St johns mag may 2017 2

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May 2017


Celebrating The Good Life



WJXT's Jennifer, Mary & Joy Balance Work & Life with Grace Photo by Mindy Kerr of Nature's Child Photography 1

Happy Mother’s Day

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St. Johns Magazine | May 2017 In honor of mother's day this month, we asked our contributors to weigh in:


How do you do it? The balancing act of Motherhood PUBLISHER Debbie Gaylord EDITOR Darren Rosenbaum CONTACT 904-687-8538 All rights reserved ©2012-2017 St. Johns Magazine LLC. Printed by The Hartley Press Published monthly and distributed by US Postal Service. In print and on the web and distributed free of charge to consumers. CONTRIBUTORS Lori Allen Jennifer Yarbrough Chef Matt Sullivan Nancy Cohen Theresa Scully Nikki Lyn Holm Mindy Kerr

Win a Massage at Massage Green JCP! ♥Private message your photo & your quote to St. Johns Magazine through our Facebook page (include your name, and email address) ♥Entrants must like St. John's Magazine's facebook page

On a wing and a prayer...and hope that I've made them JUST quirky enough to be interesting in the outside world. :) Mindy Kerr (Owner, Nature's Child Photography)

I start and end my day with a prayer to help set my mind straight. My husband and I agree on a strict schedule and share responsibilities. After school pick-up, I set foot in the door at my house, I put my mom hat on and leave the work until they go to bed. I am a night owl, so I have no problem staying up and finishing leftover work. And, when my mind says "your done." I leave it and do it the next day. Ultimately, my mantra is, "Family and God first." This fuels all my business decisions. Theresa Scully (Owner, Arch Pilates)

I think about how life is so very short so I try to be organized but don’t be beat myself up if I can’t get it all done perfectly, I am proud of what I can get done. Love yourself and be happy inside and most of all stop and take the time for that hug that comes off the bus every day…it makes everything else so much more worth it! Lori Allen (Blogger, The Perfect Bite WAH Mom)

For me motherhood is a strategic balance of Jesus, coffee, wine and discerning my BEST Yes for each season. Wise women have tried to warn me that the days may seem long, but the years are so short...and I'm starting to realize they were right. I really WILL miss this. Nikki Lyn Holm (Stylist, Blogger, Realtor) My motherhood journey is fueled by my kids' hugs, lots of prayer, the support of family, too much coffee, and the occasional piece of chocolate cake. Jennifer Yarbrough, (Blogger, Minorcan Mama)


Motherhood is the greatest part of my life. I love my work and family, but being a parent to my son is one of my greatest accomplishments. Nancy Cohen (Owner, Feeding the Body Feeding the Soul)

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Motherhood, A Balancing Act Tips from WJXT-4 Anchors Jennifer Waugh, Mary Baer, and Joy Purdy by Jennifer Yarbrough Photos by Mindy Kerr of Nature's Child Photography

Motherhood is a million things. It is joy and worry, making lunches and burning dinners. It is laundry, laundry, and more laundry. It is hugs and kisses, laughter and tears. It is the most love your heart has ever felt and the most fear, too. It is trying to be there for your child all the time in every situation with just what they need. Meanwhile, there’s work, church, volunteering, community service projects and other obligations. It’s no wonder that moms can sometimes feel like trapeze artists. On a unicycle. Juggling plates. Above alligators. A little dramatic? Maybe. Maybe not. Is it possible to balance work, life, and motherhood? How do moms do it? To answer these questions and to learn how to keep all of my own “plates in the air,” I headed to WJXT-4 studios to talk with three News Anchor Moms to learn their secrets to success.

Jennifer Waugh

“You can do anything you set your heart out to do. You should never give up.”

Jennifer Waugh who anchors the The Morning Show on WJXT Channel 4, helps get your day started right. She is a hardworking mom to a 9-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son and says her most important job on this earth is keeping her children safe and raising them to be full of compassion, kindness, and generosity. Her advice is to lead by example and remember that children are always watching the way we interact with others. She believes children should learn about giving back to the community at a young age, her children do hands-on volunteering at a local non-profit with their Grandma. Her own parents, “Grandma and Grandpa,” and her sister play an active role in her children’s lives. This support allows her to have a career and be a good role model, especially for her daughter, who Jennifer wants to understand that she can have a career and a family. Jennifer learned this firsthand from her own mother who was a full-time Nurse. She describes her mom as generous, giving, and a great listener. She says the take away from her own mother is that you have to “be all in” as a parent. To always remember that while you might sacrifice a lot of your own free time as a parent, your children are only young for a short time.


