Cabot Learning Federation Newsletter Edition 5

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The CLF Newsletter Edition Five March 2015

Shanghai Teachers Share Maths Best Practice A primary school teacher from Shanghai has arrived for a three week period teaching maths at Begbrook Primary Academy, part of the Cabot Learning Federation.


Shan Fang will be working and teaching alongside Sal Edwards who went on a research visit to Penglai Number 2 Primary School in Shanghai in September last year.

This venture, which has been organised by the Boolean Maths Hub, will also see a Shanghai Maths teacher based at Fishponds Church of England Academy. Teachers from across the region have been invited to take part in lesson observations at both academies so they can witness best practice in action.

Cracking Project

The exchange is part of a project, funded by the Department for Education (DfE), to help English primary school teachers understand and implement some of the key elements of Shanghai maths teaching that have proved so effective in helping school pupils in Shanghai reach levels of attainment far ahead of their counterparts in England and the rest of the world. It is the first project being run as part of the National Maths Hubs programme, funded by the DfE, and coordinated by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). Thirty-four Maths Hubs have been established across England to bring about improvements in maths education for school and college pupils of all ages.

World Book Day

Thirty teachers from Shanghai are currently working in 17 different Maths Hub areas around England. This is the second wave of teachers from Shanghai to visit England as part of this project. The first wave, last November, covered the other 15 Maths Hubs. Sal Edwards, maths teacher said, “I have learnt a great deal, both from being in Shanghai myself and seeing Miss Shan teaching in my class. I am confident that the children here will benefit greatly from this experience.”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

US Ambassador Visits Bristol Met The US Ambassador Matthew Barzun visited Bristol Metropolitan Academy to talk to around 100 CLF Post 16 students. Firstly he talked about meeting president Obama in the oval office when he became ambassador and what was expected of him as US Ambassador to the UK. He then took them through 50 questions which they answered via an interactive voting quiz on various topics. Students gave their opinion on a wide range of issues which included security, foreign policy, and world dangers. Matthew finished his presentation by answering some of the earlier questions raised by students. Sally Apps, Principal of Bristol Met, who hosted the visit said, “This was an absolute exclusive for us. This is the first time a US Ambassador has visited a school in the West Country and I would like to thank Matthew for his time. This was an experience our students will never forget and really brought home to them the major impact of world foreign policy.”

Cracking Project Students at Frome Vale Academy are working on an exciting living eggs project. The project started with the arrival of ten chick eggs in an incubator. Students watched the process of nine out of the ten chicks hatching out before they were moved into their brooder box. Students are now in the process of looking after and caring for the chicks and watching them grow. Students have witnessed the chicks gain their first feathers and worked out how many male and female chicks they had. They then thought of names for them and finally when they were big enough and strong enough to come out of the brooder box, they gave them a long awaited cuddle! Parents have also visited the academy to see the chicks. Alison Edmunds, Infant Phase Leader said, “This has really been a fun teaching and learning project for our students, which they have enjoyed immensely. But, it is also an integral part of their curriculum where we ask students to investigate how do living things change? We continually strive to give Frome Vale Academy students exciting and amazing learning opportunities and this is just one.”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

World Book Day Across The Federation At Minerva Academy all staff and students dressed as 'Where's Wally', to celebrate World Book Day. Over two hundred teachers and children took part to celebrate this international event. Other academies from across the Cabot Learning Federation also celebrated World Book Day. Staff and students either dressed up as book characters or took part in story telling evenings.

Minerva Primary Academy Where’s Wally?

Other activities included a Hogwarts themed party at Hans Price Academy while at Bristol Metropolitan Academy students took part in an author’s treasure hunt.

World Book Day is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world. Gemma Jackson, Principal of Minerva Academy said, “It was a brilliant fun event for all staff and students to get involved with and they had a thoroughly good time. But this also gave the opportunity to talk to students about the importance of literacy and to encourage students to read more.”

Bristol Metropolitan

Frome Vale

Hans Price Hanham Woods

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

Begbrook Primary

Bath Community

Summerhill Wallscourt Farm

On World Book Day 2014 students at King’s Oak Academy created a mural to mark the event and celebrate reading. Year 13 artist's collaborated with students from KS3 English classes to depict a range of writers, poets and authors. The mural portrays writers that students study at GCSE and A level. The result was a stunning 1m x 2m mural that is now permanently on display in the English Department. Vanessa McBride, from King’s Oak Academy Art Department said, “Students have worked really hard on this mural and have done an amazing job. World Book Day is a fantastic vehicle for us to stress the importance of reading to our students for education and pleasure.”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

Bristol Met’s Award Winning Artists Two students at Bristol Metropolitan Academy have won awards at the annual Senior Schools’ Art Exhibition at Bristol Cathedral. The exhibition ran in February and showcased artwork from students across Bristol. Tim Fredjatto, a Year 11 student, wood cut print won him best prize for Bristol Met and a £20 certificate. Anna Cashir, Year 8, won Judges’ Commended Award for her water colour painting winning a £10 cash prize and certificate. Prize winners Tim Fredjatto & Anna Cashir with BMA teacher Natalie Bush

A special prize-giving ceremony was staged in February, in which the Lady Mayoress Sarah Watson, awarded prizes for the best artwork from each school and crowned an overall winner. This is the first time that Bristol Met students have taken part and it is hoped they will take part annually. Natalie Bush, Programme Leader for Art said “It makes me hugely proud to see our students showcasing their artwork and gaining the experience to exhibit as real artists.”

