Sukkot reminds us of the time that God caused our Biblical ancestors to dwell in temporary booths while wandering in the desert. The agricultural significance was it marked the harvest season, but the thematic significance of the holiday is to keep us grounded.
The Sukkah and the holiday of Sukkot are more than simply remembering our ancestors or having a “good time” outdoors. The structure itself reminds us of the fragility of life. The Sukkah invokes the image of God’s sheltering presence. The Sukkah is open to the elements, the roof is not completely closed and at the same time the door and roof are open to all who wish to enter. In our daily liturgy, we often use the phrase, sukkat shalom, God’s sheltering presence and we pray that God protect us now, and always.
us, and we move into the most joyous of all of our holidays, Sukkot. Sukkot is the quintessential fall holiday. We decorate our Sukkah in orange and brown colors to reflect the autumn season. Pumpkins, gourds and squash of various kinds often adorn our Sukkot tables.

The rabbis of the Mishna refer to this holiday as Z’man Simchateinu, the time of our great joy. In Temple times, if one was going to make a pilgrimage to the Temple for one of the Shalosh Regalim, the three pilgrimage festivals (Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot), it was Sukkot. I believe, that for the rabbis and the community, the anxiety of the High Holidays has passed, and we can appreciate the beauty of this holiday.
a renewed

While the anxiety of the High Holidays might be behind us in the calendar, some of its themes remain.
hope and pray
will truly
This is one of timesfavoritemyofthe
thing we possibly can to spend as much time in our Sukkah. As a sports fan, October is baseball playoff time, the start of the NHL hockey season and the NFL season is underway. I love running a long cord from inside the house, just to sit and watch television, sometimes bundled up, truly making the Sukkah my “home”. It’s not a home to be enjoyed alone, it is best to enjoy it with guests.
I that this year’s Sukkah be open to all and may we find sense of hope and peace.
year. Rosh justKippurandHashanahYomarebehind
Sukkot offers us the opportunity to step outside the comfort of our homes and make the Sukkah a temporary dwelling place. We are supposed to eat, study and relax in the Sukkah, and if possible, sleep in it. While sleeping in the Sukkah in October in Chicago might not be possible, we should do every-
Chag Sameach. INSIDE THIS ISSUE New Member Spotlight ...........................2 President’s Message ..................................3 Cantor’s Notes 4 5 Religious School 6 B’nai Mitzvah 7 CBSAdultU/Education/Programming 8 9 Sisterhood 10 See What’s Happening @ CBS........... 11 Men’s Club ......................................... 12 13 Social Action............................................ 14 CBS Happenings 15 18 Candle Lighting & Service Times........ 19 Send A Kid To Israel Partnership....... 20 Birthdays & Anniversaries 21 Milestones 22 Yahrzeits 23 Donations........................................... 24 25 Ads ....................................................... 26 27 Israel In Depth ........................................ 28 Head Rabbi Aaron Melman Senior Cantor..................................... Steven Stoehr Rabbi David Chapman Rabbi Emeritus Carl Wolkin Executive Director Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning Leann Blue Director of Communications Deanne Friedman Controller Susan Karlinsky Director of Education ..........................Stacy Ybarra President.................................................Bob Spector Sisterhood President Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co Presidents Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President Dylan Adler Shalom Designer/Editor Deanne Friedman SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062 3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom. TISHREI/CHESHVAN 5783 | OCTOBER 2022 | VOLUME 105 ISSUE 75 RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES Rabbi Melman

2 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847 498 4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG JOIN US IN CONGREGATIONNEWTHESEWELCOMINGMEMBERSTOBETHSHALOM Amanda & Brian Beck Nancy & Erwin Borowsky Blair & Justin Kaplan Jen & Rob Roth Jana Shapiro & Matthew Moodie Shira & Liad Rozgovich Rebecca & Robert Schur Amy & Josh Schwartz Dana Smoler & Jared Schprechman Kira & Chad Spivack Howard Sussman Abby Weinstein & Greg Fleytlikh Samantha & Michael Weinstein Zhanna & Zev Plotkin NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Office Closings (closed all day unless noted) Tuesday, October 4 - Kol Nidre (closed at 12:00 pm) Wednesday, October 5 –Yom Kippur Day Monday-Tuesday, October 10-11 – Sukkot Monday,Tuesday, October 17-18 – Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah

Even an atheist would speak His name, unaware that their very breath is giving constant acknowledgment to God.
How does someone hold that note so long? Practice, of course, but also good lung capacity. As a singer I have been able to perform the shofar sounds for many a classroom audience, youth and adult, and each always marvel at the length of the blast.
So a baby’s first cry, his first breath, speaks the name of God.
So when I can’t utter anything else, is my cry calling out His name?
A deep sigh calls His name or a groan or gasp that is too heavy for mere words.
Being alive means I speak His name constantly. So, is it heard the loudest when I’m the quietest?
Over time we’ve arbitrarily added an “a” and an “e” in there to get YaHWeH, presumably because we have a preference for

One of the most stirring and haunting sounds of the High Holidays is the final blast of the shofar at the conclusion of Neilah, which brings to a close the exhausting, yet exhilarating day of Yom Kippur. The Tekiah Gedola, that singular, one of a kind sound which send chills down our spines (if we allow it to penetrate our flesh and enter our souls).
In sadness, we breathe heavy sighs. In joy, our lungs feel almost like they will burst. In fear we hold our breath and have to be told to breathe slowly to help us calm down. When we’re about to do something hard, we take a deep breath to find our courage.
YH (inhale): WH (exhale).

When I think about it, breathing is giving Him praise. Even in the hardest moments!
This is so beautiful and fills me with emotion every time I grasp the thought. God chose to give himself a name that we can’t help but speak every moment we’re alive.
All of us, always, everywhere. Waking, sleeping, breathing, with the name of God on our lips."
and Rabbis have noted that the letters YHWH represent breathing sounds, or aspirated consonants. When pronounced without intervening vowels, it actually sounds like breathing.
Cantor Stoehr

This writing by Sandra Thurman Caporale from the Memorial Church of Christ in Houston was something I found on the Internet, the attribution to the graphic artist is unknown. I hope you will find this thought provoking.
“There was a moment when Moses had the nerve to ask God what his name is. God was gracious enough to answer, and the name he gave is recorded in the original Hebrew as YHWH.
Our lungs are a pair of vital organs to life itself. Fighting pneumonia or other illness which impinge the lungs makes a patient miserable and often quite scared. The breath of life is essential to our existence.
Likewise, a person leaves this earth with their last breath, when God’s name is no longer filling their lungs.

