Dear Discussions October 2014

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Monologue Hello, still late this month, but still faster than before. Things are happening here. We are kind of having a problem on our schedule. As the project is currently on it’s 10 month issue, we are growing prouder than before. Happy and proud but exhausted.

As we had mentioned before this October issue is a continuation of a series from before. While we talk about how early graphics were produced, this time it’s about how early graphics are reproduced time, hence the issue’s name. Not really much a difference actually, we just want the wordplay. Last month, here in Indonesia there was a printing exhibition, just so you know. Graphic productions are expanding faster than we thought it could be. If we don’t catch up on the latest one, we’re going to be left out dead far ahead from others.

Anyways enjoy the publication. As we had fun on this publication. Cheers.


Living Graphics 4 Industry to Art 5 Offset 7 Final Remarks 9 Article References: 12 Image References: 12 2



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Last issue we mentioned wood block, moveable type, lithography, and this time we’re talking about screen printing and offset printing. It’s reproduction time.





n the early times of graphic production, to produce one graphic is hard and time consuming, and to

reproduce them, such for publication, also takes a long time. But for every method created, the next one surely learns from it’s predecessor’s mistake, it’s in the human nature, we learn, we grow, and we make new things that were better. Living Graphics

the need of the market, it became

We always like to think the industry

faster, more efficient, more flexible,

(or art) of graphic production is

and perhaps more accessible

like a living thing. Note that we

and cheaper. Who knows later on

said it’s like ‘living’ not really a

producing a book would cost less

live in one way or another. The

than $100? Who knows?

characteristics of a living thing in elementary school science that it

The first Gutenberg bible costs a

has movement, respiration, growth,

fortune. Recorded as 30 florins –

excretion, needs energy, adepts on

around three year wages of a clerk-

their environment, and of course,

at the time of its first production.


Today, in Indonesia, we can buy a printed bible for just $4.78, far less

By all means the industry grows

than an hour wage of a designer

and adepts on the need of the

work, and you probably still can

market. It needs an input, it feeds

grab something at McDonalds (no

on something, and ‘breathes’ and of

advertisement intended). A digital

course it creates waste. It ‘moves’,

version is of course free.

not just in a way the machine


moves, but it does not stay still, it

At the early of the Gutenberg bible

grows. And most of all it reproduces

production, it is scheduled for a

new things. It develops towards

total of 230 copies to be produced


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The Gutenberg Bible

in a five year time frame. The exact

the materials at that time are harder

number of copies produced were

to produce, today, paper is easily

not recorded. Today, an offset press

produced, very easy that it raised

can reach 50,000 impressions in one

the global warming issue, but let’s

hour, which one impression is equal

not talk about that.

to 38 inches x 22 inches.

Industry to Art See the time difference? Not to

Screen printing is a printing

mention about the labor, that time

technique which involves a wave

printers were an expert and skilled

and mesh material and ink blocking

profession, that needed time and

stencil in which the image is printed

practice to be able to be one. Not

in the media. The technique of

saying that today’s printer doesn’t

screen printing is recorded to be

need practice or time, but there are

first used around 960 AD – 1279

guides, and even schools dedicated

AD in China, the Song Dynasty,

to teach printing techniques. Also

and later towards Japan and the




of printing. When the technique spreads to Europe, silkscreen printing wasn’t really popular since in Europe silk is not easy to find as in Asia.

Later on the technique develops itself, from using silk to using polyester as it’s mesh, and also using different kinds of materials, in which they had a different permeability. Different kinds (top) Screen Printing ; (above) squeegee


spreads to the neighboring country

of squeegee and inks are also

in Asia. Initially the technique was

developed, creating a more diverse

called silkscreen printing, because

result than it originally was, however

in Asia they used silk as the medium

the principle of using one screen


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for one color still lies the same. True you can mix inks in the screen to produce a gradient like effect in one screen, but the effect is somewhat uncontrollable.

There are also printing effect techniques that use screen printing, such as printing glue to the media with screen print, and then using velvet like substance to create a (top) Guy Maccoy ; (left) one of Guy’s serigraphs;

different effect on t-shirts.

