Clouds No 9 Autumn 2014

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Free online food magazine Clouds Published by Imbiero debesys UAB, Lithuania ISSN 2029-980X © All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited without written consent of the publisher. Address copyright queries to Editor-in-Chief: Asta Eigėlytė-Gunnarsson, Villa Alps Translation and proof-reading: Asta, Villa Alps Julė, Kepykla nr. 5 Cover photo: Gelmina, Tartamour Design: Asta, Villa Alps

Photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais



Late autumn is a perfect time to invite friends and family into your kitchen and cook some seasonal meals together. We have selected best autumn ingredients and present a bunch of recipes for easy and relaxed cooking.

Enjoy small gatherings and busy kitchens!


Content 6 CALENDAR OF FLAVORS 8 International Vegan Day 16 Beaujolais Nouveau Day 22 THAI COOKING SECRETS

30 WHAT AN AUTUMN WITHOUT... 32 42 50 56 68 76

...chanterelles ...eggplants ...bell peppers ...lingonberries ...cranberries ...celery roots



CALENDAR OF FLAVORS AUTUMN 11.01 International Vegan Day 11.15 Beaujolais Nouveau Day


Photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir 탑aidim킬


11.01 International Vegan Day

INTERNATIONAL VEGAN DAY Words, recipes & photos: Gelmina, Tartamour


ou may be tempted to try out a vegan diet – or at least some vegan dishes – for a variety of reasons: pure curiosity, intolerance for some foods, or ethics. After a few trials, you will definitely see that a plant-based diet will not leave you hungry! Even though there are still many skeptics of the vegan diet – especially among doctors - a balanced menu with plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and pulses will ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients. Going vegan does not mean giving up fragrant pies and tasty cakes. There are plenty of substitutes available for baking or preparing a dish that calls for eggs or dairy products. Nowadays they can be found in almost any decent supermarket. Give yourself into curiosity and new horizons will span in front of you. We wish you new and unexpected culinary adventures!



11.01 International Vegan Day

BEETROOT MOUSSE Serves 4 » 50 g almonds » 1 beetroot, steamed or roasted unpeeled » 2 cm piece of ginger root » juice of ½ lemon » 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil » salt » tortilla chips

Place almonds in a blender and chop coarsely. Peel beetroot and cut into cubes. Peel and grate ginger finely. Add beetroot, ginger, filtered lemon juice, olive oil, a couple of pinches of salt to the blender. Process to obtain a mousse. Serve the mousse with tortilla chips.

A healthy light snack that is also very quick to prepare. The texture of crushed almonds is similar to ricotta.

Heavy cream in traditional Italian walnut sauce is replaced by soy milk to make a hearty vegan dish.

11.01 International Vegan Day

FRESH PASTA WITH WALNUT SAUCE Serves 4 Pasta: » 175 g Italian flour 00 » 175 g whole wheat flour » a pinch of salt » 200 ml lukewarm water Sauce: » 100 g walnuts » 200 ml soy milk » 1 tsp rosemary, chopped » a pinch of salt » extra virgin olive oil

Combine both types of flour on a wooden board or other working surface. Make a well in the center and add salt. Mixing with your fingertips, slowly add warm water. If needed, add more water to get a homogeneous dough. Knead for about 5 minutes, until the dough becomes elastic. Roll out the dough untill 2 mm thick. Allow the dough to dry for a few minutes. Using a fluted pastry wheel, cut the sheet into 2 cm wide strips. Transfer them on a clean kitchen towel and sprinkle with flour. Leave to dry for about 10-15 minutes. Reserve some walnuts for serving. Add the remaining walnuts to a blender. Pour soy milk to cover the nuts and start blending. The sauce should drip from the spoon. Add rosemary and salt to taste, and bend again. Cook the pasta in salted boiling water for about 5-8 minutes. The pasta should remain al dente. Serve the pasta with a splash of olive oil, walnut sauce and a few coarsely chopped nuts.



