Tiburtina Ensemble 04.03.12 - LIEDTEKSTEN

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de puur muziek

04.03.2012 | 16:00 | STAM - Refter

tiburtina ensemble liedteksten

O JERUSALEM (sequence for Saint Rupert) O Jerusalem, aurea civitas, ornata Regis purpura. O edificatio summe bonitatis, que es lux numquam obscurata.

O Jerusalem, golden city, robed in royal purple; O edifice of highest excellence, you are a light never darkened.

Tu enim es ornata in aurora et in calore solis. O beata pureritia, que rutilas in aurora, et o laudabilis adolescentia, que ardes in sole.

You are adorned in the dawn and in the heat of the sun. O blessed childhood which gleams in the dawn, and fair youth, aflame in the sun.

Nam tu, O nobilis Ruperte, in his sicut gemma fulsisti, unde non potes abscondi stultis hominibus, sicut nec mons valli celatur.

For you, O noble Rupert, glitter in these like a gem. You cannot be hidden by human foolishness, Just as a mountain cannot be hidden by a valley.

Fenestre tue, Jerusalem, cum topazio et saphiro specialiter sunt decorate.

Your windows, Jerusalem, are carefully decorated with topaz and sapphire.

In quibus dum fulges, O Ruperte, non potes abscondi tepidis moribus, sicut nec mons valli, coronatus rosis, liliis et purpura in vera ostensione.

In these windows you blaze, O Rupert, and cannot be hidden by tepid mortals; Just as a mountain cannot be hidden; but instead crowned with roses, lilies and purple, in a true revelation.

O tener flos campi, et a dulcis viriditas pomi, et o sarcina sine medulla, que non flectit pectora in crimina.

O tender flower of the field, O sweet juiciness of the apples, O burden without weight, let none bend a head to their breast in guilt.

O vas nobile, quod non est pollutum nec devoratum in saltatione antique spelunce, et quod non est maceratum in vulneribus antiqui perditoris.

O noble vessel which was not polluted nor drained in the ancient ceremony of the cave and is not weakened by wounds from the ancient destroyer.

In te symphonizat Spiritus Sanctus,

In you sings the Holy Spirit,


quia angelicis choris associaris, et quoniam in Filio Dei ornaris, cum nullam maculam habes.

with whom the angelic choir unites, and through whom you are adorned in the Son of God, having no stain upon you.

Quod vas decorum tu es, o Ruperte, qui in pueritia et in adolescentia tua ad Deum anhelasti in timore Dei et in amplexione caritatis et in suavissimo odore bonorum operum.

O Rupert, what a beautiful chalice you are, for in your childhood and youth you sighed after God in awe of God; and in the tender embrace of Love, you lived in the sweetest aroma of good deeds.

O Jerusalem, fundamentum tuum positum est cum torrentibus lapidibus, quod est cum publicanis et peccatoribus, qui perdite oves erant, sed per Filium Dei invente ad te cucurrerunt et in te positi sunt.

O Jerusalem, your foundation is laid with burning stones, which are the tax-gatherers and sinners who were lost sheep, but discovered by the Son of God they ran to you, and were placed in you.

Deinde muri tui fulminant vivis lapidibus, qui per summum studium bone voluntatis quasi nubes in celo volaverunt.

Thus your walls blaze with living stones, who with great efforts of good will have flown like clouds into the sky.

Et ita turres tue, o Jerusalem, rutilant et candent per ruborem et per candorem sanctorum et per omnia ornamenta Dei que tibi non desunt, o Jerusalem.

And so your towers, O Jerusalem, glitter and gleam with dawn, and with sacred incandescence, and with all the finery of God which you do not lack, O Jerusalem.

Unde vos, o ornati et o coronati, qui habitatis in Jerusalem, et o tu, Ruperte, qui es socius eorum in hac habitatione, succurrite nobis famulantibus et in exilio laborantibus.

