Congregation Beth Shalom February, 2023 Bulletin

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When I first started at Beth Shalom, Mara Bernstein at the front desk asked for my cell number for the staff directory. I started, “847…” She interrupted me: “Oh wow, you already have an 847 number!” The truth was, I have never NOT had an 847 number, as I got my first cell phone here in the Chicago suburbs. But now, my area code is now once again in its natural habitat (like the rest of me). Thomas Wolfe wrote, “You can’t go home again.” But apparently you can get pretty close.

That’s just one of the nice surprises that comes with moving back to your hometown. When it comes to navigating, I understand instinctively that you get on the highway going “West” if you want to head north, and “East” if your destination is south. Makes perfect sense. (Jonathan disagrees. )

As we read in the Book of Exodus this season, the Israelites are also returning home. Many generations after Jacob and his sons left Canaan to settle in Egypt, the Israelites are now freed from bondage and heading back north (or really, northeast).

However, as we will see, their journey will be anything but linear. Yet to come are the 40 years of wandering, a punishment for a lapse of faith during the Incident of the Spies (Numbers 14). My years of “wandering” were shorter and were not (I hope!) the result of a divine punishment.

Throughout their journey from Egypt back home, the Israelites are guided by God, in the form of a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. This holy “compass” stays with them/us always, even when we are feeling most lost – directionally or spiritually.

As winter finally turns to spring, and our Torah narrative wends from slavery to freedom, I pray that you too can perceive the Divine Navigator guiding your way.

“You Can’t Go Home Again?”
INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Happenings .......................................2 President’s Message 3 Executive Director’s Editorial 4 Lox Box 5 Religious School/Youth...........................6 B’nai Mitzvah/Youth.................................7 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming........8-9 Sisterhood..........................................10-11 Men’s Club.........................................12-14 Social Action 15 CBS Happenings 16 Purim 17-19 Donations ..........................................20-22 Birthdays & Anniversaries ................... 23 Milestones............................................... 24 Yahrzeits 25 Ads 26-27 Candle Lighting & Service Times 28 Head Rabbi Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ...................................... Steven Stoehr Rabbi David Chapman Rabbi Emeritus Carl Wolkin Executive Director Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning Leann Blue Director of Communications Deanne Friedman Controller Susan Karlinsky Director of Youth, Family & Young Adult Engagement Michael Schneider Director of Education Stacy Ybarra President Bob Spector Sisterhood President......................Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President..........................................Dylan Adler Shalom Designer/Editor Deanne Friedman SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3217 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom. SHEVAT/ADAR 5783 | FEBRUARY 2023 | VOLUME 108 ISSUE 78 RABBI CHAPMAN’S CHRONICLES
Rabbi Chapman
2 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG CBS HAPPENINGS Office Closings (closed all day unless noted) Monday, February 20th JOIN US IN WELCOMING THESE NEW MEMBERS TO CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Tamar & Scott Wolf Listening Conversations With Rabbi Melman Come and offer your input! What makes membership at Beth Shalom special? What are your concerns for our community? Rabbi Melman wants to hear what is on your mind and how to enhance your CBS experience. All meetings will be in-person at Congregation Beth Shalom. Tuesday, March 14 @ 11:30AM For members 80+ & Tuesday, March 14 @ 1:00 PM For members in their 70’s (new date/time) SHABBAT SELAHBRATE CBS IS CELEBRATING YOU EVERY MONTH! Birthday Shabbat
first Saturday of the month come to Shabbat and receive a birthday blessing and special treat at Kiddush (kids, too!) @ 9:30 am February 4 March 4 April 1
The second Friday of the month come to Shabbat and receive an Anniversary blessing and gift @ 6:00 pm RSVP for Anniversary Shabbat February 10 March 10 April 14
Anniversary Shabbat

Shalom Chaverim,

I hope you are all staying warm and cozy and that 2023 is bringing you good health. For those of you who are spending the winter in warmer climates, can you send us some of that warmth and sunshine to the Chicago suburbs? I cannot believe that I just passed the 18th month mark of being your President, which means it is time for the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly update part III. More aptly, I’m going to call this the good and the sad (some) update (but mostly the good) because I have little bad or ugly to report.

Our Good started with the welcoming of Rabbi David Chapman and his lovely family to our community. They have been such a wonderful addition to our Congregation Beth Shalom family. We enjoyed a summer of many creative services which highlighted the vibrancy of our community through the inclusion of so many of our younger families. The summer was a terrific prelude to our High Holidays. While the COVID virus continued to be very present (BAD), this did not deter the return of so many of you to attend services in-person. We had well over 1000 members in our building engaging in a variety of service options and over 800 members joining us remotely. Our clergy created a sense of warmth and spirituality that represents how special we are as a congregation. We also welcomed Michael Schneider (our new Director of Youth, Family, and Young Adult Engagement) this fall who wasted no time in becoming an integral member of our staff. Earlier this year we hired several administrative staff - Lisa Weisner, Audrey Taxer, Pamela Connell, and Mara Bernstein who all significantly contribute to CBS being such a friendly and welcoming community. We are very fortunate to have such a committed and dedicated staff working on our behalf.

Unfortunately, we also experienced a lot of SAD over the past six months. The war in Ukraine rages on, our economy is still a mess, and we lost too many friends, family members, and loved ones (including my mother-in-law in December). It is during these periods in our lives and moments in time that it is critical that we have extended community to turn to for support. While Gloria Meyers’ death (Chris’ mother) was not unexpected, and she lived a full life (94 years) it still leaves our family with a collective heart that is less whole. I have no doubt that most of you know what this feels like. However, here’s the GOOD I want to leave with you…. the support we received from our extended CBS family was so appreciated. I thank you for the all the emails, text messages, and well wishes we received at our time of loss. This was once again a reminder for me of how Congregation Beth Shalom can be such a supportive and kind community and how fortunate and privileged I feel that I can give something back to all of you. As I now enter the fourth quarter of my leadership role, I enthusiastically look forward to continuing to help us become the best we can be.


We have a variety of newly acquired books for children and adults - novels, holiday and mitzvot books for early readers, haggadot, resources for life-cycle events, current events, and more! Come check out the continually growing and changing collection.

We’re looking for volunteers to support the needs of our library: shelving books, maintaining the catalogue, and helping to create a vision for this wonderful resource center. We are also seeking people to read to the Religious School K-3rd classes on Sunday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and help the children check out books. Please contact Pamela Connell ( or 847-498-5352) to get involved or for more information.

L'Shalom, Bob


Always Growing

Always Growing is a book written by a great friend of mine, Jones Loflin. Yes, it’s only February, but it’s time to start thinking about Spring. We are all gardeners. What grows – and how it grows –is up to you. If you give up or allow things to remain stagnant, you could miss out on incredible opportunities.

Grow, Cultivate, Prune, Harvest...


Identify what you can and cannot control and invest your time where you can have the greatest return. 

Letting something grow on its own doesn’t always bring the desired result. 

Create the environment that gives a plant the best chance to grow. 

Determine what a plant needs for optimum growth. 

A plant will only grow as fast as its most limited factor. 

A plant needs the right temperature to encourage it to grow.

As a leader are you in touch with what motivates everyone? What will help your team/family get their desired results and grow?


Cultivation is required to stay focused on what you want to grow. 

Preventing the weeds from growing limits their ability to use resources. 

Continually evaluate your methods to see if they are making the best use of your resources. 

Time spent seeking advice and sharing ideas always helps you improve what you’re growing.

Where does your focus need to be right now? Who are three people who could help you grow? What routines or activities should you engage in more often?