11.01 International Vegan Day

APRICOT STUFFED RICE PUDDINGS Serves 4 Chai tea: » 6 cardamom pods » 600 ml water » 4 black peppercorns » 4 cloves » 3 cm piece of ginger root » 2 cinnamon sticks » 1 star anise » 2 black tea bags Rice pudding: » 125 g dried apricots » 125 g short-grain rice » 400 ml water » 200 ml coconut milk » 30 g sugar Syrup: » 100 ml rice milk » 50 g sugar » favorite seed oil » fresh mint leaves

Lightly crush cardamom pods. Bring water to a boil. Stir in all the ingredients for Chai tea and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Discard the tea bags. Add dried apricots and leave to soak. Add rice, water, coconut milk and sugar to a pot. Cook in a semi covered pan over medium heat for 40 minutes, or until the liquid is absorbed. Turn off the heat and let cool. Remove the apricots from the tea, leave 4 for serving. Blend the remaining ones with a few tablespoons of tea. Brush 4 pudding molds with seed oil. Put the rice into the molds. Make a well in the middle of each pudding, fill it with some apricot cream and top with the remaining rice. Smooth out the surface and let the puddings cool in the fridge for 3 hours. In a small saucepan, mix the remaining Chai tea with rice milk and sugar. Simmer on low heat until the liquid has reduced by half. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Remove the puddings from the fridge, dip the molds in hot water and turn the puddings out on a baking sheet. Heat them in the oven for 10 minutes. Serve the puddings with the remaining apricots, syrup, and a few leaves of fresh mint.

This desert is an exotic culinary journey! The coconut and cardamom scented rice pudding is filled with velvety apricot cream and served with spiced Chai tea


11.15 Beaujolais Nouveau Day


TURKEY LIVER ON APPLE RINGS Recipe: Dalia, Gera virtuvė Photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais Serves 4 » 2 medium brown onions » 2-3 tbs butter » 4-6 onion greens » 2 large apples » 500 g turkey livers Sauce: » juice and zest of 1 orange » 1 tsp brown sugar » a pinch of salt » freshly ground peppercorn mix

Chop onions finely. Heat ⅓ of butter in a pan. Brown the onions on medium heat and transfer to a plate. Shortly fry chopped onion greens. Transfert to a seperate plate. Core and cut apples crosswise in slices. Add the other ⅓ of butter in a pan. Fry the apple rings shortly and arrange them on a serving plate. Halve turkey livers and fry in the remaining butter. Add orange juice, a pinch of orange zest and sugar. Fry the liver halves until almost no liquid remains. Add salt and pepper to taste. Top the apple rings with hot livers, sprinkle onions and onion greens on top.


11.15 Beaujolais Nouveau Day

Recipes: Giedrė, Storas pomidoras Photo: Asta, Villa Alps

BRI AND TOMATO CROSTINI Serves 4 10 sun-dried tomato halves; 50 g raisins; ½ tsp ground Ceylon cinnamon; ¼ tsp ground cardamom; 2 tsp brown cane sugar; a pinch of salt; 130 ml white dry wine; baguette or ciabatta; 200 g bri; 1 tbs extra virgin olive oil In a bowl, add tomatoes and raisins, cover with boiling water and leave to soak for 10 minutes. Set aside 100 ml of water. Drain and chop the tomatoes and raisins. Fry cinnamon and cardamom in a dry pan on medium heat until fragrant. Add raisins, tomatoes, sugar, salt and wine. Stir and cook on low heat until the fruit absorb the wine. Add the soaking water and continue cooking until almost all the liquid evaporates. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Slice bread and cheese. Put bread slices in a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil. Put a slice of cheese and some tomato relish on each bread slice. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes, until the cheese melts and the bread becomes crispy. Serve immediately.


Recipe on the next page

Beaujolais Nouveau pairs well with aromatic dried tomatoes and sweet raisins.


11.15 Beaujolais Nouveau Day

SHIITAKE AND GOAT CHEESE CROSTINI Serves 4 » 1 clove garlic » ½ shallot or red onion » extra virgin olive oil » 120 g shiitake mushrooms » 3 tbs fresh thyme leaves » 1 tbs balsamic vinegar » ½ tsp corn starch » 4 tbs Sherry or Marsala wine » 1 tbs cream » a pinch of salt » a pinch of black pepper » baguette or ciabatta » 20 g butter » 40 g soft goat cheese

Chop and fry garlic and onion for a few minutes, until soft. Add sliced mushrooms and hald of the thyme. Fry for 5-7 minutes, until the mushrooms are golden brown. Add vinegar and stir. Combine corn starch and wine. Add to the pan, stir and cook until no liquid remains. Turn of the heat, add cream, salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Slice bread and spread some butter on top. Add cheese and bake in the oven for 5-7 minutes, until the cheese melts and the bread becomes crispy. Top each bread slice with mushrooms and sprinkle with the remaining thyme. Serve immediately.


