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子粒生見證聚會 Seed Sprouting Testimony Sharing I.敬拜




Life Is To Continue In Love

II. 開頭的話 Opening Remarks

Bro. Jeff Mei

游正義弟兄 Bro. Jengyi Yu

III.子粒生見證 Testimonies 一生屬於祢──認識啟光牧師


My Life Belongs To You-Knowing Pastor David Sis. Jenny Gao

真實永遠的生命 The True And Eternal Life


易明仁弟兄 Bro. Michael Yee

李 剛 弟兄

The True Lord

Bro. Gang Li

愛、信心、行動、傳承 Love, Faith, Action, Carrying On


Bro. Peter Le


Knowing Our Family-Testimony Of How Our Church Was Built

Bro. Barnabas Choi V.唱詩 Hymn

VI.禱告 Prayer



Onward, Onward, The Church Moves Onward Worship Team

游正義弟兄 Bro. Jengyi Yu

生命在愛中傳承 為《子粒生》見證聚會-紀念鄭啟光牧師 詞:高玉潔/曲:王歡

一粒麥子 埋在地裡 許多子粒 生出來 經歷風雨 試煉爭戰 同舟共濟 努力向前 子粒生 子粒生 生命在愛中傳承 子粒生 子粒生 生命在愛中傳承 遵守聖經 跟隨聖靈 殷勤事奉 全心奉獻 麥浪滾滾 子粒燦燦 照亮的城 榮耀中顯現 子粒生 子粒生 生命在愛中傳承 子粒長 子粒長 生命在愛中傳承

Life Is to Continue in Love For “Sprouting Seeds” Testimony Gathering In Honor of the Late Pastor David Jeng Lyric: Jenny Gao / Music: Flora Wang

A grain of wheat buried in field, From which many a seedling grows Through the wind and rain, trials and fights We march forward hand in hand Out come more seeds, out come more seeds Life is to continue in love Out come more seeds, out come more seeds Life is to continue in love Abide by the Bible, follow the Spirit Serve earnestly, with all our heart Sea of wheat rolls, glistering in the sun Shining city stands in grace Out come more seeds, out come more seeds Life is to continue in love More seeds will grow, more seeds will grow Life is to continue in love

向前、向前、教會要向前 詞:高玉潔/曲:王歡

神的僕人 我們的弟兄 身披榮耀駕雲上騰 歇了地上一切的勞苦 欣然安息慈父懷中 天上凱旋樂章奏起 天使翩翩起舞歡騰 精金的冠冕戴他頭上 尊榮威嚴穿在他身 我的靈在天 我的牽掛在地 這裡有我的弟兄 這裡有我的心願 不要悲傷不要流淚 軟弱靠主得剛強 信心仰望跟隨主 教會要繼續向前 向前 向前 教會要向前 弟兄的囑託擔在肩 興起發光照亮四周 慈愛天父必成全 我們要同心我們要合一 建造教會永向前 天地雖遙遠 只暫時離別 到那日我們再相見

Onward, Onward, The Church Moves Onward Lyric: Jenny Gao / Music: Flora Wang The Lord’s servant, beloved brother, clothed in glory amidst the clouds From this realm and all labor released, resting gladly in our Father’s arms Heav’ns resound in praise triumphant, angels in dance with him rejoice Crowned with a crown of gold refined, robed in honor and majesty In heav’n is my spirit, and here on earth my longing Here you will find my brothers, here you will find my heart’s song Trust in the Lord in your weakness, come give Him all your sadness His Bride now will carry on, following Him with all Her heart Onward, onward, the church moves onward On brothers’ shoulders the burdens bear Arise, shine, and brighten the corners, kept by God from up above We will, with one heart, we will, with one love Build the church while marching on Though heaven’s far it’s only a moment, ‘til that day when again we meet

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