Windsock Newsletter | Winter 2016

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Winter 2016

The Logbook of Fresh Wind Ministries

Teaching, Modeling, and Imparting Responsiveness to the Holy Spirit for Life and Ministry.

TEACHING: Avoiding Catastrophe by Mike Flynn

Too often I hear of catastrophes in which people are killed, seriously wounded, or woefully affected by some disaster. I want to share what God has taught me over the years about how to avoid such things. The first thing is to preempt the work of the enemy through protection prayer. Satan is a legalist who is always looking for a loophole through which to attack us. So I use all three of the protection prayers every day which are posted on our website under the Free Gifts header. All three of those prayers combine to provide sufficient covering to close loopholes. After saying them, I cover each of these persons with the Blood of the Lamb and the Light of the Cross’ resurrection: each family member, staff person, our home, our cars and every vehicle-driverpassenger-and load anywhere around us on the roads. Then I include people in these groups: intercessors, donors, board members, board of reference members, team members, clients, and associates, past, present, and future. From there I go on to include the clergy and lay leaders of TEC, AMiA, VCF, YWAM, SOMA, and regions wherever I have

done conferences (e.g., India, Uganda, the Southern Cone, The Pacific Rim, Honduras, all of California). Then I mention international heads of state, federal, state, county, and municipal elected and appointed officials. That all takes about 15 minutes each day. Prior to this routine we knew the names of ER doctors because we were taking our kids to them fairly often; we were taking our cars to repair shops frequently; there were housing problems; and money often didn’t show up on time. Another thing is to rebuke thoughts of disasters when they pop into our minds. Satan will put thoughts in my mind of my wife having an accident once in a while. If I don’t take control of those thoughts, Satan is allowed to affect details so that such an accident might occur. When I willfully rebuke such thoughts, he is preempted from arranging the accident. When St. Paul urges us to suit up in God’s protective armor he uses the Greek verb form indicating on-going habitual behavior: “Put on.” I’ve always been hyperactive and I told the Lord one

day, “Do I have to do this every day?” He replied, ‘You don’t seem to mind putting on clothes every day.” Message received! That verb form is in the imperfect imperative which in literal English goes “I command you to keep putting on….” Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matt. 6:33. Part of seeking his kingdom is realizing that all ministry is spiritual warfare and you’d better get covered daily and then you can relax about everything else falling into line. I have been on two airliners that the enemy meant to take down. But the Lord had required me to put His blood and light on the plane, pilot, co-pilot, air traffic controllers, airspace, other aircraft, and all vehicles on the airports. So the pilots avoided crashing at the last minute. Incidentally, since I began also covering bag handlers over 20 years ago, I’ve not had one lost or late bag. I also test positive for TB. But as I wrote in the Free Gifts article “Fending Off Illness,” I’ve never had TB. Once it’s (Avoiding Catastrophe Continued)


FreshWind Ministries 4406 El Corazon Ct. Camarillo, CA 93012 805-701-0545

Board Members: Bob & Donna Bowker (Lutheran) Lloyd & Carol Ann Harris (Nazarene) Mike & Sue Flynn (Episcopal-Anglican) Susan Morris (Foursquare) Administrative Aide & Treasurer: Geraldine Batham 818 842-0113 Board of Reference Jane Campbell, editor Chosen Books Rev. David Collins, President Windsong Ministry John Dawson, President Youth With a Mission Bp. John Guernsey Diocese of Mid-Atlantic Geri Rodman, President InterVarsity Canada Sharon Steinmiller, Director New Wineskins Missionary Network Edwina Thomas, Past Director Sharing of Ministries Abroad Rev. Greg Thompson, Pastor Vineyard, Centinnial, CO

Director: Rev. Mike Flynn

initial symptoms began appearing in my body, I willfully rebuked them, their causes, and my own thoughts and feelings that accommodated them. The result was that the Lord quenched that infection and it died quickly. Realize something: not every thought in your head comes from you. God can put thoughts in your mind. But so can Satan. When a thought that is opposed to the Lord and His Word comes to mind, take authority over it by willfully rebuking it and then turning your attention onto something else. When you keep mulling over a Sataninspired thought, you are giving it more probability to cause a negative thing to occur—a sin, illness, accident, conflict, etc. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” Pro 23.7. Our thinking directs our behavior and status. So learn to take control of your thoughts. Take an hour and look up the word “think” in a concordance and read all that the Bible says about thinking. You’ll soon see the need to take control of your thoughts. The Lord wants well-being, safety, and peaceful life for you. Doing the above things will help make you receptive of His benefits and keep you well in the palm of His hand.