Photo: Asta, Villa Alps



Thai cooking secrets Words & photos: Nida, Nidos receptai


Thai food is internationally famous, but if you ever have a chance to open a home door of an ordinary Thai person, you wouldn’t find a kitchen in there. A nation, whose food is enjoyed all around the world, do not spend time cooking at home. Hard working Thais prefer to stop by one of the many street vendors, who instantly can prepare any of the traditional Southeastern Asian dish: mouthwatering fried rice or noodles, fresh papaya salads, hot soups with chili and coconut milk and much more. Thai food kiosks and restaurants can be found in many places around the world, but certainly not everywhere. So if you like Thai food so much that you are ready to cook it at home, we gladly share the experience from the cooking masterclass with Thai cuisine celebrity chef Sirichalerm Svasti, known to the whole cooking world as McDang. His advises will help you understand the basic principles of simple Thai cuisine, so you can cook up an aromatic Asian food feast at home. WHO IS CHEF McDANG? Born and brought up in the royal palace of Thailand, chef McDang downplays his aristocratic nature: he admits that life in the palace was a torment. It was hard to get used to a lot of rules and regulations. But it was right in the royal palace, where he could experience the best Thai food traditions. When the future chef was twelve years old, his aunt Queen Rambhi Barni asked what he would like to do in the future and got the answer that he wants to study in England. The Queen loved her nephew as her own child so soon McDang was sent to a private school in Cheltenham. A young man graduated with excellent grades, but to everyone’s surprise tried to refuse to follow in the footsteps of other members of the royal family and wanted to apply to cooking school in Switzerland. The Queen did not want to hear anything about it and sent the young man to study diplomacy in the USA. During the studies, McDang got a summer job in a beach restaurant. During that summer he realised he was doing what he loves the most and decided to change his life course. Today chef McDang is the authority on Thai cooking, author of many cookbooks, lecturer at Cordon Bleu school, host of culinary shows and Thai cooking teacher.

Thai cooking secrets

Nida joined the cooking masterclass



Thai cooking secrets


Rice is Thai culture and daily bread. Word to Sourness. Thais use tamarinds, limes or eat in Thai means to eat rice. The most popular green mangoes. If these tropical fruits are not is jasmine rice. available, use sour apples. How do Thais eat? In Thai cuisine there is no concept of serving several courses one after each other. All the food on the table comes at the same time and is shared from platters. Each person has a separate plate or bowl for rice. The platters are sent around the table for everyone to share. In the past Thais were eating with hands, but nowadays Thais eat with a spoon and fork. A typical Thai dinner consists of 5-6 dishes: soup, thick curry, deep-fried dish, hit sauce, salad and stir-fry dish. Fats. Only odorless vegetable oil! Salinity. Fish sauce or salt. By no means Thais use soy sauce (a traditional element of Chinese cuisine). Sweetness. Thai dishes are sweetened with palm sugar. Many believe that brown sugar can substitute palm sugar, but, unfortunately, it does not have the palm sugar flavor.

Hotness. Few people know that chili peppers, associated with Thai food, were brought to Thailand by Portuguese only around 400 years ago. Before that Thai dishes were not that hot. Black and white peppers were used to add taste to food. Spices. Thais spice up their food with ginger or galangal root and herbs. The most popular herb is basil. Three different types of basil grow in Thailand: anise flavor (sweet basil), pepper flavor (holy basil) or lemon basil. Spice mixes are the main ingredient for the preparation of Thai dishes, especially the curries. Thai spice mixes are thick paste. The essential difference between the Indian and Thai spice mixes is in the preparation method: Thais use fresh ingredients and Indians use ground dried ingredients.



GREEN BEEF CURRY Serves 4 » 500 g beef » 2 tbs vegetable oil » 2-3 tbs green curry paste » 1 cup coconut cream » 1 cup coconut milk » 5 kaffir lime leaves » 1 tsp palm sugar » 1 tsp fish sauce » 200 g Thai eggplants » Thai basil » Jasmine rice

Thinly slice beef. Heat oil in a big pot. Add curry paste and stir. Continue stirring and add coconut cream. Add meat as soon as coconut cream melts. Increase the heat, stir well, add coconut milk and boil up. Add kaffir lime leaves. After 1 minute add palm sugar. Add fish sauce in batches and taste after each batch to reach the balanced flavor. Add halved eggplants and cook them al dente. Remove the pot from the heat. Stir in basils before serving and serve with steemed Jasmine rice.