So how does she make that time count? Organization is the key. She is a big proponent of ‘lists’ and loves the feeling of accomplishment when she can check items off of her lists. Her favorite Christmas present was the Amazon Echo and the Alexa Voice Service. Now when she thinks of something to add to the list, or something that she needs to do, she just calls out, “Alexa” and Alexa helps her in her list-making endeavors. Being on The Morning Show means early mornings for her and being prepared is the key! Having clothes for the children—and herself laid out the night before, down to the shoes and socks, having the lunches made and everything packed helps reduce stress so you are not rushing at the last minute. When Jennifer does have free time she likes to relax by exercising. She runs. Everywhere. She runs on the treadmill at the station, over the bridges in downtown Jacksonville, or with her family. She describes herself as a “jock,” who loves all sports. She coaches her daughter’s basketball team and can be seen shooting hoops or playing tennis with her kids when she’s not at work. Sports are her outlet and a great bonding time with her family.

Mary Baer

With faith, family, friends, and fitness, you can find your balance. When we met, Mary had just come from her small farm tending to her six Equine animals, including a donkey named Jackson, a Miniature horse named CocoaPuff, and four large horses. Her eyes lit up as she talked about her “darling” husband of eight years, Marty, and her role of “Ga Ga” to one of the most important men in her life, her Grandson. Mary Baer’s enthusiasm for life is contagious! Her gratitude for her journey, her job, and her family is obvious. Her career is very important to her and she admits that finding balance has always been challenging, but with faith, family, friends, and fitness she is able to maintain it all. Faith is very important to this mom, now grandma. Prayer every morning sets the tone for her day. The time she spends praying starts her day on a positive note and prepares her for what is to come. Faith and prayer are things she learned from her own mother. As she talks about her mother, one can see just how special family is to her. She talks with love about a mom that can laugh about anything and finds joy in everything. Mary recently went on a road trip with her mother, who is 94, her best friend, also named Mary, and her young grandson. Her grandson is the absolute light of her life as is her daughter. She beams with pride as she describes her daughter’s career as a hairstylist at Zimmiz, the place where her daughter received her first haircut as a little girl.

It was the inspiration and support of her parents that led her to college, her mom’s encouragement that brought her to broadcast journalism, and the love of her family now that motivate her. Her friends offer great support to her, as well. When she needs help around the farm and may be busy at work, they are there to help out. Fitness is her outlet. She takes Pilates and runs on the treadmill at the Station. This helps her clear her head and focus. She also loves to spend time with friends, including Joy Purdy who often hops on the next treadmill and chats.

Joy Purdy

It is easy to tell other people to have faith, but when you are the mom and the “fixer,” you worry and you have to remind yourself to stop and ask God for help. The third mom I interviewed comes live into your home every evening. Joy Purdy has two daughters, a 4-year-old and a 7-year-old. Joy faces a challenge that many parents face—she works the night shift. While she is not with her children at night, she is available during the day to volunteer at her daughter’s schools, read to their classes and have lunch with them. She looks forward to these special times with them. Her husband, her step-daughter, and babysitter all help with the girls, too. They have routines in place that make things easier. A dry erase board calendar where she and her husband write activities allows them to stay on track. Her older step-daughter is a great help with the girls in the evening, helping with homework and sorting papers to be signed and returned. Constant communication between parents and caregivers is a must. Her advice on finding balance is to accept help. Things might not be done exactly like you would have done it, but that is okay. Another tool that Joy uses to keep in contact with her children when she’s at work is FaceTime. She will call and ask her girls about their day and read Bible stories with them. Faith is important to her and her family. In fact, she credits prayer times with God throughout the day to keeping her balanced and calm. Motherhood has taught her about faith in action. She says it was easy to tell other people to have faith, but when you are the mom and the “fixer,” you worry and you have to remind yourself to stop and ask God for help.

