Cabot Learning Federation Specialist Leaders In Education OUR TEAM
Louisa Aldridge
SLE specialism Curriculum Leadership and Science School and job role Louisa is the Assistant Principal for Continuing Professional Development at King’s Oak Academy Areas of expertise Louisa has expertise in the following areas: • Improving student attainment. • Raising standards of learning and teaching. • Subject and faculty leadership. • Raising aspiration and student participation in science. • Tracking pupil progress. • Curriculum design. Recent examples of work with other schools • Analysing data and setting up data tracking systems to facilitate effective intervention. • Curriculum leader and teacher coaching. • Ofsted training across the academies. • Sharing best practice workshops. • KS3 Curriculum Design
Helen Angell
SLE specialism Raising Attainment in English and Whole School Literacy. Helen is a Member of the Cabot Learning Federation Raising Achievement Team. Areas of expertise Helen has expertise in the following areas: • Bespoke student intervention at GCSE and Key Stage 5 as a method for short term improvement. • English Department improvement through team teaching and planning, developing teaching and learning and individual staff coaching as a method for sustainable improvement. • Developing collaborative working practices across schools for sustainable change. • English subject leader support. • Whole school literacy auditing and action planning. • Literacy training for non-English teaching staff. • Developing subject specific literacy within non-English departments and classrooms. Recent examples of work with other schools • GCSE and KS5 bespoke Student Intervention at the CLF academies (BBA, BMA, JCA, KOA, BCA). • Development of links and relationships between English teams across the CLF through shared meetings, workshops and activities. • Literacy training sessions and workshops in Primary and Secondary settings (CLF Conferences, BBA, BMA, JCA, Begbrook Primary School). • Whole school literacy auditing, action planning, monitoring and evaluation (Brockworth Enterprise School, BMA, JCA, Two Mile Hill Primary School). • Individual staff coaching, team teaching and planning (BBA, BMA, JCA, KOA, BCA). • Subject specific literacy development (Science at Fairfield High School, PBL at BBA, support for the Year 11 mentor at BMA, Brockworth Enterprise School). • Cross phase literacy development within the CLF alongside the Primary Hub Leader. • Planning and delivery of CLF INSET day for all CLF English teachers including resource sharing, developing teaching and learning, raising attainment and the development of a CLF English online resource bank.
Chris Baker
SLE specialism Teaching & Learning School and job role Chris is the leader of the CLF – UWE ITT programme at The Cabot Learning Federation Areas of expertise Chris has expertise in the following areas: • Teaching & Learning under the new Ofsted framework • Transition from satisfactory to outstanding teaching • Questioning skills • Use of technology • Emotional Intelligence Recent examples of work with other schools • Working with partner primaries on use of technology • CPD delivery for Questioning & New Ofsted framework
Lucy Barraclough
SLE specialism Product Design Textiles. School and job role Lucy is Leader of Textiles and Catering at John Cabot Academy. Areas of expertise Lucy has expertise in the following areas: • Curriculum development,; KS3, KS4, KS5 in Product Design Textiles and Textile Art. • Teaching and Learning of Product Design/Textile Technology. • Encouragement of boys take up at KS4. • How to develop awareness of industrial and commercial practice in the classroom. • How to develop creativity. Recent examples of work with other schools • Introduction of KS3 Textiles at a new Academy. • Developing and advising upon staff training, equipment and schemes of work. • Developing best practice and organising CPD for CLF Technology staff.
Katrina Boyle
SLE specialism Behaviour for Learning. School and job role Katrina is Lead for Engagement and Motivation and Head of Phase 3 at The Bridge Learning Campus. Areas of expertise Katrina has expertise in the following areas: • Developing systems for effective behaviour management. • Staff CPD – classroom management, dealing proactively with behaviour in lessons. • Distributing leadership for behaviour. • Innovative teaching styles. • Improving behaviour across the whole school. Recent examples of work with other schools • Working with on-site primary for consistency of practice across both schools.
Robert Boyd
SLE specialism Subject Leadership, D&T and Raising standards. School and job role Robert is Head of Design Technology at Bristol Brunel Academy. Areas of expertise Robert has expertise in the following areas:
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Pupil Achievement and Leadership and Management Tracking pupil progress. KS3/4 and 5 D&T. Quality standards. Subject and faculty leadership. Supporting and coaching Team leaders/HoD. Recent examples of work with other schools • Work with Bristol secondary (D&T Dept) school to develop pupil progress and effective schemes of learning. • Developing and coaching head of department. • Supporting to develop effective data tracking systems.