Thai cooking secrets

SANKAYA (THAI PUMPKIN CUSTARD) Serves 4-6 » 1 pumpkin (3-5kg) » 4 duck eggs or 4 chicken eggs and 2 yolks » 1 tsp vanilla extract » ½ cup palm sugar » ½ cup sugar » 1 cup coconut cream » 1 tbs flour » ½ tsp salt

Cut off the top of the pumpkin and clean out the stringy insides with the seeds. In a bowl, combine eggs, vanilla extract, both sugars, coconut cream, flour and salt. Whisk with electric mixer untill the sugar dissolves. Pour custard into a pumpkin, cover with the top. Cook in a steamer with lid on for 60-90 minutes. Test the custard with a wooden stick. If the stick comes out clean the custard is ready. Leave the pumpkin to cool to room temperature, then transfer to the fridge. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. To serve, cut the pumpkin in wedges.



without... WHAT AN AUTUMN

Photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir 탑aidim킬



... chanterelles Words & photo: Asta, Villa Alps


nmistakable shape and color chanterelles are true forest gold! We look forward to picking them every year and enjoying them fresh, dried or canned on sandwiches, in sauces, dips, stews, and soups.



What an autumn without chanterelles

CHANTERELLE AND GORGONZOLA CROSTINI Recipe & photo: Esta, Valgau be sąžinės graužimo Serves 4 » 12 slices baguette » extra virgin olive oil » 200 g chanterelles » 10 g butter » a pinch of salt » 2 tbs pine nuts » 80 g gorgonzola » arugula » freshly ground black pepper

Drizzle baguette slices with oil and toast in a grill pan. Fry chanterelles in butter and season with salt. Toast pine nuts in a dry pan. Top the toasted baguette slices with some Gorgonzola, chanterelles and toasted nuts. Decorate the crostini with arugula leaves and a generous pinch of black pepper. Drizzle some olive oil on top. Serve the crostini still warm with a glass of cooled white wine.


CHICKPEA AND CHANTERELLE STEW Recipe & photo: Berta, Cukrinis avinėlis Serves 4-6 » 500 g chickpeas » a knob of butter » 200 g ham » 200 g chanterelle » a pinch of saffron » a pinch of salt » a pinch of lemon zest » fresh parsley leaves

Soak chickpeas for 8-12 hours. Drain and cook them in fresh water on low heat until tender. In a large pan, melt butter and lightly fry ham slices with chanterelles. Add chickpeas and some more butter. Season the stew with salt, saffron, and lemon zest. Cook for several minutes, mixing constantly. Remove from heat, sprinkle the stew with fresh parsley and serve.

What an autumn without chanterelles

CHANTERELLE BURRITOS Recipe & photo: Berta, Cukrinis avinėlis Serves 4 » a knob of butter » 100-200 g chanterelles » 100 g hot smoked ham, sliced » 4 tortillas » 100 g cheese, grated » fresh parsley Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a pan, melt butter and lightly fry chanterelles and ham. Place the prepared filling on tortillas, sprinkle with cheese and parsley. Roll tortillas and roast in the oven until the cheese melts. Serve immediately.


What an autumn without chanterelles

SALMON WITH CHANTERELLE SAUCE Recipe: Dalia, Gera virtuvė Photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais

Serves 4

Preheat the oven to 170°C.

» 4 salmon fillets » freshly ground black pepper » a pinch of salt » 8 small potatoes » fresh dill

Season salmon fillets with salt and pepper, and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until cooked through.

Sauce: » 1 tbs butter » 1 brown onion » 600 g chanterelles » 2 tbs sour cream » a pinch of salt » freshly ground black pepper » fresh dill

Cut and fry onion in butter. Wash chanterelles in salted water. Coarsely chop them and add to the onions. Cover the pan and fry, stirring occasionally, until all of the liquid evaporates. Add sour cream, salt, pepper, and dill. Bring the sauce to a boil and immediately remove from the heat.

Boil potatoes. In order to lose as little nutrients as possible, add them to a small amount of boiling salted water.