Two Important Events 1. From March 7-10 FreshWind’s ministry team will be providing healing, inner healing, anointing, and other benefits to the 1500-2000 participants at the New Wineskins for Global Mission everythree-years conference in Ridgecrest NC. This is an exceptionally important event and I fully recommend that anyone even partially interested in missions consider attending. There is registration info on: 2. FreshWind will also be leading an updated Training in Healing conference 2

June 3-4 at the Vineyard Community Church in Camarillo CA. Preliminary plans for the talks include: Authority and Faith in Healing, An Enlargement of the Five Steps, Integrating Healing into Services, Administering the Healing Ministry, Inner Healing and Deliverance During the Week. There will be info about it on:

Feedback That Shows Freshwind Still Works Thank you, Mike, for your ministry to all of us at Crosstown Church. You are a blessing to us in your practical, hands on teaching. We are better Kingdom people because of you! To Him be glory and to you, much thanks. –John T. It was brilliant –transformative and useful; tools applied tonight at Conejo Valley Healing Rooms; can’t make this stuff up; AND IT WORKS!!!! –Jill R. It was good seeing you and Sue at the conference. I don’t know if you saw the elderly black man in the wheel chair before you left. He had MD and hadn’t been able to move his legs for years and was in pain. After we were all out of the building and after I was gone, Ken and a couple others ministered to him and Ken pulled on his legs and one grew a few inches. My friend Lynn from the ministry team said she was just inches away from it when it happened. The man, Kenny, then was able to move his legs and they stood him up and walked him back and forth. Lynn said she could put her thumb and index finger around his legs they were so deteriorated. Kenny and his care giver were really excited and Kenny was so elated that his pain was gone too. Praise the Lord! Hope you had a good trip back home after a good night’s sleep. Blessings to you and Sue, Ted M.

Mike’s Books: Inventory Sell-Off FreshWind

Mike’s Books can be explored on, purchased directly from Mike or on (Amazon has diferent prices). 3 Books for $10 (+ postage) : Holy Vulnerability Making Disciples How To Be Good Without Really Trying

Make checks out to Mike Flynn. Contact Mike at or 805.383.1269 to order.

Inner Healing: $15 Mustard Seed Book: $15

“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” -Matthew 28:6


Thank you Mike for your ministry through the ages. You have had significant influence over my life and a day barely goes by when I don’t see you somewhere –be it in me, the ministry, or your wisdom when in conversation. Thank you for your mentorship. Would love to hear how you are doing, too.

Dear Mike, My wife and I enjoyed the conference last weekend. We both benefited from it tremendously. Thank you for your excellent teaching and the impartation. Can you please send me the teaching on the execution of the written word? I’m interested to know more about it.

Mike thanks. You are an amazing blessing revealing our Triune God in your thoughts, words and deeds. You always bring people into the transforming presence of Jesus Christ and open their hearts to the power of the Holy Spirit. Abundant blessing to you brother, abundant blessings!

Blessed Lent and love to Sue, Bill B.

Every blessing, Nicolas B.

Bp. Douglas W.


If you would like to receive Mike’s monthly Intercessor’s letter and pray regularly for this ministry, please log onto and click on the “Contact” heading. In the box for questions or comments, please state you’d like to receive the letter.

Financial Support

• I/we pledge: $ ______ per month for the support of FreshWind Ministries. I understand that FreshWind is a 501(c) (3) religious non-profit corporation and that I will receive regular IRS-approved statements for tax deduction purposes. • I do not feel that the Lord is leading me to pledge regularly at this time, but I want to send a one-time gift of $ __________ .

name street




signature Please make contribution checks to FreshWind Ministries. Thank you. 4

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