The school year is under way! It has been a pleasure getting to know our students and families over the past month and we look forward to more time together.
Balson sends Nathan and Allison on a harrowing journey that will keep readers riveted to this novel. Although the characters are new, the author’s suspenseful storytelling and engaging characters are both familiar and better than ever. An Affair of Spies is Balson at his best.

Please note that with Simchat Torah beginning Monday evening, October 17th and continuing into Tuesday, October 18th, we have moved our Tuesday afternoon and evening classes to Monday evening to coincide with Erev Simchat Torah Services. We are excited to work with Rabbi Melman, Rabbi Chapman and Cantor Stoehr to add family activities to the fun and festive CBS traditions. Please watch for more information in your weekly Wednesday evening emails. The Simchat Torah program will also be appropriate for our kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students who are usually not in class on Tuesdays as well as for our youngest CBS members.
7th Grade looks at an issue that flows from the holiday.
Kindergarten focuses on the symbols.
As we move into the year of 5783 may we remember to be kind in our dealings with others.

1st Grade focuses on the traditions.
4th Grade looks at a story from the holiday’s tradition.
3rd Grade focuses on the story of the holiday.
This month our 7th graders will begin their Holocaust Studies Unit with Mark Gelfeld from the Illinois Holocaust Museum. We have also begun our Shabbat learning with our 6th and 7th graders.
Stacy Ybarra
5th Grade studies the blessings or liturgy of the holiday.
B’shalom, Stacy Ybarra Director of Education

The holidays continue with Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. We are learning about them in our classes and hope to observe them with you at CBS. Our holiday curriculum spirals so that we look at different aspects of the holidays each year.
Tracy Safron
of Spies is Ronald Balson’s remarkable new novel. The plot is packed with intriguing characters and Balson’s entertaining writing style doesn’t disappoint. As the United States works to develop a nuclear bomb, it is confirmed that Nazi Germany is on the same track. American intelligence needs to quickly ascertain how close Hitler is to achieving that goal. In November of 1943, Sergeant Nathan Silverman, a Jewish soldier stationed at Camp Ritchie, is told to report to Army Headquarters. Nathan, a German national, was forced to leave his family behind in Berlin and has not heard from them in years. His father is renowned physicist, Josef Silverman. Josef may be working (under duress) on Germany’s nuclear bomb alongside his colleague and friend Dr. Gunther Snyder. American authorities have been notified that Gunther wants to defect and that he is willing to reveal Germany’s nuclear secrets to them. Nathan will be sent to Germany to decide if Gunther can provide the information Army intelligence desperately seeks. Although he is an inexperienced spy, Nathan has almost the perfect credentials for this assignment. He is familiar with Berlin, speaks German and is acquainted with Gunther. However, he is not a scientist. Enter Dr. Allison Fisher. Allison is a brilliant young physicist who works in Enrico Fermi’s lab at the University of Chicago. Nathan is told that he and Allison will travel together to Germany via Paris. Nathan will meet with Gunther in Berlin. Once Nathan is convinced of Gunther’s motives, he will bring him to Allison at their safe house for further questioning. If Allison is satisfied with the information Gunther provides the three will immediately leave and return to the United States. Complicating this already dangerous mission is that Nathan wants to find out the fates of the family members he left behind in Berlin.
2nd Grade reviews the symbols and traditions.
6th Grade explores the art of the holiday.
Daughter of Frannie & Robert SisterGoldwinof Avery Goldwin Granddaughter of Margie & Paul Goldwin; Ronni & David Goldberg SASHA SHIP Daughter of Elissa & Robert Ship Sister of Ryan KaplanGreatMemory,Memory,ReubenSchneiderGranddaughterShipofSulamithofBlessedMemory,SchneiderofBlessedAndiShipofBlessedMarshallShipGranddaughterofMuriel
Son of Abby & David Wolff Sister of Lexi & Alex Wolff Grandson of Alene & Cary Wintroub; Susan & Allan Wolff MADELYN




OCTOBER 2022• VOLUME 105 ISSUE 75 9 CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING Register online here: tinyurl.com/sukkahhop2022

Lewis 847 903 6175 cbsjudaica@gmail.com Darlene Padnos 847 217 4531
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 7:00-9:00 PM Congregation Beth Shalom

Reserve a table to and play with your friends! Register here: tinyurl.com/Octgameday
JUST BECAUSE COUPON from the The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around the Corner~ Just because we want to Welcome You Back Present coupon in person or shop online Online Directions In the Online Shopping Cart, select +Add a coupon code and type in the coupon code name JUSTBECAUSE1 - $1.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE OF $10 OR MORE! JUSTBECAUSE2.50 $2.50 OFF ANY PURCHASE OF $25 OR MORE! JUSTBECAUSE5 - $5.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE OF $50 OR MORE! Coupon expires 11/06/2022 Discount cannot apply to books, mezuzah parchment or gift certificates
The Northbrook Inn Memory Care Community is looking for volunteers to engage with residents who have memory loss issues. Your time commitment can be every other week to once a month from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. You would need to go through a background check. If you are interested in helping with this very rewarding service, please let me know.
sisterhood judaica shop.square.site/
has started its new year and meets twice a month. They have knitted several items for The Ark. In addition, the committee is knitting blankets, afghans, baby items, toddler jackets, scarves and hats that will be shipped through a relief agency to Ukrainians who are in exile. If you would like to join in this wonderful cause, please reach out to Maureen Gold maureenagold@comcast.net.

Jackie Zelkowitz JZelkowitz@comcast.net
Jackie Zelkowitz

Questions? Contact: Andy Widen andye.widen@gmail.com Sara Weinstein saraweinstein55@gmail.com Ellen Grossman elkie17@gmail.com
It was wonderful to see so many of our members, as well as some new faces, at our Sisterhood Opening Dinner. Thank you to our wonderful speaker, Peggy Shapiro, National Director Special Projects/Retired Midwest Director of StandWithUs. Thank you to Debbie Hamilton and Sara Weinstein for their very hard work setting up this outstanding program for
Ever want to learn Mah Jongg? Sisterhood is offering Jan Blum Memorial Game Day Mah Jongg Learning Sessions and Open Table Play so we can be ready for the Annual Jan Blum Memorial Game Day Event on Sunday, February 26th. You can either learn or come with friends and just play. For sign up information, please refer to the details at the bottom of this page or on the Sisterhood Calendar on the CBS website. Thank you to Ellen Grossman, Sara Weinstein and Andy Widen for taking time out to teach us.

