Congregation Beth Shalom November 2019 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Highlights ........................................... 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Giving@CBS .............................................. 4 Religious School ........................................ 5 CBS Happenings ........................................ 6 B’nai Mitzvah/Shabbat at CBS ................ 7 Youth/Shabbat B’Yachad ..................... 8-9 CBS U/Adult Education/Programming 10-11 Sisterhood........................................... 12-13 Men’s Club .......................................... 14-15 Fundraising ................................................ 16 S.K.I.P ......................................................... 17 Social Action ............................................ 18 Keruv ......................................................... 19 Calendar/Closings ................................... 20 Birthdays/Anniversaries ......................... 21 Milestones ................................................. 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ........................................................ 26-27 Candle Lighting & Service Times ........ 28

Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ..................................................Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ............. Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth & Young Family Engagement ……… Eric Golberg Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ........................................... Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President ............................... Brandon Wagner Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Shalom Designer/Editor .............. Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46


RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES With the Jewish holidays in the rearview mirror, we look forward to another holiday, truly one of my favorites. I remember quite clearly traveling to my grandparents, in Rochester, NY, every year for Thanksgiving. I loved the celebration and truly enjoyed the time we had each year. Thanksgiving is the quintessential American yontif, the great American holiday and I look forward to it each year. It is a time for friends, family, food and of course, football and it allows us to think about the things for which we are thankful. The Pilgrim Fathers who, according to American tradition, founded Thanksgiving were deeply immersed in Judaic culture. They loved the Hebrew Bible, the study of it, and they knew its language well. Jewish people who live in New England should be especially proud of the fact that this purely American holiday, Thanksgiving began right here and has roots that lie in the distant Jewish past. The early settlers called their Plymouth Colony “Little Israel” and this was no accident. They even compared Governor William Bradford to Moses. They felt that they had fled lands of oppression and had found a new home, just as the Israelites had once fled Egyptian slavery, journeyed through the desert and finally settled in the Holy Land. The Pilgrims also recalled their emigration from Holland and compared this to the return of the Jews from Babylonia to Israel under the leadership of the Biblical figures, Ezra and Nechemiah. The prayers of the early Puritans revealed the strong influence of our Hebrew Bible. We are told that the prayer composed by Governor-to-be Bradford, after the arrival at Cape Cod, included a great many passages from the book of Deuteronomy, the Psalms and even the Passover Haggadah – “You shall recite as follows before the Lord your God, ‘My father was a wandering Aramean. He went down to Egypt with meager numbers and sojourned there; but there he became a great and very populous nation. The Egyptians dealt harshly with us and oppressed us; they imposed heavy labor upon us... The Lord

freed us from Egypt wherefore I now bring the first fruits of the soil which you, O Lord, have given me.’ And: “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.” According to the record, the first marriage ceremony in the new colony, held on May 21, 1621, was conducted in a manner “most consonant to the Scriptures, Ruth IV.” This is a possible reference to the statement of Boaz, who, when he declared his intention to marry Ruth, “I am also acquiring Ruth the Moabite, the wife of Mahlon, as my wife, so as to perpetuate the name of the deceased upon his estate, that the name of the deceased may not disappear from among his kinsmen and from the gate of his home town. You are witnesses today.” And the elders answered, “WE are witnesses; the Lord makes the woman that is come into thy house like Rachel and Leah who built up the house of Israel.” We understand, from the association the Pilgrims had with the Bible and the traditions of Israel, that their Thanksgiving Festival was patterned after the Jewish festivals of thanksgiving for abundance and harvest as found in the Torah, namely, Shavuot, the festival of the first fruits, and especially Sukkot, the festival of ingathering. In his preface to his "History of the Plymouth Plantation", Governor Bradford wrote, “I have had a longing desire to see with my own eyes something of that most ancient language and holy tongue, in which the Law and oracles of God were written and in which God and angels spoke to the holy patriarchs of old time.” This was followed by some twenty-five biblical passages in the original Hebrew with their English translations. The early American Puritan colonists were so steeped in the Bible that it molded all their thinking and colored their language and influenced their festive occasions. How can we possibly do less? My best wishes for a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at CBS



Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

FROM THE CONGREGATION PRESIDENT The High Holidays, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah are complete but they are not over. We have just begun the new year 5780, renewing our connection to Judaism and to our families and friends. As we look forward to the coming months, I hope each of you has experienced that “one more thing” that connects all of us to our heritage and our community. I again thank the many volunteers who worked so hard making preparations for and participating in our services. Whether it was planning services or support activities, helping to lead us, making everything work smoothly by ushering and greeting, our volunteers made it possible for all of us to experience the holidays in a positive way. Our volunteers help support our incredible professional staff at this intense time of year. Without that support, our staff could not lead us both on and off the bimah in their inspiring and meaningful way. I also thank the office and maintenance staff for your work. Thanks to you, our building is always prepared, beautiful, and ready to meet the needs of our diverse congregation. Tanya Solomon

Would you like to help us during next year’s holiday season? You can have an impact as you help us celebrate the holidays. We look forward to finding a way to help you use your talents at either the Parallel Service or in the Main Sanctuary. There are many roles that you can play at our services. What a beautiful way to connect with our community and help us live our mission statement together. If you have not yet taken the opportunity to make a pledge for our annual appeal, it is not too late. Just call the main office and they will help you make that connection. As we look toward the rest of the year 2019, we are all settling back to normal. I am beginning to feel the pressure of my retail job as the secular holiday season approaches. I know I will be working many more hours than in the past until January 1st. I have been working in retail for twenty-five years, so this is certainly not a surprise. Happily, I have learned to prioritize the time that I have so I can continue to enjoy my family and my larger CBS community. I value this time of extra hustle and bustle every year and try to leave work stress at the store, so when I am at home, I can be present in the moment. That is what gives me the energy to go back to work after all. Now that I have again experienced the beauty and continuity of the holidays, I am recharged and look forward to continuing to work with you for the good of our CBS community. Tanya

Join Us In Welcoming These New Members to Congregation Beth Shalom Sara & Brian Abrams Alona Anspach Talia & Josh Block Jason Charet Emma Friedman Clara & Julio Gesklin Taryn & Michael Gluskin Judy & Samuel Greenberg Jerry Guberman Jaclyn Holtzman Jeri & Morris Kaplan Alex & Jared Kwait Barbara Levin & Marvin Hershman

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46

Jamie & Aric Menn Debra & Lawrence Oberman Dana & Michael Reinglass Jason Sarkey Peggy Shapiro & Ron Satenstein Paula & Howard Serlin Lauren & Brad Stein Rosalyn & Harry Strom Karen Stone & Adam Sussman Carly & Justin Walder Arlene Warshawsky Lauren & Joshua Witt


GIVING AT CBS The Legacy Society at Congregation Beth Shalom

As we enter year four of our partnership with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Crown Family, our Legacy Society will begin to take center stage. We have successfully fulfilled our obligations to the Create a Jewish Legacy Program, but this is not enough. We are talking about the long term viability of CBS, a 51 year old Congregation that we want to serve the future Jewish generations of our area. Please consider making a future gift to CBS by using one of the many different methods to leave your legacy to us. These can be simple to do and will leave a lasting legacy. Some easy ways of joining us are: · Writing CBS into your will or estate plan · Changing an IRA beneficiary to CBS · Use a donor advised fund · Make CBS your life insurance beneficiary · Other personalized ways of leaving your legacy If you wish to make a legacy gift or have any questions, please contact Michael Garlin at 847-498-4100 ext. 21 or Glen Roter, our Legacy Chair, at Congregation Beth Shalom Legacy Society Members Anonymous Mindy & Michael Garlin Fran & Fred Hakimian Elisa Rotman & Rabbi Aaron Melman Fern & Larry Roseman Edna & Michael Schrank Marti Sinton