Therefore, O you adorned and crowned ones who live in Jerusalem, and you, O Rupert, who are their companion in that dwelling, help us, who are serving and laboring in exile.


O TU ILLUSTRATA (Antiphon for the Virgin) O tu illustrata de divina claritate, clara Virgo Maria, Verbo dei infusa, unde venter tuus floruit de introitu Spiritus dei, qui in te sufflavit, et in ten, te exsuxit, quod Eva abstulit in abscisione puritatis per contractam contagionem de suggestione diaboli.

O you, illumination of clarity divine, brilliantly clear, wholly complete, Virgin Maria, infused by the Word of God, your womb flourished with the Spirit of God, gently breathing into you, and you, exhaling away that which Eve, breeding infectious suggestions from the devil’s whispers, ripped apart from the whole. By divine design, you miraculously cloaked within yourself the immaculate body of the Son of God flowering in your womb, and sacred Divinity arising from you, against the rules of the flesh constructed by Eve, but in integrity, drawing out the divine in the human heart.

Tu mirabiliter abscondisti in te immaculatam carnem per divinam rationem, cum Filius dei in ventre tuo floruit, sancta divinitate eum educente contra carnis iura, que construxit Eva, integritati copulatum in divinis visceribus.

KYRIE ELEISON Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.

Oh Lord have mercy.

O QUAM MIRABILIS (Antiphon for the Creator) O quam mirabilis est prescientia divini pectoris, que prescivit omnem creaturam.

O what a miracle is the presence of the divine heart which foretold all creation.

Nam cum Deus inspexit faciem hominis, quem formavit, omnia opera sua in eadem forma hominis integra aspexit.

With God’s gaze upon the face of man, whom He formed, He saw His entire works, reflected in that same human form.


O what a miracle is this inspiration by which humanity was awakened.

O quam mirabilis est inspiratio, que hominem sic suscitavit. PRAEMII DILATIO Praemii dilatio meriti supplicium,

The postponement of a reward is a punishement for loyalty which, according to the proverb, results from the faults of great men, who delay recompense for the service of faithful men lest, the reward is postponed the more dearly is it sold. Bartered for long service, a gift loses its virtue.

quod potentum vitio cedit in proverbium. Devotis obsequio, qui suspendunt praemium. Ne, recepto praemio, declinent obsequium Sed quo plus suspenditur plus venturum venditur. Voto longo venditum prodit munus meritum.

CUM VOX SANGUINIS (Hymn to Saint Ursula) Cum vox sanguinis Ursule et innocentis turbe eius ante thronum Dei sonuit, antiqua propheta venit per radicem Mambre in vera ostensione Trinitatis et dixit:

Cum vox sanguinis Ursule et innocentis turbe eius ante thronum Dei sonuit, antiqua propheta venit per radicem Mambre in vera ostensione Trinitatis et dixit:

Iste sanguis nos tangit, nunc omnes gaudeamus.

Iste sanguis nos tangit, nunc omnes gaudeamus.

Et postea venit congregatio Agni, per arietem in spinis pendentem, et dixit:

Et postea venit congregatio Agni, per arietem in spinis pendentem, et dixit:

Laus sit in Iherusalem per ruborem huius sanguinis.

Laus sit in Iherusalem per ruborem huius sanguinis.

Deinde venit sacrificium vituli quod verus lex ostendebat, sacrificium laudis circumamicta varietate,

Deinde venit sacrificium vituli quod verus lex ostendebat, sacrificium laudis circumamicta varietate,


et que faciem Dei Moysi obnubilabat, dorsum illi ostendens.

et que faciem Dei Moysi obnubilabat, dorsum illi ostendens.

Hoc sunt sacerdotes qui per linguas suas Deum ostendunt, et perfecte eum videre non possunt, et dixerunt:

Hoc sunt sacerdotes qui per linguas suas Deum ostendunt, et perfecte eum videre non possunt, et dixerunt:

O nobilissima turba, virgo ista que in terries Ursula vocatur in summis Columba nominatur, quia innocentem turbam ad se collegit.

