Clouds No. 3 Spring 2013

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Clouds ISSUE 3 / SPRING 2013



Free online food magazine Clouds Published by Imbiero debesys UAB, Lithuania ISSN 2029-980X

© All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited without written consent of the publisher. Address copyright queries to

Editor-in-Chief: Asta Eigėlytė-Gunnarsson, Villa Alps, Translation into English: Asta, Villa Alps Jolita, Surfing the world cuisine Julė, Kepykla Nr. 5 Cover photo: Miglė, My Kitchen Affair Design: Asta Eigėlytė-Gunnarsson, Villa Alps

Photo: Laura, Su šaukštu aplink pasaulį



Every spring brings something new. When snow banks melt, puddles dry out and trees start to get their buds, all we really want is to open our windows wide, take a deep breath of fresh air and welcome changes. Yes, spring is the season of change. As nature gets more colorful each day, it encourages us to revive ourselves. We want to add more colors into our world, get rid of the winter blues, and joyfully welcome longer and brighter days. This is the time when we complain less and smile more. Spring is magical. It is the season of rebirth, discovery, change and belief. Suddenly we understand what it means to live this day. Not tomorrow and not yesterday, but here and now. It’s the time to discover life’s pleasures and start creating our own: drinking morning coffee in a sunny balcony or terrace, taking a leisurely evening stroll in the Old Town, weekend picnics with friends, breathing in cherry blossom filed air, placing a colorful bouquet of wild flowers in a vase, wading barefoot through dewy grass... Spring is the time to learn to enjoy little bits of life once again. Having said goodbye to a long and white winter, we feel renewed. We feel a bit different. We have welcomed new winds and challenges that come along with spring and got down to work with more energy than usual. Inspiration came from whatever surrounds us: at times it just landed on our shoulders and whispered straight into our ears. These almost two hundred pages are full of inspiration and it is our gift to You. We hope that with every flick of a page you will find something new, undiscovered, yet very tempting. We invite you to enjoy sunny spring at its fullest, to live today, now, this moment, no matter what happened yesterday, and resolve yourself to new changes now – could there be a better time than spring?

Let’s welcome spring and changes!




I’ve loved being in the kitchen since childhood, but only in recent years did it become a true passion. I have a light addiction to buying and reading cookbooks and cooking magazines. I experiment with tastes and forms, and guests are always welcome at my table!

JOLITA, SURFING THE WORLD CUISINE I started my blog when I moved to Istanbul because the bounty of fresh vegetables the year around and the new dishes tempted me to try and cook. However, I enjoy various foods - not only Turkish cuisine. So one day it might be Turkish, then Chinese, Greek, Italian, Middle Eastern dishes. Finally, sometimes I even get back to the treasures of Lithuanian cuisine.

JULĖ, KEPYKLA NR. 5 Where am I? Among contradictions - in the middle of numbers and dictionaries, black-rimmed glasses and bee stings, bikes and planes. But mostly - in the kitchen or in bakery number five, where for four years I’ve been co-writing about food, cities, sleep, maths and other essential ingredients of life.






I used to swear that "never ever will I jump around with pots and pans", but today I profess a deep love to the kitchen, and am ready to be faithful until the end of time. My blog - Saulėta virtuvė (The Sunny Kitchen) - reflects the way I live, the things I love and what I dream about. And I dream often: I dream of fluffy cupcakes, soft cakes and gorgeous pies... And of a sweet life.


AUŠRA, VAIKAI IR VANILĖ I became responsible for nourishing our large family at the age of fourteen. Since then, my obligations have remained the same. I cook a lot and for big crowds. I can proudly say that I’ve stuffed bellies of picky children and adults alike. The kitchen is my daily work and relaxation, my happiness, my love; it’s my element. I live in an American village where I spend the majority of my time over pots, and from time to time I share my kitchen creations with the rest of the world.

BEATA, BRAŠKĖS SU PIPIRAIS I could probably say that I love my life and its abundance of flavors. I call everything a flavor - feelings, emotions, events, travels, people met and known, mornings and evenings, days and nights. Finally - the actual tastes that charm when tasting new dishes and enjoying sophisticated drinks. That’s why I love cooking. Perhaps that is the way I express my lust for life and for what I experience.

DOVILĖ, DR FOOD BLOG Cooking is my biggest passion. I have a food mania: I love making it, talking about it, tasting it and reading all about it. Each time I enter the kitchen, I open a jar of the most important ingredient - love. Recently my husband and I have started living in a foreign country, so you might also find Danish recipes in DR Food Blog occasionally.


I write my blog about a windy life in a place where my feet wade the waters of the Baltic sea, pockets are full of holey rocks and heavy thoughts are let alee... I write about what my kitchen smells of, about what is delicious and what I treat people with; about things that are simple but not necessarily ordinary; about what is new or is discovered de nouveau, about what is forgotten. I write my virtual recipe book, decorating it with colorful blossoms and sprinkles of everyday joys.


DOVILĖ & MANTAS, BAJALIŲ ŠEIMYNĖLĖS KAMPELIS We are a tandem of two Aquariuses who are submerged in joys of different flavors, photography and traveling! When we noticed memories and traveling moments piling up, we were eager to find a way to share them with our friends and this is how our blog was launched. By the end of 2010, we had made our first culinary attempts and started not just tasting but also cooking. We believe that ‘a man, who thinks only about himself and looks for benefit everywhere, cannot be happy, so if you wish to live for yourself – live for others’, that is why we consider sharing bits of our lives to be the greatest joy.



I live, I cook, I write from Palanga. There you’re most likely to meet me in the biggest tourist gathering, on the bike lane Palanga-Karklė or in the marketplace. I am miss lazybones extraordinaire! But all of this goes away when a thought about beet chips or cucumber ice-cream springs up in my brain.

EGLĖ, MONKEY DINNER I didn’t learn to cook the Lithuanian way when I was supposed to. That’s why I started cooking Italian. Even if I wanted, I couldn’t hide the Italian influence in my life, my kitchen, my blog and, most probably, this magazine. Buon appetito to all the readers!

GIEDRĖ, G. AUGUST PHOTOGRAPHY Photography is my passion, and the search for recipes and ideas, as well as food decoration, is my newly found hobby. I created my blog as an alternative to an assignment in a photography course. I used to photograph everything, but now I concentrate on sweets. I create a cosy, comforting and sweet environment. Bon appétit!

INDRĖ, GĖRIMŲ IR PATIEKALŲ MAGIJA When I found the freedom to choose what I want and when I want, I quickly noticed that cooking was magical! Sweet goes perfectly with salty, and a pinch of cinnamon adds that special something to any cake. That's the reason why my blog is called Gėrimų ir patiekalų magija (Food and Drink Magic) - because there is some magic every day on refrigerator shelves and in the cupboards, and I merely need to wake it up with my fingers and recipes.



A friend encouraged me to start my blog, Keistai paprasta (Curiously Simple), after seeing my enthusiasm to cook, bake and stew healthy and sometimes weird dishes, and create simple desserts. I grew up eating homemade food, so that is what I believe in – I cook even when I am very tired! In addition, I believe in the impact of food to our health, our looks and our overall well-being. When I cook and try out new recipes, I relax, I express myself, I improvise and create.


JURGITA, DUONOS IR ŽAIDIMŲ I write about bread and circuses. About tastes, colors and dreams. About what’s in my cup of tea - not only figuratively, because making and serving food is one of the most enjoyable ways to express myself. And, undoubtedly, the most delicious.

KAROLINA, CITRINOS ŽIEVELĖ Each of us has a specific image in the eyes of others. Some are known as sportsmen, others – as geeks or housewives. I am known as the girl who loves to cook; the girl who brings apple pies to work and who gives out cookies at Christmas.

KRISTINA & LAURA, SU ŠAUKŠTU APLINK PASAULĮ Isn’t a kitchen filled with colors scents and flavors similar to a workshop? And not just because that is the place for so much improvisation. Every time we run into a different cuisine, we cannot stop marvelling at the human creativity. Traditional dishes are just ways to get to know various cultures and gain culinary experience which encourages us to share all of this with others.


I have been drawn to cooking for only a short period of time, but I dived deep. Stacks of cookbooks, blogs I follow and experiments in my kitchen satisfy me both literally and figuratively. Cooking, photographing and sharing my experiences in Vilko šaukštai (Wolf’s spoons) lift me up, make me happy and encourage me to grow.




I don’t remember exactly how, where, or when, but one moment in the silent past, food simply enchanted me. I was charmed and intrigued by its enormousness, infinite space for creativity, endless layers of ideas, and constant joy brimming with delicious surprises. Since then, my thoughts started spinning like crazy in a whirl of vanilla flavored dance, and my life became unimaginable without pots, spoons, and pans filling every corner; without shelves bending from the abundance of cookbooks. This is my kitchen affair.

ODETA, COCINA RENDEZ VOUS I like traveling, tasting, experimenting and creating in the kitchen. While skimming through the books brought home as souvenirs, I attempt to adapt the tried dishes in my own kitchen. And I am so glad that my friends and family are happy to taste my dishes and are always waiting for the results of my experiments! Even a dish that is not 100% successful can inspire to keep on looking, learning and going on journeys to better know the foreign cuisines.

PAULIUS, VYRAI VIRTUVĖJE Vyrai virtuvėje (Men in the Kitchen) page on Facebook is my space where I share my experiences in the kitchen, new recipes and ideas. I like both traditional Lithuanian cuisine and other unexpected findings. This is the place where I write about my more or less successful culinary experiments, and readers’ comments, praise or criticism always encourage to improve. My kitchen is the place where I can show off myself, or simply forget my problems and have a rest.

SKIRMANTĖ, IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING My motto is impossible is nothing. In my kitchen, I steam cakes, press yoghurt cheese, make peanut butter halva and prepare plenty of delicious and slightly unexpected dishes.

VALERIJA, CUKERKA Even though I have chosen a serious life path – I am a lawyer – I miss everyday discoveries. As a result, I try to find them in my children, in creative thoughts, and… in the kitchen. I love sweet macaroons, homemade ice cream, the smell of a summer morning and my kids’ laughter. I cook for myself, my husband and my children; I cook so that every day would be sweet.


VIKTORIJA, RECEPT킨 MEDIS I have liked being in the kitchen since my childhood. With my grandmother I used to knead dough for bread rolls, with my father I used to cut vegetables for salads. Now love for food and cooking is growing day by day. I started writing my blog by mere accident. I have never thought it will bring so much to my life: pleasant meetings, interesting events. It also encouraged me to learn more about food photography and healthier, more exciting and tastier ways of cooking.

DO YOU WANT TO CONTRIBUTE? Contact the editor Asta:


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14 20 24 28 44 48 52 60 72 78

International Writers’ Day International Women’s Day Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania Easter April Fools’ Day International Penguin Day Mother’s Day Europos diena World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development International Blonde Day



TAKE 1 MAKE 4 Ricotta Butter Switzerland WHAT A SPRING WITHOUT...

