Over the past ten years, DECA has been proud to have the support of AT&T. A lot has happened in this AT&T DECA decade, especially in the 2023-24 school year! In the past year, DECA AT&T Project students have been able to network, compete, and develop their professional skills. However, this project provides far more than just tools to succeed in business. With outstanding AT&T mentors guiding the way, students were challenged to set even higher goals for themselves. Looking one or two decades into the future taught students how to motivate themselves in the present. Upon reflecting on participating in the DECA AT&T Project, one student from Greenfield High School in Wisconsin, shared, “The AT&T events I attended showed me that there are many career opportunities out there if you are motivated to find them. I learned that I need to be proactive in planning my future. My confidence in my career path has grown significantly thanks to my AT&T mentors!” These lessons and relationships are sure to have a lasting impact on the students served in the decades to come!

Students comprised the traditional #DECAATTProject, serving 42 schools in 23 states
The DECA AT&T Project began in the 2014-15 school year by serving students from five schools in five states. A decade later, the project has continued to thrive and grow! In the 2023-24 school year, 4,000 students from 42 schools in 23 states were served. Of these students, 1,523 were served through episodic mentoring events and support of their attendance at DECA conferences on the local, state, and international levels.
An additional 2,477 students made up the traditional #DECAATTProject. These students participated in a variety of mentorship events both virtually and in person.
The demographics of the #DECAATTProject are described as follows:
Were served through episodic mentoring events and support of their attendance at DECA conferences

My biggest takeaway from participating in the DECA AT&T Project is that supporting and fulfilling the needs of your community is very fulfilling for yourself as well.” DECA Member, Townview Center, TX

The 2023-24 school year was packed full of great events! Students met and bonded with their mentors both virtually and in-person. There were 141 events in total, 56 virtual and 85 in person . Of the in-person events, there were two college tours, five off-site trips, 13 DECA competitions, 16 trips to AT&T, and 49 in-school meetings 485 unique volunteers from AT&T mentored the participating students in these life-changing events. The DECA AT&T Project is grateful for the passion and generosity of its AT&T volunteers. With the positive contributions of so many dedicated AT&T mentors, these events achieved a higher level of success!

The DECA students from Paul Duke STEM High School are exceptional. They are organized and proactive and were a fantastic addition to our signature event in Georgia this year. Their dedication is why HACEMOS members like me work so hard to support them.”
Alex Barreto, Lead Project Program Manager, Cricket Wireless, National President, HACEMOS
Students in #DECAATTProject completed surveys created by DECA partner Encoura, a subsidiary of American College Testing (ACT), to discover the project’s impact on their college and career plans and their subsequent readiness for each. The results are included below:

This year, 42 schools were chosen to participate in the #DECAATTProject—students from 23 states connected with their worldwide group of AT&T mentors. Schools were selected based on the following criteria:
• A student population that matches the AT&T Believes in Education target audience.
• Local DECA chapter advisor and school administration support the program’s goals and responsibilities.
• State DECA advisor support for program goals and responsibilities.
• Proximity to AT&T offices and/or volunteer interest.
Prairie Grove HS, Fayetteville, AR
Robinson HS, Little Rock, AR
Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA
Elizabeth Learning Center, Los Angeles, CA
Overland HS, Aurora, CO
Smoky Hill HS, Denver, CO
Southwest Miami Senior HS, Miami, FL
Campbell HS, Smyrna, GA
Lithonia HS, Lithonia, GA
Norcross HS, Norcross, GA
Paul Duke STEM HS, Norcross, GA
Tri-Cities HS, East Point, GA
Southeast Polk HS, Pleasant Hill, IA
East Aurora HS, Aurora, IL
Streamwood HS, Streamwood, IL
Ben Davis HS, Indianapolis, IN
Perry Meridian HS, Indianapolis, IN
Pleasure Ridge Park HS, Louisville, KY
Broadmoor HS, Baton Rouge, LA
Madison Park Technical Vocational HS, Boston, MA
Pattonville HS, St. Louis, MO
Riverview Gardens HS, St. Louis, MO
Gulfport HS, Gulfport, MS
Pisgah HS, Canton, NC
South Brunswick HS, Wilmington, NC
Spring Creek, Seven Springs, NC
Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ
Austintown Fitch HS, Austintown, OH
The funding provided by the DECA AT&T Project opens doors for many students. The generous contribution from AT&T can even help in launching a DECA chapter! Three high schools established DECA chapters this past school year as a result of an invitation to be included in the DECA AT&T Project. Without the heavy burden of fundraising for start-up expenses, these DECA chapters could turn their attention to growing and supporting members. Students at Austintown Fitch HS (OH), East HS (TN), and South Houston HS (TX) had new opportunities to compete, lead, and learn. The support of AT&T allowed these chapters to cover membership dues, take business etiquette lessons, attend DECA competitions, and so much more!
The DECA AT&T Project goes far beyond the financial support of students. AT&T mentors inform students about life after high school using their personal and professional experiences. The information these students learn from their mentors can be lifechanging! Take this DECA member from Fitch HS as an example, "I learned that working for AT&T, or a company like it, has a lot of room for growth and educational opportunities. I didn't know that companies offered these sorts of things to their employees. There are so many opportunities that can come from going into a skilled trade career. I'm thankful for all the information and guidance my AT&T mentors provided me during their visit!" The students are not the only ones who appreciate the opportunity to participate in events with AT&T. Dianna Preteroti, a teacher and DECA advisor from South Houston HS was just as pleased with the experience. After the DECA AT&T event at her high school, she shared that "the mentors that came to speak with my students were excellent! The event was such a great experience for my students. We are already looking forward to having AT&T join us again next year."
Northeast HS, Philadelphia, PA
Eastside HS, Greenville, SC
East HS, Memphis, TN
Bryan Adams HS, Dallas, TX
Deer Park HS, Houston, TX
Newman Smith HS, Carrollton, TX
Richardson HS, Richardson, TX
Skyline HS, Dallas, TX
South Houston HS, Houston, TX
Townview Center, Dallas, TX
Taylorsville HS, Taylorsville, UT
Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA
Renton HS, Renton, WA
Greenfield HS, Greenfield, WI
As AT&T says, 'Connecting changes everything.' Connections can inspire high school students to pursue a new career path or provide transformative experiences. One thing is sure: the connections provided by the DECA AT&T Project this school year have already impacted these three DECA chapters and their members.

Fitch High School is so grateful for the DECA AT&T Project. Our students would not have gotten to participate at the state level without it. The AT&T school meeting was so informative that many of my non-DECA students are interested in joining DECA next school year!”
Krista McConnahey, Teacher and DECA Advisor, Austintown Fitch High School, OH
With so much of their lives and experience spent in a classroom, it is crucial for high school students to consider what comes next. Trips outside of the classroom can expose students to new ideas and different college and career paths. Having supportive mentors to guide them can turn a field trip into an inspiring experience!
In the past school year, sixteen high school DECA chapters were able to join their mentors at AT&T corporate offices. A company as sizable as AT&T provides a great setting for students to learn about a variety of careers, from engineering to human resources, sales, and so much more! On these trips, students learned the importance of planning for their future while being reassured that it is normal not to have their entire lives charted out by age 16.
I really appreciated the mentors giving us time to learn about their company and see what they do. I liked that I was able to talk with someone who went through the same things as me ten to twenty years ago. I could see myself in them, and it showed me how to get there in the next few years.”
Member, Elizabeth Learning Center, CA

For many students, college is the expected next step after graduating from high school. However, this is not the case for all students in the DECA AT&T Project. Many participants will be first-generation college attendees and potentially even high school graduates. College tours can broaden student horizons and open doors to new possibilities. On these trips, AT&T mentors can highlight their college experiences and advise students about applying for scholarships or financial aid. Hearing college and career success stories from trusted adults can be just the push a student needs toward attending college!
AT&T volunteers hosted an amazing, innovative, informative, and entertaining college tour! My students were thoroughly engaged while learning about the various aspects of college and life after high school.”
Jessica Mayweather, Teacher and DECA Advisor, Tri- Cities High School, GA
Each year in October, HACEMOS chapters across the country host High Tech Day. HACEMOS is AT&T’s Hispanic and Latino employee group and a proud supporter of DECA. High Tech Day aims to help bridge the digital divide and expose high school students to careers in STEM. With a set of shared goals, HACEMOS chapters in Philadelphia and Atlanta welcomed DECA students to their corporate offices. Students from Northeast HS (PA), Lithonia HS (GA), Paul Duke STEM HS (GA), and Tri-Cities HS (GA) were able to learn more about the everchanging world of technology through hands-on activities and career panels led by their AT&T mentors.