Diana Burt
SLE specialism Special Educational Needs School and Role King’s Oak Academy, SENCo and PLC Leader [Personalised Learning Community] Areas of Expertise
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SEN – identification and communication of needs Training – for teachers and support staff Transition [KS2-KS3] Differentiation Personalising learning Progress tracking Formed a CLF wide Secondary SENCO network.
Recent examples of work with other schools
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Coaching with SENCo at BCA. Identifying priorities for development and action-planning. Supervised ITT student’s placements with King’s Oak Jan and June 2013.
Vorneen Carter
SLE specialism Literacy, Assessment and Phonics. School and job role Vorneen is an Assistant Headteacher Lead – Phase 1 at Bridge Learning Campus. Areas of expertise Vorneen has expertise in the following areas: • Raising attainment and standards in literacy. • Implementation of reading hour including phonics and guided reading. • Whole school assessment procedures. • Data and gap analysis leading to staff action planning. Recent examples of work with other schools • Collaborative development of reading and phonics with Phase Three (Year 8 and 9). • Guest speaker for UWE on topic of literacy. • Working with Pearson Education to use a range of reading materials (inc promotional teaching films) that are being used nationwide.
Don Collins
SLE specialism Subject Leadership, Literacy, Curriculum development and NQT/ Student support. School and job role Don is a Deputy Headteacher at Ashley Down Primary School. Areas of expertise Don has expertise in the following areas: Pupil achievement and leadership and management
• Tracking pupil progress and supporting next step target-setting • Subject Leadership. • Raising achievement and standards in Literacy. • Establishing creative practices in Literacy. Curriculum Development
• Making purposeful links between subjects. • Developing learning skills. Student/ NQT support
• Lesson observation and feedback. • Establishing support programmes/ Induction. Recent examples of work with other schools
• Supporting the development of literacy in other schools, particular focus on visual literacy. • Supporting other school s through the ‘Blink’ programme run through National Education Trust. • Recruitment of students onto the GTP programme run by GITEP.
Dorian Coxon
SLE specialism Behaviour and Attendance School and job role Dorian is a Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion manager at Orchard School Areas of expertise Dorian has expertise in the following areas: • Pastoral systems. • Behaviour mechanisms. • Reducing exclusions. • Raising levels of attendance. • Restorative practice. • Self-evaluation. Recent examples of work with other schools • Advising other local secondary schools on change to vertical pastoral system (house system). • Supporting and tracking middle leaders at City of Bristol college in restorative approaches. • Advising secondary schools on use of behaviour data and internal systems to manage behaviour.
Jayne Crosby
SLE specialism Leadership, Subject Leadership, Intervention and Inclusion. School and job role Jayne is Leader of Home School at John Cabot Academy and is an Intervention specialist across the Federation Areas of expertise Jayne has expertise in the following areas: • GCSE C/D border line work. • A/A* Gifted and Talented work. • Intervention strategies in English. • Outreach work. Recent examples of work with other schools • Work in National Challenge schools in 2009-2011 and school improvement work in English Language. • Working with departments with schools in special measures. • Working with non specialists to train them to teach English.
Kay Davies
SLE specialism World Affairs, Coaching and ITT School and Role History Teacher and Lead Coach Areas of Expertise World Affairs
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Leadership and Management, running an outstanding Curriculum area. Teaching and Learning Gifted and Talented Quality Standards Whole School inset
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Delivery of learning and Teaching Modules to Novice Teachers at Bath Spa University SPT Mentor
Creating and evaluating processes and Supporting staff to move from Satisfactory to Good
Recent examples of work with other schools Initiating team teaching/collaboration across 5 Federation schools in World Affairs Supporting Curriculum Leaders Collaborative Federation Inset at M Shed Planning for the FNN Nights
Susie Davis
SLE specialism Leadership of behaviour and safety, attendance and pastoral care and guidance School and job role Susie is Director of Student Support at Bradley Stoke Community School Areas of expertise Susie has expertise in the following areas: • Developing inclusive practice to improve behaviour and reduce exclusion. • Leading on behaviour policy development and implementation. • Developing whole school attendance policy and procedures. • Engaging parents, including the hard to reach, through developing and delivering parenting support. • Social and emotional aspects of learning for students and parents. • Leading on and developing anti-bullying approaches in school. • Integrated working to improve student outcomes- including the use of CAF (Common Assessment Framework). Recent examples of work with other schools Designated a Lead Behaviour School in 2010 and responsible for leading school to school support under this remit • Primary transition project to improve outcomes for vulnerable students. • Primary school support to improve behaviour judgement from satisfactory to good. • Secondary school support to improve behaviour judgement from satisfactory to good. • Partnership work with the Local Authority to raise the profile of anti-bullying work across secondary phase. • Advising schools on delivering parenting programmes to support behaviour and attendance improvement.