O nobilissima turba, virgo ista que in terries Ursula vocatur in summis Columba nominatur, quia innocentem turbam ad se collegit.

O ecclesia, tu es laudibilis in ista turba.

O ecclesia, tu es laudibilis in ista turba.

Turba magna, quam insombustus rubus (quem Moses viderat) significant, et quam Deus in prima radice plantaverat in homine quem de limo formaverat, ut sine commixtione viri viveret, cum clarissima voce clamavit in purissimo auro, thopazio, et saphiro circumamicta in auro.

Turba magna, quam insombustus rubus (quem Moses viderat) significant, et quam Deus in prima radice plantaverat in homine quem de limo formaverat, ut sine commixtione viri viveret, cum clarissima voce clamavit in purissimo auro, thopazio, et saphiro circumamicta in auro.

Nunc gaudeant omnes celi, et omnes populi cum illis ornentur. Amen.

Nunc gaudeant omnes celi, et omnes populi cum illis ornentur. Amen.

O SPECTABILES VIRI (Antiphon for Patriarchs and Prophets) O spectabiles viri Qui petransistis occulta, Aspicientes per oculos spiritus Et annuntiantes In lucida umbra Acutam et viventem lucem In virga germinantem,

Spectacular men! you see with the spirit’s eyes, piercing the veil. In a luminous shade you proclaim a sharp living brightness that buds from a branch


Que sola floruit De introitu radicantis luminis:

that blossomed alone when the radical light took root.

Vos antique sancti, Predixistis salvationem Exulum animarum Que inmerse fuerant morti, Que circuisti ut rote, Mirabiliter loquentes mistica montis

Que ipsum montem precurrens ostendit.

Holy ones of old! you foretold deliverance for the souls of exiles slumped in the dead lands. Like wheels you spun round in wonder as you spoke of the mysterious mountain at the brink of heaven that stills many waters, sailing over the waves. And a shining lamp burned in the midst of you! Pointing, he runs to the mountain.

NUNC GAUDEANT (Antiphon for Dedication of a Church) Nunc gaudeant materna viscera Ecclesia quia in superna simphonia filii eius in sinum suum collocati sunt.

Now let the motherly heart of the Ecclesia rejoice, because in supernal harmony her children are gathered into her bosom.

Unde, o turpissime serpens, confusus es, quoniam quos tua estimatio in visceribus suis habituit nunc fulgent in sanguine Filii Dei, et ideo laus tibi sit, rex altissime, Alleluia.

Hence, O shameful serpent, you are confounded, because the ones your jealousy held in its maw now gleam in the blood of God’s Son and therefore praise be to you, King Most High, Alleluia.

FLOS IN MONTE CERNITUR Flos in monte cernitur Gaudet cor amantis; Circa forem, nemora; Nulla vox clamantis.

On the mountain a flower is discerned; The heart of the lover rejoices. Around the flower, woods; There is no voice of one calling [Matthew 3,3]. The place suits the desire

Qui celum tangit, Pertransiens ungendo multas aquas, Cum etiam inter vos, Surrexit lucida lucerna,


Locus est ydoneus Placito mandantis; Fiat amor aureus, Gratia donantis.

Of one wishes to have his will; Let love be golden By the grace of the giver!

Odor forum iuvenem Renovans amore, Multa secum cogitans Florem tangit ore; Flexo genu gratulans, Floris in honore, Florem carpit manibus. Non [est] tempus more!

The odour of the flowers Renews love in the young man; Thinking many things to himself, He touches the flower with his lips; Giving thanks on bended knee In honour of the flower, He snatches the flower with his hands. This is not a time for delay!

O BEATA INFANTIA (Antiphon for Saint Disibod) O beata infantia electi Disibodi, que a Deo ita inspirata est quod postea sanctissima opera in mirabilibus Dei ut suavissimum odorem balsami exsudasti.