114 130 150

... spring onions ... radishes ... asparagus

82 92 102


CALENDAR of FLAVORS SPRING 03.03 International Writers’ Day 03.08 Internationa Women’s Day 03.11 Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania 03.31 Easter 04.01 April Fools’ Day 04.25 World Penguin Day 05.05 Mother’s Day 05.09 Europe Day 05.21 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 05.31 International Blonde Day


Photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir 탑aidim킬



Preface: Asta, Villa Alps & Jurgita, Duonos ir žaidimų Photo: Asta, Villa Alps




here are countless writers all over the world, and it would probably be impossible to say how many times they have mentioned cooking, specific dishes, drinks or enjoying food altogether in their writings. But let’s leave fiction aside and find out what writers and poets themselves like to eat or drink? Do you know that the famous American poet Emily Dickinson loved baking bread, buns and cakes? The New York Poets House holds the recipe for her famous coconut cake, which inspired her to write a poem about the magic of daily and exotic experiences. Virginia Woolf was also an avid baker. The famous British crime writer Agatha Christie had a huge sweet tooth, even though she was not well-known for her own pastries. Charles Dickens never said “No” to a baked apple, and Oscar Wilde – to a glass of champagne. Jack Kerouac loved Chinese pork dishes and everyone knows of Ernest Hemingway’s love affair with the Bloody Mary. Walt Whitman loved a hearty breakfast of doughnuts and coffee cake, and Jean-Paul Sartre was crazy about halvah – each time he wrote letters

03.03 International Writers’ Day


to his beloved one, he reminded her not to forget to send some of this sweet treat. And we just cannot forget about Joanne Harris, “Chocolate” and two other books in the trilogy. The author herself, being partial about French cuisine, admits that the recipes mentioned in the books all come from her French mother and grandmother. Her books became so popular that after being flooded with letters asking for recipes, she decided to write several cookbooks. Lev Tolstoy was a vegetarian and enjoyed eating oatmeal for breakfast, borscht for lunch and snacking on fresh cucumber. However, it is said that while working on “War and Peace”, he changed cucumbers to asparagus. Nikolai Gogol could survive on pasta alone. Fyodor Dostoevski would most often ask his wife for chicken, and Anton Chekhov enjoyed oysters and baked carp with sour cream. Alexander Pushkin’s favorite was gooseberry jam, and Mikhail Bulgakov was known for his parties with vodka and Riga’s Balzams. Lithuanian authors do not neglect food either. Edvinas Kalėda wrote his first novel in the kitchen during the nights. Irtė Uliūnaitė loves farinaceous dishes, and Ugnė Barauskaitė enjoys Lebanese cuisine. Kęstutis Navakas has a love story with goulash, and Vytautas V. Landsbergis says that he has 32 recipes for scrambled eggs in his head! We could go on and on until we were satiated from reading alone. As a matter of fact, we believe that this issue would be quite interesting for many writers: Jack Kerouac would certainly be satisfied with our sweet and sour pork, Lev Tolstoy could get some nice ideas from “What a spring without asparagus” collection, and Walt Whitman certainly would have stayed over for some nice coffee cake...


03.03 International Writers’ Day


SWEET & SOUR PORK WITH RICE Recipe and photo: Asta, Villa Alps

Serves 4 600 g pork loin 1½ tbs cornflour 1 tbs cold water 2 tbs sesame oil 3 tbs soy sauce 4 tbs all purpose flour 4 tbs cornflour oil for shallow frying 1 green bell pepper 1 yellow bellpepper 1 red bell pepper ¼ small pineapple ½ can (440 g) pineapple chunks in natural juice 1 cucumber Sauce: 6 tbs soy sauce 10 tbs shao hsing or dry Cheres 125 ml sugar 250 ml pineapple juice from the can 3 cm ginger root 2 garlic cloves 1 tsp salt 4 tbs ketchup

Cut pork in cubes. In a bowl, mix together water, cornflour, sesame oil and soy sauce. Transfer meat to the bowl and stir well to coat with marinade sauce. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate overnight. For the sauce, chop ginger and garlic. In a saucepan, mix together soy sauce, wine, pineapple juice and sugar. Simmer on low heat, stirring, until sugar has dissolved. Leave uncovered for 10 minutes or until the sauce thickens. Stir in ketchup and salt, and simmer for 1-2 minutes. While the sauce simmers, cut bell peppers, cucumber and fresh pineapple in cubes. Take out the meat and mix it with flour and cornflour. Heat 3-4 cm of oil in a deep pan until very hot. Add meat cubes in batches and fry for 1-2 minutes. Remove and drain on kitchen paper. When all meat is fried, return all cubes to the pan and fry for 2 minutes. Remove and drain on a new piece of kitchen paper. Discard the oil, add vegetabless and fresh pineapple to the pan. Fry vegetables on high heat for 1-2 minutes. Add them, together with pineapple chunks and fried meat, to the sauce. Stir well. Serve with hot rice.

03.03 International Writers’ Day


Walt Whitman The First Dandelion Simple and fresh and fair from winter’s close emerging, As if no artifice of fashion, business, politics, had ever been, Forth from its sunny nook of shelter’d grass ̶ innocent, golden, calm as the dawn, The spring’s first dandelion shows its trustful face.

COFFEE CAKE WITH PRUNES Recipe and photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais

Serves 8-10 280 g all purpose flour 1 handful of dried plums 1 handful of raisins 1 handful of hazelnuts 80 ml strong and hot espresso 100 g butter 220 g sugar 1 large egg 90 g rye malt (or golden syrup) 150 ml heavy cream 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tbs baking powder a pinch of salt icing sugar for decorating

Preheat oven to 180°C. Pour coffee over prunes and leave for 30 minutes. Cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Add egg and mix. Stir in the malt. Use blender to puree dried prunes with coffee. Stir them into cake batter. Mix flour with spices, baking powder and salt. Add the flour mixture into the batter and stir. Pour in cream, add raisins and nuts, and mix again. Line a 26 cm baking tin with parchment paper and pour in the cake batter. Bake for 40-45 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar before serving.



03.08 International Women’s Day



Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir žaidimų




nternational Women’s Day has been celebrated for over a century. Since 1911 when it was celebrated in four countries – Germany, Australia, Denmark and Sweden – a lot has changed – not only the way women are treated in society, but the meaning of 8th of March itself. Hardly anyone knows that this day was supposed to remind us of the women’s fight for freedom and equal rights. Nowadays it is often regarded as a day when each lady expects breakfast in bed, dinner in candlelight or at least a nice bouquet of flowers. It is the day when women want to feel the most beautiful, charming and loved. Moreover, it is a day when every woman expects to drop down everyday chores, forget a strict routine and intrigues. Today International Women’s Day is not about the fight for equal rights. It’s a day for limitless love for women, a day when one does not have to fight for compliments, attention, gifts or fondness. We need to only accept it with open hands and to give in to the joy of being the most important, together with all the other women of the world. Ladies, be loved, be charming, be smart, brave, surprising... And never give up!

03.08 International Women’s Day


CHOCOLATE SALAMI LOG WITH MARSHMALLOWS Recipe and photo: Egidija, Tinginiai irgi verda...

Makes 15 slices 400 g tea biscuits 3 big marshmallows 1 can condensed milk 200 g butter 5 tbs cocoa powder

In a small saucepan, warm condensed milk and chopped butter until butter has melted and milk has thickened. Add cocoa and stir well. In a bowl, mix coarsely chopped biscuits and chopped marshmallows. Pour over hot mixture and stir well. On a big piece of cling wrap, form a salami. Put it in a baking tray, top with a chopping board and put some weight on. Refrigerate until set. Serve in slices.


03.11 Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania



Recipe and photos: Beata, Braškės su pipirais



oday we can do so much! Have you ever even thought about how much? We are free and independent people. We can fly away and come back, we can make decisions and create stories of our lives. We can talk what we want, and we can walk the way we talk. We can reach for our dreams and make our future – the one we dream of. We can be where we want and when we want to. We can visit our friends in the UK, spend a romantic weekend in Paris, have a sunny holiday in Cyprus or try and find ourselves in colorful Barcelona. We can give it our all in our favorite artist’s concert in Vienna, ski in Italy, lay in the sun in Tunisia. But wherever we are, we can always return to our home country, to Lithuania. We can do everything, but at times we don’t even give a second thought about to whom we should be thankful for this – for what we have, for who we are. Don’t let 11th of March be just another calendar sheet – we truly know that on the Day of Restoration of Independence, there’s lots to think about.

03.11 Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania


LITHUANIAN FLAG COLORS‘ CAKE Serves 15 Sponge: 200 g sunflower oil 1 cup (397 g) condensed milk 400 g natural yoghurt 500 g all purpose flour 2 tsp baking powder Yellow sponge cake: 1 tsp turmeric powder Red and green sponge cake: food coloring Juice of 1 lemon ½ cup warm water 2 tbs sugar Cream: 800 ml heavy whipping cream 250 g mascarpone cheese 200 g sugar Decoration: coconut shavings edible red color powder or cocoa

Preheat oven to 180°C. For the sponge, separately mix liquid and dry ingredients. Pour liquid ingredients into the dry ones and stir gently. Do not beat. Divide sponge batter into three equal parts, and mix each with the food coloring to the desired color. Bake each sponge in 29 cm baking tin for about 25-30 minutes. Leave to cool. For the cream, whip cream with mascarpone cheese and sugar, until stiff. Prepare soaking syrup by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. Soak sponges with the syrup. Assemble the cake: spread some cream on red sponge. Top with green sponge and spread some cream on it. Top with yellow sponge. Spread the rest of the cream on sides and top of the cake. Decorate the sides with coconut shavings. Put an ornament on top of the cake and sprinkle with cocoa powder or edible red color powder. Keep refrigerated.



03.31 Easter


Photo: Asta, Villa Alps


03.31 Easter


WAX-RESIST EGG DYEING Text and photos: Viktorija, Receptų medis


his year we urge you to try out traditional Lithuanian way to decorate Easter eggs – wax-resist dyeing. It is easy and great fun for both kids and adults!

boiled eggs food coloring wax (not paraffin) candle lid of a jar candlestick upon which you could lay a lid of a jar wooden sticks or pencils small nails or pins

Pin nails or pins to the ends of wooden sticks or pencils. Light the candle and put it into the candlestick. Put a turned over jar lid over the candle (check if there are no plastic parts remaining inside). Put some wax to the lid and wait for it to heat and melt. Take a boiled and cooled egg to your one hand, and take a stick with a pin to your other one. Dip the blunt end of the pin in wax and hold it for a moment – it should get hot. Quickly draw lines away from yourself. Decorate the whole egg however you like. Prepare food coloring as to the manufacturer’s instructions. Water in which you will drop your eggs should be warm, not hot – otherwise, the wax may melt and no print will remain. Dye and dry the eggs. You can leave the wax on the eggs, shave it off with a knife or melt it over a fire. If you choose the latter, don’t do it over the candle as the egg will become smoky.



03.31 Easter


EASTER MENU Preface, recipes and photos: Aušra, Vaikai ir vanilė


hyme is one of the very first herbs that appear in spring. Thin, delicate stems of thyme sprout through the last bits of snow, while the rest of nature is still sleeping. If you rub the twiggy sprigs between your fingers, a surprisingly strong fresh aroma will fill the air, reach your nose and make you smile. Thyme smells like spring, like a healthy boost of freshness and wellbeing, like a true remedy. No wonder thyme is praised not only for being a valuable herb with endless culinary applications, but also for its healing medicinal powers. When the spring sun starts warming up the air, and the days get longer, thyme rushes to spread around, forming a soft and fragrant carpet. That’s the time when we celebrate Easter. For our festive Easter meal we will highlight thyme – we’ll incorporate it into flower arrangements, add it to our lamb roast and to vegetable side dishes. We’ll even make a dessert that smells like thyme – chocolaty, custardy, sweet and oh-so-fragrant! We wish everyone a happy and healthy Easter!