Serve the salmon with the potatoes, fresh dill, and chanterelle sauce.



... eggplants

Words: Lina, Kiaunės reikaliukai Photo: Jurgita, Duonos ir žaidimų Recipes & photos: Lina, Kiaunės reikaliukai & Odeta, Cocina rendez vous


ggplants can be enjoyed throughout the year, but we love them most fresh from the gardens in autumn. Being of a pleasantly bitter taste and spongy texture, eggplant is a very healthy vegetable. It can be eaten fried, roasted, grilled or marinated. Just do not spare the spices!



What an autumn without eggplants

OVEN BAKED EGGPLANT FRIES Serves 4 Fries: » 1 eggplant » 1 cup breadcrumbs » 1 tbs Herbs de Provence blend » ½ tsp chili flakes » 4 tbs parmesan, finely grated » 2 egg whites » a pinch of salt Sauce: » 5 tomatoes » ½ brown onion » ½ bell pepper » a pinch of salt » freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut eggplant lengthwise in three slices. Cut into 1 cm thick fries. In a plate, combine breadcrumbs, spices, and cheese. In a bowl, lightly beat egg whites. Dip the fries in the egg whites, and toss in the breadcrumbs. Place them on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and bake in the oven until golden brown. For the sauce, skin tomatoes. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor. Serve the hot fries with tomato sauce.



What an autumn without eggplants

EGGPLANT AND FETA ROLLS Serves 4 Rolls: » 50 g walnuts » 100 g breadcrumbs » a pinch of salt » 2 eggs » 2 eggplants » 50 g feta » chives or onion greens Sauce: » 800 g tomatoes » 3 tbs extra virgin olive oil » 1 small onion, chopped » 2 cloves garlic, chopped » 50 g basil, chopped » a pinch of sugar » a pinch of salt » freshly ground black pepper

Skin and cube tomatoes. In a pan, heat oil and fry onion and garlic until soft. Add tomatoes, and basil. Season with sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Simmer until the tomatoes soften. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and blend until smooth. Pass the mixture through a sieve and return it to the pan. Bring to a boil. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Coarsely chop nuts. In a large plate, combine nuts, breadcrumbs and a generous pinch of salt. In a bowl, lightly whisk eggs. Cut eggplants lengthwise in thin slices. Brush each slice with egg whites and toss in the crumb mixture. Bake in the oven or in a pan until tender. Leave to cool. Place some feta on each slice and roll it up. If needed, secure the rolls with toothpicks. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove the toothpicks from the rolls and tie a chive or green onion around each roll. Serve immediately with warm sauce.



What an autumn without eggplants

EGGPLANT AND TUNA STACKS For the sauce, skin and cube tomatoes. In a pan, heat oil and fry onion and garlic until soft. Add tomatoes, and basil. Season with sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Simmer until the tomatoes soften. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and blend until smooth. Pass the mixture through a sieve and return it to the pan. Bring to a boil and remove from the heat. Let cool to room temperature and keep refrigerated. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place eggplant slices on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Lightly brush with oil, sprinkle with salt and bake until soft and golden brown. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. Mash tuna with a fork and mix with ricotta. Season with salt and pepper, and keep refrigerated until ready to serve. Once all the ingredients have cooled, layer eggplant and tuna mixture. Make 4 stacks, season them with salt. Serve with the tomato sauce.

Serves 4 » 20 eggplant slices (3-5 mm thick) » 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil » a pinch of salt » 1 can tuna in oil » 250 g ricotta » a pinch of peppers Tomato sauce: » 800 g tomatoes » 3 tbs extra virgin olive oil » 1 small onion » 2 cloves garlic » 50 g basil, chopped » a pinch of sugar » a pinch of salt



... bell peppers Words & photo: Asta, Villa Alps


ell peppers can definitely be called the most colorful vegetable on the Earth. Bright yellow, orange, red, lime green, emerald green, deep purple or even black colored bells attract the eyes no less than their taste pampers stomachs.