You sometimes have to say no to things of lesser importance so you can say yes to things of greater importance. 

Pruning is a reallocation of resources to nurture the desired growth. 

Pruning frees up resources that can be used in the areas of greatest importance. 

Pruning is the most critical in the early stages of growth because you’re forming the structure for the future. 

Prune at the first signs of undesirable outcomes.

Where do you feel like things are growing out of control for you or your team/family? How can you change your priorities to provide an extra hour for you to use each week to improve your effectiveness as a leader?


Harvest is much more than the numbers. 

Harvest is when you celebrate ALL your productive results. 

Reflect on the results of your efforts rather than just on what you’re trying to grow. 

You must be intentional about celebrating your harvest moments as well as focusing on what you’re trying to grow.

Do you focus more on what is getting done or what is not getting done? Who needs you to celebrate a harvest moment with them right now?

When you choose to stop growing, you miss the opportunity to produce some incredible results.

Michael Garlin


Shabbat B’Yachad

We are excited and honored to have our Mechina class (6th grade) lead the Torah Service on February 4th! We are so proud of the new skills and knowledge you have learned working with Morah Randi Simon and Morah Yaffa Davidov.

Kitah Gimmel (3rd Grade) Siddur Ceremony

Our 3rd grade class is currently preparing for their Siddur Ceremony on Friday, March 10th. We look forward to sharing and celebrating this milestone with them and their families.

6th & 7th Grades Participate in The World Wide Wrap

Our 6th and 7th grade students have been learning about talit and t’fillin with our CBS Clergy. They will participate this month in the World Wide Wrap. We encourage our parents and CBS Community to join them on Sunday, February 12th! Thank you to Men’s Club for collaborating on this with the school.

Stacy Ybarra

CBS is busier than ever! I am sure our readers have heard about or

in our wonderful programs. A quick recap and look ahead:

FYC, our families with young children, continue to get together at least twice a month for Shabbat and holiday programs. We had an amazing time for our Chanukah Adventure with Jonathan Shmidt Chapman, and enjoyed a sing-a-long with Miss Dana.

CBS Chaverim, our 2nd-5th grade youth group was busy with several events. We painted Judaica pieces from Painted Penguin and decorated cookies for Chanukah. We also had a sports day where we got our energy out after Religious School.

CBS Gesher attended a program during winter break where 6th and 7th graders were able to hang out for a delicious Mizrahi Grill lunch, along with some games and activities. It is always great to see our middle schoolers!

Our high schoolers spent some time learning about the CBS Youth Endowment Fund, and how our fund value changes when the stock market changes. Our 2022 Rosh Hashanah honey sale raised $691 in support of the CBS Youth Endowment Fund. Students are already thinking about the needs in our community and beyond, and where they might recommend grants from this fund in the next few months. Thursday lounge nights have also had some great events like a paint night, shopping for Toys for Tots, and a relaxing spa night right after final exams week.

We have done so much more than what is listed above and there are many more programs coming up as we get into spring.

The Youth Department at participated
Michael Schneider MAZEL TOV TO OUR B’NAI MITZVAH Simon Laven
Son of Rachel & Jonathan Laven Brother of Eliot Laven & Owen Laven Grandson of Jay & Bobby Miller, Janet Miller, and Frances Laven Toys for Tots Shopping CHUSY Fest Chaverim Painting Program

Every year, we have the pleasure and pride to announce our Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) Man of the Year. Following in the footsteps of our previous well-deserving honorees, our 2023 Man of the Year is…

Neil grew up at Congregation Beth Shalom and then became an active CBS Men’s Club Executive Board Member. We will be celebrating this honor with the Midwest Region FJMC Man of the Year and Youth of the Year Award Ceremony honorees on Sunday, March 26th at Congregation Beth Judea in Long Grove. The event will begin at 3pm with refreshments and snacks, and a formal presentation will take place at 3:30 pm in their main sanctuary. Please join us in honoring Neil for his years of dedicated service to our synagogue and Men’s Club as our 2023 Man of the Year!

You can find his bio in the Man of the Year flyer in this bulletin on page 14. We give our best wishes to his wife, Robyn, and children, Logan and Madison, and the entire Rosengard Family on this special honor.

Over the next few months, our Men’s Club will be very busy. We begin with our World Wide Wrap on Sunday, February 12th as we are joined by the 6th and 7th graders and their parents for morning worship and wearing Tefillin, many for the very first time. It will follow with a complimentary breakfast. We hope you can all join us.

On Sunday, February 19th we start the morning with Israel in Depth and a free breakfast for those attending. That afternoon, the Men’s Club is co-sponsoring a synagogue event with the Sisterhood and Families with Young Children. It is an afternoon at the Chicago Wolves game with the game starting at 3:00 pm.

Our Lox Box Program is in full swing right now. You can purchase Lox Boxes for your family, relatives, friends, or business associates. As always, there is the opportunity to donate a box to The Ark and or CJE. Lox Box Delivery will be on Sunday, March 12th. If anyone would like to assist with packing or delivery of Lox Boxes, please reach out to Don Pike, at

Again, we congratulate Neil Rosengard on his honor as CBS Men’s Club Man of the Year. We look forward to celebrating with Neil on March 26th!!!

Happy February to everyone, and we will see you at Congregation Beth Shalom very soon, Steve and Andy

Steve Lessman Dr. Andrew Wagner


Updates on Collections


Thank you to everyone who shared their October candies again this year! Our final total was an incredible 1,100 pounds! A huge thank you to Jill Olefsky for once again making sure the candies were shipped and delivered to over 27 different organizations including: AMVETS, Ronald McDonald House, Support Our Troops, Misericordia, The Ark, PADS, 14 different local food pantries. Rabbi Melman even delivered a caseload to our troops in Kuwait! What a sweet effort by all!


Toys for Tots – Thank you to everyone who brought in new, unwrapped toys, books, and games for donation to the Marine Corps annual toy campaign. Our congregants filled two huge boxes with nearly 200 toys. Thank you to our wonderful staff for sorting and having them ready for pick up! There is still time to bring warmth to kids this winter! Cradles to Crayons is still in need of hats, gloves, and coats for kids and the collection bin will be available until February 15th!

So…What’s Next?


Love our Furry Friends – Pet supply donations for Border Tails Rescue in Northbrook. Border Tails a licensed no-kill animal rescue and welfare organization dedicated to the rescue and adoption of stray dogs across the world, with a unique focus on Mexico. Founded in December of 2019, Border Tails Rescue is registered with the Illinois Secretary of State as a not-for-profit organization. Border Tails Rescue operates entirely on donations and adoption fees. You can donate the following: Toys, Treats, Bones/chews, Bully Sticks, Collars (preferably Martingale), Harnesses, Leashes, Slip Leads, Bowls -collection bins will be in the foyer near the coat room until March 15th.


Maot Chitim - Come help out Maot Chitim of Greater Chicago by packing or delivering food boxes for Pesach.

Food packing will take place on Sunday, March 19th – location to be announced soon, look for information on the CBS website. Families and individuals are invited to come pack food boxes or even help stuff envelopes. Children must be 13 or older to participate.

Food deliveries will be made on Sunday, March 26th – Deliveries can be done by entire families and can be done early in the morning. Please see the Congregation Beth Shalom Website for other opportunities for social action. Remember, together we do great things!

