Dear July 2014

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Monologue Please forgive us (again) for the delay. In this publication we wanted to try to engage the readers in a slightly new way. For the first six publications we manage to accomplish our own personal goal : to keep publishing consistently. Though it doesn’t seem to be such a big deal, but for us it is. It shows how we are commited to this publication, and that is why we are so proud of what we are working of. True the publication is simple, independent if you may, but we learn many things from doing it and we hope you do too (from reading it of course.) We are also reconsidering some of our themes for the next few months, since some things unexpectedlly happen and we try to adjust ourselves to make sure everything goes well.

We have a treat from our friend that helped us in supplying graphics for this publication, it helps to have someone covering the artworks so that we don’t really spend a lot of time looking for some. (just kidding).

Well, we better not get to ahead of ourselves typing a lot, this publication speaks a little about type. Because there are a wide amount of information that could be typed in this publication we try to keep it minimum for our fingers to type. So let’s stop typing and please enjoy the work of our typewriters, Type 101.




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TYPE 101

As time goes on and new ways of communication are found and used, everyday we see the birth of many new texts. May it be neatly arranged or poorly organized. As various text compositions are made so does new terminology appears.



TYPE 101


he word typography has been a popular word in the design industry,

especially on graphic design. Another word that is closely related is font. When asked about font many people seemed to have diverse understanding on what the word font meant. Is it the same as typography? And what is type design? Here we hope we could give some enlightenment to those who still find themselves unclear about the terminologies stated before.

A typographic work by herb Lubalin




So what is type? In graphic design

There are many terms associated

especially, type is a character or

with type. Most of them are slightly

a letter, it is a part of the design

different in meaning with another,

elements. Type is an important

therefore creating confusion to

element in any design that uses

some. Like the term font and

type. It serves as a text to inform,

typeface. What is the difference

persuade or communicate. It

between both of them? Imagine

also can serve as a shape or a

you are hearing a song, or a musical

composition. Compositions made

composition, the tune is produced

with using types are often called

when playing an audio file, such as

typography art or typographic art,

mp3. Now, the song is similar to

while using hand to free draw a

typeface as mp3 to font. Typeface

letter composition is often called

is the collection of type that we see.


While font is what enables us to

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TYPE 101

see typeface, and in today’s age, it

each type in the typeface, while a

would be like a digital file.

typographer uses the types

So when someone said “I like the

and create

way helvetica looks”, he/she is

artworks or

referring to the typeface helvetica,

design based

but when someone said “Can I

on the type

copy your helvetica?”, he/she is

that was made

referring to the font helvetica.

by the type

Knowing the correct term about

designer. You

font and typeface may not help you

wouldn’t mix

save millions, but it sure doesn’t

someone who

hurt to be able to understand the

made guitar

difference. Especially if you are

with someone

really into the business.

who play guitar right? But here’s Herb Lubalin

Another couple that are often

the interesting

misinterpreted would be

fact: Someone who plays guitar

typography and type design. Type

may not be able to create one,

design is the act of designing a

but someone who made a guitar

type, or designing a letter. While

probably can play one.

typography is the act of designing a type composition, such as lettering. A type designer decides how the type would look and feel,

So a type

“You can do a good ad without good typography, but you can’t do a gread ad without good typography. ” - Herb Lubalin

designer is often a typographer too, such as Herb Lubalin. Mr Lubalin is known with his amazing works



TYPE 101

with lettering, logos, typographic

a typographer can’t be a type

compositions and also Avant


grade, the typeface he designed. Now this kind of understanding

Looking back at the definitions,

is what probably makes some

a type designer creates a type

people confused. As great as he

and later a typeface, which

is, Massimo Vignelli isn’t a type

consist of several typeface, while

designer. He is a typographer,

a typographer creates type

but he does not create his own

compositions with the typeface.

typeface. So if then how can a type

Now when designing a typeface,

designer be a typographer while

the type designer also makes

Auto Kerning

Optical Kerning

0 Tracking

Leading, tracking and kerning.

-100 Tracking



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TYPE 101

measurements of kerning, leading,

of how hard the work is. There

and tracking. All of them are

are many works that should be

measurements on how a type

done. Especially when creating all

is arranged with another. These

alphabet, numerical and symbols.

measurements are also used when

The purpose of this discussion is

creating a type composition,

to acknowledge and respect the

therefore a type designer also

work of others, type designer of

works as a typographer when

typographers by learning about

creating a typeface, although quite

their works. By learning and


understanding we hope that people could find the value of their work

The work of a type designer is a

and use their work as it should have

work that has reached many people

been used. Used properly.

in the world. Without a proper type design, text that communicates

Type Design

information would’ve been unclear

As mentioned before type design

and messy. Imagine a world without

is the process of creating a type.

a proper and readable text, imagine

If a typographic composition is

a world where typeface is nothing

a building than type itself is the

but a fantasy. how hard would it

foundation block. When most of us

had been. Information, education,

are at university, our lecturer once

technology wouldn’t developed.

mentioned about how designing

Great typefaces, such as helvetica,

a type is like designing a building.

garamond, frutiger, bodoni, and

It had to be stable, so that the eye

many more, helps humanity by

could see it as something pleasant.

properly connecting them.