What an autumn without bell peppers

BELL PEPPERS WITH PARMESAN AND BREADCRUMBS Recipe: Neringa, Du mėnuliai: skonio simfonija Photo: Asta, Villa Alps Serves 4 » 4 red bell peppers » 3-4 tbs extra virgin olive oil » 3-4 cloves garlic » a pinch of salt » ½ tsp five pepper blend » 2 tsp basil, marjoram and oregano blend » 4 tsp parmesan, grated » 4 tbs croutons, crumbed

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place whole bell peppers on a baking sheet, drizzle some oil and season with salt. Roast in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. Peel the bell peppers and remove the seeds. Cut into ½ cm wide strips. Heat the remaining oil in a pan. Add chopped garlic and fry, stirring, until fragrant. Add the bell peppers. Stew on low heat for 30 minutes. After 15 minutes add salt, pepper and herb blends. Serve the bell peppers hot or cold, sprinkled with cheese and crumbed croutons.



What an autumn without bell peppers

ROASTED BELL PEPPER TOSTADAS Recipe & photo: Julė, Kepykla nr. 5 Serves 4 » 2-3 tortillas » oil Roasted bell peppers: » 3 bell peppers, coarsley chopped » 1 brown onion, chopped » 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil » 1 tsp cumin » ½ tsp ground chili » 1 tsp ground paprika Bean spread: » 1 can (400 g) red beens » juice of ½ lemon » 1 tsp cumin » 1 clove garlic » freshly ground black pepper » a pinch of salt Cream cheese sauce: » 200 g cream cheese » 80 g thick natural yogurt or sour cream » 2 sun-dried tomatoes in oil » a pinch of salt » a pinch of pepper » onion greens, chopped

Preheat the oven to 180˚C. Cut each tortilla in 6 pieces. Lightly coat one side of each piece with oil (you may use the oil from sun-dried tomatoes). Place tortilla slices on a baking sheet or line a cupcake tin to obtain a small bowls for the fillings. Bake in the oven for 5-10 minutes, or until the tortillas brown slightly. Let cool. In a baking pan, mix bell pepper, onion, oil, and spices. Roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes, or until soft. Let cool. Drain and wash beans. Add all the bean spread ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth. Season with lemon juice and spices to taste. Process all the cream cheese sauce ingredients in the food processor until smooth. Top each tortilla slice with some bean spread, some roasted vegetables and some cream cheese sauce. Sprinkle with green onions and serve immediately.


... lingonberries Words: Asta, Villa Alps Photo: Justina, Salierai rankinÄ—je


lenty of red beads of lingonberries on evergreen shrubs cover the ground of Lithuanian woods in late summer - early autumn, but these berries preserve well and are a part of North European diet during autumn and winter.



What an autumn without lingonberries

BAKED CAMEMBERT WITH LINGONBERRIES Recipe & photos: Justina, Salierai rankinėje Serves 4 » 2 frozen puff-pastry sheets » 2 round camemberts » 6 rosemary sprigs » 60 g lingonberries » 1 egg white

Thaw puff pastry at room temperature for 15-20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Sprinkle a clean surface with flour and roll out the pastry until it is big enough to cover the cheese from all sides. Place the cheese in the middle of the pastry and cover it with rosemary leaves. Spread lingonberries on top of the rosemary. Cut a star polygon around the cheese. Fold every corner of the star to the centre of the cheese so that it is completely covered. Press the corners of the puff pastry in the center. Brush the pastry with whisked egg white. Decorate the bake with rosemary sprigs and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve immediately.



What an autumn without lingonberries

LINGONBERRY HAND PIES Recipe & photo: Julija, Vilko šaukštai Serves 4 Dough: » 250 g regular flour » a pinch of salt » a pinch of sugar » 180 g cold butter » 2 tbs sour cream Filling: » 1 egg » 50 ml whipping cream » 3 tbs honey » 1 tsp fresh thyme, chopped » zest of 1 lemon » 150 g lingonberries » 2 tbs regular flour » 1 egg » water » brown sugar

In a bowl, combine flour, salt and sugar. Grate in butter and rub the butter into the flour until it resembles crumbs. Stir in cream and quickly knead the dough. Divide the dough in two pieces, wrap them in cling wrap and keep in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Lightly whisk egg and cream. Add honey, thyme, grated lemon zest, and lingonberries. Mix well. Gradually add flour, stirring, until the filling gets thicker. Lightly whisk egg with water. On a floured surface, roll out the dough into a circle. Cut it into an even number of circles. Place half of the circles on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Put some filling in the center of each circle. Baste the edges with the egg wash. Top with the remaining dough circles, pressing edges to seal. Brush the pies with the egg wash. Sprinkle with sugar, and make holes for the steam to get out. Put the hand pies in the fridge for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Bake the pies for 20 minutes, until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.