To shop online, use this address
an In Person Appointment by
Visit us at the CBS SH Holiday Boutique Sunday, November 6, 2022 https://cbs Schedule contacting Diana
I hope that you can take advantage of all the wonderful programs Sisterhood has to offer and I look forward to seeing and meeting all of you.
The 2022 2023 Torah Fund Campaign has begun. This is Torah Fund’s 80th year and our theme for this year is Chazak v’Ematz, Be Strong and Courageous. Our support of Torah Fund helps provide essential scholarships and programs to train future clergy and leaders of the Jewish community. It is also our way to say thank you for the amazing professionals that we have had the honor and privilege of learning with and being part of our CBS Family. To make a donation to Torah Fund, please contact Jody Sigal jbsigal31@gmail.com.
Jan Blum Memorial Game Day Mah Jongg Learning Session and Open Table Play Mah Jongg and Canasta

Yom Beth Shalom & High Holiday Ticket Pick-Up - August 28, 2022

Howard was involved in Jewish organizations his entire life. In high school he was part of Torah AZA and as a young married adult he was active in the Harold Cohen Lodge of B’nai B’rith in Skokie. After joining CBS, Howard quickly became involved in the synagogue and the Men’s Club. He assisted with the original CBS website design, and, for the last nine years, he has been very involved in the marketing and branding of CBS and the Men’s Club. Every flyer that the Men’s Club puts out, has a final touch and seal of approval by Howard. Along with his marketing assistance, Howard, Marcy, and Bryan became involved in the early days of Keruv at CBS. They helped create interfaith welcoming programming for all synagogue members. Howard has previously served on the Men’s Club Executive Board as Recording Secretary. Howard was honored as our Man of the Year in 2019.
Let’s meet a long standing board member of Congregation Beth Shalom Men’s Club, Howard Jacob. Born on the South Side, Howard grew up in Jeffrey Manor and celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at South Shore Temple. He attended Bowen High School and was involved in orchestra and was a stage crew manager. Early in life, he had an interest in Electrical Engineering and began building a variety of electronic kits from KnightKit and HeathKit. In high school, he had a small electronic equipment repair service which solidified his interest in engineering as a career. Howard attended the University of Illinois Circle Campus (now UIC), majoring in Electrical Engineering.
Steve Lessman Dr. Andrew Wagner

L’Shana Tova Tikateivu!!! The CBS Men’s Club would like to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 5783. Right at the start of the new year, we have some wonderful events that we hope you can attend.

Steve and Andy
Sunday, October 30th: Israel in Depth. The topic will be Everybody’s Voting.
At 17, Howard crashed a party in Evanston with friends. The host of the party was 16 year old Laurie Crost. After dating for 6 years, Laurie and Howard married. They have three grown children, Marcy, Brad, and Josh. Marcy and her husband, Bryan Pawlak, are members of Congregation Beth Shalom with their children, Lola and Harper. Brad lives in Los Angeles, and Josh and his wife, Shoshana live in Providence, RI with children, Meital and Avi. Laurie graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a degree in math education, and taught high school math until she retired to raise their family. She has been a long time Sisterhood and Mitzvah Committee member.
Thursday, October 13th: Scotch and Steaks in the Sukkah. As a bonus, we will be watching the Chicago Bears take on the Washington Commanders on Thursday Night Football. Please see the flyer in this bulletin for more information and to sign up.
Sunday, October 23rd: Men’s Club Breakfast. The topic will be The Ark: 50 Years of Tikkun Olam in Action. Learn about one of the organizations to which we contribute with our Lox Box sales. Sign up will be available along with all of our events on our SquareSite: https://cbsmensclubevents.square.site/
Howard and Laurie have done some exciting traveling over the years including numerous cruises, a month traveling Europe, two weeks in Australia with the entire family, visiting Israel twice, and a Danube River Jewish Heritage Cruise from Prague to Budapest. After retirement, Howard has stayed involved in his industry. He is a judge for the UIC Engineering Design Expo every year and mentors UIC students at UIC in engineering and business. He also advises startups and sits on the Board of Directors of the Intel Alumni Network having served as President.
We wish all of you a sweet and happy 5783. May you all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a good and prosperous New Year.
Howard’s career was always based in Electrical Engineering, later moving to technical sales, marketing, and business development. After his first two jobs, he settled in with Intel and spent 33 years with them. Howard and Laurie first lived in Skokie, and then Deerfield, where they belonged to Congregation B’nai Tikvah, and then Intel moved them in 1989 to Saratoga, CA where they joined Congregation Beth David. They came back to Illinois for good in 1992, moved to Northbrook, and joined CBS.
Howard has been a tremendous support to CBS and CBS Men’s Club, and we thank Howard and his family for their continued support of Congregation Beth Shalom for many years. Todah Rabbah!!!


Bins for the collection will be located near the coat room. Need more information please email Suzy HakimianSocialActionVP@bethshalomnb.org

To schedule an appointment or for more information call 887-258-4825 or visit vitalant.org and use code
During the month of October, we will be collecting all sorts of athletic footwear to donate to Nike who will turn donations into opportunities. Nike partners with organizations that help people facing disasters and other challenging circumstances with shoes. The unwearable shoes are recycled for the rubber in a product called “Nike Grind.” Nike Grind takes the rubber and turns it into playground surfaces, basketball courts, and indoor flooring.
Thank you to Susie Field and Jill Olefsky for organizing, collecting, sorting, and counting more than 800 books for Bernie’s Book Bank. Bernie’s books were excited to have received all these donated items just in time for their Back-to-School event. Parents were thrilled to be able to choose from so many new and gently used books for their children. In addition, $450 was donated to Bernie’s Book Bank from monies collected at our Daniel Silva Program on July 28th Kol HaKavod to everyone who donated!
Any brand, size, or style athletic shoe
No cleats or spikes
No sandals, dress shoes or boots
Save your “Soles” and donate Now!
“Save Your Soles!”
Blood Drive – Sunday, October 23
What can you donate?
ORDONB05Y or you can also call Steven Elisco at 847-562-1443 or email swelisco@eliscodesign.com
And….Don’t forget to save all those small fun size candies at the end of the month thru November 14th! We will once again be collecting those to be distributed throughout the community! More information in the November bulletin!