Benjamin Dilley
SLE specialism Humanities, Middle Leadership, Using data to enhance learning and teaching & ITT
School and job role Benjamin is an Assistant Head (Data for Teaching and Learning) at Abbeywood Community School. Areas of expertise Humanities
• Curriculum redesign • Leadership and management- leading an outstanding Faculty area in a ‘challenging’ environment
• Improving learning and teaching Middle Leadership
• Embedding lead practice • Supporting staff to lead, manage and develop team members Data
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Creating and implementing Using Data to inform pedagogy
Deborah Good
SLE specialism Teaching and Learning, Post 16, Chemistry and Science School and job role Deborah is an Assistant Headteacher and Lead Teacher at The Castle School. Areas of expertise Deborah has expertise in the following areas: Developing whole school approaches to teaching and learning: • From Good to Outstanding. • Raising attainment at Post 16. • Mentoring/Coaching Subject Leaders. • Self-Evaluation of T&L. • Planning and delivering CPD. • Team Teaching/planning. • 1:1 `support. • Lesson Observations. • Effective questioning • Literacy in Science. • Effective written feedback • Whole school work scrutiny • Teacher as Researcher Recent examples of work with other schools • Supporting leadership in raising attainment at Post 16 across a selection of schools in South Gloucestershire. • Collaborative work with senior/middle leadership to raise attainment at KS4 in Science in a partner school. • Delivery of CPD to a cluster of South Gloucestershire schools with a focus on assessment for learning. • Individual support of colleagues to raise standards in their classrooms (Maths, Science, ICT).
Paul Hill
SLE specialism Subject specialism: Leadership, Teaching and Learning, Science and e-Learning School and job role Deputy Head at Colston’s School. Areas of expertise Paul has expertise in the following areas: • E-learning strategy; design and implementation. • CPD and Coaching. • Subject and Faculty leadership. • Raising attainment at Key Stage 5. • Science (Consultant for OUP). • Setting up STEM-related collaborations with Higher Education Institutions. • Whole school revision programmes. • BSF project management. Recent examples of work with other schools • Faculty Review for ICT. • e-learning representative for BSF Wave 4 schools. European Commission-funded ‘Nanochannels’ project; working with 20 schools across Europe and Bristol University:
Colleen Litchfield
SLE specialism Project based learning and Literacy School and job role Colleen was Team Leader for Project Based Learning and is an English Teacher at Bristol Brunel Academy. Currently heads up the Raising Achievement Team for KS3 Areas of expertise Coleen has expertise in the following areas: • Developing literacy across the curriculum . • Raising attainment and developing whole school approaches to standards in literacy outside of the English classroom. . Recent examples of work with other schools • Supporting leadership with literacy across the curriculum. • Developing a style of Project Based Learning within other schools. • Intervention for L6 primary students
Dianne Massey
SLE specialism Behaviour management School and job role Dianne is the Personalised Learning Centre Manager and part of extended SLT at Bristol Brunel Academy. Developing coaching skills in behaviour with teaching staff. Whole school tracking with Yr Heads for behaviour. Working with multi agencies for acute cases. Areas of expertise Dianne has expertise in the following areas: • Behaviour management and tracking for the more challenging student to make inclusion work. • Developing tracking evidence. • Parent support work and home communication. • Promoting common language use. • Alternative provision providers. • Behaviour practise in the classroom with targeted teachers. • Tracking behaviour across the years and working with year heads tracking behaviour. Recent examples of work with other schools • Working within the federation to support their version of a PLC. • Delivering inset for language use and a common approach for federation schools. • Delivering inset on behaviour for primary schools. • Arranging and speaking to schools who are requesting a visit on the Bristol Brunel approach. • Advice on tracking approach and recording evidence.