FEBRUARY 2023 • VOLUME 108 ISSUE 78 15
16 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG CBS HAPPENINGS Register online here: Register online here: or

Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your kindness shown for Martin's funeral. Barbara Winn

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your help with my Torah portion. Randall and Hope Samborn

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of Emily and Barry's Aufruf. Michael and Susan Cohen

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you. Thank you so much for your help with Shaley's conversion. Jason and Shaley really enjoy working with you, and we truly appreciate your making them feel welcome. We will miss you at their wedding, but we wish you the best during your time in Israel. Steven and Becky Charous Carri Annunzio For a speedy recovery and for a treatment schedule with few residual side effects and for you to get well soon. Marlene Slavitt

Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of Arnold Zelkowitz. Elliot and Renee Roth

Eileen and Rich Olswang In memory of your dear sister, Harriet. Sharon Hoffman

Christina Meyers and Bob Spector In memory of your beloved mother, Gloria Meyers. Raymond and Arlene Handler, Neil Fialkow, Bob and Cindy Marder

Scott Bosley In memory of Barbara Bosley. Bob and Cindy Marder

Teri and Jared Robins In memory of your father, Larry Kanar. Bob and Cindy Marder

The Seiden Family In memory of Zelda Seiden. Bob and Cindy Marder

Jill and Glen Roter and Family In memory of Phyllis Roter. Our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. May her memory be a blessing. Jeffrey and Bonnie Kramer, Bob and Cindy Marder

Jodi Joffe In memory of Larry Kanar. We mourn the loss of your father. Joel and Laurie Shapiro

Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of Lorraine Ganz. May your special memories bring you comfort. Linda Gold Barbara Winn In memory of Martin Winn. We were deeply saddened upon hearing of your beloved’s passing. Our hearts are with you and all of the Winn family at this most difficult time. Erick Weingart

Susan Kanar and Family In memory of Larry Kanar, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Sheila Ander

For the yahrzeit of Barbara Rothstein Stuart and Kay Rothstein

In memory of Ida Weiner and Kenneth H. Weiner Allen Weiner

For the yahrzeit of Joseph Lesnoy, an uncle I never had the opportunity to meet, who made the supreme sacrifice fighting for the U.S. in WW I. May his memory be for a blessing. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos

For the yahrzeit of my grandfather, David Krasnove May his memory be for a blessing. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos

For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Milton (Mickey) Lesnoy. May his memory be for a blessing and inspiration to all who knew and loved him. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos

Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund

Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of a wonderful, wonderful hour of Jewish music on Sunday, December 4. Raymond and Arlene Handler

Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of you for your assistance in helping us through our mom's (and grandmother's) illness and conducting a beautiful funeral service. Scott Bosley

Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your help in preparing Dylan for his Bar Mitzvah. John and Elissa Pelts Dr. Martin Pearlman In honor of your 80th birthday. Carol and Ron Horowitz, Phyllis and Ron Chess Shel and Sandy Cotler In honor of your grandson Jason and Ashley's wedding. Wishing them a lifetime of good health and happiness. Sharon Cohen

Perry and Kim Shwachman In honor of Blair Shwachman and Bradley Neuberg's wedding. Ira and Adrienne Holtzman

Arlen Lasinsky In appreciation of you for helping us with the minyan service for our mother, Phyllis Roter’s Shiva. Mark Roter

The Solomon and Handler Families In appreciation of you being with us and giving us the very special gift of a “leaf” to Beth Shalom in honor of our 60th anniversary! We LOVE all of you so, so, much!!! Raymond and Arlene Handler

Debbie Bell and Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan, beloved mother, grandmother and sister. Sharon Cohen, Alan and Lynda Wallis, David and Faye Ziegler

Glen and Jill Roter In memory of your beloved mother, Phyllis Roter. Raymond and Arlene Handler, Carrie Rosenstein, Howard and Jody Sigal, Joel and Judy Greenman, Andrew and Mona Berman

Brian Ackerman In memory of your beloved grandmother. Raymond and Arlene Handler

Tony Karm and Family In memory of your beloved grandmother. Joel and Judy Greenman

Chris Meyers and Family In memory of Gloria Meyers. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky

Alan, Jackie, Steven and David Zelkowitz In memory of your beloved father and grandfather Arnie. May his memory be a blessing. Steven and Denise Krug, Michael and Judy Balter

Bryan and Laura Immergluck In memory of Judith Immergluck. Howard and Jody Sigal

The Seiden Family In memory of Zelda Seiden. Joel and Judy Greenman

The Spector Family In memory of Gloria Meyers. Joel and Judy Greenman

The Bergman Family In memory of Karen Bergman. Joel and Judy Greenman

Barbara and Jerry Petasnick In memory of William Petasnick. Joel and Judy Greenman, Ira and Iris Lerner

Leon Dragon In memory of David Dragon. May his dear memory always be for a blessing. Linda Gold

Teri Robins and Family In memory of your beloved father, Larry Kanar. Jay and Robyn Glaubinger

Scott Bosley In memory of Barbara Bosley. Stuart Borg Mr. and Mrs. Marc Samotny In memory of Roberta Samotny. Carter and Meryl Auslander, Kathy Kory

For the yahrzeit of Ellis Sostrin. Rebecca Sostrin

The Gordon Family In memory of Jonathan Gordon. We are SO very sorry for your loss. Raymond and Arlene Handler

Rabbi Chapman's Good and Welfare Fund

Rabbi David Chapman In appreciation of you. Thank you so much for working with Jason and Shaley as they prepare for their wedding this coming February. They both enjoy learning with you and truly appreciate your guidance. Thank you for making them feel welcome and helping them as they approach this significant milestone. We are grateful that you are willing to officiate their marriage ceremony, and let's hope it's not a blizzard! Steven and Becky Charous Rabbi David Chapman In honor of the great work that I learned about today at Beth Shalom from Ms. Leann Blue! Amazing synagogue! Thank you Rabbi Melman and Rabbi David Chapman and the whole great clergy team! Shmuly Yanklowitz

Rabbi Chapman and Family In honor of you and your family. Mark and Madelyn Shmidt

Rabbi David Chapman In appreciation of your kind words after the aliyah for our special birthdays. Randall and Hope Samborn

Rabbi David Chapman In appreciation of Emily and Barry's Aufruf. Michael and Susan Cohen

Rabbi David Chapman In appreciation of your help in preparing Dylan for his Bar Mitzvah. John and Elissa Pelts Lily and Harry Zoberman In honor of David and Becca's engagement. Alan and Lynda Wallis Joyce Persky In honor of your special birthday. Fran Brookstein

Mitchell and Laura Schwartzwald In honor of your 20th wedding anniversary. Marlene Nett Matty Shechtman For a speedy recovery-get well soon! Gloria and Denis Weinberg

Marlene and David Kerstein In honor of the marriage of Steven Kerstein and Jordyn Fishman. Maurice and Sheila Netter

Barbara Winn In memory of Martin Winn. Fran Brookstein

Dr. and Mrs. Myron Glassenberg In memory of your beloved and exceptional sons, Brian and Aaron. Fran Brookstein

Glen and Jill Roter In memory of Phyllis Roter. Jeremy and Stacy Dubin, Steven and Robin Bright

Corey Bregman For the yahrzeit of Harvey Bregman. Michael and Stefanie Bregman

Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ Scholarship


Aunt Sheryl and Uncle Fredy In honor of your 60th anniversary. Mazel tov and best wishes for good health and happiness on this important milestone and always! We love you! Lori and Gary Thalheimer

Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed


Fran and Pete Schmitz In honor of Lexi's Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! All our best. Larry and Fern Roseman

Jack Mangurten In honor of your 100th birthday! Wishing a happy birthday to a very wonderful man. All our love. Larry and Fern Roseman, Glen and Jill Roter

Jeff and Ellen Gluskin For the birth of your new grandson. Mazel Tov! Glen and Jill Roter