O blessed child, the choosen Disibodi, whom God so inspired. that in time your sacred deeds became the wonders of God, wafting like the gentle scent of a healing perfume

AVE MARIA (Responsory for the Virgin) Ave Maria, o auctrix vite, reedifcando salutem, que mortem conturbasti et serpentem contrivisti, ad quem se eva erexit erecta cervice cum suffatu superbie. Hunc conculcasti dum de celo Filium Dei genuisti quem inspiravit Spiritus Dei. O dulcissima atque amantissima Mater, Salve, que natum tuum de celo missum mundo edidisti

Behold, Mary, you who increase life, who rebuilds the path, You who confused death and wore down the serpent, To you Eve raised herself up, her neck rigid with infated arrogance. You strode upon this arrogance while bearing God’s Son of Heaven, through whom the spirit of God breaths. O gentle and loving Mother, I behold you. For Heaven released into the world that which you brought forth.


This one, through whom the spirit of God breaths. Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And to this one, through whom the spirit of God breaths.

Quem inspiravit Spiritus Dei. Gloira Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto. Quem inspiravit Spiritus Dei.

CARITAS ABUNDAT (Antiphon for Divine Love) Caritas abundat in omnia, de imis excellentissima super sidera, atque amantissima in omnia, quia summo Regi osculum pacis dedit.

Loving tenderness abounds for all from the darkest to the most eminent one beyond the stars, Exquisitely loving all she bequeaths the kiss of peace upon the ultimate King.

DEUS MISERTUS HOMINIS Deus misertus hominis, Lavit reatum criminis Eve per partum virginis; O quam dulce remedium, Ut vitium Purgetur per contrarium; Fit electis compendium, Ne tedium Sit currenti per stadium, Si differatur bravium.

God, pitying man, Washed man charged with Eve’s guilt, Through a virgin’s son: O what a sweet remedy! That sin Should be purged by a contradiction: May salvation come to the elect, Lest tedium Should overwhelm the runner of the course If a reward is to be disbursed.

Virgo concepit filium, Cui ferunt testimonium Pater et evangelium, Quos serpens nequam infecit; Hic reficit, Qui sanctus sanctos perficit; Sine fide non proficit, Sed deficit, Quia, qui fidem abicit, Non hunc fidelem efficit.

A virgin conceived a son, To whom testify The Father and the Gospels; Those whom the serpent has defiled, He heals Who, being holy, has made them holy; Without faith there is no profit, But loss, Because he who casts off faith Does not make himself faithful.


Non Elisei baculo Nec Giezi signaculo Immo crucis umbraculo Infanti vita redditur. Hic creditor, A Patre natus mittitur, Qui dum in cruce leditur Et moritur, Eclipsim luna patitur, Nam sol sub nube tegitur.

Not by Elisha’s rod, Nor by Gehazi’s sign, But by the covering of the Cross Is the young boy returned to life. Christ is believed, He is sent, born of the Father, And while he suffers on the Cross And dies, The moon suffers an eclipse, For the sun is hidden by a cloud.

ORDO VIRTUTUM : O DEUS QUI ES TU Virtutes: O deus, qui es tu, qui in temetipso Hoc magnum consilium habuisti, Quod destruxit infernalem haustum In publicanis et peccatoribus, Qui nunc lucent in superna bonitate! Unde, o rex, laus sit tibi. O pater omnipotens, Ex te fluit fons in igneo amore: Perduc filios tuos in rectum Ventum velorum aquarum, Ita ut et nos eos hoc modo perducamus

Who are you, God who held Such great counsel in yourself, A counsel that destroyed the draught of hell In publicans and sinners, Who now shine in paradisal goddness! Praise to you, King, for this! Almighty Father, from you flowed A fountain in fiery love: Guide your children into a fair wind, Sailing the waters, So that we too may steer them in this way.