03.31 Easter


STUFFED LEG F LAMB Serves 6-8 2-2 ½ kg bone-in leg of lamb 2 tbs fresh parsley, minced 1 tbs fresh thyme, minced 1 garlic head 2 tbs whole grain Dijon mustard 1 onion 1 carrot 1 celery stalk 2 bay leaves 6 cups water 3 parsley sprigs 3 thyme sprigs ½ cup dry red wine salt freshly ground black pepper

Using a thin sharp knife, debone leg by cutting out the bone without damaging the muscle layer. Place meat onto a large sheet of plastic wrap, cover with another piece of plastic wrap, and pound meat lightly to make the entire piece of even thickness. Cut off the bottom part of garlic head. Rub it with some oil, wrap in foil. Roast at 165°C for about 30 minutes, until softened. Remove from oven. Unwrap garlic, squeeze out softened cloves and mash with a fork. Add mustard and mix to incorporate. Spread garlic-mustard mixture onto lamb in an even layer. Sprinkle with minced herbs. Starting from the longer end, roll meat into a tight roll. Tie with a kitchen string. Heat a large skillet on medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of oil. Brown the roast on all sides. Roast in a 165°C oven for about 35–40 minutes, or until internal temperature of the roast reaches 45-50°C. Take the roast out of the oven and let it rest at room temperature for about 15–20 minutes. Meanwhile prepare the sauce. Coarsely chop carrot, onion and celery stalk. Heat a large skillet on medium heat. Add remaining oil. Brown the bone on all sides. Add chopped vegetable and sauté until nicely browned. Add wine, bay leaves, sprigs of parsley and thyme. Cook until the liquid is reduced by half. Add water. Season with salt and ground pepper. Continue cooking until there is about 1½–2 cups of liquid left in the pan. Strain contents of the pan through amesh strainer. Check the seasoning. Keep warm. Transfer rested roast onto a cutting board. Remove the string. Slice into thick slices, drizzle with sauce and serve.



03.31 Easter


P TAT ES AU GRATIN (P MMES DAUPHIN ISE) Serves 6-8 1½ cups milk 2 garlic cloves 2 tbs butter 1 kg potatoes 2 cups grated cheese (Cheddar, Gruyere, Fontina, etc.) salt ground pepper

Preheat oven to 220°C. Peel garlic cloves and smash them with a knife or meat mallet. In a medium saucepan heat milk and one garlic clove. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and leave to steep. Rub inside of a baking dish with the remaining garlic clove. Butter the pan with 1 tablespoon of butter. Peel potatoes and slice them into 3–4 milimeter thick slices. Place a layer of potato slices into prepared dish, sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. Sprinkle with some grated cheese. Continue layering potatoes and cheese. When you are down to the last potato layer, arrange potato slices neatly in concentric circles. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Dot with pieces of butter. Take out the garlic clove from the milk. Pour warm milk into the baking dish on top of potatoes. Bake at 220°C for about 30 minutes, until potatoes are soft and the top of gratin becomes golden brown. Remove the baking dish with the gratin from oven. Let cool for 5-10 minutes and serve in the baking dish together with the lamb roast.

03.31 Šv. Velykos


BRAISED Y UNG CARR TS WITH THYME Serves 6-8 Place all ingredients into a large skillet. Add water to barely cover the carrots. Bring to a boil 16–18 thin young carrots and cook on high heat until most of the liquid 1 tbs sugar has evaporated and carrots have softened. 1 tsp salt Carrots must still be crunchy but not hard. 1 tbs white wine vinegar Remove from heat. Keep warm. 1 bay leaf 2–3 thyme sprigs Serve with the lamb roast. 40 g butter

03.31 Easter


03.31 Easter


ASPARAGUS WITH CARAMELIZED NI NS Serves 6-8 18–20 asparagus spears 2 onions or 4–5 shallots 2 tbs white wine vinegar 2 tbs sugar 55 g butter 1 tbs fresh thyme, minced salt

Peel tough ends of asparagus with a vegetable peeler. In a large skillet bring 1-1½ cups of salted water to a boil. Place asparagus into boiling water, cover with a lid and cook for 1–2 minutes. Remove from heat. Drain asparagus in a colander and immediately place in a large bowl of ice water (or alternatively rinse asparagus under running cold water). Transfer asparagus to a kitchen towel to drain. Thinly slice onions or shallots into half rings. In a medium skillet, melt butter. Add sliced onions, sprinkle with salt and cook for about 6–8 minutes, until onions have softened and acquired a golden color. Add vinegar and sugar. Cook for a little longer, until onions are nicely browned. Sprinkle in minced thyme and mix well. Remove from heat. Place asparagus onto a plate. Scoop caramelized onions on top and serve with the lamb roast.


CH C LATE THYME CAKE Serves 8 Cake layers: ½ cup (70 g) all purpose flour ¼ cup (25 g) cocoa powder ¼ tsp baking powder ¼ tsp baking soda a pinch of salt 3 eggs 3 tbs (45 g) butter cocoa powder, for dusting Thyme syrup: ¾ cup (180 ml) water ½ cup (100 g) sugar 5 thyme sprigs Thyme cream: ½ cup (125 ml) milk ½ cup (125 ml) heavy cream ¼ cup (50 g) sugar 5 thyme sprigs 1¼ tsp gelatin 2 tbs (30 ml) cold water 3 egg yolks Chocolate mousse: 100 g dark chocolate 1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream Chocolate ganache: 150 g dark chocolate ½ cup (125 ml) heavy cream

03.31 Easter


For cake layers, preheat oven to 180°C. Butter a 20 cm round cake pan, line bottom with a circle of parchment, butter the parchment, and dust the entire interior with cocoa powder, shaking out the excess. Sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In a large heat-proof bowl, whisk together eggs and sugar. Place bowl in a large skillet filled with a few centimeters of hot water. Working over medium-high heat and whisking constantly, beat eggs and sugar until they are foamy and just warm to the touch, about 3–4 minutes. Remove the bowl from the skillet, and continue beating on high speed till the mixture is cooled and at least doubled in volume. Gently and gradually fold in sifted dry ingredients. When the dry ingredients are no longer visible, gently fold in melted butter. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 20-22 minutes or until the cake is springy to the touch. Transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool for five minutes, then run a blunt knife between the cake and the sides of the pan, invert the cake onto another wire rack, remove the parchment, and invert again onto the first rack. Let cool to room temperature. When the cake has cooled completely, cut it horizontally with a sharp serrated knife into two even layers. For syrup, place water, thyme sprigs and sugar in a small saucepan and stir over high heat until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, and cool. For thyme cream, bring milk, cream, two tablespoons of sugar, and thyme to a full boil in a medium saucepan. Stir to dissolve the sugar, turn off the heat, and let infuse for at least 10 minutes or longer. Meanwhile, sprinkle gelatin over cold water. When it is soft and spongy, heat it for 15 seconds in a microwave, or do this on a stove top, to liquefy; set aside. Discard the thyme in the milk-and-cream mixture. Whisk together yolks and the remaining sugar in a small bowl. Still whisking, gradually pour in the hot thyme infused milk-and-cream mixture over the yolks, then pour everything back into the saucepan. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat until it begins to thicken. Strain the cream into a clean bowl, stir in the dissolved gelatin, and chill, stirring frequently, just until it thickens slightly. Once the cream begins to show signs of thickening pull it out of the fridge and keep it at room temperature while you make the mousse. For chocolate mousse, put chocolate in a medium bowl. Bring ½ cup of cream to a boil and pour it over the chocolate. Leave for 10-15

minutes to cool completely. Whisk the remaining cream until stiff peaks form. Stir into cooled chocolate mixture. Line bottom of a 20 cm spring form pan with parchment paper. Put one cake layer onto the bottom, brush with enough syrup to moisten it well. Spread the thyme cream evenly over the cake. Place the second cake layer on top of the cream. Moisten the cake with syrup and top with the mousse, spreading it smoothly. Chill the cake for 30 minutes. For chocolate ganache, put chocolate in a medium bowl. Bring ½ cup of cream to a boil and pour it over the chocolate. Wait a minute for chocolate to melt slightly. Stir until smooth. Pour over the chilled cake and smooth the surface. Refrigerate for 2 or more hours. Sift with cocoa powder. Remove cake from the tin and transfer to a cake stand. Decorate with fresh thyme sprigs. Keep refrigerated.


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04.01 April Fools’ Day



Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Recipe and photo: Karolina, Citrinos žievelė




here’s only a single day in a year when you can win a million dollars even though you’ve never even entered a lottery; when you might have just been called by your best friend even though your phone didn’t ring; or when you might be called to work even though it’s Saturday and the doors are not going to be opened until Monday… There’s only a single day in a year when the Sun may be green and the grass yellow. It’s the day when we try to stay alert from dawn till dusk and tell truth from lies. ALERTNESS is the most important quality to have on this day as there is only one goal on this day: to fool someone, to make them believe and then burst with laughter. It is said that this does not only boost one’s mood, but also guarantees a successful year. You need to fool someone. Easy peasy, isn’t it? And if you’re still pondering the smartest way to fool someone, we have a suggestion that is both believable and delicious. Cooks are known to fool people by pairing carrots and beets in cakes, serving chocolate with bacon or preparing chili ice cream. And the most interesting thing is that you could never tell that an airy cake contains zucchini and the sweetest caramel – a healthy dash of salt. Chocolate mousse is a popular dessert loved by many. But what would you say about… Chocolate avocado mousse? Will you manage to distinguish the hidden avocado? Try and see who has the most successful year – and a delicious one as well!

04.01 April Fools’ Day


Ha ha ha! CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSE Serves 2 1 large ripe avocado ¼ cup maple syrup or honey 2 tbs cocoa powder 1 tsp vanilla extract zest of ½ orange walnuts (optional)

Halve avocado and remove the seed. Scoop out avocado into a food processor (or blender). Pour in maple syrup, cocoa and vanilla. Blend until smooth. Refrigerate for 30 minutes and serve with some nuts.


04.25 Wordl Penguin Day


Penguin Preface, recipe and photos: Aušra, Tarp vėjo gūsių



orld Penguin day is celebrated each year on 25th of April. It’s around then that spring starts in Antarctica and penguins begin to migrate. These wonderful creatures leave the ocean and head for thousands of kilometers inland to mate and lay eggs. If you happen to have a tuxedo in your wardrobe, if you know a conductor or are simply amazed by these black and white birds, you’ve got a reason to celebrate! And what a party without funny penguins? These olive snacks stuffed with delicious cheese will leave you asking for more.

04.25 World Penguin Day


OLIVE PENGUIN SNACKS Serves 3-4 100 g feta cheese 50 g fresh curd or cottage cheese salt ground black pepper 1 garlic clove 1 carrot 30 big black olives, pitted 30 small black olives, pitted some spring onions some long dill twigs 30 wooden toothpicks

Mix feta with curd and mashed garlic. Season with salt and ground pepper to taste. Peel carrot and slice it. Cut out a small triangle out of each slice to form feet. Do not discard the triangles. Cut all big olives in half. Carefully insert a small ball of mixed cheese between the two halves of each big olive. Use the saved triangles and press into each centre of small olive. Skewer penguin heads onto a toothpick. Put the big stuffed olive onto the carrot slice. Then, fix a small olive (penguin head) onto the large olive so that the toothpick goes through the cheese stuffed body and into the carrot. Lower the penguin‘s head gently down to meet his body. Make scarves from green onion and dill. Penguins are ready for the party. Arrange them on a plate and serve. Best served the same day.



05.05 Mother’s Day

Mother’s Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Recipes and photos: Viktorija, Receptų medis



hen we talk about our Moms, there’s one expression that sums it all up: Thank you. It tells more than a thousand others. It is real and comes from the depths of heart. Moms, thank you for being the basis of our lives. Thank you for making us who we are, for teaching us to tell good from evil, laughter from tears, happiness from sadness. Thank you for showing us the million colors of life, for teaching us to recognize, discover and savor them. Moms, thank you for introducing us to the vast world and feelings. Thanks for teaching us to love, believe, hope and dream. You were the ones to walk by our side, guiding us through our venture and discovery of ourselves. Thank you, Moms, because we know that wherever we are and whatever happens, you will be the ones to give us a helping hand, to hug and calm us, to show us that there’s a way forward. Thank you for proving us a hundred times: unconditional love does exist, and it can overcome any difficulty. Moms, thank you for the sole fact that you ARE, and will be forever – near or far, but always in our hearts.