In appreciation of everyone for all the good wishes on the occasion of my birthday. It really meant a lot. Thank you again for thinking of me! Jeffrey and Davida Arnold Roz Kahn For the birth of your great-granddaughters, Ella and Romi. Marshall and Barbara Dickler

Jill and Rob Kahn For the birth of your granddaughters, Ella and Romi. Marshall and Barbara Dickler

Lorraine Horwitz For a speedy recovery. Knowing your special determination and energy, we certainly anticipate your quick return to health! Norman and Darlene Padnos

Carol and Steven Edelson In honor of the marriage of Andy and Juliette. From your cousins. Larry and Fern Roseman Glen and Jill Roter In memory of Phyllis Roter. We are so sorry for your loss. Larry and Fern Roseman, Vivian Koehler, Allan and Marsha Goldstein, Raymond and Tami Rokni, Marshall and Barbara Dickler

Christina Meyers In memory of Gloria Meyers. Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Raymond and Tami Rokni, Marshall and Barbara Dickler

Hedda Schless and Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Charles and Marilyn Arbetter

The Kanar Family In memory of Larry Kanar. Morton Blieberg, Bonnie Garon, Marshall and Barbara Dickler

Jerry and Barbara Petasnick In memory of Bill Petasnick. Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Larry and Fern Roseman

Joe Alexander In memory of Rhoda Alexander. Marshall and Barbara Dickler

Debbie and Bruce Bell and Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Mariann and Steve Rubin, Trude Schnitzer, Rita Fullett, Florence Bell, Suzanne Gilford, Lori Fullett, Raymond and Tami Rokni

Barbara Winn In memory of Marty Winn. Jeffrey and Barbara Lerch

Estelle Samotny and Marc and Judy Samotny In memory of Roberta Samotny. Alan and Ilene Shapiro, Char and Bob Stemple, Fay and Yolanda Chin

In memory of my beloved father, Hyman Kopolavics Thomas and Helene Coorsh

Bryan and Laura Immergluck In memory of Judith Immergluck. Larry and Fern Roseman

Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of Arnold Zelkowitz. We are so very sorry for you loss. Raymond and Tami Rokni

Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund

Helene Wagner In honor of the marriage of Morgan and Jake. Shirley Patzik Samuels

Shirley Patzik Samuels and the Patzik Family In honor of the engagement of Lara and Alex! Sharon Yusim Marc Samotny In memory of Roberta Samotny. Alan and Marla Patzik

Jerry and Barbara Petasnick In memory of your brother. Leonard and Phyllis Mason


Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund

Scott and Marcia Cotler For a speedy recovery and best wishes for the good health of Jordan. Edward and Carol Kaplan

The Gordon Family In memory of Jonathan Gordon. Edward and Carol Kaplan

For the yahrzeit of my beloved mother, Lillian Korn Irene Silberman

Hedda Schless In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Janice Gordon For the yahrzeit of my family Allen Freedman Debbie and Bruce Bell In memory of Ellen Kaplan. We remember your lovely mother and are so sorry for your loss. Raymond and Arlene Handler, Ira and Iris Lerner

Karen Roth In memory of Howard Sacks. Edith Korman Barbara Winn In memory of Martin Winn. We share your grief of losing your beloved husband. Have the fondest memories of working with such a brilliant scientist. Irene and Mikhail Drizin

Leon and Carol Dragon In memory of your beloved father, David Dragon. So sorry for your loss. Janice Gordon Glen Roter In memory of your mom, Phyllis Roter. We are So sorry for your loss. Mark and Sharon Telpner Barry Seiden and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother. Sharon Telpner

Marc and Judy Samotny In memory of Roberta Samotny. Richard and Terri Stein, Naomi Weiss

CBS Youth Endowment

Glen and Jill Roter In memory of Phyllis Roter. Robert and Janet Sabin

Alan, Jackie, David, Steven, Barrie, Michael and Rachel In memory of Arnold Zelkowitz. We are so sorry about the loss of your dad and grandfather. We shared so many memories over the years. He will be missed. The Bender Family, Jared and Teri Robins

Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Robins Family In memory of your beloved father and grandfather. Steven and Robin Bright

Gold Family Sabbath Fund

Jodi Sherman In memory of your uncle, Neil Greenfield and your cousin, Kim Karsen. Eileen Sherman

Judy Bolotin In memory of your brother, Neil Greenfield and your neice, Kim Karsen. Eileen Sherman

Susan Kanar In memory of Larry Kanar, beloved husband. So sorry for your sad loss. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz

Jerry Petasnick and Family In memory of William Petasnick, your beloved brother. So sorry for your sad loss. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz, Linda Petchenik

Evie Peskin and Family In memory of Sid Peskin, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Bud Kalish Christina Meyers In memory of your beloved mother, Gloria Meyers. May her memory be for a blessing. Jim and Francine Donenberg

Glen Roter In memory of your beloved mother, Phyllis Roter. May her memory be for a blessing. Jim and Francine Donenberg, Scott and Leslie Rogoff

Dave and Randi Starkston In memory of Melvin Starkston. Randall and Hope Samborn

Debbie Bell In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Randall and Hope Samborn

Harold and Shirley Hoffman Adult Education Learning Fund

Martin Pearlman In honor of your special birthday. Julian Krolik

Glen and Jill Roter In memory of Phyllis Roter. Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson

Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund

Arlen Lasinsky In appreciation of your unselfish thoughtfulness in leading the Shiva Minyan for our mother’s shiva. Glen and Jill Roter

In appreciation of the honor of our opening the Ark in November Ira and Eileen Rosenbaum

Alan Zelkowitz and Family In memory of Arnold Zelkowitz, beloved father and grandfather. Steven and Julie Warshawsky

Sharon Weiss In memory of Hymie Weiss. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz

Glen and Jill Roter and Family In memory of Phyllis Roter, beloved mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother. Diana and Maurice Lewis, Michael and Judith Balter, William and Sherry Weinstein, Martha Sinton

Robyn Elias In memory of Lenore Elias, your beloved mother-in-law and grandmother. Mitchell and Fern King Christina Meyers In memory of Gloria Meyers. Michael and Judith Balter

Jackie and Alan Zelkowitz In memory of Arnold Zelkowitz. Scott and Leslie Rogoff

Jodi and Allen Joffe In memory of Larry Kanar. Scott and Leslie Rogoff, Ericka Weingart

Teri Robins In memory of Larry Kanar. Michael and Judith Balter

Debbie Bell In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Michael and Judith Balter

Rachel Laven In memory of Barbara Bosley. May her memory be for a blessing. David and Tracey Becker

Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund

Bob and Marilyn Gordon In memory of your beloved son, with our deepest sympathy. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz

The Kanar Family In memory of Larry Kanar. Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson

Laura and Bryan Immergluck and Family In memory of your beloved mother, Judith Immergluck. We are sorry for your loss. Lawrence and Debra Oberman


Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the SELAH Choir and the joy brought to Hannah Goldberg and all of the other participants. Sheila Goldberg

Robin and Lee Eisenberg For the birth of your newest grandson, Shepard! Mazel tov. Michael and Paula Fohrman

Scott and Katie Bosley In memory of Barbara Bosley.