David Morgan
SLE specialism Subject Leadership, Transformative Leadership, ICT & Computing and Whole School Digital Learning. School and job role Leader of Computer Science and Associate Assistant Principal. Areas of expertise
• Whole School Digital Learning (it’s just learning!) • Transforming subject area from ICT to Computing • Leadership of Subject areas including • Raising achievement in KS4/KS5 • Creating and maintaining realistic 21st Century KS3 Curricula • Learning Dialogue • Assessment and Dynamic Data • Quality assurance with Specialists and Non-Specialist subject teachers • Successful but Realistic School Website design and implementation • Virtual Learning Environments in reality • Mobile devices and BYOD Technology in the Classroom Recent examples of work with other schools
• Organiser of the SWiT best practice ICT & Computing group • Advising and supporting various other schools on transition from ICT to Computing at all Key Stages
• Developing and facilitating best practice digital learning technology based on Moodle • Author of ‘Freaked Out!: The Bewildered Teacher’s guide to digital learning’
Michelle Moxham
SLE specialism Primary Literacy and Quality of teaching School and job role Begbrook Primary Academy Literacy curriculum lead, Key 1 stage leader, Year 2 teacher. INCo, Assistant Head Areas of expertise Raising standards in literacy
Implementing literacy programmes across school – Guided reading, Talk for writing, Phonics, Power of reading. Etc. Developing assessment - accurate levelling and moderation, next steps Quality of teaching - whole school approaches to teaching and learning.
Developing the role of the subject leader (From co-ordinator to leader) Managing others – Performance management, key stage leadership Recent examples of work with other schools
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Presented at a variety of Literacy subject leader conferences – case studies Led Guided Reading training for NQT’s – BCC Organised PAC moderation meeting – half day INSET Presented at CLF conference Hosted a number of visits from other schools looking at best practice in reading (supporting other literacy leaders) Member of reading steering team for BCC –planning future training across BCC schools
Sue Palmer
SLE specialism Subject Leadership: Maths School and job role Sue is the Professional Tutor for PGCE students and NQTs and an AST in Teaching and Learning Areas of expertise Sue has expertise in the following areas: • Raising Achievement in Maths – in the classroom and at leadership level – KS3 and KS4. • Moving staff from satisfactory – good and good – outstanding. • Supporting new and existing professional tutors. • Whole school delivery of Questioning and Higher order thinking skills. Recent examples of work with other schools Designated a Lead Behaviour School in 2010 and responsible for leading school to school support under this remit • Work with CLF secondary schools in raising % of A-C in maths and more than 2 levels of progress. • Supporting Heads of Faculty in Maths identifying areas for development on raising attainment. • Working with Professional Tutors in 4 other Academies – developing training in EAL and NQT Induction programme. • Developing an AFL working party across all faculties. • Developing Questioning across whole school.
Kerry Parker
SLE specialism Phonics, Reading, FS2, Improving teaching and learning from good to outstanding. School and job role Kerry is the Deputy Head Teacher, Foundation Stage Manager and Reading Coordinator at Corsham Primary School. Areas of expertise Kerry has expertise in the following areas: • Leading, Budgeting, Data Tracking and Assessment for FS2. • Teaching and learning across the primary phase. • Leading the development of phonics and reading in Primary schools. • Creative curriculum planning and delivery • Personalised learning and target setting • Tracking pupil progress • Lesson observations • Coaching middle leaders Recent examples of work with other schools • • • • •
Supporting Primary Schools with teaching and learning – whole school. Supporting other primaries with developing their Foundation Stage Setting. Collaborative Fresh Start with school in Special Measures resulted in school moving to Outstanding in 3 years. Developing middle leader’s ability to make accurate lesson observations. As part of Pickwick Learning Federation Corsham Primary School Academy provides support to schools. As part of this federation I have supported a variety of schools in all the areas listed above.
James Passmore
SLE specialism ICT, Strategic Management and Teaching & Learning School and job role James is the ICT Manager and senior teacher at Corsham Primary School Academy. Areas of expertise James has expertise in the following areas: • ICT Strategic Management. • Developing exciting cross curricular ICT teaching and learning. • Training and Staff Development in ICT. • Assessment for Learning. • Merlin Virtual Learning Environment. • Teaching & Learning. • Promoting the school through the website Recent examples of work with other schools • Collaborative Fresh Start with school in Special Measures resulted in school moving to Outstanding in 3 years. • Corsham Primary School is part of Pickwick Learning Federation which is able to provide support to schools: hosted schools working on developing teaching and learning. • Over 100 staff development training sessions using ICT software. • ICT audit and action planning • Olevi Outstanding Teacher Programme
Lisa Pollard
SLE specialism Mathematics, PGCE and ITT
School and job role King’s Oak Academy Head of Mathematics and Computing Areas of expertise
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Raising pupil achievement & attainment in mathematics
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Maths master classes Level 6 primary school children Sharing project based learning as a KS3 curriculum
Tracking and monitoring progress KS3-5 mathematics Raising the standards of teaching and learning within a faculty/department. Training ITTs and PGCEs to a high level.