$1,800 sponsorship includes up to 50 guests, embellished Kiddush lunch, custom decorated cake, personalized napkins, choice of fabric table linens, bottle of sparkling wine. Randi Simon by email rsimon@bethshalomnb.org or call 847 498 4100 ext.23

Consider Hosting a Kiddush on Shabbat to Celebrate!
Baby Naming , Auf Ruf, Anniversary, Special Birthday, Graduation, etc...
$180 sponsorship includes up to 8 guests, Kiddush lunch and a custom decorated

For more info, contact

Having A Simcha ?
$500 sponsorship includes up to 15 guests, embellished Kiddush lunch, custom decorated cake, personalized napkins and large celebration table for your guests including a floral centerpiece (for $750 sponsorship, same as above but includes up to 24 guests and two celebration tables.)
Visit the CBS website to see photos from some of our Special Events: https://www.bethshalomnb.org/celebrate/special events/
18 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847 498 4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG CBS HAPPENINGS Questions ? Contact Rabbi Melman at 847 498 4100x13 RabbiMelman@BethShalomNB.orgor

Monday – October 17 (Candles 6:48 PM)
Saturday October 29 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM
Third Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot 7:45 AM Shabbat Service 6:00 PM
*Mincha will take place approximately 45 minutes after the conclusion of morning Shabbat services, but not before 12:30 PM.
Monday Friday 7:45 AM
Shemini Atzeret Festival Service/Yizkor 9:30 AM Simchat TorahTONE/ 6:00 PM Ice cream social sponsored by CBS Youth
Kol Nidre Service 6:00 PM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM
Hoshana Rabbah/Minyan 8:45 AM
OCTOBER 2022• VOLUME 105 ISSUE 75 19
Tuesday – October 11
Wednesday – October 12
CBS Sukkot Program 4:00 8:00 PM
Sunday – October 16 (Candles 5:50 PM)
Friday – October 21 (Candles 5:42 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM
Sunday - Thursday 7:45 PM
Wednesday – October 5 (Candles 7:07 PM)
Main Service 9:00 AM
Parallel Service 9:00 AM (no live Multigenerationalstreaming)Service 12:00 PM (no live streaming)
Erev Sukkot/Mincha/ 6:00 PM Service to Welcome the Festival
Second Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot7:45 AM Minyan 7:45 PM
Sunday & Legal Holidays 8:45 AM
Early Yizkor 8:00 AM
Friday- October 14 (Candles 5:53 PM)
Mincha 12:30 PM
Fourth Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot/ 9:30 AM Shabbat Service
Saturday – October 8
Tuesday Evening October 4 (Candles 6:09 PM)
First Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot 7:45 AM Minyan 7:45 PM
Saturday – October 1
Monday – October 10 (Candles 6:59 PM)
Friday – October 28 (Candles 5:32 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM
Candle Lighting & Service Times
Yizkor 4:00 PM Mincha Service 4:30 PM followed by Neilah Final Shofar Blast ~7:05 PM
Saturday – October 22 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM
Daily Minyan (in-person and Live Streaming)**
Friday Evening – October 7 (Candles 6:04 PM)
Sukkot Festival Service 9:30 AM Minyan 7:15 PM
Tuesday – October 18 Simchat Torah Festival Service 9:30 AM Minyan 7:00 PM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM
Sukkot Festival Service 9:30 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:00 PM
Saturday – October 15
Thursday October 13
Erev Shemini Atzeret/ 6:00 PM Service to Welcome the Festival
Sunday – October 9 (Candles 6:01 PM)
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

The Send-a-Kid-to-Israel Partnership (SKIP) savings incentive program was created to anticipate and save for our children's Jewish education. SKIP allows families, their congregations, and the Jewish United Fund to become partners in planning for a young person's future Israel experience. Students in 3rd through 6th grade are eligible to enroll in SKIP; families are eligible to contribute to their children's SKIP account for a maximum of 7 years (3rd - 9th grade).
Raphael DavidJoshuaJonahAdamRosemanSilverCohenOliviaDunnFootlikJaredGoldenGreenfieldJustinGriefDavidKaminskyYaelToubes
Mazel tov to: Brendan
More information regarding how to register will appear in the November bulletin. A letter of invitation to the program will be mailed in November to families of new and eligible students. Registration for 2022-23 will begin on November 1st . Please feel free to contact Pamela Connell through the Religious School office for further information at 847-498-5352 or pconnell@bethshalomnb.org.
Congratulations to the following SKIP graduates! Their families have completed the necessary annual financial contributions to SKIP, and they now are eligible to use the funds to help pay for an Israel program of their choice. Patzik

Beginning in 3rd-6th grades a family contributes $70 per year, our synagogue underwrites $100, and JUF funds $85. Thus, each year a total of $255 is placed in a special, interest bearing account. A child who participates for the full seven years (grades 3 9) will have approximately $2000 ($1785 plus interest) saved to help meet the cost of an Israel trip. SKIP funds can be used after 9th grade and up to and including age 26 for an Israel Experience program. Of course, the hope is that your child will travel to Israel using these specially accumulated funds. Your portion of the SKIP funds are fully refundable at any time should your child not participate in an Israel program.
Many thanks to the Zemsky Family who sponsor the David L. Zemsky SKIP Fund that helps to financially support this wonderful opportunity for our youth! Only Congregation Beth Shalom matches each SKIP participant’s $70 contribution with $100. The Zemsky SKIP Fund is the largest financial sponsorship among the Chicagoland synagogues.
Kandye Martin 11 Devra Shutan 11
Rene Cremer 27
Carrie Feldman 3
Steven & Laurie Silverman 45 yrs 5
Alan & Lynda Wallis 40 yrs 6
David & Tanya Solomon 5
Adam & Ellen Scholl 3
Susan Kanar 19
Franklin & Mindy Star 18
Adam Garber & Stacey Dembo 19
Stacey Schneider 19
David & Marlene Kerstein 26
Marilyn Sneider
Aimee & Andrew Wool 7
David & Karen Levin 12
Gary & Marla Silverman 13
Robert & Frannie Goldwin 12
Michael & Amanda Stern 25
Ronald & Marla Zelikow 29
Corey & Renee Wishnia 15 yrs 4
Robyn Elias 15 Jessica Freedman 15 Rebecca Schur 15
Darrin & Danielle Stern 15 yrs 11
Mitchell & Laura Schwartzwald 20 yrs 9
Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS
Stephanie Keene 28
Steven & Pamela Pearl 14
Marsha Hochman 24 Terry Saltzberg 24
Robert & Cindy Marder 25
Howard & Rebecca Kay 7
Deborah Stern 3
Laura Dobkin 4
Hope Samborn 15
Brad & Lauren Stein 27
Steven & Jennifer Kaplan 10
Joshua & Michele Gilford 13
Lawrence & Ilene Bergman 15
Andrew & Leann Nathan 3
Rhonda Jacobson 18
OCTOBER 2022• VOLUME 105 ISSUE 75 21
Jeffrey & Alisa Steinberg 15
David & Julie Goldstein 10 yrs 10
Louis & Julie Bucksbaum 40 yrs 27
Annlee Herbstman
Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member?