It also had to be consistent in style and shape so that when formed

If you haven’t tried designing your

together as a word or even a

own proper typeface, you probably

sentence, each letter would serve

have no concrete imagination

it’s purpose, to communicate well.



TYPE 101

In type design we have what we

above. By knowing the anatomy of

call anatomy based on the shape of

type we can also design a unique

each letter. The anatomy are used

typeface on our ow, simply by

just to describe several parts of the

having consistency on some parts.

letter in precise.

for example by putting a similar treatment to the bracket of an ‘a’

By knowing the terms for each

and the tail of a ‘y’ we can create a

letter’s anatomy we can easily

relation between them, a consistent

describe a letter well. We can just

and similar proportion between

simply say ‘ear’ rather than trying to

stem and crossbar for each letter

describe a part of ‘g’ that is hanging

can also help creating relationship

Type Anatomy



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TYPE 101

of type. Another anatomy that is

famous ones which are quite hard to

usually known and highlighted is the

spot if you don’t really know where

serif. Since it is probably one of the

to look. In identifying typefaces it

most reoccurring part in a typeface.

is hard to just see from one letter,

Serifs is also used to create a

as several distinct aspects of the

classification for typefaces. You

typefaces are usually located in

probably know that the most known

several letters.

Type classification based on the serif

classification for typefaces are serif and sans serif. Actually there are still

In the next page we would like to

several classifications more than that

invite you to a simple game, try to

based on serifs. As complicated as

guess the typefaces that are listed

it seems, designing the shape of a

bellow. The typeface we chose are

type is not all the hard parts. When

typefaces that are quite popular,

designing and also making a font,

so it shouldn’t be a hard task to

the type designer also measures

figure them all. We will be putting

kerning, leading and tracking.

the answer on the last page of the publication. No cheating, make sure

By understanding these parts we

you have all your answers before

hope you can find it easier next time

checking the answer in the last page

to identify typefaces, especially the

of the publication.



TYPE 101

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TYPE 101


their vast characteristics is hard. To

Now we’re at the fun part, the part

overcome this limitation designers

were most people prefer more than

would usually use different families

the other. Typography is basically

from their typeface, such as bold,

messing around with type. Typing

extended, light, italic, and others.

in a word processor, calligraphy, doodle, graffiti, giving colour to

Back to type design for a moment,

a word, or simply writing stuff.

the families are all designed in a

In a more design oriented way,

similar manner one another. The ‘f’

the term typography is arranging

from a regular typeface will have the

the letters in a design layout, the

same characteristic with it’s light,

colour, and choosing the typefaces.

bold, heavy cousins as they are all

In graphic design the famous rule

the same typeface.

on typeface usage is the limitation to only two or three the most.

Another formula on typeface

The reason is because combining

usage in design is by using one

various typeface at one design, with

serif and one sans serif. Serif and

Helvetica Neue Family


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TYPE 101

sans serif both has different pros

where the designers, or artists,

and cons, serif with it’s hook like

create works using experimental

shape connects each type better,

techniques of typography.

as to increase reading speed more

One of the first designers who

than serif, therefore when creating

experimented on typography and

design with massive amounts of

gave birth to grunge typography is

text using serif as a body text is a

David Carson. Though his work was

good option. Sans serif on the other

considered brave for the industry

hand without and attachments has

at that time, David showed that

high readability than serif, therefore

typography can be a free art form.

in some spaces, such as small sized mediums like name cards or

So in the end of the day we would

mediums that are viewed quickly

like to encourage everyone to be

such as a sign uses sans serif more.

more fluid and expressive on their work, especially on typography.

But still these are just a basic rule

They say rules are meant to be

for designers and there are no

broken, but the thing is you have

obligations to follow them. Some

to know the rule so that you can

designers can also pull off using

really broke it. So to make sure you

various typefaces, though it is more

are heading towards the right path,

often seen for typographic works

keep learning, and keep discussing.

Article References: Our own lecture notes back then =)

Image References: Infographics prepared by Brian Alvin Hananto from Weiss Graphic

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Next Discussion: Next discussion we’re going to be more focused upon typography as none of us are really type designers so we may not have the right to speak much and teach others about type design, but at least some of us are keen typographers so probably we could share some.

Currently the project for August’s publication is on progress, and it’s kind of tricky. Sooo let’s stop typing in this publication and start typing for the other publication. Cheers guys.

Quiz answers: (1) Optima (2) Din (3) Avenir Next - The typeface we use in the publication (4) Avant Garde Gothic Pro - Made by Herb Lubalin (5) Gotham (6) Interstate (7) Meta (8) Helvetica - Which we feature in this publication (9) Gill Sans (10) Universe.


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