Subject and non-subject specialism ITT training. Behaviour for learning training Recent examples of work with other schools
Working across federation to raise the teaching and learning in mathematics ITT Subject and SLE mentoring Innovation towards Federation Network Nights meetings Led CLF inset sessions
Sharon Porter
SLE specialism Behaviour/Discipline, Improving Teaching & Learning in Mathematics School and job role Bristol Brunel Academy Lead Practitioner Mathematics Areas of expertise Improving Teaching & Learning in Mathematics
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Mentoring ITT/PGCE/NQT Behaviour for Learning Staff Development (moving teachers from inadequate / satisfactory to outstanding).
Work with other Mathematics SLE’s to;
• Run Federation Network Nights Mathematics meetings. Deliver workshops at INSET. Recent examples of work with other schools • • • • •
Worked with teacher of Mathematics to move from Satisfactory to Good – involved; team teaching, shared planning and joint reflection Support HOD in the new role at BBA (on going) Maintained the “Sharing of Good Practice” each week in the Mathematics department Led session on Questioning on INSET (provided Mathematics Specific Blooms resources) Year 11 Intervention (took on an additional class to support class teacher and help the new smaller group focus on their GCSE’s)
Gemma Read
SLE specialism Subject Leadership and English and Literacy. School and job role Gemma is a Team Leader for English at Bristol Brunel Academy Areas of expertise Gemma has expertise in the following areas: • Raising attainment and standards in English and Literacy. • Tracking student progress. • Coaching staff and students. • Subject and faculty leadership. • Developing pedagogic practice from Satisfactory to Outstanding using the quality standards. Recent examples of work with other schools • Working with SLT to move staff from Satisfactory to Outstanding. • Supporting leadership to develop effective data tracking systems. • Liaising with other Team Leaders to develop the curriculum for the new GCSE specifications and requirements.
Richard Rees
SLE specialism Coaching, CPD and Post 16. School and job role Richard is Head of Media Studies and Teaching and Learning Consultant at John Cabot Academy. Areas of expertise Richard has expertise in the following areas: • Design and delivery of CPD especially in relation to the use of coaching. • Post 16 development including improving Teaching and Learning. Recent examples of work with other schools • Three years as part of a team working across South Gloucestershire schools delivering Post 16 improvement. • Supporting a CLF Academy to use coaching to move teachers from satisfactory to good. • Facilitating whole school CPD at John Cabot. • Delivering training on developing outstanding Post 16 Teaching and Learning at the CLF conference.
Ben Rhodes
SLE specialism Leadership and management Leadership of continuing professional development (CPD) Quality of teaching Initial teacher training (ITT) and newly qualified teacher (NQT) development. School and job role King’s Oak Academy, Assistant Principal. Areas of expertise Pedagogy and student learning
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Developing T&L
Developing formative assessment Student leadership Developing teaching and learning links with the primary sector Recent examples of work with other schools
Working with primaries to ‘Fill their curriculum gaps’ and developing schemes of work in weaker subject knowledge areas using specialist secondary staff. • Working with CLF partner academies and teaching school partners developing pedagogical journals Part of CLF review team for HPA
Andrew Rome
SLE specialism Leadership and History School and job role Andrew is Head of History at Marlwood School Areas of expertise Andrew has expertise in the following areas: Pupil achievement, Leadership and Management • KS3, 4 and 5 History. • Leading departments from Satisfactory to Outstanding. • Improving teaching and learning across the key stages. • Raising engagement in and out of the classroom • Subject leadership • Raising results at GCSE and A-Level. • Leading curriculum change across the key stages. • Developing assessment systems and procedures. • Tracking and pupil data. • New Ofsted framework.
