Edition 8 03/11/15
CLF NEWS “Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”
CLF fencing Academy
Her Royal Highness, The Countess of Wessex, was visiting the Kingswood Foundation in Bristol on Thursday. When we were asked if she could land her helicopter on the playing field, we were happy to help! In return, four students were lucky enough to meet her before she flew away. Ellie, Thomas, Sawda and Ethan, were articulate and confident as they chatted to Sophie.
KOA Primary Open
She asked them about their plans for the future and was very impressed with their aspirations for University and beyond. Especially Thomas, who wants to study Law at University and then be a pilot. Sophie said, “she was not expecting that answer” and laughed at how she was taken by surprise.
Buckingham Palace
Pictured, Kate Willis, Principal JCA, Ellie, Thomas, Sawda and Ethan in front of the helicopter. The day before this visit it had been used by the queen!
“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”
King’s Oak Academy’s Primary Phase is now officially open! A brand new state of the art build, this is the first all through 4-19 academy within the Cabot Learning Federation which has twelve academies and one Studio School. Over forty pupils have started in Reception, which is divided into two classes, and Friday was the first time all of them were together after their phased entry. The primary phase will grow year on year so will reach full capacity in seven years. This single storey build incorporates the latest thinking in education design with lots of interior open plan spaces. It is a fantastic learning space for pupils to begin their education before they continue onto the secondary phase. Emma Mignaud, Primary Phase leader said, “The children have settled in really quickly following a series of home visits and phased entry. It has been fantastic to see the children discovering their new environment and hear the buzz of learning in the building.”
Digitech Off To A flying Start Young people from South Gloucestershire have started a new chapter in their education as the first Studio School to be built in the area has welcomed its first students through the doors. The Digitech Studio School in Warmley specialises in digital, high tech and creative sectors and was opened by the Cabot Learning Federation in South Gloucestershire in September. While plans to build the new £4 million state-of-the art facility take shape, the Digitech Studio School is temporarily being housed in existing buildings at The Grange School in Warmley. Once complete, the new building will cater for 360 students and will be open for the start of the September term in 2016. Studio Schools are a new type of school for 14 to 19 years olds of all abilities with an emphasis on employability and enterprise skills. They seek to close the gap between what people need to succeed in life and the skills and knowledge that employers seek. Digitech will be working in partnership with Intel, Renishaw, Amey, E3, Ad-Lib, and many more national and local employers to deliver its curriculum. As well as offering mainstream qualifications including GCSEs and A-levels, Digitech Studio School students will also take part in regular work experience and employer-led workshops and projects as part of their studies. Principal Martina Veale said: “We are adopting a bold new approach to schooling at Digitech, one that involves project based learning with some fantastic employer partners from the creative, digital and high-tech sectors. In opening our new school our aim is a simple one. Inspire and develop the next generation of enterprising young people. So, we’re immensely proud to be welcoming students to Digitech and very much looking forward to getting studies underway for our new term ahead."
“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”
Academy Beats Plastic Bag Levy Hans Price Academy have come up with a novel way to beat the new government levy on plastic bags and receive free advertising at the same time. Staff and students gave away free shopping bags to customers of Asda, at their Weston super Mare store with the name and logo of the academy on the bag. With over 300 bags given away shoppers will be encouraged to use the Hans Price shopping bags rather than paying 5p for a plastic bag.
Academy Business Manager Chantelle Cresser who came up with this idea said, “We purchase bags to give away at our open evenings but I thought this would be a much more worthwhile and environmentally friendly cause. It will advertise the academy and we hope be of real value to Asda customers.”
Bristol Met Win Ofsted Praise Bristol Metropolitan Academy has been singled out by Ofsted for its excellent work with students during their first three years of secondary education. The Government's schools watchdog has highlighted the approach taken by Bristol Metropolitan Academy in a report which showcases 16 examples of good practise nationwide. The academy run by the Cabot Learning Federation excels in its approach to educating children in Year 7, 8 and 9 according to a report which suggests many schools are failing children in their early years at secondary school. Pupils who leave primary school keen and confident to learn all too often stall when they start secondary, the schools inspectorate says.It has urged head teachers to make this phase of schooling, known as Key Stage 3, more of a priority.