Bryan & Marcy Pawlak 25
Jeannette Werner 24
Cheryl Ginsburg 30 Marsha Pearlman 30
Jared & Teri Robins 30
Robert & Deborah Kamensky 6
Joyce Persky
Lorin & Stacey Sandler 26
Michael & Mindy Garlin 22
Benji & Gwen Wolken 11
Rebecca Kay
Howard & Cheryl Kleeman 55 yrs 23
Steven Witzel & Charlotte Stern 20
Matthew & Melinda Dunn 22
Richard & Bonnie Meltzer 7
Linda Tepper 10
Barbara Kasper 25 Deborah Greenspan 26 Joyce Rabinowitz 27 Sheila Ander 27
Robert & Jill Kahn 13
Burton & Sheila Benjamin 21
David & Dana Ben Dov 25 yrs 22
Theodore & Betsy Weisbach 22
Scott & Lauren Gottlieb
Diana Gotkin
Lawrence & Debra Oberman 25 yrs 8
Steven & Aileen Simons 29
Zachary & Emily Witt 14
Karla Goldman 16
Sandra Rosen 10
Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or LeatteG@gmail.com (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)
Davida Horwitz 20
Rachel Goldstein 28
Happy Birthday - November
Kira Spivack 28
Lauren & Joshua Witt 24
Sheldon & Beth Gaffen 28
Renee Osher
Dorothy Levko 11 Jessica Aaron 12 Shirley Israel 12 Becca Tatel 13
Steven & Marisa Mandrea 24
Keren Makno 1
Susan Fink 27
Maureen Edelman 2
Barry & Eileen Brusso 24
Janet Jacobson 1
Michael & Taryn Gluskin 10 yrs 24
Arlene Gelman 1
Barbara Libauer 4
Richard & Terri Stein 29
Sharon Ganellen
Neal & Janis Strom
Robin Eisenberg
Jennifer Schneider 2
Irma Amsel 10
Sandy Cotler 29
Michael & Ilisa Gruber 17
Karen Levin 5
Michael & Judith Greenberg 22
Ruth Blonder
Robert & Geraldine Gainsberg 10
Steven & Ifaat Bosse 15
Mark & Marcy Saltzman 23
Susan & Shelly Karlinsky 24
Edward Cohen & Leslie Mareta 5 yrs 12
Howard & Joanne Nusbaum 40 yrs 21
Jeffrey & Lisa Schwartz 20
Henry & Marcia Rabinowitz 24
Bobbye Friedman 16 Maida Hoffman 16 Iris Lerner 17 Rochelle Millman 17 Shelly Betman 17
Sandra Melnick Sachs 13 Marsha Goldstein 13 Susan Wolff 14
Bari Spector
Carol Kaplan 21 Rebecca Newman 21 Lesley Kessler 22
Jill Olefsky
Jennifer Arbel 23
Sandra Satinover & Morton Skidelsky 8
Michael & Tammy Lew 20
Debra Oberman 10
Julie Bucksbaum
Michael & Leslie Berkowitz 23
David & Faye Ziegler 24
Blake & Julie Roter 5 yrs 4
Steven & Evelyn Lurie 14
Aileen Simons 4
Jordan & Hanna Shamis 12
Lawrence & Amy LeVine 19
Daniel & Stacy Cohen 21
Pamela Grad 3
Happy Anniversary - November
Laura Lapping 28
Matthew & Sara Warshauer 15 yrs 10
Samantha Seidenberg
Elizabeth Neiberg 1
Frances Kazan 29
Fern Roseman
Linda Dick is happy to announce the birth of her grandson, Shai Silberman Golson.
Michael Balter, thank you for your kindness and wonderful photos taken at the lunch for the Disabled Israeli Soldiers.
Amanda & Jason Yale are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Skylar Claire Yale.
Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year whenYizkor is recited.
The following family has dedicated a memorial plaque in memory of their loved ones.
Linda Hurwick is happy to announce the birth of her grandson, Ari Michael Sternfield.
Donna & Craig Yale are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Skylar Claire Yale. Laura & Ron Schoeneman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Aviva Bailey Platt. Sandi & Barry Marks are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughters, Liliana Evelyn Marks and Natalie Eliana Marks-Manrique.
Elaine Pearlman
Joel W. Weinstein
Larry and Fern Roseman
Thank you to all our friends for your good wishes on our Janetanniversary.Jacobson and Arnie Hoffman
It is incumbent upon all of us to reach out to one another in times of sorrow, celebration, or need. If you are currently not receiving our notices or email newsletters, you can make updates to your MyCBS account and choose which emails you receive. If you need help, please contact Mara Bernstein by email, MBernstein@BethShalomNB.org
CBS Memorial Plaques
Death of Esteemed Members:
Lisa Alter Krule Leon Blitt
In honor of our dear friends. Thank you for your generosity and kindness in honor of my birthday and our anniversary. We appreciate your thoughtfulness so much!
If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.
The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Laura (Mitchell) Schwartzwald on the passing of her grandmother, Elaine Lazar Grant. Rachel (Michael) Diamond on the passing of her father, Rabbi Edward Feldheim. Dr. Martin Pearlman on the passing of his wife, Elaine Pearlman. Suzanne Weinstein on the passing of her husband, Joel Weinstein. Mitchel (Gladys) Greenberg on the passing of his mother, Sherry Chedeck. Michael Krule on the passing of his wife, Lisa Alter Krule.

Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email MCatezone@BethShalomNB.org for information or to order a plaque.
In memory of MAX C. SOKOL by Edith Sokol and Craig Sokol
OCTOBER 2022• VOLUME 105 ISSUE 75 23 YAHRZEITS Ocotber 1-7 Darwin Berkowitz Jacob MeyerMaxSarahBerniceDanielIdaMannyMildredBrianRondaErnestRoseWilliamJosephPaulRaeJeanSidneySamLeonardSosneSarahZisselBarryDanielMarianaHowardMaxRoseLouisJerryMaxMaxAlSimonGertrudeJackLillianLouisMildredMargueriteFrankLouisCraigMarshallAbrahamCelinaRabbiDanielNatEdythePaulineIrvingGeorgeDavidFannyGoldieMiltonHelenRoseDr.HarryPhilipReubenMaxLewisAdelineCherylGoldieSaraleeAnneDavidMitchellArleneAnnGusGeraldMelRobertBernsteinEdidinK.ErensFeatherHorwitzNisenbaumPriceScottRossSavitskyStantonGoldbergSternWassermanDunnFormanKellerKramerOfsaiofSarukSilvermanDavidHWeissmanAlexanderBronsonCraneDemboKaplanLebovitzLevinsonBPadorrRatskySchwartzSerlinSidemanReuvenAbermanApfelbaumDobkinR.GoldbergGoldstickKingLupelFRehmarRosenbergSabinTopelWiletsBarrBergmanBobroffSCohnEdelmanElrodGershonGreenbandKazerLandsmanLippaOkmanOshroffPolitinskyPolitinskyLeahPolitinskySavittSolomonBarrBeckerBergsteinChapmanDegabliR.DunnGreenbergKemplerKerschnerOrensteinSpectorBesserBurnettDickGoldbergGoldmanHahnSolKaplan Libby Manelis Peter SeymourJacobAsherJackBenStevenMaretaNisonOrensteinSchusteffSonenfeldWinokurWulburt October 8 14 Benjamin Q Beckerman Morris Carl Marian Shadrow Rose H. Slavitt Dr. Joshua S. Vission Myron Weinstein Sidney LibbyJackSophieSylviaLouisSherryHerbertBenFayGilbertRichardSamRuthRuthAlvinBernardWalterErwinBenRabbiAnnVictorMarilynHarryJohnSamuelErvinHelgaJayJosephJackSuzanneStevenEdwardMorrisRoseMartinWilliamAnnSandraLeonAnneSheldonMarionPninaAnnFrancineLillianCarltonJackShirleyRochelleFlorenceOzzieMeyerBeatriceFreidaIdaLibbyGeraldFlorenceGreeneHandzelHirschKleinLevinSteinZislisBengelsdorfDicklerFischerFriedlanderKohlmanLambertPestineRosengardMichelleShapiroAltersonBenDovBusbyFactorFieldsGoldbergGrauVarroMalisoffPadnosBPinskySintonSnitovskySoiferStrangeCobrinCopelandG.DryerGlaubermanHermanKaufmanKornblathSchneiderWenigRovinCooperProehRabensSamuelRudermanSaitlinTurkeltaubWallisChabnerEliasErdosFreedFriedmanGellerGoldmanGurvitzKaplanKramer"Sharon"F.KruleMeiselRifferRosenthalSacksWolansky October 15 21 George BernardGombergKosova
Rubin HaroldMichaelLeahGilbertEthyleMinaLouisLillianSadyeMarciaFlorenceHaroldAgrestBermanDavidsonEhrlichKramerKramerKwasmanNeumannOreloveRichmondSarukShapiroWiseman
Joseph Dr.HyJanetRonaldMarleyAnitaArnieMaxHaroldNathanChayaJacobBertrandCharlesMiriamVirginiaLesterGeorgeGeraldLouisAnnElliotSylviaGeriChuckJuliusIrvingMaxFelaRalphTillyAnitaLorrayneShirleyMurielYizkokStephenWilliamRoseLeonardRoseLouisOscarBenSheldonPeletFriedaJerryStellaLorrayneMauriceIreneLoisFrankJoanSherryLeonardAnnLesterPhilipMarshallIrvingBarbaraHermanDavidCharlesBenjaminFrancineSanderRoseJosephElsieJosephMarionEstelleNormanSarahRobertRuthFriedaSeymourKostowKriesmanLevineMarksRothL.UllmanWaxWolkeArbetterArbusJosephDavidKazerKleinKleinbergLevyMikellMinkoffPlattRosinSneiderWisseAnderGluskinKurnickOfengenderAPiercePineRosenSchneiderSchwartzShapiroSloanSolomonSweetWeissWellnerAfrickShelley""BermanChildsWilliamFeinbergFerratierGaffenGoldbergGoldbergGuntherLevyMarkowitzMarksRossSchwartzSidlerSiegelVihonBankierBinderFriedlanderGersteinGoldHoffmanKanarSchwartzSheckSimonStokenVigdorWassermanBergerBrunegraffEisenbergFeldmanBerylFieldFischFischGlutzerLeppMintzOblonskySidlerSiegelSylvanTritschWeisenbergBernardB.Zelinger
ElySaraEuniceAnitaMichaelSaulArthurIrvingBenEttaSophieBelleBurtonFannyGloriaJeriLottieBenjaminSamuelLoisLeoDr.MeyerMorrisBerniceEleanorJuliusLeeLouisSolSolBurtonMarthaMildredHelenAnnDoraIdaDavidIdaHarryTobyPhilipLewEdithSamuelLarryFrancesJaniceMaxEstherFlorencePhillipLillianBensonIsadoreHindaIrvingIdaMarionRhodaAlbertPeterMildredIdaMinnieBeckerBelstockEliscoHarrisHermanLernerLevinLevitonRothRothWinternitzAlbertBalkanBeckermanG.ColemanDolinGordonReiferRobermanSiegelSolomonSteinbergElaineWernickAltersonChirtelCohenArchieDolanskyRuthEdelsteinGreenbergHaftRichardKahnLavineGabrielMajorRosenmutterRubinAdlerAfrickBensonB.KarpLibauerMorrisRobertsShaffnerSimelsUrkovHowardAginsFeatherFineFishmanLeslieGoldmanGoodmanKaplanKesslerKosogladBuddy""MoraRochwergerRoitmanSegelSiegelWellnerArnoldBurtenLeeFlaxF.LappingMarcusPawlanPestine Sol DavidEleanorCharlesJacobLouisLeylaGeneHermanRuthFriedaMarthaBettyZellsBergBitranLewinDymFieldsFlowerGarlinHakimianMelnickRadowJShifrinSteinZaransky