The diverse group of mentors I saw within the STEM industry at High Tech Day was eye-opening! My AT&T mentors motivated me to set my career goals higher and to accept challenges as an opportunity to grow.”
DECA Member, Northeast High School, PA

Networking is a critical life skill and a major part of any DECA conference. Teens typically face apprehension when meeting new people. However, DECA events teach students how to carry themselves confidently and professionally and give them the opportunity to test their skills. At DECA conferences, members network with more than just their peers! Students develop their skills by presenting to judges from the field and touring college and career exhibits. These out-of-classroom experiences give students the competitive edge they need to stand out after high school.
This school year, the DECA AT&T Project supported 1,168 students by paying for their DECA membership dues. These initial fees can act as barriers for some students when it comes to participating in extracurricular activities. Through the generous support of AT&T, these students were able to focus on participating, learning, and growing with DECA without a financial burden.

In November of 2023, 12 students from three DECA AT&T Project schools joined over 1,000 of their peers in Austin, Texas, for the annual Ultimate DECA Power Trip Conference. At this event, students learned to work as a team, enhance productivity, solve problems creatively, and lead ethically.
I picked up lifelong skills at Power Trip. I learned more about leadership, networking, and public speaking at the conference. The knowledge I gained from this trip will definitely help me when I return to school and far beyond!”
DECA Member, Southwest Miami HS, FL

DECA's International Career Development Conference (ICDC) is the culmination of the entire school year. Students participate in leadership sessions to attain and refine their 21st-century business skills. To qualify to compete at ICDC, students must meet a particular ranking at their district and state competitions. The top competitors gather together in an attempt to be recognized as the best in their event and win ‘DECA glass’.
ICDC is more than just a competition; it is an opportunity to broaden horizons by meeting people from all over the country! The DECA AT&T Project hosts a reception at ICDC each year to celebrate all its chapters in attendance. This year, 121 students from 22 chapters attended ICDC, in part due to the support they received from AT&T. Students from the project were able to network, discuss their mentorship experiences, and learn life skills from an AT&T keynote speaker. The reception is the perfect way to recognize the students' hard work and celebrate the end of the school year!
Community engagement has always been an important part of my life. In expanding my reach to DECA as a Volunteer Program Coordinator, Executive Mentor, Judge, and Keynote Speaker, I didn’t realize my own internal dream. It’s a great feeling to know my experiences and knowledge help shape future leaders by igniting the spark of innovation and determination. I hope all students embrace every challenge, network fearlessly, and remember that their journey in DECA and at ICDC is the foundation of tomorrow’s success. You are limitless!”
Deedee Lovett-Williams, Lead Tech Business Manager, AT&T
Each year, DECA and AT&T employees collaborate to identify a roster of schools to participate in the #DECAATTProject. The project’s goals remain the same while new schools, teachers, students, and mentors begin participating. However, one school in particular has stood the test of time.
Riverview Gardens High School (RGHS), located in St. Louis, Missouri, has been a significant part of the DECA AT&T Project for nine years. Each month, a select group of students is joined by their mentors to discuss topics that will help them prepare for life after high school. To be clear, these are not standard monotonous meetings. Pamela Fountain, CTE marketing teacher and DECA advisor, goes above and beyond expectations to make each meeting a positive and immersive experience for her students and volunteers. To Ms. Fountain, all of this work is worth it because “RGHS DECA scholars will be forever changed by the unwavering commitment of DECA Inc. and AT&T.” She went on to share that “During our tenure with the DECA AT&T Project, we have collectively shaped academic journeys by teaching leadership skills, career development, and the importance of community service. The AT&T mentors’ dedication to fostering a positive learning environment has left an indelible mark on countless scholars.”
Ms. Fountain and her team of fabulous mentors have also worked together to take these monthly meetings beyond the classroom! Over the years, AT&T mentors have hosted RGHS DECA students at their downtown St. Louis AT&T office and retail stores. They have also chaperoned college tours to Lindenwood University and Lincoln University. On these trips, mentors shared their unique experiences and career paths to help students see the variety of options that exist for them after high school.
Many participating RGHS students collaborate with the same group of mentors for their entire high school careers. From freshman orientation to graduation, AT&T volunteers transform from mentors to family in the eyes of their students. The lessons they teach these students and the relationships they build last beyond a diploma and walking across the graduation stage.
“Through the lens of the DECA AT&T project, I’ve glimpsed a future that is bright with possibilities. It’s been a threeyear journey that has shaped not just my career path but the very contours of my character, instilling in me the courage to innovate, the wisdom to lead, and the vision to dream beyond boundaries,” said Mic’keal Sykes, a junior, at RGHS. The students

are not the only ones learning and growing! AT&T Senior Systems Engineer, Jen Ludwig, expressed that “My time as the Coordinator of the AT&T and DECA mentorship has been very impactful to not only me, but my peers alike. I quickly learned that I was not just giving my knowledge in the workforce but also in life; I was giving an ear to someone who may not feel heard, being a cheerleader for them for small and big wins, while helping to guide them in the right direction to achieve their goals. The reason we have been successful over the past several years is due to the match of dedication and passion from our small mentor group and Ms. Fountain. One thing I really didn’t expect was to ‘receive’ so much from participating. What did I receive? I received love and friendship from Ms. Fountain and thank-yous from students. Most importantly, I learned from the students too. The resilience and tenacity I see in them to achieve their goals is refreshing.” The DECA AT&T Project at Riverview Gardens High School is the perfect example of how positive connections can make a lasting difference. We look forward to seeing what is in store for the tenth year of collaboration between RGHS DECA and AT&T.

Over the last school year and decade, AT&T mentors exceeded expectations by contributing their time, knowledge, and personal experiences to students. Their dedication and support did not go unnoticed! Many students, teachers, and other stakeholders shared their gratitude for their mentors and the DECA AT&T Project!

“The DECA AT&T Project has truly changed the lives of our students in Pennsylvania. This project has allowed our kids to experience all that DECA has to offer while promoting their growth and leadership skills. As the Executive Director of PA DECA, I couldn’t be more thankful for this program and what it gives to our kids!”
Josh Nulph, Chartered Association Advisor, Pennsylvania DECA
“I want to thank AT&T for all of the opportunities and advice they have provided to me and my classmates. Thanks to this mentorship opportunity, my leadership skills and confidence have grown significantly. My mentors motivated me to explore starting my own business. I know now that no matter what I do, I have the drive to be successful at it!”
DECA Member, Richardson High School, TX
AT&T PROJECT 2024-2025
The AT&T DECA Decade has left its mark on countless students. This past school year, participating students were able to ‘Experience the Difference’ that mentorship can make. Now it is time to look forward and see how the 202425 school year is shaping up. There are plans to expand in-person events and field trips to AT&T offices nationwide. For instance, DECA is proud to join HACEMOS chapters across the country for High Tech Day events. In the coming year, with the guidance of their mentors, DECA students will learn how to set themselves apart and ‘Be The One!’ We are excited to see where this year of creativity and perseverance will take participating students.

“My AT&T mentors taught me leadership skills and how to network. At the start of this school year, I was very reserved and risk-averse. After attending AT&T sessions and hearing from my mentors, I learned that I need to push myself out of my comfort zone in order to grow. Now I plan on running for a DECA state leadership position!”
DECA Member, Renton High School, WA
“I appreciate all the time and effort that went into providing an opportunity for my students to be mentored by individuals in the industry who are making an impact. The DECA AT&T Project has been a great experience for my students and me! We really enjoyed participating in the events and learned a lot from the mentors.”
Krista Chirco, Teacher and DECA Advisor, Highland Park HS, NJ