05.05 Mother’s Day



hese muffins are delightful with no frosting – they are soft, moist, not too sweet and with a crunchy almond topping.

Makes 12 135 g butter 100 g brown sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 150 g all purpose flour ½ tsp baking powder a pinch of salt 200 g frozen pitted cherries almond flakes

Preheat oven to 180°C. Melt butter and mix it with sugar. Beat in eggs one by one, stirring until the mixture is fluffy and smooth after each addition. Add vanilla extract and pour sifted flour, baking powder and salt. Mix well. Grease a muffin pan or line it with paper liners. Fill the cups 2/3 full. Add three cherries into each muffin (berries can be taken drectly from the freezer), pushing gently. Sprinkle with almond flakes. Bake for 20-25 minutes. If the edges brown too quickly and the middle is still wobbly, reduce heat to 170-160°C.

05.05 Mother’s Day



njoy the intense and rich chocolate flavor! These cookies are not too sweet, soft and crunchy at the same time. Makes 25

1/8 cup cocoa beans 110 g butter, room temperature ¾ cup dark muscovado sugar 1 egg 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1½ cup all purpose flour a pinch of salt ¼ tsp baking powder

Remove husks from cocoa beans and chop them finely, or use cocoa nibs. Beat butter with sugar. Add egg and mix well. Add cocoa powder, cocoa nibs and stir. In another bowl, mix flour, baking powder and salt. Gradually add this to the butter mixture until the dough comes together. Roll it into a cylinder 5 cm in diameter. Wrap it in cling wrap and place in fridge for several hours. Preheat oven to 180°C. Once the dough is firm, slice it in ½ cm thick slices. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for 8-11 minutes.

05.05 Mother’s Day



hese cookies are reminiscent of a nostalgic Soviet times biscuit called “Neris”. In this version, lemon shortbread is covered with sweet almond meringue.

Makes 8-10 Shortbread: 100 g butter, room temperature 65 g sugar 1 egg yolk 165 g all purpose flour ½ tsp baking powder zest of 1 lemon

For the shortbread, beat butter with sugar and yolk. Sift in flour, baking powder and add lemon zest. Knead the dough briefly. Cut a piece of parchment paper as big as your baking tray. On parchment paper, roll out the dough into a rectangle, ½ cm thick. Leave it in the freezer for 20 minutes or in the fridge for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 200°C. Bake shortbread for 10-15 minutes or until it is lightly golden. Let cool.

Meringue: 120 g almonds 3 egg whites 200 g sugar 60 g all purpose flour

Toast almonds in the oven or a dry pan. Chop finely. Beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar and nuts, and mix well. Put a saucepan on low heat. Pour in the egg white mixture and heat, mixing, until sugar has melted and the mass has become malleable. Remove from heat and mix in flour. Cover the shorbread with still warm meringue mixture and leave to dry for an hour – the meringue should not stick to your finger when touched. Preheat oven to 160°C. Cut the rectangle into 8 to 10 squares. Separate them, leaving a few centimeter gaps. Bake for 20 minutes.


05.09 Europe Day


pe o r u E

Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Gabrielė, Gabriele photography



he world is so small!” - we think to ourselves when we sit in a cozy caffee, sipping tea, and hear Danish being spoken at the next table. Or when we hurry down the street, stiff from the seemingly never-ending cold, and cross paths with a stranger who clearly comes from a place a lot warmer than this one. Or when we go on a fourteen hour journey, hop half the world…. Only to hear discussions about the most delicious cookies in the shopping mall – in our own language. “The world is so small…”- we often hear; and it’s true. And if you consider only Europe, everything is at your reach: only a couple of hours by bus or plane, and you can enjoy some authentic Guinness punch or Scotch eggs, traditional Greek cake or red berry pudding with heavy cream in Denmark. Enjoying a meal in one of these countries today or tomorrow is really possible! But there is an even easier way than grabbing those cheap flight tickets: it’s experiencing the wide world at your own table.


05.09 Europe Day




n Denmark, rødgrød med fløde is a phrase that tourists are asked to repeat each and every time. And even if you brake your tongue trying, Danes will burst into tears with laughter. Internet is full of videos of foreigners trying to say this phrase. But we guess that Danes themselves wouldn’t be much better at pronouncing Lithuanians’ favorite, šaltibarščiai. Fortunately, it is a lot easier to prepare this dish than to pronounce its name. Rødgrød med fløde is a simple red berry pudding served with heavy cream. It can be made from any red berries and even rhubarb! During other times of the year, frozen berries are a nice substitute. Serves 4-6 600 g mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants, etc.) 200 g sugar 150 ml water 2 tbs potato starch or cornflour heavy cream

Wash berries. Put them into a pot, add sugar and water, and cook on medium heat for 10-15 minutes, mixing constantly, until the berries are tender. In a small bowl mix starch with a little bit of water. Add slurry to the hot berry mixture. Remove from heat and let cool. Pudding should be served cold, topped with some heavy cream.

05.09 Europe Day


GUINNESS PUNCH Recipe and photo: Giedrė, g. august photography


reland‘s with a twist that even grandmas would like to have a go at - a punch that looks like a milkshake and tastes like one, with an unexpected bitter kick from the Irish favorite beer.

Makes 2,2 L 880 ml Guinness beer 1 can condensed milk 900 ml milk 1 tbs vanilla extract ½ tsp cinnamon

Pour all ingredients in a blender and mix until homogenous. Punch is best served on its own immediately. Keep the remaining drink in the fridge.



05.09 Europe Day


GUINNESS CAKE Recipe and photo: Giedrė, g. august photography


ou probably do not think about baking whenever you raise a glass of beer, but you could. Beer adds a rich flavor to this moist cake and this is a dessert that any beer lover would be more than glad to taste.

Serves 4-6 Cake: 250 ml Guinness beer 250 ml butter 80 g cocoa powder 300 g sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 140 ml buttermilk 280 g all purpose flour 2 tsp baking soda ½ tsp baking powder Frosting: 50 g butter 300 g icing sugar 125 g cheese cream handful of sugar 2-3 drops of green food coloring

Use 23 cm diameter spring form tin. Preheat oven to 190°C. Melt butter and pour Guinness into the saucepan. Remove the pan from heat and stir in the cocoa powder with sugar. Mix eggs, vanilla essence and buttermilk, and add to the Guinness mixture. Sift flour with baking soda and baking powder. Mix until all ingredients are incorporated. Pour the batter into a 23 cm tin and bake for approximately 45 minutes, or until the sponge bounces back when lightly pressed and a skewer comes out clean. Set aside to cool. Remove from the tin to a wire rack. Using an electric whisk, mix room temperature butter and icing sugar until there are no lumps left. Add cream cheese and mix on low speed, then increase the speed and beat until the frosting is light and fluffy. Place the cooled cake on a plate and top generously with cream cheese frosting. Using a small bowl, mix sugar with a few drops of green food coloring. Once the color is fully incorporated sprinkle on top of the cake. Keep refrigerated.

05.09 Europe Day



n Greece these meatballs are served rolled in pita or together with orzo, rice-shaped pasta.

Serves 5-6 Pitas: 450 g all purpose flour 1 tsp salt 15 g dry yeast 2 tbs olive oil 300 ml lukewarm water Meatballs: 800 g minced beef 1 onion 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp dried mint 2 garlic cloves 1 slice of white bread 100 ml milk 1 egg some fresh parsley Tzatziki sauce: ½ cucumber 200 ml natural yoghurt 1 garlic clove 1 tsp dried mint ½ tsp dried oregano 2 tsp lemon juice 1 tbs olive oil salt

For pitas, mix flour, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour olive oil and most of the water. Stir to bring the mixture together into a ball, adding a little more water if nescessary to get a soft, but not sticky dough. Put the dough on a floured surface and knead it for 10 minutes until smooth. Put the dough into an oiled bowl, cover with a cling wrap and leave to prove for 2 hours. When the dough has doubled in size, punch it down and knead briefly for a minute. Divide into 12 equal pieces and shape them into balls. Leave to prove in a warm place for 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 200°C with 2 lightly oiled baking trays inside. Roll each dough ball into an oval, 2-3 cm thick. Transfer to the warmed baking trays and bake for 7-8 minutes. For meatballs, pour milk over bread. Let it soak for a few minutes. Peel and finely chop onion, garlic and parsley. In a bowl, combine minced beef, herbs, chopped onion, garlic, parsley. Squeeze milk out of bread and add bread into the mince. Season with salt and black pepper, add egg. Mix well. Shape small oval meatballs. Preheat olive oil in a pan. Fry meatballs for 7-10 minutes, or until cooked through and nicely browned. Fry in batches not to overcrowd the pan. For tzatziki, coarsly grate cucumber into a sieve set up over a bowl. Add a few pinches of salt, then squeeze out as much water as you can. Discard water, then put the cucumber into a bowl and add yogurt, finely grated garlic, herbs, lemon juice and olive oil. Mix well. Serve meatballs with fresh pitas and Tzatziki sauce.


GREEK MEATBALLS WITH HOME-MADE PITA BREAD AND TZATZIKI SAUCE Recipe and photo: Jolita, Surfing the world cuisine


05.09 Europe Day


BAKED SCOTCH EGGS Recipe and photo: Indrė, Keistai paprasta


f you like traveling but have never been to Scotland, Europe Day is a perfect opportunity to bake unusual Scotch eggs. Traditionally they are rolled in a meat, flour and bread mix and deep fried, but our recipe is much more simple, faster and healthier. Give it a go and surprise your loved ones!

Serves 4 4 hard boiled eggs 300 g boiled or roasted chicken 1 cup (236 ml) spinach leaves 1 egg ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper salt dried pasley and dill

Process chicken in a food processor. Add washed, dried and chopped spinach, crack in an egg and season with salt and pepper, dried parsley and dill. Mix well and divide into 4 equal parts. Make a flat patty, add hard boiled egg and fold to cover the egg. Roll in hands to smooth the outside. Repeat with 3 other eggs. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with some parchment paper. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.


05.21 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

Cultural Preface, recipe and photos: Aušra, Tarp vėjo gūsių



NESCO has decided that the 21st of May is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. On this day, attention is drawn to how important it is to preserve the individuality of each nation, the diversity, freedom and cooperation. In our minds, Cultural Heritage Day is linked to Lithuanian cuisine. Each region of Lithuania has its specific traditions and dishes. The Samogitian Kastinys holds a special place in traditional Lithuanian cuisine. Kastinys is made of butter, sour cream and spices. It used to be treated as a simpler dish than butter, but a better one than sour cream. It is especially intriguing since no other culture has a similar sour cream dip. Etnographic XIX-XX age sources say that Kastinys used to be made in all Samogitian villages during celebrations, special occasions, busy season or fasts. It is distinguished by its traditional recipe, which has not changed since its first mention in written sources. This ancient dish is enjoyed today as well, especially in Samogitia, even though to prepare it, you’ll need some skills and patience. Kastinys is usually eaten with hot potatoes or bread, but let’s be more inventive! Today it is often served with boiled eggs or grain porridges. Put some Kastinys over freshly baked fish, pasta or ravioli, and you won’t believe how much flavor it adds. Make some Kastinys-filled cream puffs for your next party. Or bake some whole grain cookies and serve them with marinated beet slices and turmeric dyed Kastinys, and surprise your guests.



It’s a salty dish. Do not hesitate to add more salt than usual. Use one or two tablespoons of raw beetroot or carrot juice to color this dish in different colors.