Harry and Lily Zoberman

Marc and Judy Samotny In memory of Roberta Samotny. Harry and Lily Zoberman

Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of Lorraine Ganz. Fredric Elliott

The Elias Family In memory of Lenore Elias. We are so saddened to hear of her passing. We have such fond memories of her. So stylish, so chic, so fun! She was a force to be reckoned with! Always looked forward to seeing her on her visits to Northbrook. Will miss her warmth and outgoing personality! Michael and Paula Fohrman

Teri Robins In memory of Larry Kanar. Eric and Marnie Baer

Hedda Schless In memory of your dear sister, Ellen. We mourn the loss. Alan and Nina Dordek

Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund

Jonathan and Hayley Gluskin For the birth of Dylan Eli. Congratulations on the birth of your son. We were thrilled to hear the good news! David and Beverly Sugar Michael and Lynn Serota For the birth of your new grandson, Weston Garelick. We were thrilled to hear the good news! Congratulations! David and Beverly Sugar Randi and Dave Starkston For the birth of your granddaughter, Margalit June Starkston. Mazel tov. Jonathan and Denise Handler

The Hutensky Family In memory of Marty on his first yahrzeit. Sheryl Weissman, Shaynee Jankelovitz, David and Beverly Sugar

Mrs. Roberta Rosenfeld In memory of Ronald Rosenfeld. Shaynee Jankelovitz

Mrs. Charlotte Kohn and Family In memory of Fred Kohn. Shaynee Jankelovitz

Helene Hutensky and Family In memory of our brother -in-law and Uncle Marty in recognition of a beautiful dedication ceremony. David and Beverly Sugar

The Brower Family In memory of Bob Brower. We are deeply saddened by the recent passing of your father/fatherin-law and our dear friend. He will sorely be missed. David and Beverly Sugar

Glen and Jill Roter In memory of your mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Phyllis Roter. Les and Jill Olefsky, Susan and Alan B. Shapiro

Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of your father and grandfather, Arnold Zelkowitz. Les and Jill Olefsky


Debbie and Bruce Bell and Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan, beloved mother and grandmother. Les and Jill Olefsky

Gary and Debbie Solomon In memory of Ruby. Jonathan and Denise Handler

Robert and Marilyn Gordon In memory of Jonathan Gordon. Laurence Stern and Elyse Jacobs Stern

Debbie Bell In memory of your beloved mother. Andrew and Mona Berman

Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund

The Kaplan Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Rita Plenner, Roberta Fink

Fran Rosenstein and Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan. May it bring a bit of comfort during this time to know that you are thought of and cared for. Our deepest sympathy. Appraisal Institute, Gary and Jan Freiman

Hedda Schless In memory of Ellen Kaplan, your beloved sister. Edward and Carol Kaplan

Debbie and Bruce Bell and Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan, beloved mother and grandmother. Diana and Maurice Lewis, Leila Weiss, Bob and Cindy Marder

Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund

In appreciation of Misheberach prayers Rita Janowitz In appreciation of Congregation Beth Shalom Karen Somers

In appreciation of live streaming for Shabbat Rita Janowitz

Scott Bosley In memory of Barbara Bosley. Kevin Gillen Chris Meyers and Bob Spector and Family In memory of Gloria Meyers, beloved mother and grandmother. Scott Bosley

Glen and Jill Roter and Family In memory of Phyllis Roter, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Scott Bosley

Joan Blum and Family In memory of Milton "Mickey" Blum. Expressing our sincere condolences on the death of your beloved husband, father and grandfather. Norman and Darlene Padnos

Rachel, Jonathan, Simon, Eliot, and Owen Laven In memory of Barbara Bosley, beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She gave you a wonderful foundation and you will continue to make her proud. May her memory be a blessing. Edna Schrank

Scott, Janet, and the Bosley Family, In memory of Barbara Bosley, beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She was a lovely person and will be missed. May her memories be a blessing and remember all the happy times. Edna Schrank

The Seiden Family In memory of Zelda Seiden. With deepest sympathy. Linda Gold

Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund

Jerry Petasnick In memory of William Petasnick. Fern Slotky, Edith Korman

Glen and Jill Roter and Family In memory of Phyllis Roter. May her memory always be for a blessing. Linda Gold

Debbie and Bruce Bell and Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan. With deepest sympathy. May your treasured memories bring you comfort and peace. Linda Gold

Linda Felsenberg In memory of Stephen Felsenberg. Evan and Lisa Oblonsky

Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz and Family In memory of Arnold Zelkowitz. May his memory always be for a blessing. Linda Gold

Julie and Darren Kaye In memory of Stephen Felsenberg. Evan and Lisa Oblonsky

Laura and Paul Walder In memory of Stephen Felsenberg. Evan and Lisa Oblonsky

Meyers and Bob Spector In memory of your mother and grandmother, Gloria Meyers. Les and Jill Olefsky, Susan and Alan B. Shapiro, Linda Gold

Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund

For the yahrzeit of Barbara Silver Robert Silver Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Minus and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Barbara. Dennis and Dayle Teven

Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund

Sharon and Joel Schwartz For the birth of Landon Potysman Bley. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky

The Kaplan Family In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Betty Schraiber

Glen Roter and Family In memory of Phyllis Roter. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky

Donald and Miriam Pike and Family In memory of Silvia Pike. May you find comfort and peace in cherished memories. Linda Gold, Rachel Spiro, Nancy Seiler, Arlen and Cece Lasinsky

Jodi and Allen Joffe, Teri and Jared Robins and Susan Kanar In memory of Larry Kanar. Franklin and Mindy Star

Jackie and Alan Zelkowitz and Family In memory of your father, Arnold Zelkowitz. May his memory be a blessing. Richard and Nancy Sher, Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Scott and Katie Bosley In memory of Barbara Bosley. Scott and Leslie Rogoff

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund

Evelyn Vogel For a speedy recovery and glad you’re doing well, keep up the good work. Charles and Karen Schulman

Etta Greenfield For a speedy recovery and hoping your treatments are successful. Charles and Karen Schulman

For the yahrzeit of Arthur Lindenberg Karen Weiner

For the yahrzeit of Miriam and Saul Goodman Charles and Karen Schulman

For the yahrzeit of George Leviton and Lori Hammer Joyce Hammer

For the yahrzeit of Beryl Root. Herbert and Joyce Root

For the yahrzeit of Albert and Tillie Ashman Betty Ashman

For the yahrzeit of Louise Maslov and Marcia Maslov Edward Maslov

In memory of Mollie Spector Jonathan and Denise Handler

For the yahrzeit of my beloved parents, Jeanne and Frank Schneider Sheila Ander

For the yahrzeit of Kaplan, Jaffe and Glaser Families. Fern Kaplan

For the yahrzeit of Howard Hoffman, Lois Krugman and Joseph Goldman. Sharon Hoffman For the yahrzeit of Fran Auslander. Arlene and Robert Sharp

For the yahrzeit of Arthur Cohen Barbara Lasky

For the yahrzeit of Marlene Chavin. Shari Vass Rick Shuman and Marcy Teitelbaum In memory of Jerome Shuman. Alex and Susan Freund In memory of my aunt, Ruth Greenberg Carol Abrahams

For the yahrzeit of Irving Maslov Edward Maslov In memory of my beloved husband, Lennard Becker Helene Becker

In memory of Jaqueline Rafalson Barbara Lasky In memory of Robert Lasky. Barbara Lasky

For the yahrzeit of Perry Lerner. Beloved father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Ellen and Jeffrey Gluskin Glen and Jill Roter In memory of your mother, Phyllis Roter. Marshall Kerschner

Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of your father Arnold "Arnie" Zelkowitz. We mourn your loss. Keith Shindler

Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Scholarship Funds

Christina Meyers ad Bob Spector and Family In memory of Gloria Meyers, may her memory be forever for a blessing. Susan Lampert, Howard and Jody Sigal

The Zelkowitz Family In memory of Arnie Zelkowitz. May his memory forever be a blessing to his family. Susan Lampert

Teri Robins and Family In memory of Larry Kanar. I am so sorry for your loss. Susan Lampert