But during its survey of the Key Stage 3 curriculum, Ofsted said it saw examples of practice which schools indicated were having a positive impact on pupils. Bristol Met was highlighted for its approach to working with students from a "very transient" pupil population. The report said the school has a high number of pupils joining throughout the each year, along with a high proportion of disadvantaged pupils and those from minority ethnic groups who speak English as an additional language. Despite the challenges, Ofsted said leaders had created a curriculum that was responsive to pupils' needs, helping them develop literacy skills to prepare them for the demands of GCSEs, further education and for future education or employment. The report said: "The Key Stage 3 curriculum develops pupils' confidence and their ability to learn. It helps them to think independently and communicate effectively in a range of contexts. The impact of this is clear to see as the pupils move through Key Stage 4, 5 and beyond." Sally Apps, the school's principal, said: "It is really pleasing for our staff and students to be recognised for their excellent and innovative work at Key Stage 3. At Bristol Met we have a strong focus on quality and on creating the right curriculum to allow students to make rapid progress - indeed in 2014 our Year 11 students made such exceptional progress throughout their five years with us that our school was ranked third in the country for value added. "Getting learning right from the first day in Year 7 is our priority and we continue to refine our practice so that we are always meeting the needs of our students. I am very proud of our staff team and those who have led on shaping our Key Stage 3 curriculum so that no time is wasted during the learning journey."
“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”
Author Visits Summerhill Academy On Monday 14th September Tom Robson, co-author of ‘Think Like a Learner’ visited Years 3&6 at Summerhill Academy to run some workshops. He spent time with each class introducing them to the language and skills of successful learners, developing their self-awareness as self-critical thinkers and learners. Summerhill started to implement this approach to critical thinking last year with years 3&4 and quickly found that the children had greater ownership of their learning and became much more independent. Kirsty McLeod, Year 3 teacher said, “Students really enjoyed these sessions and learnt a lot from them. We would really like to thank Tom for spending time with us here at Summerhill and also for the sessions he ran with parents/carers so they can assist children to continue with their learning at home.”
Digitech Students Visit BLOODHOUND project Students from Digitech Studio School Bristol had the privilege of seeing the BLOODHOUND car at close hand before its international unveiling to sponsors and the world. Unfortunately because of this we could no pictures of the car could be taken. The BLOODHOUND Project centres on BLOODHOUND SSC, a supersonic car that is designed not only to go faster than the speed of sound (supersonic) but over 1,000mph. It will cover a mile in just 3.6 seconds. BLOODHOUND SSC is approximately 13.4m long and weighs 7.5 tonnes. The design is a mix of car and aircraft technology, with the front section being a carbon fibre monocoque (like a racing car) and the back portion being a metallic framework and panels (like an aircraft). The two front wheels sit within the body and two rear wheels are mounted externally within wheel fairings.
“Collaboration “Collaborationfor forOutstanding OutstandingAchievement” Achievement”
Project Zulu Visits Bath Community On Monday 5th October, Project Zulu visited Bath Community Academy. Over the past 18 months Project Zulu has been raising money to bring 26 children from Sithobelumthetho Primary School, in the township of Madadeni in Kwazulu-Natal, to tour England for four weeks in September/October 2015, performing traditional Zulu songs and dances. Project Zulu gave an awe inspiring concert to the whole academy, which was followed by a choral workshop in which BCA students teamed up with the Zulu children to learn ‘World in Union’.
In the evening Project Zulu returned to BCA to take part in a joint concert which showcased the talents of the Zulu children, BCA students and students from Oldfield Park Junior School. The joint concert was attended by over 250 parents and supporters. The main highlight (of which there were many) of the evening was the joint choral item ‘World in Union’ sung by over 150 Project Zulu, BCA and OPJS students, which was greeted with rapturous applause from the audience. The beginning of the concert was also broadcast live from BCA on BBC Points West by Ali Vowles. We hope you managed to catch in on BBC iPlayer or even live on the BBC Point West evening news. It was a truly inspiring evening; an evening for all students to remember for a long time to come.
Careers Day At Bristol Met This year Bristol Metropolitan Academy embrace the drive for employability and aspiration like never before! Over 25 motivational workshops are available for Year 11 students making their Post 16 career options. From those who aim to be doctors, lawyers, engineers and nurses, there is an occupational and academic workshop which offers quality careers advice. During the day there are competitions for the best business dressed girl and boy. There will also be a fashion show and 1 - 1 coaching from local Civil Servants.
The event is being supported by DAC Beachcroft and the two students who have presented themselves in the best light will win match day tickets for a Bristol City game. Tim Holmes, Advice and Guidance Leader said, “With this subject high on the political agenda, it is vitally important that we discuss with students at this stage in their educational careers their possible next steps. The response from organisations, wanting to take part in this event has been overwhelming and I would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to all those involved.”