Serves 6-8 Rye cookies: 100 g whole grain rye flour 120 g whole grain spelt flour 8 tbs extra virgin olive oil 4 tbs (approx. 160 g) ricotta ½ tsp salt 2 tsp caraway seeds ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper 1−2 tbs cold water (optional) Sour cream butter: ½ tsp butter, room temperature ½ L sour cram (at least 30% fat) salt 2 garlic cloves ½−1/3 tsp ground turmeric Sandwiches: 2 small beetroots, boiled 1–2 tbs balsamic vinegar 1 tbs brown sugar 1 pickled herring fillet some salt cured salmon 10 cornichons 10–12 quail eggs, boiled salt olive oil spring onions or chives freshly ground black pepper

05.21 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development


RYE COOKIE SANDWICHES WITH KASTINYS For cookies, combine flour, salt and olive oil in a bowl. Mix with fingers until flour becomes wet. Add ricotta, ground pepper, caraway seeds and knead a soft dough. If the dough seems too dry, add one or two tablespoons of water. Turn the dough onto a floured surface, knead once or twice to bring it together, shape into a ball, cover with cling wrap and chill in the fridge. Preheat oven to 200°C. Line baking trays with parchment paper. Roll the dough to 3 mm thickness and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter of your choice. Place on the prepared baking trays and bake for 12 – 15 minutes until lightly brown. Let cool. For the sour cream butter, boil water in a medium size pot. Warm up a bowl over boiling water. Working rapidly, add butter and one tablespoon of sour cream at a time. Stir with a wooden spoon. It is crucial to stir in a single direction. When the mixture becomes grainy, warm up the bowl over hot water for a short moment and proceed stirring. Stir until all sour cream has been added. Do not overheat! Stir the mixture until an almost white, solid, fluffy mass is formed. Add salt and mashed garlic. Divide into two parts. Mix one part of kastinys with ground turmeric to make it yellow. Refrigerate. Peel beetroots and slice them. Mix with balsamic vinegar, salt, brown sugar and olive oil. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Cut herring fillet into small pieces and salmon into thin slices. Cut cornichons into quarters and halve quail eggs. Put chilled kastinys into a pastry bag. Divide your cookies into three batches. Put a slice of marinated beetroot on the first batch and top with kastinys (50/50 yellow and white). Put a slice or two of marinated beetroot on the second batch, top with a piece of herring and some kastinys (50/50 yellow and white). Decorate with thin quarters of cornichons. Put a strip of salmon and half of quail egg on the third batch and top with some kastinys (50/50 yellow and white). Transfer sandwiches onto a serving plate, sprinkle with ground pepper, chopped green onion or chive. Refrigerate before serving.

05.31 International Blonde Day


Preface, recipe and photos: Indrė, Gėrimų ir patiekalų magija

Blonde DAY



here’s probably no sweet-tooth person that hasn’t heard of brownie – a chocolate melt-in-your-mouth delicacy. Blondie, it’s light haired sister, is made by using white chocolate instead of dark and milk ones. If you’re blond or have blond haired friends, bake this cake and celebrate International Blonde Day in an untraditional way.

05.31 International Blonde Day


BLONDIE WITH HAZELNUTS AND WHITE CHICOLATE 26 cm round cake tin 50 g butter 4 eggs 2 tbs natural yoghurt 2 tsp instant coffee 1 tsp vanilla sugar 100 g white chocolate 75 g hazelnuts 2 cups all purpose flour 1 cup brown sugar ½ cup muscovado sugar 2 tbs wheat bran 2 tsp baking powder a pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 180°C. In a large bowl, beat eggs, yoghurt, butter, coffee and vanilla sugar until well blended. Add flour, wheat bran, sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir in walnuts and chopped chocolate. Line a 26 cm baking tin with parchment paper. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Let cool.





Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Asta, Villa Alps


lose your eyes for a moment and let your imagination run wild… Imagine spring, green grass and vividly blue sky; blooming flowers, taking your breath away. Sun high in the sky, gently touching your cheeks; lively Old Town streets and quaint lanes nearby. Imagine the everyday hustle and bustle around you and voices sounding like nicest melodies; small tables lined along the street, housing wine glasses. Imagine the clinking of forks and knives and bits of chatter; tourists’ cries of amazement and laughter filling the air. Would you like to get away this moment to somewhere far far away?.. Perhaps to sun kissed Italy where, as people say, time stops. Especially if there’s a plate of delicious food in front of you (and we’ve heard that in Italy, it’s always the case), such as delicious pasta or cheese. This time we invite to the table one of the best-known Italian cheeses – ricotta. This fresh grainy dairy product is perfect for dessert, breakfast, lunch and dinner alike. Try something out from our menu! We are certain that those who love simple and light dishes wiil appreciate ricotta and peach stuffed dumplings or ricotta and zucchini frittata. If you want something out of the ordinary, try the ricotta and spinach triangles. And if you eat dessert first, baked chocolate ricotta is exactly what you need!

Ricotta cheese - breakfast


SWEET DUMPLINGS WITH RICOTTA AND PEACHES Recipe and photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir žaidimų


hildhood tastes are a perfect breakfast idea. This simple dough does not need to be rolled out, it is soft and pliable, so you won’t spend an eternity forming the dumplings. Don’t forget to finish off the delicate filling with some vanilla sugar and douse the dumplings in sour cream.

Makes 8 Dumplings: 1½ cup all purpose flour 1 egg yolk 1 tbs oil a pinch of salt ½ cup very hot water Filling: 125 g ricotta 1 large ripe peach suagr a pinch of vanilla sugar 1 egg white

Put flour into a large bowl. Add yolk, oil and salt, and mix well. Add hot water and mix dough with a spoon. Once it’s cool enough to handle, knead dough by hand. Cover the bowl with a damp kitchen towel and leave for 30 minutes. Mix ricotta with cubed peach, sugar, vanilla sugar and egg white. Divide dough into 8 pieces. Roll each one to a small ball. Flatten the balls between your palms and stretch them to form circles. Put a teaspoon of filling on each circle. Fold the circles and tightly press edges. Lay the dumplings on a floured surface. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add some salt. Cook in batches. Dumplings should not touch each other while cooking. Once they float, cook for additional 7-8 minutes and drain. Serve hot with sour cream.




Freshly baked triangles taste best. You can dip them into your favourite sauce. If any unbaked triangles are left, freeze them and bake them later.

Ricotta cheese - lunch


RICOTTA AND SPINACH TRIANGLES Recipe and photo: Julija, Vilko šaukštai


he combination of crispy filo dough and tender ricotta cheese, spinach and sundried tomatoes is hard to resist, and the preparation feels like meditation., and the making process feels like meditation. Just do not forget to take the dough out of the freezer and keep in the fridge overnight before preparing the triangles.

Makes 36 12 sheets filo pastry 100 g fresh spinach 1 onion 1 garlic clove 5 sun-dried tomatoes in oil 250 g ricotta 100 g butter 1 tsp dried thyme 1 tbs oil salt and freshly ground pepper

Remove filo pastry from the refrigerator and place them on a baking tray or other surface. Cover the dough with a slightly damp cloth to avoid drying. Wash and drain fresh spinach leaves. Remove thick stems. Finely chop onion and garlic. Cook them, stirring occasionally, with oil in a skillet over medium-high heat, until golden brown. Remove from heat and leave to cool. In the meantime, drain and chop tomatoes, then mix them in a bowl with ricotta. Add spinach to the mixture. Season with thyme, salt and pepper. Mix well. Melt butter. Line baking trays with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 180°C. Carefully separate one filo sheet (cover the remaining sheets with a damp cloth again), lay it on a clean surface and brush lightly with melted butter. Cut the sheet crosswise into 3 strips. Place 1 teaspoon of the filling on the end of the strip and gently, lightly pressing, fold the dough to form a triangle. Make triangles from the remaining dough and filling. Arrange triangles on baking trays, slightly brush with melted butter. Bake for about 20 minutes, turning triangles over halfway through and changing position of baking trays, until golden and crisp all over.

Ricotta cheese - dinner


ZUCCHINI, RICOTTA AND SUNDRIED TOMATOES FRITTATA Recipe and photo: Skirmantė, Impossible is nothing


rittata is an Italian word that’s difficult to translate, so let’s not do that! Let’s just keep in mind that frittata signifies a whisked egg dish with all types of add-ins, first fried in the skillet and finished off in the oven. And if you add not only vegetables, but also ricotta, you’ll have a chance to enjoy a delicate texture and a flavorful dinner.

Serves 2 ¼ zucchini 3 tbs butter or oil 4 large eggs 4 tbs ricotta cheese 4 sun-dried tomatoes salt pepper

Slice zucchini and cut eahc piece in half. Cook in 1 tablespoon butter, until tender. Remove and drain on paper towel. Add remaining butter to the pan. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt. Pour into the pan, top with zucchini, sun-dried tomatoes cut in strips and small chunks of ricotta cheese. Cook on low heat. When bottom sets, seare the top under the grill.


Ricotta cheese - dessert


BAKED CHOCOLATE RICOTTA Recipe and photo: Skirmantė, Impossible is nothing


ometimes only a couple of ingredients are needed to create a wonderful dessert. Baked chocolate ricotta is full flavored and unbelievably creamy. Try it out yourself – you’ll see what a melt-in-your-mouth dessert it is!

Serves 2 30 g dark chocolate 200 g ricotta cheese 1 large egg 1½−2 tbs sugar a pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 170°C. Melt chocolate over a double boiler. Add ricotta, egg yolk, ⅔ of sugar, salt and mix well. Beat egg white until fluffy, add the remaining sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Carefully fold in into ricotta mixture. Divide batter among small ramekins. Put them into a large baking dish and fill it with water up to ⅔ of the ramekins’ height. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove from the water bath and let stand for 10 minutes. Serve warm or keep in the fridge for 1-3 hours. The baked chocolate ricotta is best served with some berry sauce.


Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Gabrielė, Gabriele photography


f we were to announce who were the most crazy about butter, the French would certainly win the first place. On the other hand, there’s nothing surprising about that: good quality butter is crucial for delicious croissants, without which France would probably lose half of its magic. Butter can be found in every household, in every continent. Sometimes it’s only a knob of butter; other times, it’s a whole pound of it. And no wonder: we use butter every day. Even if you’re not yet ready to bake croissants, you butter toasts, cook pasta or prepare sauces. Actually, when you think about it, there are not too many dishes where butter is not used. Because of this, we think that you already know a million ways to use up a block of butter. But since we’re so fond of this ingredient, we’ve prepared several ideas for your breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert – flip through the pages and enjoy!

Butter - breakfast


SMOKED HERRING SPREAD Recipe and photos: Aušra, Tarp vėjo gūsių


ith spring upon us, our attention turns to warmer weather ahead and the joys that the verdant grass and first blossoms bring with them. There is no desire to have breakfast at home. There is no wish to hurry and to have the usual boring meals. The desire is to open the windows, take a deep breath of fresh spring air and relish delicious meals for morning breakfast - for example, sandwiches with smoked herring spread. And maybe you prefer a slow weekend breakfast outdoors, with your bare feet up in the air? It’s up to you! Aprox. 300 g Finely chop fresh dill and a few stalks of spring onions. 70 g butter, room temperature a batch of dill 50 g spring onions 125 g smoked herring fillet 2 hard boiled eggs 70 g processed or cream cheese 1 garlic clove ⅓ tsp smoked ground sweet paprika salt freshly ground black pepper 2 tbs baby capers lemon and wholegrain rye bread to serve

In a food processor, puree herring fillets, soft butter, boiled eggs and processed cheese, until smooth. Add mashed garlic, smoked paprika, chopped dill and green onion. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Add capers and stir. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours. Serve on whole grain rye bread garnished with a slice of lemon and a few stalks of spring onions.



Substitute soused herring, macerated in milk, or any other kind of smoked fish for the smoked herring

Butter - lunch


SPINACH PIE Recipe and photo: Jolita, Surfing the world cuisine


ilo dough loves butter – without it, it wouldn’t get crispy. Spinach and filo pies are especially popular in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions where they’re eaten for both breakfast and dinner.