Jennifer, Mary, and Joy taught me that the journey of motherhood is different for every mother and her children, but there are common threads that help keep things balanced—faith, family/friends, organization, and an outlet. Faith is personal and unique to each one of us, but helps us to find peace and purpose in our role as mother. Family and friends are there to support us and love us, so we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help—and take it. It truly does take a village. Finding a system of organization that works for you and your family is extremely important to helping your household run smoothly and reducing stress. Moms also need an outlet that makes them feel happy and healthy, whether it is fitness, crafting, reading, choose something that helps you recharge and relax. Balance looks different for each of us, but it is possible. Take a deep breath, look at your children, and know that motherhood is a million wonderful things. Now, hop on that unicycle, and get to balancing those plates, you can do it, Mama! 7


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Realtors… Let’s Clean Up Our Act! By George L. Ballou, II Menton and Ballou Group Broker Associate at Watson Realty Corp.


I have been in the real estate business for over 30 years. During that time, I have seen astonishing advances in information and communication technology. I remember when fax machines first hit real estate offices in the mid 1980’s, cell phones as big as your arm, no one had a desktop or a laptop computer, no websites, no Google or Facebook, no emails or texts and so on. Fast forward to today and communication is nearly instant…so why have some things not improved? Perhaps only Sellers and their Agents will be able to relate to this article but I hope it will help everyone see what goes on behind the curtain… I might have started this conversation by going the long way around the barn but I have something to say about an element of our industry that hasn’t gotten better despite these state of the art improvements… so here is my concern! Anyone who has ever listed their house for sale or been a listing agent knows exactly what I am about to say. One of the worst experiences for a seller is preparing for a showing on their home only to have the agent never show, show up late even after giving them a 1-2 hour window, or finally having them show but then they never respond to requests for Feedback afterward! The seller has cleaned and straightened up their house, found temporary places for the pets and kids, figured out where to go when it is 95 outside and now is anxiously hoping for a positive outcome. This process begins with the agent showing up when scheduled and then waiting to hear what the buyer had to say about their home. How in this age of instant communication can agents not have the courtesy to at least call and say they are not coming or they are late? How can they never

Local Realtor George L. Ballou, II

respond to a Feedback Request from the listing agent. The public doesn’t know this but the showing agent gets requests for Feedback electronically every 24 hours for days after the showing…it’s impossible for them to miss. How can this be happening? I have come to the following unfortunate conclusion; either no one has trained these agents so they don’t know any better or they are in such a panic they may lose a sale they forget they are in charge of this process instead of vice versa. Since 2012 the number of agents in this local market has increased in the MLS by over 60%... almost 3,000 additional new agents! There are too many agents not being trained properly or at all! If I were speaking to a group of fellow agents their defense would be that buyers sometimes say when they get there “I don’t like this house… let’s go to the next house” or “I have 10 houses to show them and there is always something that gets us off schedule” or “My buyers saw so many houses they didn’t really give me any specific Feedback”. I actually had an agent tell me when I finally called him for Feedback “I am busy. Not responding should have told you we aren’t interested”. That’s not how it works! When a professional agent shows a buyer a home and they say, “I don’t like the house let’s skip it” a well-trained agent handles the situation this way… “These sellers have taken the time to prepare their house for us. Out of courtesy we need to at least go in and take a quick look around…you never know what we might see”. I have never had a customer say no to that comment. Agents often feel that being off schedule is just a given when showing so many houses so we should learn to deal with it! First of all, it’s a fools

mission to show buyers so many houses in a day? It is the rare buyer who can remember which house had a horse in the living room once they have seen more than 5-6 houses. If the buyers saw so many houses they couldn’t really give you Feedback then what was the point of showing them so many. This comes down to taking control of the client and the process and doing what is best for them even when they are clamoring for more. You are the trained expert. You have a responsibility to both the buyer and the seller. Every buyer thinks he needs to see as many houses as he can but a focused search based upon interviewing them properly will allow you to reduce the number of “fake” showings to the 5-6 that are actually relevant to what they really want to see. If you have a few 2 story homes booked only to find out once they are in the car they don’t want to see any 2 story houses that situation could have been prevented by doing your homework before you made the schedule out. There is no excuse for this poor level of preparation and service. Don’t get me wrong, I have made every mistake I have just mentioned and so have some of the best agents I know. However, those who do well in this business and are respected by their peers learned a long time ago to adjust their approach to showing houses so that it becomes less frantic and a more productive experience for everyone involved. Sellers need to be shown more respect. Buyers are expecting you to take charge. Our industry suffers when we fail to demonstrate our professionalism. Just sharing a few thoughts….