‘You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression’ Part three of Bristol Metropolitan Academy's Employability training for Year 10 students took place recently. Bristol Met is preparing their KS4 students to make good positive decisions about their futures, building in skills training for the world of work.

Staff at Bristol Met were joined by Richard Hill OBE and colleagues from the Civil Service offering mock interviews for all their 140 Year 10 students. Students had the chance to attend various workshops led by enthusiastic professional colleagues.

Local Training Provider, KTS were present also offering insight into local apprenticeships, while Bristol Met continues developing their work on the brilliant Careerpilot website. Tim Holmes, Advice and Guidance Leader said, “I would like to thank everybody that got involved with this event and gave us their time and effort. When students leave Bristol Met we want to make sure we have given them the best advice and guidance possible, to make sure they make the correct decisions about their future life choices.

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

Mother’s Day At Fromevale Ninety seven mothers and grandmothers had a special Mother’s Day lunch at Frome Vale Academy. Sons and daughters joined mothers and grandmothers for a roast beef lunch followed by dessert. They were presented with a Mother’s Day card their children had made in lessons and they also each received a bouquet of Daffodils. After lunch there was some free time for them all to play, explore and socialise in the grounds of the academy. Sophie Smith, Admin Manager said, “We were really pleased with the turnout for this event everyone really enjoyed themselves and had a fantastic time. We want Frome Vale Academy to be at the heart of our local community and events like this will go some way in promoting that.”

Bristol Met Hosts cheerleading extravaganza! Bristol Met Storm Angels hosted its first cheerleading fundraising day for over 150 students for schools across the region. Throughout the day, the girls were involved in numerous fundraising activities and developed their coaching skills leading groups of students from other schools. The day was a roaring success and through their hard efforts the team have raised almost £1500 which will go towards new cheerleading uniforms ready for their first competition later this year. Sian Angell, Teacher of PE and Dance said, “The students worked really well together and a fantastic day was had by all. Cheerleading is a brilliant activity for students to stay fit and healthy and our students are really enjoying it.”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

Speedwell students from the class of 1965 Back In School Bristol Brunel Academy hosted 20 ex speedwell students from the class of 1965 celebrating their 50th anniversary. Bev, who organised the event, donated a house shield, to the academy and presented it to Madison one of the youngest BBA students. “The Speedwell Alumni House Champions Shield” will be awarded annually to the house with the highest total points score and will be displayed in reception. There was also a surprise visit from Emyr Richards. Emry taught many of the Alumni members English and, at the ripe age of 94, was able to recall most of their names. Emyr was Head of English for much of his time at Speedwell, Tom Walker, the current Head of English, took a few moments away from speaking and listening exams to compare notes on how much the role has changed in the last 50 years. Special thanks to Naomi Hobbs for organising the Year 8 students in baking a section of delicious cakes for our guests. Thank you also to Caroline and Natalie for organising our youngest students to meet our oldest alumni members. They were superb.

Solar Eclipse At King’s Oak Over 50 Year Seven students at King’s Oak Academy watched the Eclipse as part of their Science lesson. The students safely viewed the eclipse through either welding masks, a telescope fitted with a specially adapted lens or pinhole cameras made out of cardboard boxes. A pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens and with a single small aperture, a pinhole – effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box. Steve South, King’s Oak’s Data manager who is a keen astronomer, made the pin hole cameras and brought in his telescope for students to use. Steve said, “It was an amazing spectacle and our students really enjoyed watching it happen. Events like this really bring science to life and this event will be the topic of classroom discussion and debate.”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

Pic by Steve South, King’s Oak Academy

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

FEDERATION SPORT Olympian Delivers PE Lesson At Summerhill Gold medallist Katrina Hart, Paralympic runner, visited Summerhill academy and took all students through a PE lesson. Katrina set up circuits for the students to complete and then went on to lead an assembly for the whole academy talking about her life and achievements as a Paralympic athlete. Katrina was a Gold medallist at the 2011 World Championships and the 2010 Commonwealth Games, where she set a new British record for the 100m. Katrina also won double bronze at the 2012 European Championships and a bronze medal in the women’s 4 x 100 Relay at the Olympic stadium in London 2012 Paralympic Games.

Megan Redwood, PE Leader who organised the visit said, “It was a brilliant fun morning for students who had the opportunity to meet and exercise with Katrina. I would personally like to thank her for spending time with us. We are always talking to our students about the importance of exercise and today’s visit has really helped. Who knows, Katrina may have inspired a next generation Olympian!”

Bristol Rugby Players Deliver Coaching At Bristol Brunel As part of their CPD to gain their Level 2 coaching qualification, 14 professional players from Bristol Rugby came to Bristol Brunel Academy to coach Year 7 and Year 8s. With mentors Gary Townsend from Bristol Rugby and Frank Butler from the RFU observing the well planned sessions, the morning proved a massive success and learning curve for students, players and staff alike and occurred due to the continued growing relationship between CLF and Bristol Rugby. Matt Leek, PE Teacher At Bristol Brunel said, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bristol Rugby Club for taking time to work with our students. It’s not every day you get the chance to be coached by professionals and our students definitely learnt a lot from this experience.”

Cabot Learning Federation


Written, produced and photographs by Dean Blake.

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”

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