“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”
STEM Day At John Cabot
On Tuesday 22 September, all Year 9 students spent the day in the Sports Hall taking part in a first edition STEM event, run by the EDT and NG Bailey. NG Bailey has requested to work with JCA and the idea was for two teams to be picked from the day who will then enter the Go4SET project this year. The Year 9's were put into teams and had three challenges to complete: 1. Elastic cars - build a car and then power it using elastic bands and see whose car could travel the furthest. 2. Sustainable energy - build a stand to place a wind turbine on and then something out of card that could be a model of the electrical item to be powered with an LED light to represent the electricity. (All this using no glue or sellotape.) One team powered Frankenstein, another team made a whole gym, including a running machine, and another made a campervan including a cooker. 3. Slowest roller coaster - students had to use just the materials provided and nothing more to build something that would transport a marble from the desk to the floor into a pot. The team that made the longest run were the winners. We had a run that took 27 seconds to get all the way down! Both the EDT and NG Bailey representatives made comments about how polite the students were and the feedback from the students was also positive. Everyone enjoyed the day and 12 students will now be chosen to take part in the Go4SET project that starts in October.
Digitech By Royal Appointment
Students from Digitech Studio School Bristol attended a Studio School Student Convention at Buckingham Palace recently. Year 10 Students, Callum Leat, Jake Hardy and Year 12 students Jessica Jones and Luul Osman really enjoyed the day. They listened to various presentations, to learn about the skills required to succeed in life, this included a presentation from keynote speaker Sol Campbell, former Arsenal, England Captain. Vee Balasco, PA to the Principal at Digitech, who escorted the students said, “We all had an amazing day at Buckingham Palace and our students really enjoyed the event. To listen to the inspirational speakers will stay with them for a long time to come.”
“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”
FEDERATION SPORT The CLF Bristol Rugby Partnership
This year the Cabot Learning Federation will be launching a CLF Rugby Programme for girls alongside the boys programme. This is in collaboration with the Rugby Football Union thorough Mike Panaho (RFU), supported by Kingswood RFC’s Clare Witcombe who will also be joining the coaching team. In addition, the CLF are fortunate to have the support of CLF PE teachers Natasha Summerell (Bristol Brunel Academy), Kat Ogden (John Cabot Academy) and Bristol Rugby and England International Katie Mason (John Cabot Academy). The CLF Rugby programme is supported by Gary Townsend, Player Development Manager at Bristol Rugby and he said, “Bristol Rugby Academy is delighted to be able to work in partnership with this Rugby initiative at the Cabot Learning Federation. We have already received a number of boys into Bristol Rugby Developing Player Programme and are keen to lend our support to developing rugby in the Federation. One of our major aims is to strengthen relationships with schools and clubs and assist in increasing the quality of provision in existing rugby programmes. The commitment, enthusiasm and expertise offered by CLF staff offers a positive and hugely worthwhile rugby experience to young people which can only be of benefit to rugby in the city at all levels.” Bristol Rugby players and ex John Cabot Academy students Mitch Eadie and Ellis Genge dropped into a recent CLF rugby training session. Mitch and Ellis took time out of their schedule to work with both the girls and boys elite squads. They worked the players through various drills and moves that they take part in themselves at Bristol Rugby. Matt Sheppard, CLF Rugby coach said, “The players had a fantastic time working with Mitch and Ellis and gained a lot from the training session. I would like to thank Mitch and Ellis for their time and the further strengthening of the partnership between Bristol Rugby Club and the Cabot Learning Federation.” Katie Mason, England international said, “The CLF Rugby programme is a great opportunity for aspiring female rugby players. I didn't begin playing until I was 16 so it is fantastic that the girls within the CLF academies have access to high quality coaching, strength and conditioning and the opportunity to play with and learn from older players from the age of eleven."
“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”
En Guarde! CLF Launch Fencing Academy
The Cabot Learning Federation has launched its very own Fencing Academy. Previously, Bristol Metropolitan Academy students have qualified for the National Sabre Championships and have fenced against public schools such as Sherbourne Girls & Boys, so it was decided to include other local academies. Sessions have already taken place at John Cabot Academy, Bristol Brunel Academy, Kings Oak Academy and City Academy. After the taster sessions students were invited to join the CLF Fencing Academy based at Bristol Metropolitan Academy. There they will hone their skills ready for an inter CLF Competition in December and Bristol Metropolitan's own competition in April. It is also hoped that they will take part in competitions up and down the country. Nigel Cooley, CLF Fencing Academy Leader and School Sports Co-ordinator at Bristol Metropolitan Academy (BMA) said, “It's exciting times for the CLF & BMA in regard to this fencing initiative. We hope that the CLF Fencing Academy will widen our participation base and sustain our success at getting students competing at regional and national level, whilst providing opportunities for recreational fencing as well.”
Cabot Learning Federation
www.cabotlearningfederation.net Written, produced and photographs by Dean Blake CLF Communications Manager
“Collaboration for Outstanding Achievement”