Lee Rotherham
SLE specialism Gifted and Talented, Outstanding Teaching, Design and Technology School and job role Lee is Federation Advanced Skills Teacher of Gifted and Talented at The Ridings’ Federation of Academies. Areas of expertise Lee has expertise in the following areas: • Outstanding teaching. • Raising achievement at A*/A. • Leading whole school provision for the most able pupils. • Coaching and mentoring teachers. • Developing approaches to raise achievement in Design and Technology. Recent examples of work with other schools • Leadership of whole school Gifted and Talented provision at Winterbourne International Academy, Yate International Academy and Woodlands Primary Phase. • Associate lecturer at UWE on the ITT PGCE programme, teaching trainee teachers and leading seminars on pedagogical approaches, learning theories, expectations of children at different ages, managing behaviour, curriculum, planning and assessment. • Lead Teacher for Design and Technology for South Glos, coaching and mentoring teachers at Chipping Sodbury School, Abbeywood Community School, Oldbury-on-Severn C of E VC Primary School and Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary School. • Course leader of the Design and Technology Best Practice Forum for subject leaders. • Creating and delivering a tailored professional development programme in Design and Technology, for Cirencester Deer Park School’s Learning and Teaching Forum. • Contributor, as Lead Practitioner, to The Know How Journal at Kings Oak Academy and Partner Schools, on stretching the more able, Gifted and Talented. • Teaching Awards 2010 finalist, receiving a commendation for Teacher of the Year.
Simon Scarborough
SLE specialism Subject specialism: Physical Education, Behaviour for Learning, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Learning and Thinking Skills.
School and job role Simon is currently Community Leader (Assistant Principal) at Bath Community Academy (CLF) with curriculum responsibilities for PE, D&T, ICT, Business and Science and pastoral responsibility for one third of the Academy's students. Areas of expertise Simon has expertise in the following areas: • Leadership of PE Department. • Curriculum planning. • Coaching. • Behaviour for Learning. • Use of social media and emerging technologies for CPD and accelerate pupil learning.
Ed Walker
SLE specialism ITT, NQT, Humanities and improving whole school teaching and learning
School and job role St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School
Assistant Principal
Areas of expertise
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Tracking pupil progress KS3 and KS4 History/Humanities Learning Dialogue From satisfactory to outstanding-leading Humanities under the new Ofsted framework Leading ITT and NQTs Supporting Post 16 teaching and learning Pupil Achievement and Leadership and Management
Recent examples of work with other schools
• Working with ITT and NQT partners to develop trainee and newly qualified teachers • Designing new staff induction programmes for all levels of staff • Supporting leadership to develop effective learning dialogue systems • Supporting leadership of Post 16 teaching and learning
Tom Walker
SLE specialism English
School and job role Bristol Brunel Academy. Programme Leader Assessment and Progress Areas of expertise
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English subject teaching Lesson reflection and evaluation Planning for and tracking progress (focus on making APP work for teachers) Coaching and support for moving teaching to Good and Outstanding
Recent examples of work with other schools
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Support for planning and delivering Y6 lessons focussed on L6 writing skills and understanding. 6 sessions with outcomes delivered Planning procedures and resources shared, explained and evaluated with Y6 teachers CPD sessions focussing on whole school AFL approaches – reflection and evaluation of principles and techniques. Single session with planned progression.
David Williams
SLE specialism Student Achievement – Mathematics. Academies and academy transition
School and job role Cabot Learning Federation, CLF Post 16 Coordinator & Federation Numeracy Coordinator Areas of expertise
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Bespoke student intervention in Mathematics at GCSE and Key stage 5 for short term improvement. Numeracy Training for specialist and non specialist staff Support of staff consistently satisfactory or weak Developing cross academy working groups Tracking & monitoring of student progression in Post 16 provision.
Recent examples of work with other schools
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Working in National Challenge schools in 2009-2011 and school improvement in Numeracy Coordinating/Delivering Mathematics GCSE student Intervention at the CLF academies (BBA, BCA, BMA, JCA, KOA, HPA). Individual staff coaching, team teaching and planning (BBA, KOA, Oasis Academy). Planning and delivery of CLF INSET day and Federation Network Nights for all CLF Mathematics teachers including resource sharing, developing teaching and learning, raising attainment. Supporting leadership to develop effective data tracking systems in federation Post 16 Developing cross federation curriculum for the delivery of Post 16 provision.
Kate Willis
SLE specialism Teaching and Learning and Leadership and Management. School and job role Kate is a Vice Principal at John Cabot Academy. Areas of expertise Kate has expertise in the following areas: • Raising standards of teaching and learning across whole schools. • Creating Learning Communities. • Staff Development. • Coaching. • Supporting Satisfactory teachers to become Good. Recent examples of work with other schools • Participated in a peer review of another school to help them quality assure their standards of teaching in learning in preparation for Ofsted.