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by Joey “Atlas” Gennusa Founder of SCULPTAFIT

1 - Reduces risk of coronary heart disease BY HALF, yes, by 50% Heart attacks are the LEADING killer of women by age 65. 2 - Lowers Blood-Pressure High blood-pressure can lead to damaged arteries, stroke, aneurysm, dementia and kidney damage.

4 - Prevents osteoporosis in both premenopausal and menopausal women Osteoporosis can lead to hip fractures and other bone breaks. The recovery from these types of breaks is very grim. 5 - Can reverse osteoporosis in women at any age Reversing osteoporosis through proper exercise reduces the need for medications, and hence potential unwanted side-effects. 6 - Improves quality of life through sense of life-control, less hospital visits and less doctor visits When we have less need to run to appointments for health problems and complications, we get to spend our time confidently doing the things we’d rather be doing. 7 - Boosts mood and spirit through clearer thinking and better brain function

When your moods are better and you’re thinking with clarity, you have less drama and less problems in your life. 8 - Prevents muscle atrophy and sarcopenia that comes with sedentary premature aging Maintaining muscle strength keeps women out of wheel chairs and walkers. 9 - Reverses muscle atrophy and sarcopenia which has occurred due to lack of physical activity Regaining muscle strength and stamina keeps women out of assisted living homes and able to play with the grandkids. 10 - Enhances body-composition ratios When muscle density is increased and body-fat is decreased, clothes fit better, there is less flab, less cellulite, and women feel more self-confident with higher levels of self-image and self-esteem… The better body-composition gets - the better everything gets. 11 - Proper Exercise Prevents, and Can Also Reverse, Premature Aging This is the Golden Benefit, because it highlights the “Fountain of Youth” element of proper fitness. Every person, woman or man, wants the magic formula for anti-aging. The most powerful ingredient in that formula is proper exercise. The mountain of proof is undeniable. So… Get active - and stay ALIVE.

Joey Atlas is the Owner & Founder of SCULPTAFIT Studios for Women. For a studio tour and complimentary sample session, please call or text Nikki at 904-891-3680 or visit www.


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The Delicious Dish

by Chef Matt, Chef/Owner of Achieving Culinary Enlightenment.

It is said in the Philippines that, “it takes one drop of sweat to cultivate one grain of rice”. For thousands of years, humans have cultivated this cereal grain. Nearly half of the world’s population eat rice as part of their staple diet. An estimated 115 countries grow rice and more than half of the total 645 million pounds grown yearly come from China and India. There are over 40,00 different varieties of rice yet only a fraction of those are grown commercially and most rice is consumed in the region it was grown. Each rice seed can produce 3,00 grains, which makes it the highest producing cereal plant. Rice also contains higher quality proteins with little fat and zero cholesterol. There are three types of rice short, medium and long. Rice for many cultures is a sacred food. In India rice is associated with prosperity and the Hindu god Lakskmi. In Japan rice is associated with the sun god Amaterasu-Omi- Kami. In Thailand, where men are forbidden to enter rice paddies resides Mae Posop, “mother of rice”. Rice is used ceremoniously throughout the world.


As numerous as the varieties of rice are, so are the methods for cooking this tiny grain. Many varieties require a good rinse before cooking. Arborio rice is sautéed and lightly browned before being finished by adding liquid in small batches and cooking till al-dente, as in the classic risotto. Basmati rice is best cooked in the oven in a ceramic or clay pot and then fluffed with a fork to extract its signature long grains. Wild Rice will take considerably more water and time to cook than the short-grained sushi and jasmine rice. Rice can also be ground into flour as a versatile Gluten Free alternative to wheat flour. In conclusion, rice is not only my favorite cereal, next to Lucky Charms, but it also feeds billions of people and supports thousands of economies, while also playing a spiritual role cross culturally. The first cooking chore my sons mastered was cooking rice in a small cooker. If you’re looking for healthy versatility in the kitchen then rice is the king. It can be eaten at every meal including dessert! Rice pairs well with any protein and nearly every sauce. It can be used in soups, prepared salads, stuffing and even pancakes. With so many choices cooking with rice is far less work than actually growing it. All the Best! Chef Matt

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Mon 1

Tues 2

Wed 3

Thur 4



Fri 5

First Friday Art Walk St. Augustine Gamble Rogers Music Festival - Colonial Quarter SA

9 THE PLAYERS Championship, held at TPC Sawgrass May 9-14, 2017



Lego Club for Kids Bartram Trail Library 3-4pm

Mom’s Night Out 80’s Party - 5:30 PM · Orange Park Mall ·

Sat 6 Glamping (Glamour Camping) camper show in Anastasia State Park. (10-1pm) The Players 5K with Donna 8am



Creekside HS - Running of the Knights. 5k, Centipede team, 1-Mile Fun Run. Live music, games, food by Moe’s and Tropical Smoothie!