Debbie & Bruce Bell Ellen & Larry Grossman Suzy & David Hakimian Tami & Raymond Rokni Jill & Glen Roter Bradley Shaps Susan & Cantor Steven Stoehr

We hope you have all noticed the Hineynu Donor Display in the lobby of Beth Shalom. This display was designed to pay tribute to the participants of the Hineynu Endowment Fund. As mentioned before, this display provides us with the flexibility to add names. As a result, it will be updated yearly according to our “Donation Recognition Policy” which indicates that donations will be recognized on the display once 60% of a donor’s commitment is received. Our next update will be submitted at the end of January. If you would like your name added to the display at that time, please be sure that 60% of your pledge of $5,000 or more is received in the synagogue office by January 27, 2020. This flexibility also allows us to add new donations. If you are interested in making a pledge or in increasing your existing commitment, please do not hesitate to contact the synagogue office at 847-498-4100, Brad Shaps at or Lily Zoberman at


Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Religious School Update Despite a crazy month with lots of days off for holidays, October was full of special activities. Our first activity, the Tashlich Family Program, was unfortunately called off due to muddy conditions. The month quickly picked up as the 5th and 6th grades had a Shabbaton overnight with Beth Judea at Camp Nageela (formerly Camp Henry Horner). We also decorated the CBS sukkah, ate in the sukkah, participated in a HIAS mitzvah project, celebrated Simchat Torah as a school and had our first 6th grade family Moving Traditions Program. Stacy Ybarra

7th Grade Holocaust Studies Our 7th Grade (Kitah Zayin) have just begun the first part of their Holocaust Unit. We have the pleasure again this year of having Mark Gelfeld, a docent at the Illinois Holocaust Museum, teach. Mark teaches for 2 hours on 4 consecutive Tuesdays using the “Echoes and Reflections” curriculum from ADL, the USC Shoah Foundation and Yad Vashem. The students begin by looking at the roots of anti-Semitism, a timeline of the period and then also look at personal stories. Next, the students and their parents will have the opportunity to take a guided tour of the Illinois Holocaust Museum led by Mark Gelfeld. Finally, based on the interests of this year’s students, our 7th grade team of teachers will design a curriculum to further the understanding of this complex period in our history. Shabbat B’Yachad Our first Shabbat B’Yachad of the year is Friday, November 8th and will be led and hosted by our Kitah Vav (6th grade class). As with all of our Shabbat B’Yachad programs, everyone is welcome to join us. If you would like to join us for dinner at 6 p.m., please RSVP at MyCBS. There is no charge and reservations are not necessary to join us for the service at 7:45 p.m. Please see the flyer on page 9 for more information.

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46

ISRAEL IN DEPTH 2019 ± 2020 11/24 | Israeli and American Jews Talk About Trump: Is the Leader of the Free World ‘Good for the Jews’? American Jews and Israelis have starkly different opinions about President Trump. We’ll explore the gulf in perception and try to understand how the view from “here” can be so different than the view from “there.” 12/15 | Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Points Beyond Israel may be a small country, but it’s filled with surprisingly different realities. For years, people have contrasted the images of the two largest cities, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. We’ll go one step further by adding into the mix the very different lifestyles found in communities in the northern and southern peripheries. 1/19 | The Rainbow of Israeli Society With people who hail from 100 different countries and cultures, Israeli society is one of the most diverse in the world. We’ll delve into the reality of a country that is home to people who hail from Russia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea, and followers of religions that include Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and more. 2/9 | Israel Across the Generational Divide Polls show that support for Israel remains strong among Americans in general and American Jews specifically, but there’s no denying that millennials view the Jewish state through very different lenses than their elders. How can we understand these different perspectives, and what can we do about them?

All sessions will be taught by Carl Schrag and will take place at 10:00 am immediately following the Breakfast by Men’s Club. You’ll benefit most if you attend all remaining sessions, but drop-ins are welcome! The class is co-sponsored by CBS University/Adult Education, Men’s Club, and Israel Committee.



LIBRARY Shabbat With a Twist Families with children up to Pre-K, join us for challah making, stories, and songs! Friday, November 1 & 15 11:00 – 11:45 AM

You can twist your own challah and take it home to bake, filling your house with the warm and delicious smells of Shabbat!

CBS Connections Thursday, November 21 6:30 pm @ CBS

Whether you’re a business owner, a hard-working employee, or in transition, CBS Connections can help you gain new strengths, meet new people, and be better at whatever you do. RSVP to Michael Garlin at


Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

B’NAI MITVAH/SHABBAT@CBS GABRIELLE SCHWALB Daughter of David & Shawna Schwalb Sister of Gavin Schwalb Granddaughter of Daniel & Nancy Gooze, Natan & Hannah Schwalb

ALEXA HERMAN Daughter of Susan & Howard Herman Sister of Joseph, Adam & Noah Herman Granddaughter of Jerald Herman, Sylvia Herman of Blessed Memory, Lois Palkovitz of Blessed Memory


MAX LERNER Son of Melissa & Scott Lerner Brother of Samantha Lerner Grandson of Linda & Les Multack, Nancy & Julian Lerner

DAVID KAMINSKY Son of Shari & Jeffrey Kaminsky Brother of Samantha & Ethan Kaminsky Grandson of Miriam & Joel Klepper, Alan Kaminsky, Renee Kaminsky of Blessed Memory

N’shamah! Join us in welcoming Shabbat in a soulful, spiritually uplifting, musical way! At the end of a long work week, Shabbat brings us time to rest, to reflect, to sing, to connect with one another. We are blessed on Shabbat with a “N’shamah Y’terah” – an additional soul. This Shabbat worship experience is for anyone who loves to sing and who wants to get in touch with their inner spirit. N’shamah! will be led by Cantor Raquel Gershon, accompanied by guitar. Friday Nights - November 15, February 14, April 17, & June 19 Prayer Service from 6:00 – 7:00 PM preceded by wine & cheese at 5:30 PM

Shabbat Yoga Saturday, November 23 11:00 am A gentle, relaxing yoga session inspired by Shabbat, open to all levels. Bring your own mat & dress for yoga. November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46


YOUTH Eric Golberg

CBS Youth welcomed in Fall with some amazing events this past month! We had so much fun at Young Family sukkah decorating, and created new ways to build sukkahs with our graham cracker sukkah building program with Chaverim. Our USY chapter continues to think of fun and new exciting programming! This month we have so much going on for our Youth and Young Families!

USY has programs on every Thursday this month (other than Thanksgiving). Kadima (grades 6-8) has our next event with special guests Knuckle Ball Comedy on November 17th. Sign up at Don’t forget to sign up for Kadima Convention on December 8-10th at Camp Chi! Young families will continue to have shabbat programming on Fridays with Shabbat with a Twist and Gym Hakatan on alternating weeks. We are so excited for all of the amazing programming this month. Hope to see you there! Eric


Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46


CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING CBS Civil Rights Journey Sunday, February 16 – Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Join us on this Civil Rights Journey through Atlanta, Montgomery, Selma, & Birmingham. Become empowered and inspired to make a difference! (designed for adults and families with teens Bar/Bat Mitzvah age and above)

Highlights include:

x The Leo Frank Story King Center Neighborhood and Tomb x Church Services at the Ebenezer Baptist Church x National Human Rights Museum x Rosa Parks Museum Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Museum and Lynching Memorial x Tour of Selma & The Edmund Pettus Bridge x Walking tour of Freedom Park & 16th Street Baptist Church x Birmingham Civil Rights Institute $795 per person based on double occupany (airfare not included) x 50% deposit due by November 14, 2019 x



FOR MORE INFORMATION… contact Leann at 847-498-4100 or


Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46


SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

In the blink of an eye, it is November. “Welcome to the rocket ship, Beth Shalom, take

your seat and fasten your seat belt.” Sometimes that’s what it feels like here at CBS. As the weather changes and the leaves turn to Autumn colors and begin to fall…it is just another reminder of how fast this year is progressing. The High Holidays were so beautiful and, as always, the weather did not disappoint. It always seems that it rains long and hard enough to ensure that we can’t park cars on the baseball field and sure enough, this year was no different. But the weather on the first day of Rosh Hashanah was one of the most beautiful days of the year.

Now that November is here it is time to remember all those people and organizations that have helped us get to this point. It’s like a never ending Shehechiyanu!!! It’s my favorite Bracha. We have a tradition in our house of sitting around the Thanksgiving Table and sharing what we are most thankful for. As usual I am always thankful for good health and the support of my family. But this year, I am also thankful for all the support I get from Sisterhood as well as the synagogue staff and clergy. For without all of you we would not have successful programs and make the memories that we make throughout the year. We are headed into the most important fundraising program of the year for CBS Sisterhood, our Annual Holiday Boutique, Sunday, November 3rd. This is the fundraiser that allows us to be the Sisterhood that we are. Please show your support and patronize our more than 40 vendors. Many of whom are here year after year and always bring their best product to showcase at our Holiday Boutique. Help us to ensure another successful year and secure the opportunity for us to continue providing the very best programming possible. Please come anytime between 9:00 am 3:00 pm and bring your friends and neighbors!!! Another upcoming program is our CBS Knits – November 17th from 12 Noon to 1:30 PM. Maureen Gold will be glad to have you participate. Stay Warm…See you around the Synagogue. Robyn

Got Bras?

Donate! We are collecting new and gently used bras all year long at Sisterhood events, meetings, and programs or in the Social Action cabinet by the coat room. Women and girls should never have to compromise on dignity. These bras will go to homeless shelters and areas of need throughout the Chicago area. I Support The Girls and Women’s League for Conservative Judaism (Mathilde’s Mentionables) has formed a Social Action partnership. Any questions, please contact Edna Schrank


The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop The Shop Around the Corner

Support your CBS community by shopping with us! Visit us at the Holiday Boutique! Receive a Tote Bag & Key Ring with a $36 minimum purchase!


Weekdays 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Monday through Thursday 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Sunday Ͳ 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Donna Fox (h) 847/281.7456 (c) 513/378.2491 Diana Lewis (h) 847/947.2906 (c) 847/903.6175 Darlene Padnos (h) 847/998.0494 (c) 847/217.4531

Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46


MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco

November is the only month where you can attend one of each of our Breakfast Program Series as follows:

considered for this powerful day.

A special Guest Speaker is being

the gulf in perception and try to understand how the view from "here" can be so different than the view from "there". Carl Schrag will once again provide a thought provoking presentation and discussion. Please attend these timely and informative programs. Each program will begin at 10:00 AM following breakfast provided by the Men's Club which begins after minyan. We conclude this month with our annual Erev Thanksgiving Program on Wednesday, November 27th, this year featuring the Jesse White Tumblers. Dinner begins at 6:00 PM with roving entertainment and the show starts at 7:00 PM. See the flyer on page 15 for registration information or register on MyCBS. Did you know that your Men’s Club partners with the CJE Lieberman Center for Health and Rehabilitation in Skokie? Once a month, we help their residents attend Saturday morning Shabbat services at the facility. This is a wonderful opportunity to perform an important mitzvah and is a great experience for the entire family. If you are interested in attending, please call me at 847-562-1443 or at CBS/HAZAK Program Honoring our Veterans Sunday, November 10, 2019 CBS Breakfast by Men's Club at 9:30 am | Program Honoring our Veterans at 10:00 am

Calling all CBS Veterans to share their experiences. IF YOU DID NOT ALREADY DO SO LAST YEAR, please send us a brief memory (3-5 sentences) of your time in the military and the impact it has had on your life. Please give us your permission to share your experiences in a booklet that we want to compile in honor of Veterans Day. Send materials to Leann at or Lisa at by Tuesday, November 5th. 14

Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

MEN’S CLUB EREV THANKSGIVING Leave the cooking & cleaning to us the night before Thanksgiving!

or through your MyCBS account. You can find the form with links to register on the CBS website under the Men’s Club sec on.

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46




Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

S.K.I.P. S.K.I.P. = SEND-A-KID-TO-ISRAEL PARTNERSHIP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SKIP is a cooperative program in which families, congregations, and the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago each contribute funds toward an Israel Experience program for participating students. The SKIP goal is for each student to travel to Israel as part of his/her Jewish education. Enrollment begins during a student’s 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade and continues through 9th grade. Both public school and day school students are eligible. The combined annual contribution for our children at Beth Shalom is $255 ($70 from each family, matched by $100 from our congregation and $85 from Federation). Although the SKIP program may not cover the entire cost of a trip to Israel, the funds make a considerable reduction in the expense. Remember that the funds are in an interest-bearing account. Furthermore, families in financial need can apply for scholarships from other sources. Enrollment is arranged through our synagogue. After the initial enrollment form is completed, we are responsible for the rest – submitting the partnership agreements, transferring the funds and reporting our children’s names to the Federation. Enrollment information will arrive in late October/early November, with a deadline of December 1st for the submission of forms and checks. There are many wonderful Israel Experience programs out there – everything from internship programs in various fields to volunteer programs to sports-based programs to study programs of almost any length. Your child’s SKIP funds (as well as Gift of Israel funds) can provide the opportunity of a lifetime. Birthright Israel is a wonderful program but not everyone is guaranteed a spot on a Birthright trip. Your child’s SKIP funds ensure that he or she will be able to go to Israel at least once, if not more than once, even if Birthright Israel is not an option. Frequently Asked Questions How do I register my child? When you receive the enrollment information, you need to complete the forms and send a $70 check, made payable to Congregation Beth Shalom, by December 1. What if I forget to sign up in 3rd grade? May I start my child at a later date? Yes, you may begin participating when your child is in 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade.

If I want to enroll my child who is currently in 4th grade, may I pay past 9th grade and make up a missing year? You may begin contributions in grades 3, 4, 5, or 6 but you may only contribute through 9th grade. If my child would like to go to Israel before the completion of 9th grade, may I use his/her funds one year earlier? S.K.I.P. ‘s goal is for funds to be used for a high school or college Israel Experience program and is designed for sophomore high school students or older. Under certain circumstances, families may be able to use a portion of their SKIP funds for 8th grade Israel Experience programs, such as Ta'am Yisrael or day school trips. Please contact our office at to make sure that your trip is eligible and then use the 8th grade Israel Experience Savings Request form to redeem your funds.

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46



Have any leftover candy from the end of October?

Congregation Beth Shalom is collecting candy to send to our troops. HELP THANK OUR TROOPS! Collection bins will be in the Front Lobby and in the Religious School Lobby. Candy will only be collected through November 11 - Veteran’s Day Thank you for helping put smiles on the faces of our nation’s heroes.

Any questions, please contact Jill Olefsky at 847-272-1758 or Special November Collections: -Travel-sized toiletries for “Mitzvah Day” -Candy to send to our Troops in honor of Veteran’s Day -New and unwrapped toys and gift cards for holiday drive

** New SA Project** Hunger Free Northbrook would like volunteers to help students in our community who are food insecure with supplemental food items for lunches for the weekends and holidays. Contact me if you would like to participate on a monthly basis or would like more information. This could be a great way to include your children.

11/14 - Feed the Homeless – Provide a portion of the meal and/or help serve the meal for the homeless. For additional information: Sara Weinstein 11/17 - Mitzvah Day – Join all ages at CBS for a variety of Social special mitzvah opportunities. 10:30 am -12 noon. 11/23 - Help Men’s Club: volunteer for Shabbat services at Lieberman Center in Skokie. Contact Steven Elisco – DO YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE SERVING OVERSEAS?

Do you have anyone in your family who is now serving abroad? Do you have friends or co-workers who have family members or friends serving overseas? Congregation Beth Shalom would like to send them a care package. Please contact Jill Olefsky at 847-272-1758 or with the name of the serviceman or woman and their overseas address. We want them to know that CBS cares about them and appreciates their sacrifice.


Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG



Shalom Chaverim,

As our holiday season winds down, I hope you have experienced the sweetness and happiness of time with your loved ones and that 5780 brings you good health throughout the year. I am writing this column three weeks after my son’s wedding during the week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This season of awe provides me with the opportunity to reflect upon my life and the many things I am grateful for, most of which revolve around my wonderful wife and now my four children. I thought about my last column as I shared some disappointment in anticipation of the wedding that it would not be a more traditionally Jewish ceremony. As I look back on the wedding weekend, I now choose to focus on what it was rather than what it was not. While I acknowledge my bias, I believe that this was the most soulfully spiritual ceremony that I have ever attended. Two people who created their own ceremony so obviously in love and declaring and pledging their lifelong respect and devotion to each other. The entire weekend was wonderful, and I wish for all of you to experience such naches from your children. I have also taken the opportunity during this holiday season to reflect on my Keruv journey over the last 10 years. At the time Ari was 19 and very single and I had no idea then that this path would help me embrace such a blessed union. We have emphasized how our Interfaith Marriage Initiative is about welcoming, accepting, and embracing our family members’ life partner choices, but Rabbi Melman’s Rosh Hashana sermon at Wood Oaks (I hope I do this justice) reminded me that there is something even more basic about Keruv. He shared the story of a five-year-old child who was trying to pridefully get her mother’s attention to look at a drawing she had made in school. Her mother was busy doing the dishes but was talking to her daughter letting her know how pleased she was which only served to frustrate her daughter. This interaction led to her daughter finally angrily declaring to her mother that she wasn’t listening. The mother, trying to multi-task was a bit annoyed and responded, ‘but I am’; and her daughter responded, ‘but mommy, you’re not listening with your eyes.’ Rabbi Melman reminded me that so much of what we communicate to each other is not with our words, but with our tone, body language, our facial expression and especially our eyes. This child knew intuitively the source of listening which leads to understanding which leads to welcoming… Keruv is not just about accepting one’s life partner decision, it’s about being open to listening, understanding and accepting differences beyond religion, political beliefs, lifestyle choices, or sexual orientation. And that is what this journey so far is helping me achieve. I invite you to take time in the coming months to reflect upon your own life journeys as well as the journeys of those whom you love. Do not listen with just your ears, but with your eyes and your hearts. Who said we can’t learn from a five-year-old? My belated New Year’s wish for all of you is to feel understood and accepted by those who matter most to you. As always, I welcome your constructive feedback and opinions. I can be reached at

Great Round Challah Take 2 sponsored by CBS University & CBS Sisterhood

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46





Friday 1 & 15 Shabbat With a Twist

Saturday 2 & 23 Junior Congregation

Sunday 3




Sunday 3

Monday 4 CBS University Begins

CBS Breakfast by Men’s Club/ Speaker (Health Series)



Sunday 10

Friday 15

CBS Breakfast by Men’s Club/ Honoring Our Veterans with HAZAK




Sunday 17

Sunday 24 CBS Breakfast by Men’s club/ Israel in Depth

Kadima Program

OFFICE CLOSINGS (Closed all day unless noted) In Observance of: Thanksgiving Thursday & Friday November 28 & 29

Daylight Saving Time Ends November 3rd 2:00 am Set Clocks Back 1 Hour

Holiday Boutique sponsored by CBS Sisterhood

November Friday 8 Shabbat B’Yachad led by 6th grade

November Saturday 16 Havdalah, Dinner & a Movie

November Wednesday 27 Erev Thanksgiving Program featuring the Jesse White Tumblers

sponsored by Men’s Club

The Northbrook Clergy Association’s Annual Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Celebration Wednesday, November 27 7:00 PM Northbrook Covenant Church 2737 Techny Rd., Northbrook

(SE Corner of Pfingsten & Techny)

All Are Welcome!


Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - December Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from CBS Sisterhood! Karen Stepen Helen Rifkin Donna Ruby Taryn Gluskin Mary Apple Sue Lewis Jacquelyn Margolis Barbara Zaransky Erika Harris Barbara Nissen Tracy Williams Deborah Tucker Cheryl Fischer Esther Dobrofsky Laura Schwartzwald Barbara Levin Karyn Liss Diane Friedman Marci Shapiro Linda Gold Sally Zuckerman Emily Witt Missy Rabinowitz Dani Mokhtarian Janice Roberman Ann Soll Carol Edelson Lauren Rothenberg Debra Maskin Roberta Fink Donna Fox Elaine Nekritz

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Brenda Wasserman Leila Weiss Eileen Brusso Rachel Laven Idele Lazar Felicia Lerner Tanya Solomon Karen Bergman Amy Golden Anne Greenfield Bonnie Vicks Regina Meerbaum Harlene Sperling Davida Arnold Geraldine Gainsberg Alexandra Light Nancy Firfer Rhoda Markovitz Esther Good Rosalyn Harris Rhandi Weinstock Danielle Weiss Nancy Sher Debra Rosen Marla Israel Ferne Appel Roberta Alexander Sheila Blocker ElI Castellano Renee Wishnia Robyn Glaubinger Goldie Miller Susan Stoehr Rada Burdeen

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Susan Karlinsky Gail Polisky Terry Schwartz Diane Hornstein Marla Glabe Lily Zoberman Pam Redfern Caron Knopoff Robin Bright Pamela Schwartz Beth Steinberg Cathy Schwartz Dalia Rabinowitz Marcia Brin Frances Simon Zelda Korol Roslyn Kahn Barbara Lerch Hanna Shamis Edna Schrank Jennifer Field Mindy Garlin Jenny Schwartzberg Marcy Teitelbaum Harriet Kaplan Susan Glass Shari Levin Fran Donenberg Denise Krug

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Happy Anniversary - December Harvey & Marcia Brin Steven & Robin Bright Sam & Sharon Mokhtarian 45 yrs. Norman & Roberta Friedman Steven & Bari Spector Benjamin & Emily Patzik Larry & Susan Kanar Raymond & Barbara Nissen Jeffrey & Lisa Adler 15 yrs. Stanley & Frances Kazan 60 yrs. Eric & Elyssa Siegel Steven & Julie Warshawsky Perry & Amy Weinstein Raymond & Arlene Handler Sheldon & Leona Natenberg 40 yrs. Stuart & Kay Rothstein Stuart & Marsha Diamond Gerald & Sherry Goldman Gerald & Irene Rogers Brenda & Max Wasserman Robert Gerber & Inna Feldman-Gerber 20 yrs. Gary & Jodi Dubofsky Julio & Clara Gesklin Robert & Barbara Silver Steven & Susan Glass Robert & Beth Footlik 50 yrs. Edward & Holly Forman 25 yrs. Richard & Harlene Sperling Miguel Manrique & Debra Marks Leonard & Phyllis Mason

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November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46

Jerry & Joan Schwimmer 18 Stuart & Paula Goldsand 18 Bruce & Barbara Tatz 18 Larry & Lori Fohrman 19 Peter Schmitz & Frances Greenman 15 yrs. 19 Karin Nussbaum & Eric Berkowitz 20 yrs. 19 Richard & Barbara Bosley 19 Leon & Sharon Oberlander 20 Michael & Anne Greenfield 20 Franklin & Maxine Bloom 21 Jack & Irit Jacobson 21 Yogev & Tracy Yedlin 21 Martin & Marcia Weiland 21 Ari & Eva Footlik 21 Donald & Donna Rappin 21 Earl Schneider & Stevhanie Howard 21 Ron & Morgan Sklar 21 Max & Janis Harris 45 yrs. 22 Howard & Laurel Jacob 45 yrs. 22 Ira & Iris Lerner 22 Bruce & Anita Taylor 22 Mark & Sharon Telpner 22 Sheryl & Fred Katzenstein 23 Leonard & Jane Siedband 23 Gary & Debbie Sylvan 23 Leo & Roberta Appelbaum 24 Lawrence & Ina Rosenthal 24 Martin & Elaine Pearlman 24 Robert & Janet Sabin 25 Sam & Beverly Weisenberg 25 Burt & Sheila Handler 26

Steven & Iris Podolsky Joel & Suzanne Weinstein 65 yrs. Lewis & Irma Amsel 55 yrs. Michael & Pamela Issen 50 yrs. Steve & Matty Shechtman Cary & Alene Wintroub Paul & Elaine Powell Robert & Susan Katz Steven & Sheila Walowitz Jeremy & Julie Hafner Ari & Vanessa Averbach Sherwin & Gail Meyers Joel & Laurie Shapiro 30 yrs.

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Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or



Chuck & Cathy Schwartz are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Asher Kayden Kaplan Marcy & Mark Saltzman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Sylvie Blake Prosansky Daniel Kaplan is happy to announce the birth of his granddaughter, Neta Mira Kaplan Laura & Ryan Dolin are happy to announce the birth of their son, Drew James Dolin Helene & Tom Coorsh are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Drew James Dolin Bev and Mel Dolin are happy to announce the birth of their great grandson, Drew James Dolin Jeanette Schusteff is happy to announce the birth of her great grandson, Drew James Dolin The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Sharon Lefkovitz on the passing of her father, Arnold Cowen Bonnie Meltzer on the passing of her father, Marvin Rosett Cheryl Ginsburg on the passing of her grandfather, Marvin Rosett Michael Kaplan on the passing of his brother-in-law, Marvin Rosett Ray Himmelblau on the passing of his mother, Resa Himmelblau Dr. Richard Berkowitz on the passing of his father, Darwin Berkowitz Dr. Michael Berkowitz on the passing of his father, Darwin Berkowitz Deanne Friedman on the passing of her sister, Cheryl Dunn Allan Spector on the passing of his mother, Mildred Spector Dr. Jonathan Williams on the passing of his grandmother, Mildred Spector MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.

Death of Esteemed Members: Marvin Rosett

Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited.


Call Maria Catezone (847-498-4100) for information or to order a plaque.

Many thanks to our dear friends for their good wishes and donations made in honor of the birth of our great-grandson! Sally & Mel Zuckerman

In memory of EUGENE M. ZEMSKY by Delores Zemsky In memory of SYLVIA ROSETT by Marvin Rosett, Bonnie & Rick Meltzer, Phillip & Marilyn Rosett

In honor of my marvelous Beth Shalom support system. I thank you and my family thanks you. Adrianne Varhula

Thanks to all my wonderful friends for their visits, calls, gifts, donations, cards and offers to help during my recent hospital and nursing home stay. Don Sneider Thanks to the clergy and office staff for their support in our time of need! L’Shana Tova. Don & Marilyn Sneider Dr. Susan Brown, best wishes on your retirement, we hope it’s a long, healthy and happy time for you. Abe & Sue Drayer


Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

YAHRZEITS November 1 Betty Berg Ruth Fields Herman Flower Gene Garlin Helen Gellis Leyla Hakimian Louis Melnick Jack Radow Charles J. Shifrin Eleanor Stein David Zaransky November 2-8 Irwin Axelrod Harriet Louise Freed Jerrold Glen Phyllis T. Goldman Dr. Harold Kahn Sally Oberlander Henry "Hank" Render Harry Rosenbaum Anna Weiland Maurice Feuerstein Anna Goldberg Milton Goobler Gerald Hauser Selma Koehler Shirley Lisit Stuart Schaeffer Edward Siegel Dr. David Slav Max Slavick Wallace Taine William Zelermyer Rose Ander B. Bart Barrish I David Chotiner Hyman Cokee Leonard Edelson Norman Gill Beverly Goldman Alvin Gordon Gertrude Heller Joe Joseph Jack Lasky Sondra Renee Lipshutz Jennie Mareta Morton Rosen William Schwartz Sol Shapiro Sylvia Stein Kenneth Treske Bertha Knopoff Auerbach Mollie Chudacoff Ilene Friedman Marvin Garfinkel Shirley Gold Sidney Jablo Fannie Kamensky Fay Nochumson John Paley Irving Pogofsky Myra Rose Molly Salky Rose Schlossberg Kenneth H. Weiner Ida Weiner Sidney Weisbach Dorothy Widen Simon Wolf Cecil Barrington Harry Chasen Melvin Ein

Aaron Goldin Claire Jesselson Max Katzenstein Erwin Krule Geraldine Masur Rose Moss Charles David Pulner Sheldon Schwartzberg Abraham Snitovsky Lazar Stone Harry Aaron Wasserman Phyllis Frishman Frank Goldrosen Belle Jacobson Solomon Rubin Klein Jules Lasko Morris Marcus Joel L. Michaels Elie Moussa Morris Ritt Nathan Ross Chip Satinover Joseph Snitovsky Thelma Dobkin Eli Konsistorum Chester Levine Betty Mintz Esther Ritz Beverlee Rose Phyllis Simon Anne Skidelsky Carla Sobelman Richard S. Stern Lois Sweet Lorrain Ruth Wax David Zeff November 9-15 Abraham Ackerman David Auerbach Joseph L. Baime Ada Berk Tom Bosley Ruth Ferdman Samuel J. Frishman Arthur W. Hafner, PhD Anna Kramer Joseph Lesnoy Walter Julius Netter Ann Rotsin Gladys Zide Sidney S. Abrams Lena Edelman Millie Ross Burton A. Slotky Joseph Geneles Gladys Kostow Felecia Kotowsky Rosalyn Lasky Isaac Orkin Donald Edward Peiser Meyer David Rosenthal Bernard B. Rothblatt Herman Salky Morris Solomon Nathan Sperling Harry Albin Harry Cowan Howard Elliott Feinman Edythe Gainsberg Miriam M. Hirsch Sarah Martin Benjamin Rosenstein Anne J. Sideman

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46

Harry Small Hazzan Alan Smolen Blake Cadkin Harold Cohn Stephen J. Dunn Isadore Epstein Rose Flower Sarah Kay Abraham Lerch Ann Lindenberg T. Paul Natenberg Barbara Rothstein Annette Frank Shloss Estelle Silverstein Paul Wald Kay Boltax David Flink Morris Frydman Harry Gallender Howard Gimbel Herbert T. Gross Rosalyn Mason Jack Melnick Louis Meltzer Judy Platt Martin L. Rehmar Howard Rosenthal Ethel Cohen Herbert Eisenberg Helen Field Carole Garlin Sara Glicksman Shelley Ikenn Harold Leon Sam Lipson Roland Medansky Rose Mussman Jaqueline Rafalson Bruce Schoeneman Sarah Stein Shulamith Treguboff November 16-22 Phillip Berman Jack Cohan Louis Gold Anna Gratz Joseph Harris Dinah T. Lazar Sally Marcus Samuel Rosner Frank Silver Bluma Szlamkowicz Esther Tikulski Jack Cohen Morris Goldberg Lottie Hartenstein Irv Lieberman Mary Sulkin Roseland Zaransky Leonard Zaransky Arthur Zlatkin Lucille Zuevich Herbert Auerbach Dr. Morris Binder Madeleine Alexandre Field Louis Goldberg Fannie Herman Stuart Kaufman Earl "Al" Lachman Alexander Lebovitz Rebecca Lipson Stewart Lurie Harry Nochumson

Martin Pearlman Sarah Rubens Frank Rudich Edward Serafin Marshall Berman Steve Cole Maurice H. Forkash Blossom Gaby Guggino Milton Lesnoy Esther Lutz Morris Martin Klara Radovskiy Harry Sherman Arnold Smoler Richard Walk Eugene Wassermann Lennard Becker Armin Friedman Max Goldman Harry Hodes Simon Jacknovitch Ruth Marder Marsha Marks Jules Schaffer Joseph David Sender Ann Kaplan Silverman Lenore Africk Molly Belenke Sylvia Berliner Velma Cohn William Dubofsky Philip Freed Seymour "Bimbo" Gantman Minnie Herman Ida Karlin Jack Korenthal Ruth Obrand Ann Schwartz Joseph Schwartz Rose Turkeltaub Hymen Weisbart May Zlatkin Jules Blumenfeld Robert Burros Samuel Fish Arthur Goldberg Hyman Heller Anne Kayman Norma Moseson Sam Porec Hyman Weber Harry Zis November 23-29 Abraham David Block Goldie Grace Boyansky Rae Cotton Jack Irwin Feldman Nathan Goldman Myron Horwitz Stewart Allen Metzger Bernard Roth Ruth Schlegman Belle Shaw Earl B. Slavitt Betty Tenenblatt David Zemsky Fran Sharp Auslander Belle Bell Sophia M. Berger David Block Dora Bosley Sylvia Fink Burt Gitles

Rose Greenfield Morris Pasmanter Lester Scott Annette Braverman Semans Andrea "Andi" Ship Bessie Siegel Howard Sinton Habib Younes Yetta Fenton Vicki Fox Harold Gabriel Cyril Garland Dr. Jordan Kempler Robert Lasky Mildred Nitzkin Allen Jay Schaeffer Herman Schaffer Eva Shapiro Barbara Star Roeslla Israel Zavell Kerry Klein Butman Marlene Dubofsky Warren Elisco Jack "Yunkel" Getlin Sylvia Kitzes Rose Lipschultz Jack Marcovitch Irving Maslov Dorothy Pearl Philip Weinstein Dorothy Weisbach Abraham Berg Arthur Edelstein Abe Fialkow Joseph A Harrison David Lefkovitz Mendel Nudel Dorothy Olefsky Mark Rosenberg Ben Rosenthal Howard Samotny Marc Skora Samuel Turovitz Chesna Wolf Irwin Zalutsky Helen Geiderman Anne Gordon Hahn Henry Kalter Michael Marks Julie B. Coplon Anna Friedman Fannie Holtz Gibbons Ralph Harwood Sari Lynn Neimark Vicki Rosenblum Jack Rubin Morris Schaffner Doretta Shneider David Bernard Singer Rose Steinberg Hilda Yuditsky November 30 Pearl Binder Madeline Fae Boethel Ilene Dechter Louis Garber Sol Nathan Goldberg Nathan Lambert Esther Levinson Lola Schwarzberg Shlomi Shafir Sara Lurie Simon



Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the loving and meaningful Bar Mitzvah for our son, Jordan Adam and Leatte Gelfeld Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the Mishebeirach said Allan and Sarah Budweg Rabbi Aaron Melman A donation for people who need help Marc and Nan Fine Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the beautiful Aufruf service for Alex Glazer and the future "Mrs. Ali Glazer" Scott and Susan Glazer Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of all of your support and kindness Linda, Debra and Robert Wrobel Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you Randall and Nicole Gold Vivian Koehler In honor of your 85th Birthday Eva Thalheimer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levenstein In honor of the marriage of your son, Joshua Jerry and Estelle Agrest Lisa and Harold Dembo For the birth of your grandson, Leo Gideon Elliot and Renee Roth Diane and Stuart Grauer Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year Joyce and Debbie Hammer For the yahrzeit of my brother, Martin Pasmanter Barbara Render Bonnie Meltzer and Family In memory of your father, Marvin Rosett Cindy and Bob Marder Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Michael Bauer Judy and Michael Balter, Norm and Roberta Friedman Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In honor of Jacob and Ilana's marriage Jerry and Estelle Agrest, Julie and Kevin Becker, Scott Bosley, Diane and Barry Cohn, Helene and Tom Coorsh, Marc and Nan Fine, Myron and Marsha Glassenberg, Ray and Arlene Handler, Mindy and Randy Kurtz, The Liss Family, Harvey and Sheila Medvin, Ellen and Neil Melman, Stanley and Barbara Neimark, Irwin and Marsha Pearlman, Terry and Gloria Pogofsky, Barbara Render, Stefanie and Brandon Ricciardi, Bernie and Benita Rotman, Sandy Melnick-Sacks, Terry Saltzberg, Judy and Jerry Shapiro, Adrianne Varhula, Alan and Lynda Wallis Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the loving and meaningful Bar Mitzvah for our son, Jordan Adam and Leatte Gelfeld Cantor Stoehr In appreciation of the your assistance Louise and Morley Kerschner Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of Sammie and Andrew's Aufruf Susan and Wes Nissen The Taitler Family Mazel Tov to Brenda Sergey and Family for Justine becoming a Bat Mitzvah Sheila Ander Bonnie Meltzer and Family In memory of your father, Marvin Rosett Carole Shneider Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Michael Bauer Albert and Nadia Eskinazi, Joel and Judy Greenman David Lasky and Family In memory of your mother -in-law, Lillian Lipschultz Joel and Judy Greenman Rabbi Ferratier Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of a loving and meaningful Bar Mitzvah for our son, Jordan Adam and Leatte Gelfeld Hillary Bauer-Cohen In memory of your uncle, Michael Bauer Carol Abrahams The Rubin Family In memory of Steven Rubin Jack Kolof and Chris Newkirk


Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ Scholarship Fund Merrill Medansky For the birth of your granddaughter, Harper Riley Steve and Matty Shechtman Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Jerry and Estelle Agrest In honor of your 71st Anniversary Larry and Fern Roseman Fern Roseman In honor of you and your tireless mitzvot David and Charlene Sales Lisa and Harold Dembo For the birth of your grandson, Leo Gideon Larry and Fern Roseman Myron Glassenberg In appreciation of Myron Glassenberg's assistance Louise and Morley Kerschner Jerry and Adrienne Bauer In honor of your mother, with our admiration Larry and Fern Roseman Marnie Baer In memory of your father, Mickey Becker Larry and Fern Roseman Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Michael Bauer Helene and Tom Coorsh, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Larry and Barbara Libauer The Cooper Family In memory of Gerty Cooper Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Berk In honor of the birth of your two granddaughters, Delilah and Bobbie. I am so thrilled for you. Mazel Tov! Shirley Patzik Samuels Peggy Sharpe and Family In memory of your husband, Burton, and daughter, Julie Leonard and Phyllis Mason Marnie Baer In memory of your father, Marlen Becker Leonard and Phyllis Mason Howard Bloom In memory of your mother, Gloria Alan and Marla Patzik Michael Blitstein and Family In memory of David Blitstein The Patzik Family Neal Goldstein and Family In memory of Cecelia and Edward Goldstein The Patzik Family Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Rabbi Carl Wolkin In appreciation of Brandon and Danielle's wedding service. It was amazing!! Fay Wasserman Judy Wolkin, Sheri Smason and Suzanne Minkus In appreciation of Sisterhood Challah Take 2 Thank you for a fun evening and delicious challahs! Mitzie Herman Carol Munies In honor of your granddaughter's marriage Edie Korman Eva and Daniel Sideman In honor of your grandson, Alexander's Bar Mitzvah Anita Gordon Amy and Marty Kaplan In honor of your daughter, Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Ilene Epstein Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz In honor of your granddaughter, Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Ilene Epstein Carol and Ed Kaplan In honor of your granddaughter, Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Ilene Epstein Penny and John Pascal In honor of the celebration of my grandchildren, Amanda and Michael Pascal's marriage Beverly Grossman (Mom) Marcy and Michael Stillman In memory of your father and grandfather Susan and Bob Katz CBS Youth Endowment Sheri Smason Thank you for always including me for the holidays. Shana Tovah! Loren Udwin Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Dennis McNamee In memory of your beloved brother, Michael Patrick McNamee Julie and David Goldstein

Gold Family Sabbath Fund For the birth of Leo Garber Adam Garber and Stacey Dembo Lisa and Harold Dembo For the birth of your grandson, Leo Gideon Michael and Carol Schnitzler Shirley Patzik Samuels In honor of your granddaughter's engagement Ira and Iris Lerner Leonard and Phyllis Mason In honor of your grandson's engagement Ira and Iris Lerner Ed and Carol Kaplan In honor of Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Ira and Iris Lerner Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz In honor of Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Ira and Iris Lerner Barbara and Mark Gelfeld In honor of Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Ira and Iris Lerner Steve and Matty Shechtman In honor of Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Ira and Iris Lerner Alyce and Jerry Stanton In honor of your grandchild's marriage Ira and Iris Lerner Phyllis Udany In honor of your grandson, Mason's Bar Mitzvah Janet and Arnie Hoffman Leatte Gelfeld In honor of Jordan Gelfeld becoming a bar mitzvah Merrill Medansky Matty Shechtman In honor of Jordan Gelfeld becoming a Bar Mitzvah Merrill Medansky Laura Shulman In memory of your mother, Grace Vento Friend Scott and Leslie Rogoff Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Michael Bauer Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Lisa and Harold Dembo For the birth of your grandson, Leo Gideon Judy and Michael Balter Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Carol and Ed Kaplan In honor of your granddaughter, Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Janet and Arnie Hoffman Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz In honor of your granddaughter, Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Adele Gorenstein, Janet and Arnie Hoffman Adele Gorenstein In honor of your grandson's Bar Mitzvah Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your beloved brother, brother-in-law and uncle. He left you too soon. Adele Gorenstein Reva Gomberg In memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz HUGS Fund For HUGS programming at CBS Marc and Judy Samotny Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In honor of Jacob and Ilana's marriage Diana and Maury Lewis, Marti Sinton Steve and Matty Shechtman In honor of Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Marti Sinton Mark and Barbara Gelfeld In honor of Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Marti Sinton Jack and Caron Knopoff In honor of your granddaughter's Bat Mitzvah Marti Sinton Mark and Marcy Saltzman For the birth of your grandson Pierce Issac Paula and Michael Fohrman Sheryl Weissman In honor of Eden Harris' Bat Mitzvah Barbara Kent Carol and Rick Boas In honor of your granddaughter, Eden's Bat Mitzvah Barbara Kent Jon and Andee Harris In honor of your daughter, Eden's Bat Mitzvah Barbara Kent For Selah Choir Deborah Talsky Lee Kout and Family In memory of your husband, father and grandfather, Gene Sheila and Burt Benjamin Laura Shulman In memory of your mother, Grace Vento Friend Marti Sinton

Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Leatte and Adam Gelfeld In honor of your son, Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Michael and Ina Schneiderman Steve and Matty Shechtman In honor of your grandson, Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Michael and Ina Schneiderman Nancy and Donald Elisburg In honor of Abby's Bat Mitzvah Raymond and Arlene Handler Rabbi Louis and Marla Newmark In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary - Mazel Tov! David and Bev Sugar and Family Rachel and Alex Dunn In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of your daughter, Olivia Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Marianne and Jack Bankier In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of your granddaughter, Olivia Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Marcy and Smokey Mazel tov on the birth of your granddaughter, Sylvie! Paula and Michael Fohrman The Berger Family In honor of Abby's Bat Mitzvah Ray and Arlene Handler Alison Schmil In memory of your father, David Bernstein Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Caron and Jack Knopoff In honor of your granddaughter, Abby, becoming a Bat Mitzvah Jill and Les Olefsky Phyllis Cowen In memory of Arnold Cowen Barbara Levine Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Michael Bauer Jack and Marianne Bankier, Rick and Robin Dissen, Mark and Barbara Gelfeld, Jill and Les Olefsky, David and Bev Sugar Lee Abramson and Family For the yahrzeit of Sherlee Abraham Lezak Harvey and Linda Lezak Michael Berkowitz and Family In memory of Darwin Berkowitz Jonathan and Denise Handler Jay and Elaine Kernes In memory of your father, Melvin Weinstein Susan and Bob Katz Bev and Dave Sugar Thinking of you and Janna as the New Year approaches. May her gifts always be in your hearts and a part of each of you. As you have continued to share her poetry, all who care for and love your family can appreciate Janna. Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund Trude Schnitzer Happy Birthday and best wishes! Ellen Kaplan Kessler Family Memorial ShabbaTONE Fund For the yahrzeit of Jacob Bernstein Lewis and Eleanor Bernstein Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Rabbi Carl Wolkin In honor of continued good health Marc and Nan Fine Rabbi Warner Ferratier In honor of Yom Kippur live streaming Mary Michelle Rubnitz In honor of our 61st Wedding Anniversary Lewis and Eleanor Bernstein The Roth Family In memory of Enid Roth, beloved wife, mother and grandmother. May her memory be for a blessing. Jeanette Schusteff For the yahrzeit of Asher Sonenfeld Richard and Barbara Bosley, Scott Bosley Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund In appreciation of Congregation Beth Shalom Carter and Meryl Auslander Jackie Byster Abramson and Family In memory of your mother, Yetta Byster Lana and Danny Zakon Mark and Ilene Fern In memory of your dad The Oblonsky Family Michael and Leslie Berkowitz In memory of your father, Darwin Berkowitz The Oblonsky Family

November 2019 • VOLUME 76 ISSUE 46


For the yahrzeits of Sarah and Sam Ullman Sally and Mel Zuckerman For the yahrzeit of Betty Wishnick Diane Krugel In memory of Sophie and Thomas Binstein, Esther and George Shapiro, Anne and Bernie Greenfield, Leon Kaufmann, Shirley and Arnold Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Leah Saruk, Fred Saruk, Phillip Saruk, Bella Saruk, Edith Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund For the yahrzeit of my father, Nathan Glutzer Ceil Zook Saruk, Sam Saruk, Jerome Shapiro Seymour and Beverly Binstein For the yahrzeit of Marshall R. Goldberg Philip R. Goldberg Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund For the yahrzeit of Robert Kasper Barbara Kasper Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In honor of For the yahrzeits of Mendel Nudel, Mark Rosenberg Jacob and Ilana's marriage Marcy Teitelbaum Russell and Esther Rosenberg Tom and Helene Coorsh For the birth of your For the yahrzeit of my beloved mother, Rose grandson, Drew Jameson Neal and Mona Weiss Alexander Carole Shneider Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Bernstein For the birth of your For the yahrzeit of Pauline Golden Neal and Carolyn granddaughter, Becca Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Golden The Family of David Bernstein In memory of For the yahrzeit of Louis Berson Joyce and Herb Root For the yahrzeits of Selma Stern, Marion Dolin Mel and David Bernstein Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Eileen Rosenbaum For the yahrzeit of Sam Baker Beverly Dolin Eileen Rosenbaum For the yahrzeit of my husband, Jay Weisman Wini Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Mandrea and Family In Weisman memory of your beloved sister and aunt, Hermine In memory of Ruth Minkoff Howard Minkoff and Penny Lamm and Family Marylyn Bogan-Minkoff Phyllis Udany In honor of your grandson, Mason's In memory of our beloved husband, father and zadie, Bar Mitzvah Ronna and Ron Heftman Marshall Ander Sheila Ander, Alise, Cherie and Jennifer The Family of Gerald Pollack In memory of Jerry Reva Gomberg and Family In memory of Lionel Susan and David Silver and Family Gomberg The Gomberg friends and family from Shiva Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Weisberg In memory of your Rosengard Museum Fund beloved mother and grandmother, Sarajane Weisberg Lisa Helfand In memory of your father, George Susan and David Silver and Family Matgous Sheldon and Beth Gaffen The Chick Family In memory of your beloved father Arthur Holtzman In memory of your mother, and grandfather, Arnold Chick Penny Lamm and Family Esther Sheldon and Beth Gaffen Arlene Chick In memory of your beloved husband, Lesley Anixter and Family In memory of your Arnold Chick Susan and David Silver and Family sister, Susan Roberta and Norm Friedman Mitchell and Shari Bernsen In memory of your beloved father, Arnold Chick Susan and David Silver and Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Family Lisa and Harold Dembo For the birth of your Irwin Bernstein and Family In memory of your grandson, Leo Gideon Sam and Becca Tatel beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather, The Holtzman Family In memory of your beloved David Bernstein The Cowin and Ordower Families and grandmother Ed Maslov In memory of Ida Levin Samuel Levin Charles Arbetter In memory of Marion Arbetter Ruth and Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast Brian Arbetter Fund Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Tina Isaacson In memory of your father, David Bernstein Marcy Teitelbaum Michael Bauer Daniel and Eva Sideman Beth Fenton In memory of your cousin, Sandy Marcy Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Teitelbaum Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In honor of Marvin Dishler Tree of Life Jacob and Ilana's marriage Edna and Mike Schrank For the yahrzeit of Marv Dishler Rochelle Dishler Leatte and Adam Gelfeld In honor of your son, Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Ilene Epstein Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Barbara and Mark Gelfeld In honor of your Memorial Fund grandson, Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Ilene Epstein Michael and Marc Zaransky and Family In Steve and Matty Shechtman In honor of your memory of Steven Zaransky Evelyn Cotton and Family grandson, Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Stuart and Marsha Michael Zaransky In appreciation of your Diamond, Ronna and Ron Heftman introduction of Caryn to Vivaldi. She is so happy! Hilary and Enric Braun For the birth of your Howard and Pennie Fields granddaughter, Hadassah Shira Michael and Carol Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Schnitzler, Edna and Mike Schrank Michael Bauer Michael H. Zaransky Adele Gorenstein In memory of your mother, Helen Lexier Michael and Carol Schnitzler Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Judy and Shelly Sandack For the birth of your granddaughter, Sophie Morgan Andy and Ellen Marcy and Mark Saltzman For the birth of your grandson, Pierce Isaac Andy and Ellen Roth

Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of receiving the Centennial Leadership Award Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Audrey and David LeCavalier In appreciation of your hospitality Carole and Harold Fogel Vivian Koehler In honor of your 85th Birthday Congratulations and much love Helen Behr Faye and Charlie Feinstein For a happy, healthy New Year Karen and Alan Rosenberg Steve and Matty Shechtman In honor of Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy


Open Letter


We, the families of the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, want to thank you for your support and love over the past year. Our families lost 11 irreplaceable, beautiful Jewish souls. The sorrow and agony was deeply personal and unending. Through your unwavering support, you showed us that we are all one in our sorrow. You showed that the mindless hate that stole our loved ones has no place in America. Thank you for showing us that we are one Community – one Jewish, one interfaith, one Pittsburgh, one country, and one world. We are truly stronger together.

With love from the families of: Joyce Fienberg Richard Gottfried Rose Mallinger Jerry Rabinowitz

Cecil Rosenthal David Rosenthal Bernice Simon Sylvan Simon

Daniel Stein Melvin Wax Irving Younger


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Candle Lighting and Services

Friday Evening – November 1 (Candles 5:26 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – November 2 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Junior Congregation Mincha

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 12:45 PM

Friday Evening – November 8 (Candles 4:18 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat B’Yachad led by 6th Grade 6:00 PM Saturday – November 9 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM

Friday Evening – November 15 (Candles 4:11 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM N’shamah! 6:00 PM Saturday, November 16 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Study Minyan 10:30 AM Mincha 12:45 PM

Friday, November 22 (Candles 4:06 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday, November 23 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Junior Congregation 10:45 AM Shabbat Yoga 11:00 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday, November 29 (Candles 4:02 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday, November 30 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM

Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evening s Sunday Mornings

6:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM

*Morning Minyan, Thursday, November 28th 8:45 AM Morning Minyan, Friday, November 29th 8:45 AM

Congregation Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

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