People at the National Serigraphic Society coined the term serigraphy, in which seri, from sericum means silk and graphy from graphein means to write or to draw. The

able to play with production as he

term was used to describe screen

also works as a printer, being able

printing that is used for artistic

to understand and manipulate

purposes, where at that moment,

production gives Guy a distinct

the term screen printing is closely

style than others, as he is able to

associated with industrial aspect.

experiment and keep learning as he works. In 1981, Guy passed away

Speaking of serigraphy, the “father”

from the now famous ALS. Guy is

of serigraph is Guy Maccoy, is the

considered a pioneer to modern silk

first person to produce and display

screen as a fine art.

serigraphs. Guy works mainly as a printer, and also an artist, he

The Printer’s National Environmental

also teaches. As an artist he is

Assistance Center Assistance





described that

Offset printing is a printing

screen printing

method in which the inked image

is considered

is transferred from a plate, to a

one of the most favored printing

rubber blanket and then to the

technique, as it is easy and

printing surface. So the inked image

affordable, so that even novices

doesn’t go directly to the media

can manage to perform it, and it

like screen printing. Basically that is

can print to various medias, not

the foundation of offset principle.

only limited to paper. Some famous

Several process can also be

items that are screen printed are

combined with the offset printing,

t-shirts, mugs, and tote bags.

such as lithography, in which the

Examples of items that use screen print as their production method.


Center or PNEAC,


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offset uses a flat image carrier

developed for printing paper. In

which the image that is going to

the beginning of 20th century,

be printed receives ink from the ink

photography became a popular

rollers, while the area not printed

medium of illustration, hence

receives a water based film, keeping

forcing lithographic firms out of

the not printed area free of ink.

the business. Rubel uses low cost lithography process to produce

Development of offset printing

copies of photographs and books.

includes the media to be printed.

Rubel discovered in 1901, by

In 1875 Robert Barclay developed

printing from the rubber roller

offset for printing on tin, and

instead of the metal, the printed

in 1904 Ira Washington Rubel

image was better in quality, clearer

An offset printer




and sharper, hence the foundation

into disaster. But still despite the

of offset printing principle.

various parameters, the result of offset printing is magnificent.

Today offset is one of the most common ways to create print objects such as books, newspaper and magazines. It is used because

In the industry in the United

of the fast pace and also the

States, offset consumes half of the

economic advantages when printing

industries printing plate.

a large quantity. Several advantages of offset compared to other printing

Final Remarks

methods are the consistency of high

Production and printing probably

image quality and the cost. The cost

is the work of a printer. Designers

of offset is low when printing a large

don’t need to be overly concerned

quantity since initially you need to

about the printing parameters,

create films for the print, and the

though knowing about the process

film, easy to be maintained and

is a great plus. Some designers we

has a longer life cycle than other

know are ‘blind’ about production.

films, are made once, unless it’s

They keep assuming that

broken. Once you have the film, the

their design will turn

remaining cost are the electricity,

out 100% as they

ink, paper, worker’s wage.

Technically, offset has many things to consider, the machine condition, the media condition, the ink condition, the film, the plate, the printer environment. A slight miscalculation or off setting can make the whole printing

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had designed. For us that kind of paradigm is very misleading.

Especially when they talk to people that don’t know anything at all also, such as clients. ‘Blind’ designer don’t sell lies, they simply don’t know that after going through production, colors will change,

quantities will change, or some effects could not be achieved with production, or at least with their budget.

We initially described about living. As a designer does your knowledge

be a designer that grows, that keeps developing not only their skill and knowledge, but also their mentality.


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‘lives’? Learning new stuffs and

are harmless to the nature, also

trying new stuffs keeps your

consider recycled or recyclable

knowledge alive, keeps the creative

materials for production, perhaps

juices flowing.

the price doesn’t really differ, or perhaps even a bit more expensive,

Speaking of living, perhaps if

but it’s nice to be known as a

you are concerned for the world

designer that has responsibility.

and environment, you can start producing your works with printers

Being a responsible to the nature

that are eco-friendly, those who

makes you more responsible as

can manage their waste at least. If

a designer as, we are sometimes

possible, also try using materials

considered the profession that

that are friendly to the nature,

creates many wastes. Let’s change

nowadays there are inks that

that, one step at the time.

Article References:

Image References:,_Lenox_Copy,_New_ York_Public_Library,_2009._Pic_01.jpg Maccoy_-_2252.jpg df6b7fc24878f9c84ea30ee6dfaaecfe/e/r/ergo_squeegee_assembled_001.jpg jpg s1600/P8010017a.jpg

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Next Discussion: We’re going to close the production and reproduction jokes aside now. We’re gonna start clean, something new, since we are going to try some new stuffs too.

The rough idea is to discuss about designers again, but this time in a more detailed as we try to describe also our experiences as a designer. We are also planning to invite some friends on board for the next publication and discussion. So yeah, it’s going to have a new feel to it perhaps.

Talking about the next publication, the next one will be a stand alone, no series no part two or anything, since there are stuffs we’re preparing for December already. but still looking at the last three months, we wouldn’t want to openly share too much since things do happen and force us to delay and to renew our plans.

Hope it won’t happen anytime soon for the next publications. See you guys at the next publication.


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