2017 Pet and Community Expo 10 AM · Dogwood Park · Jacksonville Bartram Bash - Alpine Groves 8:30 -2:pm



The Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Symphony present Synæsthesia: Musical and Visual Collaboration 1-4:30pm

16 Happy Hookers Crochet Club -Bartram Trail Library 6-8pm



SJC Library Closed for staff training

Adult Coloring -Bartram Trail Library 10:3012noon


20 Riverside Arts Market Jacksonville Maritime Heritage Fun Fest at the Fountain of Youth (through the 21st) Nocatee Farmer’s Market 10-2

Down by the Bayou Crawfish & Shrimp Low Country Boil - Palm Valley Community Center - tickets in advance call 904-300-6324 21





Music by the Sea (1st in summer series) - St. Johns County Pier SA 6-9pm

Great Chefs of St. Augustine The River House. Eight local chefs from top restaurants go head-to-head in this culinary comepetition. 6-9pm

Teen Volunteer Orientation - Bartram Library 4-5pm

26 Blue Crab Festival in Palatka (through 29th) JAX JAZZ FEST

Jacksonville Jazz Festival - Downtown (through the 28th) three stages of live jazz, local food, drinks 28 Beach House - Ponte Vedra Concert Hall 8-11


30 Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds - Everbank Field 7:30




NEW CALENDAR FORMAT: There is so much to do! We have gathered some of the best events. All you have to do is visit the event website for details if it interests you. Please let us know if you like the new calendar. Thanks! St. Johns Magazine... send event listings to

27 Uptown Saturday - San Marco neighborhood of St. Augustine 11-8pm live music, refreshments, exhibits JAX JAZZ FEST


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Beauty, Bangles, & Babes

With Nikki-Lyn Holm I'm a fashion-obsessed blogger, excited to share local highlights, tips, and trends about a few of my favorite things: Beauty, Bangles, and Babes. My mission as your Mom Blogger and Accessory Stylist, is to help enlighten and enhance your own unique fashion style!

3 Way to go from Drab to Fab this Spring! The other night, I walked into my five year olds room to find a pile of clothes scattered across her floor. Her room looked like an atomic stress-the-mom-bomb went off. Now, be honest. Have you ever walked into your own closet full of clothes and thought to yourself, "I have nothing to wear?" Me too! At times we have to remind ourselves that how we dress each day is a choice of how we want to display our visual resume to the world! To accomplish that we will have to makeover or possibly make-under our closet. Here are my Top Three Tips for a Closet Makeover: 1. Hire an organizer or grab a friend! Start making your piles: Donate. Sell. Consign. If those Miss Me Jeans have not been worn in over two years, it’s

time to toss. Purging means more splurging is possible! Before you bring something new in the closet, get rid of an old piece. Research says the wardrobe we need to keep is what we wear within two weeks of our lives. Face all your hangers in the same direction, then as you wear an item of clothing, place the hanger in the opposite direction. All the items hanging the original direction place them aside for another week and see if you wear it. If not, then give away. If you do, place back in your wardrobe. 2. Okay. The closet is ready. Now, are you? Have you established your budget? Goals? If you love to shop and do it well, more power to you! For the women who don't enjoy shopping, have you considered a personal shopper or styling session? It's amazing what time you can save, and possibilities you may

experience if you allow someone to challenge you to experiment new colors, styles, and trends. Maybe even find a friend who is a natural at style and shopping and solicit their help! 3. Establish Your Vision and Make it happen with what you have...a lot can be done with accessories: New shoes, jewelry, hats, and makeup. Implementing the outfit and new wardrobe is key even if you are taking some new risks. Give your family and friends a fashion show so the “ohhhh’s” and “ahhhh’s” help reassure that all this hard work is worth the effort. Once the items are purchased, wear them quickly or find a reason to where them. The longer they sit in your closet, the more time you will talk yourself out of wearing that new color, print, style or even trend.


20 Ways to Enjoy More Fruits & Vegetables by Nancy Cohen, RDN, LDN

Nancy Cohen Local Nutritionist

Building a healthy plate is easy when

you make half your plate fruits and vegetables. It’s also a great way to add color, flavor and texture plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. All this is packed in fruits and vegetables that are low in calories and fat. 1. Make 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables your daily goal. 2. Try the following tips to enjoy more fruits and vegetables every day. 3. Variety abounds when using vegetables as pizza topping. Try broccoli, spinach, green peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms and zucchini. 4. Mix up a breakfast smoothie made with low-fat milk, frozen strawberries and a banana. 5. Make a veggie wrap with roasted vegetables and low-fat cheese rolled in a wholewheat tortilla. 6. Try crunchy vegetables instead of chips with your favorite low-fat salad dressing for dipping. 7. Grill colorful vegetable kabobs packed with tomatoes, green and red peppers, mushrooms and onions. 8. Add color to salads with baby carrots, grape tomatoes, spinach leaves or mandarin oranges. 9. Keep cut vegetables handy for mid-afternoon snacks, side dishes, lunch box additions or a quick nibble while waiting for dinner. Ready-to-eat favorites: red, green or yellow peppers, broccoli or cauliflower florets, carrots,


celery sticks, cucumbers, snap peas or whole radishes. 10. Place colorful fruit where everyone can easily grab something for a snack-on-the run. Keep a bowl of fresh, just ripe whole fruit in the center of your kitchen or dining table. 11. Get saucy with fruit. Puree apples, berries, peaches or pears in a blender for a thick, sweet sauce on grilled or broiled seafood or poultry, or on pancakes, French toast or waffles. 12. Stuff an omelet with vegetables. Turn any omelet into a hearty meal with broccoli, squash, carrots, peppers, tomatoes or onions with low-fat sharp cheddar cheese. 13. “Sandwich” in fruits and vegetables. Add pizzazz to sandwiches with sliced pineapple, apple, peppers, cucumber and tomato as fillings. 14. Wake up to fruit. Make a habit of adding fruit to your morning oatmeal, ready-to-eat cereal, yogurt or toaster waffle. 15. Top a baked potato with beans and salsa or broccoli and low-fat cheese. 16. Microwave a cup of vegetable soup as a snack or with a sandwich for lunch. 17. Add grated, shredded or chopped vegetables such as zucchini, spinach and carrots to lasagna, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, pasta sauce and rice dishes. 18. Make fruit your dessert: Slice a banana lengthwise and top with a scoop of low-fat frozen yogurt. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of chopped nuts.

19. Stock your freezer with frozen vegetables to steam or stir-fry for a quick side dish. 20. Make your main dish a salad of dark, leafy greens and other colorful vegetables. Add chickpeas or edamame (fresh soybeans). Top with low-fat dressing. 21. Fruit on the grill: Make kabobs with pineapple, peaches and banana. Grill on low heat until fruit is hot and slightly golden. 22. Dip: Whole wheat pita wedges in hummus, baked tortilla chips in salsa, strawberries or apple slices in low-fat yogurt, or graham crackers in applesauce. For more tips*See “Color Your Plate with Salad” at for more tips on creating healthy salads

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The Perfect Bite Local Food Blog

St. Mary's Seafood & More 705 Hortons Trce, St. Augustine, FL 32095 (World Golf)

By Lori Allen A Local Foodie

There's a new or place in town... or maybe not so new but a second locatiohas moved closer to our 210 quadrant. St. Mary's Seafood & More has opened up a second location across the street from the World Golf Village, making a total of 3 but the original one is in Georgia. So some of us girls managed to sneak away from the weekly routine and give it a try! The restaurant is owned by 5 brothers/brothers in laws some of whom live in St. Mary's Georgia where as others decided to call Jacksonville their home. The second location is located on old St. Augustine road and became so successful that they began their search for another area to grow. They found this spot last July and began the renovations. Once you step your foot inside you will notice how light and bright the place is, they really did a great job to make it such a nice family atmosphere. All of us ladies tried something different which was a great way for me to get to taste a variety of things! Anyone who knows me knows that I love to taste not only my food but yours as well so you better guard it or that wondering fork may find its way over to your plate! (I have no shame when it comes to food) Starting off with the scallops, I was able to try them both seared and fried. Both were equally as good, sweet, seasoned well and tasty. The Mahi Mahi was thick and meaty like it's supposed to be, blackened


with lots of seasonings (not too spicy), paired along with some fried okra and fried zucchini my southern girlfriend totally enjoyed her plate! We all compared the fried squash(which was good) to another favorite the fried green tomatoes and the majority voted for the tomatoes... their tangy slightly sour flavor works well with a crunchy coating .They were not too thick and not too thin. Perfect! Probably one of the most commonly ordered dishes would be their seafood combo platters, especially if you have a large family to feed. These platters are pretty big in portion size and what I love about them is that you can get parts of them broiled, blackened, grilled or fried. You can mix and match which is great way to try out different flavors, blackened fish,broiled scallops, fried shrimp..the list of possibilities is endless. This makes it way more fun because you can customize your very own platter! We tried the grilled fish which was super light, blackened scallops (cooked perfectly) and then the rest was fried, shrimp, oysters, clams. And of course add in the stuff crab and hushpuppies you definitely won't leave hungry! They cook up some really interesting sides to add to your main dishes like their sweet potato casserole. This recipe traveled down thru the family from the great grandma, down to the sister n law passing it on to us. They have frequently been asked for the recipe but they won't budge, so I had to guess what's in it. To me it tasted like sweet potatoes, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices and heavy cream all blended together to make a creamy deliciousness. All of us ladies tried to figure it out so that's our best guess. But whatever is in there it sure is good! The collard greens are one of the sisters recipes served with smoky bacon so they are packed with lots of flavor. They have this creamed corn that is not completely creamed so you have lots of corn kernels for a little crunch in your creamed corn along with bacon and fresh cream who wouldn't want to try that! For the big finale

of Sides give the Loaded Sidewinder fries a try, these come served piping hot, covered in green onions, cheese, bacon and topped off with a light ranch sauce! Yes it's decadent, but hey it's only a side so we are all good. Nammour one of the brothers told me that the one of the most popular items is their stuffed flounder or Basa. (The basa fish (Pangasius bocourti) is a species of catfish in the family of Pangasiidae. Basa is described as having large, white fillets with no bones, and flesh that is moist with a light, firm texture and a mild fish flavor) These fish are stuffed with real crabmeat, topped with cheese, mushrooms and onions. Unfortunately I didn't get to sample this but it's on my list for next time! His motto is" If you offer a good product for a good price, people will show up". They have a full bar so you can pretty much get any cocktail you want. They also have a large beer selection and if you love beer like I do, order one of their tall beer holder thingys. I have no idea what they are called but they hold a lot of beer and are pretty neat looking in addition to keeping your beer ice cold! Great for hanging out and catching a game! We mustn't leave without mentioning their Elevated St. Mary's Margarita. All of us girls thought this was one of the best cocktails ever! Even those that don't like margaritas enjoyed this! This enticing concoction comes in its own shaker (so you get way more than one drink) and is filled with Avion Silver, Bauchant Orange liqueur, agave nectar and fresh squeezed lime juice. It is so light and refreshing but packs a nice will not be disappointed. One of my favorite spots in the restaurant is their back patio; it looks over a manmade pond so you feel like you are surrounded by a bit of the outdoors. So grab one of those Elevated Margaritas, some steamed shrimp, crab legs...a platter or two and head to the patio for a relaxing can't go wrong! Just so you know: You can make reservations during the week but on Friday and Saturday its first come first serve.

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Mommy & Me by Theresa Scully, PT, Pilates Instructor & President Arch Pilates & Physical Therapy

When that first little one enters your life, it is truly a gift, and your primary focus is providing, snuggling, protecting, and bonding with your new baby. That foggy, sleepy brain you wear for 3 months is a happy ailment, because you know that it affords precious moments with this little human who needs you in the middle of the night, around the clock, 24/7, always and forever. But, you wouldn͛ t have it any other way! As weeks pass by, though and you start falling into a groove, there is a sneaky, foreboding realization that your body needs attention. No longer are you the same shape and size as you were before baby, and you tell yourself, I have to get back in the gym. Looking at that sweet cherub in the crib, makes you put it off for another day, though. Tomorrow, youl go to the gym, you promise yourself. Two months later, working out becomes a thing of the past, finding the time, a babysitter, a child watch at the gym doesn͛ t seem like a use of good quality time with your child. Sitting on the floor and watching your baby play on her mat, hold her head up in tummy time, and rock in a crawling position seems more fun! Well, did you know that all that work your baby does in sitting, crawling, and pulling to stand is her way of exercising!? Why not follow


along and work out together! Mommy and me exercising is becoming more popular. Just think a baby who weighs 10 lbs is a good weight. Your child is in sponge stage, absorbing everything in her environment. Movement, exercising, sounds, and sensations shape a baby͛ s brain. Exercising with baby and showing baby how to exercise starts a healthy routine of wellness at a very young age. When exercising with your child take a few things into caution. 1. Get clearance from your doctor. Especially those with cesarians. It may take 3 months before the cesarian is clear.

Here are some fun exercises to do with your baby.

1. 8382: Bird Dog Place baby on mat underneath you so you can lock eyes. Hold a rattle in your hand, spine neutral, don't sag your back. Bring opposite elbow to knee curl your abdominals, close your eyes and as you reach opposite arm and leg away, open and look at your baby say, "peek-a-boo" and/or shake the rattle. 5-10 reps on each side would work well!

2. Watch for baby͛s head control. You and your baby can work out as early as 6 weeks postnatal. However, the child͛ s head will be wobbly at this age, so always support her head and move slow when using her as a weight Some of the movements can require repetitive movement of the baby which stimulates your baby's vestibular system. So if your baby is sensitive she will complain. It is a good place to train her brain however go slowly and give her breaks.

4. 8888 Baby Carrier combo squat and arms Put baby in carrier. Stand in front of a mirror for visual stimulation. Hold onto a stretchy exercise band, legs wide with toes and knee pointed out, comfortably. Reach arms overhead and as you squat do a side crunch and pull the band down with elbows bending to 90 degrees. Just lightly touch the top of your head with the band and slide the shoulder blades down into back pockets. 10 reps with breaks is great!

Arch Pilates is located at 3491 Pall Mall Rd, Suite 102. Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-860-5392

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A Message From The Vet With Dr. Kathleen Deckard, DVM Pets R Family Veterinary Hospital

Ear Infections in Your Pet (Otitis) What is Otitis?

Howis otitis diagnosed?

Otitis is a term that describes inflammation of the ear. Inflammation can affect both the skin of the ear flap (pinna) and also the skin lining the ear canals themselves. This is one of the most common problems that are seen in my office and can be one of the most frustrating since they tend to recur.

In many cases, otitis externa (external ear canal only) can be diagnosed with a clinical examination. Secondary infections can be identified by taking swab samples from the ears and examining them under a microscope. Chronic ear infections may require a culture of the material to determine the appropriate treatment.

What causes otitis? Contrary to popular belief, ear infections caused by bacteria and fungi are very rarely the underlying cause of otitis. These infections usually develop later, taking advantage of an already altered and inflamed ear canal caused by other factors. By far the most common initiating causes of otitis include parasites, foreign bodies and allergic skin disease. Rarer causes include hormonal diseases and growths in the ear canals. Factors such as increased humidity and poor ventilation can also contribute to the formation and persistence of otitis.

Treating Otitis Otitis can only be treated effectively when all the factors contributing to its formation have been addressed. Secondary infections are usually treated with ear flushing procedures, appropriate topical ear medications and cleaning solutions. Ideally, the initiating factors are identified and treated accordingly. Many cases of recurrent otitis in dogs and cats are caused by allergic skin diseases, so management of these conditions is essential to prevent future relapses. Cases of otitis media (involvement beyond the ear drum) can be more difficult to treat and usually

requires anesthesia to get samples behind the ear drum and perform deep flushing. Oral antibiotics are also needed to resolve the deep infection. In rare or poorly responsive cases, surgery is sometimes needed.

Aural Hematoma When a dog or sometimes a cat with uncomfortable ears shakes and scratches vigorously, a blood vessel in the earflap may rupture. This leads to bleeding into the tissues of the pinna which caused an ear flap that is full of blood. The usual recommendation is to have the ear drained and either a cannula placed until it heals or have a surgery performed. If the hematoma is not drained, the ear will be painful until the swelling goes down and the ear may scar down into an abnormal appearance. The important thing to remember is that treatment and prevention of otitis requires a lot of patience and in many cases can be chronic. It is important that you have a veterinarian who is willing to take the time to discuss all of your options and come up with a plan that is right for you and your best friend.

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