October 22 28 Irwin
October 29 31 Irwin HarrietAxelrodLouise Freed Ross
Linda Hurwick For the birth of your new grandson, Ari Michael. Michael and Ina Schneiderman Dr. Lee and Hillary Freedman In honor of your daughter's marriage. Michael and Judith Balter Harvey L. Miller In honor of your birthday. Michael and Judith Balter Michael Schnitzler In honor of your 80th birthday! Neal and Carolyn Golden
Ron and Linda Weinstein In memory of your father, Joel Weinstein. The Sifuentes/Cooper Family
Rabbi Melman In appreciation of you giving our 3 little granddaughters their Hebrew names. Dennis and Dayle Teven
Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your moving blessing for my special birthday. Hedy Margolin Rabbi Aaron Melman and Elisa Rotman In appreciation of you. Thank you so much for your gracious hospitality and the delightful Havdalah program. Norman and Darlene Padnos Jeff and Bonnie Kramer and Family In honor of Preston’s Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov. Dennis and Dayle Teven
Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund
Janet Winter In memory of Phyllis Winter, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky
Marcie, Ed and Daniel Kurnick In memory of Barbara Kurnick (nana). Kathy Krohn
Greenfield In honor of your granddaughter's marriage. Edie Korman Neil and Judi Steinberg In honor of your anniversary! Robin Kalminov
Judy and Shelly Sandack For the birth of your granddaughter, Paige Leah Grossblatt. Andrew and Ellen Roth
Cantor Steve Stoehr In appreciation of the beautiful service for Preston Harris. Jason and Erika Harris
Fred Fisher For a speedy recovery and we can't wait until we can play cards again! Raymond and Arlene Handler
Rabbi Chapman's Good and Welfare Fund
Debbie and Gary Sylvan In memory of Lisa Sarnoff. Fredric Elliott
Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund
Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund
CBS Sisterhood In appreciation of your hard work and beautiful Kiddush for my special birthday. Hedy Margolin
The Family of Shelley McNauthton In memory of Shelley McNauthton. Laurie Rosner, Fern Slotky
Harvey Lezak In memory of your brother Barry. We are sending you condolences on your loss. Our thoughts are with you. Fred and Enid Grabiner
Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund
The Landsman Family In memory of our very dear friend, Essie Landsman. Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Davida Horwitz In memory of Sheldon Chapman. Marshall and Barbara Dickler Mrs. Barbara Cohen and Family In memory of your beloved mom, grandmother and my best friend, Janice Rae Jackson Brandzel (Janie). Larry and Fern Roseman
Mrs. Judy Rajchenbach and Family In memory of Rabbi Yaakov Rajchenbach. We were deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of Jack and wish to extend our sincere condolences to the family. David and Beverly Sugar
Dayle and Dennis Teven In honor of three beautiful simchas! Jeffrey and Barbara Lerch Sue Weinstein In memory of Joel Weinstein. Sharon Hoffman
Davida Horwitz In memory of Sheldon Chapman. So sorry for your loss. Joel and Judith Greenman The Weinstein Family In memory of Joel Weinstein. Carrie Rosenstein
Mitchel and Gladys Greenberg In memory of Sherry Chedeck. Steven and Iris Podolsky
Sue Weinstein In memory of your beloved husband Joel. Raymond and Arlene Handler, Edward and Carol Kaplan, Ira and Iris Lerner Gladys and Mitchel Greenberg In memory of your mother, Sherry Chedeck. Edith Korman Eydie Shapiro In memory of your brother. Edie Korman
Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund
Sue Weinstein In memory of Joel W. Weinstein, a beloved and very devoted husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved him and may the generosity and fortitude of his character be an example to those whose lives he touched. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bauer
Sue Weinstein In memory of your husband, Joel Weinstein. Leila Weiss, Perry Rudich, Linda Petchenik Marcie and Mark Weinstein In memory of your father, Joel Weinstein. Debbie and Joe Marks, Robyn Gothelf
Elaine Druckman For a speedy recovery, wishing you all of the love and support you need to feel better soon. Laurie Rosner
Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the beautiful service for Preston Harris. Jason and Erika Harris
Linda Hurwick For the birth of your grandson, Ari Michael. Allan and Anne Spector
Mitch Greenberg In memory of Sherry Chedeck. We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your mom. Our hearts are with you and your family. Karen Kopin
Harvey L. Miller In honor of you! Wishing a special birthday for a very special person. Larry and Fern Roseman
Sue Weinstein In memory of Joel Weinstein. I am so very sorry for your loss. Fred Fisher
In appreciation of our 40th anniversary and thank you Jeffery and Sheryl Blackman Bonnie and Jeff Kramer and Family In honor of Preston becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to your entire family. Renee and Ron Becker
Sue Weinstein In memory of Joel Weinstein. Our sympathies to the family. Kevin and Alice Campbell
Davida Horwitz In memory of Sheldon Chapman. Robert and Cindy Marder, Carol Abrahams
Mrs. Bonnie Spangler and Family In memory of David. We are so sorry to hear of his passing. We extend our sympathy to you and your family. May his name be for a blessing and good memories. Maurice and Bette Rosen
Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund
Michael Krule and Family In memory of Lisa Alter Krule, may her memory be a blessing. Steven and Samantha Seidenberg
David and Ilise Schwartzwald In memory of Elaine Grant. Thomas and Helene Coorsh
Just because! Many thanks. Shirley Patzik Samuels Carrie Rosenstein In memory of your sister. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Sue Weinstein and Family In memory of Joel W. Weinstein Raymond and Tami Rokni
Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund In memory of Brona Glickman Burrows Hedy Margolin
Judy and Steve Blumenthal For the birth of your grandson. Cary and Alene Wintroub Andrew Harwood For a speedy recovery and the Mi Shebeirach for Pesel Ida bat Blima. Lana and Andrew Harwood Bonnie and Jeff Kramer In honor of Preston Harris on his bar mitzvah. Cary and Alene Wintroub
Sue Weinstein In memory of Joel Weinstein. He was a wonderful man. Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson
Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education
CBS Youth Endowment
The Weinstein Family In memory of Joel Weinstein. Laurie Rosner, Fern Slotky
Judi and Neil Steinberg In honor of your 55th wedding anniversary! Barbara and Erwin Epstein Louie Hirsch For a speedy recovery Hip, Hip, Hooray! All our best! Larry and Fern Roseman Sue Weinstein In memory of Joel Weinstein, an extremely nice and generous man. Larry and Fern Roseman
Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund
Erika and Jason Harris In honor of Preston Harris on his bar mitzvah. Cary and Alene Wintroub In appreciation of the Mi Shebeirach for my sister, Sandra Kaner Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kaner Mr. Jerry Karp In memory of your brother, Bob Karp. Robert and Rene Cremer Mitchel and Gladys Greenberg In memory of your mom, Sherry Chedeck. Cary and Alene Wintroub
Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund
Mrs. Helene Wagner In honor of Josh and Sydney's marriage. Shirley Patzik Samuels
Gold Family Sabbath Fund
Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund
Rabbi David Chapman In appreciation of the beautiful service for Preston Harris. Jason and Erika Harris
Mark Weinstein In memory of Mr. Joel W. Weinstein, my sincerest condolences to the Weinstein Family. My thoughts are with you. Peggi Lake Mr. and Mrs. Ron Weinstein and Family In memory of Joel Weinstein. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and the family. All my love. Sandi Berkowitz
Sue Weinstein In memory of your beloved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. My thoughts are with all of you. Judy Sheck
All CBS Shabbat, daily minyan and Live Streamed from the CBS website smartphone iPad/tablet www.bethshalomnb.org/pray/livestreaming CBS MBernstein@BethShalomNB.org