Prayer Book Fund

Diane Hornstein In honor of your special birthday! Mazel tov and best wishes for good health and a long life until 120. Sending lots of nachas. All my love. Rita


Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of Arnold Zelkowitz. CBS Sisterhood

For the yahrzeit of Susan Weinstock Greenstein PhD Stephen Greenstein

Lorraine Horwitz In memory of Frank Horwitz, our dear father and zayde. Marcy Horwitz

In memory of Jacqueline "Jacki" Futterman. Arvin Futterman

Randi Starkson In memory of your father in law. CBS Sisterhood

Sandy Falkin In memory of your father in law. CBS Sisterhood

Glen and Jill Roter In memory of Phyllis Roter. CBS Sisterhood

The Kanar Family In memory of Larry Kanar. CBS Sisterhood

Debbie Bell In memory of Ellen Kaplan. CBS Sisterhood Leon Dragon In memory of our dear friend, David Dragon. All our love. Larry and Fern Roseman

Rosengard Museum Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Cotler In honor of the marriage of your grandson Jason to Ashley. Mazel Tov! Michael Lawyer and Lisa Rosengard Lawyer Beth and Neil Hirshman In honor of the marriage of your son Jason to Ashley. Mazel Tov! Michael Lawyer and Lisa Rosengard Lawyer

Karen Hughes and Family In memory of Charles "David" Hughes. Beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Sheldon and Beth Gaffen

Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Sandee and Larry Levin In honor of you. Just because!! Mitchell Levin David and Shelly Fishman In honor of your granddaughter's wedding. Naomi Weiss Glen and Jill Roter In memory of Phyllis Roter. Sam and Becca Tatel

Barbara Winn In memory of Martin Winn. Shelly Snap, Martha and Kenneth Stofflet, Charlotte and Neil Sheer For the yahrzeit of Morris Schaffner Neil and Judi Steinberg

Scott Bosley In memory of Barbara Bosley. We mourn the loss of your mother. May she rest in peace. David Schwalb

Christina Meyers and Bob Spector and Family In memory of Gloria Meyers. Scott and Leslie Rogoff

Joyce Frank In memory of your beloved husband Bill Frank. Suzanne Gilford

Judy Jacobs In memory of your beloved brother, Bill Frank. I am so very sorry for your loss. Suzanne Gilford

Ruth and Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast Fund

In appreciation of your Zoom minyan! I cannot always make my regular minyan so I appreciate you sharing yours. Eric Marcus

Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund

Frannie and Bob Goldwin In honor of Maddie's Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! Edna Schrank Edna Schrank In honor of your birthday. Steven and Samantha Seidenberg



Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz and Family In memory of your father. With our deepest sympathies. Deanne and Jeff Friedman, Bob and Cindy Marder, Diana and Maurice Lewis, Howard and Jody Sigal, Bret and Marjorie Maxwell

Barbara Winn and Family In memory of Dr. Martin Winn, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Diana and Maurice Lewis

Glen and Jill Roter and Family In memory of Phyllis Roter, beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. May her memory be a blessing. Edna Schrank

Jodi Joffe, Teri Robins and Family In memory of your beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Larry Kanar. May his memory be a blessing. Edna Schrank

Camryn Rosenstein In memory of your grandmother, Ellen Kaplan. We are thinking of you and your family during this trying time. Kierston Vaughn

Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund

In appreciation of my opening the Ark on Kol Nidre Robert and Rene Cremer

Hedda Schless In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Bobbi and Harold Stotland

Christina Meyers and Bob Spector and Family In memory of Gloria Meyers, beloved mother and grandmother. Diana and Maurice Lewis

Deb and Bruce Bell In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Mariann and Steve Rubin

Marc Samotny In memory of Roberta Samotny. Susan Wenger

Justice Bob Gordon In memory of Jonathan Gordon. Michael and Mindy Garlin

Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund

Sharon and Joel Schwartz For the birth of your grandson. Elliot and Sharon Goldman

Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of your 70th wedding anniversary! Florie and Andy Perellis Lee and Robin Eisenberg For the birth of your grandson, Shepard Wyatt. Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum In memory of Steven Teitelbaum, in our hearts

forever Merle Teitelbaum Cowin and Lawrence Ordower

Rick Shuman and Marcy Teitelbaum In memory of Jerome Shuman. Alan and Lynda Wallis, Gary and Marla Silverman, Glen and Jill Roter, Ronald and Andy Widen Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of your father, Arnold Zelkowitz. Allan and Sarah Budweg

The Family of Neil Handleman In memory of Neil Handleman. Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum

William and Pearl Schwartz Memorial Library Fund

Edna Schrank In memory of Michael Schrank. Steven and Samantha Seidenberg

Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund

Jack Mangurten In honor of your 100th Birthday. With much love and best wishes. Merle Cowin, Harold and Lisa Dembo

Dr. Rachel and Jonathan Laven In memory of Barbara Bosley. May your grandmother's memory be for a blessing. Michael and Barbara Zaransky

Christina Meyers and Bob Spector In memory of Gloria Meyers. Michael and Barbara Zaransky

Jill and Glen Roter In memory of Phyllis Roter. Michael and Barbara Zaransky

For the yahrzeit of my paternal grandmother, Rose (Zelda) Lesnoy. May her memory be for a blessing. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos

Christina Meyers and Bob Spector In memory of Gloria Meyers. CBS Sisterhood, Edna Schrank and Bruce Bell In memory of Ellen Kaplan. Barbara and Marty Stern, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Feinberg In memory of Chuck Feinberg. Michael and Carol Schnitzler

Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood:

Sheila Netter 1

Esther Rosenberg 2

Jill Kahn 2

Sandra Abel 3

Marcy Canel 3

Tammy Berkowitz 3

Andrea Reich 4

Wendy Latash 4 Rita Schneider 5

Judith Smith 5

Terri Schwartz 5

Sandra Randell 5

Diane Goldman 6

Amy Miller 7

Stacy Ybarra 7

Debbie Hamilton 8

Barbara Chotiner 9

Jessica Taub 9

Donna Pekay 9 Hillary Schwartz 9

Ilyse Fleishman 9 Sheryl Rose 10

Gitie Jaffe 10

Carol Blustein 10

Jana Shapiro 10 Susan Lasky 11


Happy Birthday - March

Charlotte Stern 11

Bonnie Meltzer 11

Dana Millman 11

Fran Hakimian 11

Melany Shaftal 11

Ethel Obrand 12

Carol Grad 12

Linda Hurwick 12

Maureen Gold 13

Susan Cohen 13 Robin Leven 13

Judy Greenberg 14

Judith Graff 15

Joyce Shulman 15

Jill Hartzman 15 Harlene Dunitz 16

Joyce Mlodinoff 16

Wendy Copeland 16 Dia Kane 17 Elaine Sarnoff 17

Andy Widen 18 Leslie Schloss 18 Sheila Walowitz 18

Fern Slotky 19 Sharon Warsaski 19 Helene Coorsh 20

Ifaat Bosse 20

Mindy Star 20 Merle Goldberg 21

Sandy Sandler 21

Debra Vishny 21

Danielle Pekay 21

Rhonda Simons 21

Carol Apfelbaum 22

Danielle Holden 22

Alison Wolovick 22

Gwen Wolken 23

Suzanne Minkus 23

Lynne Goldman 23

Myndee Balkan 24

Esther Drayer 25

Arlene Handler 25 Beth Levine 26

Jennifer Ryan 27

Marsha Glassenberg 27

Joan Blum 28

Irene Hodes 28

Lindsey Berman 29

Randi Feiger 29 Marcy Saltzman 29

Joni Wald 29

Laura Schoeneman 30

Edie Smithson 30

Ellen Mittelman 30 Alex Kwait 31 Donna Rosenbaum 31 Barbara Poncher 31

Happy Anniversary - March

Sheldon & Karen Dubofsky 1

David & Tracey Becker 20 yrs 1

Maurice & Bette Rosen 60 yrs 2

Craig & Donna Yale 3

David & Jodi Lasky 3

Michael & Rhoda Markovitz 45 yrs 4

Martin & Judy Kaplan 4

Carter & Meryl Auslander 5

Harvey & Pamela Redfern 5

Joshua & Blair Klein 8

Mark & Claudia Travis 8

James & Marcia Milten 50 yrs 10

Jordan & Melissa Kaplan 13

Eitan & Barbara Ben-Dov 16

Mitchell & Karyn Liss 16

David & Sheryl Schwartz 16

Steve & Mardel Katz 60 yrs 17

Avery & Joyce Shulman 50 yrs 18

Gary & Deborah Solomon 18

Joel & Natalia Schneider 19

Tony & Lori Khanuk 20

Todd & Lauren Lustbader 35 yrs 20

Stephen & Carly Sear 21

Mike & Beth Gilford 22

Curt & Linda Rodin 22

Ron & Laura Schoeneman 22

Cary & Carol Weintraub 22

Alex & Rachel Dunn 20 yrs 22

Andrew & Anne Goldman 23

Brad & Sherri Fishman 24

George & Rosalie Goldberg 60 yrs 24

William & Christine Stolberg 24

Jeffrey & Tamara Roth 24

Michael & Deborah Eisenberg 25

Charles & Rachel Gruenberg 25

Aron & Dorothy Levko 26

Jeffrey & Danielle Pearlman 26

Robert & Linda Lipschultz 27

Norman & Debra Maskin 30 yrs 27

Charles & Paige Gitles 29

Donald & Miriam Pike 29 Neal & Carol Blustein 31

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member?

Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to:

Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)

Sisterhood Blind Wine Tasting

FEBRUARY 2023 • VOLUME 108 ISSUE 78 23





Sharon & Joel Schwartz are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Landon Potysman Bley.

Sammantha & Aaron Starkston are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Margalit June Starkston.

Randi & David Starkston are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Margalit June Starkston.

Arlene Warshawsky is happy to announce the birth of her great-granddaughter, Margalit June Starkston.

Rhoda & Alan Maslov are happy to announce the birth of their great-granddaughter, Brodie Maya Wilner.

The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Joan Blum on the passing of her husband, Milton Blum. Susan Kanar on the passing of her husband, Larry Kanar.

Jodi Jaffe on the passing of her father, Larry Kanar.

Teri (Jared) Robins on the passing of her father, Larry Kanar.

Rick (Marcy Teitelbaum) Shuman on the passing of his father, Jerome Shuman.

The family of Diana Lee Rothbart on her passing.

Alan (Jackie) Zelkowitz on the passing of his father, Arnold Zelkowitz.

Bryan (Laura) Immergluck on the passing of his mother, Judith Immergluck. Robyn Elias on the passing of her mother-in-law, Lenore Elias.

The family of Karen Bergman on her passing.

Glen (Jill) Roter on the passing of his mother, Phyllis Roter.

Blake (Julie) Roter on the passing of his grandmother, Phyllis Roter.

Christina (Bob Spector) Meyers on the passing of her mother, Gloria Meyers.

Ret. Justice Robert Gordon on the passing of his son, Jonathan Gordon.

Marc (Judy) Samotny on the passing of his sister, Roberta Samotny.

Scott Bosley on the passing of his mother, Barbara Bosley.

Janet Miller on the passing of her mother, Barbara Bosley.

Rachel (Jonathan) Laven on the passing of her grandmother, Barbara Bosley.

CBS Memorial Plaques

If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.

Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year whenYizkor is recited.

Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque.

The following families have dedicated a memorial plaque in memory of their loved ones.

In memory of GLORINE KATANICK by Robin & Rick Dissen

In memory of FANNIE LEVY, ABRAHAM LEVY by Maxine Levy

In memory of ESTELLE ANN AGREST by Dr. Jerry Agrest


Death of Esteemed Members:

Milton “Mickey” Blum

Larry Kanar

Diana Lee Rothbart

Arnold Zelkowitz

Karen Bergman

Barbara Bosley


In memory of my husband, Ellis M. Sostrin, on his first yahrzeit and to thank all of my dear friends at Beth Shalom who took me out to dinner on my dark days.

With sincere gratitude and love, Becky Sostrin

To our Beth Shalom Family, Our heartfelt thank you for your generosity and kindness in honor of our 60th Anniversary. Your thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated and made our day!

Love to all of you, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein

In memory of Karen Bergman, may her memory always be for a blessing.

Linda and Maureen Gold


February 1-3

Lillian Berenson

Jody Kerschner

Leonard Kosova

Sam Marcus

Lily Marcus

Nat H. Rappin

Louis Sherman

Samuel Spears

Eileen D. Berger

Kate Friedman

Shya Hencel

Barnard L Lieberman

Abraham Marks

Dr. Harold Randell

Sam Sandler

Sylvia Smilow

Penny Weinstein

Jacob Zilberstein

Marion Abrahams

Irene Baron

Philip Goldberg

Dr. Irving Hornstein

Donald Jacobs

Rae Jacobson

Stenka Jaffe

Morris B Kozin

Ethel Kurtz

Jules Milten

Irving Pickard

Harry Projansky

Leo Ross

Alvin Burton Rubens

Milton S. Schwartz

Mitchell Yale Smith

Irving Weintraub

Frederick Weiss

Sara Zuckerman

February 4-10

Leila Alpert

Bessie Bertash

Burt Chotiner

Anne Friedman

Ida Gaines

Albert Gold

Jack Goldstick

Anne Hirsch

Steven Charles Hoffman

Harry Hoffman

Harold Horwitz

Herbert Isaacson

Minnie Linkow

Hal Lipshutz

Shirley Reis Lipson

Evelyn Pielet

Sidney Rosen

Celia Rubenstein

Rose Sarlat

Joseph Abraham Schatz

Marcia Joy Shapiro

Pauline Volk Kroot

Harold Wilner

Theodore Bovilsky

Gutman Cranow

Sam Gebel

Sally Kirshenbaum

Beatrice Libman

Sidney Oberman

Peggy Sonenfeld

Jerrold Teven

Morris Block

Luba Chabner

Fannie Edelstein

Ben Gold

Hyman Iglarsh

Sarah Kessie

Susan Levine

Arnold Morgan

Morris Chub Petasnick

Alfred Rosenberg

Lillian Rubin

Estelle Schaffner

Edith Kasper Sommer

Arnold Weiner

Paul Wolkin

Joseph Arbetter

Jaqueline Arbus

Sandra Cymerman

Charles Z. Glick

Freeda Hofeld

Mary Kasper

Arnold Kravitz

Risa Lambert

David Melman

Harry Orkin

Ruth Projansky

Marion Rosenstein

Barbara Shulman

Eugene Jay Solar

Fred Tatel

David Tenenblatt

Sonny Ander

Isaac Feinstein

Esther Fialkow

Helen Gold

David Jaffe

Hyman Kawer

Renee Manelis

Ruth Markman

Maxine Nelson

Isaac Stucker

Milton Weiss

Ethel Wenig

Joel Arnold

Arlene Bell Claire Benson

Ceil Edelstein

Ethel Gill Tillie Goldman

Sherry Harris

Adam London

Morris Neiditch

Alexander Pontecore

Miriam Samborn

Ben Stollberg

Meyer Teinowitz

William Joseph Wasserman

Philip Billowitz

Estelle Gloss

Harold H. Harrison

Edith Rose Kramer

Anne Lyons Rolnick

Rebecca R. Sheade

Hannah Shenfeld

Bernice Taub

Eric Craig Timoner

Abraham Weberman

Max Zisook

February 11-17

Anne Blum

Lois Dolnick

Isadore Fox

Sy Gordon

Susan E. Nekritz

Helen Pell

Morris Selin

Dolores A. Slan

Fay Snite

Ruth Werth

Charlotte Wiseman

Sonia Chabner

Jeffrey Dunn

Francine Elrod

Marvin Fink

Martin Glotzer

Erna Hirsch

Ronald Klein

Alexander Louis Kramer

Abraham H Lichtenstein

Emee Myers

Michael Rabin

Tillie Waller Resnick

Ruth Schatzman

Irving Shapiro

Sally Taub

Stephen Weiss Benjamin Wellner



Sam Lopata

Nathan Orlofsky

Edgar N Rosen

Samuel Skidelsky Morris Stern

Sidney Walowitz

Eli Winn

Herb Alpert

Paul Bernsen

Rose Besser

Richard Caitung

Frieda Camp

Sydelle Eisenberg

Dr. Harold Epstein

Lorraine Fischman

Albert Goodwin

Joseph Kay

Lillian Kerschner

Beatrice Klass

Esther Korol

Ann Lampert

Dorothy Melamed

Belle Lasky Moller

Meyer Nitzkin

Vivian E. Rice

Ted Y. Samotny

Julius Schloss

Phillip Shaffer

Albert Sperber

Ida Ann Telpner

Oscar Wolfson

Sam Basofin

Charlotte Roslyn Glazer

Miriam Sara Goldstein

Rose Goldstein Kaufman

Al Hoffman

Sara Kaplan

Theodore Leviton

Herman Miller

Kenny Root Rae Saitelbach

Zvi Shafir

Sarah Tucker Benjamin Chabner

Max Fisch

Manny Goldberg Laurence Good Ruth Kanter

William B Pick

Harriet Schupack

Meyer Shechtman

Lois Simon Dr. Andrew Ageloff Sidney Belenke

Sondra Edidin

Trudy Fishbain

Claire Greenspan

Charlotte Nitta Grimson

Ruth Heller

David Polakow

Esther Roy

Rebecca Sherman Sclare Sol Shainberg

Dr. Sydney Silverman

February 18-24

Ruth Africk

Molly Ansell Anna Dorman Marion Goldstein Joan Jaffe

Harry Kaplan Shari Levin

Lottie Levison

Alvin L. Newman

Beverly Nussbaum Diane Schacter

Esther Schaffer

Sidney Simons

Millie Stebelman

Bluma Zandberg

Harvey Cohn

Beverly Hoffman

Jacob Kaplan

Paul Lehrfeld

Eva Neimark

Anne Schiff

Reuben Schneider

Larry Shutan Sam Banks

Allen Brown

Sophie Anne Cohn

Sidney Edelstein

David Goldberg

Suzanne Greenfield

Herman Kaplan Scott Lew

Abraham Salkin

Joseph Schnitzler Arnold Scholl

Ivan Topel

Paula Blue

Sidney Cohen

Irving Dubofsky

June Freeman

Henny Friedman Edith Glaberson

Albert L Goldsand

Sarah Goodwin

Leo Issen

Rose Kwalwaser

Benjamin Mark

Ida Maxman

Raymond Portugal

Ben Sylvan

Elex M. Alter

Sorel Ansell

Alice Barbakoff

Leslie "Les" Cohen

William Donenberg Maureen Forman

Dora Goldman

Sam Gordon

Florence Gotkin

Jacob Grossman

Beverly Kaplan Ira Korman

Meyer Linkow Sol Maskin

Daniel Pintz

Deanna Rudich

Sarah Shindler

Howard Weisman Blanche Blumental

Nehemia Chudacoff

Frieda A. Cohen

Dora Fein

Joseph Freedman

Raymond Goldberg

David Goldberg

Betty Greenberg

Lacey Horwitch

David Levine

Sol Olefsky

Bernard Petchenik

Belle Rappin

Anita Resnick

Helen Rosen

Lillyane Sarnoff

Gil Wagner

Ralph Waiss

Michael Appelbaum

Arthur Baron

Jack Epstein

Renee Feuerstein

Samuel H. Friedman

Earl Jay Goldberg

Estelle Gottlieb

Marvin Hoffman

Edward Holtzman

Belle Jacobs

Judy Katzowsky

Jack Kopol

Jack Lerner

Lillian Mangurten

Arlene Raskin Mann

Samuel Maslov

Jack Redfern

Fred Saruk


Rosalie Spitzner

Helen Chodash Steinfeld

Daryl Worley

February 25-28

Geraldine Diamond

Richard Dick

Joaquin A. Farnos

Rose Feinberg

Sheldon Gilford William Handler

Morris Hauser

Marvin J Hoffen

Michael Ira Kamensky

Selig D Lesnoy

Roslyn Martin Isaac Rokni

Betty Schulman

Edith Weiland Silberg

Esther Simon

Oliver Steiner

Pearl Sterling

Bertha Unger

Sam Zelen

David Bernstein

Mary Block

Norman Faber

Gloria Ginsburg Anne Greenfield

Maurice Haft

Ida Kosova Herbert Kreiter Albert Labow Abraham Levin

Howard Neumann

Harry Pestine

Faye Rosenberg

Sylvia Steinfeld Kate Tessler

Dr. Jeffrey Tritsch

Florence Weiner

Larry Wolfson

Emanuel Wolgel

Ted Abel

Fanny Adler

Hyman Africk

Leon Bankier

James Berenson

Mamie Lerman Davis Abe Edelman

Donald Epstein

Albert Fink

Barry Lee Gordon

Ernest Jacob

Karen Meyers

Shirley Minkus

Elizabeth Nathan

Odile Pintz

Lois Ross

Sam Shwachman

Frank Topel

Edward Zelner

Gina Alterson

Joseph L. Ashman

Bernard Binder

David Edelman

Aaron Elisco

Norman Katanick

Gladys Kaufman

Albert J. Kessler

Lillian Kramer

Susan Lasky

Samuel Lasky Gary Lerman

Doris W. Mages

Earl Nudelman

Jerry Rappin

Harvey Yale Weinstein Harry Jean Yeidel Crandus Epstein Harold Mason Kalvin Shapiro


Candle Lighting and Service Times (All Services and Times subject to change and are Live Streamed)

Friday – February 3 (Candles 4:50 PM)

Shabbat Service / 6:00 PM

Sisterhood Shabbat

Saturday – February 4

Shabbat Service / 9:30 AM

Birthday Shabbat Selahbrate Aleph Beth Shalom 11:00 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday Evening – February 10 (Candles 4:59 PM) Shabbat Service/ 6:00 PM

Anniversary Shabbat Selahbrate

Saturday – February 11

Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday Evening – February 17 (Candles 5:08 PM)

Families with Young Children 5:00 PM Shabbat Dinner Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – February 18

Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday- February 24 (Candles 5:17 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday- February 25 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Aleph Beth Shalom 11:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Daily Minyan (in-person and Live Streaming)**

Sunday & Legal Holidays 8:45 AM

Monday - Friday 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday 7:45 PM

*Please note, Morning Minyan on Monday, 2/20 will be at 8:45 AM.

Mincha will take place at the conclusion of morning Shabbat services, but not before 12:30 PM.

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