TWO LAYER CHEESECAKE WITH LINGONBERRIES Recipe & photo: Julė, Kepykla nr. 5 18 cm cake Crust: » 80 g cookies » 40 g butter, melted Filling: » 180 g cream cheese » 150 g ricotta » 150 g mascarpone » 2 eggs » 1 tsp vanilla extract

» ⅓ cup sugar » 140 g dulce de leche » ⅔ cup frozen lingonberries Caramel glaze: » ½ cup sugar » 200 ml cream » frozen lingonberries

What an autumn without lingonberries

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a 18 cm spring form pan with parchment paper. Pulse the cookies in a food processor or blender until finely ground. Mix them with butter. Transfer to the spring form pan and press. Keep in the oven while making the filling. Combine cream cheese, ricotta, mascarpone and eggs, until soft and creamy. Divide the mixture in two equal parts. Add sugar and vanilla extract to one of them, and dulce de leche to another one. Mix well. Add â…“ cup of frozen lingonberries to each mixture. Remove the spring form pan from the oven. Pour the caramel mixture first. Carefully add vanilla mixture on top. Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until almost set. Let cool in the oven with the door ajar. In a small saucepan, heat sugar, without stirring it, until the edges begin to melt. Start mixing and heat until the sugar becomes deep amber color and fragrant. It can even begin to smoke. Add heavy cream and mix. Be careful as the hot cream may bubble up. Heat until there are no pieces of caramelized sugar left. You may cook for a while longer so that the caramel thickens up. Cover the cooled cake with the caramel glaze and keep in the fridge until serving.


What an autumn without lingonberries

CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH LINGONBERRY MOUSSE Recipe & photos: Jurgita, Duonos ir žaidimų 25 cm cake Chocolate cake: » 2 tsp instant coffee » ½ cup hot water » 30 g dark chocolate » ¾ cup flour » 4 tbs cocoa » 1 tsp baking soda » 1 tsp baking powder » ¾ cup sugar » ½ cup low fat sour cream » ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil » 1 egg Lingonberry mouse: » 250 g lingonberries » 40 g sugar » 200 ml whipping cream » 3 tsp gelatin

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease and sprinkle with flour a 25 cm spring form pan. Pour hot water over instant coffee and leave to cool. Melt chocolate in a double boiler. In a separate bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and baking soda. In a large bowl, beat coffee, melted chocolate, sugar, sour cream, oil, and egg until smooth. Stirring constantly, add the dry mixture. Pour batter in the prepared pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. Remove the cake from the oven and leave to cool. It is not necessary to remove the cake from the pan. In a pot, cover lingonberries with sugar and cook on medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Soak gelatin in several tablespoons of water. Whip cream until fluffy. Add gelatin to the lingonberry mixture and stir until dissolved. Let the mixture come to room temperature. Gently mix in the whipped cream. Pour mousse over the chocolate cake. Smooth out the top and refrigerate overnight.





... cranberries Words & photo: Asta, Villa Alps


ranberries are ideal for jams, juices, beverages, sweet pastries and cakes, they pair well with meat and give a great flavor kick to cereals and porridges.

Cranberries should be picked only after the first autumn frost. And as these berries are not afraid of cold, so they can be collected during whole winter.



What an autumn without cranberries

CRANBERRIES MUSTARD Recipe & photo: Julė, Kepykla nr. 5 Makes 300 ml » ½ cup red wine vinegar » ⅓ cup mustard seeds » ½ cup water » 1 ½ cup cranberries » ½ cup sugar » 1 tbs mustard powder » 1 tsp ground allspice

In a small saucepan, bring vinegar to a boil. Remove from heat and add mustard seeds. Leave at room temperature for several hours or overnight. Add water. Using a food processor, blend the mixture until almost smooth. Add cranberries and continue blending. Once the mixture is smooth, pour it to the saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes. Add sugar, mustard powder, and allspice. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the mixture reduces by about a third. Pour the mustard into a clean jar, close and turn over. Leave to cool. Store in a cool dry place.



What an autumn without cranberries

CRANBERRY JAM Recipe: Dalia, Gera virtuvė Photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais » 1 kg cranberries » ½ kg sugar

Wash berries and place in a pot. Add sugar and bring to a boil. Simmer for 12-20 minutes. For a smoother jam, blend the mixture using a handheld blender. Bring to a boil once more and divide among clean jars. Let cool to room temperature and keep in a cool dry place.



What an autumn without cranberries

TEA CAKE WITH DRIED CRANBERRIES, CHOCOLATE AND ROSEMARY Recipe: Indrė, Gėrimų ir patiekalų magija Photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais 1 cake » 125 g butter » 150 g sugar » 1 tsp vanilla sugar » 2 large eggs » 2 tsp baking powder » 250 g regular flour » 100 ml milk » 50 g dried cranberries » 50 g dark chocolate » 1 rosemary sprig

Preheat the oven to 200˚C. Beat butter with sugar and vanilla sugar. Add eggs one by one, mixing well after each addition. Combine flour with baking powder. Add half of the flour mixture into the butter. Add milk and mix well. Add the remaining flour. Mix until you obtain a thick smooth batter. Chop chocolate. Finely chop rosemary leaves. Mix the chocolate, rosemary, and cranberries into the batter. Bake for 45-60 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. If the top starts to brown too quickly, cover it with foil.



... celery roots Words & photo: Asta, Villa Alps


wo types of celery are common in our kitchens: leafy one and celeriac, also known as celery root. Leafy celery stalks have gained the new level of popularity when raw food, smoothies, fresh juices and healthy diets came to fashion. Very fragrant, but plain looking celery root is vnot sharing the same popularity and rarely calls for experiments in cooking. Celery roots can be eaten raw, marinated, boiled, fried or steamed. They give flavor to salads, soups, meat and vegetable dishes. Why not try them in appetizers, on pizzas or simply make a fresh salad?



What an autumn without celery roots

RYE BREAD AND CELERY ROOT STACKS Recipe: Dalia, Gera virtuvė Photo: Beata, Braškės su pipirais Serves 4 » 1 celery root » a pinch of salt » rye bread » extra virgin olive oil » 2-3 tbs mayonnaise » parsley » roasted peanuts » five pepper blend » ground chili

Cut celery root in half and boil it in salted water until a knife comes through it effortlessly. Peel and slice the celery. Cut off bread crusts and cut the bread in similar sized pieces as the celery root. You should roughly have the same amount of bread and celery. Toast the bread slices in a dry pan until the outside is crunchy and the inside is still soft. Add some oil to the pan and lightly fry the celery root. Once the bread and celery are cool, layer them, top with mayonnaise, chopped parsley, roasted peanuts and spices.



What an autumn without celery roots

CELERY ROOT AND SMOKED CHEESE PIZZA Recipe & photos: Beata, Braškės su pipirais Serves 4 Dough: » 15 g fresh yeast » 1 tbs sugar » 250 g flour » 1 tsp salt » 25 g extra virgin olive oil » 150 g lukewarm water Topping: » 3 tbs extra virgin olive oil » 1 mozzarella » 75 g smoked cheese » ½ celery root » 8 cherry tomatoes » a pinch of sea salt » 1 tbs dried oregano

Combine yeast, sugar and a few tablespoons of water. Combine flour and salt on a clean surface, make a well in the middle. Add the yeast mixture, oil, and the remaining water. Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes, or until elastic. Cover and leave to prove for 1-2 hours. Preheat the oven to 250°C. Roll out the dough and transfer it on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Brush the dough with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Chop mozzarella, grate smoked cheese and arrange the cheeses on the dough. Peel celery root and slice it thinly. Mix the slices with the remaining olive oil and arrange them on the cheese. Top with chopped tomatoes, season with salt and oregano. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown.



What an autumn without celery roots

CELERY ROOT SALAD Recipe: Lina, Kiaunės reikaliukai Photo: Asta, Villa Alps Serves 4 Peel and finely grate celery root. » 1 celery root Mix all the ingredients in a big bowl, including syrup from pineapple. » 1 can (560 g) pineapple chunks Cover and leave in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight. Mix » 1 a handful of pine nuts, well before serving. coarsely chopped » 1 tbs mayonnaise


84 MEASURMENT UNITS USED IN THE MAGAZINE tbs - tablespoon, 15 ml tsp - teaspoon, 5 ml cup (250 ml), if not indicated otherwise ml - milliliter L - liter g - gram kg - kilogram

Foto: Jurgita, Duonos ir 탑aidim킬


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