Divinatory Guidance by Special Agency

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Divination Guidance

Special Agency

Most divinatory practices employ the concepts of waves, cyclicity, helical toroids, polarity, and evolution in their narratives. The following are those concepts distilled — the main elements of divinatory narratives. At its core, any divination is the helical toroid movement, a continuous spiral that loops onto itself in a wave-like motion between the polarities. Each iteration is a new cycle of difference and repetition. Arising and passing at every moment of time.

#waves #oscillations

It’s well known that #waves, #oscillations and evolutionary cyclical movement are at the origin of this world. If there is one thing to believe, it’s this. Things arise and pass by. Seasonal #cycles, night follows the day, sensations emerge and recede, a sound perturbs the air and disappears... Breath. Heartbeat. Neural oscillatory dynamics. The sound and light are also made of waves. The sea and the sleep cycles also.

Figure 1: A sine wave is the simpliest wave. It describes a smooth repetitive oscillation. This pattern often occurs in nature, including ocean waves, sound waves, and light waves.

Figure 2: This image shows two simple sound waves. They are both in phase (two oscillations of the grey one are in sync with one oscillation of the black one), so they are perceived as being in tune. That’s what harmony can be like.

Figure 3: A shimmering optical illusion reveals oscillatory nature of human perception.

#cycles #patterns #feedback

Time flows, things change. Their natural tendency to disappear is appreciated. Along this tendency patterns emerge: repetitions, traces, things that are left behind and forgotten, (fragments of those). Patterns produce the substance. Their consistency is a sign of intention within. It is also a sign of procedures that govern the process. An entity is a constellation of #waves forming a pattern.

Figure 3: Electrons (negatively charged) rotate around the nucleus of an atom, which consists of protons (positively charged) and neutrons. Electrons are attracted to protons. Electrons also have wave-like properties and atoms are about the size of that wave, so that electrons stay as close as possible to protons without touching them.

Figure 4: Star constellations stay within the fixed patterns, which can be perceived as constant in relation to the constantly changing universe.

Figure 5: Wind ripples on the sand in Afghanistan.

Figure 6: Example of a feedback loop in nature. The relation of prey and predators: the more predators eat the prey, the less prey there become, the less prey there is, the less predators survive, the less prey they eat, the more prey there becomes. This balancing feedback loop produces non-equilibrium stability.

#helix #toroid

Helical Toroid is one of the most fundamental #patterns that emerge in nature. It combines #wave-like cyclical movement with intention. It thrusts through the surface and screws itself in. It employs oblique strategies (always approaching sideways). It goes through the same #cycles but with a difference at each iteration. The Solar System is a helix. Flowers grow in helices. Protein molecules are shaped as helices.

Figure 7: A helix is comprised of both cycles and waves, it is a kind of structure that evolves through difference and repetition.

Figure 8: Cork opener is also a helix. It can screw into any surface with a minimal effort.

Figure 9: Solar System is also a helix, as the Sun is moving through the constellations and the planets are rotating around it, forming a vortex-like spiral structure, penetrating the void into the unknown....

Figure 10: Example of a helical toroid structure.

#difference #polarity

#Helix traces a movement. This movement goes somewhere. In order for movement to occur There has to be polarity difference tension between the opposites — The difference between anything that attracts or repels. Helix perpetuates movement, when it exists within a field of polarities (#patterns).

Figure 11: The motion occurs between the positive and the negative charges.

Figure 12: A male and female. Two competing survival strategies together produce non-equilibrium stability of the humankind.

Figure 13: Yin and Yang

Figure 14: Computer code is based on two states: 0 and 1. Quantum computing operates through the same states plus superposition state, which can represent any combination of those two states but at the moment of observation will only be one.


#networks #connections

Things interact. They come into contact with one another. Their interactions form #patterns, which can be respresented as networks. #Waves in these networks trace oscillatory steps of these interactions. Whatever has meaning is always connected. It only makes sense when it’s reflected. A #narrative – which is a sequence of events, a code that’s to be implemented, can also be represented as a network.

Figure 15: A Toroid network structure is present in most divinatory narratives.

Figure 16: Likely interactions between human chromosomes calculated using chromosome conformation capture or 3C method, represented as a network.

Figure 17: The alpha-helix is a righthand-coiled or spiral conformation (helix), which is a common structure for many proteins.


A narrative is a sequence, a series of connections, those connections form the threads of the story we tell ourselves. A narrative can be as simple as a line: “I think, therefore I am�. A narrative can be also a feedback loop: the more predators eat the prey, the less prey there is, the less predators there can be. A narrative can also take the shape of a helix: flowing through the the same iterations, but each iteration is different. Parts of this narrative are distinct from one another, and yet their relations communicate the same message.


Qabalah, Tarot, and astrology deal with interconnected #networks of relations between distinct signs. Together those signs tell a story. This story is the story of divination if it is to become real, but the kind of real that is connected to the divine. The #narrative structure of divination plays an important role in propagating the right content. Those structures relate the signs (and meanings) into #patterns and then into a coherent story. Divination is a narrative that foresees and predicts. It attempts to gain insight, navigating through knowledge, following the natural flow of life, tracing oscillatory wave motion reiterating within the #helix.

ISBN 978-0-9569569-7-2 This divination manual was created based on toriod network analysis of various divinatory narratives and practices. We used InfraNodus.Com tool to create the network, Textexture.Com to analyze text networks and Gephi to visualize them, calculate metrics, and apply force-atlas layouts. For more information and methodology, see www.divinatorium.com Special Agent Paranyushkin Special Agency Nodus Labs

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