Serves 8 500 g fresh spinach 1 large onion 2 garlic cloves 50 g Gouda cheese ½ tsp lemon zest ¼ tsp ground nutmeg salt black pepper olive oil 200 g filo pastry (16 sheets) 150 g butter 1 egg 1 tbs sesame seeds

Rinse spinach in cold water and chop it. Peel and chop onion and garlic cloves. Heat some olive oil in a large pan. Add onions and garlic. Fry over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add spinach and cover with a lid for 1 minute. Season with salt and pepper, nutmeg and lemon zest. Leave to cool, then pour off juices from the pan and add grated cheese. Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a 20 cm round baking dish. Melt butter in a saucepan. Take 2 sheets of filo pastry and brush generously with butter. Put 2 more sheets on top, brush with butter and add spinach filling on one side. Roll the dough into a log. Then roll the log into a round bun. Put it in the middle of the baking dish. Take another 2 filo sheets, brush with butter, add 2 more sheets on top, brush with butter and add the filling. Again, roll it into a log and put it around the first roll into a baking dish. Repeat with the rest of the dough and the filling until you fill up the baking dish. Brush the pie with butter and whisked egg. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until the top is golden brown and the dough is crispy.

Pistacijos - desertas


Butter - dinner


CHICKEN POT PIE Recipe and photo: Julija, Vilko šaukštai


f you have a little more than an hour to make lunch or dinner, this chicken pot pie is just what you need. Try this delicious cake on a rainy and chilly spring day. Play with the filling by adding green peas or mashed potatoes. Just keep in mind – use cold butter for the pastry, and let it rest before rolling.

Serves 4 Pastry: 200 g all purpose flour 100 g cold butter 4–6 tbs cold water a pinch of salt Filling: 500 g chicken breast fillets 1 large white onion 1 large carrot 200 g button mushrooms 2 celery stalks 2 garlic cloves 1 rosemary sprig 200 ml cream (30–35% fat) 2 tbs butter salt freshly ground black pepper

Sift flour, add salt and small pieces of cold butter. Use your fingers to make crumbles. Add 5 tablespoons of cold water and work with your fingers. If the pastry seems too dry, add more water. Form a ball, wrap it in cling wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 180°C. Cut chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces. Halve onion and slice it. Cube carrot, and chop mushrooms and celery. Heat butter in a skillet or saucepan. When it starts foaming, add chicken and fry until golden brown. Add onion. Fry until it starts to soften, and add other vegetables and mashed garlic. Sauté all covered for about 10 minutes, then add mushrooms and finely chopped rosemary. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 5 more minutes. Pour in heavy cream and cook until the sauce has slightly thickened. Remove from heat and pour the stew in a baking dish. Roll out the pastry in a shape bigger than the baking dish. Cover the stew with pastry. Arrange the edges. Make small cuts in the middle for liquid to evaporate. Bake for 45 minutes, or until the top is golden brown.


Use ready-made puff pastry if you are short of time.

Pistacijos - desertas


Butter - appetizer


HONEY AND WALNUT BUTTER Recipe and photo: IndrÄ—, Keistai paprasta


utter can be temptingly sweet and gently melting in the mouth. Your breakfast or afternoon snack shall be taken to a new level with this new taste.

Serves 5 100 g unsalted butter 1 tbs runny honey 2 tbs roasted walnuts, chopped

Mix together room temperature butter and honey, then add walnuts. Stir well. Spoon butter over the cling wrap and form a log. Refrigerate until set.

Pistacijos - desertas



Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Mantas, Bajalių šeimynėlės kampelis


hat are the first thoughts that come to mind when you hear the word, “Switzerland”? Banks? Excellent economic situation? Wonderful must-see natural wonders?

All this is true. But we, calling ourselves foodies, will not talk about banks or nature. We’ll have our foot in the door of an imaginary Swiss kitchen, since, we’ve been told, it’s also full of surprises. Traditional Swiss cuisine is known for being very filling: the Swiss like meat dishes and potatoes, thick stews and sinful desserts. Since the country is not that small and borders Germany, Austria, Italy and France, it is often said that Switzerland does not have its national cuisine and that parts of it have adopted recipes from neighboring countries. However, this is not true – Switzerland does indeed have some unique dishes to call its own. And if you’re not yet convinced, try out one of our suggestions. Testing them didn’t leave us guessing!

Switzerland - breakfast


BIRCHERMUESLI Recipe and photo: Eglė, Monkey dinner


his healthy breakfast was suggested by Dr. Bircher around 1900 as an alternative to eating habits of the time: plenty of meat and hardly any grains, fruit or vegetables. Each Swiss family have their own favorite interpretation of the original recipe. This one is made a bit more Lithuanian by grating the apple using a large grater.

Serves 2 100 g oatmeal (not instant) 200 ml milk 1 tbs honey 1 apple 2 tbs ground almonds or hazelnuts 1 handful of berries and pistachios

In a bowl, cover oatmeal with milk and leave in the fridge overnight. Next morning, mix in honey, coarsely grated apple (no need to peel it) and ground nuts. Add berries. Serve in small bowls with a tablespoon of your favorite yoghurt. Sprinkle with berries and chopped pistachios. Variations for birchermuesli are endless - you can add less milk and mix in some fresh juice in the morning. Any seasonal fruit works great instead of the berries. During winter, dried fruit puree may be substituted for honey. Birchermuesli can be served with whipped cream, caramelized nuts, cinnamon… Or anything, really. Don‘t be shy and find your favorite!



Switzerland - lunch


RÖSTI Recipe and photo: Julija, Vilko šaukštai


östi is a Swiss dish, served for breakfast, lunch or dinner as a main course or a side. It is better to choose potatoes that do not fall apart when cooked. While the Swiss argue what kind of potatoes to use or whether rösti should be cooked from raw potatoes, let’s try cooked potatoes first and find out what rösti is. Serves 3 5 medium potatos 30 g butter a pinch of ground nutmeg salt freshly ground black pepper

Wash potatoes and boil them, unpeeled, until just cooked (do not overcook). Leave to cool completely. Peel and grate the potatoes. Melt butter in a medium size skillet and add grated potatoes. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Fry for 5 minutes, or until the bottom is golden brown. Put a plate over the potatoes and turn the skillet to transfer the dish to a plate. Then return potatoes to the skillet, baked side up. Bake 5 more minutes, or until rösti is golden brown. Add some seasoning, if needed. Serve rösti with salad, your favourite dip or as a side dish to meat or fish.

Switzerland - dinner


CHEESE AND TOMATO FONDUE Recipe and photo: Egidija, Tinginiai irgi verda...


ondue is not only a nice dish, but also a superb ritual and entertainment for a group of friends. If you leave your crouton in the cheese mixture, you’ll have to redeem yourself: for girls it’s traditional to kiss their neigbor, and for boys – to offer a drink. If you commit this sin twice, you’re throwing the next fondue party! This time we’ve spiced things up with some herbs and tomatoes.

Serves 6 200 g Emmental cheese 200 g Cheddar cheese 1 tbs potato starch 2 tbs butter 1 small onion 2 garlic cloves ½ can whole peeled tomatoes in natural juice ½ tsp dried thyme ½ tsp dried oregano 300 ml dry white wine 1 baguette varous steamed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, sweet peppers)

Grate both cheeses and mix with potato starch. In a fondue pot, melt butter, add finely chopped onion and and garlic. Cook until the onion has softened. Mash tomatoes with a fork. Add to the fondue pot. Season with herbs. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 3 minutes. Add wine. Just before it starts to boil again, add cheese. Keep stirring until cheese melts and fondue becomes smooth and bubbly. Cut baguette in cubes. Spear bread and chopped vegetables firmly on a fondue fork. Stir around in the pot. Eat immediately. Keep fondue warm with the help of a tea light.



Switzerland - dessert


CARAMELIZED WALNUT TART Recipe and photo: Eglė, Monkey dinner


ur informal survey of friends living in Switzerland revealed that chocolate was the number one dessert amongst all Swiss desserts. It is a product which represents and unifies the country. Besides chocolate, each region has its own special dessert. For example, double cream and meringues from the Guyere region. The recipe is straightforward – meringues are dipped in heavy cream and… eaten. Another famous dessert comes from the Ticino canton. It is a variation of an Engandine walnut cake. It used to be bought in quaint bakeries, but it is so much more rewarding to be able to make one yourself!

Serves 8 Shortcrust pastry: 250 ml all purpose flour 125 g butter 2-3 tbs caster sugar 1-2 tbs cold water Almond filling: 80 g butter 80 g ground almonds 1 egg 1 tbs rum Caramelized walnuts: 250 g sugar 150 ml double cream 200 g walnuts

Line a 30 cm baking tin with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 180°C. Process flour, sugar and butter in a food processor until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. With the motor of the food processor running, add water to the flour mixture. Process until mixture begins to form large clumps, stopping the machine when a ball is formed. Form it into a disc a few centimeters bigger than the tart tin. Transfer into the baking tin and leave for a few minutes, so that the pastry slides into the tin. Discard excess pastry. Line tart shell with parchment paper, and add dry rice, peas or ceramic pie weights. Bake for 12 minutes, then remove the parchment paper with weights and bake for 3-5 more minutes, or until golden brown. Beat butter with almonds, egg and rum until creamy. Pour half of the mixture into the prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes. Prepare the caramel. Melt sugar with water in a heavy pot. Remove from heat, add the remaining almond filling and, mixing constantly, bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, add walnuts, mix and let cool slightly. Add heavy cream and mix well. Pour caramelized nuts over the tart. Leave to cool and serve. Attention! The caramel is extremely hot, so try not to touch the spoon.






Photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais


... spring onions Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Laura, Su šaukštu aplink pasaulį


f you love being in the kitchen, we’re sure that warmth and sunshine are not the only reasons why you long for spring. It ’s right now that fresh vegetables return to our tables. And spring onions are one of the first ones. They are not only delicious, but also good for you. Spring onions are full of vitamin C which gives you some well needed energy and protects you from the common cold. Spring onions are indispensable in a bowl of fresh salad. They are perfect to heighten the taste of gratins, soups and a variety of snacks. It ’s one of the least pretentious vegetables which goes well with almost any savory dish. Here’s a handful of recipes that call for spring onions!



1 cup equals 236 ml in this recipe.

What a spring without spring onions


QUICHE WITH SPRING ONIONS Recipe and photo: Indrė, Keistai paprasta

Serves 4 Pastry: 1½ cup ground almonds (or 1 cup ground almonds and ½ cup ground oats/coconut flour) 1 egg 1 tbs butter, melted ¼ tsp of each: salt, nutmeg, dried rosemary, dried basil, black pepper Filling: 5 sun dried tomatoes bunch of spring onions (around 20) 4 eggs 1 tsp ground turmeric ½ cup coconut or regular milk ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp ground black pepper 1 tsp pink peppercorns (optional) 1 tsp butter or oil

Place pastry ingredients in a bowl, mix everything and knead the dough into a ball. Line a quiche baking pan with some parchment paper. Press the dough into the pan, using the palm of your hand to reach desired thickness. Randomly poke the dough with the tines of a fork to prevent large blisters from forming. Bake for 10-15 minutes. While the pastry case is baking, prepare the filling. Set aside 6 green onions, sauté them uncut in 1 teaspoon of butter or oil. Cook until soft. Remove from heat and leave aside. Cut the remaining onions, and quarter sun-dried tomatoes. Beat eggs, milk and spices in a bowl. Place the cut onions and tomato quarters on the baked crust. Pour on the egg mixture into pre-baked pastry case, sprinkle with crushed pink peppercorns, arrange sauteed spring onions on top of the egg mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the quiche inside for 10 more minutes. Serve immediately, with fresh salad. Keep leftovers covered in a fridge. Quiche tastes good cold or hot.

What a spring without spring onions



Substitute broccoli or spinach leaves for peas.

SPRING ONION SOUP WITH GREEN PEAS Recipe and photo: DovilÄ—, DR Food Blog

Serves 4-5 200 g green peas (fresh or frozen) 1 onion 350 g spring onions 400 ml vegetable stock 4−5 tbs double cream fresh dill olive oil salt pepper

In a small saucepan, boil green peas until tender. Add some olive oil to a large pot, add chopped onion and fry until soft. Then add finely chopped spring onion (greens parts only, or omit the onion if you are using whole spring onions) and fry for several minutes. Take off the heat, add green peas and blend. Put the pot back on the heat, add vegetable stock and chopped dill. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Heat the soup for 10 more minutes. Add cream, mix and serve with bread.



What a spring without spring onions


SPRING ONION FLAT BREAD Recipe and photo: Viktorija, Recept킬 medis

Makes 8 7 g dry or 20 g fresh yeast 3 tbs sugar 200 ml double cream 280 g all purpose flour 1 tsp salt 4 tbs walnut or olive oil a few spring onions (green part only) 2 tbs milk

In a small bowl, mix yeast, sugar and slightly warmed cream. Mix well and let stand for 10 minutes until yeast activates. Sift flour and mix with salt. Slowly add flour to the cream mixture. Knead the dough for 10 minutes or until it becomes elastic and less sticky. Place the dough into a large lightly oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap or a damp towel. Leave to prove for an hour. Preheat oven to 180째C. Knead the dough once more and divide it into 8 equal parts. Roll each one out to a circle, several millimeters thick. Brush with half a tablespoon of oil and sprinkle with finely chopped spring onion greens. Roll the circle into a cilinder and make a snail shell shape. Secure the ends and roll out a thin patty. Place patties on two lightly floured baking sheets. Cover with a damp towel or cling wrap. Leave to rest for 15 minutes. Lightly brush patties with milk and bake for approximately 12 minutes. Serve buttered along with soup or eat with your favourite dip.

What a spring without spring onions


SPRING ONION AND CHEESE PUFFS Recipe and photo: Jolita, Surfing the world cuisine

Makes approx. 20 50 g butter 125 g milk 50 g cheese 75 g all purpose flour 1 chili a bunch of spring onions ½ tsp salt 2 eggs

In a saucepan, combine butter, salt and milk. Bring to a boil and quickly add flour. Use a wooden spoon to stir the batter until it forms a ball. Keep stirring for about 2 minutes. Transfer the dough into a bowl and leave to cool. Chop spring onions and chili pepper. Grate cheese. Preheat oven to 180°C . Line two baking trays with parchment paper. When the dough is cool, add one egg at a time, and stir to combine. Add spring onions, chili pepper and 30 g of cheese. Use a teaspoon to scoop the dough and put it on the parchment paper, leaving some space between each puff. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Puffs are best when served immediately as they tend to lose some of the crispiness when they turn cold. Serve as a snack or with a side of soup.



What a spring without spring onions


CRUCIAN CARP WITH SPRING ONIONS Recipe and photo: Kristina & Laura, Su šaukštu aplink pasaulį


hen weather starts to get warmer, not only the first vegetables start to sprout, but also the crucian carps wake up after winter dormancy. Lithuanian spring is the best time to try traditional Chinese dish – crucian carp with spring onions - popular in Shanghai and its neighbourhoods. The key to the recipe is to cook the fish so that the bones get soft and it can be eaten without deboning, irrespective of where you have chosen large or small fish for the dish. Thus, you need some skills to prepare the crucian carp with spring onions as it is said that wealthier Chinese, when hiring a chef, evaluate him or her by this dish. One or two larger bones do not make much trouble as long as the fish is well-cooked. This dish is usually cooked in advance and eaten as a cold starter without the sides.

Serves 4 approx. 500 g crucian carp 2 tbs rice vinegar oil for frying several slices of ginger root bunch of spring onions (approx. 100 g) 2 tbs dark soy sauce 1 tbs shao hsing or dry Cheres 1−2 tbs sugar salt pepper 1 cup water 1 tsp sesame oil (optional)

Clean and scale crucian carp carefully. Leave the head on. Season the fish, add rice vinegar and leave to marinate for 1 hour. In a wok pan or a deep saucepan preheat some oil. Add the fish together with ginger. Oil should almost cover the whole fısh as it will prevent it from sticking to the wok and fish skin will be crispy. Cook until golden brown. Remove from the pan and drain on paper towels. Discard the ginger. Pour out most of the oil from the wok leaving only 2-3 tablespoons. Cut onions in 2-3 pieces and place them on the bottom of the wok. They should be just a bit longer than the fish and cover the bottom completely – it will prevent the fish from sticking to the pan. Stir spring onions just to cover with oil and arrange the fish on top. Add 1-2 slices of fresh ginger, pour in 1 cup of water together with soy sauce, rice wine or sherry, sugar and black pepper. Cover the wok with a lid and cook over low heat until all water evaporates and the sauce thickens. Do not turn the fish. Pour some sauce over the fish a few times while cooking. Adjust seasoning to your taste. Carefully transfer the fish to a serving plate, add spring onions and pour over the sauce (discard the ginger). Let it cool and serve as a cold dish. Sprinkle with some sesame oil before serving.

What a spring without spring onions


CHAMP OR IRISH MASHED POTATOES WITH SPRING ONIONS Recipe and photo: Kristina & Laura, Su šaukštu aplink pasaulį


nitially, champ might not look very promising as it is a potato mash. However, the first impression is quite deceptive. Traditionally Irish boiled unpeeled potatoes, thus bringing a rich flavor to the dish. Spring onions are blanched with hot milk which makes them a mild but bright accent of the mash. Most of the butter is simply topped on the hot mash as Irish love dipping each spoonful of champ into the melted butter. For a long time champ was a vegetarian meal, though nowadays it is served as a side to stews, sausages, and other meat meals. Another similar Irish meal is colcannon where cabbage is used instead of spring onions.

Serves 4 as a side dish or 2 as a main 10 medium potatoes 1 large bunch of spring onions approx. 400 ml milk apie 150 g butter (do not use margarine) salt and freshly ground black pepper

Scrub and wash potatoes well. Boil them unpeeled. Drain and let cool a bit. Peel and transfer to a large pot. While potatoes are cooking, wash and finely chop spring onions. Put them in a saucepan, pour in cold milk. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Cover the pot with a lid and remove from heat. Set aside. Mash the potatoes, adding hot milk, until smooth. Add 50 g of butter, season with salt and black pepper. Adjust the seasoning to your taste. Spoon champ into serving bowls and top with lumps of butter.



There are a number of recipes which suggest using peeled potatoes for the champ. Even though it is an easier option, it takes away a lot of flavor. A better alternative is to steam peeled potatoes.


What a spring without spring onions


SHRIMP SPRING ROLLS Recipe and photo: Paulius, Vyrai virtuvėje

Makes 24-28 500 g fresh unpeeled shrimps 200 g thin rice noodles 2 small lettuce heads 4 spring onions 2 big carrots 2 tbs fresh basil leaves 2 tbs fresh mint leaves 2 limes 24−28 pcs. round rice paper Sauce: 4 tsp sugar 4 tsp rice vinegar 180 ml fish sauce 2 chillies 2 garlic cloves 2 spring onions 2 tbs fresh mint leaves

Peel shrimps and cut in half, if they are quite large. Chop lettuce and spring onions. Peel and grate carrots. Finely chop fresh basil and mint. Juice limes. Remove and discard the seeds from chillies, then chop finely. Chop garlic cloves. Cook rice noodles for 3-4 minutes, drain and wash them under cold running water to prevent them from sticking to each other. When noodles have cooled down, leave to drain completely in a strainer. For the sauce, combine sugar, rice vinegar, fish sauce, chopped chilli and garlic in a bowl. Whisk until sugar melts. Add minced mint and spring onions, and stir to combine. Adjust seasoning to your taste. Cut rice noodles into big chunks and transfer them into a large bowl. Add shrimps, lettuce, spring onions, carrots, basil and mint. Pour in lime juice, 2 tablespoons of the sauce and mix well. Soak one rice sheet in hot water for 20 seconds until it gets soft and flexible. Wet your working surface with some water. Place the rice sheet on it, put some fılling in the middle, fold the sides of the rice sheet and roll into a spring roll. Repeat with the rest of the sheets and filling. Serve warm with the sauce.


... radishes Preface: Miglė, My Kitchen Affair ir Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir žaidimų


veryone knows that the best radish is the one that’s freshly picked and kissed with butter and salt. You know how it goes: simple is best. But spring is also the time for new life, new ideas, new experiences… And new tastes, as well. That’s why we’ve decided to say farewell (or at least “See you tomorrow!”) to the well loved radish-butter-salt combo and invite some more elaborate and intriguing dishes over. Could you resist an oven-baked trio of radishes, dried fruit and pistachio? Or radish salad with feta and fresh mint? Or – get ready – radish chips? The humble radish is a true spring prophet. But today we invite it to take on a different role. See this vegetable in a completely different light and be prepared to be amazed by the diversity of flavors it offers.


What a spring without radishes



These chips are amazingly delicious on their own, but you can definitely serve some light sauce alongside. For example, yoghurt and garlic or yoghurt and fresh spring onion.

RADISH CHIPS Recipe and photo: Miglė, My Kitchen Affair

Approx. 1 serving or 1 tray 150 g big fresh readishes 1 tbs olive oil salt freshly ground pepper

Wash radishes and drain them thoroughly. Using a mandolin, cut radishes into even thin slices. Brush each slice with olive oil and arrange them on a baking tray. You don’t need to keep any space between the slices, since water is going to evaporate while baking and they will shrink. Sprinkle with some salt and freshly ground pepper. Bake for about 30-40 minutes in a 150°C oven, rotating the tray, until radishes are completely dry and crispy. Just do not over bake them - they will crisp up while cooling.

What a spring without radishes



Serves 2 4–6 radishes 1 tbs butter ½ tsp brown sugar sea salt freshly ground black pepper alfalfa sprouts salt sea, coarse or flakes (optional)

Preheat oven to 180°C. Wash radishes and discard the endings. Halve the vegetables. Melt butter and mix it with sugar, salt and pepper. Roll radish halves in the mixture. Put them on a parchment paper lined baking dish. Roast for 20 minutes. Transfer radishes to a serving dish, top with alfalfa sprouts, season with more pepper and garnish with sea salt. Eat while still warm.



What a spring without radishes


RADISH, MINT AND BAKED FETA SALAD Recipe and photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir žaidimų

Serves 2 15−20 radishes 2 cucumbers 1 bunch of spring onions 1 small bunch of flat-leaf parsley 1 small bunch of mint 200 g feta cheese 1 tsp dried thyme 1 garlic clove lemon juice 1 tbs olive oil salt freshly ground black pepper

Thinly slice radishes, cube cucumbers and chop spring onions. Divide vegetables into 2 deep bowls. Add mint and parsley leaves (you can chop them if you want to) and toss with vegetables. Preheat oven to 180°C. Place feta into a baking dish. Sprinkle over the remaining ingredients (garlic should be crushed), drizzle oil and lemon juice. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until beginning to color. Drizzle the salad with olive oil and lemon juice, season with salt and pepper. Remove cheese from the oven, cut into 2 pieces and transfer to plates. Serve immediately.

What a spring without radishes


RADISH SALAD WITH NEW POTATOES AND PEAS Recipe and photo: Jolita, Surfing the world cuisine

Serves 4 10 new potatoes 400 g frozen peas 300 g small radishes handful of fresh mint leaves

Peel and wash potatoes. Transfer into a pot and pour over boiling water to cover. Boil potatoes for 10 minutes or until they are tender. Drain and cool. Put frozen peas in a pot and pour over boiling water. Cook for 2 minutes. Drain and cool. Slice radishes.

Dressing: 2 tbs mustard 4 tbs lemon juie 4 tbs olive oil 4 mint leaves salt freshly ground black pepper

For the dressing, mix together mustard, lemon juice, chopped mint, salt and black pepper. Then slowly add olive oil and whisk until smooth. In a large bowl or a serving plate, combine potatoes, peas and radishes, put some mint leaves on top and drizzle with some dressing.




Substitute salmon for ocean trout.

What a spring without radishes


OCEAN TROUT WITH FRIED RADISHES Recipe and photo: Asta, Villa Alps

Serves 2 2 ocean trout fillet with skin on (150−200 g each) 2 tbs canola oil 2 tbs buetter 16 radishes sea salt freshly ground black pepper snow peas or mixed salad leaves

Wash fish fillets under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels. Season with salt and pepper. Heat oil and butter in a medium skillet. As soon as butter begins to bubble, add fish, skin-down. Fry for 6-8 minutes on medium heat until skin becomes crispy and only the top surface is still raw. Gently flip fish pieces and baste with the liquid from the skillet. Add quartered radishes. Fry for 2 minutes. Stir radishes several times. Serve immediately, seasoned with salt and pepper.

What a spring without radishes



Serves 4 2 duck breasts 1 tbs sea salt 300 g medium radishes 2 tbs red wine vinegar 100 g red wine 2 tbs honey 2 sprigs rosemary 2 garlic cloves 1 tbs oil

Preheat oven to 70째C. Using a sharp knife, make square incisions through the duck fat without piercing the flesh. Season with salt and pepper. Roast for 40 minutes. Heat oil in a skillet. Add radishes and fry for a minute, add garlic cloves, vinegar, wine, honey and rosemary. Poach for 30 minutes. Put roasted duck breasts, skin-down, and fry for 2 minutes on each side. Get the skin crispy without drying out the meat. Serve radishes in caramelized wine sauce, topped with sliced duck breast.




Prepared salad ingredients can be refrigerated for up to three days. Toss just before serving to keep the crispiness.

What a spring without radishes


ROASTED RADISH, DRIED FRUIT, AND PISTACHIO SALAD Recipe and photo: Miglė, My Kitchen Affair

Serves 1 150 g fresh radishes 1 tbs olive oil ½ tsp salt ½ cup dried cranberries ¼ cup raisins ¼ cup salted pistachios 1 tbs sunflower kernels 1 tbs lemon juice 2 tbs honey 1 tbs soy sauce 1 tbs sesame oil

Preheat oven to 180°C. Wash and drain radishes. Cut into quarters. Mix radishes with olive oil and salt. Spread evenly on a baking dish and roast for 10-15 minutes, or until nicely roasted. Wash and drain dried cranberries and raisins. In a dry pan, lightly toast sunflower kernels. In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, honey, soy sauce, and sesame oil. If the sauce is too sour, adjust to your taste with some more honey. Toss roasted radishes with dried cranberries, raisins, dressing, and pistachios. Serve and sprinkle sunflower kernels on top.

What a spring without radishes


SMOKED MACKEREL PÂTÉ WITH RADISH SPROUTS Recipe and photo: Indrė, Gėrimų ir patiekalų magija

1 small serving dish 200 g smoked mackerel 100 g cream cheese or fresh cheese 1 tsp curry powder 2 garlic cloves 4−5 spring onions juice of ½ lemon salt freshly ground pink pepper radish sprouts

Preheat oven to 150°C. Wrap mackerel in foil and bake for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, blend cream cheese, curry, garlic and spring onions in a blender or food processor. Add lemon juice. Brake up baked fish and add it to the blender. Blend well. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Spread pâté on your favorite bread and top with radish sprouts. Keep refrigerated for not more than 3 days.



Substitute white vermouth for dry white wine.

What a spring without radishes


SPRING RISOTTO Recipe and photo: Valerija, Cukerka

Serves 4 ½ leek, white part only 2 garlic cloves 2 tbs olive oil 40 g butter 200 g arborio rice 1 cup dry white wine 500 ml vegetable stock 30 g fresh or frozen green peas 5 radishes 1 tbs Parmesan cheese salt and freshly ground black pepper fresh grated nutmeg flat-leaf parsley

Finely chop leek and garlic. In a skillet, heat olive oil and 20 grams of butter. Add leek, garlic and fry, stirring, for a couple of minutes. Do not let the garlic brown as the risotto will become bitter. Add rice and fry for 3-5 minutes, until grains are almost translucent. Add wine and stir constantly. Once wine has been absorbed, slowly, a laddle at a time, add hot stock. Do not let rice dry out. Cook until you reach the desired consistency. Taste and add stock or water until rice is al dente and the taste is smooth and creamy. If the prepared stock is not enough, add hot water. When there are only a couple of laddles remaining, add green peas and mix. Once you’ve added all the liquid, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add the remaining butter, cheese and fresh sliced radishes. Stir and cover the skillet and leave for 7-10 minutes so that the risotto obtains its creamy taste, texture and smell. Serve immediately. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and chopped parsley.


... asparagus Preface: Asta, Saulėta virtuvė Photo: Asta, Villa Alps


sparagus is still a new guest in Lithuanian kitchens. However, it really deserves a place on your lunch or dinner table.

Let’s discover asparagus together – let’s fry it, bake it, poach it, cook it. Let’s use it to add some taste to other dishes or serve as a side dish. Whatever you’re cooking, there’s a great chance that asparagus would be a nice addition. And each time it reveals itself in new and unexpected ways. We invite you to get to know asparagus in simple sandwiches, a crunchy asparagus snack with Parmesan and other recipes that you’ll find in the following pages, beaming with spring flavors.


What a spring without asparagus



A perfect sandwich for lunch or brunch! Try out different sorts of bread. A drizzle of sweet chilli, aioli, hollandaise or other favorite sauce makes a big difference too.


Makes 2 1 chicken breast 4 middle bacon rashes, no rind 6 asparagus 1 rectangular bread roll 1 avocado 2 tomatoes salt freshly ground black pepper lemon juice

Preheat oven to 200oC. Cut chicken breast in half to get two thin fillets. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with some lemon juice. Fry on high heat for 1 minute on each side. Transfer to a foil lined baking tray. On middle heat fry bacon rashes until light brown. Transfer to the baking tray. Snap off coarse ends of asparagus with your forefinger and thumb. Put on the baking tray and drizzle with some oil. Slice bread roll horizontally in half. Put on the baking tray. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes or until the bread is crisp and its sides start to become golden brown. Meanwhile slice tomatoes and avocado. Put tomatoes on bread. Season with salt and pepper. Put avocado on top and season with salt and pepper. Top with chicken, bacon and asparagus. Season with pepper. Eat while still warm.

What a spring without asparagus


SPRING VEGETABLE APPETIZER Recipe and photo: Asta, Villa Alps

Serves 2 6 asparagus 1 lime, zest and juice 1 big avocado 3 cherry tomatoes salt freshly ground black pepper sesame seeds

Snap off coarse ends of asparagus with your forefinger and thumb. Blanch asparagus and set aside. Cut avocado in half, discard the seed with a knife (be careful!) and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Place avocado halves on a serving plate. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with some lime juice. Top with asparagus and halved tomatoes. Sprinkle sesame seeds and lime zest. Season with salt and pepper.



What a spring without asparagus


PORK RIBS WITH ASPARAGUS Recipe and photo: Paulius, Vyrai virtuvÄ—je

Serves 4 1 kg pork ribs 100 g Dijon mustard 300 g asparagus Salad: crunchy salad leaves arugula cherry tomatoes dried apricots salt pepper

Chop ribs into pieces of 3-4 ribs. Rub with salt, pepper and mustard. Marinate for 2-3 hours in the fridge. Preheat oven to 160°C with a fan, and top and bottom heating, if available. Roast for 40-50 minutes. Tear salad leaves, add some arugula, halved tomatoes, and mix well. For the dressing, mix all ingredients well, until honey disolves. Season with salt and pepper. When ribs are almost done, blanch asparagus. Cut apricots in half horizontally. Heat them lightly in a pan.

Dressing: 5 tbs olive oil 1 tbs white wine vinegar 2 tsp honey lemon juice salt pepper

Serve ribs with asparagus, salad and apricots. Drizzle some dressing on top.

What a spring without asparagus


CRUNCHY FILO ASPARAGUS Recipe and photo: Dovilė & Mantas, Bajalių šeimynėlės kampelis

Serves 3-4 10 asparagus 10 sheets filo pastry 50−70 g Parmesan cheese hot smoked paprika powder basil infused olive oil Green sauce: 15 g fresh basil leaves 25 g fresh dill 25 g flat-leaf parsley 50 ml hazelnut oil 50 ml olive oil 4 garlic cloves 2 small chillies 2 small bell peppers 2 tsp wine vinegar 2 tsp balsamic vinegar salt pepper

Wash asparagus under running water and blanch them. Drain and let cool completely. Thaw filo pastry, if frozen, under a damp towel. Preheat oven to 180°C. Carefully separate filo sheets. Lightly brush them with oil and fold in half to obtain a triangular shape. Brush with oil and fold once more. Sprinkle with grated cheese and paprika. Put a stalk of asparagus on one of the shorter edges of the triangle and roll it towards the top so that the dough triangles enfold the asparagus and get crispy while baking. Sprinkle with grated cheese, if desired. Put asparagus onto a parchment paper lined baking tray. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Prepare the sauces. For the green sauce, blend all ingredients and mix well. For the cheese sauce, mix all ingredients and heat until the cheese melts and the sauce is smooth. Serve warm.

Cheese sauce: 120 g double cream 50 g Parmesan cheese 1 tsp dried oregano salt



What a spring without asparagus


QUICHE WITH WHITE ASPARAGUS Recipe and photo: Valerija, Cukerka

Serves 6

For the pastry, whisk eggs with water and sieve into a small bowl. Refrigerate.

Pastry: 60 g eggs 15 g water 200 g all purpose flour 4 g salt 10 g sugar 100 g butter

Sift flour, sugar and salt. Add chopped cold butter and work quickly into crumbs. Pour in egg mixture, mix well and quickly knead the pastry into a ball on a floured surface.

Filling: 3 large potatoes 3 white asparagus 80 g Maasdam cheese 50 g Emmenthal cheese 150 ml cream 200 ml milk 2 eggs 100 g dry-cured ham 15 g butter salt freshly ground black pepper freshly grated nutmeg fresh dill

Put pastry on a working surface and leave for a few minutes. Remove the top parchment paper and flip the pastry into the baking form. Leave for a few minutes so that the pastry slides into the dish. Cut off excess pastry.

Roll out the pastry on a parchment paper sifted with flour. Pastry must be 3 cm larger than the baking dish. Cover with another sheet of parchment paper and refrigerate for at leas 1 hour and up to 5-6 hours.

Put a parchment paper on top and fill with rice or peas. Refrigerate for 10-15 minutes. Preheat oven to 170°C. Bake for 10-15 minutes, then discard the parchment paper with weights. Leave to cool. For the filling, peel and boil potatoes for 5 minutes. Drain and leave to cool. Slice them. Wash asparagus and boil in salted water for 10-15 minutes. Drain and leave to cool. Mix grated cheeses with cream, milk and eggs. Season with salt and pepper, nutmeg and chopped dill. Preheat oven to 185°C. Fill pastry crust with potato slices and ham. Pour in cheese mixture. Top with asparagus and a few knobs of butter. Bake for 25−35 minutes, untill the top is golden brown and the filling becomes firm.

162MEASUREMENT UNITS USED IN THE MAGAZINE tbs - tablespoon, 15 ml tsp - teaspoon, 5 ml cup (250 ml) ml - milliliters l - liter g - grams kg - kilograms

Photo: Laura, Su šaukštu aplink pasaulį


Bon appétit! NEXT ISSUE - JUNE 2013

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