2013 Rippe Gelbvieh Catalog

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H Sale Location: Belleville 81 Livestock - Belleville, KS H

Complimentary Lunch - 12:00


55 Balancer & Gelbvieh Bulls, 5 Registered Heifers and 12 Commercial Heifers

14th Annual Bull Sale

Rippe Gelbvieh 2013

Greetings Cattlemen: Rippe Gelbvieh has continued to assemble a cowherd that is balanced in ALL traits that are economically important to our customers—commercial cattlemen. At Rippe Gelbvieh, we would like to have the opportunity to put our genetics and crossbreeding program to work on your operation. We have a complete lineup of Balancer and Purebred bulls that have enough genetic variation to compliment your cowherd and allow you to take full advantage of the “free lunch” that heterosis and hybrid vigor offer. I feel we are doing more from a genetic selection and testing standpoint than the majority of seed stock operations. I believe we are separating ourselves from other seed stock operations in two main areas. The first is carcass data. Most operations ultrasound scan or DNA their bulls, but how many scan their bulls, scan their heifers, and receive individual carcass data on all of their steers? In addition, we try and receive data from a few of our customers’ cattle each year to measure our success from a carcass standpoint. We feed cattle throughout the year. A lot of people just talk about it. The second area is measuring cow size and efficiency. Each cow is weighed every fall when we pregnancy test. Later, this is compared to the weaning weight of their calf. We also track the essentials in a cow like structure and udder scores. This year we included all of this data in the catalog. It is our hope that you find the more information we track valuable. It is important for us at Rippe Gelbvieh to track our cowherd and our bulls so that we can make genetic progress. Be sure to check our website, www.rippegelbvieh.com, as the sale draws near. We will be posting additional information including the supplement sheet and videos of the bulls. We encourage each of you to visit us prior to the sale. These visits allow us a lot more time to understand your program’s needs and wants so we can better assist you in selecting your new herdsire. As always, we look forward to visiting with past customers and making new ones. Allow our program to help maximize the profitability of your cowherd. Duane & Dustin Rippe

Contact Information Duane & Brenda Rippe 6775 Road D – Hubbell, NE 68375 H-402-324-4176 C-402-200-0096 Email: rippe@rhelectric.net Dustin & Karla Rippe C-316-323-4874 Email: dustin.rippe@yahoo.com Wayne & Kay Kugel C-402-768-3420 Email: thekugels@diodecom.net

General Information – Terms & Conditions Sale Location:

Belleville 81 Livestock, which is ½ mile south of the Hwy 81 and 36 intersections.


Kyle Ellwood, Salina, KS................................................. 785-493-2901


Galen Gerdes, Nebraska Farmer....................................... 308-380-0302 Troy Appleheans, Centennial, CO.................................... 303-886-0775

Supplement Sheet:

A supplement sheet will be available on sale day with the updated EPD’s, yearling data, ultrasound information, and scrotal measurements. The information will also be posted on our website about two weeks prior to the sale. Any information on the supplement sheet or announced on sale day will take precedence over the catalogue.


All bulls will be ready for interstate shipment. They will be BVD tested and had their Lepto shot. In addition, they will have passed a Breeding Soundness Exam along with being poured with an invomectin type of product before delivery.

Terms and Conditions:

Cash on sale day. All cattle will sell under the recommended terms of the AGA. If you would like to be offered credit, please call Duane prior to sale day.

Volume Discount:

If you purchase five or more bulls in one year, you will receive 5% off the price of each bull.

Delivery & Trucking:

Free delivery within 250 miles. For all bulls further than 250 miles, we will make every effort to accommodate the buyer. We will feed and care for your yearling bulls for free until April 1st. The delivery of the heifers is located below the commercial heifers.


Registration papers will be transferred at buyer’s request. In addition, a homozygous black certificate can be transferred if the buyer so chooses.


Neither the sale host, sale facility, sale management, nor the auctioneer assumes any liability for any accidents that may occur.

Sale Day Phones: Sale Barn....................785-527-2558 Duane Rippe...............402-200-0096 Dustin Rippe..............316-323-4874 Wayne Kugel..............402-768-3420

Viewing of the sale will be available on Belleville 81 Livestock’s website at www.belleville81.com. If you are interested in bidding, please contact us prior to the sale or call one of our sale day phones.


www.rippegelbvieh.com Videos of the bulls will be on the website

Rippe Gelbvieh Bull Guarantee • Our # 1 goal is customer satisfaction. • Rippe Gelbvieh takes 100% responsibility on every bull purchased from our sale until the bull is delivered to your ranch. If there is any problem with the bull upon delivery or at our place we will cover the cost completely and make sure you are satisfied. • If you experience a problem with disposition or structural soundness soon after you receive your purchase, Rippe Gelbvieh will replace the bull with similar quality, take the bull back and offer credit on next year’s sale, or give you a full refund of your money. • If you experience abnormal calving difficulty where the herdsire is at fault we demand that the bull be sold for slaughter and a full refund applied to a replacement bull of the buyer’s choice. First Season Death and Injury Warranty Rippe Gelbvieh has offered to share this cost with their customers. There was a lot of confusion over our old warranty. Our new program will allow us to keep our customers satisfied and allow both parties to be satisfied with everyone sharing in the cost. Coverage/Limitations The coverage of this warranty is for the first breeding season or for the first 90 days after the bull is turned out, unless other arrangements are made. This warranty is good for death and all loss-of-use injuries. The warranty is void if this is caused by negligence or mistreatment of the bull. Replacement value will be the actual purchase cost of the Rippe Gelbvieh bulls covered minus any salvage value or other compensation received by the customer. Claims All claims must be reported to Rippe Gelbvieh within 24 hours of discovery and must be examined by a licensed veterinarian. Injured If the injury is not permanent and can be returned to service, Rippe Gelbvieh will work with you to supply a replacement bull to use, at no cost, until the original bull can be returned to service. If the injury is permanent, Rippe Gelbvieh will supply a bull to finish out the season. At the end of the breeding season the customer can choose to keep the replacement bull as fulfillment of this warranty or return him to Rippe Gelbvieh and receive credit on next year’s sale. The credit will equal the purchase price of the bull minus any salvage value from the original bull. Death When a Rippe Gelbvieh bull dies between the dates outlined above Rippe Gelbvieh will supply another bull to finish out the breeding season. At the end of the breeding season, the customer can either keep the replacement bull as fulfillment of this warranty or receive credit on next year’s sale. The credit will equal the purchase price of the bull minus any compensation received by an insurance company. Cost Cost for the death and injury warranty will be 5% of purchase price, due at time of purchase. We feel that this is a reasonable cost where we can all share in the cost of a loss in a bull during the first breeding season. If a customer chooses not to cover their animal against death or injury, they assume all risk associated with the bull once it leaves our place.

About The Catalog




Color Black Red Homozygous Black Polled Status Heterozygous Black Horned Scurred Breed Makeup Polled GV = Gelbvieh Homozygous Polled AN = Angus Heterozygous Polled AR = Red Angus SM = Simmental

Color Polled Bull

Reg #: 104Y  •  DOB: 1/14/11

Grand Sire SIRE Grand Dam

50GV, 50AN BW: 64 Adj WW: 559

Maternal Grand Sire DAM Maternal Grand Dam


CE BW WW YW Milk SC 120 -5.6 30 70 18 0.3

CW REA MB DtF CV FM 13 0.12 0.09 1.0 23.80 14.94

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1124

%BWW: 50%

AOD = Age of Dam Dam Wt = Weight 6 weeks after weaning %BWW = Percent the dam weaned of her body weight

Udder: ##/## Doc: # EPD’s Expected Progeny Differences Spring 2013 Evaluation provided   by the AGA.

Homozygous – If an animal is Homozygous for Polled or Black, you will not have a Horned or Red calf born out of this sire. If an animal is Heterozygous, it carries one allele for either horned/polled or red/black. If an animal simply has black or polled written, it has not been DNA tested for this trait.

H – This year we decided to denote heifer bulls with the H

H , to aid in your bull selection. If you see a bull with graphic H H , Rippe Gelbvieh believes it is a heifer bull. an H

Udder: The first number is teat size and second references suspension. 9 is ideal. It represents very small teat size and very tight udder suspension. 1 represents very large, ballooned shape teat and a very pendulous suspension. Doc = Docility: 1 = Docile  2 = Restless  3 = Nervous 4 = Flighty  5 = Aggressive  6 = Very Aggressive

New Generation AGA EPDs The American Gelbvieh Association’s (AGA) January 2013 EPDs are based on a new collaborative national cattle evaluation (NCE) with the American Simmental Association (ASA). Below is a summary of some of the enhancements to the AGA new generation EPDs, followed by trait averages and percentile charts.

Gelbvieh and Balancer® Share a Common Base with Simmental and Red Angus Gelbvieh and Balancer EPDs are now on the same base with Simmental and Red Angus, which means that EPDs for each trait (except stayability) are directly comparable to ASA and Red Angus Association of America (RAAA) EPDs. This was a huge, progressive decision by the AGA Board of Directors, made to simplify bull selection for commercial producers.

Calving Ease and Calving Ease Daughters EPDs Converted to Industry Standard Terminology For over 25 years, the AGA calving ease (CE) and calving ease daughter (CED) EPDs were reported in the form of a ratio. They are now reflected as percentages. Higher CE values equal more unassisted births from sires when mated to first-calf heifers. Higher CED EPDs indicate less calving difficulty from a sire’s own first-calf daughters.

Multi-Breed EPDs Provide More Complete Balancer EPDs The true multi-breed EPD NCE conducted by the ASA enables the inclusion of more progeny data from Red Angus and Angus sires, especially for the carcass traits.

Growth Traits are More Reliable The new EPDs for weaning weight (WW), yearling weight (YW) and carass weight (CW) are more reliable because the new statistical process accepts a wider age window for weaning weight. This is especially beneficial for breeders that wean calves early due to drought. Historically, weights from early-weaned calves were not included in the NCE.

Carcass Traits are Standardized In recent years, Gelbvieh and Balancer carcass traits were adjusted to a fat end-point instead of an age endpoint like the rest of the industry. AGA’s transition to age-adjusted carcass EPDs will eliminate the gaps in the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center’s carcass EPD breed comparisons. This change also means that the days-to-finish (DtF) EPD is replaced by a fat (FT) EPD. A yield grade (YG) EPD is also new. For both FT and YG, lower EPDs are typically more favorable. For questions or more information contact the AGA at 303-465-2333 or visit www.gelbvieh.org.


New EPD Averages for Active Sires CE

















































Gelbvieh EPD Percentile Chart for Active Sires Percentile




































































29.94 46.34







12.07 35.47























-22.60 13.82

Balancer® EPD Percentile Chart for Active Sires Percentile



















































































-0.06 40.49 35.81







26.26 28.89









American Gelbvieh Association • (303) 465-2333 www.GELBVIEH.org • info@gelbvieh.org

Understanding EPD’s

EPD’s are calculated to predict genetic merit. Rippe Gelbvieh believes strong in the use of EPD’s as they are the most accurate way of predicting genetic performance. Each association used to have their own database and many of them still do, but Gelbvieh, Red Angus, and Simmental formed an alliance to generate EPD’s together. This increased the accuracy of our balancer genetics substantially. Rippe Gelbvieh encourages you to study the EPD’s and if you have any questions, feel free to call Dustin Rippe.

The EPD’s used in this catalog are: Calving Ease Direct (CE): Percent of unassisted births of a bull’s calves when he is used on heifers. A higher number is favorable, meaning better calving ease. This EPD can be vital to a rancher looking to decrease the amount of calves pulled in his herd. Birth Weight (BW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for birth weight of the calf. Weaning Weight (WW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for weaning weight (adjusted to age of dam and a standard 205 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to weaning. Yearling Weight (YW): Predicts the expected difference, in pounds, for yearling weight (adjusted to a standard 365 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to yearling. Milk (MK): The genetic ability of a sire’s daughters to produce milk expressed in pounds of weaning weight. Yield Grade (YG): Differences in Yield Grade score, which is a predictor of percent retail product. Higher values suggest that progeny will have a lower ratio of lean to fat. Carcass Weight (CW): Differences in pounds of hot carcass weight, adjusted to an industry standard age endpoint. Ribeye Area (REA): Differences in ribeye area in inches between the 12th and 13th rib. Greater ribeye areas are preferable. Marbling (MB): Predicts the differences in the degree of marbling within the ribeye as expressed in marbling score units. Greater marbling numbers are preferable and are an indicator of higher carcass Quality Grades. Fat (FT): Differences for fat thickness, in inches, for a carcass over the 12th rib, smaller numbers of fat thickness are preferable as excess fat can be detrimental to yield grade. What is an Index? Indexes are tools that allow you to select for several EPDs at once, making selections more efficient than selecting on one trait at a time. Indexes weigh traits based on their importance to a producer’s bottom line by using a trait’s economic and genetic value. Indexes are a good way to put selection emphasis on traits that are economically relevant. Carcass Value (CV): Expressed in dollar value per head, compares progeny of on animal to another in dollar difference when progeny are sold on a grid. This is a true economic comparison. Projected carcass weight, penalties for carcass weights that are too heavy or too light, Quality Grade and Yield Grade premiums and discounts are all included in calculating this dollar value index. Feedlot Merit (FM): Measures the dollar value associated with the expected gain and feedlot efficiency of progeny when fed in a typical feedlot environment.

Rippe Gelbvieh Balancer and Gelbvieh Bull Sale Black Balancer Bulls...................... Lots 1-37 Black Purebred Bulls..................... Lots 38-40 Red Balancer Bulls........................ Lots 41-55 Black Registered Heifers.............. Lots 56-60 Commercial Heifers...................... Lots 61-63 ET Bulls: The ET bulls are raised by a surrogate mother. Therefore, the bulls actual BW and WW are not a representation of the bulls genetics. Consequently, we have chosen not to provide this information as it is inaccurate. EPDs do a much better job of showing the genetic value of these bulls. If you would like to see the actual information on an ET bull please call before the sale.

Semen Interest Rippe Gelbvieh will retain 1/2 revenue sharing semen interest in every bull in the catalog unless otherwise noted. If we decide to collect a bull it will be at our expense and your convenience. If there is income after expenses it will be split evenly. This will only affect a very small portion of the bulls we sell.

Videos of the Bulls You will notice there are not many pictures of the bulls this year in the catalog. This is because we decided to video each and every bull and all the videos are on our website at www.rippegelbvieh.com. We did this because we take great pride in the structure of our bull lineup and this allows buyers to evaluate before they come to our sale.

Karla & Dustin

Black Balancers Lot



Hom Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217417  •  DOB: 1/11/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

50GV, 50AN BW: 62 Adj WW: 549 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.26 REA 13.97 %IMF 4.69

DBRG MR CC 863U ET DBRG MS 863U 076X DBRG MS Hot Stuff 408P


CE BW WW YW Milk YG H 19 -4.1 62 90 24 -.03

CW REA MB FT CV FM 17 0.14 0.75 -0.01 73.38 30.42

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1125

%BWW: 49%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

203Z goes back to our balancer donor dam 408P whose sons averaged over 5K last year on our bull sale. 203Z combines our two great balancer herd sires- Watchman and 863U. This sound, moderate, and thick made herdsire is a true heifer bull with power. Top 1% CE, 2% BW, 50% MK, 3% MB, 10% CV.



208Z ET

Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222308  •  DOB: 1/15/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 CK Bronco 411G DBRG FOXi ROXI 8N DBRG MS Freedom 101L

75GV, 25AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.22 REA 15.01 %IMF 4.49

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.0 79 115 20 -.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 36 0.15 0.33 -0.03 56.01 42.13


Dam Wt:



Doc: 1

208Z is an absolute stud. He is super sound, thick, and has tremendous rib shape. In addition, he is a calving ease bull with loads of power. Our donor Foxi Roxi has continued to stamp our program with top-notch bulls and females. If it weren’t for us having so many progeny out of both the sire and dam this bull would not be leaving our place. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.

All Potential carriers for AM, NS, OS have been tested and all cattle sell free of any known genetic defect.




Het Black Het Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217422  •  DOB: 1/16/12

50GV, 50AN BW: 73 Adj WW: 681

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.13 REA 17.00 %IMF 3.86

MR 863U ET DBRG MS 863U 0175X DBRG 69T


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 15 -1.6 75 112 25 -0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 33 0.22 0.72 -0.02 93.82 41.45

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1105

%BWW: 62%

Udder: 8/8


Doc: 1

A heifer bulls with unbelievable growth. 212Z is very thick, deep, and sound structured. I think the world of this bull and he will have a lot of friends on sale day. Top 10% CE, 15% BW, 15% WW, 20% YW, 45% MK, 3% MB, 3% CV, 35% FM.

LAZY TV Watchman W021 Sire of 25 Lots




Hom Black & Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217424  •  DOB: 1/17/12

BT Right Time 24J DBRG MR 24J 847U DBRG MS Atlas 70N N Bar Prime Time D806 DBRG MS D806 011X ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N

38GV, 62AN BW: 83 Adj WW: 656 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.25 REA 14.70 %IMF 4.23

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.6 64 98 18 0.04


CW REA MB FT CV FM 26 0.18 0.33 0.01 47.95 36.36 AOD: 2 Dam Wt: 1030 %BWW: 64% Udder: 9/8 Doc: 1 214Z is a high performing, big-framed heifer bull. 214Z dam weaned him at 64% of her body weight. Take note of Foxi Roxi as the granddam to this bull. Top 15% CE, 15% BW, 45% WW, 50% YW, 35% MB, 40% CV, 50% FM.




Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217425  •  DOB: 1/17/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 N BAR Prime Time D806 DBRG MS D806 006X ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N

50GV, 50AN BW: 74 Adj WW: 659 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.25 REA 13.86 %IMF 3.09

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 18 -3.1 68 105 23 0.09

CW REA MB FT CV FM 27 0.15 0.75 0.02 89.81 39.58

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 944

%BWW: 70%

Udder: 9/9


Doc: 1

215Z is the exact same breeding as Lot 4. This guy is flat a good bull. He is extremely stout and sound for a heifer bull. Look at what his first time momma did raising this guy at 70% of her body weight, which was the highest of all the black balancers. Top 2% CE, 4% BW, 30% WW, 35% YW, 3% MB, 4% CV, 40% FM.

Duane & his brother Larry Lot


226Z ET

Het Black Het Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222326  •  DOB: 1/20/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 Lazy TV Beethoven K278 N313 107L

63GV, 37AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.21 REA 14.31 %IMF 3.42

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -0.3 73 106 25 -0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 31 0.29 0.55 -0.02 75.64 37.46

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1106

%BWW: 60%

Udder: 7/8

Doc: 1

The dam of Lot 6 was my pick of Thortenson’s balancer cowherd. She was an absolute gorgeous cow with perfect teat and udder quality. 226Z is a very thick and deep bodied bull that cattlemen will appreciate. Top 20% CE, 30% BW, 15% WW, 35% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM .



229Z ET

Hom Black Homo Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222311  •  DOB: 1/21/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

75GV, 25AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.32 REA 15.00 %IMF 3.07

CK Bronco 411G DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N DBRG MS Freedom 101L

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.0 79 115 20 -0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 36 0.15 0.33 -0.03 56.01 42.13

AOD: 9

Dam Wt: 1452

%BWW: 50%

Udder: ##/## Doc: 1

The video does not do this bull justice, as he is one of the top couple of bulls in the sale. 229Z is stout, has loads of rib and capacity, and is very attractive. This Roxi and Watchman flush worked great and this bull is at the top of the flush. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.




Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217444  •  DOB: 1/21/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 N Bar Prime Time D806 DBRG MS D806 033X ET DBRG MS Freedom 101L

50GV, 50AN BW: 87 Adj WW: 632 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.32 REA 14.81 %IMF 5.36

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 16 -1.5 65 100 24 0.17


CW REA MB FT CV FM 27 0.08 0.77 0.05 90.51 37.35 AOD: 2 Dam Wt: 958 %BWW: 66% Udder: 9/8 Doc: 1 230Z is a sound, big bodied and thick bull that I like. He goes back to our donor dam 101L who was the dam of Foxi Roxi. Take a look at the marbling on this Homo Black and Homo Polled herdsire, top 2% of the breed. Top 5% CE, 15% BW, 40% WW, 45% YW, 50% MK, 2% MB, 4% CV, 45% FM.

Duane helping neighbor, Garrett, with his first bottle calf




Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217447  •  DOB: 1/21/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 DBRG MR CC 863U ET DBRG MS 863U 0106X DBRG 752T

38GV, 62AN BW: 83 Adj WW: 676 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.30 REA 15.76 %IMF 4.58

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -0.7 76 113 22 0.03

CW REA MB FT CV FM 35 0.19 0.66 -0.01 89.66 42.40 AOD: 2 Dam Wt: 984 %BWW: 69% Udder: 9/9 Doc: 1 There is a lot of rib and power in 237Z. This guy has been a standout all year. The power and performance of 863U combined with the rib and fleshing ability of Watchman has been a dangerous combination. Take a look at this dam weaning this bull at 69% of her body weight with a perfect teat and udder. Homo Black & Homo Polled. Top 15% CE, 25% BW, 10% WW, 20% YW, 30% CW, 5% MB, 4% CV, 30% FM.




Hom Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217450  •  DOB: 1/23/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 MR Krugerrand 70M 130P DBRG MS KRUGERRAND 0124X DBRG 796T

50GV, 50AN BW: 66 Adj WW: 637 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.33 REA 16.48 %IMF 3.25

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 16 -2.4 71 109 26 0.00


CW REA MB FT CV FM 31 0.22 0.73 -0.01 92.62 41.56 AOD: 2 Dam Wt: 1030 %BWW: 62% Udder: 9/9 Doc: 1 242Z is a moderate framed, easy fleshing heifer bull. Keeping replacement females out of this bull would be ideal. This bull has a docility of 1 and his dam had a perfect teat and udder. Top 5% CE, 10% BW, 20% WW, 25% YW, 35% MK, 40% CW, 5% MB, 4% CV, 35% FM.




Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217452  •  DOB: 1/23/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 Gardens Prime Star DBRG MS PRIME STAR 088X DBRG MS 749T ET

50GV, 50AN BW: 75 Adj WW: 638 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.36 REA 15.16 %IMF 4.73

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 17 -2.0 66 104 20 0.08


CW REA MB FT CV FM 28 0.15 0.98 0.02 113.11 39.35 AOD: 2 Dam Wt: 966 %BWW: 66% Udder: 8/8 Doc: 1 245Z has an enormous amount of rib and performance for a heifer bull. Cattlemen, it is very tough to find a heifer bull with this much power, but it is extremely rare to find a bull with those attributes plus outstanding carcass merit. Improve your carcass genetics with this Homo Black and Homo Polled herd sire. Top 3% CE, 10% BW, 35% WW, 35% YW, 50% CW, 1% MB, 1% CV, 40% FM.



252Z ET

Het Black Het Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222327  •  DOB: 1/25/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 LAZY TV Beethoven N313 107L

63GV, 37AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.20 REA 14.65 %IMF 3.87

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -0.3 73 106 25 -0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 31 0.29 0.55 -0.02 75.64 37.46 AOD: 9 Dam Wt: 1452 %BWW: 50% Udder: 5/5 Doc: 1 252Z is a beef-producing machine. He is a flat good bull with lot of rib and muscle. These Watchman cattle do it all. There is a lot of performance in this mating. Top 20% CE, 30% BW, 15% WW, 35% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.




Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217476  •  DOB: 2/5/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 N Bar Emulation EXT DBRG MS EXT 582R DBRG MS Fullback 278M

50GV, 50AN BW: 95 Adj WW: 692 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.35 REA 15.76 %IMF 4.33

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -0.2 71 107 25 0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 33 0.09 0.51 -0.01 71.49 39.91 AOD: 7 Dam Wt: 1190 %BWW: 58% Udder: 8/8 Doc: 1 We have always been fond of 276Z. This homo black & homo polled bull is a female maker. He is the biggest bodied bull in our pen. His 7 year old dam has a great udder and is a great cow, weaning 276 at 58% of her body weight. Top 20% CE, 35% BW, 20% WW, 30% YW, 45% MK, 35% CW, 15% MB, 10% CV, 40% FM.



284Z ET

Hom Black Het Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222328  •  DOB: 2/7/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 LAZY TV Beethoven K278 N313 107L

63GV, 37AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.29 REA 15.24 %IMF 4.66

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -0.3 73 106 25 -0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 31 0.29 0.55 -0.02 75.64 37.46

AOD: 7

Dam Wt: 1408

%BWW: 48%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

284Z is a high performing Watchman son. All of the bulls out of this flush express good performance and muscle. Take a look at the balance in his EPD’s. Top 20% CE, 30% BW, 15% WW, 35% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.



285Z ET

Hom Black & Scurred Bull

Reg #: 1223062  •  DOB: 2/8/12

50GV, 50AN

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.18 REA 13.00 %IMF 4.91

BON View Design 878 DBRG MS HOT STUFF 408P 2193L


H CE BW WW YW Milk YG 15 -1.6 68 103 24 0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 28 0.14 0.69 0.0 84.60 37.56

AOD: 9

Dam Wt: 1452

%BWW: 50%

Udder: 5/5

Doc: 2

We sold 7 full sibs to this bull last year and averaged 5K on them because they were sound high performing heifer bulls with loads of rib. 285Z is no different and his dam is a beauty of a balancer cow that has loads of rib. Top 10% CE, 15% BW, 30% WW, 40% YW, 50% MK, 50% CW, 4% MB, 5% CV, 45% FM.




Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1218918  •  DOB: 2/9/12

50GV, 50AN

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 SAV Emulous 8145

BW: 97 Adj WW: 743 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.38 REA 19.07 %IMF 3.07

Extra 2106K ET DBRG MISS 745T ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -0.7 83 126 15 0.06

CW REA MB FT CV FM 43 0.22 0.20 0.00 46.45 49.75

AOD: 5

Dam Wt: 1325

%BWW: 56%

Udder: 9/9

Doc: 1

LONG, thick and high performing describes 287Z. This homo black and homo polled bull stood out all summer long and continues to stand out as he weighs around 1500 in the middle of February. Also note his 5-year-old dam’s perfect udder. Top 15% CE, 25% BW, 3% WW, 10% YW, 10% CW, 40% CV, 10% FM.




Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1219355  •  DOB: 2/10/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 N BAR Emulation EXT DBRG SWEET THING 458P DBRG MISS Rippe 904J

50GV, 50AN BW: 76 Adj WW: 580 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.42 REA 14.84 %IMF 5.30


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 16 -3.0 61 89 26 0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 18 0.08 0.48 0.01 49.97 29.78

AOD: 8

Dam Wt: 1290

%BWW: 45%

Udder: 8/8


Doc: 1

292Z is a sure fire heifer bull with his EPD’s in the top 5% for both calving ease and birth weight. These Watchman cattle come easy and are proven to be heifer bulls as Watchman was the most highly used bull in the balancer breed 2 years ago. Top 5% CE, 5% BW, 35% MK, 15% MB, 10% CV.




Hom Black & Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1219352  •  DOB: 2/10/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

50GV, 50AN BW: 81 Adj WW: 634 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.26 REA 14.54 %IMF 4.43

MR 863U ET DBRG MS 863U 029X DBRG MISS Black Cross 814U


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 16 -2.4 70 102 23 -0.03

CW REA MB FT CV FM 26 0.15 0.80 -0.03 92.74 36.22

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 938

%BWW: 68%

Udder: 8/8


Doc: 1

293Z is a moderate framed bull with a lot of rib. 863U combined with Watchman works perfect. Did you notice 293’s dam weaned him at 68% of her body weight? Homo Black and Homo Polled Heifer bull. Top 5% CE, 10% BW, 25% WW, 40% YW, 2% MB, 35% FT, 4% CV, 50% FM.



294Z ET

Hom Black & Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223046  •  DOB: 2/10/12

75GV, 25AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.34 REA 13.94 %IMF 4.53

CK Bronco 411G DBRG FOXI ROXI 8N DBRG MS Freedom 101L

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.0 79 115 20 -0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 36 0.15 0.33 -0.03 56.01 42.13

AOD: 9

Dam Wt: 1370

%BWW: 46%

Udder: 7/7

Doc: 3

294Z is an attractive, sound structured, and high performing herd sire. This Roxi and Watchman flush worked as well as you could of hoped and they will have many fans on sale day. Homo Black and Homo Polled. Take note of the impressive EPD’s. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.



2101Z ET

Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223063  •  DOB: 2/11/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 BON View New Design 878 DBRG MS Hot Stuff 408P 2193L

50GV, 50AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.32 REA 16.07 %IMF 4.94


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 15 -1.6 68 103 24 0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 28 0.14 0.69 0.00 84.60 37.56

AOD: 6

Dam Wt: 1388

%BWW: 47%

Udder: 8/8



2101Z is a full sib to lot 15. He is just like the 7 full brothers we sold last year except he is Homo Polled and Homo Black. A heifer bull that is this deep and soggy makes for an interesting piece. Top 10% CE, 15% BW, 30% WW, 40% YW, 50% MK, 50% CW, 4% MB, 5% CV, 45% FM.




Hom Black & Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1219357  •  DOB: 2/12/12

RJ Highlight 732H HIGHLIGHT 066K 442D

50GV, 50AN BW: 91 Adj WW: 619 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.19 REA 14.70 %IMF 3.59

N BAR Emulation EXT E BAR V Queen Mother C025 E BAR V Queen Mother 352

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 8 1.1 60 90 26 0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 25 -0.10 0.36 -0.02 46.60 31.34

AOD: 10

Dam Wt: 1136

%BWW: 54%

Udder: 7/8

Doc: 2

2103Z is out of an efficient 10-year-old cow and is a very sound structured bull that can cover some cows and add performance. Homo Black and Homo Polled. Top 35% MK, 30% MB, 40% CV.



2108Z ET

Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223048  •  DOB: 2/12/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

75GV, 25AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.36 REA 14.10 %IMF 4.43

CK Bronco 411G DBRG FOXI ROXI 8N MS Freedom 101L

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.0 79 115 20 -0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 36 0.15 0.33 -0.03 56.01 42.13

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1214

%BWW: 47%

Udder: 7/7

Doc: 3

2108Z is a really thick Roxi son. If you want some bulls that have a little more Gelbvieh to go on an English based cowherd these flush mates would be perfect. It is pretty hard to draw up EPD’s better than this. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.



2116Z ET

Hom Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223049  •  DOB: 2/13/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 CK Bronco 411G DBRG FOXI ROXI 8N DBRG MS Freedom 101L

75GV, 25AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.19 REA 14.53 %IMF 2.67

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.0 79 115 20 -0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 36 0.15 0.33 -0.03 56.01 42.13

AOD: 7

Dam Wt: 1570

%BWW: 39%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

2116Z is a full brother to Lot 22. He is sound structured, heavy muscled, and high performing. The marbling in Watchman is one of the best of any breed. Over 70% of his calves went CAB, I didn’t say Choice I said CAB, which is the upper 2/3 of Choice. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.




Hom Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1219375  •  DOB: 2/13/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

50GV, 50AN BW: 96 Adj WW: 623 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.20 REA 15.73 %IMF 2.90

B/R New Frontier 095 DBRG 92S DBRG MS Atlas 70N

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 12 -0.1 71 108 20 -0.06

CW REA MB FT CV FM 33 0.32 0.71 -0.03 94.04 40.50

AOD: 6

Dam Wt: 1335

%BWW: 47%

Udder: 7/7

Doc: 1

2117Z is a thick made, heavy muscled bull. His carcass numbers are very good as he reads well for both Ribeye and Marbling. These Watchman cattle are just the right kind and are going to be very popular for a long time. Top 30% CE, 35% BW, 20% WW, 30% YW, 35% CW, 50% RE, 4% MB, 3% CV, 35% FM.




Het Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1219376  •  DOB: 2/13/12

50GV, 50AN BW: 94 Adj WW: 695

SITZ Tradition RLS 8702 SANDMAN 6523S 198L

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.42 REA 15.73 %IMF 3.80

N BAR Emulation EXT DBRG MISS EXT 574R DBRG MS Dusty 205M

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 10 0.7 67 102 18 -0.11

CW REA MB FT CV FM 31 0.51 0.24 -0.02 47.46 37.67

AOD: 7

Dam Wt: 1365

%BWW: 51%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

2118Z has loads of rib and muscle. His 7-year-old dam is a very productive cow on our place and has an outstanding udder for her age, which is not surprising considering she is an EXT female. Lot of muscle in this herd sire. Top 50% CE, 50% BW, 35% WW, 40% YW, 40% YG, 40% CW, 25% RE, 40% CV, 45% FM.



2124Z ET

Hom Black & Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223050  •  DOB: 2/15/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 CK Bronco 411G DBRG FOXI ROXI 8N DBRG MS Freedom 101L

75GV, 25AN BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.26 REA 14.49 %IMF 3.27

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.0 79 115 20 -0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 36 0.15 0.33 -0.03 56.01 42.13

AOD: 3

Dam Wt: 1390

%BWW: 48%

Udder: 6/7

Doc: 1

This is the last Roxi/Watchman bull in our catalog. This might be the highest performing one of the bunch. Homo Black and Homo Polled. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 25% CW, 35% CW, 35% MB, 35% FT, 30% CV, 30% FM.




Hom Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222245  •  DOB: 2/16/12


38GV, 62AN BW: 97 Adj WW: 654 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.39 REA 18.16 %IMF 2.99

CK BRONCO 411G DBRG 21S DBRG Sweet Thing 458P

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 0.6 73 118 27 -0.10

CW REA MB FT CV FM 41 0.62 0.28 -0.01 59.03 48.89

AOD: 6

Dam Wt: 1375

%BWW: 48%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

2127Z is a balancer bull I like with a little different breeding. He is sound structured, big framed, and is big bodied. There is a lot of performance bred into this bull. Take note of his 6 year old dam still having a great udder. Top 20% CE, 50% BW, 15% WW, 15% YW, 30% MK, 45% YG, 15% CW, 15% RE, 45% MB, 25% CV, 15% FM.




Hom Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222206  •  DOB: 2/23/12

38GV, 62AN BW: 82 Adj WW: 678

Connealy Consensus CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BLUE Lilly Of Conanga 16

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.26 REA 18.97 %IMF 2.81

Rodeo Drive MS Rodeo Drive 78N DBRG MISS Cocoa 810H

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 11 -2.7 64 98 26 -0.09

CW REA MB FT CV FM 24 0.37 0.56 -0.02 69.49 36.22

AOD: 9

Dam Wt: 1145

%BWW: 59%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

2152Z is a high performing, big-framed bull out of a dam that we have sold many bulls out of. Take note that she weaned this stud at 59% of her body weight at 9 year of age. With her udder she is liable to be around our place for many more years. Top 40% CE, 10% BW, 45% WW, 50% YW, 35% MK, 45% YG, 40% RE, 10% MB, 15% CV, 50% FM.




Hom Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222224  •  DOB: 3/1/12

BT Right Time 24J DBRG MR 24J 847U DBRG MS Atlas 70N Gardens Prime Time MISS GARDENS P T 839U MS Pheonix 473P

38GV, 62AN BW: 78 Adj WW: 611 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.42 REA 16.86 %IMF 3.46

CE BW WW YW Milk YC 14 -2.4 61 96 19 0.03

CW REA MB FT CV FM 23 0.33 0.28 0.03 41.78 35.74

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1400

%BWW: 44%

Udder: 6/8


Doc: 1

2172Z is a homo black heifer bull that is not sired by Watchman; actually, he is sired by a bull we sold to a commercial cattlemen in 2009. Top 15% CE, 10% BW, 50% RE, 45% MB, 50% CV.




Het Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222186  •  DOB: 3/3/12     38GV, 50AN, 12 AR

CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 TC ABERDEEN 759 TC Blackbird 4034

BW: 91 Adj WW: 633 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.30 REA 16.73 %IMF 4.45

DBRG Rough And Ready DBRG MISS R&R 9115W MS Head Turner 425P

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.2 65 103 24 -0.08

CW REA MB FT CV FM 29 0.43 0.39 -0.01 59.88 39.42

AOD: 3

Dam Wt: 1060

%BWW: 60%

Udder: 9/9

Doc: 2

2188Z is a moderately framed, well put together bull that is sired by the Angus bull TC Aberdeen. Notice his dam’s perfect udder and she weaned this guy at 60% of her body weight. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 40% WW, 40%YW, 50% MK, 50% YG, 50% CW, 30% RE, 25% MB, 25% CV, 40% FM.




Hom Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222208  •  DOB: 3/4/12     50GV, 25AN, 25AR

BUF BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 DBRG MR CC 863U ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N

BW: 95 Adj WW: 714 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.22 REA 17.83 %IMF 2.62

BT Right Time 24J DBRG 2S DBRG MS High Class 439P

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 10 0.7 75 107 20 -0.10

CW REA MB FT CV FM 34 0.36 0.24 -0.04 47.21 37.34

AOD: 6

Dam Wt: 1410

%BWW: 51%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

2193Z is a high performing, big framed, heavy muscled son of 863U and none of those are surprises coming out of that herd sire. If you are looking to add some performance, I would take a hard look at this bull. Top 50% CE, 50% BW, 15% WW, 30% YW, 45% YG, 35% CW, 45% RE, 20% FT, 40% CV, 45% FM.

DBRG 863U ET Sire of Lots 31, 33, 34, 54




Het Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222226  •  DOB: 3/6/12     50GV, 25AN, 25AR

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

BW: 91 Adj WW: 652 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.30 REA 15.99 %IMF 4.27

BFCK Cherokee Canyon 4912 DBRG 844U ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.1 78 112 19 0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 34 0.27 0.57 0.00 79.62 39.99

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1470

%BWW: 44%

Udder: 9/9

Doc: 2

2205Z is a sound structured, complete bull whose dam is a full sister to 863U. You can really see our ET program working with the bulls in this year’s sale. Top 15% CE, 20% BW, 10% WW, 20% YW, 35% CW, 15% MB, 10% CV, 40% FM.




Het Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222235  •  DOB: 3/11/12     50GV, 25AN, 25AR

BUF BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 DBRG MR CC 863U ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N E&B 878 New Design 4135 DBRG 7125T DBRG MS Buretta 68N

BW: 89 Adj WW: 699 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.42 REA 16.61 %IMF 5.21

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 11 0.2 65 96 21 -0.16

CW REA MB FT CV FM 26 0.52 0.32 -0.03 50.46 33.17 AOD: 5 Dam Wt: 1060 %BWW: 66% Udder: 9/9 Doc: 1 2225Z had a 699 lb weaning weight, which is near the top of our black balancers. His dam, who has a perfect udder, weaned this high performing bull at 66% of her body weight. Top 40% CE, 45% BW, 40% WW, 25% YG, 20% RE, 40% MB, 35% FM, 35% CV.

Ringman Troy Appleheans




Hom Black & Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222193  •  DOB: 3/11/12 38GV, 25AR, 37AN

BFCK Cherokee Canyon 4912 MR CC 863U ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N

BW: 85 Adj WW: 696 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.21 REA 16.83 %IMF 4.48

MYTTY In Focus MISS MYTTY 964W DBRG Sweet Thing 458P

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -0.5 75 112 17 -0.03

CW REA MB FT CV FM 35 0.29 0.37 -0.02 61.24 42.20

AOD: 3

Dam Wt: 1130

%BWW: 62%

Udder: 8/6

Doc: 1

2231Z is my favorite 863U sired bull in the sale. He is very attractive and complete. Notice the Homo Black and Homo Polled and his balanced EPD’s. Top 15% CE, 30% BW, 15% WW, 20% YW, 30% CW, 30% MB, 20% CV, 30% FM.




Het Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222215  •  DOB: 3/12/12

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309 N BAR Emulation EXT DBRG MISS EXT 816U ET DBRG MS Freedom 101L

50GV, 50AN BW: 98 Adj WW: 715 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.37 REA 17.41 %IMF 4.39

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 12 -0.1 77 116 21 0.08

CW REA MB FT CV FM 38 0.15 0.46 0.0 71.00 44.68

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1190

%BWW: 60%

Udder: 6/7

Doc: 2

2236Z is a younger bull that is sound, attractive, and just good. It does not surprise me he is out of a cow straight from our ET program. Did you see his 715-pound weaning weight. His dam weaned this stud at 60% of her body weight. Top 30% CE, 35% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 20% CW, 15% MB, 15% CV, 25% FM.

DBRG 803U ET Full Sister to Dam of Lot 35




Het Black & Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222273  •  DOB: 3/18/12

50GV, 50AN BW: 84 Adj WW: 720

DVA Scout 553 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 VRT Lazy TV Ms Peterblt T309

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.39 REA 15.90 %IMF 4.88

MR Black Cross 3002N ET DBRG 725T DBRG MISS EXT 580R


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -2.9 68 103 27 0.10

CW REA MB FT CV FM 26 -0.06 0.77 0.00 88.10 37.79

AOD: 5

Dam Wt: 1215

%BWW: 59%

Udder: 9/9


Doc: 1

2250 is a very thick and big-bodied bull. Many will argue this is the best black balancer bull in the pen despite him being a mid March calf. His numbers read extremely well and his grand dam has the best udder on the place. Take a peek at this bull’s video; I think you will be impressed. Top 15% CE, 5% BW, 30% WW, 40% YW, 30% MK, 2% MB, 4% CV, 45% FM.

Lot 36




Het Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1236243  •  DOB: 3/18/12

Buddy 7R BUDDY BOY T729 R251

75GV, 25AR BW: 84 Adj WW: 657

BFCK Cherokee Canyon 4912 DBRG MISS CC 887U DBRG MS Levi 101N

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.33 REA 17.00 %IMF 2.64

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 9 -0.2 64 90 19 -0.15

CW REA MB FT CV FM 24 0.52 -0.15 -0.02 3.14 29.36

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1315

%BWW: 50%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 2

2255 is a very nice bull to round out the black balancers. He is a high growth bull out of Buddy Boy. In my notes I have him as thick, sound, and a lot of rib. Top 35% BW, 45% WW, 25% YG, 20% RE.

Black Purebreds Lot



Black Polled Bull

Reg #: 1218910  •  DOB: 1/29/12

Bennett Kingpin K403 TRENDSETTER 55R ET MISS Kara ET

94GV BW: 66 Adj WW: 622 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.30 REA 14.09 %IMF 2.36

T7122 MISS HOJER X158 Miss Hojer U884


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -1.2 64 84 28 -0.29

CW REA MB FT CV FM 17 0.48 -0.18 -0.07 -7.91 23.73

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 986

%BWW: 63%

Udder: 9/9


Doc: 1

260Z is a sound structured purebred heifer bull. We purchased his dam from Hojer Gelbvieh and she has an excellent udder and weaned this bull at 63% of her body weight. Top 5% CE, 10% BW, 40% MK, 5% YG, 15% RE, 15% FT.



2132Z ET

Het Black Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1224707  •  DOB: 2/17/12

94GV BW: ET Adj WW: ET

Buddy 7R BUDDY BOY T729 R251

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.21 REA 16.99 %IMF 2.81

R Collateral 2R DARCI 189U P401

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 8 1.9 60 89 19 -0.21

CW REA MB FT CV FM 25 0.45 -0.23 -0.05 -3.55 30.43

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1400

%BWW: 45%

Udder: 2/3

Doc: 1

2132Z is very complete. He is extremely sound structured, big boned, and thick. We purchased this mating as an embryo at the Rea dispersal sale. His dam was Reserve National Champion. I think many people will agree it is tough to make a purebred this complete. Top 40% CE, 45% BW, 25% YG, 15% RE, 45% FM.



2248Z Reg #: 1222180  •  DOB: 3/17/12

Boo Boo 155E MR BOO BOO 0103X ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N Buddy Boy T729 DBRG MISS BUDDY BOY 9151W DBRG 67S

Black Polled Bull 88GV BW: 92 Adj WW: 638 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.15 REA 17.18 %IMF 3.38

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 8 2.1 64 91 22 -0.20

CW REA MB FT CV FM 27 0.53 0.09 -0.04 28.26 29.93 AOD: 3 Dam Wt: 1174 %BWW: 54% Udder: 8/8 Doc: 1 2248Z is an interesting bull. He is sound structured, thick, and just doesn’t have any glaring holes. The other thing that is interesting is he has good carcass numbers for a PB Gelbvieh. Top 40% CE, 50% BW, 50% YW 30% YG, 50% CW, 10% RE, 10% MB, 10% CV, 50% FM.

Red Balancers Lot



Red Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1203958  •  DOB: 8/25/11 63GV, 25AN, 12 AR

BW: 85 Adj WW: 702

Buddy 7R BUDDY BOY T729 R251

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.14 REA 13.96 %IMF 1.20

Connealy Front Page 0228 DBRG MISS FRONT PAGE 8102U DBRG Miss CC 551R

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 11 0.1 67 104 20 -0.15

CW REA MB FT CV FM 32 0.53 -0.14 -0.03 11.01 39.77

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1222

%BWW: 57%

Udder: 5/5

Doc: 1

1255Y is a very good stout made and sound structured bull. He was the only bull we kept from our fall program, but he is a good one. I think this bull could really compete in the show ring if someone chooses to take him there. Top 40% CE, 35% BW, 35% WW, 35% YW, 25% YG, 40% CW, 10% RE, 25% FM.




Red Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217418  •  DOB: 1/14/12

LAZY TV Classic M358 LAZY TV Second Class R87 LAZY TV MS Dynamics L354 Flying H Magnitude 114U DBRG MS MAGNITUDE 0164X DBRG MISS CC 570R

50GV, 50AR BW: 70 Adj WW: 618 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.19 REA 16.00 %IMF 2.43


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 15 -2.4 63 95 31 -0.15

CW REA MB FT CV FM 22 0.51 0.28 -0.02 41.80 33.44

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1005

%BWW: 61%

Udder: 8/8


Doc: 1

206Z is a thick made heifer bull that is homo polled. Take a look at the balance in his EPD’s. This guy will have some fans on sale day. Top 10% CE, 10% BW, 50% WW, 15% MK, 25% YG, 25% RE, 45% MB, 50% CV.




Red Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217423  •  DOB: 1/17/12 13GV, 75AR, 12 AN

LJC Lancer 806 LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27 LJC Hannah 106 OVER Nine Mile Canyon DBRG MS NINE MILE 0160X DBRG 707T

BW: 67 Adj WW: 580 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.22 REA 13.95 %IMF 3.06


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 15 -3.2 56 89 18 -0.22

CW REA MB FT CV FM 18 0.70 0.50 -0.02 58.20 32.53

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1004

%BWW: 58%

Udder: 9/8


Doc: 1

213Z is an attractive, sound structured bull. The only calf to grade Prime last year was sired by Mission Statement. This calving ease bull has extremely good carcass numbers. Top 10% CE, 4% BW, 10% YG, 10% RE, 15% MB, 25% CV.




Red Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217412  •  DOB: 1/21/12

BCC Hotshot 45H BRANDYWINE WINTHROP 957W Brandywine Thera 758T

75GV, 25AR BW: 70 (Twin) Adj WW: 645 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.19 REA 15.66 %IMF 2.44

MR CC 863U ET DBRG MS 863U 0207X DBRG Miss EXT 582R


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.5 66 92 26 -0.16

CW REA MB FT CV FM 22 0.28 -0.04 -0.05 8.83 29.66

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1045

%BWW: 62%

Udder: 9/9


Doc: 1

232Z will add rib and natural fleshing ability to anyone’s cowherd. He is thick and heavy muscled but the thing that stands out to me is his over depth and shape of rib. Notice his dam weaned this bull at 62% of her body weight with a perfect teat and udder score. Top 15% CE, 15% BW, 35% WW, 35% MK, 25% YG, 10% FT.



238Z ET

Red Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223058  •  DOB: 1/21/12


38GV, 62AR BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.16 REA 14.81 %IMF 2.20


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 12 -1.5 58 95 19 -0.20

CW REA MB FT CV FM 24 0.55 0.24 -0.04 41.39 36.33

AOD: 4

Dam Wt: 1188

%BWW: 56%

Udder: 8/8

Doc: 1

238Z will have a lot of friends, as he is very deep bodied, sound, and thick made. I really like the combination of calving ease and growth that Mission Statement offers. Top 30% CE, 15% BW, 15% YG, 20% RE, 50% CV, 50% FM.



244Z ET

Red Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223060  •  DOB: 1/23/12

BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 BFCK CHEROKEE CANYON MRM 1432 8611 9109 Freedom 178F ET MS FREEDOM 229M MISS RIPPE 933J

38GV, 62AR BW: ET Adj WW: ET Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.22 REA 15.16 %IMF 2.93

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -1.7 58 79 19 -0.16

CW REA MB FT CV FM 13 0.43 0.22 -0.02 22.66 22.98

AOD: 6

Dam Wt: 1578

%BWW: 41%

Udder: 7/7

Doc: 1

244Z is an embryo calf out of our red donor 229. She is 11 years old and is still producing calves. It is pretty rare to see Cherokee Canyon sired calves anymore, as his semen is in short supply. Top 20% CE, 15% BW, 25% YG, 30% RE.




Red Polled Bull

Reg #: 1217462  •  DOB: 1/28/12

38GV, 62AR BW: 76 Adj WW: 591

BUF BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 DBRG PLATINUM 443P DBRG 039K

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.21 REA 15.02 %IMF 3.05

Bieber Make Mimi 7249 DBRG MS MAKE MIMI 066X DBRG MS RED 63N

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.6 66 96 25 -0.15

CW REA MB FT CV FM 24 0.59 0.08 -0.01 25.50 32.59

AOD: 2

Dam Wt: 1158

%BWW: 51%

Udder: 9/9


Doc: 1

I forgot how long Platinum calves were until I saw 258Z. This heifer bull is very long, thick, and just flat good. Notice his dam posted a perfect udder score. Top 15% CE, 15% BW, 35% WW, 45% MK, 25% YG, 15% RE.




Red Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1219354  •  DOB: 2/11/12

25GV, 75AR BW: 71 Adj WW: 586

Beckton Julian GG B571 HXC CONQUEST4405P HXC Ellie May MA638

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.28 REA 15.97 %IMF 3.95

BFCK Cherokee Canyon 4912 DBRG 27T DBRG 857H


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 15 -4.0 59 90 22 -0.14

CW REA MB DtF CV FM 17 0.45 0.52 -0.01 56.44 31.73

AOD: 5

Dam Wt: 1296

%BWW: 45%

Udder: 7/7

Doc: 1

The dam of 299Z had the high selling bull on last year’s sale and we will use him in our AI program this spring. However, 299Z is nothing like his brother as 299Z is a heifer bull. He is also very attractive, moderate framed, and complete. Top 10% CE, 2% BW, 30% YG, 30% RE, 20% MB, 30% CV.



2163Z Reg #: 1222192  •  DOB: 2/27/12

Beckton Julian GG B571 HXC CONQUEST 4405P HXC Ellie May MA638 LCC Cheyenne B221L DBRG MISS CHEYENNE 938W DBRG Ms Grand Primo 709G

Red Polled Bull 25GV, 75AR BW: 78 Adj WW: 602 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.24 REA 14.97 %IMF 3.70


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -2.3 65 104 22 -0.02

CW REA MB FT CV FM 28 0.39 0.42 0.01 61.50 40.49


AOD: 3 Dam Wt: 1290 %BWW: 47% Udder: 7/8 Doc: 1 2163Z is a dark cherry red balancer bull that is attractive and complete. This heifer bull has some unbelievable EPD’s across the board. Top 15% CE, 10% BW, 40% WW, 35% YW, 50% CW, 40% RE, 20% MB, 20% CV, 35% FM.




Red Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222266  •  DOB: 3/5/12

Buddy 7R BUDDY BOY T729 R251

63GV, 37AR BW: 93 Adj WW: 629

LJC Mission Statement P27 DBRG MISS M S 916W ET DBRG Gold Digger 54R

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.33 REA 18.19 %IMF 2.32

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 8 1.2 65 101 16 -0.24

CW REA MB FT CV FM 31 0.62 0.06 -0.06 30.87 37.26

AOD: 3

Dam Wt: 970

%BWW: 65%

Udder: 9/9

Doc: 1

2195Z is a thick made bull that is big framed and has a lot of rib. His dam comes straight from our ET program and she weaned this bull at 65% of her body weight and did it with a perfect udder. Top 40% WW, 45% YW, 10% YG, 40% CW, 15% RE, 4% FT, 45% FM.

Lot 50 Lot


2200Z Reg #: 1223017  •  DOB: 3/6/12

BUF CRK Lancer RO17 MUSHRUSH IMPRESSIVE X025 Mushrush Pridegail CL S12 Profit Agent 46N DBRG Miss Profit Agent 809U DBRG 105S

Red Polled Bull 25GV, 75AR BW: 73 Adj WW: 616 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.30 REA 13.96 %IMF 4.40

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 16 -3.5 47 73 20 0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 8 0.19 0.44 0.03 31.07 23.93 AOD: 4 Dam Wt: 1140 %BWW: 54% Udder: 7/7


Doc: 1

2200Z’s dam has raised a couple of good bulls for us. This heifer bull is very thick and has a lot of rib. He is sired by a bull we bought from Mushrush Red Angus called Impressive. He topped their sale that year and we think he will raise some tremendous females for us. Top 5% CE, 3% BW, 20% MB.




Red Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1222259  •  DOB: 3/12/12


BW: 86 Adj WW: 714 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.26 REA 17.74 %IMF 2.87

BFCK Cherokee Canyon DGRG MISS CC 873U DBRG MS Free Agent 52N

75GV, 25AR

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 9 0.8 68 96 16 -0.20

CW REA MB FT CV FM 27 0.42 -0.10 -0.06 9.62 31.54 AOD: 4 Dam Wt: 1382 %BWW: 52% Udder: 5/6 Doc: 1 2235Z is my dad’s favorite red balancer. I can see why as he is very sound structured, thick, and attractive. In addition, look at his big WW. If you need to add some performance, take a look at this herd sire. Top 30% WW, 15% YG, 35% RE, 4% FT.




Red Hom Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223021  •  DOB: 3/13/12

BUF CRK Lancer R017 MUSHRUSH IMPRESSIVE X025 Mushrush Pridegail CL S12 Boo Boo 155E DBRG MISS BOO BOO 922W DBRG 7108T

50GV, 50AR BW: 88 Adj WW: 697 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.26 REA 17.67 %IMF 2.73

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 12 0.1 57 83 23 -0.02

CW REA MB FT CV FM 19 0.29 0.28 0.01 34.99 26.67 AOD: 3 Dam Wt: 1180 %BWW: 59% Udder: 8/9 Doc: 2 2238Z is out of the bull we bought from Mushrush and a cow, 922, we have flushed a couple of times. 2238Z is sound structured, attractive, and complete. I like the balance in this bull’s EPD’s. Top 30% CE, 40% BW, 45% MB.

Dam of Lot 53




Red Scurred Bull

Reg #: 1222211  •  DOB: 3/16/12     50GV, 25AR, 25AN

BFCK Cherokee Canyon 4912 DBRG MR CC 863U ET DBRG Foxi Roxi 8N

BW: 82 Adj WW: 695 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.28 REA 16.37 %IMF 2.85


CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -1.2 70 105 21 -0.04

CW REA MB FT CV FM 30 0.19 0.44 -0.03 62.62 38.35

AOD: 4 Dam Wt: 1035 %BWW: 67% Udder: 9/9 Doc: 1 If 2247Z didn’t have scurs we would of sampled him in our program. This is a very complete bull that is thick, has a lot of rib, and is very balanced in his EPD profile. In addition, I like that he is an outcross to a lot of red balancer genetics as both the sire and dam are black. Top 20% CE, 20% BW, 25% WW, 35% YW, 20% MB, 20% CV, 45% FM.




Red Polled Bull

Reg #: 1223013  •  DOB: 3/19/12

BUF CRK Lancer R017 MUSHRUSH IMPRESSIVE X025 Mushrush Pridegail CL S12 PD Grand Primo 43G5 DBRG MS GRAND PRIMO 191L DBRG 709G

50GV, 50AR BW: 93 Adj WW: 650 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.25 REA 16.60 %IMF 3.08

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 10 1.5 58 89 27 -0.05

CW REA MB FT CV FM 25 0.50 0.17 0.01 34.82 31.81

AOD: 11

Dam Wt: 1410

%BWW: 46%

Udder: 5/7

Doc: 2

2256Z is a very sound and attractively designed herd bull. He is out of an 11 year old cow that has proven she has longevity. If you need a little extra milk and longevity, take a look at this bull. Top 50% CE, 30% MK, 25% RE.

CRAN Buddy Boy T729 Sire of Lots 37, 39, 41, 50, 52

Registered Balancer Heifers Lot



Black Polled Heifer

Reg #: 1217419  •  DOB: 1/15/12

50GV, 50AN BW: 63 Adj WW: 449

DVA Scout 553 LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 LAZY TV MS Peterblt T309

Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.16 REA 8.79 %IMF 4.86

MR Krugerrand 70M 130P DBRG MS KRUGERRAND 086X DBRG 92S

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 15 -2.8 58 89 23 -0.08

CW REA MB FT CV FM 18 0.21 0.65 -0.02 67.90 31.41

AOD: 2 Dam Wt: 1496 %BWW: 43% Udder: 5/5 210Z is a very attractive and feminine female. The combination of Watchman and Krugerrand make her sure fire calving ease heifer. She will produce many heifer bulls for your customers. Top 10% CE, 5% BW, 50% YG, 5% MB, 15% CV.




Black Polled Heifer

Reg #: 1217426  •  DOB: 1/18/12

DVA Scout 553 LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 LAZY TV Ms Peterblt T309 MR Krugerrand 70M 130P MS KRUGERRAND 0129X DBRG 24S

50GV, 50AN BW: 73 Adj WW: 560 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.23 REA 11.73 %IMF 4.11

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 13 -1.4 69 103 21 0.09

CW REA MB FT CV FM 28 -0.02 0.77 0.00 91.19 37.33

AOD: 2 Dam Wt: 1496 %BWW: 43% Udder: 5/5 217Z was out of my favorite heifer that year. We are offering some of our best heifers and my dad cringed when I pointed at 217Z. Take a look at this girl’s video and then look at her EPD strength. Rare combination. Top 20% CE, 15% BW, 25% WW, 40% YW, 50% CW, 2% MB, 4% CV, 45% FM.

Watchman W021 Sire of Lots 56-60




Black Polled Heifer

Reg #: 1217474  •  DOB: 2/2/12

DVA Scout 553 LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 LAZY TV MS Peterblt T309

38GV, 25AN, 37AR BW: 73 Adj WW: 583 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.27 REA 11.38 %IMF 3.81

BFCK Cherokee Canyon JODY 6S Leachman OMC GV G8011

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -2.4 67 95 29 -0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 22 0.28 0.57 0.01 65.80 31.39

AOD: 4 Dam Wt: 1496 %BWW: 43% Udder: 5/5 270Z has gobs and gobs of rib and capacity. Her dam has produced bulls for us on the past few sales and they have sold well. This is one of our top heifers. Top 15% CE, 10% BW, 35% WW, 20% MK, 10% MB, 20% CV.




Black Polled Heifer

Reg #: 1222197  •  DOB: 2/26/12

DVA Scout 553 LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 LAZY TV MS Peterblt T309

38GV, 62AN BW: 77 Adj WW: 560 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.24 REA 9.74 %IMF 5.24

BT Right Time 24J DBRG MISS 24J 973W DBRG MS Red Man 4166P

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 14 -1.7 64 97 23 0.01

CW REA MB FT CV FM 25 0.22 0.55 0.01 67.75 35.05

AOD: 3 Dam Wt: 1496 %BWW: 43% Udder: 5/5 2157Z is another attractive watchman heifer. What makes these Watchman cattle special is that they have so much rib and capacity and their numbers are some of the best in the industry. Take a look at her marbling numbers. Top 15% CE, 15% BW, 45% WW, 50% YW, 10% MB, 15% CV.




Black Polled Heifer

Reg #: 1222258  •  DOB: 3/16/12

DVA Scout 553 LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 LAZY TV MS Peterblt T309 Highlight 066K DBRG MISS 066 816U DBRG 144S

50GV, 50AN BW: 85 Adj WW: 615 Ultrasound Rib Fat 0.28 REA 10.65 %IMF 4.71

CE BW WW YW Milk YG 12 -0.3 72 109 30 0.09

CW REA MB FT CV FM 34 0.00 0.66 -0.01 86.31 40.90

AOD: 4 Dam Wt: 1496 %BWW: 43% Udder: 5/5 2244Z was one of our higher performing heifers this summer on grass. This heifer wouldn’t be leaving if we didn’t keep her full sister last year. Top 30% CE, 30% BW, 20% WW, 25% YW, 15% MK, 35% CW, 5% MB, 5% CV, 35% FM.



4 Black Commercial Heifers

















Birth Date

5 Black Commercial Heifers




Red or Black Angus



Black Angus









Black Angus




Birth Date

3 Red Commercial Heifers



Birth Date


Red Angus



Red Angus



Red Angus


All of these heifers are balancer heifers that we would normally keep. They have all been pelvic measured, reproductive tract scored, freeze branded, bangs vaccinated, and developed to be excellent females. All heifers will be kept for free until March 16 and will need to be picked up by owner unless prior arrangements have been made. We would consider ultra-sounding and/or AI’ing these heifers with ours for a reasonable charge if the purchaser would like.


6775 Rd D Hubbell, NE 68375

Rippe Gelbvieh

PRSRTSTD U.S. Postage PAID Kearney, NE 68847 Permit No. 135

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