DOMINUS, DOMINATOR NOSTER Domine Dominator noster quam grande est nomen tuum in universa terra qui posuisti gloriam tuam super caelos ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem propter adversarios meos ut quiescat inimicus et ultor

O Lord, our Lord, how admirable is thy name in the whole earth! For thy magnificence is elevated above the heavens Out of the mouth of infants and of sucklings thou hast perfected praise, because of thy enemies, that thou mayst destroy the enemy and the avenger.


videbo enim caelos tuos opera digitorum tuorum lunam et stellas quae fundasti

For I will behold thy heavens, the works of thy fingers: the moon and the stars which thou hast founded.

quid est homo quoniam recordaris eius vel filius hominis quoniam visitas eum

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him?

minues eum paulo minus a Deo gloria et decore coronabis eum

Thou hast made him a little less than the angels, thou hast crowned him with glory and honour

dabis ei potestatem super opera manuum tuarum

And hast set him over the works of thy hands

cuncta posuisti sub pedibus eius oves et armenta omnia insuper et animalia agri

Thou hast subjected all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen: moreover, the beasts also of the fields.

aves caeli et pisces maris qui pertranseunt semitas ponti

The birds of the air, and the fishes of the sea, that pass through the paths of the sea.

Domine Dominator noster quam grande est nomen tuum in universa terra

O Lord, our Lord, how admirable is thy name in the whole earth!


binnenkort ZO | 04.03.12 | 17:00 | MIRY Docentenconcert Hobo & slagwerk

ZA | 17.03.12 | 20:00 Orchestre National de Lille Sibelius, Schumann, Tsjaikovski

WO | 07.03.12 | 20:00 Jason Moran Trio Jazz | Monk at Town Hall, 1959

ZO | 18.03.12 | 17:00 Docentenconcert Octaaf Van Geert

DO | 08.03.12 | 20:00 | UITVERKOCHT Graindelavoix Soefigezangen uit Sicilië

WO | 21.03.12 | 20:00 Compagnie Bischoff Via Dolorosa | Liszt, Glowicka

VR | 09.03.12 | 20:00 deFilharmonie, Edo de Waart (dirigent) Bruckner: Symfonie nr. 8 in c

VR | 23.03.12 | 15:00 Guido De Neve, Frank Agsteribbe J.S. Bach, Haendel, Kennis

ZO | 11.03.12 UNESCO MUZIEKDAG 16:00 | B’Rock (Gent) 19:00 | Accademia degli Astrusi (Bologna) 21:00 | Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla (Sevilla) 22:15 | Grand Finale met de 3 ensembles Barokmuziek uit Sevilla, Bologna en Gent

ZA | 24.03.12 | 20:00 Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen, Vitaly Samoshko (piano) Borodin, Rachmaninov, Sjostakovitsj

DO | 15.03.12 | 20:00 London Baroque, Reinoud van Mechelen (tenor) Couperin, Haendel, Rameau, Marais, Leclair VR | 16.03.12 | 20:00 Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Candida Thompson, Robert McDuffie (viool) Glass, Keuris, Adams Bespreekbureau Muziekcentrum De Bijloke Gent J. Kluyskensstraat 2, 9000 Gent Di - vr 10:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 | za 13:00 - 17:00 09 269 92 92 | tickets@debijloke.be | www.debijloke.be

ZO | 25.03.12 | 16:00 deFilharmonie, Dirk Brossé (dirigent), Karlijn Sileghem & Ides Meire (acteurs) KIDconcert: Alice in Wonderland WO | 28.03.12 | 14:00 & 16:00 Michiel Hendryckx (verteller), Benjamin Glorieux (cello) De Grote Oorlog - muzikale vertelling voor kinderen (10-14j)

v.u. | Daan Bauwens © | Muziekcentrum De Bijloke Gent info@debijloke.be Muziekcentrum De Bijloke is mobiel dankzij het partnership met Gent Motors (www.gentmotors.be)

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