go green and save trees by opting to receive the monthly bulletin online and not by mail. Email Mara to go paperless at
Howard Herskowitz In honor of your 80th birthday! Charles and Karen Schulman
In memory of our dearly beloved mother, Pearl Handler. Raymond and Arlene Handler
For the yahrzeit of Ethel Selzer and Joel Selzer Edward Maslov
Edward Kurnick In memory of Barbara Kurnick. My deepest sympathy for your loss. Barbara was a wonderful, caring and generous mother and friend. I know you will miss her. Judith Appelbaum
Judi and Neil Steinberg In honor of your 55th wedding anniversary! Sharon and Carl Rosenstein Bettina and Alan Birkner In honor of your golden wedding anniversary. Howard Guthermann Davida Horwitz In memory of Sheldon Chapman. Sam and Becca Tatel
In memory of your beloved husband Richard Lazer. Marcy Teitelbaum Linda and Ron Weinstein In memory of your father, Joel. With heartfelt sympathy. Susan Goode
Please check the
For the yahrzeit of Allegra Faratzi, Leon Faratzi, Florence Siedband, David Bitran and Gracia Yacoel Leonard and Jane Siedband
You can also
CBS Bulletin - Go Paperless! Help
In memory of George Shapiro Seymour and Beverly Binstein
from your computer,
In memory of Irving Rubenstein Avrum and Jill Miller
Nina and Arnold Harris In honor of you: Mazel Tov on the marriage of Jonah and Maya. Michael and Barbara Zaransky
Michael Krule and Family In memory of Lisa Alter Krule. A leader who won’t be forgotten. May her memory serve as an inspiration and a blessing. Michael and Barbara Zaransky
For the yahrzeit of Samuel J. Elias Robyn Elias
For the yahrzeit of my mother and father, Joe and Rose Silver Robert Silver
The Sperling Family In memory of Harlene Sperling (Sisterhood Past President). CBS Sisterhood In memory of Adele Zaveduk (Sisterhood Past President). CBS Sisterhood Harvey L. Miller In honor of your 90th birthday! Barbara Levoff
Congregation Beth Shalom (www.bethshalomnb.org)
Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund
Use the online calendar CBSNBCalendar)(tinyurl.com/ for the most up-to-date information what is happening at CBS! save
Jordie, Diane and Family In memory of Bebe Hershman Rosenstein. Debbi (Stoller) and Michael Coran
Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund
VISIT THE CBS PHOTO GALLERY: tinyurl.com/cbsphotos2022
Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship MerleFund
Cowin In honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Faith Cowin and your grandson, Jacob Cowin. Love you. Mom and Dad Marcia Lazer
The Kurnick Family In memory of Richard Kurnick and Barbara Kurnick. Eileen Rosengard and Howard Getlin
For the yahrzeit of my beloved mother, Betty Lesnoy. May her memory forever be a blessing.
The Sperling Family In memory of Harlene Sperling. Sam and Becca Tatel
A few important reminders
holiday services are
In appreciation of the Ritual Committee. Thank you to the men who came to lead the shiva services. It was truly comforting and greatly appreciated. Gloria Sperber

Melany and Max Shaftal For the birth of Samuel Walker. Allan and Anne Spector Daryl and Michael Anisfeld In honor of your 25th Anniversary. Shelley Kagan Sue Weinstein In memory of Joel Weinstein, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Eileen Rosengard and Howard Getlin
For the yahrzeit of Leon Steinfeld Robyn Elias
for updates and be sure to open any emails that you receive from us.
to your own calendar, share with a friend, etc.
Rosengard Museum Fund
Judi and Neil Steinberg In honor of your 55th wedding anniversary. Harve Tucker Glen Roter In honor of your special birthday. All our love. Harold and Lisa Dembo
We ask that you sign in to your MyCBS account (ShulCloud) and make sure that your contact information is up to date including your cell phone number and email.
For the yahrzeit of Selma Stern and Marion Dolin. Melvyn and Beverly Dolin
Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund

Prayer Book Fund
Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund
Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos
For the yahrzeit of Jerry Kurtz. Harriette Kurtz
In memory of Esther Shapiro and Daniel Johnson Seymour and Beverly Binstein Ron Weinstein In memory of Joel Weinstein. Michael and Leslie Berkowitz
For the yahrzeit of my beloved daughter, Caryn Lesnoy who tragically died at age 17. May her memory forever be a blessing. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos