The arts are for everyone, and we work hard to create events which inspire, empower and nurture our community. Our mission is simple: Keep Festé FREE!
Whilst we receive funding from the Arts Council, as a charity, this work is only possible through donations from funders and supporters.
Use the QR code to donate and help us keep Festé free. Thank you.
FINALDOCFESTE.indd 2-3 24/08/2023 20:05
Make the most of your day at Festé 23. We don’t want you to miss your highlights so use this at glance to plot, plan and make exceptional memories.
SAT RollModel2pm TheSpot 35mins
SAT WilderNests2.15pm CathedralSquare 35mins
SAT FarmYardCircus 2.30pm MarketPlace 45mins
SAT Rush2.45pm Riverlights 20mins
SAT LockheartandQuagzu2.45pm StPetersCross 45mins
SAT FABRICInternationalArtistsSession2.45pm Déda 60mins
SAT CogintheWheel3pm CathedralGreen 20mins
SAT Parade-theGiantWheel3.15pm Riverlights 50mins
SAT Dovetail3.15pm TheSpot 40mins
SAT LookMum,NoHands!3.30pm CathedralSquare 40mins
SAT LungsofOurCity 3.30pm MarketPlace 40mins
SAT TheWhale3.30pm Riverlights 30mins
SAT TheWhale4pm Riverlights 30mins
SAT TrinityWarriors4pm TheSpot 15mins
SAT StrictlyCycling 4pm StPetersCross 30mins
SAT CastAway4.15pm CathedralGreen 30mins
SAT Forests4.30pm MarketPlace 30mins
SAT RollModel4.30pm Riverlights 35mins
SAT WilderNests4.45pm CathedralSquare 35mins
SAT CogintheWheel5pm CathedralGreen 20mins
SAT Dovetail5.15pm Riverlights 15mins
SAT TrinityWarriors5.15pm Déda 15mins
SAT FarmYardCircus 5.30pm MarketPlace 45mins
SAT StrictlyCycling 6pm StPetersCross 30mins
Rush12.45pm Riverlights 20mins
SAT CastAway1pm CathedralGreen 30mins
SAT SmallIslandStories1pm Déda 30mins
SAT GoingTheDistanceWorkshop1pm Déda Allday
SAT Dovetail1.15pm TheSpot 40mins
SAT Forests1.30pm MarketPlace 30mins
SAT TheWhale1.30pm Riverlights 30mins
SAT StrictlyCycling 1.30pm StPetersCross 30mins
SAT TheWhale2pm Riverlights 30mins
SAT Finale2pm CathedralGreen 20mins
SAT SoundCatchers6.15pm CathedralGreen 15mins
SAT RiverLifeProcession**6.30pm MuseumofMaking 180mins
SAT TOTEMS7.15pm Riverlights 50mins
SAT ShineaLight7.15pm MarketPlace 15mins
SAT NathanGeeringAKAAwesomeWolf 7.20pm MarketPlace 15mins
SAT SoundCatchers7.30pm MarketPlace 15mins
SAT NathanGeeringAKAAwesomeWolf 7.45pm MarketPlace 15mins
SAT SoundCatchers8pm MarketPlace 15mins
SAT Finale8.30pm CathedralGreen 20mins
SAT Pyrotechnicdisplay9pm CathedralGreen 15mins
Laura Murphy’s A Spectacle of Herself: 21 Sept at 7.30pm
Book at Déda
Join Laura on a mission to serve herself up [in]appropriately for your consumption, in a bold, cinematic, acrobatic odyssey.
‘Blistering’ (Fest)
’Acomplexnewformofsolo-theatre’ (Scotsman)
Dr Ann Featherstone’s Fools and
Nikki and JD Fireside: 6.30pm & 8.30pm / Cathedral Green
The award-winning circus company
Nikki & JD in collaboration with Lost Dog create an outdoor show that combines circus, dance, theatre and live music to re-enact the original horror story. The one about the monster, and the monster’s mother, and the dragon and the hero and the severed limbs.
Shine a Light - Derbyshire and Toyota 25 Years: From 7.45pm / Market Place
Celebrating 25 years of the twinning between Derbyshire and Toyota City, experience Derby’s Guildhall like never before with the beauty and vibrancy of Toyota City.
Rogue Play’s Forests: 5.30pm & 8pm / Market Place
Fiery acrobatics and dance in this highly visual family-friendly show. Dancers throw, clamber and trample whilst ropes entangle and bind in a spellbinding performance.
Nathan Geering aka Awesome Wolf: 6.45pm & 7.45pm Market Place / Derby Cathedral,
A unique fire and breakdance performance coined as Fire-Breakin’ which includes fire swords and fire eating. An experience like no other under the Derby evening sky.
Deep Down Brass: 6.50pm / Derby Cathedral
From Glen Miller to The Prodigy and everything in between, guaranteed to get audiences of all ages up dancing and singing along!
Festé 23
Circo Rum Ba Ba’s The Whale: 11.00, 11.30,1.00, 2.00, 3.30, 4.00pm
A huge, 60ft whale sits across ‘Riverlights’ Bank waiting to be explored. Meet the cheerful Navigator who invites you to step inside the whale and experience a beautiful, funny and interactive show.
Josh Arnott Dance’s Rush: 12.45pm & 2.45pm
A fast-paced, athletic and physically charged dance experience created for the streets. A highly charged, physical production for the whole family that will excite and entertain.
Parade - The Giant Wheel: 12pm & 3.15pm
A giant wheel driven by five street artists. A unique blend of contemporary storytelling, striking physicality and innovative large design. See beauty, power and impact come together.
Compagnie Des Quidams TOTEMS: 7.15pm
20ft evanescent figures, dressed in long coats wander through the crowds with controlled imbalances and incessant swirls. Promises to amaze and astound audiences.
Simple Cypher’s Roll Model: 2pm (The Spot) 4.30pm (Riverlights)
Simple Cypher throws down their unique fusion of Hip Hop choreography and contemporary circus to create an uplifting experience embracing individual and collective ambition.
Features Breakin’, Popping, Litefeet, Tricking, Cyr wheeling, juggling and acrobatics.
Vanhulle Dance Theatre’s Dovetail: 1.15pm & 3.15pm (The Spot)
An outdoor contemporary dance duet for adult and family audiences. Physically explosive and emotive show about rebuilding and rediscovering oneself with the help of another.
5.15pm (Riverlights)
Trinity Warriors: 4pm (The Spot) & 5,15pm (Déda)
Trinity Warriors brings their
1pm & 4.15pm
A unique gyroscopic flying machine produces daring, dazzling and stunning outdoor aerial theatre that explores today’s throwaway society on our waterways.
Make. Unwind. Repeat. with Furthest from the Sea
11.30am - 5.30pm
Face painting and body art, sashes and hats. Get procession-ready or chill in the calm zone. Plus, there’s movement, music and much more.
Look Mum, No Hands!
Daryl & Co and Mimbre present
12.30pm & 3.30pm
A tender tale of friendship and growing up. In the show one of the characters is a wheelchair user, the two actors use this to explore exciting acrobatic shapes and unexpected choreography. Visually beautiful.
11.30am, 2.15pm & 4.45pm
A unique production lovingly created for children and families. With original music, dynamic storytelling, colourful characters and beautiful puppets.
Classical ballet encounters iconic architecture in this spectacular vertical ballet down Derby’s Silk Mill.
Well known pas de deux are given a totally unique aerial interpretation with extracts from, amongst others, Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. This spectacular performance is sure to mesmerise audiences and is a headline act not to be missed.
Delrevés Finale: 2pm & 8.30pm
Lost Boy’s Lockheart and Quagzu
12.30pm & 2.45pm
Join an eccentric Professor and his traveling companion as this duo seek new worlds, new knowledge and, more importantly, new friends.
Strictly Cycling - The Bicycle Ballet Co: 1.30pm,4.00pm & 6pm
Performers in bright yellow take over the streets! Experience a contemporary clowning performance with slow-motion races, bike sculptures and more.
Friday 22 September: 10am –5pm (£35)
2Faced Dance’s Lungs of Our City: 12.30pm & 3.30pm
Breakfast: 10am bookable / limited availability
Déda’s Skate Park - In partnership with Rollersnakes : 11am - 6pm
Features DJs, street food and live art, creating a celebration of urban culture in the heart of our city!
An empowering workshop that contributes to Going The Distance. A fusion session that includes repertoire and training in boxing, contemporary, Cuban & Hip Hop dance styles, set against the inspirational musical backdrop of grime.
Saturday 23 September: 1pm –5pm (£20)
Small Island Stories: 1pm (Déda)
An audio and visual production based around stories of those who came to Derby on the Windrush and those of their descendants, first, second and third generations.
SURGE VR: bookable / limited availability
10.30am - 6.30pm
Interact, play, hear and feel dance from a unique and different perspective. Tom Dale Company have developed this VR version of their live dance performance SURGE, get up-close and inside a boundless world, defy your senses and immerse yourself in a futuristic landscape.
An emotional, athletic and timely new dance theatre production. Inhabit a futuristic space where wanderers of a desolate world come together to breathe in our polluted cities.
Rogue Play’s Forests: 1.30pm & 4.30pm
A willow tree, fiery acrobatics and dance feature in this highlyvisual familyfriendly show. A spellbinding performance.
Farm Yard Circus: 2.30pm & 5.30pm
Raucous, fun and exciting barn-storming circus. Warm and cheery, family- friendly, farm-life inspired spectacle, with acrobatics, juggling, theatre, and live music.
Festé 23 Info Hub
Get into the groove with a complete guide to the day’s breathtaking shows and activities, ensuring you never miss a beat of the action!
There’s also the chill-out tent, a tranquil oasis where you can relax and recharge.
Then immerse yourself in a world of fantastic street food traders, offering a tantalizing array of flavours, or quench your thirst with a refreshing selection of drinks.
6.15PM - 9.15PM
Imagine thousands weaving along a river route within the city. A community strong procession led by you. A river themed extravaganza, with carnival costumes and dancers; samba drumming; movement and creativity; river creatures and glowing insects, and fire breakdancing. A current of flowing blues and whites...
This will be this year’s Festé Procession and finale we want you to come and be part of it.
The route starts at Cathedral Green, travels down the river path behind Premier Inn, crosses Derwent Street at Exeter Bridge and continues along the river path behind the Council House to River Gardens. Join the procession or go to the watch spots along the way to see individual performances. For more information about watch spots and advice on how best to enjoy the evening go to FAQs on the Derby Festé website. The evening will close with a final pyrotechnic display you wont want to miss.
2 & 16 Sept from 1.30-4.30pm
Explore a variety of rhythms and patterns, traditional and contemporary. The workshops will culminate in you leading the procession and bringing the noise! Spaces Limited, visit Déda website to book for dance and drumming workshops.
Saturday 16 Sept from 2-4pm
The workshop consists of learning the procession and performance routine and crafting some fabric fish to run along a giant material river. For 6yrs and over.
Derby Festé is made possible by our Festé Makers. If you’d like to join then visit the Take Part page on our website.
Dates between 16-23 Sept Fun, family making workshops, creating sculptures and placards to animate the procession. Visit Museum of Making website to book.
PROCESSION ARTISTS INCLUDE; Compagnie Quadams, Chris & Ruth Lewis Jones, Nathan Gerring, aka Awesome Wolf, Lost Boys, Sound Catchers, Calidoscopio, MProductions, Déda Dancers, Walk the Plank, Autin Dance Theatre
1. Date:
Once completed please give this page to one of our Festé Makers or you can take it to the Info Hub. We really appreciate feedback and for anyone completing this, you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win £50’s worth of shopping vouchers.
2. Postcode (where have you come from):
3. Email address:
4. How would you rate Derby Festé from what you have seen so far? Please circle one below:
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. OK
d. Fair
e. Poor
5. How has the Festival affected your opinion of Derby?
a. Improved
b. The same
c. Negative
d. Other (please explain)
6. During your time spent at Festé, how much have you spent on your trip so far?
a. Under £10
b. £11 - £30
c. £31 - £50
d. Over £50
7. Please give us feedback on your experience today
8. If you have enjoyed your time at Derby Festé, would you be happy for us to use your email to send you information on future events?
a. Yes
b. No
Thank you for giving us your time. We really value all feedback given to us and it helps inform future Festé’s.