sons. This beef machine Pop A Top son went for all the gain test records while posting an amazing 8.19# ADG. Super mom’s ’07 son JRI Top Kat 23T4 posted a 7.02# ADG. Her ’05 son JRI Hummer 23R40 posted a 6.00# ADG. Tally up super moms three sons and you’re looking at an amazing 7.07# ADG on the trio. Commercial cowmen, if you retain your feeders this big time bred-in feed conversion should pay major dividends. Oh I might add, fertility is all part of the complete package as Partner’s 11-year-old dam has already been honored four times as a Dam of Merit female.


BW -0.8

Scrotal 40.4 cm

HB HP PB Top Gun Son “Heiferbull” Genetics CE Deluxe 79# BW Ripping 875# Weaning Wt CE Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 8.19 153

Scrotal 37.8 cm

CED 17

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 95 5.4 170 cm

If you’re looking for a potential “heiferbull” to breed a set of heifers JRI Gunsmoke 3A80 should be a “heiferbull” deluxe. Gunsmoke’s 79# birth weight coupled with top 3% calving ease EPD strength spells “heiferbull” genetics. I personally like to take it a step further and look at the maternal side of the pedigree. Gunsmoke’s third calf dam has only averaged 71.5 pounds on her four calves (set of twins her first year). Gunsmoke’s maternal grandam JRI Ms Gracy 3S60 has only averaged 75 pounds at birth on her seven babies and her son JRI Prime Cut 3A70 sells as Lot 107 with a 75# birth weight. Tally it all up and JRI Gunsmoke 3A80 should be a “heiferbull” deluxe sire and you might note Gunsmoke’s homozygous black and homozygous polled.

Judd Ranch First Calf Heifer with Her Whopping Heifer Calf

AGA No.: 1263896

Wt. 1118

Wt. 1126 CED 16

BW 0.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 95 6.1 187 cm WW 55

Scrotal 41.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 22 49

RE .37

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.16 96 CW FPI 18 55.97

Alex Starke, Higginsville, MO purchased JRI Encore 23A8’s full brother JRI Encore 23Z8 in last year’s sale as Lot 107 and wowsa, he was a Mack Truck loaded with beef, butt, guts & nuts. JRI Encore 23A8 and full brother JRI Encore 23Z8 nursed a calf raising machine twice honored Dam of Merit female. I might add that Dams of Merit run mighty deep in this pedigree as grandam JRI Ms Free Agent 23M6 has also been honored twice as a Dam of Merit and great grandam JRI Ms Pld Awesome 23F5 was honored three times as an elite Judd Ranch Dam of Distinction female. Cowmen, you can’t stack cow power efficiency any better and Encore should flat spread you low birth to super growth ratios.

B HP PB E. Exposure Son Ripping 716# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 78# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/DOM Dam, Grandam & G. Grandam


JRI Soulmate 178A78 ET 42ET Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270477

Calved: 8/17/13

Tattoo: 178A78

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Firefly 178R61 JRI Ms Primo 178L51 (JRI Ms 178F4) Birth Wt. 83

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 786 ET

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.20 13.3 2.2

Wt. 1204 CED 15

BW -0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.6 169 cm WW 62

Scrotal 41.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 97 25 56

RE .34

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.26 79 CW FPI 26 62.13

JRI Soulmate 178A78 ET would be an ET full brother to Lot 3 & 62 and oh man, this trio of ET full brothers features one calf raising machine mama. Donor dam, JRI Ms Firefly 178R61’s first son sold in the 2010 sale as Lot 103 and that super stud featured an 80# birth weight, ripping 772# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,319# yearling weight with a 7.51# ADG. Marc Feller, Redfield, IA purchased super mom’s son JRI In Sync 178Z7 in last year’s sale as Lot 2 and that super stud featured a 79# birth weight, ripping 702# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,254# yearling weight with a 7.26# ADG and that super stud was a full brother to Soulmate and his ET brothers selling as Lot 3 & 62. Soulmate’s donor dam was honored twice as a Dam of Merit female before entering Judd Ranch’s donor program.

Judd Ranch First Calf Heifer Nursing Her Awesome Heifer Calf

JRI Top Pick 634A6K 45 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

ET B HP PB S. Instinct Son Ripping 786# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 83# BW Whopping 1,025# Weaning Wt CE Beef Machine Genetics/Incredible Judd Ranch DOM Donor Dam

AGA No.: 1271249

Tattoo: 634A6K 17 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day

JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Harley 125S41 (JRI Ms 125K3) JRI Ms Harley 634U5K JRI Ms Blk N Stacked 634P42K (JRI Ms 634H32)

Great Guns 254A76 43 Homo. BlackJRIHomo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265942

Calved: 8/27/13

Tattoo: 254A76

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 93

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 712 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.08 15.2 2.7

Wt. 1228 CED 12

BW 1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 7.0 185 cm WW 65

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 25 57

RE .36

Calved: 10/5/13

Birth Wt. 82

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 753 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 15.2 2.4

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.76 107

Wt. 1161 CED 10

BW 2.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.6 169 cm WW 68

Scrotal 36.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 102 22 56

RE .37

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.78 108 CW FPI 34 57.05

JRI Top Pick 634A6K nursed a calf raising machine six-year-old Judd Ranch mama and wowsa, this cow family is loaded with cow power. If you research Top Pick’s pedigree, you will find a total of eleven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Top Pick’s pedigree. JRI Top Pick 634A6K offers you an excellent blend of superb calving ease coupled with performance-plus growth not to mention the bred-in maternal strength with eleven honored Dams of Merit. You might also note big ol’ ribeye’s and gain ability is all part of the complete package as Top Pick scanned a big ol’ 15.2 square inch yearling ribeye and flat converted the roughage with a super 5.78# ADG.

CW FPI 30 58.98

JRI Great Guns 254A76 nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch honored Dam of Merit mama. If you would please turn to page 31, you can view Great Gun’s super dam JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 photographed in her working clothes. Mark Neis, Eudora, KS purchased super mom’s first baby in the 2008 sale as Lot 209 and that meatwagon featured an 82# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,261# yearling weight. John Lewis, Monticello, KY purchased super mom’s second son in the 2009 sale as Lot 144 and that meatwagon featured an 82# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,323# yearling weight. Nick Palmer, Stover, MO purchased super mom’s third son as Lot 207 in the 2011 sale and that meatwagon pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,431 pounds.

B HP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 753# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 82# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Huge 15.2” Ylg Ribeye/11 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

HB HP PB Top Gun Son Big Time 5# Gainer Whopping 942# Weaning Wt Huge 15.2” Ylg Ribeye Top 15% CE EPD Strength/Awesome JR Honored DOM Dam & Grandam

JRI Secret Weapon 170A9 46Double Black Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

In Sync 254A743 ET 44ET D. Black JRI Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265129

AGA No.: 1267356

Calved: 8/26/13

Tattoo: 170A9 JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822

Tattoo: 254A743

JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Blk Eyed Jack 254S76 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Ms Dazzler 170W8 JRI Ms Secret Pass 170T7 (JRI Ms 170R6)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 736 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 16.6 3.4

Wt. 1200 CED 13

BW 0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.7 185 cm WW 61

Scrotal 41.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 25 56

RE .28

Birth Wt. 91

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.23 60

ET DB HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 1,030# Weaning Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Huge 16.6” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/Awesome JR Dam of Merit Dam & Grandam

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 713 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 14.5 2.2

CED 14

Wt. 1174 BW 0.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 5.2 171 cm WW 63

Scrotal 39.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 97 30 61

RE .39

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.71 125 CW FPI 28 58.14

One thing I can tell you about the Judd Ranch family…the honesty and integrity is unmatched. If a calf weighs 91 pounds at birth such as JRI Secret Weapon 170A9’s 91 pound birth its recorded as such. Why Secret Weapon weighed 91 pounds at birth is beyond me as his dam’s first calf weighed 70 pounds, second calf at 63 pounds, third calf Secret Weapon at 91 and Dam of Merit mama’s fall 2014 baby only weighed 62 pounds. Don’t shy away from this beef machine 91 pound birth weight with his dam’s other three calves averaging 65 pounds at birth and you should be well rewarded with scalebusters at weaning time. I mentioned above Secret Weapon’s dam is a 2014 Dam of Merit female and in total you will find seven more previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Weapon’s pedigree. (RC)

CW FPI 26 60.82

JRI In Sync 254A743 ET would be an ET full brother to JRI Sure Shot 254A741 ET that sell as Lot 4. At the same time In Sync would be a full brother in to JRI Great Guns 254A76 Lot 43 above as they are sired by full brothers in JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 and JRI Top Gun 254X822. As I mentioned in Lot 43 above, you can turn to page 31 and view super mom JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 photographed in her working clothes and you bet, this big time producer was honored as a Dam of Merit female. Speaking of Dam of Merits these full brothers grandam JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET has been honored as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction female in every year of eligibility (2006 thru 2014). JRI In Sync 254A743 ET kind of stubbed his toe on gain test but rest assured, the gain ability is bred-in as his ET brother Lot 4 posted a 8.35# ADG. (RC)

Calved: 8/25/13

DB DP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 713# 205 Day Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Top 4% CE/Big ol’ 14.5” Ylg Ribeye 72# Avg BW on Dam’s 4 Calves/Awesome Judd Ranch Dam of Merit Dam



JRI Total Insight 214A96 ET ET Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1267197

Calved: 8/18/13

Tattoo: 214A96

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8 JRI Ms Blossom 214M7 (JRI Ms 214G6) Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 693 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 13.8 3.1

JRI Preference 176A42 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1266746

Calved: 8/8/13

Tattoo: 176A42

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Hot Pursuit 213W5 (JRI Ms 213T4) JRI Ms Cajun 176Y31 JRI Ms Special Blend 176U21 (JRI Ms 176P71) Birth Wt. 70

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 758 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.09 14.1 3.0

Wt. 1163 CED 13

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 5.3 179 cm WW 67

Scrotal 38.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 29 62

RE .39


CW FPI 31 67.67

Birth Wt. 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 15.6 3.5

CED 13

BW -0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.0 174 cm

Tattoo: 285A776

WW 56

Scrotal 41.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 76 23 51

RE .24

Tattoo: 197A41

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 740 107

Wt. 1336 CED 12

BW 1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 113 6.7 187 cm WW 62

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 7.02 131

Scrotal 41.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 29 60

RE .35

CW FPI 33 60.04

HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 980# Weaning Wt Big Time 7# Gainer Top 15% CE/Scalebusting 1,336# YW 82# Avg BW on Dam’s 5 Calves/JR DOM Dam, Grandam & G. Grandam

JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms First Choice 285R674 JRI P Extra Magic 285K574 ET (JRI Ms 285D57) Wt. 1143

Calved: 9/4/13

Wowsa, look at the incredible performance stats on this meatwagon 7 pound gainer: ripping 740# 205 day weight, whopping 980# weaning weight off his Dam of Merit mama and the meatwagon pegged the yearling weight scales at 1,336 pounds. Several cowmen will pass this meatwagon because of his Judd Ranch honestly weighed 99 pound birth weight and personally I think that would be a big mistake. I can tell you birth weight does not run in this cow family as JRI Colt 45 197A41’s dam’s first 3 calves only averaged 75 pounds at birth and her fall 2014 baby only weighed 84 pounds at birth. Matt Merriott, Versailles, MO purchased Colt 45’s maternal brother 197Y41 in the 2013 sale as Lot 37 and I think Matt will tell you that he was one of the very best bulls he ever purchased at Judd Ranch as he was a Mack Truck.

ET Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 680 ET

CW FPI 15 59.29

JRI Colt 45 197A41

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 15.1 2.2

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day

Birth Wt. 69

RE .21

18 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Cherokee Canyon 176S72 (JRI Ms 176P6) JRI Ms Cher 197U31 JRI Ms Pld New Jewel 197F51 (JRI Ms 197D4)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.47 102

JRI Powerstroke 285A776 ET Calved: 9/8/13

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 14 44

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265857

HP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 758# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease Deluxe 70# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Whopping 890# WW…74.7% of His Dam’s 1,190# Bodyweight

AGA No.: 1267373

WW 59

ET HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Big Time 6# Gainer Calving Ease 80# BW Whopping 915# Weaning Wt CE Beef Machine Genetics/JR DOM Dam, Grandam & G. Grandam

Wow, wouldn’t you love a pasture full of females like JRI Ms Tippie 132R10 photographed above. JRI Ms Tippie 132R10 was photographed as a first calf heifer a few days before she weaned off her first baby and wowsa, note her unbelievable natural fleshing ability and teat and udder quality. JRI Preference 176A42 nursed a first calf heifer and following are his incredible stats: calving ease 70# birth weight, ripping 758# 205 day weight and the beef machine weaned off at 890 pounds…74.7% of his dam’s 1,190# bodyweight. That’s flat called big time cow efficiency and it comes as no surprise as you will find a total of ten Judd Ranch honored and previously honored Dam of Merit females in JRI Preference 176A42’s pedigree.


BW -0.8

CED 11

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.07 113

Scrotal 39.4 cm

JRI Total Insight 214A96 ET would be a homozygous polled purebred ET full brother to Lot 34, 110 & 111 and wow, these ET full brothers feature one calf raising machine donor dam. JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8, donor dam, was recognized twice as a Dam of Merit female prior to entering Judd Ranch’s donor program and Dams of Merit run deep in this cow family as the grandam and great grandam are previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. I keep quality grades on all Judd Ranch sale bulls and I can tell you donor dam 214P8’s four sons that sold in the ’08, ’09, ’11 & ’13 bull sales were flat Mack Truck’s loaded with unbelievable beef, butt, guts & nuts. Big time gain ability runs deep in this cow family as 214P8’s first four sons featured a ripping 112 gain test ratio average and these four ET full brothers feature a 110 gain test ratio average.

JR First Calf Heifer the Day Before She Weaned Her First Baby


365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.4 181 cm

Wt. 1183


JRI Remington 68A14 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263954

Calved: 9/16/13

Tattoo: 68A14

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) BTI Extra 2106K ET (2001E ET) JRI Ms Raven 68R94 JRI Ms Glory Be 68N84 (JRI Ms 68K74)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.04 75

Birth Wt. 78

CW FPI 13 53.62

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 718 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.16 14.0 2.6

JRI Powestroke 285A776 ET would be an ET full brother to Lot 19 JRI Powerade 285A775 ET and oh man, do these ET full brothers feature one beautiful calf raising machine donor dam. If you would please turn to page 43, you can view donor dam JRI Ms First Choice 285R674 in her working clothes and you bet, this calf raising machine was honored as a Judd Ranch Dam of Merit female before entering Judd Ranch’s donor program. Speaking of Dams of Merit you will find a total of six previously honored Judd Ranch Dams of Merit in Powerstoke’s pedigree. Low birth super growth genetics loaded with cow power and note Powerstoke’s big ol’ 15.6 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls Powerstroke is well endowed with a 41.1 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference.

Wt. 1126 CED 11

BW 1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 95 6.0 188 cm WW 70

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 106 25 60

RE .27

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.23 97 CW FPI 35 59.71

JRI Remington 68A14 nursed an 8-year-old calf raising machine 2014 Judd Ranch Dam of Merit mama an oh man, Dam of Merit mama has raised some super stud sons. Jeff Pollock, Taloga, OK purchased Dam of Merit mama first baby JRI Top Dog 68T14 in the ’09 sale as Lot 22 and that super stud is a breed leading AI sire today. Rocking H Ranch, Barry Higgins of Lewisburg, KY purchased Dam of Merit mama’s second son 68X14 as Lot 2 in the 2012 sale and oh man, what a beefpacker. Dam of Merit mama’s third son JRI Poppin Good 68Z14 was retained as a Judd Ranch herdsire and his first calves will sell in next year’s sale and that meatwagon features a 72# birth weight, 722# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,317# yearling weight.

ET HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 900# Weaning Wt Calving Ease 69# BW Big ol’ 15.6” Ylg Ribeye Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/JR Honored Dam of Merit Dam

HP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 718# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 78# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Herdsire Poppin Good’s Brother/Awesome Judd Ranch Dam of Merit Dam



JRI Trigger 68A54 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263951

Calved: 8/18/13

Tattoo: 68A54

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Devotion 68W14 JRI Ms Raven 68R94 (JRI Ms 68N84) Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 688 99

Wt. 1157

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.19 14.2 2.2

CED 12

BW 1.4

Ratio 98

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.8 183 cm

WW 67

Scrotal 38.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 102 24 57

RE .18

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 7.64 142 CW FPI 32 58.08

Oh man, look at the excellent birth to growth spread on this big time 7 pound gainer and cowmen, JRI Trigger 68A54’s pedigree is flat loaded with cow power. Trigger’s dam and grandam were both honored as 2014 Dam of Merit females and Trigger’s great grandam and great, great grandam were previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. That’s four stacked generations of Dam of Merit genetics on the maternal side and it flat doesn’t get much better. JRI Trigger 68A54 will be Dam of Merit mama’s first son to sell and I can tell you Dam of Merit mama’s oldest daughter 68Y34’s first baby pegged the 205 day weight scales at 802 pounds. JRI Trigger 68A54 offers you excellent low birth to super growth genetics from one calf raising machine cow family.

Beautiful Judd Ranch Mama & Note Her Teat/Udder Excellence


HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 805# Weaning Wt Big Time 7# Gainer Big ol’ 14.2” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/Awesome Judd Ranch DOM Dam & Grandam


AGA No.: 1263936

Tattoo: 35A92 JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83

JRI Big Red 285A7K Calved: 9/28/13

Tattoo: 285A7K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Harley 125S41 Sale Day JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Prime Cut 406S30 (JRI Ms 406L20) JRI Ms Pebbles 285W60K JRI Ms Summit 285L504 (JRI Ms 285E503)

Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 753 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.18 14.9 3.2

Wt. 1107 CED 12

BW 1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 6.0 167 cm WW 59

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 25 54

RE .34

Birth Wt. 83

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.43 82 CW FPI 21 57.65


365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 15.4 3.0

Wt. 1295 CED 13

BW 1.7

Ratio 110

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.8 186 cm

Tattoo: 406A43

WW 67

Scrotal 41.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 104 28 61

RE .28

Birth Wt. 74

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.90 110

WW 67

Scrotal 40.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 20 54

RE .19

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.80 89 CW FPI 27 58.75

JRI Shootout 285A14 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 9/16/13

Tattoo: 285A14

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 686 99

Wt. 1143

Ratio 97

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.5 176 cm

Scrotal 40.4 cm

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.07 113

365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.16 15.1 2.3 14 -0.3 54 76 27 54 .27 14 53.94 Johnson Stock Farm, Dave Johnson, Stockton, MO purchased JRI Shootout 285A14’s brother JRI Bentley 285Z14 sired by Secret Instinct in last year’s sale as Lot 8 and that meat machine featured a calving ease 77# birth weight, ripping 743# 205 day weight, whopping 920# weaning weight with a 5.84# ADG. JRI Shootout 285A14 offers you that same excellent low birth to super growth spread and note this meat machine’s feeder delite 6.07# ADG, big ol’ 15.1 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, Shootout taped a super sized 40.4 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Shootout’s pedigree.

CW FPI 34 62.92

Wow, look at the awesome performance stats on this meatwagon Secret Instinct son: ripping 799# 205 day weight, whopping 998# weaning weight coupled with a scalebusting 1,295# yearling weight. Now pencil-in this meatwagon’s super 5.90# ADG, super sized 15.4 square inch yearling ribeye and note his big boy 41.8 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Cowmen, the cow power runs deep in this cow family as JRI Secret Instinct 406A43’s dam, grandam & great grandam are all honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Jim Miller, Satanta, KS purchased a full brother to JRI Secret Instinct 406A43 as Lot 46 in the 2013 sale and that meatwagon posted a whopping 970# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,267# yearling weight.

HP PB Secret Instinct Son Whopping 998# Weaning Wt Ripping 799# 205 Day Wt Scalebusting 1,295# YW Top 10% Calving Ease EPD Strength/ JR DOM Dam & Grandam

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.7 184 cm

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Journey 207S74 (JRI Ms 207N64) JRI Ms Jewels 285W941 JRI Ms Blk Eyed Susan 285R804 (JRI Ms 285N704)

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 799 115

BW 1.1

AGA No.: 1265973

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Excalibur 406U33 ET JRI Ms Legacy 406L20 (JRI Ms 406G10) Birth Wt. 95

CED 10

Ratio 99

HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 940# Weaning Wt Calving Ease 83# BW Big ol’ 14.9” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/10 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Secret Instinct 406A43 Calved: 8/29/13

Wt. 1165

JRI Pop A Top 35A92 offers you calving ease equipped with widespread growth and man oh man, this pedigree is stacked with proven Dam of Merit cow families. JRI Pop A Top 35A92’s eight-yearold dam has been honored twice as a Dam of Merit female and folks, his grandam, great grandam and great, great grandam were all honored numerous times as Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Tally up the Dams of Merit and you’re looking at 5 stacked generations of Dam of Merit females and it flat doesn’t get any better in the fertility/production department. Burkey Hay Co. of Milford, NE purchased a full brother to JRI Pop A Top 35A92 in the 2013 sale as Lot 70 and that beef machine featured a ripping 915 pound weaning weight off Dam of Merit mama.

HP PB Harley Son Ripping 753# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Big ol’ 14.9” Ylg Ribeye Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/7 Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1265986

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 651 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 14.9 2.7

JRI Big Red 285A7K nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch mama and wow, super mom produced three back to back beef machine sons. Dwayne Rieckhoff, Windsor, MO purchased super mom’s first baby in the 2013 sale as Lot 64 and that smokey colored Secret Instinct son was a Truck loaded with beef, butt, guts & nuts. Tom LeCuyer, Morrowville, KS purchased super mom’s second son in last year’s sale as Lot 34 and boys, he was another Truck loaded with beef, butt, guts & nuts. JRI Big Red 285A7K does have some dilutor genetics on his maternal side so bred to black females Big Red could possibly produce some gray calves.


Calved: 8/20/13

JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) BTI Extra 2106K ET (2001E ET) JRI Ms Lady Bug 35R82 JRI Ms Design Agent 35M71 (JRI Ms 35K61)

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1271245

JRI Pop A Top 35A92 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

HP PB Top Gun Son Big Time 6# Gainer Calving Ease 74# BW Big ol’ 15.1” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/9 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree


Top Gun 125A36K 59 Homo. BlackJRIHomo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270765

Calved: 9/20/13

Tattoo: 125A36K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Request 270U78 ET (JRI Ms 270H65) JRI Ms Peek a Boo 125X26K JRI Ms Bit of Honey 125T36K (JRI Ms 125C26)

Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 741 101

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 14.2 2.9

Gunfire 254A324 57 Double BlackJRI Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 9/5/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 681 98

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 14.7 2.2

Wt. 1164 CED 15

BW -0.3

Ratio 99

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 4.6 162 cm

Tattoo: 254A324

WW 56

Scrotal 38.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 85 29 57

RE .32


GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.42 101 CW FPI 20 57.03

Birth Wt. 93

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.06 14.2 1.6

Wt. 1251 CED 11

BW 1.6

Ratio ET

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.4 171 cm

WW 70

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 28 63

RE .29


JRI Top Choice 207A412 Calved: 9/7/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 702 101

Wt. 1192 CED 8

Ratio 101

BW 0.6

Tattoo: 207A412

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.9 174 cm

WW 64

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.47 102

Scrotal 39.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 87 19 51

RE .59

CW FPI 22 59.79

JRI Harley 207A8K Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1271078

Calved: 9/20/13

Tattoo: 207A8K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Harley 125S41 Sale Day JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Exposure 207N7K JRI Ms Pd Grand Nugget 207H6 (JRI Ms 207C5)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.30 117

Birth Wt. 84

CW FPI 33 61.86

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 773 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 13.1 2.3

If you’re looking for a homozygous black beef machine with exceptional performance and gain ability coupled with a big ol’ yearling ribeye and scrotal, put a big time asterisk by this beef machine. JRI Pistol Pete 270A767 ET’s super donor dam JRI Ms Pd Blackstar 270K75 ET has produced a boatload of beef machine sons and you bet, 270K75 was honored numerous times as an elite Dam of Merit female. JRI 270K75’s nine natural born calves feature an 84# birth weight average with a whopping 733# average 205 day weight. Six of 270K75’s natural born calves were powerhouse sons with a scalebusting 1,271# average yearling weight. (HP)

ET HB DP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 965# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Scalebusting 1,251# YW 84# Avg BW on Dams 9 Natural Born Calves/ JR Honored DOM Dam

CW FPI 26 53.27

B HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Whopping 890# Weaning Wt Big Time 5# Gainer Huge 16.5” Ylg Ribeye 83# Avg BW on Dams 8 Calves/Judd Ranch DOM Dam & Grandam

Tattoo: 270A767

Scrotal 41.5 cm

RE .35

JRI Top Choice 207A412 nursed a calf raising machine mama that’s been honored as a Dam of Merit female in every year of eligibility (2011 thru 2014) and wowsa, Dam of Merit mama has raised some awesome daughters and sons. E. Jay Berry, Canton, MO purchased Top Choice’s full brother in last year’s sale as Lot 58 and my quality grade note read…one awesome beef, butt, guts & nuts genetic package. One of my favorite daughters out of Dam of Merit mama would be JRI Cowgirl Tuff 207W711. Cowgirl Tuff’s son JRI Iron Man 207Y811 sold in the 2013 sale as Lot 32 to Orrin Holle, Oberlin, KS. Prior to selling JRI Iron Man 207Y811 Judd Ranch used Iron Man in the breeding pasture and check out the powerhouse Iron Man sons selling as Lot 6 & 9.

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Pd Blackstar 270K75 ET JRI Ms Pd Blk Gem 270E62 ET (JRI Ms 270X5) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 750 ET

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 89 33 61

Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 16.5 2.4

Pistol Pete 270A767 ET 58ET Homo.JRI Black Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 92

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.21 78

Scrotal 39.5 cm

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 18 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms Wendy 207R611 JRI Ms Echo Does It 207K511 ET (JRI Ms 207B4)

DB DP PB Top Gun Son Top 2% Calving Ease EPD Strength Calving Ease Deluxe 67# BW “Heifer bull” Genetics Big Time 5# Gainer/14.7” Ylg Ribeye/7 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 8/21/13

WW 56

AGA No.: 1265869

If you’re looking for a “heiferbull” to breed a set of heifers JRI Gunfire 254A324 should be an excellent “heiferbull”. Gunfire’s calving ease deluxe 67 pound birth weight spells “heiferbull” genetics and note Gunfire’s top 2% calving ease EPD strength. Geneticist will tell you there is three times more accuracy in calving ease EPD strength than a bulls actual birth weight and Gunfire excels in both traits with his 67# birth weight coupled with top 2% calving ease EPD strength. I might also add, calving ease is a specialty of Gunfire’s dam as her first baby only weighed 59 pounds at birth, Gunfire at 67 pounds and Gunfire’s full sister born last fall only weighed 62 pounds at birth. (RC)

AGA No.: 1267367

BW 1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.6 177 cm

HB HP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 741# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Big ol’ 14.2” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/ 11 Honored Judd Ranch DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Divine Design 254X624 ET JRI Ms Extra Appeal 254L52 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 67

CED 12

Ratio 101

Wow, checkout the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred Top Gun son and wowsa, you talk about cow power genetics. If you trace JRI Top Gun 125A36’s pedigree, you will find eleven honored and previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. With eleven Dams of Merit in the pedigree, JRI Top Gun 125A36K’s awesome low birth to super growth spread comes as no surprise. JRI Top Gun 125A36K should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and by all means, save his replastent daughters as they should make sensational producers with the cow power bred-in this pedigree.

Judd Ranch 1st Calf Heifers Flat Know How to Raise Babies

AGA No.: 1265949

Wt. 1108

Wt. 1104 CED 13

BW 1.8

Ratio 101

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.8 177 cm

WW 62

Scrotal 42.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 86 21 52

RE .27

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.02 93 CW FPI 23 54.78

JRI Harley 207A8K features the calf raising machine Judd Ranch 207 cow family and to date seventeen Judd Ranch 207 cow family daughters have been honored as Dam of Merit females. JRI Harley 207A8K’s exceptional low birth to super growth spread comes as no surprise with this calf raising machine 207 cow family and note this beefpacker’s super 5.02# ADG which will come in mighty handy if you retain your feeders. JRI Harley 207A8K should genetically lower your birth weights while flat increasing your performance levels and you bet, the fertility is bred-in with six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in the pedigree.

B HP PB Harley Son Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 84# BW Huge 42.5 cm Ylg SC CE Beef Machine Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


JRI Strokin 178A74 ET 62ET Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270471

Calved: 8/18/13

Tattoo: 178A74

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Firefly 178R61 JRI Ms Primo 178L51 (JRI Ms 178F4) Birth Wt. 73

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 674 ET

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.24 15.7 2.7

Wt. 1157 CED 15

BW -0.8

Ratio ET

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.3 169 cm

WW 62

Scrotal 39.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 97 25 56

RE .34

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.14 77 CW FPI 26 62.13

JRI Strokin 178A74 ET is an ET full brother to Lots 3 & 42 and oh man, this trio of ET full brothers feature one calf raising machine multi-honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit dam. Donor dam, JRI Ms Firefly 178R61’s first son sold in the 2010 bull sale as Lot 103 with an 80# birth weight, ripping 772# 205 day weight and the meatwagon crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,319 pounds. Marc Feller, Redfield, IA purchased super mom’s son JRI In Sync 178Z7 in last year’s sale as Lot 2 and that meatwagon featured a calving ease 79# birth weight, scalecrushing 1,254# yearling weight with a 7.26# ADG. As mentioned above donor dam JRI Ms Firefly 178R61 is one calf raising machine and you will find a total of seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Strokin 178A74 ET’s pedigree.

Judd Ranch 1st Calf Heifer With Her Meatwagon Bull Calf

Top Gun 634A61K 65 Double BlackJRIHomo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

ET B HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 970# Weaning Wt Calving Ease 73# BW Big ol’ 15.7” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1271252

Secret Component 254A18 63 DoubleJRI Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265948

Calved: 8/27/13

Tattoo: 254A18

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Secret Password 254S97 JRI Ms Valuable Asset 254P87 (JRI Ms 254M76) Birth Wt. 96

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 695 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 17.0 2.5

Wt. 1210

CED 10

BW 2.4

Ratio 103

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.5 198 cm

WW 69

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 112 23 58

RE .35

Birth Wt. 84

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.54 103 CW FPI 40 63.63


365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.10 14.0 2.5

Wt. 1134 CED 12

BW 0.6

Ratio NA

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.3 168 cm

WW 69

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 109 25 60

RE .24

Birth Wt. 95

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.38 100

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.3 150 cm

WW 65

Scrotal 38.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 24 57

RE .40

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.21 78 CW FPI 31 56.43

JRI Protocol 285A674 Black Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 727 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.12 14.9 2.7

Calved: 9/8/13

Tattoo: 285A674

Wt. 1180 CED 12

BW 0.1

Ratio 100

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.5 188 cm

WW 56

18 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 45.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 70 26 53

RE .34

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.26 98 CW FPI 11 54.09

JRI Protocol 285A674 nursed a 13-year-old Judd Ranch mama and oh man, super mom JRI P Extra Magic 285K574 ET has raised some awesome sons and daughters. If you would please turn to page 43, you can view an awesome daughter of super mom 285K574. Her beautiful daughter JRI Ms First Choice 285R674 photographed on page 43 has already been honored as a Dam of Merit female and check out her powerhouse ET sons selling as Lot 19 & 48. JRI Protocol 285A674 should flat boost your performance levels with the awesome stats he posted and with a 13-year-old dam Protocol’s progeny should be loaded with unmatched longevity and fertility.

CW FPI 36 65.03

JRI Pop A Top 270A63 posted some pretty impressive stats especially when you consider he was twin born to a heifer calf. Cowmen, with this Judd Ranch 270 cow family raising big ol’ strapping calves is not a problem. To date, thirty-six Judd Ranch 270 cow family daughters have been honored as Dam of Merit females. Speaking of Dams of Merit you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Pop A Top 270A63’S pedigree. JRI Pop A Top 270A63 offers you that excellent blend of low birth coupled with super growth from one mighty powerful Judd Ranch cow family and note this beef machine’s impressive 5.38# ADG.

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 5# Gainer CE 64# BW (twin) Big ol’ 14” Ylg Ribeye Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/9 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

BW 2.4

Ratio 98

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI P Extra Magic 285K574 ET JRI Polled Baby Doll ET (JRI Ms 285Y4)

Tattoo: 270A63

Scrotal 39.3 cm

CED 10

AGA No.: 1265974

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Black Pearl 270Y53 JRI Ms Glitter N Gold 270U13 (JRI Ms 270S93) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 639 NA

Wt. 1073

DB HP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 715# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Big ol’ 14.4” Ylg Ribeye Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/9 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Pop A Top 270A63 64 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 64

Tattoo: 634A61K

This double black, homozygous polled purebred Top Gun son nursed a third calf 634 cow family daughter and man oh man, this super Judd Ranch 634 cow family flat spreads birth to growth. JRI Top Gun 634A61K offers you an excellent low birth to super growth spread with his 84# birth weight coupled with a ripping 715# 205 day weight. His calf raising machine dam does it every year as her babies have only averaged 81 pounds at birth with a ripping 700 pound average 205 day weight. Low birth, super growth genetics and rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Top Gun 634A61K’s pedigree. (RC)

DB HP PB S. Instinct Son Ripping 935# Weaning Wt Whopping 17” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 5# Gainer 86.5# Avg BW on Dam’s 13 Calves/9 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 8/14/13

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 715 97

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 14.4 2.8

No doubt one of the favorite bulls in last year’s sale was JRI Elvis 254Z17 ET that sold as Lot 7 to Kyle Lane, Clark Range, TN. That meatwagon featured an 84# birth weight, ripping 740# 205 day weight, whopping 930# weaning weight, scalebusting 1,246# yearling weight and the meatwagon posted an amazing 8.55# ADG. Well, here’s ol’ meatwagon’s maternal brother sired by Secret Instinct and check out his phenomenal stats: ripping 935# weaning weight off Dam of Merit mama, big time 5# ADG and wowsa, note this meatwagon’s yearling ribeye at a whopping 17.0 square inches. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with Secret Component’s Dam of Merit dam and in total you will find eight more previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in this pedigree. (RC)

AGA No.: 1266846

Calved: 9/10/13

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Grid 254T725 (JRI Ms 254P625) JRI Ms Top Choice 634W52K JRI Ms Blk N Stacked 634P42K (JRI Ms 634H32)

B DP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 727# 205 Day Wt Big Time 5# Gainer Top 15% CE/ Nursed a 13-Year-Old Dam 86# Avg BW on Dam’s Calves/45.1 cm Ylg SC/5 Honored JR DOMs



JRI Mr Charmer 291A81 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265982

Calved: 8/22/13

Tattoo: 291A81 19 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Cartwright 140X75 JRI Extra Sassy 140X75(JRI Ms 140P54) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Sophia 291X71 JRI Ms Top Design 291T60 (JRI Ms 291G50) Birth Wt. 83

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 698 101

RF 0.21

JRI Panhandle 35A42 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263913

Calved: 9/2/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 621 89

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.19 15.4 3.3

Wt. 1163

CED 13

Ratio 99

BW 0.2

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.7 173 cm

WW 63

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 18 49


RE .38

CW FPI 24 60.08

Birth Wt. 96 RF 0.15

Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 600 86

Calved: 8/18/13

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.15 16.0 3.4

Wt. 1155 CED 14

BW -0.6

Ratio 98

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.5 181 cm

Tattoo: 53A47

WW 63

Scrotal 37.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 30 61

CW FPI 20 57.33

JRI Progressor 68A94 Calved: 8/27/13

Tattoo: 68A94

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 740 107 365 Day Adj. REA IMF 16.0 2.9

Wt. 1295 CED 11

BW 0.3

Ratio 110

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.4 171 cm

WW 65

Scrotal 42.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 99 27 60

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.66 124

RE .45

CW FPI 29 61.70

HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 970# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Top 20% CE/ Scalebusting 1,295# YW CE 86# Avg BW on DOM Mama’s 6 Calves/Beef Machine Genetics

JRI Top Priority 53A47

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Curvebender 285S22 (JRI Ms 285P992) JRI Ms Great Curves 53W37 JRI Ms Genuine Red 53S77 ET (JRI Ms 53G66) Birth Wt. 69

RE .29

Wowsa, look at the performance-plus stats on this meatwagon Pop A Top son: ripping 740# 205 day weight, whopping 970# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,295# yearling weight. This meatwagon would be a maternal brother to the young Judd Ranch herdsire JRI Next Level 68Y94. Next Level posted a ripping 811# 205 day weight, whopping 1,080# weaning weight, scalebusting 1,264# yearling weight and you bet, these meatwagon brothers feature a powerful Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit mama. JRI Progressor 68A94 did weigh 96 pounds at birth but don’t back off here as Dam of Merit mama has only averaged 86 pounds at birth on her 6 babies.

HP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 6# Gainer Calving Ease 82# BW Huge 15.4” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/10 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1263944

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 24 53

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.80 108

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Made of Gold 68T84 JRI Ms Grand Jewel 68K74 (JRI Ms 68E64)

This big time 6 pound gainer stems from the prolific Judd Ranch calf raising machine 35 cow family. JRI Panhandle 35A42’s super fourth calf dam sports a 359 day annual calving interval and cowmen, think of your increased profitability if you could shorten your females gestation by 6 days. Fertility is way overlooked in the beef industry and it’s been documented as 12 times more economically important than growth, carcass & etc. At Judd Ranch you’re buying into one of the great true breeding programs built around fertility and longevity and that’s why Judd Ranch has been honored as the breeds #1 Dam of Merit program for 16 of the past 17 years.


WW 58

Scrotal 41.6 cm

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263953

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.02 112

Scrotal 37.9 cm

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 4.9 184 cm

HP PB Cartwright Son Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 83# BW Big ol’14” Ylg Ribeye Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/8 Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

Tattoo: 35A42

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) Sale Day JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Pieper 35W12 JRI Ms Bittersweet 35S92 (JRI Ms 35P82) Birth Wt. 82

BW 0.7

CED 14

Ratio 95

JRI Charmer 291A81 nursed a calf raising machine second calf heifer. Bruce Vanatta, NK Cattle Co, Caney, KS purchased super mom’s first baby in last year’s sale as Lot 159 and that smokey-colored meat machine featured a 76# birth weight, ripping 718# 205 day weight with a 918# weaning weight off his first calf mama. JRI Charmer 291A81 should genetically lower your birth weights while flat boosting you performance levels and note Charmer’s impressive 5.80# ADG, super 14” yearling ribeye and you bet, he’s well endowed with a 41.6 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Commercial cowmen, Charmer’s brother in last year’s sale was a gray smokey so this pedigree includes the dilutor gene meaning Charmer could possibly produce gray calves when bred to black females.

JR 1st Calf Heifer Proudly Displaying Her Beef Machine Bull Calf


365 Day Adj. REA IMF 14.0 2.6

Wt. 1118

RE .57

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 8.14 152


AGA No.: 1263947

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 660 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 12.3 2.0

Calvin Berkley, Tescott, KS purchased Top Priority’s brother JRI Secret Sauce 53Z47 as Lot 39 in last year’s sale and that beef machine featured an 83# birth weight, ripping 755# 205 day weight, whopping 934# weaning weight with a feeder delite 5# ADG. JRI Top Priority 53A47 offers you that same low birth, super growth genetic package and mercy, look at this beef machine’s whopping 16 square inch yearling ribeye scan and wowsa, Top Priority flat converted the roughage with an amazing 8.14# ADG. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with seven honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Top Priority’s pedigree.

DP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 8# Gainer Calving Ease 69# BW Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Calved: 9/1/13

Tattoo: 53A87

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Sale Day JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Genuine Red 53S77 ET JRI Ms Pld Grand Desire 53G66 (JRI Ms 53D56) Birth Wt. 74

CW FPI 25 64.29

JRI Seducer 53A87 Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Wt. 1105 CED 13

BW 0.8

Ratio NA

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.8 173 cm

WW 60

Scrotal 38.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 27 57

RE .29

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.97 93 CW FPI 27 59.35

JRI Seducer 53A87 posted some pretty impressive stats when you consider he was twin born to a heifer calf. Cowmen, I can tell you this Judd Ranch 53 cow family is genetically bred to produce the scalebusters at weaning time. That photo above features a first calf 53 cow family daughter, JRI Ms Sweetie 53Y86 and her meatwagon son at side featured a calving ease 79 pound birth weight with a scalebusting 1,353 pound yearling weight. JRI Seducer 53A87 may have been twin born but believe me the genetic scalebusting producing ability is bred-in. I might add Mike Snavely, Concordia, KS purchased Seducer’s full brother in last year’s sale as Lot 24 and that meatwagon featured an 82# birth weight, whopping 918# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,235# yearling weight.

DP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 845# WW (twin) 74# BW (twin) CE Beef Machine Genetics Awesome Judd Ranch 4 Time Honored Dam of Merit Dam


JRI Regulator 230A8 Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265905

Calved: 8/25/13

Tattoo: 230A8

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Recruit 254U82 Sale Day JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 (JRI Ms 254P62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Special Agent 230S7 JRI Ms American Beauty 230K6 (JRI Ms 230F50) Birth Wt. 81

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 673 97

Wt. 1143

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.14 14.1 2.5

CED 12

BW -0.3

Ratio 97

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.9 146 cm

WW 53

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.76 107

Scrotal 41.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 75 26 52

RE .12

CW FPI 14 54.23

Brian Deemer, Grand River, IA purchased a full brother to this meat machine in the 2012 sale as Lot 34 and wowsa, that meat machine was one Mack Truck flat loaded with unbelievable beef, butt, guts & nuts. These meat machine full brothers nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch Dam of Merit mama and Dams of Merit run deep in this cow family as you will find seven previously honored Dams of Merit in JRI Regulator 230A8’s pedigree. This meat machine JRI Top Recruit 254U82 son should flat boost your performance levels and with seven honored Dams of Merit in the pedigree his replastent daughter should be fabulous producers.

Judd Ranch First Calf Heifer With Her Whopping Bull Calf


DP PB Top Recruit Son Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 81# BW Whopping 870# Weaning Wt CE Meat Machine Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


AGA No.: 1269181

JRI Secret Source 743A Calved: 9/1/13

Tattoo: 743A

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Claire 743T JRI Ms Top Agent 743N (JRI Ms 743F) Birth Wt. 91

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 659 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 15.2 2.9

Wt. 1204 CED 15

BW -1.5

Ratio 102

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.1 173 cm

WW 53

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 89 23 49

Birth Wt. 77

RE .21

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 704 101

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 13.9 2.0

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.57 122

Scrotal 42.9 cm

CW FPI 21 58.67


AGA No.: 1265687

JRI Top Gun 56A7K Tattoo: 56A7K 18 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Grid 254T725 (JRI Ms 254P625) JRI Ms Top Grid 56X61K JRI Ms Stacked 56R51K (JRI Ms 56D41)

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 12.5 2.6

Wt. 1056 CED 12

BW 1.1

Ratio 96

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.0 174 cm

WW 58

Scrotal 38.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 87 26 55

RE .29

Birth Wt. 92 GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.24 60

WW 52

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.59 67

Scrotal 38.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 73 29 55

RE .22

CW FPI 13 51.67

JRI Power Packed 176A8 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 734 106

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.13 16.2 2.8

JRI Top Gun 56A7K nursed a super Judd Ranch second calf heifer and wow, look at his awesome calving ease 78 pound birth weight coupled with a ripping 754 pound 205 day weight. JRI Top Gun 56A7 did slide in the average daily gain department and I can’t tell you why but I can tell you it’s not the norm for this super Judd Ranch 56 cow family. One of my favorite 56 cow family sons in last year’s sale was JRI Focused 56Z2K, Lot 146 and that beef, butt, guts & nuts specialist featured an 80# birth weight, ripping 732# 205 day weight with a big time 6.12# ADG. So genetically the feed efficiency is bred-in and you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Top Gun 56A7K’s pedigree.

Calved: 8/20/13

Tattoo: 176A8 19 Months Old Sale Day

Wt. 1190 CED 9

BW 1.8

Ratio 101

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.9 197 cm

WW 59

Scrotal 43.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 25 54

RE .34

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.33 99 CW FPI 25 54.76

Gather up these Pop A Top sons as they are beefpacking machines and oh man, the Pop A Top daughters are some of the all-time great producers at Judd Ranch. This beefpacking machine Pop A Top son pegged the 205 day weight scales at 734 pounds, hammered the weaning weight scales at 950 pounds, scanned a serving tray 16.2 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, these Pop A Top sons know how to convert the roughage on gain test…big time 5.33# ADG. Put this beefpacking machine on a set of mature females and wowsa, he’s the kind that should flat produce the scalebusters at weaning time for your program.

CW FPI 23 54.70

DP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 754# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 78# BW Nursed a 2nd Calf Hfr Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.2 165 cm

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Stock Option 285P84B ET (JRI Ms 285H74) JRI Ms Starburst 176S7 JRI Ms Free Wheeling 176N6 (JRI Ms 176E5)

Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 754 102

BW 0

Ratio 92

HP PB Imperial Son Ripping 704# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 77# BW Nursed a 2nd Calf Hfr Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/Multi-Generation JR DOM Cow Family


Birth Wt. 78

Wt. 1091 CED 15

HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 1,204# YW Big Time 6# Gainer Top 3% CE/Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye 79.6# Avg BW on Dam’s 6 Calves/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 9/7/13

Tattoo: 35A13

Widespread low birth to super growth is the norm for this calf raising machine Judd Ranch 35 cow family. JRI Hummer 35A13’s second calf dam is not eligible for Dam of Merit honors but please note Hummer’s grandam, great grandam and great, great grandam as many time honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Commercial cowmen, Judd Ranch continually stacks these honored Dam of Merit cow families and that’s why Judd Ranch has been honored as the breeds #1 Dam of Merit program for 16 of the past 17 years. Dams of Merit are the breed’s unmatched fertility and production driven females and you will be well rewarded when you start keeping replastents out of Judd Ranch bulls.

Several producers will back off this meat machine because of his 91 pound birth weight and that would be a mistake. JRI Secret Source 743A did weigh 91 pounds at birth and we all know it because Judd Ranch honestly weighs every calf at birth. Believe me bigger birth weights are not the norm for Secret Source’s super dam. Super mom’s 6 calves have only averaged 79.6 pounds at birth and her fall 2014 full sib to Secret Source only weighed 72 pounds at birth. As I mentioned above don’t back off this meat machine and you should be well rewarded with scalebusters at weaning time and rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Source’s pedigree.

AGA No.: 1270756

Calved: 9/18/13

JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) 18 Months Old JRI Imperial 254X82B Sale Day JRI Ms Hot Flash 254T72 (JRI Ms 254T72) JRI Top Grid 254T725 (JRI Ms 254P625) JRI Ms Totally Charmed 35X93 JRI Ms Lady Bug 35R82 (JRI Ms 35M71)

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265987

JRI Hummer 35A13 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 950# Weaning Wt Big Time 5# Gainer Huge 16.2” Ylg Ribeye 86# Avg BW on Dam’s Calves/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


JRI Lock N Loaded 148A82 79 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265126

Calved: 9/2/13

Tattoo: 148A82

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Topper 148W72 JRI Ms Blk Jelly Bean 148T62 (JRI Ms 148R51) Birth Wt. 85 RF 0.22

Impossible 285A678 77 DoubleJRIBlackMission Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 9/24/13

Tattoo: 285A678

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Glow 285K578 ET JRI Polled Baby Doll ET (JRI Ms 285Y4) Birth Wt. 85

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 690 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 13.4 3.0

Wt. 1134 CED 13

BW 1.9

Ratio 96

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.4 164 cm

WW 62

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 89 25 56

RE .23

AGA No.: 1267358

CW FPI 25 58.48

Birth Wt. 108

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 13.7 2.6

Wt. 1036 CED 11

BW 1.6

Ratio ET

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 4.8 168 cm

WW 70

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 28 63

RE .29

CW FPI 28 62.90

Calved: 8/21/13

Tattoo: 254A829

Wt. 1301 CED 13

BW -1.0

Ratio ET

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.4 184 cm

WW 60

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 7.73 144

Scrotal 43.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 84 26 56

RE .48

CW FPI 18 59.74

JRI Proficient 246A51 81 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265912

Calved: 9/5/13

Tattoo: 246A51

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Night Flower 246P11 JRI Ms Carefree 246M9 (JRI Ms 246H8)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.50 121

Birth Wt. 77

CW FPI 33 61.86

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 650 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.16 11.3 1.6

JRI One Shot 270A765 ET’s recip dam has already left the building as point blank she flat didn’t finish the groceries for One Shot. I can tell you One Shot’s ET full brother JRI Pistol Pete 270A767 ET that sells as Lot 58 did have a super recip dam as Pistol Pete pegged the 205 weight scales at 750 pounds, hammered the weaning weight scales at 965 pounds and the beef machine pegged the yearling weight scales at 1,251 pounds. JRI One Shot 270A765 ET & his ET full brother JRI Pistol Pete 270A767 ET feature one of Judd Ranch’s all-time great producers in donor dam JRI Ms Pd Blackstar 270K75 ET. Blackstar’s nine natural born calves feature an 84# birth weight average with a whopping 733# 205 day weight average. Six of the 9 were bull calves and these meatwagon’s averaged a scalebusting 1,271 pounds on yearling weight. (HP)

ET HB DP PB Top Gun Son Big Time 6# Gainer CE Deluxe 71# BW Big Boy 40.3 cm Ylg SC Maternal Brothers Working in 10 States/Incredible JR DOM Donor Dam

RE .34

ET B HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Huge 16’ Ylg Ribeye Awesome 7# Gainer Whopping 1,301# YW 80# BW Avg on Dam’s 8 NB Calves/Top 10% Calving Ease EPD Strength

Tattoo: 270A765

Scrotal 40.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 97 22 54

This sale offering features 85 calving ease/beef machine sons of the powerhouse Judd Ranch herdsires JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 and JRI Top Gun 254X822 and cowmen, JRI Top Contender 254A829 ET would be an ET full brother. Top Contender did weigh 108 pounds at birth as Judd Ranch honestly weighs every baby but I can tell you it’s not the norm for this cow family. Donor dam, JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET has only averaged 80 pounds at birth on her 8 natural born calves and her calving ease/powerhouse son JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 is one of the most widely used “heiferbulls” on the ranch. Dave Judd said don’t shy away from this beef machine and note his calving ease EPD strength in the breeds top 10%.

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Pd Blackstar 270K75 ET JRI Ms Pd Blk Gem 270E62 ET (JRI Ms 270X5) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 635 ET

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 838 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.07 16.0 2.1

One Shot 270A765 ET 78ET Homo. JRI Black Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 71

WW 64

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.97 111

Scrotal 39.9 cm

19 Months Old JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET JRI Ms Pld Grand Impact 254J62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

DB HP PB S. Instinct Son Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 85# BW Nursed a 13-Year-Old Dam CE Meat Machine Genetics/Awesome JR DOM Dam & DOD Grandam

Calved: 8/14/13

BW 0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.3 187 cm

Top Contender 254A829 ET 80ET BlackJRIHomozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

JRI Mission Impossible 285A678 nursed a calf raising machine 13-year-old Judd Ranch mama that was honored as a Judd Ranch Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction for seven consecutive years. Jim Miller, Satanta, KS purchased super mom’s last son JRI Top Converter 285Y68 as Lot 26 in the 2013 bull sale and that super stud pegged the 205 day weight scales at 760 pounds, weaned off super mom at a whopping 1,025 pounds and the super stud hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,264 pounds. JRI Mission Impossible 285A678 offers you super calving ease in one meat machine package and by all means, keep all his replastent daughters as they should be calf raising machines. (RC)

AGA No.: 1267364

CED 13

Ratio 88

HB HP PB Top Gun Son Big Time 5# Gainer 85# Calving Ease BW Super Sized 39.9 cm Ylg SC CE Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/10 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.30 99

Scrotal 38.6 cm

365 Day Adj. REA IMF 13.2 3.2

Wt. 1037

JRI Lock N Loaded 148A82 nursed one of Dave Judd’s favorite three-year-old females and this past fall super mom JRI Ms Topper 148W72 entered Judd Ranch’s donor program. Rick Mann, Russell Springs, AR purchased super mom’s Secret Instinct son JRI Private I 148Z82 as Lot 45 in last year’s sale and that beef machine featured an 80# birth weight, ripping 744# 205 day weight, whopping 974# weaning weight and the beef machine pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,225 pounds. JRI Lock N Loaded 148A82’s super mom is knocking on the Dam of Merit door and rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with ten previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Lock N Loaded 148A82’s pedigree.

You’ll Find Great Cow Families Behind Every JR Bull

AGA No.: 1265975

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 597 86

Wt. 1033 CED 13

BW -0.1

Ratio 88

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 4.9 171 cm

WW 64

Scrotal 42.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 28 60

RE .29

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.09 76 CW FPI 26 59.22

JRI Proficient 246A51’s super nine-year-old dam JRI Ms Night Flower 246P11 was honored four times as a Dam of Merit female and this past fall she was recognized as an elite 2014 Dam of Distinction female. Big time producing ability runs mighty deep in this Judd Ranch 246 cow family as Night Flower’s dam, grandam, great grandam and great, great grandam were all honored numerous times as Dam of Merit females. Rocking H Ranch, Barry Higgins, Lewisburg, KY purchased Dam of Distinction mama’s last son 246X21 in the 2012 sale as Lot 53 and that beef machine pegged the 205 day weight scales at 725 pounds while flat crushing the weaning weight scales at 972 pounds.

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 800# Weaning Wt CE Deluxe 77# BW Nursed a 9-Year-Old Dam CE Beef Machine Genetics/Awesome Judd Ranch DOD Dam


Secret Insight 3A6 82 Double BlackJRIDouble Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1263770

Calved: 9/18/13

Tattoo: 3A6

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Nite Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Sparkle 3K5 JRI Ms Pld Savvy 3G4 (JRI Ms 3W3) Birth Wt. 82

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 667 96

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.21 13.6 3.5

Wt. 1114 CED 14

BW 0.2

Ratio 94

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.1 177 cm

WW 57

Scrotal 38.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 27 55

RE .28

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.73 107 CW FPI 17 59.93

JRI Secret Insight 3A6 nursed a super 13-year-old Judd Ranch mama with a remarkable 368 day annual calving interval. Oh man, think of the profitability if you could maintain a herd of 13-year-old females with 368 day annual calving intervals…that’s only 3 days off the job in 13 years. Fertility and longevity are the keys to a profit in the beef business and it’s been documented as 12 times more economically important then growth, carcass & etc. At Judd Ranch you’re buying into one of the all-time great breeding programs in the fertility and longevity departments as Judd Ranch has been honored as the breeds #1 Dam of Merit program for 16 of the past 17 years. (RC)

Teat/Udder Excellence is all Part of the Complete Package

Lawman 02A12 85 Double BlackJRI Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

DB DP PB S. Instinct Son Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 82# BW Nursed a 13-Year-Old Dam 75# Avg BW on Dam’s 13 Calves/7 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1263768

Calved: 9/7/13

Tattoo: 285A67

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Evening Star 285K57 JRI Pld Baby Doll ET (JRI Ms 285Y4) Birth Wt. 98

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 834 120

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.11 15.2 2.4

Wt. 1255 CED 12

BW 1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 6.4 201 cm WW 66

Scrotal 41.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 26 59

RE .35

Birth Wt. 88

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 688 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 13.2 2.6

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.80 89

CED 12

CW FPI 26 57.17


On Target 254A928 84 Homo. BlackJRIHomo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265872

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 654 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.12 14.0 2.8

Wt. 1076 CED 15

BW -0.3

Ratio 91

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.2 173 cm

WW 59

Scrotal 38.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 89 28 57

RE .40

Birth Wt. 70

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.92 92

WW 62

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 23 53

RE .26

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.80 89 CW FPI 23 56.60

JRI Powerstroke 213A37 Red Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 8/11/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 678 98

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 15.4 3.7

Tattoo: 213A37

CED 14

Wt. 1181 BW -0.8

Ratio 100

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.2 155 cm

WW 69

Scrotal 38.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 105 24 58

RE .33

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.80 108 CW FPI 31 74.27

This super stud red homozygous polled 3/4 Balancer Pop A Top son should of been cataloged back with the Red Balancer bulls and we apologize for that. One thing I can guarantee...you definitely won’t miss this super stud on sale day. JRI Powerstroke 213A37 looks like an idenitcal twin to his sire Pop A Top and cowmen bar none, Pop A Top is one of the all time great herdsires ever produced by Judd Ranch. The Pop A Top sons are flat meatwagons and the Pop A Top daughters are fertility plus calf raising machines. Turn to page 18 and you can view Powerstroke’s grandam JRI Sweet Reality 213T771 ET photographed as a first calf heifer with her scalebusting heifer calf at side. You can also view Powerstroke’s incredible great grandam JRI Ms Sugar Free 213M67 on page 44.

CW FPI 22 58.97

If you’re searching for a potential “heiferbull” to breed a set of heifers JRI On Target 254A928 should be an excellent “heiferbull”. To me a potential true “heiferbull” must feature an extreme calving ease low birth weight, excellent calving ease EPD strength and his dam needs to possess a calving ease/low birth weight track record. JRI On Target 254A928 meets & exceeds all the potential “heiferbull” requirements with his ultralite 66# birth weight coupled with top 2% calving ease EPD strength and his dam’s three calves have only averaged 65 pounds at birth. Rest assured, fertility is all part of the complete package as you will find eight Judd Ranch honored and previously honored Dams of Merit in On Target’s pedigree.

HB HP PB Top Gun Son “Heiferbull” Genetics Calving Ease 66# BW Top 2% CE EPD Strength 65# Avg BW on Dam’s 3 Calves/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.3 185 cm

JRI Top Secret 253M75ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) MYTTY In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Josey 213W27 JRI Sweet Reality 213T771 ET (JRI Ms 213M67)

Tattoo: 254A928

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Black Velvet 254X828 ET JRI Ms Hot Flash 254T72 (JRI Ms 254P62) Birth Wt. 66

BW 1.0

Ratio 97

DB HP PB Top Gun Son Top 15% CE/Big Time Gainer Whopping 860# Weaning Wt Big Boy 40.7 cm Ylg SC Weaned Off at 74% of Dams 1,160# Bodyweight/5 Honored JR DOMs

HB HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 960# Weaning Wt Ripping 834# 205 Day Wt Top 15% CE/ Scalebusting 1,255# YW 85# Avg BW on Dam’s 12 Calves/Awesome JR 13-Year-Old DOD Dam

Calved: 9/3/13

Wt. 1141

This Judd Ranch 02 cow family flat knows how to bring home the beef. If you would please turn to page 14, you can view a Judd Ranch 02 cow family daughter nursing her scalebusting heifer calf and cowmen super mom’s a first calf heifer. Wowsa, that’s flat called big time cow efficiency with first calf heifer’s raising scalebusting babies and the cow efficiency runs mighty deep in this 02 cow family. JRI Lawman 02A12 nursed a second calf 02 cow family daughter and this beef machine weaned off second calf mama at 860 pounds which equates to 74% of his dam’s 1,160# bodyweight. It’s all called Judd Ranch Dam of Merit genetics and you will find five previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merits in Lawman’s pedigree. (RC)

One thing you will soon learn about the Judd Ranch family if you’re a first time buyer…the honesty and integrity is unmatched in the industry. Dave Judd and his family weigh every calf at birth, at 205 days, at weaning and at 365 days of age and that weight is recorded as such. In JRI Gunfire 285A67’s case he weighed 98 pounds at birth and that weight was recorded at 98 pounds. Why he weighed 98 pounds at birth is a head scratcher. His 13-year-old Dam of Distinction dam has only averaged 85 pounds at birth on her 12 babies. Don’t shy away from this beef machine with his Dam of Distinction dam’s moderate birth weight track record and you should be well rewarded with scalebusters at weaning time.

AGA No.: 1265952

Tattoo: 02A12

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Journey 207S74 (JRI Ms 207N64) JRI Ms Monaco 02X92 JRI Ms Madison 02U81 (JRI Ms 02P7)

Gunfire 285A67 83 Homo. BlackJRI Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265967

Calved: 8/27/13

HP Balancer Bull Big Time 5# Gainer CE Deluxe 70# BW Whopping 960# WW Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye/Meatwagon Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs



JRI Top Seniority 246A40 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265915

Calved: 9/5/13

Tattoo: 246A40

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Top Recruit 254U82 Sale Day JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 (JRI Ms 254P62) JRI Profit Agent 46N (Logan 46G) JRI Ms Sweet Pea 246T30 JRI Ms Hazel 246R10 (JRI Ms 246M9) Birth Wt. 87

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 714 103

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.19 14.9 3.4

JRI Harley 125A41K Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1271439

Calved: 11/14/13

Tattoo: 125A41K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 16 Months Old JRI Harley 125S41 Sale Day JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) SLC Freedom 178F ET (Miss 61Y) JRI Ms Freedom 125M316 JRI Ms Pd New Leggacy 125F216 (JRI Ms 125Z21) Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 762 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.28 14.4 4.3

Wt. 1135 CED 11

BW 1.6

Ratio NA

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.2 166 cm

WW 60

Scrotal 38.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 87 23 53

RE .18

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 13.9 2.9

Wt. 1109 CED 14

BW -1.7

Ratio ET

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 6.3 179 cm

WW 59

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 22 51

RE .38

JRI Shotgun 9A43 Calved: 8/29/13

Tattoo: 9A43

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Snap 9W22 JRI Ms No Secrets 9T12 (JRI Ms 9N92)

Oh man, look at the excellent low birth to super growth spread on this big time 6 pound gainer. JRI Shotgun 9A43’s super 2014 Dam of Merit dam flat spreads low birth to super growth in all her babies. Oris Steiner, Apple Creek, OH purchased Dam of Merit mama’s first baby in the 2013 sale as Lot 20 and that beef machine featured a calving ease 72# birth weight, ripping 700# 205 day weight, whopping 1,201# yearling weight along with a feeder delite 6.06# ADG. Dam of Merit females like Shotgun’s mama have that bred-in ability to flat spread birth to growth and if you trace Shotgun’s pedigree it’s loaded with ten honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females.

HP PB Top Gun Son Big Time 6# Gainer CE Deluxe 70# BW Big Boy 43.8 cm Ylg SC CE Beef Machine Genetics/Awesome Judd Ranch DOM Dam


Tattoo: 140A78 19 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 43.2 cm

CW FPI 22 62.32

205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 683 98 1110 94 5.3 172 cm 43.8 cm 6.35 118 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.21 13.1 2.6 15 .0 64 97 22 54 .28 27 59.58

JRI Code Red 140A78 ET

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 702 ET

RE .13

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263849

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 2 ETN JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Sassy 140S65 JRI Ms Laura Ashley 140P54 (JRI Ms 140J53) Birth Wt. 71

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 91 26 56

WW 59

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.83 109

Scrotal 41.0 cm

Birth Wt. 70

ET Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 8/10/13


CW FPI 24 58.92

HP PB Harley Son Whopping 762# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 80# BW Big ol’ 14.4”Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/Awesome JR Honored DOD Dam

AGA No.: 1271613

BW -1.0

CED 15

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 5.8 201 cm

HP PB Top Recruit Son Whopping 865# Weaning Wt Big Time 5# Gainer Awesome JR DOM Dam 78# Avg BW on Dam’s 6 Calves/Top 2% Calving Ease EPD Strength

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.21 78

Note the excellent low birth to super growth spread on this beef machine Harley son and widespread low birth to super growth is a common occurrence with JRI Harley 12541K’s super dam. Harley’s super dam JRI Ms Freedom 125M316 is a member of Judd Ranch’s exclusive Dam of Merit efficiency club and she’s also been honored as an elite Dam of Distinction female. Speaking of Dams of Merit you will find a total of six honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Harley’s pedigree. Roger Kinder, Licking, MO purchased Harley’s beef machine full brother in last year’s sale as Lot 104 and Hayden Farms, Philpot, KY purchased Harley’s beef machine maternal brother in the 2012 sale as Lot 98 and that beef machine featured an 80# birth weight with a whopping 807# 205 day weight.


Ratio 98

Wow, look at the super stats across the board on this meat machine JRI Top Recruit 254U82 son: ripping 714# 205 day weight, whopping 865# weaning weight, big time 5.83 pound gainer, big ol’ 14.9 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls Top Seniority is wellendowed with a super sized 41 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Those kind of awesome stats usually feature a Dam of Merit mama and you bet, Top Seniority’s super dam has been honored as a Dam of Merit female in every year of eligibility (2012 thru 2014). I might add if you trace Top Seniority’s maternal pedigree, you’ll find his grandam, great grandam and great, great grandam as previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females.

JRI Mamas are the Complete Package With Teat/Udder Excellence


Wt. 1158

JRI Gunpowder 170A91 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265131

Calved: 8/30/13

Tattoo: 170A91

19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Victoria Secret 170W81 JRI French Kiss 170S71 (JRI Ms 170P61)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.57 66

Birth Wt. 101

CW FPI 15 62.14

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 786 113

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.16 15.8 2.3

JRI Code Red 140A78 ET would be a full brother to JRI Secret Access 140A75 that sell as Lot 17 and wowsa, these full brothers feature one calf raising machine mama. If you would please turn to page 32, you can view calf raising machine mama JRI Extra Sassy 140S65 photographed in her working clothes and note her awesome teat/udder system. Calf raising machine mama’s seven natural born calves have only averaged 80 pounds at birth with a whopping 710 pound 205 day weight spread. JRI Code Red 140A78 ET’s 3.57# ADG will probably turn a lot of buyers off but believe me it’s not genetics as his full brother Lot 17 posted a 7.28# ADG and Code Red’s other two full brothers that sold in the 2010 and 2012 sales posted a 6.68# and a 5.18# ADG. Oh I might add Code Red’s full brother JRI Cartwright 140X75 (Lot 10/2012 sale) is one of the breed’s top AI sires and he has sons selling in this sale.

ET HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Ripping 702# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 71# BW Whopping 978# Weaning Wt CE Beef Machine Genetics/AI Sire JRI Cartwright’s Full Brother

Wt. 1303 CED 13

BW 0.8

Ratio 110

365 DAY ADJ. Frame Pelvic 7.3 186 cm

WW 67

Scrotal 40.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 106 23 56

RE .30

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.45 120 CW FPI 34 60.94

JRI Gunpowder 170A91 tried to set all the records and he came mighty close: ripping 786# 205 day weight, whopping 965# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,303# yearling weight. Now pencil-in this beefpacker’s 6.45# ADG, big ol’ 15.8 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, he’s well equipped in the scrotal department with a super sized 40.8 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Now we need to address Gunpowder’s 101 pound birth weight which is definitely not the norm for his dam as her first two babies only averaged 83 pounds at birth. Genetically Gunpowder should calve fine on mature females with his dam’s moderate birth weight track record and note his calving ease EPD strength in the breed’s top 10%.

HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 965# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Scalebusting 1,303# YW Top 10% CE EPD Strength/Weaned at 78.4% of His Dam’s 1,230# Weight



JRI Harley 213A90K Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1271127

Calved: 10/22/13

Tattoo: 213A90K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 17 Months Old JRI Harley 125S41 Sale Day JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Agent 213X9K JRI Ms Jelly Bean 213S8K (JRI Ms 213M62) Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 762 NA

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.25 15.4 3.3

Wt. 1100 CED 15

BW 0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.2 160 cm WW 55

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.02 93

Scrotal 39.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 77 21 48

RE .32

CW FPI 15 56.72

Oh man, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this meat machine Harley son and man oh man, this Judd Ranch 213 cow family is loaded with cow power. If you research JRI Harley 231A90K’s pedigree, you will find eight honored and previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. This prolific Judd Ranch 213 cow family features twenty-six Judd Ranch honored Dam of Merit daughters. JRI Harley 213A90K’s second calf dam is headed towards that exclusive Judd Ranch Dam of Merit club and I might add super mom’s first baby 213Z21K was one of the top heifer calves born in the fall 2012 calf crop.

Judd Ranch Bulls Feature Awesome Teat/Udder Dams


HP PB Harley Son Big Time 5# Gainer CE Deluxe 80# BW Ripping 762# 205 Day Wt CE Beef Machine Genetics/ 8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


AGA No.: 1271068

JRI Pop A Top 23A5 Calved: 9/5/13

Tattoo: 23A5

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms Black N Stacked 23P4 JRI Ms Five Star 23M3 (JRI Ms 23K2) Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 614 88

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.11 15.7 3.3

Wt. 1167 CED 9

BW 1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 6.0 174 cm WW 68

Scrotal 38.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 15 49

RE .38

Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 695 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 12.9 3.5

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.50 84 CW FPI 29 61.38


AGA No.: 1265875

JRI Remedy 178A73 Tattoo: 178A73

19 Months JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Turbo 285X14 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Appeal 285R94 (JRI Ms 285K84) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Topsy 178W61 JRI Ms Primo 178L51 (JRI Ms 178F4)

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.13 17.0 1.8

Wt. 1173 CED 14

BW -0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 5.4 157 cm WW 54

Scrotal 39.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 29 56

RE .18

Birth Wt. 89

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.33 62

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 25 52

RE .26

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.18 96 CW FPI 19 54.78

JRI Son of a Gun 213A96 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 8/30/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 679 98

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.07 13.9 1.8

Tattoo: 213A96

Wt. 1169 CED 15

BW -1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 6.5 160 cm WW 62

Scrotal 41.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 90 26 57

RE .36

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.78 126 CW FPI 21 59.03

Oh boys, here’s another big time 6 pound gainer and wowsa, you talk about one cow power Judd Ranch cow family. JRI Son Of A Gun 213A96’s dam, grandam, great grandam, great, great grandam & great, great, great grandam are all previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Cowmen, that’s five stacked generations of Dam of Merit females on the maternal side so JRI Son Of A Gun 213A96’s replacement daughters should be incredible fertilityplus producers. Son Of A Gun’s 89# birth weight is out of the norm as his dam’s first five babies only averaged 68 pounds at birth and note Son Of A Gun features top 2% calving ease EPD strength.

CW FPI 19 55.07

Oh man, if you like big ol’ ribeye steaks purchase this 17 square inch yearling ribeye meatwagon and your family will have to replace the dinner dishes with serving trays to accommodate the big ol’ ribeye steaks his progeny should possess. JRI Remedy 178A73’s super dam was honored as a 2014 Dam of Merit female in her first year of eligibility and wow, Dam of Merit mama flat brings home the beef. Remedy pegged the 205 day weight scales at 770 pounds and this meatwagon weaned off Dam of Merit mama a 990 pounds and that 990 pound figure equates to an amazing 85.3% of his dam’s 1,160# bodyweight.

HP PB Turbo Son 78# Avg BW on Dam’s 6 Calves Huge 17” Ylg Ribeye Whopping 990# Weaning Wt Weaned at 85.3% of His Dam of Merit Dam’s 1,160# Bodyweight

WW 54

Scrotal 44.0 cm

19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET(JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Daisy Mae 213S86 JRI Ms Free Style 213M76 (JRI Ms 213H66)

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 770 111

BW 0.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 96 5.9 186 cm

HP PB Top Gun Son Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 84# BW Huge 44 cm Ylg SC CE Beef Machine Genetics/ 7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Birth Wt. 89

Wt. 1058 CED 13

HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 905# Weaning Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Huge 15.7” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 8/25/13

Tattoo: 132A8K

Bill & Susan Piloni of Gunnison, CO have been purchasing Judd Ranch bulls for several years and Susan made the long trip to Judd Ranch last year and wow, Susan has the eye to select the beef machines. Susan’s pick of the 2014 sale bulls was Lot 94 JRI No Limits 132Z8K and oh man, you talk about a beef machine packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts. Well, here’s No Limit’s maternal brother JRI No Slack 132A8K sired by Top Gun and you talk about another beef machine packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts (whopping 44 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference). Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as No Slack’s super dam features a 364 day annual calving interval and seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females grace this pedigree.

Richard Nunn, Stuart, OK purchased JRI Pop A Top 23A5’s full brother JRI Pop A Top 23Z5 as Lot 108 in last year’s sale and that beef machine posted a whopping 904# weaning weight off super mom, JRI Ms Black N Stacked 23P4. Well, super mom flat brings home the beef every year as this beef machine hammered the weaning weight scales at 905 pounds. Nine hundred-plus pound weaning weights are flat called cow efficiency and mercy, nine hundred-plus pound weaning weights flat put money in the bank. JRI Pop A Top 23A5 should genetically flat boost your performance levels and rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in the pedigree.

AGA No.: 1265855

Calved: 9/5/13

18 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Top Gun 254X822 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Party Girl 132T7K JRI Ms Pld Gizmo 132F61 (JRI Ms 132D5)

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263899

JRI No Slack 132A8K Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

HP PB Top Gun Son Whopping 835# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Huge 41.8 cm Ylg SC Top 2% CE EPD Strength/Multi-Generation JR DOM Cow Family


JRI On Tap 254A85 98 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265944

Calved: 8/26/13

Tattoo: 254A85

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) RAG Mr Extra Wonderful ET (Miss Wonderful) JRI Ms Extra Wonderful 254M75 ET JRI Ms Pld Grand Impact 254J62 (JRI Ms 254E52) Birth Wt. 86

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 683 98

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 2.6 0.21 14.5

JRI Hot Toddy 254A370 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265953

Calved: 9/18/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 579 83

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.11 15.5 2.2

CED 14

Wt. 1061 BW -0.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 90 4.8 152 cm WW 57

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 18 47

RE .26

WW 61

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 85 34 64

RE .39

CW FPI 22 55.06

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 904# Weaning Wt Big Time 5# Gainer Big ol’ 14.5” Ylg Ribeye Beef Machine Maternal + Genetics/Awesome Judd Ranch DOD Dam

Tattoo: 254A370

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Hot Topic 246X13 ET Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 (JRI Ms 246L80) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Code 254T970 JRI Ms Cookie 254R86 (JRI Ms 254M75) Birth Wt. 77

BW 1.2


GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.02 93

Scrotal 42.7 cm

Whoa Nelly, if you’re looking for that beef machine that should flat boost your weaning weights and at the same time leave you with incredible replacement daughters JRI On Tap 254A85 needs on your purchase order come sale day. JRI On Tap 254A85’s super dam has been honored as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction in every year of eligibility (2007 thru 2014). Super mom’s sons like On Tap are always beefpacking machines and wowsa, super mom has produced some incredible daughters like 254P86 & 254W85 and both of these daughters have already been honored as Dam of Merit females.

Every Judd Ranch Bull Features a Cow Power Dam


365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 5.5 171 cm

Wt. 1167

JRI Hashtag 23A71 99 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1269186

Calved: 10/8/13

Tattoo: 23A71

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 17 Months Old Sale Day JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Fault Free 23P6 JRI Ms Pld Awesome 23F5 (JRI Ms 23X4)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.30 99 CW FPI 21 54.07

Birth Wt. 98

JRI Hot Toddy 254A370’s super dam has produced five consecutive calving ease/beef machine sons. Shilling Bros., Westphalia, KS purchased super mom’s son JRI Fully Loaded 254Z270 in last year’s sale as Lot 118 and that calving ease 74# birth weight beef machine posted a super 1,181# yearling weight with a 7.11# ADG. Dan Scheve, Chariton, IA purchased super mom’s son JRI Secret Alliance 254Y270 as Lot 108 in the 2013 bull sale and that 85# birth weight beefpacking machine weaned off super mom at a whopping 915 pounds. Bottomline, Hot Toddy’s super dam JRI Ms Secret Code 254T970 flat comes home every year with a beef machine and note Hot Toddy’s super 5.30# ADG coupled with a big ol’ 15.5 square inch yearling ribeye. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Hot Toddy’s pedigree.

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 494 71

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 15.4 2.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.0 168 cm

Wt. 1058 CED 11

BW 3.1

WW 62

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.78 108

Scrotal 41.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 102 21 52

RE .20

CW FPI 35 55.88

JRI Hashtag 23A71’s 205 day weight flat sucks so most folks won’t even look him up on sale day but I can tell you that would be a big mistake. If Hashtag’s dam has a problem she flat produces too much milk and it really cost Hashtag as super mom had a really bad bout of mastitis and raising babies with mastitis flat doesn’t work. If you still have your 2014 Judd Ranch bull sale catalog, please look up super mom’s son JRI Powerstroke 23Z70 that sold as Lot 20 and that meatwagon posted a whopping 914# weaning weight off super mom with a scalebusting 1,241# yearling weight. Oh I might add, mom has been an honored Dam of Merit female three times.

B HP PB Hot Topic Son Big Time 5# Gainer CE Deluxe 77# BW Big ol’ 15.5” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

B HP PB S. Instinct Son Top 20% CE/ Big ol’ 15.4” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 5# Gainer Super Sized 41.1 cm Ylg SC 3 Time Honored JR DOM Dam/3 Time Honored JR DOD Grandam

JRI Smoking Gun 253A96 100Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265918

Calved: 8/27/13

Tattoo: 253A96

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G57) JRI Ms Red Velvet 253W86 JRI Ms Cherokee 253S76 (JRI Ms 253P63) Birth Wt. 98

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 697 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 17.2 2.7

Wt. 1184 CED 13

BW 0.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.1 171 cm WW 60

Scrotal 43.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 23 53

RE .33

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.73 88 CW FPI 26 59.43

I have worked for Dave Judd and his family for right at three decades and I can tell you their honesty and integrity is unmatched. Dave and his sons Nick & Brent weigh every baby at birth and that birth weight is recorded as such. JRI Smoking Gun 253A96 weighed 98 pounds at birth and that weight was recorded at 98 pounds. Why Smoking Gun weighed 98 pounds at birth is beyond me as his dam’s first two calves weighed 72 & 55 pounds at birth and her fall 2014 baby only weighed 68 pounds at birth. Don’t shy away from this beef machine as bigger birth weights definitely are not an issue with Smoking Gun’s dam. Oh I might add, this beef machine weaned off super mom at 945 pounds…72.6% of super mom’s 1300# bodyweight.

Brent & Lily Judd Heading Towards the Roundup

B HP PB Top Gun Son Top 10% CE/Huge 17.2” Ylg Ribeye 73# Avg BW on Dam’s 4 Calves Whopping 945# Weaning Wt Weaned Off His Dam at 72.6% of Her 1,300# Bodyweight


High Steaks 246A33 101Double BlackJRI Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265914

Calved: 9/19/13

Tattoo: 246A33

JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) 18 Months Old Sale Day JRI Imperial 254X82B JRI Ms Hot Flash 253T72 (JRI Ms 254P62) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI MS 213G57) JRI Ms Ebony 246X20 JRI Ms Hazel 246R10 (JRI Ms 246M9) Birth Wt. 76

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 560 81

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.20 16.3 1.9

Wt. 1054 CED 16

BW -0.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 89 5.0 163 cm WW 47

Scrotal 37.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 31 55

RE .50

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.28 98 CW FPI 18 51.25

JRI High Steaks 246A33 nursed a super second calf, Cowboy Cut daughter and wowsa, High Steak’s super dam produced one of my picks of all the fall 2012 heifer calf crop. That daughter JRI Ms Focal Point 246Z20 featured a calving ease deluxe 59# birth weight with a ripping 677# 205 day weight/105 weaning weight ratio. Widespread low birth to super growth runs mighty deep in this cow family as High Steak’s grandam, great grandam and great, great grandam are all previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Calving ease, beef, butt & guts genetics from one powerful production driven cow family. (RC)

You’ll Find Great Proven Cow Families Behind Every JR Bull


DB HP PB Imperial Son Big Time 5# Gainer CE Deluxe 76# BW Super Sized 16.3” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/10 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1263915

Secret Agenda 125A6K 102 DoubleJRI Black Homo. Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270760

Calved: 8/28/13

Tattoo: 125A6K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Harley 125S41 (JRI Ms 125K3) JRI Ms Harley 125Y5K JRI Ms Bullseye 125R41K (JRI Ms 125M303) Birth Wt. 74

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 731 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 11.7 2.3

Wt. 979 CED 14

BW -0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 89 5.1 160 cm WW 49

Scrotal 36.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 76 25 50

RE .18

JRI Pop A Top 35A81 Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.94 73

Calved: 8/22/13

Tattoo: 35A81

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) SLC Freedom 178F ET (Miss 61Y) JRI Ms Design Agent 35M71 JRI Newly Vivid 35K61 (JRI Ms 35G5) Birth Wt. 82

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 630 91

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.15 12.6 2.4

Wt. 1090 CED 9

BW 1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 92 5.6 170 cm WW 68

Scrotal 36.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 100 23 57

RE .27

19 Months Old Sale Day

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.66 105 CW FPI 32 58.62

Stirling Spencer, Corrizozo, New Mexico has been purchasing Judd Ranch bulls for mega years and one thing for sure Stirling always purchases beefpacking machines. Stirling purchased this beefpacking machine’s full brother JRI Protocol 35Z81 as Lot 60 in last year’s sale and that beefpacking machine featured a 6.68# ADG with a whopping 896 pound weaning weight. These beefpacking machine full brothers feature a four time honored Judd Ranch mama that flat brings home a scalebuster every year. Scalebusting genetics run deep in this cow family as the grandam, great grandam and great, great grandam were all honored numerous times as Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females.

CW FPI 14 53.85

JRI Secret Agenda 125A6K nursed a super first calf Harley daughter and note Secret Agenda’s calving ease deluxe 74 pound birth weight coupled with a ripping 731 pound 205 day weight. Widespread low birth to super growth runs deep in this powerful Judd Ranch 125 cow family and you will find eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Agenda’s pedigree. Secret Agenda offers you superb calving ease with his top 4% calving ease EPD strength and with the beef, butt & guts he possesses Secret Agenda should boost your performance levels. (RC)

DP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 82# BW CE Meat Machine Genetics Honored DOM Dam, Grandam, Great Grandam & G. G. Grandam

DB HP PB S. Instinct Son Ripping 731# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 74# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr Top 4% CE EPD Strength/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Pop A Top 148A72 103Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265125

Calved: 8/25/13

Tattoo: 148A72

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Top Grid 254T725 (JRI Ms 254P625) JRI Ms Chocolate Kiss 148W62 JRI Ms Clementine 148R51 (JRI Ms 148G4) Birth Wt. 104

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 741 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 16.3 3.1

Wt. 1270 CED 9

BW 1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 108 6.7 171 cm WW 68

19 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 42.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 102 27 61

RE .42

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.85 109 CW FPI 33 61.42

JRI Pop A Top 148A72 weighed 104 pounds at birth and we all know it because Judd Ranch honestly weighs every calf at birth. What’s puzzling to me is his dam’s first two calves only weighed 77 & 80 pounds at birth. With JRI Pop A Top 148A72’s dam’s modest birth weight track record on her first two calves I wouldn’t shy away from this beef machine and you should be well rewarded with scalebusting weaning weights with the incredible performance stats JRI Pop A Top 148A72 posted. I’d also like you to pencil-in JRI Pop A Top 148A72’s dam as a 2014 Dam of Merit female and her dam, grandam and great grandam were all honored numerous times.

Ginger, Lacy & Levi Judd... It’s All About Family Ranching

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 970# Weaning Wt Ripping 741# 205 Day Wt Scalebusting 1,270# YW 5# Gainer/16” Ylg Ribeye/78# Avg BW on Dam’s First Two Calves



JRI Prime Cut 3A70 Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263772

Calved: 8/30/13

Tattoo: 3A70 19 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 213G57 (JRI Ms 213D47) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Gracy 3S60 JRI Ms Black Bear 3M5 (JRI Ms 3G4) Birth Wt. 75

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 643 93

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 2.7 0.08 13.2

JRI Secret Instinct 35A9K Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1270753

Calved: 9/8/13

Tattoo: 35A9K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Visa Gold 224P71 (JRI Ms 224J6) JRI Ms Roxi 35T9K JRI Ms Exposure 35N80K (JRI Ms 35E70) Birth Wt. 66

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 691 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 12.2 2.1

Wt. 1036

CED 13

BW 1.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 94 5.4 174 cm WW 55

Scrotal 37.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 85 29 56

RE .23

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.97 93 CW FPI 22 54.96

JRI Coppertop 02A91

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 682 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.13 13.6 3.3

Wt. 1117 CED 9

BW 1.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.8 198 cm

Tattoo: 02A91

WW 66

Scrotal 41.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 93 20 53

RE .34

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 71 24 48

RE .20

CW FPI 10 53.49

JRI True Grit 285A675 ET ET Double Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1267374

Calved: 9/2/13

Tattoo: 285A675

JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) 18 Months Old JRI Trump 270W13B Sale Day JRI Ms Chance 270S93 (JRI Ms 270M83) SLC Freedom 178F ET (Miss 61Y) JRI Ms Frankey 285R572 ET JRI Polled Baby Doll ET (JRI Ms 285Y4) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 729 ET

Wt. 1195 CED 12

BW 1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.8 173 cm WW 65

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.00 74

Scrotal 40.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 84 22 55

RE .34

CW FPI 21 54.00

ET DP PB Trump Son Whopping 970# Weaning Wt Ripping 729# 205 Day Wt Big ol’ 14” Ylg Ribeye Top 15% CE EPD Strength/Awesome JR 2014 Dam of Merit Dam

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) TJB Masterpiece 138L ET (Michelle 128F) JRI Ms Madison 02U81 JRI Ms Double Agent 02P7 (JRI Ms 02K6) Birth Wt. 99

WW 47

JRI True Grit 285A675 ET is the only son of Judd Ranch’s powerhouse AI sire JRI Trump 270W13B selling in this year’s sale and oh man, True Grit features one calf raising machine donor dam. True Grit’s donor dam, JRI Ms Frankey 285R572 ET, has been honored three consecutive years (2012 thru 2014) as a Dam of Merit female and wowsa, Ms Frankey flat brings home the beef. Lee Lewis, Rinard, IL purchased Dam of Merit mama’s first baby 285T22 in the ’08 bull sale and that meatpacking machine featured a calving ease 79# birth weight, ripping 730# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,261# yearling weight. True Grit’s calving ease EPD strength in the breed’s top 15%.

Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 8/27/13


365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 14.0 2.2

HP PB S. Instinct Son Top 10% CE EPD Strength CE Deluxe 66# BW Ripping 691# 205 Day Wt CE Beef Machine Genetics/10 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1263901

BW -1.6

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.33 81

Scrotal 38.8 cm

DP PB Cowboy Cut Son Ripping 800# Weaning Wt CE Deluxe 75# BW Top 4% CE EPD Strength Calving Ease, Fertility-Plus Genetic Package

Birth Wt. 91

Bill England, Lincoln, NE purchased this beef machine’s brother JRI In Demand 35Z29K in last year’s sale as Lot 147 and that beef machine featured an 86# birth weight with a ripping 774# 205 day weight and wowsa, this 6.36 pound gainer was one incredible beef, butt, guts & nuts genetic package. Randy Madden, Rantoul, KS purchased another brother 35X29K in the 2012 sale as Lot 122 and that beef, butt, guts & nuts specialist featured an 84# birth weight with a ripping 723# 205 day weight. Sounds like Dam of Merit genetics and it surely is with ten previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Secret Instinct 35A9K’s pedigree.


CED 14

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 87 4.9 186 cm

If you’re searching for more calving ease genetics, this Judd Ranch 3 cow family has really been a birth weight moderator. JRI Prime Cut 3A70’s dam JRI Ms Gracy 3S60 has only averaged 63 pounds at birth on her seven calves. Her dam JRI Ms Black Bear 3M5 only averaged 68 pounds at birth on her babies. JRI Prime Cut 3A70 offers you superb calving ease with his 75 pound birth weight and note his calving ease EPD strength in the breed’s top 4%. Rest assured, fertility is all part of the complete package as Prime Cut’s dam features a 369 day annual calving interval as a seven-year-old.

JR Mamas Are The Complete Package with Teat/Udder Excellence


Wt. 1021

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.47 102


AGA No.: 1264286

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 542 78

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 14.1 3.5

JRI Copper Top 02A91’s dam tends to produce a little more birth weight in her calves, so this meat machine needs to go on mature females only. Wester Farms, Louisburg, North Carolina purchased Coppertop’s brother JRI Wranceder 02Y91 in the 2013 bull sale as Lot 83 with a 97# birth weight and oh man, that Hot Pursuit son was a beefpacker. JRI Coppertop 02A91 should flat boost your performance levels as this beef machine weaned off at 850 pounds and rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find four previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Coppertop’s pedigree.

Calved: 9/14/13

Tattoo: 125A66

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60)18 Months Old JRI Hot Topic 246X13 ET Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 (JRI Ms 246L80) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Topper 125T56 JRI Ms Carmel Apple 125R46 ET (JRI Ms 125G3) Birth Wt. 62

CW FPI 27 58.51

JRI Hot To Trot 125A66 Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling

CED 17

Wt. 1051 BW -1.5

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 89 4.6 138 cm WW 52

Scrotal 38.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 21 47

RE .12

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.35 81 CW FPI 16 54.75

If you’re looking for a “heiferbull” to breed a set of heifers, JRI Hot To Trot 125A66 should be a “heiferbull” deluxe. To me a true potential “heiferbull” features a calving ease low birth weight, extreme high calving ease EPD strength and a dam that consistently produces modest birth weights. Well, Hot To Trot definitely has all the “heiferbull” bases covered with his calving ease deluxe 62# birth weight coupled with top 1% calving ease EPD strength and Hot To Trot’s super dam’s five calves have only averaged 67 pounds at birth. Oh I might add, fertility is all part of the complete package as Hot To Trot’s dam, grandam and great grandam are all previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females.

HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 850# Weaning Wt Big Time 5# Gainer Big Boy 41.7 cm Ylg SC Meat Machine Genetics/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


HP PB Hot Topic Son “Heiferbull” Genetics 62# CE Deluxe BW Top 1% CE EPD Strength 67# Avg BW on Dam’s 5 Calves/Awesome JR Honored DOM Dam

Fall Yearling Balancer Bulls Lots 113 Thru 171 JRI Status Quo 214A95 ET 110 ET Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1267196

Calved: 8/12/13

Tattoo: 214A95 ET

19 Months Old JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8 JRI Ms Blossom 214M7 (JRI Ms 214G6) Birth Wt. 76

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 597 ET

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 3.0 0.19 12.7

Wt. 1064

CED 11

BW -0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.9 182 cm WW 59

Scrotal 39.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 14 44

RE .12

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.28 117 CW FPI 15 58.99

JRI Status Quo 214A95 ET would be an ET full brother to Lot 34, 49 & 111 and wow, these ET full brothers feature a calf raising machine donor dam. Donor dam, JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8 was honored twice as a Dam of Merit prior to entering Judd Ranch’s donor program. Brad Mosby, Silex, MO purchased super mom’s last son JRI Sedona 214Y9 as Lot 161 in the 2012 bull sale and that 83# birth weight meat machine was a Mack Truck in the beef, butt, guts & nuts department. Lane Hackney, Wilmore, KS purchased super mom’s son 214U28 in the ’09 bull sale and that beef, butt, guts & nuts specialist hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,281 pounds.

JR Mama at 12 Yrs. of Age • Note Her Teat/Udder Excellence

JRI Festus 125A37K 113 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

ET HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Big Time 6# Gainer CE Deluxe 76# BW Ripping 800# Weaning Wt CE Beef Machine Genetics/Honored DOM Dam, Grandam & G. Grandam

AGA No.: 1270766

JRI Total Impact 214A94 ET 111 ET Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1267195

Calved: 8/10/13

Tattoo: 214A94

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 19 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8 JRI Ms Blossom 214M7 (JRI Ms 214G6) Birth Wt. 66

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 634 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.08 14.7 3.2

Wt. 1069 CED 11

BW -0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.2 181 cm WW 59

Scrotal 36.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 14 44

RE .30

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.88 91 CW FPI 15 60.59

Homozygous polled purebred ET full brother to Lot 34, 49 & 110 and oh man, these ET full brothers feature a calf raising machine donor dam. JRI 214A94’s donor dam, JRI Ms New Strategy 214P8, was honored twice as a Dam of Merit prior to entering Judd Ranch’s donor program and Dams of Merit run deep in this cow family as 214P8’s dam, grandam were previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. New Strategy had four powerhouse natural born sons that sold in the ’08, ’09, ’11 & ’12 bull sales and these four meat machine’s posted a whopping 1,229 pound average yearling weight and I’m here to tell you…all four were Mack Truck’s packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts.

ET HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Whopping 875# Weaning Wt CE Deluxe 66# BW Big Time Gainer CE Beef Machine Genetics /Honored DOM Dam, Grandam & G. Grandam


Homozygous Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Calved: 11/20/13

Tattoo: 285A8K 16 Months Old

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Harley 125S41 JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Special Agent 285N84K JRI Ms Pld Apricot 285G74 ET (JRI Ms 285C6)

Birth Wt. 96

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 795 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 14.9 3.6

Wt. 1134 CED 11

BW 2.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.3 155 cm WW 59

Scrotal 35.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 85 19 49

RE .17

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.67 68

Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 811 110

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.31 15.0 3.4

CED 15

Wt. 1215 BW -0.6

At Judd Ranch you’re buying into one of the all-time great fertility/longevity breeding programs and cowmen, these reproductive traits have been documented as 12 times more economically important then growth, carcass & etc. JRI Harley 285A8K’s super dam was honored four consecutive years as a Dam of Merit female and in total you will find six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Harley’s pedigree. Rodney Evitt, Corydon, IA purchased Harley’s brother 285U9K in the 2010 sale as Lot 32 and that meatwagon featured an 86# birth weight, 819# 205 day weight with a 1,238# yearling weight.

HP PB Harley Son Top 20% CE/ Whopping 795# 205 Day Wt 86# Avg BW on Dam’s 9 Calves Nursed a 10-Year-Old Dam Fertility & Longevity-Plus Genetics / 6 Honored JR DOMs


365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 111 6.1 163 cm WW 60

Scrotal 39.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 30 60

RE .28

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.32 118 CW FPI 26 76.03

Wow, what a super stud to lead off the black fall yearling Balancer bull offering. JRI Festus 125A37K nursed a calf raising machine 2014 Judd Ranch honored Dam of Merit mama and wowsa, check out his phenomenal stats: calving ease 80# birth weight, ripping 811# 205 day weight with a whopping 1,215# yearling weight. Now pencil-in this meat machine’s 6.32# ADG, super sized 15 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls Festus is wellendowed in the yearling scrotal department. I mentioned above that Festus nursed a 2014 Dam of Merit mama and Dams of Merit run deep in this cow family as Festus’s grandam was honored seven consecutive years as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction female.

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 811# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 80# BW Big Time 6# Gainer Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye/Awesome JR DOM Dam & Grandam


JRI Pendleton 285A85K Black Double Polled Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 9/8/13

Tattoo: 285A85K

18 Months Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) Old Sale Day Sitz Dash 10277 Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET(JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Bling 285X85K JRI Ms Free Agent 285M75K (JRI Ms 285J65) Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 847 115

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 14.8 3.0

CW FPI 23 54.23

Tattoo: 125A37K

18 Months Old SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Visa Gold 224P71 (JRI Ms 224J6) JRI Ms Bit of Honey 125T36K JRI Ms Pld Bonnie 125C26 ET (JRI Ms 125W2)

AGA No.: 1271247

JRI Harley 285A8K

AGA No.: 1271246

Calved: 9/11/13

CED 18

Wt. 1212 BW -0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 6.0 174 cm WW 79

Scrotal 40.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 114 19 59

RE .70

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.72 107 CW FPI 36 82.50

Oh man, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this beefpacking machine Sitz Dash son. This will be the first offering of Sitz Dash 10277 sons and I’m here to tell you in the future you’ll see a lot more AI sired Sitz Dash sons as they are beefpacking machine’s. You might also note these Sitz Dash sons are a total outcross to the Mytty In Focus Balancer sons that have sold through the Judd Ranch bull sales and oh man, these Sitz Dash sons should flat work on Mytty In Focus influenced daughters. JRI Pendleton 285A85K should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and you bet, the fertility is bred-in with four previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Pendleton’s pedigree.

B DP Balancer Bull Whopping 847# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 84# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Huge 14.8” Ylg Ribeye/Big Dog 40 cm Ylg SC/ 4 Honored JR DOMs

Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls   JRI Midnight Special 3A21 117Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266128

Calved: 8/20/13

Tattoo: 3A21

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G7) JRI Ms Sun Kissed 3Y71 JRI Ms Peek A Boo 3S61 (JRI Ms 3L5) Birth Wt. 79

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 874 114

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 14.3 3.3

JRI Multitool 706A22 115 Homo. Black Homo. Polled (63%) Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 9/24/13

Tattoo: 706A22

Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) 18 Months Old JRI Marshall 214X2 Sale Day JRI Ms Black Secret 214U88 (JRI Ms 214R78) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Love Potion 706Y32 ET BABR 7069T ET (Hot Damn 31L) Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 821 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 14.8 3.9

Wt. 1313 CED 18

BW -3.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 5.7 192 cm WW 60

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 28 58

RE .21

CW FPI 21 82.66

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 14.1 2.3

Wt. 1246 CED 16

BW -1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 6.0 166 cm

Tattoo: 285A28

WW 68

Scrotal 38.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 102 26 60

RE .22

RE .17

CW FPI 27 83.84

Calved: 9/4/13

Tattoo: 125A20

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 18 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Raspberry 125Y50 JRI Ms Candy Apple 125S10 (JRI Ms 125N9) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 850 111

Wt. 1268 CED 15

BW 0.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 5.9 200 cm WW 74

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.90 110

Scrotal 39.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 104 25 62

RE .50

CW FPI 31 82.74

B HP Balancer Bull Top 10% CE/Big Time 5# Gainer Ripping 850# 205 Day Wt Scalebusting 1,268# YW Weaned Off His First Calf Dam at 72.8% of Her Bodyweight

S A F Focus of E R (Lady 246) 19 Months Old Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Prosperity 285Y67 JRI Ms Evening Star 285K57 (JRI Ms 285D57) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 803 105

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 26 59

These will be the first Sitz Dash 10277 sons selling in the annual Judd Ranch bull sale and these beefpacking machines would be a total outcross to the Mytty In Focus Balancer sons sold in the past sales and man oh man, they should work awesome on those Mytty In Focus influenced daughters. Sitz Dash 10277 is one of the Angus breed’s leading AI sires and you bet, you will see more of these beefpacking machine Sitz Dash sons in future Judd Ranch bull sales. This beefpacking machine Sitz Dash son nursed an awesome Judd Ranch first calf heifer and rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in the pedigree.

JRI V.I.P. 285A28 116 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 81

AGA No.: 1266732

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 13.8 3.6

HB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 821# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 78# BW Scalebusting 1,313# YW Big Time 5# Gainer/Huge 14.8” Ylg Ribeye/5 Honored JR DOMs

Calved: 8/6/13

WW 66

JRI Special D 125A20 118 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 88

Whoa Nelly, look at the incredible low birth to super growth spread on this meatwagon homozygous black, homozygous polled Balancer fall yearling: calving ease deluxe 78# birth weight, ripping 821# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,313# yearling weight and note Multitool’s feeder delite 5.85# ADG. This meatwagon nursed a first calf maternal sister to the beautiful Judd Ranch first calf heifer, JRI Ms Bandi 706X33 ET, photographed above and oh man, this Judd Ranch 706 cow family is loaded with cow power. Speaking of cow power you will find five previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Multitool’s pedigree. Oh I might add, Multitool’s first calf dam shortened her gestation by an amazing 31 as her second baby was born on 8-25-14.

AGA No.: 1266875

BW -2.6

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.66 124

Scrotal 39.5 cm

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 874# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 79# BW 1,000# WW Off 1re Calf Hfr Scalebusting 1,344# YW/6# Gainer/6 Honored JR DOMs

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.85 109

Scrotal 38.6 cm

CED 18

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 113 6.4 198 cm

Wowsa, look at this meat machine’s phenomenal stats: calving ease 79 pound birth weight, ripping 874# 205 day weight, whopping 1,000 pound weaning weight off his first calf dam and that 1,000 pound figure equates to 78.7% of his dam’s bodyweight. His stats also include a scalebusting 1,344 pound yearling weight, big time feed conversion with a 6.66# ADG, big ol’ 14.3 square inch yearling ribeye and like all Judd Ranch bulls Midnight Special is packing a super sized 39.5 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. This meat machine’s first calf dam is something really special and it comes as no surprise with six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in this pedigree.

First Calf Maternal Sister to Lot 115’s First Calf Dam

AGA No.: 1266881

Wt. 1344

19 Months Old Sale Day

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.50 102

JRI Bowtie 254A35 119Double Black Homo. Polled 3/4 Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270338

Birth Wt. 80

CW FPI 28 80.88

Mercy, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this beefpacking machine homozygous black, homozygous polled Balancer fall yearling: calving ease deluxe 81# birth weight, ripping 803# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,246# yearling weight. Oh I forgot to add this beefpacking machine weaned off his first calf dam at 995 pounds and that 995 pound figure equates to an amazing 82.9% of his first calf dam’s 1,200# bodyweight. Wowsa, you talk about big time cow efficiency weaning 82.9% of a female’s bodyweight. I might add, big time cow efficiency runs deep in this cow family as you will find five previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in V.I. P.’s pedigree.

HB HP Balancer Bull Ripping 803# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 81# BW Whopping 995# Weaning Wt Weaned Off at 82.9% of His Dam’s 1,200# Bodyweight

Calved: 8/9/13

Tattoo: 254A35

19 Months Old Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) Sale Day JRI Crossbow 224X2 JRI Ms Hot Topic 224U6 (JRI Ms 224F5) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET ( JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Treasure 254W85 JRI Ms Extra Wonderful 254M75 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 782 113

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 13.5 2.6

Wt. 1212 CED 13

BW 0.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 6.0 179 cm WW 64

Scrotal 41.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 28 60

RE .28

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.28 117 CW FPI 29 70.49

Wow, look at the awesome low birth to super growth stats on this meatwagon which comes as no surprise as JRI Bowtie 254A35 nursed a super Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit mama. His grandam JRI Ms Extra Wonderful 254M75 ET has been honored in every year of eligibility as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction female (2007 thru 2014). Stacking these incredible Judd Ranch Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction cow families produces phenomenal low birth to super growth spreads and these sons should produce the same impressive low birth to super growth spreads for your program. JRI Bowtie 254A35 covers all the profitable bases with his exceptional low birth to super growth spread and I might add, this meatpacker weaned off Dam of Merit mama at a whopping 970 pounds. (RC)

DB HP Balancer Bull Ripping 782# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 80# BW Whopping 970# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer/Incredible JR DOM Dam & DOD Grandam


Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls


JRI Double Down 224A20 Black Double Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1265879

Calved: 8/12/13

Tattoo: 224A20

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 19 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET(JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Sugar Plum 224T70 ET JRI Pld Grand Potential 224F5 (JRI Ms 224X4) Birth Wt. 83

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 726 105

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.21 15.8 3.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 6.1 168 cm

Wt. 1234 BW 0.8

CED 14

WW 68

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 7.26 135

Scrotal 40.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 101 25 59

RE .79

CW FPI 31 76.35

Wowsa, here’s another meatwagon Sitz Dash 10277 son and oh man, look at his awesome low birth to super growth spread coupled with a feeder delite 7.26# ADG. JRI Double Down 224A20 nursed a calf raising machine who has been honored three times as a Judd Ranch Dam of Merit (2012 thru 2014) and who has produced five meatwagon sons in a row. Dam of Merit mama’s five sons have averaged a whopping 735 pounds on 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,216 pound yearling weight average. This meatwagon Sitz Dash son should genetically lower your birth weights while flat producing the scalebusters at weaning time.

Awesome Judd Ranch Balancer First Calf Heifer

JRI Diplomat 35A22 123Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

B DP Balancer Bull Whopping 965# Weaning Wt CE Deluxe 83# BW Big Time 7# Gainer Huge 15.8” Ylg Ribeye/Awesome JR Dam of Merit Dam

AGA No.: 1266134

Calved: 8/12/13

Tattoo: 254A283

S A F Focus of E R (Lady 246) Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G7) JRI Ms Extra Serene 254Y83 JRI Ms Hot Flash 254T72 (JRI Ms 254P62) Birth Wt. 70

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 749 98

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 15.2 3.1

Wt. 1219 CED 18

BW -3.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 102 4.8 168 cm WW 58

19 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 39.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 29 58

RE .25

Birth Wt. 74

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.42 120 CW FPI 21 81.34

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.31 13.9 3.6

Wt. 1228 CED 19

BW -1.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 5.9 182 cm WW 60

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 86 26 56

RE .54

WW 72

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 101 21 57

RE .52

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.78 89 CW FPI 28 78.71

Calved: 8/28/13

Tattoo: 213A38

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Bella 213Y27 JRI Sweet Reality 213T771 ET (JRI Ms 213M67) Birth Wt. 78

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.16 96

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 808 106

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 12.1 3.2

CW FPI 18 78.33

This year’s sale features the first offering of Sitz Dash 10277 sons and wowsa, this breed leading AI sire is producing beefpacking sons with sensational low birth to awesome growth spreads. I might also add, these beefpacking machine Sitz Dash sons would be a total outcross to all the other Balancer sire lines sold in past Judd Ranch bull sales. JRI Game Changer 254A224 nursed an exceptional Judd Ranch first calf heifer and note his awesome stats: calving ease deluxe 76# birth weight, bellringing 816# 205 day weight, whopping 945# weaning weight off first calf mama and the beefpacker hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,228 pounds. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with four previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in the pedigree. (RC)

DB DP (lite scurs) Balancer Bull Ripping 816# 205 Day Wt 76# CE Deluxe BW Whopping 945# WW Off 1re Calf Hfr Big Time 5# Gainer/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

BW -0.2

AGA No.: 1266752

Tattoo: 254A224

Scrotal 36.5 cm

CED 17

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 6.1 166 cm

JRI Pop Secret 213A38 124Black Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 19 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Class 254Y624 ET JRI Ms Extra Appeal 254L52 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 816 107

Wt. 1204

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 837# 205 Day Wt 74# CE Deluxe BW Whopping 955# Weaning Wt Weaned Off at 74.6% of His Dam’s Bodyweight/9 Honored JR DOMs

Game Changer 254A224 122D. BlackJRI D. Polled (Lite Scurs) Balancer Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 76

19 Months Old Sale Day

Mercy, wait until you see this first offering of Sitz Dash sons. In the future you will be seeing a lot more of these meat machines and as noted before these Sitz Dash Balancer sons would be a total outcross to all past Judd Ranch Balancer sale bulls. JRI Diplomat 35A22 nursed a super Judd Ranch first calf mama and wowsa, you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Diplomat’s pedigree. Diplomat offers you superb calving ease with his 74# birth weight and man oh man, Diplomat should flat spread your growth ratios as this meat machine pegged the 205 day weight scales at a ripping 837 pounds and the meat machine weaned off first calf mama at a whopping 955 pounds.

B HP Balancer Bull Big Time 6# Gainer CE Deluxe 70# BW Huge 15.2” Ylg Ribeye Whopping 900# Weaning Wt…72.5% of Dam’s 1,240# Bodyweight

Calved: 8/21/13

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 837 109

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 14.1 2.7

JRI Fully Loaded 254A283 nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch first calf heifer and oh man, this cow family is loaded with calf raising machine genetics. JRI Fully Loaded 254A283’s grandam 254T72 is a 2014 Dam of Merit female. His great grandam 254P62 has been honored as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction in every year of eligibility (2009 thru 2014). And it goes on and on as Fully Loaded’s great, great grandam’s 254E52 & 254C4 were both honored eight consecutive years as Dam of Merit/Dams of Distinction. JRI Fully Loaded 254A283 is genetically bred to flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and by all means, keep his replacement daughters as they should be calf raising machines.

AGA No.: 1266841

Tattoo: 35A22

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) Sitz Dash 10277 Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Lucky Strike 35Y12 JRI Ms Bittersweet 35S92 (JRI Ms 35P82)

JRI Fully Loaded 254A283 121Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266810

Calved: 8/17/13

Wt. 1267 CED 15

BW -1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 6.3 184 cm WW 63

Scrotal 42.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 28 60

RE .27

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.11 95 CW FPI 24 71.36

My oh my, look at this beef machine’s awesome low birth to super growth spread and those spreads are a common occurrence with this Judd Ranch calf raising machine 213 cow family. We don’t have a photo of Pop Secret’s first calf dam but if you would please turn to page 18, you can view Pop Secret’s grandam JRI Sweet Reality 213T771 ET photographed as a first calf heifer with her scalebusting heifer calf at side. JRI Pop Secret 213A38 offers you superb calving ease with his 78# birth weight and wowsa, this beef machine should flat produce the scalebusters with the phenomenal 808# 205 day weight, whopping 965# weaning weight and note the scalebusting 1,267 pound yearling weight he posted.

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 808# 205 Day Wt 78# CE Deluxe BW 965# WW Off 1re Calf Hfr Whopping 1,267# YW/Big Time 5# Gainer/6 Honored JR DOMs


Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls   JRI Honky Tonk 270A341 127 Black Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266843

Calved: 8/13/13

Tattoo: 270A341

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) S A V Final Answer 0035 (Emulous 8145) JRI Ms Hot Shot 270Y24 JRI Ms Secret Password 270T93 (JRI Ms 270M83) Birth Wt. 77

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 751 98

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 2.6 0.08 13.9

JRI Imagine That 207A2 125 Homo. Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 9/21/13

Tattoo: 207A2

JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) 18 Months Old JRI Iron Man 207Y811 Sale Day JRI Cowgirl Tuff 207W711 (JRI Ms 207R611) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Madeline 207U23 JRI Ms Blk Express 207S53 ET (JRI Ms 207C4) Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 726 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 14.1 4.0

CED 16

Wt. 1176 BW -1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.1 178 cm WW 58

Scrotal 42.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 89 28 57

RE .23


Birth Wt. 78

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.28 14.3 3.5

CED 16

Wt. 1194 BW -0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.3 174 cm WW 67

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 93 26 60

RE .63

Calved: 8/29/13

Tattoo: 170A28

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 786 103 CED 17

Wt. 1192 BW -0.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 5.4 186 cm WW 67

19 Months Old Sale Day

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.40 101

Scrotal 37.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 24 57

RE .58

CW FPI 26 77.40

B DP Balancer Bull Whopping 786# 205 Day Wt 78# Calving Ease BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr Big Time 5# Gainer/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Gunsmith 270A35 129 Double Black Homo. Polled (63%) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265957

Calved: 8/18/13

Tattoo: 270A35

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Maggie 270X25 JRI Ms Glitter N Gold 270U13 (JRI Ms 270S93)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.11 95

Birth Wt. 81

CW FPI 23 80.59

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 746 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.29 14.5 3.3

Wow, look at this beef machine’s whopping 850 pound 205 day weight and cowmen, this beef machine nursed a first calf heifer. Big ol’ scalebusting 205 day weights are the norm for this calf raising machine Judd Ranch 254 cow family. A quick view of the Judd Ranch Dam of Merit honor roll sports an amazing thirty-six honored Judd Ranch 254 cow family daughters and two of those amazing producers are JRI Maitre D 254A261’s grandam and great grandam. JRI Maitre D 254A261 should genetically flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and man oh man, his replacement daughters should be incredible calf raising machines. (RC)

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 850# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 81# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr CE Beef Machine Genetics/Big Time 5# Gainer/6 Honored JR DOMs

CW FPI 21 69.35

JRI Stacks of Cash 170A28 nursed one beautiful calf raising machine Judd Ranch first calf heifer and note his remarkable stats: calving ease 78 pound birth weight coupled with a ripping 786 pound 205 day weight. Low birth to super growth spreads are the norm for this calf raising machine Judd Ranch 170 cow family and you will find five previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Stacks of Cash’s pedigree. JRI Stacks of Cash 170A28 should genetically flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and note his top 1% calving ease EPD strength.

Tattoo: 254A261

Scrotal 40.1 cm

RE .41

JRI Stacks of Cash 170A28

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 14.5 3.1

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 18 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Sugar Plum 254Y65 JRI Ms Pd Checkers 254G51 (JRI Ms 254C4) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 850 111

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 91 27 58

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) Sitz Dash 10277 Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G7) JRI Ms My Maria 170Y8 JRI Ms Secret Pass 170T7 (JRI Ms 170R6)

Maitre D 254A261 126Double BlackJRIHomo. Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 81

WW 62

Black Double Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1266741

CW FPI 20 67.30

HB HP Balancer Bull Ripping 726# 205 Day Wt CE 84# BW Big Time 5# Gainer CE Beef Machine Genetics/11 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 9/7/13

BW -2.0

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.26 98

Scrotal 40.3 cm

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 751# 205 Day Wt 77# CE Deluxe BW 945# WW Off 1re Calf Hfr Big Time 5# Gainer/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.07 94

This bundle of beef homozygous black, homozygous polled Iron Man son nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch honored Dam of Merit mama. JRI Imagine That 207A2’s pedigree is flat loaded with eleven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Wolf Creek Ranch, Bill & Dodi Dennis, Kaufman, TX purchased Imagine That’s brother JRI Jessie James 207Y33 in the 2013 sale as Lot 100 and that meat machine featured a calving ease 76# birth weight, ripping 750# 205 day weight and the meat machine weaned off at a whopping 960 pounds. JRI Imagine That 207A2 posted almost the same identical stats as his meat machine brother Jessie James and Imagine That should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and be prepared for an awesome set of replacement daughters.

AGA No.: 1266807

CED 15

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 5.8 182 cm

JRI Honky Tonk 270A341 nursed a first calf Final Answer daughter and wow, check out Honky Tonk’s awesome stats: calving ease deluxe 77# birth weight, ripping 751# 205 day weight, whopping 945# weaning weight off his first calf mama and the beef machine pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,210 pounds. First calf heifers like Honky Tonk’s dam are not eligible for Dam of Merit status but wow, she is headed in that direction. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find five previously honored Dam of Merit females in Honky Tonk’s pedigree. Calving ease beef machine genetics that should flat produce the scalebusters for your program.

First Calf JR Mama with Her Powerhouse Bull Calf

AGA No.: 1279369

Wt. 1210

CED 14

Wt. 1191 BW 0.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 5.6 169 cm WW 73

Scrotal 44.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 115 23 60

RE .20

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.71 88 CW FPI 39 72.75

Wow, you talk about an excellent combo of beef, butt, guts and nuts in a widespread low birth to super growth package. JRI Gunsmith 270A35 nursed a super Judd Ranch second calf heifer and note Gunsmith’s awesome stats: calving ease 81# birth weight, ripping 746# 205 day weight and this meatwagon weaned off his super second dam at a whopping 980 pounds. Second calf mama’s are not eligible for Dam of Merit status but rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Gunsmith’s pedigree. I might add, fertility all starts in the scrotal department and wowsa, Gunsmith is packing a load with a whopping 44.4 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. (RC)

DB HP Balancer Bull Ripping 746# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 81# BW Whopping 980# Weaning Wt Big Dog 44.4 cm Ylg SC/14.5’ Ylg Ribeye/8 Honored JR DOMs


Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls   JRI Dominator 307A20

130Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266880

Calved: 8/25/13

Tattoo: 307A20

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 19 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Ruby 307Y40 JRI Ms Honeysuckle 307U30 (JRI Ms 307R20) Birth Wt. 87

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 820 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 14.1 2.1

Wt. 1266 CED 16

BW 0.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 5.7 168 cm WW 70

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 105 23 58

RE .52

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.71 88 CW FPI 32 74.69

Mercy, look at the scalebusting performance stats on this beefpacking machine Sitz Dash son: ripping 820# 205 day weight, whopping 990# weaning weight off his first calf dam and the beefpacker flat hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,266 pounds. I mentioned above this beefpacker weaned off his first calf dam at a whopping 990 pounds and that 990 pound figure equates to 80.4% of his dam’s 1,230# bodyweight. Wowsa, that’s flat called big time cow efficiency and big time cow efficiency runs deep in this cow family as you will find eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Dominator 307A20’s pedigree.

First Calf JR Mama With Her Beef Machine Bull Calf

JRI Lone Star 68A35 133 Black Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 820# 205 Day Wt Top 5% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,266# YW Whopping 990# WW…80.4% of Dam’s 1,230# Bodyweight

AGA No.: 1266676

Calved: 8/21/13

Tattoo: 170A32

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) S A V Final Answer 0035 (Emulous 8145) JRI Ms Finders Keepers 170Y2 JRI Ms Dazzler 170W8 (JRI Ms 170T7) Birth Wt. 73

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 806 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 14.2 2.8

Wt. 1238 CED 17

BW -1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 5.3 182 cm WW 64

Scrotal 40.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 101 28 60

RE .34

Tattoo: 68A35

18 Months Old Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) Sale Day JRI Marshall 214X2 JRI Ms Black Secret 214U88 (JRI Ms 214R78) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Lacy Lou 68Y84 JRI Ms Grand Jewel 68K74 (JRI Ms 68E64)

JRI Secret Invasion 170A32 131 D. Black D. Polled (Lite Scurs)(3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266740

Calved: 9/24/13

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.38 100

Birth Wt. 66

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 703 92

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 13.5 3.3

Wt. 1203 CED 17

BW -2.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 5.2 178 cm WW 60

Scrotal 40.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 26 56

RE .23

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.45 101 CW FPI 23 77.61

Wowsa, you talk about a calving ease deluxe beefpacking machine Marshall son. JRI Lone Star 68A35 nursed a first calf Pop A Top daughter and cowmen, these Pop A Top daughters flat know how to get pregnant and they sure do as Lone Star’s dam calved with her second baby 68B95 on 9-9-14 so she shortened her gestation by 15 days and that’s truly remarkable for a first calf fall calving female. Reproduction definitely isn’t a problem with this fertility-plus Judd Ranch 68 cow family and you will find six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Lone Star’s pedigree.

CW FPI 28 70.70

Wow, you talk about a beef, butt, guts & nuts specialist that flat posted an awesome birth to growth spread: calving ease 73# birth weight, ripping 806# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,238# yearling weight. Now pencil-in that this meat machine weaned off his first calf dam at a whopping 950 pounds. Big time cow efficiency runs deep in this cow family as you will find eight previously honored Dam of Merit females in JRI Secret Invasion 170A32’s pedigree. Secret Invasion should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios with the phenomenal birth to growth stats he posted and note his calving ease EPD strength in the breed’s top 2%. (RC)

B HP Balancer Bull Big Time 5# Gainer 66# CE Deluxe BW Whopping 1,203# YW CE Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/ 6 Honored JR DOMs

DB DP (lite scurs) Balancer Bull Ripping 806# 205 Day Wt 73# Calving Ease BW Scalebusting 1,238# YW Whopping 950# WW Off 1re Calf Hfr/ 8 Honored JR DOMs

JRI Secret Potential 270A36 134 Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

JRI Josey Wales 148A30 132Black Double Polled (63%) Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1266844

AGA No.: 1266793

Calved: 9/21/13

Tattoo: 148A30

18 Months Old Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Marshall 214X2 Sale Day JRI Ms Black Secret 214U88 (JRI Ms 214R78) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Auntie Em 148Y40 JRI Ms Raspberry 148U30 (JRI Ms 148K60) Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 768 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 14.9 3.6

Wt. 1216 CED 17

BW -1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 102 5.6 179 cm WW 62

Scrotal 40.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 99 28 59

RE .25

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.78 89

JRI Josey Wales 148A30 nursed a super Judd Ranch first calf heifer and wowsa, this Judd Ranch 148 cow family flat raises the scalebusters. If you would please turn to page 13, you can view a photo of Josey Wales 2014 Dam of Distinction grandam JRI Ms Eternal Echo 148K60 nursing her scalebusting bull calf. Dams of Merit run deep in this cow family as you will find eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Josey Wales pedigree. Josey Wales should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios with the phenomenal stats he posted and you bet, this would be an awesome cow family to save replacement daughters out of.

B DP Balancer Bull Ripping 768# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 80# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr Scalebusting 1,216# YW/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Tattoo: 270A36

19 Months Old JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) Sale Day JRI Top Secret 2 ETN JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) S A V Final Answer 0035 (Emulous 8145) JRI Ms Faithful 270Y25 JRI Ms Secret Crush 270W93 (JRI Ms 270M83)

Birth Wt. 74

RF 0.18

CW FPI 26 79.96

Calved: 8/11/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 763 100

365 Day Adj. REA IMF 16.4 2.6

Wt. 1146 CED 16

BW -2.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 96 4.9 191 cm WW 58

Scrotal 41.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 73 23 52

RE .57

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.02 93 CW FPI 8 69.29

JRI Secret Potential 270A36 nursed an awesome Judd Ranch first calf heifer and wow, check out his phenomenal stats: calving ease 74# birth weight, ripping 763# 205 day weight and the super stud weaned off his first calf dam at a whopping 905 pounds. I might add, that 905 pound weaning weight equates to 74.1% of his first calf dam’s 1,220# bodyweight. Weaning 74.1% of a dam’s bodyweight is flat called big time cow efficiency. Speaking of cow efficiency you will find six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Potential’s pedigree. You might also note this beefpacker scanned a super sized 16.4 square inch yearling ribeye.

B HP Balancer Bull Big Time 5# Gainer 74# CE Deluxe BW Whopping 905# Weaning Wt Weaned Off at 74.1% of His Dam’s Bodyweight/ Huge 16.4” Ylg Ribeye

Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls JRI Maverick 53A27 137Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266138

Calved: 9/11/13

Tattoo: 53A27

18 Months Old S A F Focus of E R (Lady 246) Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Secret Agent 53Y76 JRI Ms Lexi Gold 53T65 (JRI Ms 53N54) Birth Wt. 76

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 777 102

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.21 12.8 3.3

JRI Dash 4 Cash 230A22 Calved: 8/17/13

Tattoo: 230A22

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 19 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Butterscotch 230Y82 JRI Ms Special Agent 230S7 (JRI Ms 230K6) 205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 774 101

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 14.6 2.9

Wt. 1149

CED 17

BW -1.5

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 96 6.1 183 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 24 55

RE -.04

CW FPI 25 80.25

WW 57

Scrotal 37.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 79 25 53

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 777# 205 Day Wt 76# Calving Ease BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr CE Meat Machine Genetics/ 8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Winchester 254A38 138 Double Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265934

RE .49

CW FPI 14 72.06

Birth Wt. 96

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 13.1 3.4

Wt. 1094 CED 16

BW -1.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.2 174 cm WW 63

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 91 28 59

RE .20

WW 76

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 120 26 64

RE .63

CW FPI 44 71.00

Calved: 8/7/13

Tattoo: 254A32B

Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) 19 Months Old JRI Crossbow 224X2 Sale Day JRI Ms Hot Topic 224U6 (JRI Ms 224F5) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Lolly Pop 254W624 ET JRI Ms Pd Blackhills 254E52 (JRI Ms 254C4) Birth Wt. 66

CW FPI 21 80.18

HB HP Balancer Bull Ripping 745# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 82# BW Big Boy 40.1 cm Ylg SC CE Beef Machine Genetics/Awesome Judd Ranch DOM Dam

BW 2.5

AGA No.: 1270340

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.37 81

Mercy, look at the exceptional low birth to super growth spread on this homozygous black, homozygous polled fall yearling Mytty In Focus Balancer son: calving ease deluxe 82 pound birth weight coupled with a ripping 745 pound 205 day weight. Sounds like JRI Mighty Good 148A2K nursed a Dam of Merit mama with that kind of exceptional birth to growth spread and he sure did as super mom JRI Ms Raven 148S6K was honored as a 2014 Dam of Merit female. This Judd Ranch 148 cow family is mighty powerful and you can view a first calf 148 cow family daughter on the right hand page and mercy, look at that scalebusting heifer calf nursing her. Calving ease beef machine genetics from one mighty powerful cow family.

CED 11

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.88 91

Scrotal 43.5 cm

JRI Chaparral 254A32B 139Homo. Black D. Polled (Lite Scurs) (3/4) Balancer

Tattoo: 148A2K

Scrotal 40.1 cm

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 108 6.2 197 cm

Wt. 1273

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,085# Weaning Wt Ripping 782# 205 Day Wt Scalebusting 1,273# YW Meat Machine Genetics/Honored DOM Dam, Grandam & G. Grandam

S A F Focus of E R (Lady 246) 18 Months Old Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Raven 207P67 (JRI Ms 207L57) JRI Ms Raven 148S6K JRI Ms Blk N Stacked 148P5K (JRI Ms 148F4) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 745 101

Tattoo: 254A38

Wowsa, you talk about a meatwagon flat loaded with beef, butt, guts & nuts. JRI Winchester 254A38 pounded the 205 day weight scales at 782 pounds, flat crushed the weaning weight scales at 1,085 pounds and the meatwagon flat hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,273 pounds. I can tell you Winchester’s 2014 honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit dam flat produces a scalebuster every year. Barry Higgins, Lewisburg, KY purchased super mom’s son JRI Hot Toddy 254Z38 in last year’s sale as Lot 130 and this meatwagon pegged the yearling weight scales at 1,271 pounds. (RC)

JRI Mighty Good 148A2K 136Homo. Black Homo. Polled Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 9/8/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 782 113

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 15.2 3.0

B DP Balancer Bull Ripping 774# 205 Day Wt 77# Calving Ease BW Whopping 900# Weaning Wt Weaned Off at 78.9% of His Dam’s Bodyweight/ 8 Honored JR DOMs

AGA No.: 1271070

Calved: 8/19/13

19 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Top Gun 254X822 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Morgans Direction 111 9901 (Barbie 9901) JRI Ms High Profile 254U27 JRI Ms Secret Password 254S97 (JRI Ms 254P87)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.71 88

If you have been purchasing beefpacking machine Mytty In Focus Balancer bulls from Judd Ranch, these Sitz Dash sons are a total outcross and wowsa, these beefpacking machine Sitz Dash sons should work awesome on your Mytty In Focus influenced daughters. Sitz Dash is one of the Angus breeds leading AI sires and he’ll continue to be with the excellent blend of calving ease, beef, butt, guts & nuts he injects into his progeny. I might add, Sitz Dash features top 1% Heifer Pregnancy EPD strength which fits in perfectly with Judd Ranch’s breed-leading #1 honored Dam of Merit Gelbvieh & Balancer program. This beefpacking machine Sitz Dash son should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and this beefpacker weaned off his first calf dam at a whopping 900 pounds.

Birth Wt. 82

WW 62

Black Double Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1266801

Birth Wt. 77

BW -2.1

CED 18

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.80 89

Scrotal 39.2 cm

Over the last few years Judd Ranch has sold a boatload of calving ease/beef machine Mytty In Focus Balancer sons and that’s about to come to an end as Mytty In Focus is deceased and his remaining limited semen inventory is starting to trade in the triple dollar digits. Mytty In Focus was the all-time leader in beef semen sales at ABS Global and Mytty In Focus ranks as one of the Angus breed’s all-time leaders in registrations. I have traveled millions of miles viewing Gelbvieh & Balancer genetics and I have said it many of times…Mytty In Focus was the #1 Angus sire to produce Balancer genetics.

Judd Ranch Mama with Her Super Heifer Calf


365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 5.7 161 cm

Wt. 1194

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 600 86

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.09 13.9 2.5

Wt. 1085 CED 14

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 92 5.5 208 cm

BW -0.5

WW 56

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.83 109

Scrotal 39.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 90 29 57

RE .31

CW FPI 23 70.94

Judd Ranch retained JRI Chaparral 254A32B’s fall 2012 brother JRI Oliver 254Z724 as a herdsire last year and that calving ease/beef machine features a 73# birth weight, ripping 718# 205 day weight, whopping 952# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,246# yearling weight. Next year’s bull sale will feature the first Oliver sons and to say the least…Judd Ranch can’t wait. Oliver and Chaparral’s super fourth calf dam really likes to moderate birth weights as her four babies have only averaged 68 pounds at birth. No doubt extreme low birth weights run deep in this pedigree as Oliver & Chaparral’s sister’s first baby (254A325) only weighed 51 pounds at birth and I might add, that 51 pounder crushed the 205 day weight scales at 714 pounds.

HB DP (lite scurs) Balancer Bull Big Time 5# Gainer 66# Calving Ease BW Whopping 850# Weaning Wt 68# Avg BW on Dam’s 4 Calves/6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls   JRI Pete 35A31K 140Homo. Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270752

Calved: 8/26/13

Tattoo: 35A31K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms In Focus 35Y21K JRI Ms Roxi 35T9K (JRI Ms 35N80K) Birth Wt. 74

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 724 98

365 Day Adj. REA IMF BF 0.16 15.4 3.5

Wt. 1075 CED 15

BW -0.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 4.9 171 cm WW 59

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.81 90

Scrotal 38.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 27 56

RE .23

CW FPI 26 68.36

Oh man, has this combo of Secret Instinct and Mytty In Focus produced some widespread birth to growth beefpacking machines. JRI Pete 35A31K nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch first calf Mytty In Focus daughter and wow, look at his awesome low birth to super growth stats with a calving ease 74# birth weight coupled with a whopping 724# 205 day weight. Big time low birth to super growth spreads are the norm for this calf raising machine Judd Ranch 35 cow family. Speaking of calf raising machines you will find ten previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Pete 35A31K’s pedigree.

Judd Ranch First Calf Heifer Nursing Her Big Time Heifer Calf

JRI Well Balanced 259A22K 143Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

HB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 724# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 74# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr CE Beef Machine Genetics/15.4” Ylg Ribeye/10 JR Honored DOMs

AGA No.: 1271184

Calved: 8/21/13

Tattoo: 270A34

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Cowgirl Candy 270X24A JRI Ms Dark Secret 270T60 (JRI Ms 270F50) Birth Wt. 94

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 785 113

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 15.4 2.3

Wt. 1303 CED 14

BW .0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 6.8 184 cm WW 68

Scrotal 43.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 110 27 61

RE .27

Birth Wt. 82

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.66 124 CW FPI 35 70.87

AGA No.: 1271609

Tattoo: 259A38K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months JRI Harley 125S41 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Hot N Sassy 259X28K JRI Ms Free Agent 259N8K (JRI Ms 259K7)

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 14.2 2.9

CED 16

Wt. 1082 BW -0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 6.8 179 cm WW 56

Scrotal 42.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 84 25 53

RE .24

BW -1.8

WW 60

Scrotal 39.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 26 56

RE .15

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.13 96 CW FPI 23 78.02

JRI Fired Up 270A2K 144 Homo. Black Double Polled (63%) Balancer Fall Yearling

142 Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 760 103

CED 17

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 5.7 171 cm

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 710# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 82# BW Big Time 5# Gainer CE Meat Machine Genetics/9 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Henry 259A38K

Birth Wt. 78

Wt. 1072

19 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Well Balanced 259A22K nursed a calf raising machine third calf Judd Ranch mama and wowsa, super mom has raised some beef machine sons. Bill & Dodi Dennis, Kaufman,TX purchased super mom’s beef machine son JRI Tough Guy 259Z21K in last year’s sale as Lot 125 and that beef machine featured an 80# birth weight with a scalebusting 743# 205 day weight. Rick Chism, Fair Play, MO purchased super mom’s first baby JRI Black N Balanced 259Y29K as Lot 112 in the 2013 sale and that beef machine featured a 74# birth weight with a ripping 735# 205 day weight. You bet, the Dam of Merit genetics are bred-in as you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in JRI Well Balanced 259A22K’s pedigree.

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 990# Weaning Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Scalebusting 1,303# YW Huge 15.4” Ylg Ribeye/Big Dog 43.5 cm Ylg SC/8 Honored JR DOMS

Calved: 9/25/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 710 96

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 13.5 3.4

Wowsa, look at the incredible stats on this meatwagon TopGun/Mytty In Focus son: scalebusting 785# 205 day weight, whopping 990# weaning weight off his second calf mama and the meatwagon flat hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,303 pounds. Now pencil-in this meatwagon’s 6.66# ADG, huge 15.4 square inch yearling ribeye and wow, ol’ meatwagon is well blessed in the scrotal department with a herdsire yearling scrotal circumference of 43.5 centimeters. Jo Lynn Farms, Bowersville, GA purchased Gunslinger’s brother JRI Journey 270Z36 in last year’s sale as Lot 127 and that meatwagon featured a 79# birth weight with a scalebusting 771# 205 day weight. (RC)

AGA No.: 1271185

Tattoo: 259A22K

S A F Focus of E R (Lady 246) Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Harley 125S41 ( JRI Ms 125K3) JRI Ms Harley 259W9K JRI Ms Free Agent 259N8K (JRI Ms 259K7)

JRI Gunslinger 270A34 141 Double Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265956

Calved: 8/26/13

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.75 88

Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 744 101

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 12.1 3.4

CW FPI 19 64.96

Calved: 9/11/13

Tattoo: 270A2K

Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) 18 Months Old JRI Cross Fire 09X2K Sale Day JRI Ms Top Secret 09U9K (JRI Ms 09P8K) JRI Profit Agent 46N (Logan 46G) JRI Ms Special Agent 270U3K JRI Pld Extra Style 270J518 ET (JRI Ms 270Z4)

CED 15

Wt. 1060 BW -0.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 97 5.5 189 cm WW 51

Scrotal 37.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 76 24 50

RE -.09

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.70 88 CW FPI 14 66.61

JRI Fired Up 270A2K nursed a calf raising machine Profit Agent daughter and wow, super mom knows how to bring home the beef. Lee & Sharon Tucker, Leonardville, KS purchased super mom’s son JRI Renegade 270Z4K in last year’s sale as Lot 77 with a calving ease 78# birth weight coupled with a ripping 706# 205 day weight and wowsa, that meatwagon was flat packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts. Calf raising machine genetics run deep in this Judd Ranch 270 cow family and you will find five previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Fired Up’s pedigree.

JRI Henry 259A38K nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch second heifer. Man, look at his awesome low birth to super growth spread: calving ease deluxe 78# birth weight coupled with a scalebusting 760# 205 day weight. Well I can tell you Henry’s super second calf dam flat spreads birth to growth every year. Stirling Spencer, Corrizozo, New Mexico purchased super mom’s first baby JRI Profitabull 259Z3K as Lot 164 in last year’s sale and that meat machine featured a calving ease 78# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,245# yearling weight. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in with nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dams of Merit in Henry’s pedigree.

HB DP Balancer Bull Ripping 744# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Big Time Gainer CE Beef Machine Genetics/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 760# 205 Day Wt 78# Calving Ease BW Big ol’ 14.2” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/9 JR Honored DOMs in the Pedigree


Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls Cross Fire 207A2K 147Homo. BlackJRIDouble Polled Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1271608

Calved: 10/18/13

Tattoo: 207A2K

Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Cross Fire 09X2K JRI Ms Top Secret 09U9K (JRI Ms 09P8K) Purebred Angus (Purebred Angus) JRI Ms Haley 207U2K JRI Ms Bullseye 207P71K (JRI Ms 207J6) Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 520 NA

365 Day Adj. REA IMF RF 0.22 14.4 4.0

JRI Mastro 214A20 145Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 8/22/13

Tattoo: 214A20

SAF Focus of ER (Lady 246) 19 Months Old MYTTY In Focus Sale Day MYTTY Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Paris 214Y90 JRI Ms Star Bucks 214T802 (JRI Ms 214R702) Birth Wt. 74

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 697 91

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 13.4 3.2

Wt. 1106 CED 18

BW -1.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 93 5.2 170 cm WW 63

Scrotal 36.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 25 57

RE .12

AGA No.: 1265877

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 66 28 46

RE .19

CW FPI 9 59.45

Calved: 9/8/13

Tattoo: 224A26

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 18 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Hot Topic 224U6 JRI Pld Grand Potential 224F5 (JRI Ms 224X4)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.50 84 CW FPI 23 79.64

Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 103 772 111 1294 110 5.9 174 cm 39.1 cm 5.19 97 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.23 15.5 2.9 12 2.1 70 108 23 58 .69 37 73.80 Wowsa, look at the scalebusting performance stats on this meatwagon Sitz Dash son: ripping 772# 205 day weight, whopping 1,020# weaning weight and the meatwagon crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,294 pounds. Now pencil-in ol’ meatwagon’s 5.19# ADG, big ol’ 15.5 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, he’s packing a load in the scrotal department with a 39.1 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. John Rose, Mullinville, KS purchased ol’ meatwagon’s brother JRI Rio 224Z7 in last year’s sale as Lot 70 and that meatwagon featured a ripping 786# 205 day weight, whopping 984# weaning weight and the meatwagon hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,284 pounds. Oh I might add, these meatwagon brothers nursed a Judd Ranch Dam of Merit mama.

B HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,294# YW Whopping 1,020# Weaning Wt Huge 15.5” Ylg Ribeye Top 35% CE EPD Strength/Awesome Judd Ranch Dam of Merit Dam

146Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling JRI Dashing 259A2K

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) Sitz Dash 10277 Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Free Agent 259N8K JRI Im Sweet 259K7 (JRI Ms 259D6)

WW 35

JRI Durango 224A26 148Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 845# Weaning Wt 74# Calving Ease BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr CE Beef Machine Genetics/7Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 9/7/13

BW -1.0

HB DP Balancer Bull CE Beef Machine Genetics 80# Calving Ease BW Big ol’ 14.4” Ylg Ribeye One of the Top Marbling Bulls in the Sale/ 5 Honored JR DOMs

JRI Mastro 214A20 nursed an awesome first calf Top Recruit daughter and oh man, this combo of Mytty In Focus and Top Recruit flat produces the beefpacking machines. Speaking of beefpacking machine producing ability I can tell you it definitely is the norm for this powerful Judd Ranch 214 cow family. Mastro’s grandam JRI Ms Star Bucks 214T802 produced one of the top bulls in last year’s sale JRI Persuasion 214Z902 that sold as Lot 32 to Kurt Koelling, Paradise, KS and that beefpacker featured an 86# birth weight, whopping 960# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,251# yearling weight.

AGA No.: 1271182

CED 12

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.91 91

Scrotal 39.4 cm

This Judd Ranch 207 cow family is flat loaded with fertility and big time producing ability. To date seventeen Judd Ranch 207 cow family daughters have been honored as Dams of Merit. If you would please turn to page 22, you can view a first calf Judd Ranch 207 cow family daughter JRI Ms In Vogue 207Y25 and wowsa, check out the scalebusting bull calf at her side. Bill England, Lincoln, NE purchased JRI Cross Fire 207A2K’s maternal brother JRI Fully Loaded 207Z3K in last year’s sale as Lot 154 and wowsa, that Harley son was packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in JRI Cross Fire 207A2K as you will find five previously honored Judd Ranch Dams of Merit in the pedigree.

Judd Ranch Balancer Females are the Complete Package

AGA No.: 1266796

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.1 148 cm

Wt. 1072

17 Months Old Sale Day


Tattoo: 259A2K 18 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Fully Loaded 164A2K Black Double Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1271072

Calved: 9/9/13

Tattoo: 164A2K

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 18 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secrets Out 164T7K JRI Pd New Attraction 164H6 (JRI Ms 164F5)

Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 80 648 88 1013 92 4.9 174 cm 42.1 cm 5.02 93 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.18 14.7 3.4 18 -1.4 58 86 28 57 .66 19 73.74

Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 678 92

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 13.7 3.6

JRI Dashing 259A2K nursed a calf raising machine 10-year-old Judd Ranch mama and cowmen, super mom has been honored as a Dam of Merit and/or as a Dam of Distinction the last three consecutive years. Leo Lang, Overbrook, KS purchased Dam of Distinction mama’s son JRI High Roller 259Z2K in last year’s sale as Lot 128 and that beef machine featured an 84# birth weight with a whopping 814# 205 day weight. On another note you definitely want to retain JRI Dashing 259A2K’s replastent daughters as Dashing’s sister 259U9K features a whopping 724# average 205 day weight on her babies and his other sister 259W9K features a whopping 729# average 205 day weight on her 3 babies.

Wt. 1012 CED 18

BW -2.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 92 4.4 163 cm WW 51

Scrotal 35.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 74 21 46

RE .49

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.59 85 CW FPI 10 71.80

JRI Fully Loaded 164A2K nursed a fertility-plus calf raising machine Top Secret daughter. Super mom JRI Ms Secrets Out 164T7K sports a 363 day annual calving interval and cowmen, profitability all starts in the fertility department and that’s why Judd Ranch has been honored as the breeds #1 Dam of Meit program for 16 of the past 17 years. If you would please turn to page 16, you can checkout a Judd Ranch 164 cow family daughter JRI Ms Pd Summits Peak 164H5 and take special note of her powerhouse bull calf. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in JRI Fully Loaded 164A2K’s pedigree as you will find four previously honored Judd Ranch Dams of Merit.

B HP Balancer Bull Big Time 5# Gainer Calving Ease 80# BW Big Dog 42.1 cm Ylg SC Calf Raising Machine Maternal Sisters/Awesome 2014 Dam of Merit Dam


B DP Balancer Bull Top 1% CE EPD Strength CE Deluxe 78# BW Big Time Gainer CE Beef Machine Genetics/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls JRI Springsteen 125A3 150 Double Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1263956

Calved: 9/8/13

Tattoo: 125A3

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Gussied Up 125W2 JRI Ms Baccardi Gold 125S402 (JRI Ms 125M302) Birth Wt. 89

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 667 96

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 15.1 3.6

Wt. 1179 CED 14

BW .0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.2 201 cm WW 64

Scrotal 41.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 101 21 53

RE .23

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.71 106 CW FPI 30 70.39

Barry Higgins, Lewisburg, KY purchased this beef machine’s brother JRI Turbo 125Z3 in last year’s sale as Lot 141 and that beefpacking machine pounded the 205 day weight scales at 761 pounds, hammered the weaning weight scales at 998 pounds and the beefpacker crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,283. Well I can tell you Dam of Merit mamas have that ability to do it every year and you bet, these brothers nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit mama. JRI 125A3’s Dam of Merit mama JRI Ms Gussied Up 125W2 had a pretty good teacher as her dam JRI Ms Baccardi Gold 125S402 is another honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit female. Big time gain ability is all part of the complete package as Springsteen posted a 5.71# ADG and his brother Turbo in last year’s sale posted a 7.03# ADG.

Mama Cow Deluxe Judd Ranch Balancer First Calf Heifer

Circle D 3A2 153Black D. PolledJRI (Lite Scurs) Balancer Fall Yearling

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 880# Weaning Wt Big Time 5# Gainer Big ol’ 15.1” Ylg Ribeye Beef Machine Genetics/Awesome JR DOM Dam & Grandam

AGA No.: 1266127

Calved: 8/10/13

Tattoo: 270A29

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) 19 Months Old Sitz Dash 10277 Sale Day Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Top Pursuit 270Y79 ET JRI Ms Pld Extra Step 270J67 (JRI Ms 270G57)

Birth Wt. 67

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 766 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 16.1 2.3

Wt. 1083 CED 19

BW -3.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 91 4.8 179 cm WW 56

Scrotal 36.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 72 21 49

RE .76

Birth Wt. 69

CW FPI 7 74.18

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 799 115

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.07 17.2 1.9

Wt. 1307 CED 12

BW 1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 111 5.6 174 cm

AGA No.: 1266748

WW 61

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 22 52

RE .40

Birth Wt. 45

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.09 113

B DP Balancer Bull Big Time 6# Gainer Whopping 17” Ylg Ribeye Scalebusting 990# Weaning Wt 88# Avg BW on Dam’s 6 Calves/Awesome JR Dam of Merit Dam

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 73 25 51

Calved: 8/8/13

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 673 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 12.6 3.5

RE .33

CW FPI 9 71.35

Tattoo: 207A24

CED 16

Wt. 1083 BW -2.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 4.5 142 cm WW 63

Scrotal 38.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 28 59

RE .34

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.42 120 CW FPI 24 82.98

JRI Mastro 207A24 was twin born to JRI Auto Focus 207A23 Lot 157 and you bet, this Judd Ranch 207 cow family flat knows how to raise babies. If you would please turn to page 22, you can view a first calf 207 cow family daughter and wowsa, look at the meat machine bull calf at her side. You can also checkout another 207 cow family daughter on page 11 (above Lot 5) and wowsa, look at her meatwagon bull calf at side. JRI Mastro 207A24 offers you superb calving ease with his top 5% calving ease EPD strength and with the beef, butt & guts he’s packing, Mastro should boost your performance levels.

CW FPI 29 67.50

Rodney Evitt, Corydon, IA purchased this meatwagon’s brother JRI Alternator 285Z70 in last year’s sale as Lot 51 and that 84 pound birth weight meatwagon weaned off Dam of Merit mama at a whopping 898 pounds. Dam of Merit mamas have that ability to bring home the scalebusters every year and wowsa, checkout this meatwagon’s stats: ripping 799# 205 day weight, scalebusting 990# weaning weight off Dam of Merit mama and the meatwagon crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,307 pounds. Wowsa, now pencil-in ol’ meatwagon’s 6.09# ADG, serving tray 17.2 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, ol’ meatwagon is ready for the breeding pastures with a whopping 43 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference.

WW 53

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.92 92

SAF Focus of ER (Lady 246) 19 Months MYTTY In Focus Old Sale Day MYTTY Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Copy Cat 207Y63 JRI Ms Blk Express 207S53 ET (JRI Ms 207C4)

Tattoo: 285A300

Scrotal 43.0 cm

BW -2.8

Scrotal 38.2 cm

JRI Mastro 207A24 154Black Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

18 Months Old Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Crossbow 224X2 Sale Day JRI Ms Hot Topic 224U6 (JRI Ms 224F5) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Skip A Secret 285T60 ET JRI Ms Pld Preference 285A5 (JRI Ms 285Y4) Birth Wt. 104

CED 19

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 89 4.8 156 cm

B DP (lite scurs) Balancer Bull Top 1% CE EPD Strength 69# Calving Ease BW CE Beef Machine Genetics “Heiferbull” Genetics/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Crossfire 285A300 152Black Double Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 9/6/13

Wt. 1065

If you’re searching for a “heiferbull” to breed a set of heifers JRI Circle D 3A2 should be a “heiferbull”. Circle D’s 69 pound birth weight spells “heiferbull”. Circle D’s 20 calving ease EPD strength ranks him in the breed’s top 1% for calving ease. As you know I like to research the dam’s birth weight track record and super mom has only averaged 72 pounds at birth on her two calves. I also checked the maternal grandam’s birth weight track record and grandam JRI 3T6A has only averaged 75 pounds at birth on her six babies. Tally it all up and JRI Circle D 3A2 should be a “heiferbull” deluxe for your program.

HB DP Balancer Bull “Heiferbull” Genetics 67# Calving Ease BW Big Time 5# Gainer Whopping 16.1” Ylg Ribeye/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1270342

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 735 96

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.17 12.6 2.6

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.11 95

If you’re searching for a potential “heiferbull” to breed a set of heifers, JRI Ribeye 270A29 should be a “heiferbull” deluxe. Ribeye’s calving ease 67 pound birth weight spells “heiferbull” genetics. Ribeye’s calving ease 19 EPD strength ranks him in the breeds top 1% spelling “heiferbull” genetics. And personally I like to factor in the dam’s birth weight track record to further ensure the calving ease is bred-in and super mom’s fall 2014 baby only weighed 62 pounds at birth. JRI Ribeye 270A29 should be a “heiferbull” deluxe sire and note Ribeye’s super 5.11# ADG coupled with a super sized 16.1 square inch yearling ribeye.

Tattoo: 3A2 19 Months Old Sale Day

Sitz Upward 307R (Pride 81M) Sitz Dash 10277 Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 (Entense 4948) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G57) JRI Ms Cowgirl 3Y7 JRI 3T6A (JRI Ms 3K5)

JRI Ribeye 270A29 151Homozygous Black D. Polled Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266874

Calved: 8/12/13

B HP Balancer Bull Big Time 6# Gainer CE 45# BW (twin) Whopping 800# Weaning Wt (twin) Top 5% CE/CE Beef Machine Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs


Fall Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

Dave & Nick Judd Riding the Big Pastures at Judd Ranch

Judd Ranch Balancer Females are the Complete Package

JRI Auto Focus 207A23 JRI Secretariat 23A10 157Black Homozygous 155 Polled Balancer Fall Yearling Double Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1263906

Calved: 8/8/13

AGA No.: 1266749

Tattoo: 23A10

Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 686 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 14.8 3.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 96 5.3 194 cm

Wt. 1128 CED 17

BW -0.8

WW 55

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 87 26 53

Birth Wt. 46

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.23 97

Scrotal 42.1 cm RE .45

One of the favorite bulls in the 2012 sale was JRI Secret Instinct 23X31 that C & F Ranch, John Kramer, Piqua, KS purchased as Lot 109. That meat machine featured a 74 pound birth weight and wowsa, he was a Mack Truck flat loaded with beef, butt, guts & nuts. Well, JRI Secretariat 23A10 is a full brother and this meatwagon weaned off his fourth calf dam at a whopping 960 pounds. I might add, Secretariat’s whopping 960 pound weaning weight equates to 75.5% of his dam’s 1,270 bodyweight. This is one calf raising machine cow family and please check out the Lot 20 bull, as his first calf dam is a full sister to Secretariat. (RC)

Hot Shot 706A3 156Black DoubleJRIPolled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1265989

Calved: 9/17/13

Tattoo: 706A3

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 709 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.18 15.2 3.7

Wt. 1066 CED 14

BW -1.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 90 6.1 191 cm WW 60

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 26 56

RE .22

Wt. 1030 CED 16

BW -2.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.0 167 cm WW 63

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.95 92

Scrotal 37.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 28 59

RE .34

CW FPI 24 82.98

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 780# Weaning Wt (twin) 46# Birth Weight (twin) Big Time Gainer CE Beef Machine Genetics / 6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Outcross 254A396 158 Double Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270339

Calved: 8/27/13

Tattoo: 254A396

Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) 19 Months Old JRI Crossbow 224X2 Sale Day JRI Ms Hot Topic 224U6 (JRI Ms 224F5) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Lynx 254X96 JRI Ms Saddie 254S86 (JRI Ms 254M76)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.66 50

Scrotal 37.4 cm

Tattoo: 207A23

JRI Auto Focus 207A23 was twin born to JRI Mastro 207A24 Lot 154 and wow, this Judd Ranch 207 cow family is loaded with cow power. To date seventeen Judd Ranch 207 cow family daughters have been honored as Dams of Merit. You can checkout a first calf Judd Ranch 207 cow family daughter photographed on page 22 and mercy, note the scalebusting bull calf at her side. These twin brothers Auto Focus & Mastro may have started with ultralite birth weights but rest assured, the performance-plus genetic impact is bred-in with six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in the pedigree.

18 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Old Sale Day JRI Hot Topic 246X13 ET JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 (JRI Ms 246L80) Exar Pay Stub 40 5S (Blackbird 7537) BABR 7069T ET AHL Hott Damn 31L (Extra Special) Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 704 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 11.5 3.8

CW FPI 20 65.96

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 960# Weaning Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Big Time 5# Gainer CE Meat Machine Genetics/9 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 8/8/13

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) 19 Months Old Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Copy Cat 207Y63 JRI Ms Blk Express 207S53 ET (JRI Ms 207C4)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Morgans Direction 111 9901 (Barbie 9901) JRI Ms Sugar Pie 23U9 JRI Ms Cotton Candy 23S8 (JRI Ms 23P7)

Birth Wt. 101

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 711 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.16 13.2 2.7

CW FPI 24 61.49

Wt. 1281 CED 13

BW 1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 109 6.0 171 cm WW 71

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 112 25 60

RE .38

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.61 123 CW FPI 38 75.25

Wow, look at the awesome low birth to super growth on this beef machine Hot Topic son: calving ease 78# birth weight, ripping 709# 205 day weight and the beef machine weaned off his super dam at a whopping 890 pounds. Now what’s really troubling to me is JRI Hot Shot 706A3’s 2.66# ADG/50 gain test ratio. I used to ask Dave Judd if he remembered a bull having foot rot or a bout of shipping fever during gain test and Dave would give me the big ol’ Dave Judd smile and say…Rog, there’s a thousand-plus animals running on the ranch and he sure couldn’t remember. Well I’m here to tell you poor gain ability is not the norm with super mom’s sons as her ET sons Lot 151 & 153 in last year’s sale featured whopping 5.53# & 6.84# average daily gains.

JRI Outcross 254A396 weighed 101 pounds at birth and we all know if because Judd Ranch honestly weighs every calf at birth. Well I can tell you bigger birth weights are not the norm for Outcross’ dam. His dam, JRI Ms Lynx 254X96’s first baby 254Z29 born in the fall of 2012 only weighed 74 pounds and her fall 2014 baby 254B16 only weighed 52 pounds at birth. With JRI Outcross 254A396’s dam’s low birth weight track record don’t shy away from this meatwagon and wowsa, check out his stats: ripping 711# 205 day weight, whopping 930# weaning weight, scalebusting 1,281# yearling weight and the meatwagon posted a 6.61# ADG. (RC)

B DP Balancer Bull Whopping 890# Weaning Wt 78# Calving Ease BW Big ol’ 15.2” Ylg Ribeye CE Beef Machine Genetics/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 930# Weaning Wt 76# Avg BW on Dam’s 3 Calves Scalebusting 1,281# YW Big Time 6# Gainer/ 8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Fall Yearling Black & Red Polled Balancer Bulls

You’ll Find Great Cow Families Behind Every JR Bull

Brent & Ashley Judd Heading Towards the Big Pastures

JRI Secret Formula 53A3 JRI Fully Balanced 125A29K 159 161 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling Black Homozygous Polled (38%) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1271066

Calved: 9/13/13

AGA No.: 1266136

Tattoo: 125A29K

Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 701 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 12.7 3.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 94 4.9 162 cm

Wt. 1034 CED 19

BW -4.0

WW 51

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 78 24 50

Birth Wt. 82

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.54 85

Scrotal 39.3 cm RE .01

Calved: 9/15/13

Tattoo: 53A3

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Minnie 53Y2 JRI Ms Hot Tip 53W8 (JRI Ms 53P71)

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) 18 Months Old Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Top Grid 254T725 (JRI Ms 254P625) JRI Ms Top Choice 125W69K JRI Ms Profit Agent 125R58K (JRI Ms 125J48)

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 750 108

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 16.9 2.9

CW FPI 11 77.49

Wt. 1214 CED 16

BW -1.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 5.0 176 cm WW 58

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.45 120

Scrotal 40.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 90 25 54

RE .26

CW FPI 21 68.54

Wow, look at the low birth to super growth stats on this beef machine Mytty In Focus son and you bet, this Judd Ranch 125 cow family is mighty powerful. To date, thirty-eight Judd Ranch 125 cow family daughters have been honored as Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Bob Olson, Green, KS purchased this beef machine’s full brother JRI In Focus 125Y29K as Lot 121 in the 2013 bull sale and that beef, butt, guts & nuts specialist featured a 74 pound birth weight. JRI Fully Balanced 125A29K offers you superb calving ease with his top 1% calving ease EPD strength and wow, this beef machine should flat boost your performance levels.

Wowsa, what a meat machine to lead off the red fall yearling Balancer division. JRI Secret Formula 53A3 flat excels in every profitable trait: calving ease 82# birth weight, ripping 750# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,214# yearling weight. Now pencil-in this meat machine’s scan & gain data as the meat machine scanned a whopping 16.9 square inch yearling ribeye and note his big time feed conversion with a feeder delite 6.45# ADG. Like all Judd Ranch bulls Secret Formula is will equipped in the scrotal department with a big dog 40.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Oh I might add, fertility is all part of the complete package with ten previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Formula’s pedigree.

B HP Balancer Bull Top 1% CE EPD Strength CE Deluxe 78# BW Ripping 701# 205 Day Wt CE Beef Machine Genetics / 5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

HP Balancer Bull Big Time 6# Gainer Calving Ease 82# BW Huge 16.9” Ylg Ribeye Scalebusting 1,214# YW / 10 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Power Tool 23A37 160 Black Homo.JRIPolled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

Harley 68A3K 162HomozygousJRI Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1263908

AGA No.: 1270757

Calved: 9/8/13

Tattoo: 23A37

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Stash 23T26 ET Ms Traveler 23G2 (JRI Ms 236D2) Birth Wt. 88

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 662 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.16 15.6 3.4

Wt. 1129 CED 14

BW -1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 96 6.4 201 cm WW 49

Scrotal 41.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 75 23 47

RE .30

Calved: 9/14/13

Tattoo: 68A3K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Harley 125S41 Sale Day JRI Ms Pd New Business 125K3 (JRI Ms 125G3) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Expresso 68X2K JRI Ms Free Agent 68R7K (JRI Ms 68J6)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.42 101

Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 818 111

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 14.1 3.0

CW FPI 12 59.12

Wt. 1151 CED 15

BW -0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 5.6 164 cm WW 65

Scrotal 40.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 17 49

RE .21

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.86 91 CW FPI 25 68.21

Commercial cowmen gather up these JRI Pop A Top 197T83 sons as Pop A Top no longer has the ability to produce semen or service females. These Pop A Top sons have been cowmen favorites and it comes as no surprise as the Pop A Top sons are flat beefpacking machine’s with unbelievable beef, butt, guts & nuts. Then look at the maternal side and Dave Judd will tell you some of his all-time great producers are Pop A Top daughters and wowsa, the Pop A Top daughters are fertility-plus machines. JRI Power Tool 23A37 offers you that Pop A Top beef, butt, guts & nuts package and note Power Tool’s super 5.42# ADG coupled with a big ol’ 15.6 square inch yearling ribeye.

JRI Harley 68A3K nursed a second calf heifer and man oh man, look at his awesome low birth to super growth spread. Harley has a calving ease 84 pound birth weight coupled with a bellringing 818 pound 205 day weight. This Judd Ranch 68 cow family is mighty powerful and you will find six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Harley’s pedigree. JRI Harley 68A3K should genetically lower your birth weights while flat boosting your performance levels. I might add, these 68 cow family sons are always quite popular in the annual Judd Ranch bull sale and you can checkout another 68 cow family son JRI Lone Star 68A35 that sells as Lot 133 with a 66# birth weight coupled with a 1,203# yearling weight.

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 860# Weaning Wt Big 5# Gainer Big ol’ 15.6” Ylg Ribeye Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics / 4 Honored Judd Ranch DOMs

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 818# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 84# BW Big Time Gainer CE Beef Machine Genetics / 6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Fall Yearling Red Polled Balancer Bulls Protocol 254A40 165HomozygousJRI Polled (86%) Gelbvieh Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1266806

Calved: 9/12/13

Tattoo: 254A40 18 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Secret Passion 254Y3 JRI Ms Prissy Cat 254W2 (JRI Ms 254T4) Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 759 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 12.4 3.4

JRI King of Pop 176A31 163Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling Calved: 8/9/13

Tattoo: 176A31

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) Morgans Direction 111 9901 (Barbie 9901) JRI Ms Special Blend 176U21 JRI Ms Tinker Bell 176P71 (JRI Ms 176J61) Birth Wt. 76

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 711 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 16.7 2.8

Wt. 1212

CED 13

BW -0.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 5.0 167 cm WW 61

Scrotal 42.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 30 60

RE .55

AGA No.: 1270330

CW FPI 24 67.45

Birth Wt. 92

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.15 15.3 2.2

Wt. 1141 CED 12

BW 0.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 97 5.4 183 cm WW 61

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 21 52

RE .26

CW FPI 21 66.91

Calved: 8/18/13

Tattoo: 125A30

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 97 5.9 196 cm

Wt. 1145 CED 11

BW 3.2

WW 73

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.42 82

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 109 26 62

RE .14

CW FPI 39 71.73

JRI Bowjangles 125A30 nursed a Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit calf raising machine mama and calf raising machine’s run deep in this cow family. If you would turn back to page 34, Bowjangles sister’s first baby sells as Lot 118 and that beef machine pegged the 205 day weight scales at 850 pounds while flat crushing the yearling weight scales at 1,268 pounds. Yep, this Judd Ranch 125 cow family can flat bring home the scalebusters and I might add Bowjangles weaned off his Dam of Merit dam at a whopping 970 pounds. A weaning weight of 970 pounds is flat called big time cow efficiency and you’re buying into one of the all-time great cow efficiency programs in the industry at Judd Ranch.

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 970# Weaning Wt Ripping 746# 205 Day Wt Big ol’ 14.3” Ylg Ribeye Meat Machine Genetics / Awesome Judd Ranch Dam of Merit Dam

Tattoo: 270A3B

Scrotal 41.7 cm

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 746 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.14 14.3 3.4

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 213G57 (JRI Ms 213D47) BUF BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 (MRM 1431) JRI Ms Half N Half 270R2 JRI Ms Perfect Agent 270N8 (JRI Ms 270E7) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 746 107

RE .25

Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) 19 Months Old JRI Crossbow 224X2 Sale Day JRI Ms Hot Topic 224U6 (JRI Ms 224F5) GJH Patroit’s Minute Man (Polled U50) JRI Ms Candy Apple 125S10 JRI Ms Special Agent 125N9 (JRI Ms 125H8)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.71 106

Catalyst 270A3B 164HomozygousJRIPolled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

Birth Wt. 98

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 91 28 57

JRI Bowjangles 125A30 166Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,020# Weaning Wt 76# Calving Ease BW Scalebusting 1,212# YW 5.71# ADG / Huge 16.7” Ylg Ribeye / Awesome JR DOM Dam

Calved: 8/27/13

WW 59

HP Pop A Top Son Ripping 759# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 78# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr CE Meat Machine Genetics / 8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Wowsa, look at the phenomenal stats on this beefpacking machine Pop A Top son: calving ease 76 pound birth weight, ripping 711 pound 205 day weight, whopping 1,020# weaning weight off his Dam of Merit dam and the beefpacker hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,212 pounds. Now pencil-in ol’ beefpacker’s serving tray 16.7 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, feed efficiency is all part of the complete package as ol’ beefpacker posted a super 5.71# ADG. Fertility all starts in the scrotal department and you bet, ol’ beefpacker is well endowed with a 42.1 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. I mentioned above ol’ beefpacker nursed a Dam of Merit mama and you will find seven more previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in his pedigree.

AGA No.: 1265954

BW -1.9

CED 15

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.42 82

Scrotal 38.2 cm

Oh man, look at this meatpacker’s calving ease deluxe 78 pound birth weight coupled with a performance plus 759 pound 205 day weight. JRI Protocol 254A40 nursed a super Judd Ranch first calf heifer and oh man, first calf mama did herself proud with that awesome 78#BW/759# 205 day weight Protocol posted. I can tell you big ol’ low birth to super growth spreads are the norm for this Judd Ranch 254 cow family. To date, thirty-six Judd Ranch 254 cow family daughters have been honored as Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females. Speaking of Dam of Merit females you will find eight previously honored Dam of Merit females in Protocol’s pedigree.

Judd Ranch Mamas are the Complete Package

AGA No.: 1265692

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 4.6 175 cm

Wt. 1187

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 6.00 112

JRI Red Man 125A51K 167Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270768

Birth Wt. 88

CW FPI 24 61.07

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 662 90

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 13.7 2.5

Wow, here’s an excellent breeding combo with Judd Ranch’s powerhouse herdsire JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 on the top side of the pedigree and the all-time great Red Angus sire Cherokee Canyon on the maternal side. Matching up these breed leading Gelbvieh & Red Angus sires flat produces beef machine sons and the heifer mates are fertility-plus calf raising machines. JRI Catalyst 270A3B definitely comes equipped with a surplus of beef, butt, guts & nuts. And his replastent daughters should be sensational producers as you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Catalyst’s pedigree.

HP Balancer Bull Ripping 746# 205 Day Wt Big Time 6# Gainer Huge 15.3” Ylg Ribeye 82# Avg BW on Dam’s 8 Calves / 7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Calved: 9/3/13

Tattoo: 125A51K

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 18 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Sale Day Morgans Direction 111 9901 (Barbie 9901) JRI New Combination 125T41K JRI Ms Bullseye 125R41K(JRI Ms 125M303) Wt. 1044 CED 15

BW .0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 95 5.9 173 cm WW 66

Scrotal 40.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 101 20 53

RE .40

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.35 100 CW FPI 29 69.09

Commercial cowmen, in my opinion the horn factor is way overlooked in the industry…not to mention the cost, labor and weight gain lost in dehorning. Data collected by Sam Houston State University researchers at nine Texas livestock auctions featuring 7,073 head showed a $22.87 hundred weight difference in price for polled calves compared to horn calves. Cowmen, in today’s market that’s over a $100 difference for polled feeder calves. At Judd Ranch they are always striving to add more value to your feeder calves and this year’s sale features 225 homozygous polled bulls that will genetically dehorn every calf for you. All Judd Ranch cow families have not been DNA tested for the homozygous polled gene but based on pedigree, the remaining 60 bulls in this sale offering have a 75% or greater opportunity of being homozygous polled.

HP Balancer Bull Top 15% CE / Big Time 5# Gainer 85# Avg BW on Dam’s 6 Calves Huge 40.9 cm Ylg SC Beef Machine S. Instinct Son / 6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Fall Yearling Red Polled Balancers & Purebred Red Angus Bull


JRI Positive Impact 11A2 Homozygous Polled Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1268507

Calved: 8/15/13

Tattoo: 11A2

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 19 Months Old Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) HXC LCC Gravity B252L (HXC 950J) JRI Ms Judd Gravity 11Y3 JRI Ms Judd’s Cherokee 11U2 (JRI Ms 11S) Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 60 691 90 1104 93 5.1 180 cm 38.3 cm 5.54 103 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI CED BW 0.20 15.4 3.1 14 -2.1 57 82 25 54 .40 15 70.30 JRI Positive Impact 11A2 nursed a beautiful purebred Red Angus first calf heifer and note his super stats: calving ease deluxe 60 pound birth weight coupled with a ripping 691 pound 205 day weight. Now pencil-in this beef machines super 5.54# ADG and note his big ol’ 15.4 square inch yearling ribeye. These Pop A Top sons are always cowmen favorites and it comes as no surprise with the beef, butt, guts & nuts Pop A Top sons come equipped with. I can also tell you the Pop A Top daughters are some of Dave Judd’s all-time favorite producers and oh man, the Pop A Top daughters are fertility-plus machines. JRI Positive Impact 11A2 should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and his replastent daughters should be exceptional producers.

JRI Ms 47L • Purebred Red Angus Great Grandam of Lot 171 & 172

JRI Cowboy Cassanova 47A4 171Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

HP Balancer Bull Ripping 691# 205 Day Wt 60# Calving Ease BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr Big Time 5# Gainer / Huge 15.4” Ylg Ribeye / 4 Honored JR DOMs

AGA No.: 1263940

Bentley 179A3 169HomozygousJRI Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling AGA No.: 1270334


Tattoo: 179A3

Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Crossbow 224X2 JRI Ms Hot Topic 224U6 (JRI Ms 224F5) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Mattie 179R6 JRI Pld Ms Rolex 179G5 (JRI Ms 179B41) Birth Wt. 95

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 761 110

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.10 18.7 2.5

Wt. 1262 CED 14

BW 0.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 107 7.0 184 cm WW 60

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 25 55

Birth Wt. 80

19 Months Old Sale Day

RE .41

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 664 96

Wt. 1109

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.14 14.1 2.9

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.00 93

Scrotal 43.6 cm

Calved: 8/26/13

Tattoo: 47A4

19 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Old Sale Day JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 213G57 (JRI Ms 213D47) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Tootsie 47S3 JRI Ms Dynamics 47N2 (JRI Ms 47L)

CED 14

BW -1.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 94 5.6 171 cm WW 48

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.19 97

Scrotal 42.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 78 21 45

RE .12

CW FPI 15 58.65

JRI Cowboy Cassanova 47A4 stems from the awesome Judd Ranch 47 cow family and note Cowboy Cassanova’s super grandam JRI Ms Pay Day 47L photographed above. Cowboy Cassanova’s super dam JRI Ms Tootsie 47S3 is one of Dave Judd’s favorite donor females. Dustin Dewey, Marshall, AR purchased super mom’s ET son JRI Turbo Charged 47Z47 ET in last year’s sale as Lot 168 and man oh man, you talk about a Mack Truck packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts. JRI Cowboy Cassanova 47A4 offers you superb calving ease in the breed’s top 10% and wowsa, with the beef, butt & guts he’s packing Cowboy Cassanova should flat produce the scalebusters for your program.

CW FPI 27 69.15

Wowsa, look at the serving tray 18.7 square inch yearling ribeye on this meatwagon. JRI Bentley 179A3’s super Dam of Merit dam flat brings home a meatwagon every year. I purchased Dam of Merit mama’s son JRI Packer 179Z7, Lot 54 in last year’s sale on a Sight Unseen Order for Bill Graves, Ewing, MO and man oh man, you talk about a meatwagon that posted a whopping 932# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,278# yearling weight. I also purchased Dam of Merit mama’s son in the 2013 sale on a Sight Unseen Order for Rollins Ranch in Okeechobee, FL and wowsa, you talk about another meatwagon. JRI Bentley 179A3 weaned off Dam of Merit mama at a whopping 1,040 pounds.

HP Balancer Bull Big Time 5# Gainer 80# Calving Ease BW Big ol’ 14.1” Ylg Ribeye CE Meat Machine Genetics / 4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,040# Weaning Wt 86# Avg BW on Dam’s 7 Calves Scalebusting 1,262# YW Huge 18.7” Ylg Ribeye / 43.6 cm Ylg SC / Awesome JR DOM Dam

JRI Judd Packer 47A13 172 Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

JRI Huckleberry 23A39 170Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Fall Yearling

AGA No.: 1642711

AGA No.: 1269187

Calved: 10/30/13

Messmer Joshua 019P (B. Julian GG B571) Messmer Packer S008 Messmer Millie 124P (M. Millie 9416) GlacierLogan 210 (Glacier Rebalas) JRI Ms Judd Glacier 47X1 JRI Ms Cherokee Canyon 47P1 (JRI Ms 47L)

Tattoo: 23A39

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 17 Months Old JRI Hot Topic 246X13 ET Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 (JRI Ms 246L80) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Hot Topic 23T27 ET JRI Ms Traveler 23G2 (JRI Ms 236D2)

Birth Wt. 98

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 690 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.14 16.5 3.5

Wt. 1248 CED 15

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 7.0 187 cm WW 48

Scrotal 38.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 76 18 42

RE .17

Birth Wt. 67

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.28 98

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 621 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.32 13.4 3.0


Wt. 1060 BW -2.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 5.1 169 cm WW 63

Scrotal 37.1 cm

Tattoo: 47A13 19 Months Old Sale Day

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.09 76

2015 Red Angus EPDs YW Milk Stay Marb REA Fat 95 18 12 .62 .34 0.00

JRI Judd Packer 47A13 is the only fall yearling purebred 1A Red Angus bull in this year’s offering and wowsa, this beef machine features one awesome Judd Ranch Red Angus cow family. That’s Judd Packer 47A13’s super great grandam JRI Ms Pay Day 47L photographed above in her working clothes and note her excellent teat/udder natural fleshing ability combo. JRI Judd Packer 47A13 offers you tremendous calving ease with his 67 pound birth weight and note his growth EPD strength in the breed’s top 30%. Speaking of EPD strength JRI Judd Packer 47A13 excels in the carcass merit department with top 17% marbling and top 13% ribeye area EPD strength and oh man, wouldn’t you love a set of daughters that look like his beautiful grandam photographed above.

CW FPI 15 51.95

If a calf weighs 98 pounds at birth at Judd Ranch it’s going to be recorded with a 98 pound birth. Why Huckleberry 23A39 weighed 98 pounds at birth is beyond me as his fall 2014 full sib born on 10-3 only weighed 78 pounds at birth. If you honestly weigh every calf you’re going to get a bigger birth weight now and then, but I sure wouldn’t shy away here especially since Huckleberry’s full sib only weighed 78 pounds this past fall. On the flip side this meat machine should flat produce the scalebusters at weaning time for your program with the phenomenal 1,248# yearling weight he posted and note his big ol’ yearling ribeye at 16.5 square inches.

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,248# YW Big Time 5# Gainer Huge 16.5” Ylg Ribeye Top 10% CE EPD Strength / 4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 8/18/13

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Whopping 830# Weaning Wt CE Deluxe 67# BW Top 17% Marbling EPD Strength CE Carcass Plus Genetics / Awesome JR Red Angus Cow Family


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Bulls Lot 173 Thru 278

JRI Pop A Top 254B73 • Lot 173


JRI 254U62 • ‘09 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 175


JRI Pop A Top 254B73 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282020

Calved: 1/28/14

AGA No.: 1282029

Tattoo: 254B73

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 643 89

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 15.2 3.6

Wt. 1230


BW -0.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 5.6 176 cm WW 56

Scrotal 41.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 17 45

RE .43

Calved: 2/16/14

Tattoo: 254B820

JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) 13 Months Old JRI Super Duty 9Y53 Sale Day JRI Ms Tator Chip 9W13 (JRI Ms 9K93) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Shirley Temple 254Y720 JRI Ms Blk Cinder 254T620 ET (JRI Ms 254E52)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms Cutie Pie 254S62 JRI Ms Pd Blackhills 254E52 (JRI Ms 254C4) Birth Wt. 87

JRI Double Duty 254B820 Double Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

Birth Wt. 78

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.86 104

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 780 108

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.32 13.8 4.2

CW FPI 17 54.08

Wt. 1326 CED 11

BW 0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.6 174 cm WW 64

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 31 63

RE .42

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.64 125 CW FPI 28 63.33

What a beef packing machine to lead off the spring yearling bulls and this beefpacker was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. This black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Pop A Top 197T83 son stems from the Judd Ranch calf raising machine 254 cow family and you will find seven previously honored Dams of Merit/Dams of Distinction females in JRI Pop A Top 254B73’s pedigree. This beef packing machine offers you widespread birth to growth genetics and note 254B73’s impressive 15.2 square inch yearling ribeye coupled with a feeder delite 3.86# ADG/104 gain test ratio. Big ol’ testicles are standard equipment on all Judd Ranch bulls and 254B73 is well equipped with a whopping 41 centimeter yearling scrotal and I remind you… fertility all starts in the scrotal department.

JRI Double Duty 254B820 is the only JRI Super Duty 9Y53 son in this year’s sale offering and wowsa, you talk about a bundle of beef flat loaded with beef, butt, guts and nuts. Lake Land and Livestock, Blackfoot, ID purchased Double Duty’s sire Super Duty in the 2013 bull sale as Lot 3 and that super stud featured a 74# birth weight, ripping 762# 205 day weight, whopping 950# weaning weight off his first calf dam with a scale busting 1,242# yearling weight. To say the least… next year’s sale will feature more AI sired calves by Super Duty and check out Double Duty’s phenomenal stats: 78# birth weight, ripping 780# 205 day weight, whopping 1,326# yearling weight, big time 4.64# ADG/125 gain test ratio and you bet, Double Duty is well endowed with a 40.4 centimeter yearling scrotal. (RC)

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 1,230# YW Denver Champion Big ol’ 15” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 3.8# Gainer/ Beef Machine Genetics/ 7 Honored JR DOMs

DB HP PB Super Duty Son Ripping 780# 205 Day Wt. CE Deluxe 78# BW Scalebusting 1,326# YW Big Time 4.6# Gainer/ Beef Machine Genetics/10 Honored JR DOMs



JRI Prince Charming 253B4 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282331

Calved: 1/29/14

AGA No.: 1281968

Tattoo: 253B4

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Sugar Pie 253Z3 JRI Ms Black Diamond 253X2 (JRI Ms 253J6) Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 728 101

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.40 13.9 4.7

Wt. 1229 CED 13

BW -0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 5.9 164 cm WW 62

Scrotal 42.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 28 59

RE .29

JRI O’Toole 214B18 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Calved: 2/13/14

Tattoo: 214B18

CES Decka Outback 75S (Harper 150L) 13 Months Old SLC Outback 142X Sale Day SFL SLC Sue 325P (Sue 214G) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Sneak A Peek 214Y98 JRI Ms Black Secret 214U88 (JRI Ms 214R78) Birth Wt. 83

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.74 101

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 804 111

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 14.9 3.4

CW FPI 27 65.05

CED 12

Wt. 1225 BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.9 180 cm WW 56

Scrotal 39.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 28 56

RE .47

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.89 105 CW FPI 17 61.25

Wow, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this meat machine black, homozygous polled purebred Pop A Top son: calving ease 80# birth weight, ripping 728# 205 day weight with a scale busting 1,229# yearling weight. JRI Prince Charming 253B4 nursed a first calf heifer so she’s not eligible for Dam of Merit honors but rest assured the fertility is bredin as you will find nine previously honored Dam of Merit females in Prince Charming’s pedigree. Prince Charming’s combo of Pop A Top and Secret Instinct flat produces meat machine genetics and big ol scrotals are standard equipment and note Prince Charming’s super-sized 42.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Low birth/super growth genetics that should flat produce the scale busters at weaning time for your program.

JRI O’Toole 214B18 was an alternate member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. Man oh man, look at the awesome stats O’Toole posted: calving ease 83# birth weight, whopping 804# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,225# yearling weight, big time 3.89# ADG/105 gain test ratio, big ol’ 14.9 square inch yearling ribeye with a super size 39.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Bill & Dodi Dennis, Kaufman, TX purchased O’Toole’s dam’s first baby in last year’s sale as lot 238 and that meatwagon featured a 70# birth weight with a ripping 800# weaning weight. Cowmen, these will be the first SLC Outback 142X sons selling in the Judd Ranch bull sale and Outback is a total outcross to all Gelbvieh genetics in the USA and all semen sales are closed on SLC Outback 142X.

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 728# 205 Day Wt. CE Deluxe 80# BW Whopping 1,229# YW Big Time 3.7# Gainer/Big Dog 42.3 cm Ylg SC/9 Honored JR DOMs

B HP PB Outback Son Whopping 804# 205 Day Wt. CE 83# BW Scalebusting 1,225# YW Big Time 3.8# Gainer/Meat Machine Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs


JRI 254U68 • ‘09 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 177


JRI Lethal Weapon 254B83 • Lot 179


JRI Trendsetter 254B63 Black Double Polled (Lite Scurs) Purebred

AGA No.: 1286570

Calved: 2/17/14

Tattoo: 254B63

AGA No.: 1282023

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 13 Months Old JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET JRI Ms Pld Equalizer 254A4 (JRI Ms 254P) Birth Wt. 83

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 770 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 14.9 4.9

Wt. 1289 CED 15

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.3 181 cm

BW -1.2

WW 56

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 78 28 56

RE .51

Birth Wt. 94


JRI In Sight 285B59 Tattoo: 285B59

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 737 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.18 18.4 3.3

Wt. 1261 CED 15

BW -0.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 102 5.4 164 cm WW 61

Scrotal 38.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 23 53

RE .17

CED 13

BW -0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 6.0 172 cm WW 68

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.47 94

Scrotal 38.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 99 25 59

RE .21

CW FPI 27 63.50

JRI Secret Invader 282B50 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282045

14 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Old Sale Day JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Crush 285W192 JRI Ms Goldilocks 285S992 ET (JRI Ms 285L89) Birth Wt. 86

Wt. 1305

B HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Whopping 998# WW off 10 Yr. Old Dam Top 10% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,305# YW Huge 16” Ylg. Ribeye /Herdsire S. Instinct & T. Gun’s Full Brother

Black Double Polled Purebred Calved: 1/29/14

Tattoo: 254B83

JRI Lethal Weapon 254B83 was the lead bull in Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champon Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver and man oh man, you talk about a meat machine. Lethal Weapon would be a full brother to the powerhouse Judd Ranch herdsires JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 and JRI Top Gun 254X822 and this sale features 86 sons out of Secret Instinct and Top Gun. These full brothers feature one of Dave Judd’s all-time favorite donor females in JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET and Extra Sugar was honored as a Dam of Merit female in every year of eligibility (2008 thru 2012) prior to entering Judd Ranch’s elite donor program. Great proven producers like Extra Sugar have the ability to bring home the scalebusters every year and at ten years of age Extra Sugar weaned off Lethal Weapon at a whopping 998 pounds.

B DP (lite scurs) PB Top Producer Son Scalebusting 1,289# YW Calving Ease 83# BW Big Time 3.7# Gainer Huge 14.9” Ylg. Ribeye /Meat Machine Genetics/ Awesome JR DOD Dam

AGA No.: 1282051

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 817 113

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 16.2 3.2

CW FPI 14 64.26

Wowsa, look at the incredible stats on this meatwagon JRI Top Producer 282Z3 son: calving ease 83# birth weight, scalebusting 1,289# yearling weight, feeder delite 3.78# ADG/102 gain test ratio, big ol’ 14.9 square inch yearling ribeye, carcass-plus 4.9 IMF and you bet, the meatwagon is well-equipped with a super sized 41.7 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. JRI Trendsetter 254B63’s incredible stats come as no surprise as his super dam JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET has been honored in every year of eligibility as a Dam of Merit and/or Dam of Distinction (2006 thru 2014). This is one mighty powerful cow family and if you would turn to page 31 you can view Trendsetter’s maternal sister JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 and this beauty is one of Judd Ranch’s leading Dam of Merit donor females.


Calved: 1/10/14

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 14 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET JRI Ms Pld Grand Impact 254J62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.78 102

Scrotal 41.7 cm

JRI Lethal Weapon 254B83 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.62 98 CW FPI 27 61.70

Calved: 2/4/14

Tattoo: 282B50

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Lollipop 282X10 JRI Ms Pld New Acclaim 282J9 (JRI Ms 282F8) Birth Wt. 86

205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 762 106 1242 100 6.2 191 cm 41.6 cm 3.38 91 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.34 15.4 3.7 14 -1.2 54 85 29 56 .32 19 59.65

Mercy, look at the humongous 18.4 square inch yearling ribeye on this meatpacker. JRI In Sight 285B59 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver and checkout this meatpacker’s incredible stats: calving ease 86# birth weight, whopping 892# weaning weight off his Dam of Merit dam, scalebusting 1,261# yearling weight and I flat couldn’t miss mentioning his humongous 18.4 square inch yearling ribeye again. JRI In Sight 285B59’s super dam was honored as a 2014 Dam of Merit female and Dams of Merit run mighty deep in this cow family as In Sight’s grandam JRI Ms Goldilocks 285S992 ET has been honored as a Dam of Merit female in every year of eligibility (2011 thru 2014). JRI In Sight 285B59 should flat produce the scalebusters at weaning time for your program and his replacement daughters should be calf raising machines with his prolific Dam of Merit cow family heritage. (HP)

JRI Secret Invader 282B50 nursed a calf raising machine 2014 Judd Ranch Dam of Merit mama and Dams of Merit run mighty deep in this cow family as Secret Invader’s grandam, great grandam, great, great grandam and great, great, great, great grandam were all honored as Dam of Merit females. Now pencil-in Secret Invader’s paternal side with Secret Instinct and you’re looking at unparalleled Dam of Merit/calf raising machine genetics. Secret Invader offers you top 4% calving ease EPD strength and now pencil-in his awesome growth stats: ripping 762# 205 day weight, whopping 858# weaning weight (71.7% of his dam’s 1,195# bodyweight) with a scalebusting 1,242# yearling weight, Secret Invader rounds out the complete package with a big ol’ 15.4 square inch yearling ribeye and note his big dog 41.6 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference.

B DP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 892# WW Denver Champion Scalebusting 1,261# YW Humongous 18” Ylg. Ribeye /Beef Machine /JR DOM Dam & Grandam

B HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 1,242# YW Top 4% CE EPD Strength Huge 15” Ylg. Ribeye Ripping 858# WW...71.7% of his DOM Dams 1,195# Bodyweight


JRI Secret File 634B91 • Lot 181


JRI 285A72 • ‘14 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 183


JRI Secret File 634B91 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282140

Calved: 2/12/14

Tattoo: 634B91

AGA No.: 1282050

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old Sale Day JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Gold 634X81 JRI Ms Secret Crush 634T71 (JRI Ms 634K61) Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 771 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.52 18.4 3.3

Wt. 1374 CED 15

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 111 6.6 191 cm WW 61

Scrotal 37.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 27 57

RE .32

Birth Wt. 85


205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 748 104

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.33 16.0 3.9

Wt. 1259 CED 13

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 102 6.3 191 cm WW 58

Scrotal 40.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 25 54

RE .53

CED 13

BW -1.0

WW 57

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.84 104

Scrotal 40.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 79 31 59

RE .67

CW FPI 15 64.63

JRI Amigo 270B40 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282351

Tattoo: 213B84

Calved: 2/7/14

Tattoo: 270B40

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 13 Months Old JRI Pedro 207Z74 Sale Day JRI Ms Exposure 207N64 (JRI Ms 207K511) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Secret Admirer 270Z30 JRI Ms Expresso 270X20 (JRI Ms 270U771)

CES Decka Outback 75S (Harper 150L) 13 Months Old SLC Outback 142X Sale Day SFL SLC Sue 325P (Sue 214G) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Devotion 213W74 JRI Ms Glowing Reivew 213P64 ET (JRI Ms 213G57) Birth Wt. 83

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 6.2 170 cm

Wt. 1277

DP PB Outback Son Whopping 870# WW Top 10% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,277# YW Huge 15” Ylg. Ribeye/Canadian Outcross Genetics/JR DOM Dam/Grandam

Double Polled Purebred Calved: 2/7/14

Tattoo: 285B99

Commercial cowmen, these SLC Outback 142X sons like JRI Orion 285B99 would be a total outcross to all sire lines in the Gelbvieh breed on the paternal side. Judd Ranch purchased the exclusive US semen rights on this powerhouse Canadian bred meatwagon and you can view Outback’s photo and phenomenal stats on page 8. JRI Orion 285B99 posted the following phenomenal stats: calving ease 85# birth weight (top 10% calving ease EPD strength), ripping 870# weaning weight off his Dam of Merit dam, scalecushing 1,277# yearling weight, big ol’ 15.3 square inch yearling ribeye, super gainer 3.84# ADG/104 gain test ratio and he’s well blessed with a whopping 40.5 centimeter yearling scrotal. I mentioned above Orion nursed a 2014 Dam of Merit mama and his grandam JRI Ms Pd Response 285H79 ET was honored numerous times as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction female.

JRI Over Achiever 213B84

AGA No.: 1282788

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 717 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.45 15.3 4.1

CW FPI 26 60.88

My oh my, look at the phenomenal stats on this super stud and this super stud was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. JRI Secret File 634B91 offers you Top 2% calving ease EPD strength, calving ease 80# birth weight, ripping 916# weaning weight with a scale crushing 1,374# yearling weight. I might add Secret File’s 916# weaning weight represented 74.4% of his Dam of Merit dam’s 1,230# body weight and that’s flat called big time cow efficiency. Now pencil-in Secret File’s additional profitmaker values as the super stud scanned a humongous 18.4 square inch yearling ribeye while posting a feeder delite 3.89# ADG/105 gain test ratio. Super stud genetics and in total you will find ten honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret File’s pedigree.


Calved: 2/1/14

13 Months Old CES Decka Outback 75S (Harper 150L) Sale Day SLC Outback 142X SFL SLC Sue 325P (Sue 214G) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Peek A Boo 285X89 JRI Ms Pd Response 285H79 ET (JRI Ms 285C6)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.89 105

HP PB Secret Instinct Son 80# BW /Ripping 916# WW Denver Champion Scalebusting 1,374# YW Humongous 18” Ylg. Ribeye / Meatwagon Genetics/ 10 Honored JR DOMs

JRI Orion 285B99 Double Polled Purebred

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.76 102

Birth Wt. 69

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 789 109

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.37 13.2 4.2

CW FPI 18 61.52

Wow, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this beefpacking machine: calving ease 83# birth weight, ripping 748# 205 day weight and the beefpacker hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,259 pounds. Now pencil-in Over Achiever’s big ol’ 16 square inch yearling ribeye, big time 3.76# ADG/102 gain test ratio and you bet, ol’ beefpacker is ready for heavy service with a super sized 40.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. If you trace Over Achiever’s pedigree, his phenomenal stats come as no surprise as his maternal grandam JRI Ms Glowing Review 213P64 ET is a maternal sister to Judd Ranch’s powerhouse herdsire JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 and you can view Cowboy Cut’s beefpacking photo on page 6.

Wt. 1311 CED 13

BW -1.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 5.6 153 cm WW 65

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.11 111

Scrotal 42.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 28 60

RE .38

CW FPI 25 66.94

Mercy, look at the incredible low birth to super growth spread on this meat machine JRI Pedro 207Z74 son: calving ease deluxe 69# birth weight, ripping 789# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,311# yearling weight. These will be the first meat machine JRI Pedro 207Z74 sons to sell in the annual Judd Ranch bull sale and wowsa these Pedro sons are flat packed with beef, butt, guts and nuts. JRI Amigo 270B40 offers you the genetic ability to flat spread low birth to super growth ratios and wowsa, this is one powerful cow family. JRI Amigo 270B40 weaned off his first calf dam at an amazing 70.3% of his dam’s 1,160# bodyweight and that’s flat called...big time cow efficiency. If you turn to page 42, you can view Amigo’s cow power grandam JRI Ms Expresso 270X20.

DP PB Outbreak Son Ripping 748# 205 Day Wt. CE 83# BW Scalebusting 1,259# YW Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye /Big Time Gainer /5 Honored JR DOMs

HP PB Pedro Son Ripping 789# 205 Day Wt. CE Deluxe 69# BW Scalebusting 1,311# YW Big Time 4# Gainer/ Beef Machine Genetics / 10 Honored JR DOMs


JRI 213W75 • ‘10 Sale Bull • Maternal Brother to Lot 187


JRI Ponderosa 213B74 • Lot 187


JRI Top Priority 213B98 ET ET Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282554

Calved: 2/9/14

Tattoo: 213B98

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 748 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 16.1 2.7

Wt. 1210 CED 13

BW 0.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.4 179 cm WW 68

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 27 61

RE .31

Calved: 1/24/14

Tattoo: 213B74

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Glowing Review 213P64 ET JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 213G57 (JRI Ms 213D47)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.09 84

Scrotal 38.3 cm

Double Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282790

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extravagant 213T87 JRI Ms Penny Ante 213R77 (JRI Ms 213M67) Birth Wt. 76

JRI Ponderosa 213B74

Birth Wt. 87

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 684 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 16.6 3.5

CW FPI 26 62.12

JRI Top Priority 213B98 ET was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 Reserve National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. This meatwagon features one of Dave Judd’s favorite young donor females in JRI Ms Extravagant 213T87. This incredible producer flat knows how to bring home the beef as her natural born spring 2014 heifer calf 213B47 posted a whopping 749# 205 day weight with an 81# birth weight. If you study cow families, this phenomenal producing ability comes as no surprise as super donor 213T87’s great, great grandam JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 213G57 is the dam of Judd Ranch’s powerhouse herdsire JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67.

Wt. 1189 CED 14

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 96 5.6 175 cm

BW -1.2

WW 61

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.03 82

Scrotal 39.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 87 28 59

RE .39

CW FPI 19 58.41

JRI Ponderosa 213B74 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 Reserve National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver and oh man, this is one powerful Judd Ranch cow family. Ponderosa’s super dam JRI Ms Glowing Review 213P64 ET is one of Dave Judd’s favorite donor females and she was honored four consecutive years (2009-2012) as a Dam of Merit female prior to entering Judd Ranch’s donor program. Her sons have only averaged 80 pounds at birth with a whopping 1,278# yearling weight average. Super mom 213P64’s daughters are incredible producers and you can check out two of her daughters with sons selling as lot 182 and 186. These two meatwagons feature 84# birth weight average, whopping 784# 205 day weight average with a scalecrushing 1,283# average yearling weight. (HP)

ET HP PB Pop A Top Son CE 76# BW Denver Champion Whopping 847# WW Big ol’ 16” Ylg Ribeye/Meat Machine Genetics/Awesome JR DOM Dam

DP PB Pop A Top Son Top 4% CE EPD Strength Denver Champion Whopping 878# WW Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye/Meatwagon Genetics/DOM Dam & Grandam



JRI Own Agenda 213B85 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1281959

Calved: 3/1/14

Tattoo: 213B85

AGA No.: 1281988

CES Decka Outback 75S (Harper 150L) 12 Months Old SLC Outback 142X Sale Day SFL SLC Sue 325P (Sue 214G) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Desire 213Y74 JRI Ms Glowing Reivew 213P64 ET (JRI Ms 213G57) Birth Wt. 85

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 820 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.29 14.9 2.7

Wt. 1307 CED 13

BW -0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.0 165 cm WW 54

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.43 93

Scrotal 38.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 77 28 55

RE .53

JRI Protocol 254B71 Homozygous Polled Purebred

Tattoo: 254B71 13 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83

JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Crush 254U61 JRI Ms Extra Supreme 254L51 ET (JRI Ms 254C4)

Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 621 86

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.32 14.1 4.3

CW FPI 14 61.51

Calved: 2/3/14

Wt. 1278 CED 14

BW -1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 6.3 169 cm WW 52

Scrotal 40.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 75 25 51

RE .34

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.27 115 CW FPI 11 58.41

Man oh man, look at the awesome birth to growth spread on this Canadian outcross SLC Outback 142X son: Calving ease 85# birth weight (top 10% calving ease EPD strength), ripping 820# 205 day weight and the meat machine pegged the yearling scales at 1,307 pounds. JRI Own Agenda 213B85 nursed a second calf heifer that flat knows how to bring home the beef. Super second calf mom’s first baby JRI Free Agent 213A85 was cataloged as lot 181 in last year’s sale and this 77# birth weight, ripping 854# weaning weight super stud hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,280 pounds. This Judd Ranch 213 cow family is mighty powerful and that super stud JRI Ponderosa 213B74 photographed and selling as lot 187 above is out of JRI Own Agenda 213B85’s grandam JRI Ms Glowing Review 213P64 ET.

Wow, look at the low birth to super growth spread on this beef machine Pop A Top son: calving ease deluxe 80# birth weight coupled with a scalesmashing 1,278# yearling weight. JRI Protocol 254B71’s fifth calf dam stems from the cow power Judd Ranch 254 cow family that already features thirty six honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit daughters. Protocol’s super dam is knocking on the Dam of Merit door and it won’t be long as Protocol weaned off super mom at 854 pounds…68.5% of super mom’s 1,245# body weight. Speaking of Dams of Merit you will find six previously honored Dam of Merit females in Protocol’s pedigree. Low birth/super growth genetics and please note that Protocol is one of the sales top gainers with a feeder delight 4.27# ADG/115 gain test ratio.

HP PB Outback Son Top 10% CE EPD Strength Canadian Outcross Genetics Whopping 820# 205 Day Wt. Scalebusting 1,307# YW/Beef Machine Genetics/5 Honored JR DOMs

HP PB Pop A Top Son Big Time 4# Gainer CE Deluxe 80# BW Scalebusting 1,278# YW Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs


JRI Secret Icon 293B51 • Lot 189


JRI 293A24 • ‘14 Sale Bull • Maternal Brother to Lot 189


JRI Secret Icon 293B51 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282136

Calved: 1/25/14

Tattoo: 293B51

AGA No.: 1282552

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Chocolatye Kisses 293Y4 JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3 (JRI Ms 293N61) Birth Wt. 73

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 732 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 15.2 3.6

Wt. 1254 CED 14

BW 0.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.3 175 cm WW 63

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 101 23 55

Birth Wt. 80

Wt. 1214 CED 13

BW -2.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.8 172 cm WW 58

Scrotal 39.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 22 51

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.92 106

RE .35

CW FPI 14 61.14

ET B HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Whopping 1,214# YW CE Deluxe 80# BW Humongous 17” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 3.9# Gainer/Meatwagon Genetics/ Awesome JR DOD Dam


JRI Top Producer 254B48 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Calved: 2/25/14

Tattoo: 293B44

JRI Torque 293B44 ET was an alternate member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver and Torque’s ET full brother JRI True Grit 293B41 ET Lot 206 was also an alternate member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls. National Champion Pen Bulls run deep in this cow family as donor dam JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3’s first baby 293T4 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2008 National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver and super mom’s 2013 son JRI Hoss 293A43 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2014 National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls. Donor dam JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3 produces meat wagon sons and her daughters are producing meat wagon sons and the powerhouse Lot 189 bull is out of a daughter of super mom 293R3 and check out Lot 189’s incredible birth to growth spread and you might note Lot 189 is a 2015 National Champion Bull.

HB HP PB S. Instinct Son Whopping 1,254# YW CE 73# BW (Twin) Big Time 4# Gainer Big ol’ 15” Ylg Ribeye/Meatwagon Genetics/9 Honored JR DOMs

AGA No.: 1286572

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 733 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 17.6 3.6

CW FPI 30 62.22

This meatwagon homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 son was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. Man oh man, JRI Secret Icon 293B51 features a calf raising machine second calf dam. If you would please turn to page 36, you can view a photo of Secret Icon’s dam photographed as a first calf heifer with her scalebusting 2013 born son 293A24 at side. Matter of fact, that is super mom’s son 293A24 photographed above lot 191 and oh man, 293A24 developed into a super stud. JRI Secret Icon 293B51 was twin born to a heifer calf 293B5A, but with the cow power behind this powerful Judd Ranch 293 cow family spreading birth to growth definitely is not a problem. Cow power genetics and you will find nine previously honored Dams of Merit in Secret Icon’s pedigree.


Calved: 1/14/14

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 14 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Profit Agent 46N (Miss Logan 46G) JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3 JRI Ms Very Precious 293N61 (JRI Ms 293K51)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.00 108

RE .23

JRI Torque 293B44 ET ET Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

Tattoo: 254B48

JRI Super Sport 254B76 ET ET Homo. Black Homo. Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282541

Calved: 1/27/14

Tattoo: 254B76

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 13 Months Old JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Top Cast 254U67 ET JRI Ms Evening Star 254P5 (JRI Ms 254C4)

14 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4)

Birth Wt. 84

Birth Wt. 98

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 711 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 16.1 4.7

Wt. 1233 CED 13

BW -0.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.3 183 cm WW 61

Scrotal 41.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 22 52

RE .47

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.84 77

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 842 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 16.2 3.5

CW FPI 21 63.57

Wt. 1241 CED 13

BW 0.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.2 163 cm WW 61

Scrotal 40.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 25 56

RE .28

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.14 85 CW FPI 26 60.82

This will be the first offering of JRI Top Producer 282Z3 (deceased) sons and wowsa, Top Producer sons are packing the beef, butt, guts and nuts. This beefpacking machine Top Producer son offers you an incredible birth to growth spread with his calving ease 84# birth weight coupled with a scalebusting 1,233# yearling weight. You might also note these Top Producer sons come equipped with big ol’ ribeye’s and testicles as 254B48 scanned a 16.1 square inch yearling ribeye and Doc taped his yearling scrotal circumference at 41.9 centimeters. JRI Top Producer 254B48 only has one sister (254X37) in production at Judd Ranch and wowsa, 254X37 is a calf raising machine as her two sons have averaged a whopping 835 pounds on 205 day weight with a scale busting 1,352 pound average yearling weight.

Homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred Secret Instinct ET son out of Judd Ranch’s super donor JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64. Super donor JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 can be viewed in her working clothes on page 31 and wowsa, Ms Copy Cat flat brings home the beef. Donor dam Copy Cat was honored as a Dam of Merit female prior to entering Judd Ranch’s donor program and she has a daughter, JRI Ms Secret Success 254U75, who was honored as a Dam of Merit female in her first year of eligibility. Speaking of Dams of Merit Copy Cat’s dam JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET has been honored as a Dam of Merit and/or Dam of Distinction in every year of eligibility (2006 thru 2014). JRI Super Sport 254B76 ET should flat produce the scale busters at weaning time for your program and man oh man, save his replacement daughters as they should be phenomenal producers.

B HP PB Top Producer Son Scalebusting 1,233# YW Top 10% CE EPD Strength Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye Beef, Butt, Guts and Nuts Genetics/ 7 Honored JR DOMs

ET HB HP PB S. Instinct Son Ripping 842# 205 Day Wt. Top 10% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,241# YW Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye/ Meatwagon/ Honored JR DOM Dam & Grandam


JRI 270W755 • ‘10 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 195

Judd Ranch Bulls are The Complete Package

Grande 270B41 195 Homo. BlackJRIDouble Polled (lite scurs) Purebred

Prowler 254B64 ET 193 ET BlackJRI Double Polled (Lite Scurs) Purebred AGA No.: 1282560

Calved: 3/4/14

Birth Wt. 90

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 868 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.39 16.4 4.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.0 177 cm

Wt. 1336 CED 13

BW -1.0

WW 53

AGA No.: 1282352

Tattoo: 254B64

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) FHG Flying H Extra 150 D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET JRI Ms Pld Equalizer 254A4 (JRI Ms 254P)

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 73 31 57

Birth Wt. 90

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.54 96

Scrotal 44.1 cm RE .41


JRI Pistol Pete 270B870 Calved: 1/26/14

Tattoo: 270B870

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 583 81

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.39 14.3 4.0

Wt. 1150 CED 11

BW -1.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 93 5.1 163 cm WW 59

Scrotal 34.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 20 50

RE .34

CED 10

BW 1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.3 162 cm WW 71

Scrotal 39.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 105 25 60

RE .38

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.54 69 CW FPI 34 65.40

JRI Lock N Load 254B57 Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1281987

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms Sugar Pie 270T770 ET JRI Ms Full Deck 270M671 ET (JRI 270E67) Birth Wt. 66

Wt. 1199

HB DP (lite scurs) Pedro Son Nursed a First Calf Heifer Ripping 799# 205 Day Weight Big ol’ 14.9” Ylg Ribeye Beef, Butt, Guts and Nuts Genetics/9 Honored JR DOMs

Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282038

Tattoo: 270B41

This will be the first offering of the young Judd Ranch herdsire JRI Pedro 207Z74 and oh man, these Pedro sons come well equipped in the beef, butt, guts and nuts department. Herdsire, Pedro, would be a maternal brother to Judd Ranch’s breed trait leader JRI Journey 207S74 (deceased) and wow, Journey left an impact at Judd Ranch. JRI Grande 270B41 nursed a calf raising machine first calf heifer and look at Grande’s whopping 799 pound 205 day weight. Big ol’ strapping 799 pound 205 day weights are a common occurrence with this calf raising machine Judd Ranch 270 cow family. Rest assured, the fertility is bred in as you will find nine previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Grande’s pedigree.

JRI Prowler 254B64 ET’s super donor dam JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET has produced a boatload of powerhouse sons and maternal machine daughters. Super mom 254L53 has been honored as a Dam of Merit or as a Dam of Distinction female in every year of eligibility (2006 thru 2014) and her daughters are following her footsteps. You can view a 254L53 daughter JRI Ms Copy Cat 254R64 on page 31 and Copy Cat has already been honored as a Dam of Merit female and Copy Cat’s also one of Judd Ranch’s leading donor females. I mentioned above the 254L53 sons are always power houses and her son 254U63 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2009 National Champion Pen of 5 Bulls. Beef machine genetics loaded with maternal strength.


205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 799 111

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.28 14.9 4.4

CW FPI 12 59.29

ET B DP (lite scurs) PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 868# 205 Day Wt. Top 10% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,366# YW Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye/ 84# Avg BW on Dams 12 Calves/ JR DOD Dam

Calved: 2/19/14

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 13 Months Old JRI Pedro 207Z74 Sale Day JRI Ms Exposure 207N64 (JRI Ms 207K511) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Secret Impulse 270Z31 JRI Ms Spicy Diva 270X21 (JRI Ms 270T771)

12 Months Old Sale Day

Calved: 1/31/14

Tattoo: 254B57

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Jewel 254X46 JRI Ms Fancy 254T36 (JRI Ms 254R66) Birth Wt. 88

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.49 94

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 644 89

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.31 14.7 3.4

CW FPI 15 58.68

Wt. 1162 CED 13

BW 1.5

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 94 5.8 162 cm WW 62

Scrotal 36.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 22 54

RE .24

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.03 109 CW FPI 28 57.47

JRI Pistol Pete 270B870 nursed a seven year old fertility plus calf raising machine Black N Stacked daughter that maintains a 365 day annual calving interval and super mom JRI Ms Sugar Pie 270T770 ET really produces moderate birth weights. JRI Pistol Pete 270B870 only weighed in at 66 pounds and that is the norm for super mom as her 2013 baby weighed in at 72 pounds. Pistol Pete should lower your birth weights and with the beef, butt and guts he is packing and this stud should definitely boost your performance levels. I mentioned above that Pistol Pete’s dam features a profitable 365 day annual calving ease interval and the fertility runs deep in this cow family as you will find five previously honored Dams of Merit in Pistol Pete’s pedigree.

Last year’s sale featured the first three JRI Top Gun 254X822 sons and this year’s sale features forty-three beef packing machine Top Gun sons and to say the least…you are going to see a boatload more of these in the future with the explosive beef, butt and guts they possess. JRI Top Gun 254X822 is a full brother to JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 and this year’s sale features forty-three Secret Instinct sons and wowsa, you talk about a cow family behind these powerhouse full brothers. Top Gun and Secret Instinct’s super dam JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET was honored in every year of eligibility as a Dam of Merit female prior to entering Judd Ranch’s donor program. Fertility and big time production come as no surprise as Extra Sugar’s grandam and great grandam were both honored four times each as Dam of Merit and Dams of Distinction.

B HP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 812# WW Calving Ease Deluxe 66# BW Big Ol 14” Ylg Ribeye Beef, Butt & Gutts Genetics/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

B HP PB Top Gun Son Ripping 762# WW Top 10% CE EPD Strength Big ol’ 14.7” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 4# Gainer/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


JRI General Patton 213B97 ET • Lot 197


JRI 213Y97 • ‘12 Sale Bull • Maternal Brother to Lot 199


JRI General Patton 213B97 ET ET Homozygous Polled Purebred

le a S e h t f o

AGA No.: 1282553

AGA No.: 1286998

Calved: 2/11/14

Tattoo: 213B97 JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83

Birth Wt. 86

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 851 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 18.3 3.0

Wt. 1294 CED 15

BW -1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.4 167 cm WW 66

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 93 24 57

Birth Wt. 73

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.84 77

Scrotal 38.4 cm RE .51

Calved: 3/8/14

Tattoo: 254B42

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 12 Months Old JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Blue Bonnet 254W82 JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 (JRI Ms 254P62)

JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extravagant 213T87 JRI Ms Penny Ante 213R77 (JRI Ms 213M67)


JRI Tonka 254B42 Homozygous Polled Purebred

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 723 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.42 15.7 4.5

CW FPI 23 59.60

Whoa Nelly, look at the awesome birth to growth spread on this meatwagon Pop A Top son and JRI General Patton 213B97 ET was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 Reverse National Champion Pen of 3 Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. If you flip back to page 49 General Patton’s ET full brother Top Priority 213B98 ET sells as lot 185 and Top Priority was another member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 Reserve National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls. Donor dam JRI Ms Extravagant 213T87 is one of Dave Judd’s favorite donor females and that is 213T87’s powerhouse 2011 son JRI Top Secret 213Y97 photographed above right and 213Y97 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2012 Reserve National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls. Donor dam 213T87 flat brings home a scalebuster every year and her natural born 2014 heifer calf 213B47 pegged the 205 day weight scales at a ripping 749 pounds while weighing in at 81 pounds at birth.

Wt. 1203 CED 16

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.2 160 cm

BW -2.1

WW 56

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.51 95

Scrotal 40.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 26 54

RE .45

CW FPI 15 63.57

Wowsa, look at the excellent low birth to super growth spread on this meat machine JRI Top Producer 282Z3 son and this awesome birth to growth spread comes as no surprise as Tonka nursed a full sister to the powerhouse Judd Ranch herdsire JRI Top Recruit 254U82. Lee and Stacy Marriott, Stover, MO purchased Tonka’s dam’s first baby, JRI Remedy 254Y22, as lot 189 in the 2012 sale and that super stud featured a calving ease 68 pound birth weight with a scalebusting 1,207 pound yearling weight. JRI Tonka 254B42 should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and note Tonka’s serving tray 15.7 square inch yearling ribeye. Rest assured, fertility is all part of the complete package as you will find seven previously honored Dams of Merit in Tonka’s pedigree.

ET HP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 851# 205 Day Wt. Top 2% CE EPD Strength Whopping 928# WW Scalebusting 1,294# YW/Huge 18” Ylg Ribeye/Awesome JR DOM Dam

HP PB Top Producer Son Ripping 1,203# YW CE Deluxe 73# BW Super Sized 15.7” Ylg Ribeye Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs



JRI Powercat 24B93 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1281807

Calved: 1/25/14

Tattoo: 24B93

AGA No.: 1282716

14 Months JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Extra Bling 24W83 JRI Ms Top Lolly Pop 24T73 (JRI Ms 24J62) Birth Wt. 87

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 675 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 14.0 4.4

Wt. 1225 CED 13

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 6.2 181 cm WW 63

Scrotal 37.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 90 26 58

RE .47

JRI Real Deal 270B92 Homozygous Polled Purebred Calved: 3/6/14

Tattoo: 270B92

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 12 Months Old JRI Top Recruit 254U82 Sale Day JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 (JRI Ms 254P62) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Hot Toddy 270Y822 JRI Ms Chocolate Kiss 270R722 ET (JRI Ms 270E62)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.78 102

Birth Wt. 87

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 744 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.36 14.4 2.6

CW FPI 23 59.88

Wt. 1263 CED 11

BW 0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.4 173 cm WW 57

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.73 101

Scrotal 37.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 29 57

RE .29

CW FPI 20 57.44

Talk to any geneticist in the country and they will tell you calving ease EPD strength is three times more accurate in measuring a bull’s true calving ease ability compared to a bull’s actual birth weight. You will note throughout the catalog Judd Ranch bulls feature excellent calving ease EPD strength and the 264 Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls selling feature top 10% average calving ease EPD strength. JRI Powercat 24B93 nursed a calf raising machine mama that is 3 for 3 producing bull calves. Check out the stats on the trio of bull calves she raised: 82# birth weight, ripping 719# 205 day weight with a whopping 1,190# yearling weight average. Jim Holt, Harris, MO purchased Powercat’s full brother JRI On Top 24Z93 in last year’s sale as lot 49 and wowsa, you talk about a truck packed with beef, butt and guts.

JRI Real Deal 270B92 posted awesome stats across the board and it comes as no surprise with his calf raising machine mama. Super mom JRI Ms Hot Toddy 270Y822 flat knows how to spread birth to growth as her babies have only averaged 83 pounds at birth with a ripping 725 pound 205 day weight. Real Deal is super mom Hot Toddy’s first son and note his scalebusting 1,263 pound yearling weight. As noted above, this is one calf raising machine cow family and you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Real Deal’s pedigree. Real Deal offers you widespread birth to growth and note his big ol’ 14.4 square inch yearling ribeye. This beef machine flat converted the roughage with a super 3.73# ADG/101 gain test ratio!

HP PB Pop A Top Son Whopping 854# WW Top 10% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,225# YW Big ol’ 14” Ylg Ribeye/Meatwagon Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs

HP PB Top Recruit Son Scalebusting 1,263# YW Ripping 744# 205 Day Wt. Big ol’ 14.4” Ylg Ribeye Big Time Gainer/Top 20% CE EPD Strength/7 Honored JR DOMs


JRI 254Y82 • ‘12 Sale Bull • Full Brother To Lot 201


JRI On the Mark 254B821 • Lot 203


JRI Thunderbird 254B82 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282022

Calved: 1/13/14

Tattoo: 254B82

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 652 90

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 13.4 3.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 5.8 166 cm

Wt. 1219 CED 12

BW -1.3

WW 51

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 69 28 54

RE .47

Calved: 2/3/14

Tattoo: 254B821

CES Decka Outback 75S (Harper 150L) SLC Outback 142X SFL SLC Sue 325P (Sue 214G) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Autum 254X72 JRI Ms At Last 254P62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.46 121

Scrotal 41.5 cm

Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282024

14 Months Old JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 JRI Ms At Last 254P62 (JRI Ms 254E52) Birth Wt. 83

JRI On The Mark 254B821 13 Months Old Sale Day

Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio Wt. 789 109 1269 102 6.8 177 cm 41.6 cm 3.16 85 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.29 17.3 2.3 10 0.6 60 84 34 64 .66 20 65.57

CW FPI 9 56.99

Oh man, check out this full brother to Judd Ranch’s powerhouse herdsire JRI Top Recruit 254U82. You can view herdsire Top Recruit on page 7 with the reference sires and wowsa, Top Recruit has produced some meatwagon sons and his daughters are calf raising machines. That super stud photographed above is JRI Star Bucks 254Y82 that sold as lot 138 in the 2012 sale to Severtson Land & Cattle in Canada. Severtson reports that Star Buck’s is producing awesome sons and daughters for their program. These full brother’s, Top Recruit, Star Bucks and Thunderbird, feature one of the all time great females at Judd Ranch and you will find six previously honored Dam of Merit females in Thunderbird’s pedigree. Low birth/super growth genetics and note Thunderbird’s super 4.46# ADG/121 gain test ratio.

Whoa Nelly, check out this Judd Ranch super stud and recently crowned National Champion! JRI On The Mark 254B821 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. JRI On The Mark 254B821 is sired by the Canadian total outcross sire SLC Outback 142X and man oh man, look at his awesome stats: calving ease 84# birth weight, ripping 789# 205 day weight, whopping 900# weaning weight off his 2014 Dam of Merit mama and the super stud hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,269 pounds. That is flat spreading birth to growth not including his serving tray size 17.3 square inch yearling ribeye. Charles H. Johnston & Sons, Crofton, KY purchased On The Mark’s dam’s first baby JRI Mega Bull 254Z27B as lot 195 in the 2013 sale and that super stud featured a 78# birth weight with a ripping 1,230 pound yearling weight.

HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Whopping 1,219# YW CE 83# BW Big Time 4.4# Gainer Herdsire Top Recruit’s Full Brother/6 Honored JR DOMs

HP PB Outback Son Whopping 900# WW CE 84# BW Scalebusting 1,269# YW Humongous 17” Ylg Ribeye/Awesome DOM Dam/Denver Champion



JRI Straight Shooter 254B46 Double Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1281984

Calved: 2/21/14

Tattoo: 254B46 13 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822

JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Profit Agent 46N (Miss Logan 46G) JRI Ms Fancy 254T36 JRI Ms Maximum Xposure 254R66 (JRI Ms 254H55)

Birth Wt. 91

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 761 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 15.2 4.3

Wt. 1378 CED 14

BW .0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 7.2 182 cm WW 61

Scrotal 39.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 21 52

RE .20

Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1286996

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 832 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.40 17.2 4.6

CW FPI 26 59.47

Calved: 3/8/14

Tattoo: 254B182

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 12 Months Old JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Hot Flash 254T72 JRI Ms At Last 254P62 (JRI Ms 254E52) Birth Wt. 81

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.05 109

JRI Top Priority 254B182

Wt. 1236 CED 16

BW -2.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.7 167 cm WW 53

Scrotal 35.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 32 58

RE .52

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.62 98 CW FPI 14 64.31

JRI Straight Shooter 254B46’s super dam JRI Ms Fancy 254T36 was honored as a 2014 Judd Ranch Dam of Merit female and it definitely comes as no surprise with the incredible stats Straight Shooter posted. Ripping 761# 205 day weight, whopping 910# weaning weight off Dam of Merit mama and the meat machine flat hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,378 pounds. Now pencil in this meat machine’s super sized 15.2 square inch yearling ribeye, big time 4# ADG feed conversion and you bet he is well equipped with a 39.7 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. I mentioned above that Straight Shooter nursed a 2014 Dam of Merit dam and Dams of Merit run deep in this cow family with a total of seven honored Dams of Merit in Straight Shooter’s pedigree.

Wowsa, look at the phenomenal low birth to super growth spread on this meat wagon JRI Top Producer 282Z3 son: calving ease deluxe 81# birth weight, whopping 832# 205 day weight, not including this meatwagon’s humongous 17.2 square inch yearling ribeye. JRI Top Priority 254B182’s ET homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred maternal brother sired by Secret Instinct sells as lot 2 and that meat wagon pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,236 pounds. JRI Top Priority 254B182’s calf raising machine dam, JRI Ms Hot Flash 254T72, was honored as a 2014 Dam of Merit female and her dam 254P62 is an elite 2014 Dam of Distinction female. Top Priority should flat spread your low birth to robust growth ratios and man oh man save his replacement daughters because they should be calf raising machines.

DP PB Top Gun Son Scalebusting 1,378# YW Whopping 910# WW Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 4# Gainer/Top 4% CE EPD Strength/Awesome DOM Dam

HP PB Top Producer Son Whopping 832# 205 Day Wt. CE Deluxe 81# BW Scalebusting 1,236# YW Huge 17” Ylg Ribeye/Awesome JR DOM Dam/DOD Grandam


JRI 270W751 • ‘10 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 205

JRI 254U62 • ‘09 Sale Bull • Maternal Brother to Lot 207

JRI Bite The Bullet 270B93 ET 205 ET Double Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

JRI Gutling Gun 254B627 ET 207 ET Homozygous Black Double Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1284036

AGA No.: 1282544

Calved: 2/7/14

Tattoo: 270B93

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old Sale Day JRI Top Gun 254X822 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Daisy Duke 270R82 JRI Ms Pld Blackbird 270K72 (JRI Ms 270E62) Birth Wt. 71

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 693 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.33 12.8 4.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.0 166 cm

Wt. 1133 CED 13

BW 0.5

WW 67

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.03 82

Scrotal 37.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 24 58

RE .27

Birth Wt. 70

JRI True Grit 293B41 ET


Tattoo: 293B41

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 685 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.23 15.0 3.4

Wt. 1161 CED 13

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.7 173 cm BW -2.0

WW 58

Scrotal 40.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 80 22 51

BW 2.0

WW 58

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.16 85

Scrotal 38.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 85 32 61

RE .34

CW FPI 23 55.30

JRI Dinero 164B5 Double Black Double Polled Purebred Calved: 2/9/14

Tattoo: 164B5

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Pedro 207Z74 JRI Ms Exposure 207N64 (JRI Ms 207K511) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Pld Angel 164K4 JRI Ms Equalizer 164Y3 (JRI Ms 64L) Birth Wt. 99

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.91 106 RE .35

CED 11

AGA No.: 1281892

JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) 14 Months Old JRI Top Secret 2 ETN Sale Day JRI Ms Pld Frontier 253J60 (JRI Ms 253E51) JRI Profit Agent 46N (Miss Logan 46G) JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3 JRI Ms Very Precious 293N61 (JRI Ms 293K51) Birth Wt. 98

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 4.5 161 cm

Wt. 1041

ET HB DP PB Top Gun Son Sucky Recip Dam CE Deluxe 70# BW 13 Year Old Donor Dam 4 Time Honored DOM Donor Dam/CE Beef Machine Genetics

ET Black Homozygous Polled Purebred Calved: 1/19/14

Tattoo: 254B627

JRI Gutling Gun 254B627 ET wasn’t blessed with a Gelbvieh recip dam so his performance levels suffered. I can tell you Gutling Gun’s donor dam JRI Ms Extra Appeal 254L52 ET is one calfraising machine that has already been honored four times as a Dam of Merit female. Super mom 254L52’s first baby 254N64 sold to Trent Wilson, Amoret, MO in the 2004 sale as lot 103 and that super stud featured a 73# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,315 pounds yearling weight. That is super mom 254L52’s 2008 son (254U62) photographed above and that super stud pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,246 pounds. Don’t shy away here because of a poor recip dam and you should be rewarded with scalebusting genetics at weaning time.

ET DB HP PB Top Gun Son Terrible Recip Dam CE Deluxe 71# BW 3 Time Honored DOM Dam Whopping 1,255# Avg YW on Donor Dam Natural Born Sons

AGA No.: 1282549

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 585 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 13.8 3.6

CW FPI 28 57.48

Here is a Diamond in the Rough ET son of Judd Ranch’s super donor JRI Ms Daisy Duke 270R82. JRI Bite The Bullet 270B93 ET and his recip dam didn’t see eye to eye, so you can expect to see her soon at McDonald’s. I can tell you JRI Bite The Bullet 270B93’s donor dam is a three time honored Dam of Merit calf raising machine. Super donor JRI Ms Daisy Duke 270R82’s natural born sons have only averaged 75 pounds at birth with a whopping 728 pound 205 day weight and these super studs hammered the yearling weight scales with a ripping 1,255 pound average. Don’t shy away here and you should be well rewarded with the scalebusters at weaning time. (RC)


Calved: 1/17/14

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) FHG Flying H Extra 150D (Lady 50A) JRI Ms Extra Appeal 254L52 ET JRI Ms Pld Equalizer 254A4 (JRI Ms 254P)

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 764 106

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 15.0 4.0

CW FPI 14 61.14

Wt. 1196 CED 9

BW 2.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 97 5.9 154 cm WW 72

Scrotal 37.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 32 68

RE .46

13 Months Old Sale Day

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.05 82 CW FPI 31 60.78

JRI Dinero 164B5 nursed a 14-year-old Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Distinction mama who flat knows how to bring home the beef. Dam of Distinction mama JRI Ms Pld Angel 164K4 has raised ten powerhouse sons and these beef machines hammered the yearling weight scales with a whopping 1,241 pound average. A 1,241 pound average yearling weight on 10 sons is flat phenomenal. Just think of the longevity you would inject into your program with bulls out of 14-year-old females. Longevity is way overlooked in the beef industry and it is has been documented as 12 times more economically important than basically every trait in the beef industry. (RC)

JRI True Grit 293B41 ET was an alternate member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver and his ET full brother JRI Torque 293B44 ET sells as Lot 191 and Torque was also an alternate member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls. These ET full brothers feature a 2014 Dam of Distinction donor dam and I’m here to tell you donor dam JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3 flat produces meatwagon sons and her daughters are calf raising machines. You can view two of donor dam 293R3’s daughters on page 36 and 37 and wowsa, check out the powerhouse bull calves at side of these first calf heifers. JRI True Grit 293B41 ET did weigh 98 pounds at birth and I’m not sure why as his ET full brother Torque only weighed 80 pounds at birth and donor dam 293R3’s eight natural born calves have only averaged 83 pounds at birth.

ET B HP PB Top Secret 2 Son Big Time 3.9# Gainer Alt. Denver Champion Huge 15” Ylg. Ribeye 83# Avg. BW on DOD Donor Dams 8 Natural Born Calves

DB DP PB Pedro Son Ripping 764# 205 Day Wt. Nursed 14 Yr Old Dam Huge 15# Ylg Ribeye 86# Avg BW on Dams 12 Calves/Awesome DOD JR Dam


JRI 253Z9 • ‘13 Sale Bull • Paternal Brother to Lot 209


JRI 293A43 • ‘14 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 211


JRI Optimum 214B98 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1281967

Calved: 2/22/14

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 729 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 16.3 4.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.7 182 cm

Wt. 1255 CED 13

BW -1.1

WW 56

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 25 53

RE .32

Birth Wt. 96

JRI Carlos 254B7

AGA No.: 1282338

Calved: 2/16/14

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 586 81

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 14.1 4.1

Wt. 1068 CED 12

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 4.7 162 cm


Tattoo: 254B7

BW -0.5

WW 60

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 24 54

RE ,45

CED 10

BW 0.8

WW 65

Scrotal 42.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 28 60

RE .39

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.86 77 CW FPI 27 59.32

JRI Overdrive 253B91 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1281977

Calved: 2/4/14

Tattoo: 253B91

13 Months Old CES Decka Outback 75S (Harper 150L) SLC Outback 142X Sale Day SFL SLC Sue 325P (Sue 214G) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Pld 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Stash 253W81 JRI Ms Extra Design 253P71 (JRI Ms 253M61)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.18 113

Scrotal 38.9 cm

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.8 169 cm

Wt. 1339

DP PB Pop A Top Son Ripping 948# WW Whopping 832# 205 Day Wt. Scalebusting 1,339# YW Huge 16.8” Ylg Ribeye/82# Avg BW on DOM Dam’s First 3 Calves

13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Pedro 207Z74 Sale Day JRI Ms Exposure 207N64 (JRI Ms 207K511) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Assets 254Z63 JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 63

Tattoo: 293B5

Man oh man, look at the awesome stats on this beef machine Pop A Top son: ripping 832# 205 day weight, whopping 948# weaning weight off his Dam of Merit dam and the beef machine flat hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,339 pounds. JRI Pendleton 293B5 did weigh 96 pounds at birth and we all know that Judd Ranch honestly weighs every baby at birth. I can tell you bigger birth weights are not the norm for Pendleton’s Dam of Merit dam as her first three babies only averaged 82 pounds at birth. This is one calf raising machine cow family and if you would turn back to page 37 you can view Pendleton’s sister 293Y2 photographed as a first calf heifer with her powerhouse bull calf at side and I might add 293Y2’s two sons have averaged a whopping 1,326 pounds on yearling weight.

HP PB Pop A Top Son Scalebusting 1,255# YW Ripping 729# 205 Day Wt. Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye Top 10% CE EPD Strength/AI Sire Marshall’s Brother/7 Honored DOMs

Double Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 832 115

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 16.8 3.9

CW FPI 18 58.19

JRI Optimum 214B98 nursed a six year old calf raising machine Top Secret daughter and note his awesome stats: calving ease 86# birth weight (top 10% calving ease EPD strength), ripping 729# 205 day weight and the meat machine pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,255 pounds. Now pencil in this meat machine as one of the top yearling ribeye bulls with a big ol’ 16.3 square inch ribeye. Optimum’s super dam has already been honored as a Dam of Merit female and in total you will find seven previously honored Dams of Merit in Optimum’s pedigree. Optimum would be a maternal brother to the popular calving ease AI sire JRI Marshall 214X2 (super mom’s first baby) that sold in the 2011 sale as lot 196 and three Marshall sons sell in this offering. Optimum’s sister 214Y98 is another calf raising machine and her son 214B18 sells as lot 176 with an 83# birth weight/scalebusting 1,225# yearling weight.


Calved: 2/20/14

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Miller Time 125R42B ET (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Sweet Pea 293U4 JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3 (JRI Ms 293N61)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.14 85

Scrotal 39.8 cm

Double Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282135

Tattoo: 214B98

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Pld 253J60) JRI Ms Black Secret 214U88 JRI Ms Lucky Stars 214R78 ET (JRI Ms 214G6) Birth Wt. 86

JRI Pendleton 293B5

Birth Wt. 89

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 805 112

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 17.9 2.8

CW FPI 18 58.67

Wt. 1314 CED 13

BW 0.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 6.8 177 cm WW 65

Scrotal 39.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 90 33 66

RE .21

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.43 93 CW FPI 23 61.80

JRI Overdrive 253B91 was the lead bull in Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver and as usual this winner nursed a Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit mama. Speaking of Dams of Merit, Overdrive’s grandam 253P71 was honored as an elite 2014 Dam of Distinction female and his great grandam 253M61 was honored numerous times as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction. This super stud posted the following incredible stats: 805# 205 day weight, whopping 932# weaning weight off his Dam of Merit dam, scalebusting 1,314# yearling weight, humongous 17.9 square inch yearling ribeye and check out his 39.2 centimeter scrotal. With SLC Outback 142X on the sire side you are looking at the total outcross Canadian bred genetics and oh man, this super stud should flat produce the scalebusters at weaning time.

JRI Carlos 254B7 nursed a first calf heifer and oh man, this Judd Ranch 254 cow family is loaded with cow power. Carlos’ grandam JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET has been honored as a Dam of Merit or Dam of Distinction in every year of eligibility (2006 thru 2014) and she’s still producing scalebusters at 13 years of age. Super grandam 254L53’s 2014 son JRI Trendsetter 254B63 sells as Lot 177 with an 83# birth weight, ripping 770# 205 day weight and the meat machine pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,289 pounds. Carlos started pretty small with a 63 pound birth weight but man, his genetic potential kicked in as Carlos ranks as one of the top feed converters with a feeder delite 4.18# ADG/113 gain test ratio. (RC) These (RC) bulls have been DNA tested to produce both red and black calves.

HP PB Outback Son Top 10% CE EPD Strength Denver Champion Whopping 932# WW 1,314# YW/Huge 17.9” Ylg Ribeye/DOM Dam and DOD Grandam

DB HP PB Pedro Son Big Time 4# Gainer Calving Ease Deluxe 63# BW Big Ol’ 14” Ylg Ribeye Awesome JR Cow Family / 7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Beef, Butt & Guts Judd Ranch ‘08 Sale Bull


Powerhouse 2012 Judd Ranch Sale Bull


JRI Secret File 270B95 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282039

Calved: 2/5/14

AGA No.: 1286589

Tattoo: 270B95

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 747 104

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.29 11.7 4.2

Wt. 1155 CED 14

BW -0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 93 5.7 159 cm WW 61

Scrotal 38.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 25 55

RE .23

Birth Wt. 75

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.76 75


JRI Rimfire 706B44 Tattoo: 706B44

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 667 92

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 14.4 3.7

Wt. 1136 CED 13

BW 0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 92 5.6 168 cm WW 59

Scrotal 39.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 28 57

RE .24

CED 15

BW -0.9

WW 62

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.81 103

Scrotal 36.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 91 24 55

RE .40

CW FPI 22 63.57

JRI Pop A Top 254B74 Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1282021

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Top Recruit 254U82 Sale Day JRI Ms Cocoa 254S72 (JRI Ms 254P62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Barbara 706X34 ET BABR 7069T ET (Hot Damn 31L) Birth Wt. 76

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.0 162 cm

Wt. 1137

ET DP PB Top Producer Son Big Time 3.8# Gainer Calving Ease Deluxe 75# BW Awesome JR Cow Family Calving Ease Beef Machine Genetics/8 Honored JR DOMs

Homozygous Polled Purebred Calved: 1/24/14

Tattoo: 68B4

JRI CEO 68B4 ET is the only ET son of Judd Ranch’s super donor JRI Ms Sugar Pie 68M7. Donor dam Sugar Pie has mostly produced daughters and that sure isn’t a problem at Judd Ranch as Sugar Pie’s daughters are phenomenal producers. A Sugar Pie daughter, JRI Ms Sun Kissed 68W8’s, first baby (68Y9) sold in the 2012 sale as lot 139 with a 79# birth weight, ripping 791# 205 day weight, scalebusting 992# weaning weight off a first calf mama and that meatwagon hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,343 pounds. Another Sugar Pie daughter JRI McClintock 68Y8 has the meat machine lot 240 bull in this sale offering and that bad boy hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,297 pounds. Calving ease, beef machine genetics and oh man, save CEO’s replacement daughters.

HP PB Secret Instinct Son Ripping 747# 205 Day Wt. CE Deluxe 81# BW Big Dog 38 cm Ylg SC Beef, Butt, Guts and Nuts Genetics/7 Honored DOMs in the Pedigree

AGA No.: 1282141

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 599 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 13.0 3.4

CW FPI 26 61.70

One of the favorite bulls in last year’s sale was JRI Mission Impossible 270A253 that sold as lot 231 to Bill and Dodi Dennis, Kaufman, TX. That meat machine featured a calving ease 75 pound birth weight with a scalebusting 1,241 pound yearling weight. Well, that meat machine was Secret File’s dam’s first baby and wowsa, this Judd Ranch 270 cow family flat raises babies. Second calf females like Secret File’s dam are not eligible for Dam of Merit status, but rest assured the fertility is bred in as you will find with the seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret File’s pedigree. Low birth/super growth genetics that should flat produce the scalebusters at weaning time for your program.


Calved: 1/21/14

14 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Sugar Pie 68M7 JRI Ms Pld Center Stage 68G6 (JRI Ms 68B5)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Pld 125J3) JRI Ms Bombshell 270Y853 ET JRI Ms Pd Blackstar 270K75 ET (JRI Ms 270E62) Birth Wt. 81

JRI CEO 68B4 ET ET Double Polled Purebred

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.22 87

Tattoo: 254B74

13 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Pop A Top 197T83 JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 (JRI Ms 125G3) JRI Ms Nellie 254S64 JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 90

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 731 101

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 16.8 3.9

CW FPI 22 62.31

Calved: 2/21/14

Wt. 1134 CED 14

BW -1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.5 170 cm WW 53

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.84 77

Scrotal 37.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 75 24 50

RE .37

CW FPI 12 57.77

This Judd Ranch 706 cow family is loaded with highly productive beautiful daughters. If you would please turn to page 34, you can view an ET full sister to Rimfire’s dam and that beauty 706X33 was photographed as a first calf heifer prior to weaning off her scalebusting 814# baby. Fertility runs mighty deep in this Judd Ranch 706 cow family and Rimfire’s third calf dam features a remarkable 356 day annual calving interval. Cowmen, fertility has been documented as 12 times more economically important than basically every trait in the beef industry. At Judd Ranch you are buying into one unmatched fertility/longevity programs as Judd Ranch has been honored as the breeds #1 Dam of Merit program for 16 out of the last 17 years.

JRI Pop A Top 254B74’s super eight year old dam has produced eight powerhouse bull calves in a row. Mike and Sheila Rich, Gridley, KS purchased super mom JRI Ms Nellie 254S64’s first baby 254U24 in the 2009 sale as lot 192 and that meat machine featured a 75# birth weight with a ripping 1,219# yearling weight. Jeff Fisher, Appleton City, MO purchased super mom 254S64’s second baby (254W25) in the 2010 bull sale as lot 192 and that beef packer flat pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,323 pounds. JRI Pop A Top 254B74 does feature an honest Judd Ranch 90 pound birth weight, but genetically 254B74 should be one awesome calver as he features top 4% calving ease EPD strength and any geneticist will tell you calving ease EPD strength is three times more accurate in predicting a bulls actual calving ease than actual birth weight.

HP PB Top Recruit Son Whopping 822# WW Calving Ease Deluxe 76# BW Big ol’ 14” Ylg Ribeye Low Birth, Super Growth, Fertility-Plus Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs

HP PB Pop A Top Son Huge 16.8” Ylg Ribeye Ripping 731# 205 Day Wt. Beef Machine Genetics Top 4% Calving Ease EPD Strength/5 Honored JR DOMs


JRI 214A44 • ‘14 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 219 & 220

JRI 254Y82 • ‘12 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 217 & 218



JRI Oscar 254B56 Double Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1281986

Calved: 2/3/14

Tattoo: 254B56

CES Decka Outback 75S (Harper 150L) SLC Outback 142X SFL SLC Sue 325P (Sue 214G) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Flame 254W46 JRI Ms Fancy 254T36 (JRI Ms 254R66) Birth Wt. 90

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 748 104

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.22 14.4 4.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 6.5 177 cm

Wt. 1228

CED 14

BW -0.8

WW 52

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 73 24 50

Birth Wt. 88


Homozygous Polled Purebred Tattoo: 254B433

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 686 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF N/A N/A N/A

Wt. 1118 CED 16

BW -1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 90 5.1 152 cm WW 56

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 24 52

RE .48

BW -0.8

WW 60

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.38 91

Scrotal 40.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 87 22 52

RE .33

CW FPI 20 61.97

JRI Traveler 214B48 Homozygous Polled Purebred

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 683 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.38 15.4 4.3

CW FPI 16 63.64

Calved: 2/10/14

Tattoo: 214B48

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 13 Months Old JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Sophia 214W8 JRI Ms Blossom 214M7 (JRI Ms 214G6) Birth Wt. 77

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 1.99 54

Scrotal 39.4 cm

CED 14

AGA No.: 1286566

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 14 Months Old JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Cricket 254X633 ET JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 88

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic N/A 5.5 165 cm

Wt. 1257

HP PB Top Producer Son Scalebusting 1,257# YW Ripping 735# 205 Day Wt. Big ol’ 14.7” Ylg Ribeye Top 4% Calving Ease EPD Strength/6 Honored JR DOMs

JRI The Executive 254B433 Calved: 1/28/14

Tattoo: 214B41B

This will be the first offering of JRI Top Producer 282Z3 (deceased) sons and wowsa, if you like beef, butt, guts and nuts like our awesome repeat Judd Ranch bull buyers then these Top Producer sons are right up your alley. JRI Power Stroke 214B41B nursed a super six year old calf raising machine Judd Ranch mama and you will note his ripping 735# 205 day weight coupled with a scale smashing 1,257# yearling weight. Fertility is all part of the complete package as you will find six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Power Stroke’s pedigree. Beef, butt, guts and nuts genetics including top 4% calving ease EPD strength.

DP PB Outback Son Whopping 888# WW Ripping 748# 205 Day Wt. Scalebusting 1,228# YW Top 4% Calving Ease EPD Strength/5 Honored JR DOMs

AGA No.: 1286574

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 735 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.26 14.7 4.7

CW FPI 12 61.36

Cowmen, these SLC Outback 142X sons would be a total outcross to all genetic purebred Gelbvieh lines in the USA. Judd Ranch purchased the exclusive semen rights on this Canadian outcross meat machine and you can view Outback’s photo on page 8 with the other Judd Ranch reference sires. These Outback sons are flat performance machines and it comes as no surprise with the phenomenal performance stats Outback has posted. JRI Oscar 254B56 should flat produce the scalebusters at weaning time for your program and rest assured, the calving ease is bred in as he features top 4% calving ease EPD strength. Any geneticist will tell you a bulls calving ease EPD strength is 3 times more accurate in predicting a bulls actual calving ease. Fertility is all part of the complete package as Oscar features five previously honored Dams of Merit in his pedigree.


Calved: 2/28/14

13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) Sale Day JRI Top Producer 282Z3 JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Top Secret 253M75 (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Morgan 214U61 JRI Ms Sensational 214N51 (JRI Ms 214K4)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.14 85

RE .43

Homozygous Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1286568

13 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 43.2 cm

JRI Power Stroke 214B41B

Wt. 1165 CED 14

BW -0.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 94 5.1 160 cm WW 62

Scrotal 38.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 20 51

RE .43

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.46 94 CW FPI 23 63.37

JRI Traveler 214B48 nursed a super five year old Top Secret daughter and oh man, super mom has raised some beef machine sons. Hughes Farms LCC, Aline, OK purchased super mom’s first baby JRI Boom Time 214Y2 as lot 210 in the 2012 bull sale and that meat machine featured an 85# birth weight and a ripping 1,202# yearling weight. Greg Brewer, Brewer Ranch, Stuart, OK purchased super mom’s second son JRI Torque 214A9 in last year’s sale as lot 192 and that beef machine was loaded with beef, butt, guts and nuts. All four traits are standard equipment on super mom JRI Ms Sophia 214W8 sons and note the big ol’ 15.4 square inch yearling ribeye on Traveler as well. Rest assured, the fertility is bred in as you will find six previously honored Dam of Merit females in Traveler’s pedigree.

Somehow JRI The Executive 254B433’s scan data never made it to the lab, so we apologize for not having this valuable data on him. I can tell you if you research these spring yearling bulls, you will find some of the very best scan data bulls are sons of JRI Top Producer 282Z3, the sire of The Executive. This will be the first offering of JRI Top Producer 282Z3 (deceased) sons and wowsa, they are meatpacking machines. If you would turn to page 66 and 67, five full brothers to JRI Top Producer 282Z3 sell as lots 254 through 258. These meatwagons feature an average yearling ribeye at 16.7 square inches with an impressive carcass plus 4.9 IMF average. Don’t back off here since Executive doesn’t have scan data knowing that the carcass plus genetics are definitely bred in.

HP PB Top Producer Son Big ol’ 15” Ylg Ribeye Calving Ease Deluxe 77# BW Super JR Cow Family Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs

HP PB Top Producer Son Big Dog 39.4 cm Ylg SC Top 1% Calving Ease EPD Strength Awesome JR Cow Family Beef Machine Genetics/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Performance Plus Spring Black Polled Balancer Bulls Lot 222 Thru 253

Judd Ranch Calving Ease/Scalebusting Balancer Genetics


JRI Fortune 500 406B25 • Lot 223

JRI Presto 285B41


Double Polled Purebred

AGA No.: 1286584

Calved: 2/16/14

Tattoo: 285B41

AGA No.: 1282139

13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) PMG Pegasus 01P (Drew 221M) JRI Ms Goldilocks 285T61 ET JRI Ms Pld Preference 285A5 (JRI Ms 285Y4) Birth Wt. 88

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 663 92

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.36 15.4 4.0

Wt. 1217 CED 12

BW 0.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.6 168 cm WW 63

Scrotal 42.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 95 24 56

RE .54

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.76 102

Birth Wt. 89


JRI Secretariat 27B3

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 720 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.34 14.8 4.3

Wt. 1319 CED 16

BW -0.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 5.9 159 cm

Tattoo: 27B3

WW 61

Scrotal 48.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 98 23 54

RE .16

CED 15

BW -1.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 111 5.7 177 cm WW 67

Scrotal 36.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 104 25 58

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.11 111

RE .36

CW FPI 29 76.59

JRI Whopper 253B21 D. Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

AGA No.: 1282333

Calved: 2/2/14

Tattoo: 253B21

13 Months Old SydGen C C & 7 (Lady 4087) Sale Day Hoover Dam Erica of Ellston C124 (Ellston V65) JRI Turbo 285X14 (JRI Ms 285R94) JRI Ms Black Porsche 253Z91 JRI Ms Secret Stash 253W81 (JRI Ms 253P71)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.24 142

Birth Wt. 76

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 738 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 16.0 4.1

CW FPI 27 70.35

What a super stud to lead off the spring yearling Balancer bull offering. This homozygous black, homozygous polled ¾ Gelbvieh ¼ Angus Balancer son out of Secret Instinct basically tried to set all the records: Calving ease deluxe 83# birth weight, whopping 1,319# yearling weight, feeder delight 5.24# ADG/142 gain test ratio and check out his 48.1 (THIS IS NOT A TYPO) centimeter scrotal circumference. Cowmen, fertility all starts in the scrotal department and Secretariat is flat unmatched in the scrotal department. Speaking of fertility you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secretariat’s pedigree. This Judd Ranch 27 cow family is mighty powerful and that’s a 27 cow family son, 27S2, photographed above as lot 221.

HB HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,319# YW CE Deluxe 83# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Huge 48.1 cm Ylg SC/Meat Machine/7 Honored JR DOMs

Wt. 1372

B HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,372# YW Whopping 956# WW Big Time 4# Gainer Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye/Top 10% CE EPD Strength/11 Honored JR DOMs

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Special Blend 27Y2 JRI Ms Secret Desire 27W7 (JRI Ms 27S6) Birth Wt. 83

Tattoo: 406B25

Oh my, look at the incredible stats on this meatwagon Final Answer Balancer son: ripping 746# 205 day weight, whopping 956# weaning weight off his 2014 Dam of Merit dam and the meatwagon flat crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,372 pounds. I mentioned above this meatwagon weaned off his 2014 Dam of Merit dam of 956 pounds and cowmen, that 956 pound figure represents 75.8% of his dam’s 1,260# body weight. Now pencil in this meatwagon as one of the sales top ribeye and ADG bulls with a big ol’ 16.3 square inch yearling ribeye and note ol’ meatwagon’s excellent feed conversion with a 4.11# ADG/111 gain test ratio. Derek Hanson, Moran, KS purchased Fortune 500’s full brother JRI Real Deal 406Z25 in the 2013 sale as lot 190 and that meatwagon crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,390 pounds.

Homo. Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Calved: 2/8/14

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 746 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.36 16.3 4.0

CW FPI 26 63.93

DP PB Top Producer Son Whopping 1,217# YW Ripping 802# WW Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye Big Time Gainer/Top 15% CE EPD Strength/Awesome JR DOM Dam

AGA No.: 1281808

Calved: 2/4/14

Sitz Traveler 8180 (Entense 1137) 13 Months Old SAV Final Answer 0035 Sale Day S A V Emulous 8145 (Emulous 2124) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Santa Rosa 406X45 JRI Ms Pld New Babe 406J5 (JRI Ms 406F14)

JRI Presto 285B41 rounds out the purebred Gelbvieh spring bull offering and oh man, does Presto feature a calf raising machine 2014 Judd Ranch Dam of Merit mama. Dam of Merit mama JRI Ms Goldilocks 285T61 ET’s first son JRI Tool Time 285X71 sold as lot 144 in the 2011 sale to Roger Sayer in Canada and that meat wagon pegged the yearling weight scales at 1,339 pounds and Tool Time was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2011 National Champion Pen of 3 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. Derek Hanson, Moran, KS purchased Dam of Merit mama’s son JRI Copper Top 285A71 in last year’s sale as lot 220 and that meatwagon crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,369 pounds. Meatwagon genetics and Presto should flat boost your performance levels.


JRI Fortune 500 406B25 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

Wt. 1360 CED 15

BW -2.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 6.6 177 cm WW 56

Scrotal 40.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 30 58

RE .66

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.73 101 CW FPI 22 77.51

This will be the first offering of Hoover Dam Balancer sons in the annual Judd Ranch bull sale and with the explosive beef, butt, guts and nuts these sons possess it is not surprising Hoover Dam is one of the top selling Angus AI sires in the beef industry. Judd Ranch researches every new AI sire line prior to usage and Hoover Dam definitely excels in all the profitable categories with top 15% low birth, top 30% growth, top 15% milk, top 10% wean dollar value, top 10% dollar beef value and top 5% heifer pregnancy. JRI Whopper 253B21 nursed a first calf heifer and note his phenomenal birth to growth spread…76# birth weight/1,360# yearling weight. Now pencil in Whopper as one of the top ribeye bulls with a serving tray 16 square inch yearling ribeye. (RC)

DB HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,360# YW CE Deluxe 76# WW Humongous 16” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 3.7# Gainer/Meat Machine/6 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

JRI Son of A Gun 207B312 • Lot 225

JRI 254Z246 • ‘13 Sale Bull • Paternal Brother to Lot 228

JRI Son of a Gun 207B312 225 D. Black Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer


AGA No.: 1281958

AGA No.: 1282326

Calved: 3/2/14

Tattoo: 207B312

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 12 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Arabella 207Y212 ET JRI Ms Echo Does It 207K511 ET (JRI Ms 207B4) Birth Wt. 93

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 772 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.33 18.0 3.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.5 185 cm

Wt. 1498

CED 12

BW 1.6

WW 72

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 110 29 65

RE .34

Calved: 1/29/14

Tattoo: 207B21

14 Months Old SydGen C C & 7 (Lady 4087) Sale Day Hoover Dam Erica of Ellston C124 (Ellston V65) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Paris 207Z71 JRI Victoria Secret 207W61 ET (JRI Ms 207L57)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.85 131

Scrotal 43.8 cm

JRI On Duty 207B21 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Balancer

Birth Wt. 86

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 741 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 16.2 4.3

CW FPI 37 70.12

Wt. 1307 CED 13

BW -1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 6.1 170 cm WW 58

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.46 121

Scrotal 44.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 93 32 60

RE .79

CW FPI 24 78.43

JRI On Duty 207B21 nursed a first calf heifer and checkout his phenomenal stats:  ripping 741# 205 day weight, whopping 828# weaning weight off his first calf mama and the beef machine pegged the yearling weight scales at 1,307 pounds. I might add this cow family is flat loaded with cow efficiency as JRI On Duty 207B21 weaned off his first calf dam at 828 pounds which figures to be 75.9% of his dam’s 1,090# body weight. JRI On Duty 207B21 has not slowed down since his debut and note On Duty’s big ol’ 16.2 square inch yearling ribeye coupled with a feeder delite 4.46 # ADG/121 gain test ratio. Oh I coudn’t help but mention On Duty is definitely ready for heavy service with his super sized 44.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference.

JRI Son of A Gun 207B312 was a member of Judd Ranch’s 2015 National Champin Pen of 5 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls in Denver. You’re probably wondering how a 3/4 Gelbvieh/1/4 Angus Balancer bull like JRI Son of A Gun 207B312 showed with the purebred bulls and the American Gelbvieh Association allows 3/4 Balancer bulls to show with the purebred bulls in the National Pen Bull Show. This meatwagon basically tried to set all the records and note his phenomenal stats: ripping 772# 205 day weight, whopping 916# WW...70.4% of his dam’s 1,300# bodyweight and wowsa, check out this meatwagon’s scalecrushing 1,498# yearling weight. Now pencil-in ol’ meatwagon’s serving tray sized 18 square inch yearling ribye, big time 4.85# ADG/131 gain test ratio and like all Judd Ranch bulls Son of a Gun is equipped with a super sized 43.8 centimeter yearling scrotum. (RC)

DB HP Balancer Bull Scalecrushing 1,498# YW Whopping 916# WW Humongous 18” Ylg. Ribeye 4.8# Gainer/ Weaned off at 70.4% of Dam’s Bodyweight /8 Honored DOMs

HB HP Balancer Bull Huge 16” Ylg. Ribeye Scalebusting 1,307# YW Big Time 4# Gainer Weaned off at 75.9% of Dam’s Body Weight / 6 Honored JR DOMs



JRI Gun Powder 37B3 Homo. Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer

AGA No.: 1281809

Calved: 2/10/14

Tattoo: 37B3

AGA No.: 1282362

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Top Gun 254X822 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Sugar Plum 37Y2 JRI Ms Classic Agent 37W7 (JRI Ms 37L6) Birth Wt. 84

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 757 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.34 18.2 3.8

Wt. 1285 CED 14

BW 0.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 104 6.4 179 cm WW 73

Scrotal 39.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 116 23 59

RE .28

Calved: 1/28/14

Tattoo: 293B2

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Crush 293Z4 JRI Ms Profit Agent 293R3 (JRI Ms 293N61) Birth Wt. 81

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.81 103

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 685 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 16.7 4.7

CW FPI 39 71.53

Wt. 1307 CED 15

BW -2.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 6.4 188 cm WW 62

14 Months Old Sale Day

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.03 136

Scrotal 42.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 100 23 54

RE .20

CW FPI 26 79.76

JRI Balancing Act 293B2 nursed a first calf heifer and wowsa, checkout Balancing Act’s impressive stats: calving ease deluxe 81# birth weight, scalebusting 1,307# yearling weight, huge 16.7 square inch yearling ribeye, big time 5.03# ADG/136 gain test ratio and you bet, Balancing Act is well-equipped in the yearling scrotal department as Doc taped him at 42.3 centimeters. This Judd Ranch 293 cow family is mighty powerful and you can checkout two first calf 293 daughters photographed on page 36 & 37 and wowsa, note the powerhouse bull calves at side of these first calf heifers. As mentioned this Judd Ranch 293 cow family flat knows how to bring home the beef and fertility is all part of the complete package as you will find six previously honored Dam of Merit females in Balancing Act’s pedigree.

Mercy, look at the awesome stats on this homozygous black, homozygous polled 3/4 Gelbvieh/1/4 Angus Balancer son of Top Gun: calving ease 84# birth weight, ripping 757# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,285# yearling weight, humongous 18.2 square inch yearling ribeye, big time 3.81# ADG/103 gain test ratio and like all Judd Ranch bulls Gun Powder is well equipped with a 39.2 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Those incredible stats separate the men from the boys and wowsa, this is one awesome Judd Ranch cow family. Speaking of cow families you will find eight previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Gun Powder’s pedigree.

HB HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,285# YW CE 84# BW Huge 18” Ylg. Ribeye 3.8# Gainer / Meatwagon Genetics / 8 Honored JR DOMs

JRI Balancing Act 293B2 Black Homozygous Polled (38%) Balancer

B HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,307# YW CE Deluxe 81# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Huge 16” Ylg. Ribeye / Meat Machine / 6 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

Judd Ranch Calving Ease/Scalebusting Balancer Genetics



JRI Dream Weaver 406B27 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

AGA No.: 1282365

Calved: 1/24/14

Tattoo: 406B27

SydGen C C & 7 (Lady 4087) Hoover Dam Erica of Ellston C124 (Ellston V65) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Pop A Top 406Z47 JRI Ms Freedom 406L16 (JRI Ms 406J5) Birth Wt. 76

JRI 285Y293 • First Calf Maternal Sister to Lot 231

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 744 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.29 13.6 4.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 102 5.9 175 cm

Wt. 1264 CED 14

BW -3.6

WW 54

AGA No.: 1282132

14 Months Old Sale Day

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 31 58

RE .76

Birth Wt. 76


JRI Secret Sensation 254B336 Tattoo: 254B336

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 704 98

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.41 13.7 3.9

Wt. 1250 CED 18

BW -1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 6.3 175 cm WW 57

Scrotal 40.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 91 23 52

RE .04

CED 18

BW -3.1

WW 52

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.49 121

Scrotal 41.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 25 51

RE .52

CW FPI 14 73.35

JRI Infiniti 270B38 Homo. Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282034

14 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Lookn Good 254Z236 JRI Ms Catalina 254X636 ET (JRI Ms 254L53) Birth Wt. 86

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 106 6.0 166 cm

Wt. 1,316

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,316# YW Calving Ease Deluxe 76# BW Big Time 4# Gainer Huge 16” Ylg. Ribeye / Outcross Balancer Genetics

D. Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer Calved: 1/26/14

Tattoo: 285B293

Take a glance at the beautiful first calf heifer photographed above and oh man, wouldn’t you love a pasture full of first calf heifers like that beauty. JRI Cedar Ridge 285B293 would be a maternal brother to JRI  Ms Expresso 285Y293 photographed above and oh man, this Judd Ranch 285 cow family flat brings home the beef. JRI Cedar Ridge 285B293 is sired by the great Angus AI sire Cole Creek Cedar Ridge IV, so Cedar Ridge 285B293 woud be a total outcross to the numerous powerhouse Mytty In Focus Balancer sons sold in the past Judd Ranch bull sales. JRI Cedar Ridge 285B293 should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios with the phenomenal 76# BW/1,316# YW he posted and save the replacement daughters as his sire is one of the top milk bulls in the Angus breed.

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,264# YW Calving Ease Deluxe 76# BW Big Time 5# Gainer Weaned of at 73% of his Dams Bodyweight /4 Honored JR DOMs

AGA No.: 1282341

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 651 90

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.38 16.8 4.3

CW FPI 17 78.62

Wow, you talk about a meat machine Hoover Dam son. JRI Dream Weaver 406B27 nursed a first calf heifer and sports the following stats: calving ease 76# birth weight, ripping 744# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,264# yearling weight and oh man, Dream Weaver flat converted the roughage on gain test with a super 5.30# ADG/143 gain test ratio. This Judd Ranch 406 cow family flat knows how to bring home the beef and wow, you talk about cow efficiency as Dream Weaver weaned off his first calf dam at an amazing 73% of her bodyweight. These Hoover Dam Balancer bulls would be a total outcross to all the Mytty In Focus Balancer bulls sold in the past Judd Ranch Bull sales and wowsa, you are going to like the beef, butt, guts and nuts these Hoover Dam sons possess.


Calved: 2/8/14

Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P (Juanada 67) 13 Months Old Cole Creek Cedar Ridge IV Sale Day Cole Creek Colvanada 49S (Colvanada 709) JRI Black N Stacked 270M78 (JRI Ms 270J67) JRI Ms Stacked 285R993 ET JRI Ms Show N Tell 285L89 ET (JRI Ms 285H74)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 5.30 143

Scrotal 39.1 cm

JRI Cedar Ridge 285B293 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

Birth Wt. 97

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.35 91

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 751 104

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.33 13.7 3.9

CW FPI 21 68.96

Calved: 2/4/14

Tattoo: 270B38

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Innovator 270Y28 JRI Ms Secret Blend 270U88 (JRI Ms 270R77) Wt. 1,274 CED 14

BW 1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 5.2 147 cm WW 69

Scrotal 39.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 111 22 57

RE .19

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.84 131 CW FPI 37 72.85

JRI Secret Sensation 254B336 nursed a first calf heifer and man oh man, look at Secret Sensation’s awesome birth to growth spread: calving ease 86# birth weight coupled with a bellringing 1,250# yearling weight. Widespread birth to growth meatpacking machines are the norm for this calf raising machine Judd Ranch 254 cow family and to date thirty-six Judd Ranch 254 cow family daughters have been honored as Dam of Merit females. Speaking of Dams of Merit you will find seven previously honored Dam of Merit females in Secret Sensation’s pedigree. Oh I might add big time cow efficiency is all part of the complete package as Secret Sensation weaned off his first calf dam at 872 pounds, 77.1% of his dam’s bodyweight. (RC)

Homozygous black, homozygous polled 3/4 Gelbvieh/1/4 Angus Secret Instinct Balancer son and oh my, look at the performance figures on this beef machine including a ripping 751# 205 day weight coupled with a scalerocking 1,274# yearling weight. This combo of Secret Instinct and Mytty In Focus flat produces beef machine’s that are flat loaded with beef, butt, guts and nuts. JRI Infiniti 270B38 did weigh 97 pounds at birth and we all know it as Judd Ranch honestly weighs every baby but genetically Infiniti should possess excellent calving ease as he features top 15% calving ease EPD strength. Don’t shy away here with Infinit’s top 15% calving ease EPD strength and you should be well rewarded with scalebusters at weaning time.

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,250# YW Ripping 872# WW 7 Honored JR DOMs Weaned off His First Calf Dam at 77.1% Of Her Bodyweight

HB HP Balancer Bull Big Time 4# Gainer Whopping 1,274# YW Meat Machine Genetics Top 15% Calving Ease EPD Strength/7 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

JRI Ms Expresso 270X20 • Dam of Lot 233

JRI Grand Finale 254B24 • Lot 235

Secret Solution 270B30 233Double JRI Black Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer


AGA No.: 1282715

AGA No.: 1281981

Calved: 3/30/14

Tattoo: 270B30

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 12 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Expresso 270X20 JRI Ms Hot Topic 270U711 ET (JRI MS 270J67) Birth Wt. 81

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 764 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.53 19.7 4.9

Wt. 1,357 CED 21

BW -3.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic N/A 6.1 177 cm WW 59

Scrotal 41.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 99 25 54

RE .05

Birth Wt. 92

236 Tattoo: 285B29

Wt. 1,352 CED 18

BW -2.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 109 6.7 177 cm WW 69

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.96 107

Scrotal 43.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 107 17 52

RE .30

CW FPI 30 80.68

B HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,352# YW Whopping 962# WW Huge 17” Ylg. Ribeye Top 2% Calving Ease EPD Strength/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Black Double Polled Balancer Calved: 1/26/14

Tattoo: 254B24

That’s the super stud JRI Grand Finale 254B24 photographed above and that photo was taken on a chilly day so he had his scrotum sucked up but I can tell you Grand Finale is well endowed with a 43.2 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. JRI Grand Finale 254B24 nursed a calf raising machine mama and wow, super mom has raised some powerhouse sons. Allen Ranch, Knob Noster, MO purchased super mom’s first baby JRI Power One 254Y2 as Lot 192 in the 2012 sale and that super stud featured an 81# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,262# yearling weight and Power One was the top ADG bull in the spring bull offering with a 4.98# ADG/125 gain test ratio.

JRI Special Blend 285B29

AGA No.: 1282366

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 779 108

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.44 17.2 3.7

CW FPI 23 82.09

Take a glance at JRI Secret Solution 270B30’s awesome dam JRI Ms Expresso 270X20 photographed above and oh man, this beauty can flat raise babies. Secret Solution offers you tremendous calving ease in the breed’s top 1% and wowsa, look at this super studs scalecrushing 1,357# yearling weight. Eighty-one pound birth weights with a scalecrushing 1,357# yearling weight is flat turnng a crank and now pencil-in Secret Solution as one of the top yearling ribeye bulls with a serving tray size 19.7 square inch yearling ribeye. This is one calf raising machine cow family and checkout the Lot 184 bull that’s out of Secret Soltuion’s full sister 270Z30. Lot 184 features a 69# birth weight with a scalecrushing 1,311# yearling weight. (RC)


Calved: 2/4/14

13 Months Sitz Traveler 8180 (Entense 1137) Old Sale Day S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Emulous 8145 (Emulous 2124) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Lucky Charm 254W4 JRI Ms Jewels 254T3 (JRI Ms 254R5)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.68 99

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,357# YW CE Deluxe 81# BW/Top 1% CE Humongous 19” Ylg Ribeye Awesome JR Dam/7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Grand Finale 254B24 Black Homozygous Polled (38%) Balancer

JRI Super Sport 254B220 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

AGA No.: 1282348

14 Months Sitz Traveler 8180 (Entense 1137) SAV Final Answer 0035 Old Sale Day SAV Emulous 8145 (Emulous 2124) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Gold Mine 285Y192 JRI Ms Sugar Sweet 285P992 ET (JRI Ms 285L89)

Calved: 1/31/14

Tattoo: 254B220

SydGen C C & 7 (Lady 4087) 14 Months Hoover Dam Old Sale Day Erica of Ellston C124 (Ellston V65) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Sweet Pea 254Z720 JRI Ms Blk Cinder 254T620 ET (JRI Ms 254E52) Birth Wt. 68

Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 98 697 97 1266 102 5.6 202 cm 37.2 cm 4.78 129 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.24 16.7 3.5 12 0.9 72 113 23 59 .53 38 77.60

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 691 96

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.34 13.3 5.1

Wt. 1238 CED 14

BW -3.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.2 164 cm WW 52

Scrotal 39.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 31 57

RE .79

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.54 123 CW FPI 14 78.43

JRI Super Sport 254B220 nursed a first calf heifer and man oh man, checkout Super Sports awesome low birth to super growth spread with a calving ease deluxe 68# birth weight coupled with a scalebusting 1,238# yearling weight. Big time low birth to super growth spreads are the norm for this powerful Judd Ranch 254 cow family. Super Sport’s maternal grandam JRI Ms Blk Cinder 254T620 ET possesses a performance-plus 107 weaning weight ratio on her seven babies. Super Sport’s great grandam 254E52 and great, great grandam 254C4 were both honored four times each as Dams of Merit and Dams of Distinction. Three stacked generations of Dam of Merit females flat produces widespread birth to growth and Super Sport should flat spread your low birth to robust growth ratios.

These SAV Final Answer 0035 Balancer sons would be a total outcross to the Mytty In Focus Balancer sons sold in past sales and oh man, Final Answer flat works on Mytty In Focus daughters. JRI Special Blend 285B29 nursed a calf raising machine Pop A Top daughter out of the calf raising machine Judd Ranch 285 cow family. Wowsa, look at Special Blend’s awesome stats: scalebusting 1,266# yearling weight, big time 4.78# ADG/129 gain test ratio and you bet, Special Blend is packed with beef as the meat machine scanned a 16.7 square inch yearling ribeye. Rest assured, the fertility is bred-in as you will find five previously honored Dam of Merit females in Special Blend’s pedigree. (HP) It’s stated on the inside cover of the sale catalog that any bull designated with an (HP) has been DNA tested as heterozygous polled.

B DP Balancer Bull Huge 16” Ylg. Ribeye Whopping 1,266# YW Big Time 4.7# Gainer Meat Machine Genetics / 5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,238# YW Calving Ease Deluxe 68# BW Big Time 4.5# Gainer Beef, Butt, Guts & Nuts Genetics/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

JRI 285Y26 • ‘12 Sale Bull • Full Brother to Lot 237


JRI First Calf Heifer with Her Powerhouse Bull Calf


JRI For Real 285B26 Black Polled (lite scurs) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282049

Calved: 2/16/14

Tattoo: 285B26

AGA No.: 1281972

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 822 114

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.40 18.3 5.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic N/A 7.1 168 cm

Wt. 1491 CED 14

BW 1.3

WW 78

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.05 109

Scrotal 46.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 119 29 68

RE .15

Birth Wt. 82

Tattoo: 285B39

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.33 15.2 3.4

Wt. 1203 CED 15

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.8 174 cm BW -1.1

WW 64

Scrotal 41.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 21 53

Birth Wt. 88

WW 61

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.86 104

Scrotal 41.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 25 55

RE .23

CW FPI 30 70.86

JRI Multi Task 68B2 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 756 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 16.9 4.8

CW FPI 29 71.81

JRI Secret Society 285B39 was twin born to JRI Secret Security 285B38 Lot 259 and wowsa, checkout the unbelievable birth to growth spread on these twin brothers. Secret Society features a 61# birth weight with an awesome 1,203# yearling and twin brother Secret Security (Lot 259) features a 66# birth weight with a ripping 1,295# yearling weight. Calf raising machine genetics run deep in this Judd Ranch 270 cow family and you will find seven previously honored Dam of Merit females in Secret Society’s pedigree. Secret Society should flat spread your low birth to performance plus levels and every baby will be black and polled with Secret Society being homozygous black and homozygous polled.

HB HP Balancer Bull Ripping 830# WW 61# CE BW (Twin) Whopping 1,203# YW Huge 15” Ylg. Ribeye/ 7 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

BW -1.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.8 194 cm

Calved: 2/12/14

Tattoo: 68B2

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) RID R Collateral 2R (Loni 27N) JRI McClintock 68Y8 JRI Ms Sugar Pie 68M7 (JRI Ms 68G6)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.41 92 RE .18

CED 16

AGA No.: 1281887

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Old Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms My Maria 285Z193 JRI Ms Stacked 285R993 ET (JRI Ms 285L89) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 697 NA

Wt. 1270

DB DP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,270# YW 82# CE BW Huge 16” Ylg. Ribeye Big Time 3.8# Gainer/ 9 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Society 285B39 238HomozygousJRIBlackSecret 240 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

Birth Wt. 61

Tattoo: 253B38

JRI Secret Agent 253B38’s red full bother JRI Secret Password 253Z38 sold in the 2013 sale as Lot 219 to Severtson Land & Cattle in Canada and Secret Password swept the Canadian National Champion Balancer bull honors last fall for Severtson Land & Cattle. Secret Agent & Secret Password’s mama flat brings home the beef every year and it comes as no surprise as you will find nine previosly honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in these brother’s pedigrees. Secret Agent should flat produce the scalebusters for your program at weaning time and note Secret Agent’s calving ease EPD strength in the breeds top 5%. (RC)

BP (lite scurs) Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,491# YW Whopping 1,020# WW off 13 Yr. Old Dam 4# Gainer Huge 18” Ylg. Ribeye/ Top 15% CE EPD Strength/ DOD JR Dam

Calved: 1/23/14

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 724 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.37 16.3 4.6

CW FPI 42 85.07

Wowsa, look at the incredible stats on this meatwagon Mytty In Focus son: ripping 822# 205 day, scale rocking 1,020# weaning weight off his 13-year-old dam and the meatwagon flat hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,491 pounds. JRI For Real 285B26’s super 13-year-old dam JRI Ms Ruby 285L86 was honored four times as a Dam of Merit female and last fall she was honored as a 2014 Dam of Distinction female. That super stud JRI Enhancer 285Y26 photographed above is super mom 285L86’s 2011 son that sold in the 2012 sale as Lot 186 and that super stud pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,311 pounds. JRI For Real 285B26 is the kind that flat should produce the scalebusters at weaning time and his replacement daughters should be loaded with producing ability and longevity.

AGA No.: 1282361

Calved: 2/19/14

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Special Blend 253W28 JRI Ms Strawberry 253T8 (JRI Ms 253L71)

13 Months Old SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) Sale Day Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Pd Grand Primo 43G5 (JRI Ms 43C4) JRI Ms Ruby 285L86 JRI Ms Pd Seville 285H76 ET (JRI Ms 285C6) Birth Wt. 93

JRI Secret Agent 253B38 Double Black Double Polled (3/4) Balancer

Wt. 1297 CED 15

BW 0.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 105 5.7 161 cm WW 69

13 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 42.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 109 24 58

RE .22

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.81 130 CW FPI 35 83.03

Mercy, look at the awesome stats on this beefpacking machine Mytty In Focus son: top 10% calving ease EPD strength, whopping 1,297# yearling weight, super size 16.9 square inch yearling ribeye, big time 4.81 ADG/130 gain test ratio and like all Judd Ranch bulls Multi Task is packing a load in the scrotal department with a 42.2 centimeter yearling measurement. Ed Lenker, Coats, KS purchased Multi Task’s dam’s first baby JRI On Target 68A28 in last year’s sale as Lot 240 and my sale notes on On Target were....meatwagon. This Judd Ranch 68 cow family flat knows how to get pregnant and bring home the beef and you will find four previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Multi Task’s pedigree.

B HP Balancer Bull Big Time 4.8# Gainer Whopping 1,297# YW Huge 16” Ylg. Ribeye Top 10% Calving Ease EPD Strength/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

First Calf Dam of Lot 241 with her 2013 Bull Calf


JRI 254Z246 • ‘13 Sale Bull • Maternal Brother to Lot 243


JRI Solitaire 293B3 Homo. Black Homo. Polled (63%) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282133

Calved: 3/1/14

Tattoo: 293B3

AGA No.: 1282129

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 12 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Santa Rosa 293Y2 JRI Ms Sweet Pea 293U4 (JRI Ms 293R3) Birth Wt. 95

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 726 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.37 17.8 4.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic N/A 5.6 172 cm

Wt. 1309 CED 14

BW 0.5

WW 66

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 105 25 58

RE .23

Birth Wt. 98


JRI Mega Bull 254B232

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 674 93

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.33 14.8 3.8

Wt. 1211 CED 18

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 4.3 157 cm BW -4.0

WW 54

Scrotal 38.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 29 55

BW .0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.8 187 cm WW 60

Scrotal 43.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 96 37 66

RE .62

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.11 84 CW FPI 27 74.80

JRI Justrite 254B235 Double Black Double Polled Balancer Calved: 1/25/14

Tattoo: 254B235

14 Months SydGen C C & 7 (Lady 4087) Hoover Dam Old Sale Day Erica of Ellston C124 (Ellston V65) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Crown Jewel 254Z634 ET JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 72

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.59 124 RE .31

CED 13

AGA No.: 1282346

Tattoo: 254B232

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) 14 Months Old Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Stargazer 254Z632 ET JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 66

Wt. 1243

14 Months Old Sale Day

DB HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,243# YW 940# Weaning Wt. Huge 17” Ylg. Ribeye Top 25% Calving Ease EPD Strength/2014 JR DOM Dam

Double Black Double Polled Balancer Calved: 1/24/14

Tattoo: 254B236

JRI Breckenridge 254B236 nursed a calf raising machine Judd Ranch 2014 Dam of Merit mama and wowsa, Breckenridge’s mama flat knows how to get pregnant and bring home the beef. That’s super mom’s first baby JRI At Ease 254Z246 photographed above and that meat machine sold as Lot 188 in the 2013 sale to Riegal Ranch, Ford, KS and I might add that meat machine weaned off first calf mama at a whopping 936 pounds and flat crushed the yearling weight scales at 1,324 pounds. That 936# weaning weight off a first calf heifer is truly amazing and cowmen, super mom flat does it every year as Breckenridge weaned off at 940 pounds...72.3% of his dam’s 1300# body weight. (RC)

HB HP Balancer Bull Big Time 4# Gainer Whopping 1,309# YW Huge 17” Ylg. Ribeye Top 15% Calving Ease EPD Strength/10 Honored JR DOMs

AGA No.: 1282345

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 797 110

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.36 17.3 5.7

CW FPI 33 70.64

Oh man, look at the phenomenal stats on this homozygous black, homozygous polled Secret Instinct son: top 15% calving ease EPD strength, whopping 1,309# yearling weight, big ol’ 17.8 square inch yearling ribeye, big time 4.00# gainer and you bet, Solitaire is well equipped in the scrotal department with a 39.8 centimeter yearling measurement. That’s Solitaire’s dam photograhed above as a first calf heifer and note her powerhouse bull calf at side. C&F Ranch Piqua, KS purchased that bull calf JRI Sudden Impact 293A3 in last year’s sale as Lot 242 and that meatwagon posted a whopping 1,343# yearling weight. Oh, I might add that fertility is all part of the complete package with ten previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Solitaire’s pedigree.


Calved: 1/25/14

Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P (Juanada 67) Cole Creek Cedar Ridge IV Cole Creek Colvanada 49S (Colvanada 709) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Estella 254X736 ET JRI Ms At Last 254P62 (JRI Ms 254E52)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.00 108

Scrotal 39.8 cm

JRI Breckenridge 254B236 D. Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 686 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.21 15.2 4.1

CW FPI 13 81.29

Wt. 1212 CED 14

BW -3.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 4.6 175 cm WW 50

Scrotal 38.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 32 57

RE .81

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.47 121 CW FPI 13 77.90

These meat machine Hoover Dam sons are total outcross to all previous Judd Ranch Balancer bulls and oh man, these Hoover dam sons are packed with that demanded Judd Ranch beef, butt, guts, nuts and fertility is all part of the complete package as Hoover Dam features top 5% heifer pregnancy EPD strength. JRI Justrite 254B235 nursed a first calf heifer out of the Judd Ranch 254 cow family and oh man, this Judd Ranch 254 cow family is loaded with fertility and producing ability. To date thirty-six Judd Ranch 254 cow family daughters have been honored as Dam of Merit females and with the stats Justrite posted his first calf mama will be knocking on that Dam of Merit door when she becomes age eligibile. (RC)

JRI Mega Bull 254B232 nursed a beautiful Judd Ranch first calf heifer and checkout Mega Bull’s super birth to growth spread: calving ease deluxe 66# birth weight with a performance-plus 1,211# yearling weight. Now pencil-in Mega Bull as one of the sales top gainers with a 4.59# ADG and the meat machine scanned a big ol’ 14.8 square inch yearling ribeye. First calf heifers like Mega Bull’s mama are not eligible for Dam of Merit status but rest assured the fertility is bred-in as Mega Bull’s grandam JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET has been honored as a Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction in every year of eligibility 2006 thru 2014. (RC)

DB DP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,211# YW CE Deluxe 66# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr. Big Time 4.5# Gainer/Incredible 2014 JR DOD Grandam

DB DP Balancer Bull Ripping 1,212# YW CE Deluxe 72# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr. 4# Gainer/Huge 15” Ylg. Ribeye/ 5 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

JRI 53A26 • ‘14 Sale Bull • Paternal Brother to Lot 248


JRI 270Z22 • ‘13 Sale Bull • Paternal Brother to Lot 245


JRI Main Focus 254B230 Homozygous Black Double Polled Balancer

AGA No.: 1282344

Calved: 1/25/14

Tattoo: 254B230

AGA No.: 1282325

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 704 98

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.29 13.3 4.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 94 5.5 161 cm

Wt. 1166 CED 18

BW -3.8

WW 56

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.24 115

Scrotal 40.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 86 29 56

RE .31

Birth Wt. 80

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 735 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.27 15.2 4.4

CW FPI 16 82.30

Cowmen, gather up these Mytty In Focus sons as Mytty In Focus is deceased with a very limited semen supply. Mytty In Focus has led the Angus breed in registrations several times and he’s the #1 all-time selling bull in beef semen sales at ABS Global. In my vast travels I’ve always said Mytty In Focus is the #1 Angus AI sire to produce Balancer genetics as his sons are beefpacking machines and the Mytty In Focus Balancer daughters are flawlessly made calf raising machines. This homozygous black Mytty In Focus son nursed a first calf heifer and note his excellent low birth to super growth spread and big time feed conversion is all part of the complete package as Main Focus posted a super 4.24# ADG/115 gain test ratio.


AGA No.: 1286995

AGA No.: 1282031

Tattoo: 254B36

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 12 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Star Bucks 254Y26 JRI Ms Secret Success 254U75 (JRI Ms 254R64) 205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 699 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 14.7 4.9

Wt. 1153 CED 16

BW -0.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic N/A 5.8 167 cm WW 66

Scrotal 39.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 109 22 56

RE .21

Wt. 1128 CED 12

BW -1.6

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 91 5.7 162 cm WW 56

Scrotal 38.2 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 94 30 58

RE .77

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.62 98 CW FPI 24 74.91

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 735# 205 Day Wt. CE Deluxe 80# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr. Big ol’ 15” Ylg Ribeye/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

JRI Secret Service 254B36 246Double Black Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

Birth Wt. 84

Tattoo: 165B2

This will be the first offering of Hoover Dam Balancer sons in Judd Ranch’s annual bull sale and these Hoover Dam sons would be a total outcross to all previous Balancer sale bulls. Hoover Dam is one of ABS Global’s top selling AI sires and definitely one of the most proven AI sires in the Angus breed. These Hoover Dam sons are moderately framed beefpacking machines and you can definitely note the added muscle mass in the Hoover Dam sons compared to a lot of Angus sires. Another key feature that drew Judd Ranch to Hoover Dam was his heifer pregnancy EPD strength that ranks in the Angus breeds top 5%. JRI Super Duty 165B2 should be well equipped in the heifer pregnancy department with Hoover Dam on the top side of the pedigree and four honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females on his maternal side.

HB DP Balancer Bull Big Time 4# Gainer CE Deluze 67# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr. Calving Ease Beef Machine Genetics/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 3/8/14

Calved: 1/25/14

14 Months Old SydGen C C & 7 (Lady 4087) Sale Day Hoover Dam Erica of Ellston C124 (Ellston V65) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Crush 165Z7 JRI Ms Pld Grand Stake 165K6 (JRI Ms 165E31)

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) 14 Months Old Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) JRI Ms Prairie Rose 254Z630 ET JRI Ms Extra Exposure 254L53 ET (JRI Ms 254A4) Birth Wt. 67

JRI Super Duty 165B2 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.42 92

JRI Fringe Benefits 254B234 Black Homozygous Polled Balancer

Birth Wt. 91

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 757 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.37 16.8 3.5

CW FPI 34 72.64

JRI Secret Service 254B36 features that beefpacking machine combo of Secret Instinct and Mytty In Focus and wowsa, this beef leading Gelbvieh/Angus combo flat produces a surplus of beef, butt, guts and nuts. Judd Ranch’s breed leading herdsire JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 was injured in January 2014 and Secret Instinct no longer has the ability to breed females or produce semen. Judd Ranch does have a decent semen bank on Secret Instinct so these won’t be the last beefpacking machine Secret Instinct sons. This meat machine Secret Instinct son should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and rest assured, the fertility is bred-n with nine honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Service’s pedigree.

Calved: 2/1/14

Tattoo: 254B234

Sitz Traveler 8180 (Entense 1137) 13 Months Old S A V Final Answer 0035 Sale Day S A V Emulous 8145 (Emulous 2124) JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Ms Secret Impulse 254X734 ET JRI Ms At Last 254P62 (JRI Ms 254E52) Wt. 1362 CED 16

BW -1.8

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 110 6.9 204 cm WW 66

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.68 99

Scrotal 38.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 102 26 59

RE .47

CW FPI 28 79.35

Wowsa, you talk about a meatwagon that flat posted incredible stats: ripping 757# 205 day weight, whopping 988# weaning weight...an incredible 87.4% of his dam’s 1,130# bodyweight, scalebusting 1,362# yearling weight with a super sized 16.8 square inch yearling ribeye. JRI Fringe Benefits 254B234 did weigh 91 pounds at birth and we all know it as the Judd Ranch crew weighs every baby but I can tell you that 91 pound birth weights are not the norm for his super third calf dam as her first two babies only weighed 66 & 76 pounds at birth. Don’t back off this meatwagon’s 91# birth weight with his dam’s modest birth weight track record and you might also note Fringe Benefit features top 5% calving ease EPD strength.

DB HP Balancer Bull Ripping 699# 205 Day Wt. CE 84# BW Big ol’ 14.7” Ylg. Ribeye Beef Machine Genetics/9 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

B HP Balancer Bull Whopping 988# WW Top 5% CE EPD Strength Scalebusting 1,362# YW Weaned off at 87.4% of Dam’s Bodyweight/6 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black Polled Balancer Bulls

JRI 214U25 • ‘09 Sale Bull • Same Cow Family as Lot 252



JRI Double Time 47B20 Homo. Black Homo. Polled (38%) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282323

Calved: 1/26/14

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 623 86

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.31 13.8 4.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 91 4.6 175 cm

Wt. 1126 CED 20

BW -6.3

WW 38

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 62 30 49

RE .70

Birth Wt. 84

If you’re searching for a homozygous black, homozygous polled Balancer “heifer bull” to breed a set of virgin heifers, JRI Double Time 47B20 should be a “heifer bull” deluxe. Double Time’s 61 pound birth weight spells “heifer bull” genetics and note his calving ease and low birth EPD strength in the breed’s top 1%. I personally like to research the maternal side of the pedigree to ensure the calving ease is definitely bred-in and Double Times maternal grandam JRI Ms Peek A Boo 47X4 has only averaged 72 pounds at birth on her three babies. I might add big time cow efficiency and fertility is all part of the complete package as Double Time weaned off at 70.1% of his dam’s bodyweight and you will find five previously honored Dam of Merit females in Double Time’s pedigree.



Tattoo: 253B32

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 606 84

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.20 11.6 3.6

Wt. 1017 CED 16

BW -1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 82 5.0 143 cm WW 55

Scrotal 40.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 23 50

RE .16

BW -0.4

WW 57

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.32 90

Scrotal 39.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 86 31 59

RE .31

CW FPI 20 72.82

JRI Main Focus 214B24 Homo. Black Homo. Polled (38%) Balancer Calved: 1/28/14

Tattoo: 214B24

14 Months Old SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) Sale Day Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 (JRI Ms 254N72) JRI Ms Secret Kiss 214Z44 JRI Ms Secret Profile 214X34 (JRI Ms 214U24)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.58 97

Birth Wt. 72

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 607 84

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 13.6 4.5

CW FPI 20 67.58

JRI Secret Invasion 253B32 has “heifer bull” written all over him from a birth weight, EPD and pedigree basis. Secret Invasion’s 65 pound birth weight spells “heifer bull” genetics. You will find his calving ease EPD strength in the breeds top 5% and his maternal grandam has only averaged 75 pounds at birth on her babies. I also like to look at the calving ease on the pedigree basis and with Secret Instinct on the top side of the pedigree and Mytty In Focus on the maternal side you’re looking at two of the all-time best calving ease sires for heifers Judd Ranch has ever used. Rest assured the fertility is bred-in as you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Invasion’s pedigree. (RC)

DB HP Balaner Bull “Heifer Bull” Genetics Calving Ease Deluxe 65# BW Top 5% CE EPD Strength Calving Ease, Beef, Butt, Guts and Nuts/7 Honored JR DOMs

CED 13

AGA No.: 1282329

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Miss Me 253Z22 JRI Ms Cupcake 253X82 (JRI Ms 253S71) Birth Wt. 65

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 96 6.2 189 cm

Wt. 1190

HB HP Balancer Bull Nursed 12 Yr. Old Dam Whopping 852# WW Super 14.5” Ylg. Ribeye 8 Time Honored JR Dam of Merit/ Dam of Distinction Dam

JRI Secret Invasion 253B32 Calved: 1/19/14

Tattoo: 207B2

JRI Maximizer 207B2 nursed a calf raising machine 12-year-old dam and Maximizer’s calf raising mama has been honored as a Judd Ranch Dam of Merit or Dam of Distinction female in every year of eligibility (2007 thru 2014). Oh man, just think of your increased cow herd revenue if you could run 12-year-old females with less than a 365 day annual calving intervals and at the same time Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction females must maintain 100-plus weaning weight ratios on their babies. Simply put it’s called Judd Ranch cow power and that’s why Judd Ranch has been honored as the breeds #1 Dam of Merit program for 16 of the past 17 years.

D. Black Homo. Polled (3/4) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282332

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 677 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.34 14.5 4.5

CW FPI -2 74.32

HB HP Balancer Bull Top 1% CE & Low BW EPD Strength CE Deluxe 61# BW “Heifer Bull” Genetics Big Time 3.8# Gainer/5 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

Calved: 2/1/14

SAF Focus of E R (Lady 246) 13 Months Old Mytty In Focus Sale Day Mytty Countess 906 (Alliance 6595) RAG Mr Extra Wonderful ET (Miss Wonderful) JRI Ms Wonderful 207M5 JRI Ms Pld Blk Power 207C4 (JRI Ms 207U3)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.89 105

Scrotal 39.2 cm

JRI Maximizer 207B2 Homo. Black Homo. Polled Balancer

AGA No.: 1281955

Tattoo: 47B20 14 Months Old Sale Day

SydGen C C & 7 (Lady 4087) Hoover Dam Erica of Ellston C124 (Ellston V65) JRI Journey 207S74 (JRI Ms 207N64) JRI Ms Jaley 47Z5 JRI Ms Peek A Boo 47X4 (JRI Ms 47S3) Birth Wt. 61

JRI 207Z74 • Same Powerful Cow Family as Lot 251

Wt. 1075 CED 18

BW -2.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 87 5.1 151 cm WW 51

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.62 98

Scrotal 38.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 82 25 50

RE .21

CW FPI 15 76.99

This beef machine homozygous black, homozygous polled Balancer son of Mytty In Focus stems from the powerful Judd Ranch 214 cow family and wowsa, this 214 cow family has produced some powerhouse sons. Nearly everyone’s favorite bull in last year’s sale was JRI Pistol Pete 214A44 that sold as Lot 187 to C&F Ranch, Piqua, KS and that meatwagon featured an 82# birth weight and the meatwagon scanned a17.8 square inch yearling ribeye. JRI Optimum 214B98 sells as Lot 209 and that meatwagon features an 86# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,255# yearling weight and that meatwagon scanned a 16.3 square inch yearling ribeye. Rest assured, the fertility/production is bred-in this 214 cow family as you will find eight previously honored Dam of Merit females in Main Focus’ pedigree.

HB HP Balancer Bull Top 2% CE EPD Strength CE Deluxe 72# BW Nursed a First Calf Hfr. Awesome JR Cow Family/8 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Black & Red Polled Balancer Bulls

It’s all About Family Ranching at Judd Ranch


JRI Top Producer 282Z3 • Full Brother to Lot 254 thru 258

JRI Ecoboost 125B26 Black Homozygous Polled (38%) Balancer

AGA No.: 1281888

Calved: 2/10/14

Tattoo: 125B26


JRI Power Tool 282B32 ET ET Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282556

Sitz Traveler 8180 (Entense 1137) 13 Months Old S A V Final Answer 0035 Sale Day S A V Emulous 8145 (Emulous 2124) JRI Top Recruit 254U82 (JRI Ms 254S72) JRI Ms Sundance 125Y46 JRI Ms Black Magic 125T36 ET (JRI Ms 125G3)

Calved: 2/16/14

Tattoo: 282B32

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 (CHF 824-1658) JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 JRI Ms Sneak A Peek 282P93 (JRI Ms 282G83) Birth Wt. 76

Birth 205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio Wt. 71 748 NA 1163 NA 4.9 179 cm 38.2 cm 3.68 99 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk TM RE CW FPI 0.30 13.0 4.5 15 -0.6 71 106 30 65 .41 32 79.88

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 804 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.31 16.7 5.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.4 162 cm

Wt. 1302 CED 14

BW -1.9

WW 61

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.78 102

Scrotal 42.6 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 28 58

RE .37

CW FPI 19 65.18

JRI Ecoboost 125B26 rounds out the spring yearling black Balancer offering and wowsa, look at this stud’s awesome low birth to 205 day weight spread: Seventy one pound birth weight/748 205 day weights is flat turning a crank. Now what’s truly remarkable is Ecoboost was twin born to a heifer calf. Ecoboost’s second calf dam flat knows how to bring home the beef. Super mom’s first baby JRI On Tap 125A56 sold in last year’s sale as lot 219 to James Wischkaemper, Shamrock, TX with a scale busting 843# 205 day weight and man oh man, On Tap was a meat machine packed with unbelievable beef, butt, guts and nuts. If you study this pedigree, you will note Ecoboost’s great grandam JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 125G3 as the dam of Judd Ranch’s all time great herdsire JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3 who is a multi-trait breed leader.

In my three decades working with the Judd Ranch bull sale I’ve never seen five full brothers with the incredible stats like lots 254 through 258. These five full brothers posted the following amazing averages: 79# birth weight, 772# 205 day weight, 1,257# yearling weight, 42.2 centimeter yearling scrotal, 16.7 square inch yearling ribeye and you bet, they are loaded with carcass plus genetics with a 4.9 IMF. These five full brothers would be full brothers to JRI Top Producer 282Z3 photographed above at 14 months of age and that meatwagon featured an 86# birth weight, 1,301# yearling weight and Top Producer scanned a 16.3 square inch yearling ribeye. JRI Top Producer 282Z3 is deceased and his first ten powerhouse sons sell in this offering.

B HP Balancer Bull Ripping 748# 205 Day Wt. CE Deluxe 71# BW (twin) Big Time Gainer CE Beef Machine Genetics/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

HP Balancer Bull Ripping 880# WW CE Deluxe 76# BW Whopping 1,302# YW Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye/Top Producer’s ET Full Brother/6 Honored DOMs



JRI Power Chip 282B3 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282044

Calved: 3/3/14

AGA No.: 1282555

Tattoo: 282B3

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 833 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.40 16.6 5.4

Wt. 1288 CED 14

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.2 177 cm

BW -1.9

WW 61

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 28 58

Birth Wt. 84

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.24 88

Scrotal 42.0 cm RE .37

Calved: 2/8/14

Tattoo: 282B31

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 (CHF 824-1658) JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 JRI Ms Sneak A Peek 282P93 (JRI Ms 282G83)

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 12 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 (CHF 824-1658) JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 JRI Ms Sneak A Peek 282P93 (JRI Ms 282G83) Birth Wt. 79

JRI Peterbilt 282B31 ET ET Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 773 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 17.2 4.5

CW FPI 19 65.18

Wt. 1268 CED 14

BW -1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 6.3 166 cm WW 61

Scrotal 41.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 28 58

RE .37

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.22 87 CW FPI 19 65.18

If you want to flat boost your performance levels tie-in to these five full brothers selling as lots 254 through 258. Lot 254 JRI Power Chip 282B3 is super donor dam JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2’s natural born son and check out his incredible stats with a 79# birth weight, 833# 205 day weight, 1,288# yearling weight, 16.6 square inch yearling ribeye, 5.4 IMF with a 42.0 centimeter yearling scrotal. Donor dam JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 is one of Dave Judd’s all time favorite donor females and teat/udder excellence is all part of the complete package at Judd Ranch. Put these five full brothers (lots 254-258) in your pasture and watch your performance levels flat soar and wowsa, the replacement daughters should be incredible producers.

Wowsa, check out the amazing stats on these five full brothers selling as lots 254 through 258. Averages on the fivesome are as follows: Seventy-nine pound birth weight, ripping 772# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,257 pounds yearling, whopping 42.2 centimeter yearling scrotal, humongous 16.7 square inch yearling ribeye with a carcass plus 4.9 IMF. These amazing averages on the five full brothers come as no surprise as their super dam JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 is one of Dave Judd’s all-time favorite donor females and wow super donor 282S2 features a picture perfect teat/udder system. That super stud photographed above lot 255 is JRI Top Producer 282Z3 a full brother to these meatwagon’s and that photo was shot at 14 months of age and with the beef, butt, guts and nuts Top Producer possesses he look more like a two year old bull.

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 924# WW CE 84# BW Scalebusting 1,268# YW Huge 17” Ylg Ribeye/Top Producer’s ET Full Brother/6 Honored DOMs

HP Balancer Bull Scalebusting 1,288# YW Top Producer’s Full Brother Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye CE Deluxe 79# BW/Meatwagon Genetics/6 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Red Polled Balancer Bulls

JRI Hot Topic 246X13 • Sire of Lot 260


The Judd Ranch Crew Getting Ready for the Fall Roundup


JRI Private Eye 282B35 ET ET Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

AGA No.: 1282558

Calved: 2/14/14

3AGA No.: 1282360

Tattoo: 285B38 14 Months Old JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) Sale Day JRI Secret Instinct 254U83

Tattoo: 282B35

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 (CHF 824-1658) JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 JRI Ms Sneak A Peek 282P93 (JRI Ms 282G83) Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 727 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 17.1 4.9

Wt. 1254 CED 14

BW -1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.9 168 cm WW 61

Scrotal 43.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 28 58

Birth Wt. 66

JRI Pursuit 282B33 ET


Tattoo: 282B33

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 725 ET

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.40 15.8 4.6

CED 14

Wt. 1173 BW -1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic ET 5.8 167 cm WW 61

Scrotal 41.4 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 88 28 58

RE .37

BW -1.1

WW 64

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.19 113

Scrotal 40.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 103 21 53

RE .18

CW FPI 29 71.81

JRI Hot Topic 47B22 Homozygous Polled Balancer

AGA No.: 1282322

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Pop A Top 197T83 Sale Day JRI Ms Red Dawn 197R72 (JRI Ms 197M62) BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 (CHF 824-1658) JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 JRI Ms Sneak A Peek 282P93 (JRI Ms 282G83) Birth Wt. 79

CED 15

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.8 168 cm

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 860# WW 66# BW (twin) Scalebusting 1,295# YW Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye/Big Time 4# Gainer/7 Honored JR DOMs

ET Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Calved: 2/12/14

Wt. 1295

JRI Secret Security 285B38 was twin born to JRI Secret Society 285B39 lot 238 and wowsa, look at his awesome 66# birth/1,295# yearling weight spread. This Judd Ranch 285 cow family is mighty powerful and if you research this pedigree Secret Security’s super first calf dam traces back to JRI Ms Polled Sweetie 285C6 the dam of Judd Ranch’s powerhouse herdsire JRI Exra Exposure 285L71 ET. Speaking of cow power you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch honored Dam of Merit females in Secret Security’s pedigree. Widespread low birth to super growth genetics and note Secret Security’s big ol’ 15.5 square inch yearling ribeye coupled with a feeder delight 4.19# ADG.

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,254# YW CE Deluxe 78# BW Huge 17” Ylg Ribeye Meat Machine Genetics/Top Producer’s ET Full Brother/6 Honored DOMs

AGA No.: 1282557

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 675 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 15.5 3.8

CW FPI 19 65.18

If you are needing one bull or five bulls, definitely don’t overlook these five meatwagon full brothers that sell as lots 254 through 258. These meatwagon’s offer you tremendous calving ease with a 79# birth weight average. Tally up the five full brother’s average yearling weight and it is a whopping 1,257 pounds. These meatwagon full borthers are flat packed with beef, butt, guts and nuts! Wowsa, look at the impressive yearling ribeye stats with a serving tray 16.7 square inch average on the fivesome. Now I’d like to touch on the maternal side and oh my, these meatwagons feature one of Dave Judd’s all time favorite donor females that possess unmatched teat/udder quality.


Calved: 1/23/14

JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms My Maria 285Z193 JRI Ms Stacked 285R993 ET (JRI Ms 285L89)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.70 100

RE .37

JRI Secret Security 285B38 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

Calved: 3/4/14

Tattoo: 47B22 12 Months Old Sale Day

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET(JRI Ms 253J60) JRI Hot Topic 246X13 JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 (JRI Ms 246L80) BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 (CHF 824-1658) JRI Ms Judd Cherokee 47U12 JRI Ms Dynamics 47N2 (JRI Ms 47L) Birth Wt. 73

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.23 87

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 700 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.32 15.8 4.8

CW FPI 19 65.18

Wt. 1194 CED 16

BW -1.9

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 5.6 159 cm WW 55

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.86 104

Scrotal 38.1 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 83 19 46

RE .17

CW FPI 16 63.14

JRI Pursuit 282B33 ET rounds out the five meatwagon full brothers selling as lot 254 through 258. These five full brothers are full brothers to JRI Top Producer 282Z3 photographed on the left hand page and on March 7 ten of Top Producer’s first sons will sell in this offering and wowsa, they are meatwagons with a surplus of beef, butt guts and nuts. These full brother’s feature one of Judd Ranch’s all time great donor females in JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2. Super donor 282S2’s four natural born sons have only averaged 81 pounds at birth with a whopping 1,223# yearling weight average. Rest assured, fertility is all part of the complete package as you will find six previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in these full brothers pedigrees.

JRI Hot Topic 47B22 nursed a fifth calf purebred Red Angus mama and oh man, this Judd Ranch 47 Red Angus cow family flat brings home the beef. If you would please turn to page 45, you can view Hot Topic’s awesome great grandam JRI Ms Pay Day 47L photographed in her working clothes and is she a beauty. If you would now turn to page 69, you can check out Hot Topic’s sister’s son Judd Conquest 47B23 that sells as lot 266 and that meat machine features a calving ease 73# birth weight with a scalebusting 1,290 pound yearling weight. As noted above, this Judd Ranch 47 cow family flat knows how to get pregnant and bring home the beef. Rest assured, fertility is all part of the part of the complete package as you will find four previously honored Dam of Merit females in JRI Hot Topic 47B22’s pedigree.

HP Balancer Bull Ripping 823# YW CE Deluxe 79# BW Huge 15.8” Ylg Ribeye Beef Machine Genetics/Top Producer’s ET Full Brother/6 Honored DOMs

HP Balancer Bull Ripping 700# 205 Day Wt. CE Delxue 73# BW Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 3.8# Gainer/CE Beef Machine Genetics/4 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Red Polled Balancer Bulls

Brent Judd Driving Spring Pairs to the Big Pastures


Purebred Red Angus Female • Great Grandam of Lot 268


JRI Sure Bet 254B44 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Gelbvieh

AGA No.: 1282337

Calved: 1/29/14

Tattoo: 254B44

AGA No.: 1281716

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) S A V Final Answer 0035 (Emulous 8145) JRI Ms Fancy Free 254Z33 JRI Ms Secret Jewel 254W73 (JRI Ms 254S62) Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 683 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 16.0 4.5

Wt. 1211

CED 16

BW -1.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 4.9 164 cm WW 62

Scrotal 37.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 100 21 53

RE .33

JRI Secret Impulse 03B3 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer Calved: 1/26/14

Tattoo: 03B3

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 14 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) JRI Cowboy Cut 213S67 (JRI Ms 213G57) JRI Ms Sedonna 03Y2 JRI Ms Logan 03S (Ms Primrose 03K) Birth Wt. 87

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.15 112

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 735 102

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 14.5 4.3

CW FPI 28 69.39

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 6.1 169 cm

Wt. 1233 CED 14

BW -1.1

WW 57

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.80 103

Scrotal 37.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 92 24 52

RE .12

CW FPI 23 64.15

Oh man, look at the calving ease 78# birth weight super 1,211# yearling weight growth spread on this beef machine Secret Instinct son. JRI Sure Bet 254B44 nursed a super first calf daughter out of the powerful Judd Ranch 254 cow family that already features thirty six honored Dam of Merit daughters and Sure Bet’s dam is headed in the Dam of Merit direction when she comes of age. Sure Bet should genetically lower your birth weights while flat increasing your performance levels and note Sure Bet’s 16 square inch yearling ribeye coupled with a big time 4.15# ADG. Fertility is all part of the complete package as you will find six previously honored Dams of Merit in Sure Bet’s pedigree.

Nathan Lindberg, Formosa, KS purchased this beef machine’s full brother JRI Strike Back 03A3 in last year’s sale as lot 261 and that beef machine featured a 74# birth weight, ripping 754# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,300# yearling weight. Man oh man, you talk about a boatload of beef, butt, guts and nuts! JRI Secret Impulse 03B3’s second calf dam is not old enough for Dam of Merit honors, but I can tell you she is headed in that direction with her two sons posting an awesome 744# average 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,266# average yearling weight on the pair. Big time fertility and producing ability run deep in this cow family with seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Secret Impulse’s pedigree.

HP Balancer Bull Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye CE Deluxe 78# BW Whopping 1,211# YW Big Time 4# Gainer/6 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,233# YW Ripping 735# 205 Day Wt. Big Time 3.8# Gainer Top 15% Calving Ease EPD Strength/7 Honored JR DOMs



JRI Secret Sensation 254B35 Homozygous Polled (3/4) balancer

AGA No.: 1282334

Calved: 2/3/14

Tattoo: 254B35 JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET (JRI Ms 253J60) 13 Months Old JRI Secret Instinct 254U83 Sale Day

JRI Ms Extra Sugar 254N72 ET (JRI Ms 254J62) Mytty In Focus (Countess 906) JRI Ms Mai Tai 254Z25B JRI Ms Secret Success 254U75 (JRI Ms 254R64) Birth Wt. 95

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 716 99

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.15 14.3 3.6

Wt. 1209 CED 16

BW -1.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 98 6.6 165 cm WW 64

Scrotal 41.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 105 23 55

RE .21

AGA No.: 1286594

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 745 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.24 18.1 5.0

CW FPI 31 72.38

Calved: 2/9/14

Tattoo: 213B3

JRI Pop A Top 197T83 (JRI Ms 197R72) 13 Months Old JRI Top Producer 282Z3 Sale Day JRI Ms Grand Canyon 282S2 (JRI Ms 282P93) JRI Morgans Edition 214U25 ET (JRI Ms 214K50) JRI Ms Red Hot 213X33 JRI Ms Extra Sweet 213M53 (JRI Ms 213K40) Birth Wt. 98

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.68 99

JRI Triple Threat 213B3 Homozygous Polled (3/4) Balancer

Wt. 1159 CED 12

BW 1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 94 5.4 173 cm WW 73

Scrotal 39.7 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 106 24 60

RE .49

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.58 97 CW FPI 34 69.70

Whoa Nelly, look at the humongous 18.1 square inch yearling ribeye on this meat machine JRI Top Producer 282Z3 son. Neis Bros. Farm, Eudora, KS purchased this meat machine’s maternal brother JRI Equalizer 213Z33 as lot 194 in the 2013 sale and he pounded the yearling weight scales at 1,223 pounds. Man oh man, you talk about a beef, butt, guts and nuts specialist. This Judd Ranch 213 cow family flat knows how to bring home the beef. Fertility is all part of the Judd Ranch complete package as you will find seven previously honored Judd Ranch Dam of Merit females in Triple Threat’s pedigree. Triple Threat should flat produce the scalebusters at weaning time for your program and if you will please note his carcass plus 5.0 IMF.

Gather up these meat machine Secret Instinct sons as he was injured and he no longer has the ability to service females at Judd Ranch. Thankfully, Judd Ranch does have a decent semen bank on Secret Instinct which they are using on a limited basis. I might add Judd Ranch has several Secret Instinct daughters in production now and man, they are calf raising machines with a surplus of milk. These Secret Instinct sons are flat equipped with an enormous amount of beef, butt, guts and nuts. This meat machine Secret Instinct son did weigh 95 pounds at birth, but genetically he should be a super calver as he features top 5% calving ease EPD strength and any geneticist will tell you calving ease EPD strength is three times more accurate in predicting a bulls calving ease than a bull’s actual birth weight.

HP Balancer Bull Ripping 745# 205 Day Wt. Huge 18” Ylg Ribeye Carcass Plus 5.0 IMF Carcass-Plus Beef Machine Genetics/7 Honored JR DOMs

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,209# YW Ripping 788# WW Super 14.3” Ylg Ribeye Top 5% Calving Ease EPD Strength/9 Honored JR DOMs


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Red Polled Balancer Bull & Purebred 1A Red Angus Bulls

Purebred Red Angus Female • Great Grandam of Lot 266


It’s All About Family Ranching at Judd Ranch

Conquest 36B1 267 HomozygousJudd Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

JRI Hot Topic 3102B2 Homozygous Polled Balancer

AGA No.: 1282789

Calved: 3/5/14

Tattoo: 3102B2

AGA No.: 1669798

JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET(JRI Ms 253J60) 12 Months Old JRI Hot Topic 246X13 Sale Day JRI Ms Extra Gold 246T90 (JRI Ms 246L80) BUF BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 (CHF 824-1658) JRI Ms Judd Cherokee 3102Y2 JRI Ms Dynamics 3102S (ORA N3102) Birth Wt. 86

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 828 NA

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.28 15.5 4.7

Wt. 1295 CED 16

BW -1.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic NA 6.5 167 cm WW 55

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.11 84

Scrotal 38.9 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk TM 81 23 50

RE .12

Calved: 2/6/14

Tattoo: 36B1

Beckton Julian GG B571 (Julian 7526 G) HXC Conquest 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 (Lman King Rob) Glacier Logan 210 (Glacier Rebalas) Ms Judd Logan 36U Ms Cherokee Canyon (Sarah 36D) Birth Wt. 71

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 744 105

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.44 14.4 5.6

CW FPI 16 58.68

Wow, what a meat machine to round out the red spring yearling Balancer bulls. JRI Hot Topic 3102B2 nursed a calf raising machine second calf purebred Red Angus mama. Lane Hackney, Wilmore, KS purchased calf raising machine mama’s first baby Judd Conquest 3102A3 as lot 274 in last year’s sale and that meat machine featured a 70# birth weight with a performance plus 1,205# yearling weight. JRI Hot Topic 3102B2 offers you widespread birth to growth with his top 5% calving ease EPD strength coupled with a scalebusting 1,295# yearling weight. 3102B2 should flat boost your weaning weights and note his impressive 15.5 square inch yearling ribeye coupled with a carcass plus 4.7 IMF.

Wt. 1258 CED 8

BW -3.7

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 4.8 153 cm WW 57

13 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 39.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 86 24 14

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.70 127

Marb. REA .67 .22

Judd Ranch’s purebred 1A Red Angus herd is really small in comparison to their #1 Dam of Merit Gelbvieh program but I can tell you the cow power is equal. Checkout the awesome stats on this powerhouse Conquest son: calving ease 71# birth weight, ripping 744# 205 day weight, scalebusting 1,258# yearling weight, big ol’ 14.4 square inch yearling ribeye, carcass-plus 5.6 IMF, big time 4.70# ADG/127 gain test ratio and note this beef machines excellent 39.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. If you trace Judd Conquest 36B1’s pedigree, you will note he’s linebred with the top proven AI sires in the Red Angus breed. Judd Conquest 36B1 should flat spread your low birth to super growth ratios and note 36B1’s carcass-plus top 12% marbling EPD strength.

HP Balancer Bull Whopping 1,295# YW Ripping 828# 205 Day Wt. Huge 15” Ylg Ribeye Top 5% Calving Ease EPD Strength/4 Honored JR DOMs in the Pedigree

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Whopping 1,258# YW CE Deluxe 71# BW Big Time 4.7# Gainer Carcass-Plus 5.6 IMF /Top 12% Marbling EPD Strength / CE Meatwagon

Conquest 47B23 266 HomozygousJudd Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

Conquest 225B10 268 HomozygousJRIPolled 100% Purebred Red Angus

AGA No.: 1670160

AGA No.: 1670163

Calved: 2/8/14

Tattoo: 47B23

Beckton Julian GG B571 (Julian 7526 G) HXC Conquest 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 (Lman King Rob) Basin Hobo 79E (Hobo 2595) Judd Cherokee 47X22 Ms Judd Cherokee 47U12 (JRI Ms 47L) Birth Wt. 73

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 741 103

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.37 16.3 5.4

Wt. 1290 CED 12

BW -4.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 108 5.6 160 cm WW 58

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 94 27 17

Birth Wt. 80

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.73 101

Marb. REA .70 .27

Calved: 1/23/14

Tattoo: 225B10

Beckton Julian GG B571 (Julian 7526 G) HXC Conquest 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 (Lman King Rob) Lacy Line Backer 123H (Anna HW 16E) Ms Linebacker 225S1 Ms Dynamics 225N (Bond 225)

13 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 40.3 cm

Fat .01

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 775 107

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.32 16.9 4.4

Fat .03

Wowsa, what a super stud to lead off the spring yearling purebred 1A Red Angus bulls. This super stud Conquest son basically excels in every profitable trait that follows: Calving ease deluxe 73# birth weight, ripping 741# 205 day weight, whopping 862# weaning weight…76.2% of his dam’s 1130# body weight, scalebusting 1,290# yearling weight, huge 16.3 square inch yearling ribeye, carcass plus 5.4 IMF, big time 3.73# gainer with a super size 40.3 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Mercy, those are incredible stats and now pencil in this super studs top 2% calving ease EPD strength and you bet, he is loaded with added carcass value with top 10% marbling EPD strength.

Wt. 1337 CED 12

BW -1.5

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 112 5.4 167 cm WW 72

14 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 42.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 116 19 13

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.41 119

Marb. REA .36 .27

Fat .00

Mercy, look at the incredible stats on this meatwagon Conquest son: calving ease 80# birth weight, ripping 775# 205 day weight, whopping 924# weaning weight off his dam, scalesmashing 1,337# yearling weight, huge 16.9 square inch yearling ribeye, carcass-plus 4.4 IMF, big time 4.41# ADG/119 gain test ratio and you bet, the meatwagon is well-equipped with a 42.8 centimeter yearling scrotal circumference. Five stacked generations of breed leading Red Angus AI sires flat produces awesome birth to growth stats and note Judd Conquest 225B10’s top 3% calving ease EPD strength coupled with top 6% growth EPD strength.

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Whopping 1,290# YW 73# BW/Top 2% CE EPD Strength Huge 16” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 3.7# Gainer/Top 10% Marbling/Beef Machine

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Whopping 1,337# YW Top 3% CE EPD Strength Huge 16.9” Ylg Ribeye Big Time 4# Gainer/Ripping 924# WW/CE Meat Machine


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Purebred 1A Red Angus Bulls

Dave Judd Driving Females to the Big Pastures

Purebred Red Angus Female • Great Grandam of Lot 272

Cherokee 03B 269 HomozygousJudd Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

Judd Packer 3B 271Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

AGA No.: 1669729

AGA No.: 1669728

Calved: 2/12/14

Tattoo: 03B

VC Buf Crk Chf 824-1658 (Chief 092-824) BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 MRM MRM 1431 8611 9109 (Cherokee 1431) Glacier Logan 210 (Glacier Rebalas) Judd Ms Logan 03S Lacy Mis Primrose 03K (Bond 225) Birth Wt. 74

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 684 94

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.33 14.6 4.8

Wt. 1251 CED 6

BW -4.0

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 99 5.6 161 cm WW 52

13 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 37.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 76 17 13

Messmer Joshua 019P (B. Julian GG B571) Messmer Packer S008 Messmer Millie 124P (M. Millie 9416) BFCK Cherokeee Cnyn 4912 (MRM 1431) Judd Cherokee 3X Lonk Flame 3N (Flame 2028)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 4.19 113

Marb. REA .55 .27

Calved: 2/13/14

Birth Wt. 83

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 778 106

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.35 14.7 5.0

Fat .00

Wt. 1265 CED 4

BW -1.3

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 101 5.5 174 cm WW 66

Scrotal 34.5 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 94 13 13

Tattoo: 3B 13 Months Old Sale Day

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.50 95

Marb. REA .54 .46

Fat .01

Oh man, look at the awesome stats on this beef machine Cherokee Canyon son: calving ease deluxe 74# birth weight, ripping 800# weaning weight, whopping 1,251# yearling weight, big ol’ 14.6 square inch yearling ribeye, carcass-plus 4.8 IMF and note the excellent feed conversion at 4.19# ADG/113 gain test ratio. Cowmen, gather up these Cherokee Canyon sons as Cherokee Canyon has been deceased for several years and his limited semen supply is trading at hundred dollar plus. Oh I might add Cherokee Canyon daughters are some of the finest females that have ever graced the Red Angus breed and the teat/udder quality is exceptional.

This will be the first offering of the popular Red Angus AI sire Messmer Packer S008 and wow, these Messmer Packer sons come equipped with beef, butt & guts. Judd Packer 3B nursed a calf raising machine Cherokee Canyon daughter that flat knows how to get pregnant and bring home the beef. Lee Kinney, Topeka, KS purchased super mom’s first baby Judd Copper Rob 3Z1 in the 2013 sale as Lot 229 and that meatwagon featured a 72# birth weight with a whopping 1,265# yearling weight. Judd Packer 3B should flat spread your birth to growth ratios with his calving ease 83# birth weight coupled with a scalebusting 1,265# yearling weight.

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Whopping 1,251# YW 74# CE Deluxe BW Big Time 4# Gainer Carcass-Plus 4.8 IMF/Calving Ease Beef Machine Genetics

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Ripping 778# 205 Day Wt Calving Ease 83# BW Whopping 1,265# YW Outcross Messmer Packer Son/Calving Ease Beef Machine Genetics

Judd Tradesman 006B 270Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

Judd Cherokee 225B1 272 Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

AGA No.: 1678866

AGA No.: 1670162

Calved: 3/11/14

Tattoo: 006B

5L Tradition 203-6145 (OCC Legend 61LL) 12 Months Old 5L Tradesman 1715 6237 Sale Day 5L Lakota 41C-1715 (Basin Lakota C999) GMRA Secret Mission 8258 (Mission Statement ) GMRA Thelma 006 GMRA Thelma 831 (GMRA Thelma 507) Birth Wt. NA

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 776 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.34 12.2 3.9

Wt. 1259 CED 8

BW -2.5

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 5.8 174 cm WW 61

Scrotal 35.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 109 15 11

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.22 87

Marb. REA .40 -.02

Birth Wt. 73

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 674 93

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.40 12.8 5.0

Fat .04

Judd Tradesman 006B is the only 5L Tradesman 1715-6237 son in the sale offering and this beefpacker would be a total outcross to all past Judd Ranch Red Angus sale bulls. I can guarantee you Judd Tradesman 006B was weighed at birth but somehow his birth weight wasn’t recorded. I can tell you Judd Tradesman 006’s sire is one of the top AI calving ease “heiferbulls” in the Red Angus breed and 006B features top 16% calving ease EPD strength. Now checkout this beefpacker’s performance-plus 776# 205 day weight coupled with a scalebusting 1,259# yearling weight. Beefpacking machine outcross Red Angus genetics that should flat boost your performance levels.

Calved: 2/6/14

Tattoo: 225B1

VC Buf Crk Chf 824-1658 (Chief 092-824) 13 Months Old BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Sale Day MRM MRM 1431 8611 9109 (Cherokee 1431) Glacier Logan 210 (Glacier Rebalas) Ms Judd Logan 225U JRI Ms Make My Day 225L (Bond 225) Wt. 1029 CED 4

BW -3.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 86 4.0 153 cm WW 48

Scrotal 36.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 58 18 13

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.51 68

Marb. REA .70 .19

FatI .00

Judd Cherokee 225B1 features the awesome Judd Ranch 225 cow family and that’s 225B1’s super great grandam Flower Bond 225 photographed at the top of the page and wow, that beauty flat brought home the beef. BW Land & Cattle, Linn, KS purchased 225B1’s full brother Judd Cherokee 225X21 in the 2011 sale as Lot 226 and that meat machine featured an 83# birth weight, ripping 721# 205 day weight with a whopping 1,287# yearling weight. As I noted on the Lot 269 Cherokee Canyon son I would highly recommend taking home these meat machine Cherokee Canyon sons as Cherokee Canyon is one of the most highly proven bulls in the beef industry and the Cherokee Canyon daughters are incredible producers with unbelievable teat/udder quality.

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Whopping 1,259# YW Ripping 776# 205 Day Wt Top 16% CE EPD Strength Outcross JR Red Angus Genetics/Beef Machine

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Ripping 734# WW CE Deluxe 73# BW Cherokee Canyon Son Carcass-Plus Top 10% Marbling EPD Strength/Awesome JR Cow Family


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Purebred 1A Red Angus Bulls

Judd Ranch First Calf Red Angus Female



Judd Conquest 3102B1 Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

AGA No.: 1670167

Calved: 1/16/14

Tattoo: 3102B1

Beckton Julian GG B571 (Julian 7526 G) HXC Conquest 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 (Lman King Rob) BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 (MRM 1431) Ms Judd Cherokee 3102Y1 Lonk Ora N 3102 (JR 107-822) Birth Wt. 72

Judd Ranch Crew Getting Ready for the Fall Roundup

205 DAY ADJ. Ratio Wt. 781 108

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.37 13.9 5.2

Wt. 1225 CED 9

BW -2.1

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 103 5.6 161 cm WW 68

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 98 24 13

AGA No.: 1669796

14 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 38.6 cm

Calved: 1/28/14

Tattoo: 25B11

Beckton Julian GG B571 (Julian 7526 G) HXC Conquest 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 (Lman King Rob) GlacierLogan 210 (Glacier Rebalas) Ms Judd Logan 25U11 Miss Cherokee Canyon 25P1 (JRI Ms 25L)

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.08 83

Marb. REA .48 .21

Judd Conquest 25B11 Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

Birth Wt. 78

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 783 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.25 14.1 4.3

Fat .01

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 5.7 182 cm

Wt. 1244 CED 8

BW -2.4

WW 60

14 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 38.0 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 92 25 13

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 2.85 77

Marb. REA .83 .06

Fat .01

Oh man, look at the awesome low birth to super growth spread on this meatpacker: calving ease deluxe 72# birth weight, ripping 781# 205 day weight, whopping 900# weaning weight with a scale pounding 1,225# yearling weight. This kind of spread comes as no surprise with Conquest and Cherokee Canyon in the pedigree. Devern Berkland, Volga, SD purchased super mom Ms Judd Cherokee 3102Y1’s first baby Judd Conquest 3102A2 in last year’s sale as Lot 270 and that meatwagon (full brother to 3102B1) featured an 84# birth weight, ripping 799# 205 day weight with a scalebusting 1,274# yearling weight. Judd Conquest 3102B1 should genetically lower your birth weights while flat producing the scalebusters at weaning time.

Judd Conquest 25B11 nursed a calf raising machine six-year-old mama that flat knows how to get pregnant and bring home the beef. Edwin & Ruth McGreu, Centerville, KS purchased super mom’s first son 25Y12 in the 2012 sale as Lot 221 and that meatwagon posted a 1,360# yearling weight. Jim Miller, Satanta, KS purchased super mom’s second son 25Z12 as Lot 231 in the 2013 sale and that meatwagon pegged the yearling weight scales at 1,231 pounds. Yep, super mom flat knows how to spread birth to growth and checkout Judd Conquest 25B11’s awesome spread: calving ease 78# birth weight, ripping 783# 205 day weight, whopping 934# weaning weight and the beef machine hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,244 pounds.

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Ripping 781# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 72# BW Whopping 900# WW Scalebusting 1,225# YW/Calving Ease Meat Machine Genetics

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Ripping 783# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 78# BW Whopping 934# WW Scalebusting 1,244# YW/Carcass-Plus Top 4% Marbling EPD Strength

Conquest 20B 274 HomozygousJudd Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus


AGA No.: 1669791

AGA No.: 1669799

Calved: 2/6/14

Tattoo: 20B 13 Months Old Sale Day

Beckton Julian GG B571 (Julian 7526 G) HXC Conquest 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 (Lman King Rob) BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 (MRM 1431) MS Judd Cherokee Canyon 20T Lady Miss NB 20G (Sarah 11E) Birth Wt. 70

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 667 95

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.39 12.9 6.2

Wt. 1186 CED 9

BW -3.2

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 97 5.1 153 cm WW 65

Scrotal 39.3 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 102 20 12

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.78 102

Marb. REA .59 .19

Judd Packer 46B Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

Birth Wt. 72

205 DAY ADJ. Wt. Ratio 751 100

365 Day Adj. RF REA IMF 0.30 13.7 4.6

Fat .01

This combo of Conquest and Cherokee Canyon flat produces widespread birth to growth and it comes as no surprise. Cherokee Canyon is the all time leader in semen sales in the Red Angus breed and I’m here to tell you with the unbelievable beef, butt, guts and nuts Conquest is producing I truly believe Conquest will surpass Cherokee Canyon in semen sales. Randy Farr, Ipava, IL purchased a full brother to Judd Conquest 20B in the 2013 sale as Lot 227 and that meatwagon featured a calving ease 79# birth weight with a whopping 1,331# yearling weight. Judd Conquest 20B should genetically lower your birth weights while flat boosting your weaning weights and note his carcass-plus top 21% marbling EPD strength.

Calved: 1/24/14

Tattoo: 46B

Messmer Joshua 019P (B. Julian GG B571) Messmer Packer S008 Messmer Millie 124P (M. Millie 9416) BFCK Cherokeee Cnyn 4912 (MRM 1431) Judd Cherokee 46X Lacy Miss Logan 46G (Anna HW 16E) Wt. 1187 CED 5

BW -3.4

365 DAY ADJ. Ratio Frame Pelvic 100 5.8 175 cm WW 60

14 Months Old Sale Day

Scrotal 36.8 cm

Spring 2015 EPDs YW Milk ST 90 15 14

GAIN TEST ADG Ratio 3.16 85

Marb. REA .59 .44

Fat .00

Judd Packer 46B features the super Judd Ranch 46 cow family that’s flat loaded with fertility and cow power. Judd Packer 46B’s maternal grandam Lacy Miss Logan 46G is the dam of Judd Ranch’s breed trait leading Balancer herdsire JRI Profit Agent 46N and all of 46G’s daughters are calf raising machines. This Messmer Packer/46 cow family son is one meat packing machine and checkout his excellent birth to growth spread: calving ease 72# birth weight, ripping 751# 205 day weight and the meat packer weaned off his third calf dam at a whopping 852 pounds…74.4% of his dam’s 1,145# body weight. Weaning 74.4% of a female’s body weight is flat called big time cow efficiency and think of your increased revenue if you had females weaning 74.4% of their body weight and this 46 cow family will help you move in that direction.

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Big Time 3.7# Gainer CE Deluxe 70# BW Ripping 790# WW Low Birth, Super Growth Genetics/Carcass-Plus 6.2 IMF

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Ripping 751# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 72# BW Whopping 852# WW Weaned Off at 74.4% of His Dam’s Body Weight


Performance Plus Spring Yearling Purebred 1A Red Angus Bulls

Nick Judd Joining the Big Spring Roundup


Ginger Judd & Boys... She Can Flat Round Them Up


Judd Conquest 47B13 Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

AGA No.: 1670352

Calved: 1/11/14

Beckton Julian GG B571 (Julian 7526 G) HXC Conquest 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 (Lman King Rob) Lacy Line Backer 123H (Anna HW 16E) Ms Judd Linebacker 47Z13 Ms Judd Cherokee 47U12 (JRI Ms 47N2)

Tattoo: 47B13

Judd Packer 225B Homozygous Polled 100% Purebred Red Angus

AGA No.: 1670161

14 Months Old Sale Day

Birth Wt. 68

205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio Wt. 724 98 1115 93 4.4 171 cm 35.4 cm 2.92 79 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk ST Marb. REA Fat 0.27 13.0 4.5 12 -4.3 62 89 20 13 .56 .08 .02

Calved: 2/1/14

Messmer Joshua 019P (B. Julian GG B571) Messmer Packer S008 Messmer Millie 124P (M. Millie 9416) Buf Crk Dynamics 3820 (Primrose 3150) JRI Ms Dynamics 225N JRI Ms Make My Day 225L (Bond 225)

Tattoo: 225B 13 Months Old Sale Day

Birth Wt. 60

205 DAY ADJ. 365 DAY ADJ. GAIN TEST Wt. Ratio Wt. Ratio Frame Pelvic Scrotal ADG Ratio 605 84 1073 90 4.7 171 cm 36.1 cm 3.28 89 365 Day Adj. Spring 2015 EPDs RF REA IMF CED BW WW YW Milk ST Marb. REA Fat 0.35 11.8 4.2 8 -6.1 48 77 9 13 .29 .12 -.01

Judd Conquest 47B13 nursed a super first calf heifer and note 47B13’s excellent low birth to super growth spread: calving ease deluxe 68# birth weight, ripping 724# 205 day weight and the beef machine weaned off first calf mama at 792 pounds…71.3% of his dam’s 1,110# body weight. Females weaning 71.3% of their body weight is flat called big time cow efficiency and wow, this Judd Ranch 47 cow family is loaded with cow efficiency. If you would turn back to page 69, that’s 47B13’s great grandam Judd Ms Pay Day 47L photographed above Lot 265 and wouldn’t we all love a pasture full of beauties like 47L. Judd Conquest 47B13 features top 5% calving ease and top 3% low birth weight EPD strength so he should work very well on a set of heifers.

Judd Packer 225B nursed an eleven-year-old Judd Ranch mama that’s flat produced some awesome sons and daughters. Roger Kinder, Licking, MO purchased super mom 225N’s son Judd Linebacker 225A in last year’s sale as Lot 281 with a 72# birth weight/680# 205 day weight and you bet, he was packed with beef, butt, guts & nuts. You can checkout a 225N daughter as Lot 268 Judd Conquest 225B10 nursed a 225N daughter and wowsa, Lot 268 features an 80# birth weight, ripping 775# 205 day weight, whopping 924# weaning weight with a scalebusting 1,337# yearling weight. As noted above, Judd Packer 225B’s eleven-year-old dam flat knows how to produce super sons and daughters.

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Ripping 724# 205 Day Wt CE Deluxe 68# BW Top 5% Calving Ease EPD Strength Weaned Off at 71.3% of His Dam’s Body Weight

PB 1A Red Angus Bull Nursed a 11-Year-Old Dam Calving Ease Deluxe 60# BW Longevity Plus Cow Family Calving Ease, Beef, Butt & Guts Genetics

Commercial cowmen, in my opinion the horn factor is way overlooked in the industry…not to mention the cost, labor and weight gain lost in dehorning. Data collected by Sam Houston State University researchers at nine Texas livestock auctions featuring 7,073 head showed a $22.87 hundred weight difference in price for polled calves compared to horn calves. Cowmen, in today’s market that’s over a $100 difference for polled feeder calves. At Judd Ranch they are always striving to add more value to your feeder calves and this year’s sale features 225 homozygous polled bulls that will genetically dehorn every calf for you. All Judd Ranch cow families have not been DNA tested for the homozygous polled gene but based on pedigree, the remaining 53 bulls in this sale offering have a 75% or greater opportunity of being homozygous polled.



Friends and Neighbors That Help Out Throughout the Year and Man Oh Man, We Appreciate Their Excellent Help

Judd Ranch 2015 National Champion Pen of 5 Gelbvieh Bulls

EPD General Information, Definitions for Gelbvieh, Balancer & Red Angus Expected Progeny Differences or EPDs are the most reliable predictors of an animal’s true genetic merit. EPDs are not designed to predict the performance of one or two progeny of a sire, but are designed for you to compare bulls based on estimated progeny performance. EPDs predict differences, not absolutes. They describe the genetic value of an animal much like a feed tag describes the contents of a feed sack. EPDs predict differences in progeny performance, and are calculated from comparisons within contemporary groups—a group of calves born in the same year, calving season and herd and of the same sex and were fed and managed alike. An EPD may be derived from any combination of individual performance, pedigree and progeny and grand progeny performance information. Sire EPDs are more accurate than anything previously available because they account for genetic value of cows a bull is bred to, environmental differences affecting contemporary groups, quality of other sires in the contemporary group and genetic trend. Traits that add weight to your bank account: birth weight EPD, weaning weight EPD, yearling weight EPD, milk EPD and total maternal EPD.

Gelbvieh and Balancers EPDs. The American Gelbvieh Association’s are based on a new collaborative national cattle evaluation (NCE), with Gelbvieh and Balancer EPDS now on the same base with Red Angus and Simmental. The true multi-breed EPD NCE enables the inclusion of more progeny data from Red Angus and Angus sires in the computation of Balancer EPDs, especially for carcass traits. Bulls within the Gelbvieh breed can be compared based on their EPDs. Bulls within the Balancer breed can be compared based on their EPDs, and bulls within the Red Angus breed can be compared based on their EPDs. Because Gelbvieh and Balancer are now on the same base with Red Angus, EPDs for each trait are directly comparable.

Definitions for Gelbvieh and Balancer EPDs Used in this Sale Catalog Calving Ease Direct EPD (CED): Expressed as the percent of unassisted births. A higher value is more favorable, indicating greater probability of calving ease in first-calf heifers. (Note: This is a new calculation for Gelbvieh and Balancers, as CE was previously expressed as a ratio.) Example of use: If Sire A has a CED EPD of 5 and Sire B has a CED EPD of 15, the numbers indicate that Sire B should have 10 percent fewer unassisted births when compared to Sire A. 15 – 5 = 10. Thus, if you bred Sire A and Sire B each to a group of 100 heifers, at calving time you would expect to have 10 more unassisted births from the 100 heifers bred to Sire B than the 100 heifers bred to Sire A. Birth Weight EPD (BW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for birth weight. Weaning Weight (WW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for weaning weight (adjusted to age of dam and a standard 205 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to weaning. Yearling Weight EPD (YW): Predicts the expected difference, in pounds, for yearling weight (adjusted to standard 365 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to yearling. Milk EPD (MK): The genetic ability of a sire’s daughters to produce milk expressed in pounds of weaning weight. Total Maternal EPD (TM): A value that combines growth and milk information and a prediction of the weaning weight performance of calves from a sire’s daughters. This value does not have an accompanying accuracy value. Ribeye Area EPD (RE): Differences in ribeye area in inches between the 12th and 13th rib. Greater ribeye areas are preferable. Carcass Weight EPD (CW): Expressed in pounds of carcass weight adjusted to a constant fat endpoint. Feeder Profit Index EPD (FPI): An economic selection index designed to aid producers in selecting sires whose progeny will perform in the feedlot and are sold on grade and yield. Gelbvieh – Non-parent animals









































Balancer – Non-parent animals CED


















Low Avg.




















Definitions for Red Angus EPDs Used in this Sale Catalog Calving Ease Direct (CED): Predicts the probability of calves being born unassisted out of two-year-old heifers. CED is the Red Angus breed’s best predictor of calving ease. Birth weight EPD (BW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for birth weight. Weaning weight EPD (WW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for weaning weight (adjusted to age of dam and a standard 205 days of age.) This is an indicator of growth from birth to weaning. Yearling weight EPD (YW): Predicts the expected difference, in pounds, for yearling weight (adjusted to a standard 365 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to yearling. Milk EPD (MILK): Predicts the difference in maternal production of an individual animal’s daughters as expressed by the weaning weight of their calves. Stayability EPD (STAY): Predicts the probability that a bull’s daughters will remain in the herd until at least six years of age. Marbling score EPD (MARB): Predicts differences for carcass marbling score as expressed in marbling score units. Higher marbling scores are positively correlated with higher carcass quality grades. Rib eye area EPD (REA): Predicts differences of carcass rib eye are between the 12th and 13th rib. Increased rib eye area has a beneficial effect on yield grade, which also includes carcass weight and fat thickness. 12th rib fat thickness EPD (FAT): Predicts differences for carcass fat depth over the 12th rib, as expressed in inches.

EPD Averages and Ranges for Non Parents Under Two Years of Age – Red Angus CED







































3 Things EPDs cannot do…. 1. EPDs cannot compare animals accurately that are from different breeds. 2. EPDs cannot predict outcomes. For example a 40 weaning weight EPD does not mean that an additional 40 lbs. will be added to the weaning weight of your calves. 3. EPDs do not make up for poor management. Calves sired by a bull with a lower EPD for weaning weight can weigh heavier at weaning than calves sired by a bull with a higher weaning weight EPD if they are exposed to a more favorable environment (bred to a heavier milking cows, higher nutritional program, etc.).

Keeping EPDs in Perspective “Beef cattle breeding would be a lot easier if we could assume that the highest EPDs are the best,” states noted beef geneticist Dr. Rick Bourdon. “Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. One of the most enduring challenges in beef cattle breeding is to determine the best balance of trait levels and associated EPDs for a given environment and clientele.” Balance of traits is the key. And, as you can see with our offering, the Judd Ranch program emphasizes balanced traits. you won’t find big swings in any direction. Although EPDs are a great tool and can help you narrow your selection of bulls, please remember that EPDs are only one tool of many available to you. Each tool or measurements has a purpose—including measurements such as scrotal circumference, frame, ribeye area, pelvic area, gain test and the like. You know your herd and your goals. Use all tools to identify the best bulls for your program. 75

The NEXT Generation at Judd Ranch


Judd Ranch Mamas Flat Know How to Raise the Scalebusters

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